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The Chronicles of Kanbabrif

Started by Bastard Poetry, May 17, 2008, 07:20:29 am


November 21, 2009, 02:13:20 am #520 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by theultrawolf
yeah, especially when its been running so slow lately.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL

Bastard Poetry

November 23, 2009, 12:19:52 am #521 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Bastard Poetry
Cheetah, I should have everything you need by the first of December. Things have been crazy, as usual, but I've been carrying my work around with me to get little bits done at a time.
Final Fantasy Tactics - Thief SSCC:


(Fully recorded LP; successes, failures, and most things inbetween)


November 23, 2009, 02:43:13 am #522 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Luminar
mr. quick is a beast.

Bastard Poetry

November 28, 2009, 07:45:04 am #523 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Bastard Poetry

I've been thinking, all this time, that the release of Part II is going to be determined by Cheetah's haxwork, my writing/directing/editing and a lot of patience from everyone involved and/or waiting. Yet it occurs to me now, as I'm feeling sleep medication kick in right before calling it a night (this is the fun part, where my depth perception starts playing badminton with my cataracts, my feet stomp on stairs that had seemed further away just a moment before and my incoherent-yet-utterly-magical words suddenly have the power to type themselves onto the screen via the mystic dark art of tapping my nose with each syllable), that it'd be nice to have a third hand over here. For the Chronicles, I mean; not my nose.

The Muse of Oblivion is NOW HIRING for a production assistant!

Applicants must have full working knowledge of:

FFTPatcher - specifically ENTD
FFT Game Mechanics
Battle Flow / CT System
Animation (simple gif stuff or advanced flash.. doesn't matter. Bring what you've got. If you don't got, than expect grueling grunt work using my archaic methods)

Note that Event Editing and ASM Hacking are wonderful perks, but not necessary. Cheetah's got his work, and he has his support network, so that'd be up to him if he ever decides to recruit help in the production department. Technically, I'm looking to hire a DIRECTOR'S ASSISTANT.

Key responsibilities may include, but are not limited to:

Filling my coffee mug
Gathering HD quality FMV sequences from other media sources that match criteria I provide
Setting up, testing and executing flawless battle choreography (pre-filming)
Fanning me with a giant feather or something
Keeping a written log of your work
Organizing and implementing ENTD changes in custom Events (per instructions by Cheetah)
Pick grandma up from the home (farm?) and buy groceries

In a nutshell, organization is everything. A large part of the massive setbacks I've endured have been the result of irl stuff--work and school--making it difficult to build up the ambition to keep certain things organized.

Don't expect too much (or too little work). I like to believe I have this all under wraps, but I need to know there's one person I can count on to take care of some work for me, from time to time, when I need it most. Will that person be you!?!?!? MAYBE.

For all we know, I may read this tomorrow, read over all of the responses, pull out a sheet of paper, write "don't post whenst sleep med'd" and staple it to my forehead and forget the whole thing.

Hmm.. Perhaps now's your chance to post something brilliant enough to keep me in this frame of mind.

In a short essay or something, explain why you are the most qualified for the position.

Aaaaaannnnnnddddd..... ...... ...... go.

EDIT: CLOSED. Thanks go to all applicants.
Final Fantasy Tactics - Thief SSCC:


(Fully recorded LP; successes, failures, and most things inbetween)


So this project is so old that many of the current members might not even know about it. This is a fan movie, not a patch. After lots of on and off work for the past year or two I am finally admitting that I may need some help with event editing to actually get this done anytime in the near future. So Part I of the Chronicles of Kanbabrif was done mostly with video editing and photoshop. Part II that I and BP have been working on is done almost entirely with event editing. Resulting in higher quality video and smoother animation overall. The problem is that both Bastard Poetry and I have very high standards for this project, so too see if there are even any willing and capable event editors out there I am holding a very small contest of sorts.

Your assignment if you choose to accept it:

Code an event representing the 2nd scene of Part 1 of CoK, see video link below. The only required sprites are Reis and any squire palette to represent Hamwitch. All movements represented in the original and dialog most be present. Note that how well you do the formatting for the text will be a consideration for your ability to complete this task. Added flare, that doesn't deviate from the script, such as added character animations or even evtchr additions are welcome but not necessary. Ultimately the hackers ability to produce a clean and smooth event with good coding will be the main measure of quality. If you make a submission please post a youtube video, or send me the relevant files and I will make one for you.


If nothing else this is a great opportunity to show off your skills or a chance to learn and get advice from folks working on a common project.
Current Projects:


Current Projects:


Attention Cheetah...I want to introduce myself.  I am new to the community (check out that post count!) but have been lurking since December when I first discovered 1.3.  I finished my 1.3 playthough a few weeks ago and the entire experience was so rewarding that it inspired me to learn event editing.  I did a lot of reading on the forum and with the help of Kokojo and his Event Editing Tutorial I was able to make a custom event replacing the opening Orbonne Monastery event.

I learned an awful lot making that first tuturial, and when I saw this thread I figured I'd give this a shot.  I still have to watch all of the Chronicles, but from what I've seen so far it's pretty awesome stuff.  I don't have much editing experience but I do really enjoy learning how to do this.  I've attached PPF files of both the Tutorial event I made based on Kokojo's tutorial as well as a PPF recreating the Finath River scene from the Chronicles.  There are some very minor changes I made to the script (ellipsis dots replacing dashes) to help it flow better in the game's dialog boxes.

I'm pretty happy with how this turned out so I'm excited to see what you think.  If you like it I am interested in helping out with other event edits you and BP may need on this project.  I probably have a few hours a week I can devote to this kind of thing, so it might be a little slow, but I did make this Finath scene in about a week totaling maybe 12 hours of work.  Working on this kind of thing is something I enjoy to unwind after work or on a rainy day.

Please take a look and give me some feedback - I am very new to this but I'm excited to learn.  On both PPFs the opening Orbonne event is replaced, so you get right to the new event.




Chad, I will look at these in a few days. I am very excited to see what you came up with. I will give you a nice long response after I see these.
Current Projects:


So...CoK is still in progress?

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


OK, I've patched it and played it. All I have to say is... amazing. Absolutely wonderful. The event itself works perfectly and the scripting is great. I would probably have chosen different music, but that's easily changed and not important at all in the grand scheme of things. I've linked this to BP for him to review as well. Again, very nice work, especially with this being your first event edit!
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


Thanks Eternal!

Regarding the music I just picked this one since it seemed to have the appropriate sense of urgency for Hamwitch chasing down Reis on the run.  But I assumed that if it were to be used for the actual Chronicles Cheetah and BP would still dub over using the medieval theme in the current video...in fact in that case maybe this event should be made with no music at all.


Wow Chad, these are very well done for a first time go.

Would you mind if I uploaded these to my Youtube account for everyone to enjoy? I already recorded them so Bastard Poetry and I could discuss them.

As far as critic, there is very little.  The main issue with Finath River is the camera. It is zoomed out, which as a rule should never be done, so the sprites look wonky. Also the camera isn't centered very well, so there is a lot of negative space and the dialog boxes don't fit on the screen well. However, did you do these things on purpose to better match the original scene?

Regardless the rest of it was good. Obviously your Tech Demo was superior in showing off the skills you have learned.  Nice use of effects and camera moves, that can be some tough stuff.

Bottom line is that I am loving this stuff and quite frankly you are prompting Bastard Poetry and I to make a plan. Though if you are really ambitious, I would say that you are very save to give the Riovanes Castle scene a shot. I would say Grog Hill, but I have already done most of that. BP and I should be getting in contact with you in the next few days to get a better feel for who the mysterious Chad is and how you want to contribute to the team.
Current Projects:


Thanks Cheetah.  I actually did zoom the camera out to try to match the original scene, but that could be easily fixed.  I actually started at normal zoom but thought the 3/4 was what might have been used in the CoK video.  Of course, we can't have "wonky" sprites in a high-quality production like the Chronicles.

Feel free to make a video and post it on Youtube.


May 02, 2011, 06:31:51 pm #533 Last Edit: May 02, 2011, 06:35:28 pm by Cheetah
Well here are the vids. Let me know if you want the titles of descriptions changed to something else Chad, I just threw these together really quick.

Adjusting it to normal zoom would be great. Also in this recording you might notice one point where there is a dialog error where the camera moves before the dialog disappears. Making the box move across the screen oddly. I didn't notice it the first time because I was clicking through the dialog too quickly.

Now everyone can see how awesome these are.

Current Projects:



Here is a ppf with the zoom back to normal.  I also fixed the moving text box glitch and made some minor adjustments to the early camera moves to better keep the moving sprites in the center of the action.



Hey, can someone explain to me exactly what this is? Is this basically a patch picking up where the story left off? I just watched a few of the videos and I'm interested to find out.
  • Modding version: PSX


May 03, 2011, 10:23:38 pm #536 Last Edit: May 03, 2011, 10:24:35 pm by Cheetah
Ummm, the Chronicles is kind of hard to explain. It is basically a huge inside joke film based around the FFT GameFAQS community even before FFH.

Chad: I will check out the updates, I'm looking forward to them. I'm sending you a PM later tonight.
Current Projects:


So Chad has officially joined the team and progress is finally being made on the Chronicles of Kanbabrif. Things will be quite here once again as we do our work internally, but I will try to give you all regular updates so that you know the project is alive and well.
Current Projects:


Heh, great. It is one of first projects of FFH after all. Looking forward!
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown

Bastard Poetry

I'm giving the Chad my official "Deftly Handled" stamp of approval.
Final Fantasy Tactics - Thief SSCC:


(Fully recorded LP; successes, failures, and most things inbetween)