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Messages - Saigas

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August 07, 2008, 10:17:20 pm
and gambled away
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August 07, 2008, 10:04:01 pm
which Mustadio bought
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August 06, 2008, 12:54:17 pm
Nah, that was Vargas.  Nice try, though.

Still a pretty cool guy, though.  Actually, the Berserker sprite resembles him quite a bit.  :)
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August 05, 2008, 11:43:53 pm
Only 8 months hacking FFT?  Wow, I hope I get good as fast as that.  ^_^

Thanks for the encouragement, too.  It definitely helps.
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August 05, 2008, 10:57:32 pm
K for K(C)ombat
M for Magic

I see now.  'Magician' isn't a class it's the category.  As is 'Fighter'.  Explains my previously mentioned horn, too.  It comes from the summoner sprite that has been stacked.

Your skills are quite daunting, Vanya.  I feel like a six year-old trying to drive in NASCAR.  I just can't do it like the rest of you full grown racers just yet.  But i'll get there.
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August 05, 2008, 10:45:20 pm
If that were indeed the case, how would one go about correcting the problem?  Upgrade Shishi to do or don't do...something we aren't sure about yet?

MAGICIAN sounds very interesting.  I wonder what its skillset might have been like?  And this does make one want to create the sprite for the priest.  Maybe I'll fool around with it too and see what i can get.
EDIT: That color pallete will come in handy, for sure.

Hehe, I bet Square themselves probably never even dreamed of this kind of stuff, let alone the problems that come along with it.
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August 05, 2008, 10:22:42 pm
Quote from: "Zozma"hehe, welcome to the community.
also yeah when i first played fft and used a gs to get teta, i always wanted to give her a better class and some real status.

Hehe, thanks.

Well, she's got such a bit part and yet her death is the single most important event in the game.  Without her death, everything revolving around Delita and Ramza changes.  And, of course, the story revolves around Delita and Ramza - thus her death causes a huge chain reaction and the whole story and plot goes spiraling out of control.

...Or does it?

I've always wondered what it might have been like if Teta survived (though in a less obvious way than what I am currently doing).  As a matter of fact, your custom thief sprite of Teta is what has inspired my latest story/project concept.  ^_^
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August 05, 2008, 10:06:17 pm
Thanks for the heads up.  I took it off.  Yeah, i definitely want to be able to modify Teta a bit.  Even gave her class multipliers and skills in her skillset.  I'll definitely keep alma and malak in mind for the future, though.

Awesome.  Didn't know about that, so now i do.  Thanks a ton.

Really?  Wow, that's cool.  Totally news to me.  I'm such a noob. :P   But I'm trying my best.
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August 05, 2008, 09:37:19 pm
Ah, so I couldn't just turn off the auto-dead using FFTPatcher and let her fight anyway?  (yeah, not much continuity with a grieving brother fighting side by side with his 'supposed-to-be-dead' sister, but I can fix that later when I'm not just testing stuff out).  Well, if that's the case I will just go ahead and take your advice regarding unit ?????.

Yeah, the 'for the most part' is all I really need at the moment, but I wil definitelyl jump on the sprite the moment it is touched-up. ^_^

I'm just making an educated guess based on the similarities in appearance and the oddities found regarding certain sprites (particularly Simon and the funeral Cleric).  I make no claims to be infallable in such guesses, and can only expect to be proven wrong or right later. ^_^

Interesting...*ponders mage-only characters with zero-range weapons*

EDIT: BTW, off-topic a bit, but how can I go about getting a normal looking portrait?  Something i could use for an avatar or something, because i can't seem to use the ones from the sprites.  They all became odd inverted colors.
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August 05, 2008, 09:15:42 pm
The "Mage Only Enemy" idea would probably work.  They have enough room for that kind of an application for sure.

With the unit.bin file, it looks like Simon is the sprite in the far right corner, but I don't know why he would be.  Then again, I seem to recall a vague memory of Simon's sprite showing up in certain places that ordinary incomplete sprites wouldn't (back in the days of Gameshark codes, when sprites would mix and match at their own will).  Maybe this is the case.  The other priestlike sprite might be the Cleric from the funeral at the end.  Everyone was rather confused, after all, as to why his sprite was practically complete.

That seems like a good idea.  If all else fails, I'll ask if you can go into further detail on that option later.  Would Teta show up relatively normal In-Battle and in the Formation menu screen if I simply swapped her Fort Zeakden sprite with your custom one copied over the SERIA or LEDY file and use that for the rest of the game?  What all would it take to make this work, cuz I'm hoping to have the kinks worked out by the end of the night, if at all possible.
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August 05, 2008, 08:46:12 pm
Quote from: "Zozma"sorry, i never mess with my psp version...

these two sprites, hase anyone tried to use them for anything?
i was assuming that one of the sprites accesses one of the two sprites
in the top corner of the unit.bin sheet.... anyone able to confirm this?

Well, when you look at them in Shishi, they are sprites that are composed of only one color (red).  They appear to be, judging from the general shapes, humanoid sprites with cloaks and one of them definitely looks like it has a horn.  Aside from this, the file appears to be too small to use as a substitute for anything significant.  It would be the same as my first problem substituting Teta's sprite with your new one.

At least, I would think.

And, after comparing them, I don't think it either of them are one of the sprites in the top corner of the unit.bin sheet.  Then again, I'm rather new, so I could be wrong.
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August 05, 2008, 03:11:01 pm
Quote from: "Zodiac"Saigas

what do I win?  


That's actually pretty dang clever.  Now I'll have to find a prize for you, because nobody should go rewardless when exercising their brain.

Quote from: "Zodiac"Yeah well that's because the original Teta sprite sheet is far from being complete and thus the compressed part takes way less space than the one Zomza did.

Ah.  Blast.

Quote from: "Zodiac"You can use LEDY.SPR or SERIA.SPR without affecting anything in game.

Ah, thanks for the help.  I will definitely use one of them then.

EDIT: Big thanks to Tersius, btw.  Forgot to put that in the last post, but the gimp guide is gonna really help me. ^_^
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August 05, 2008, 10:27:43 am
Quote from: "Voldemort7"I have to admit when I first read SAIGAS

I thought of GYIGAS

and almost cried.

You got pretty close with that thought, actually.  My screen name is a combination of two words:

-SAIGA (as in the powerful magical weapons forged from a person's soul in the anime "Beat the Vandal Buster")

-and GIYGAS (as in "I am the epitome of all evil & psionic energy" GIYGAS from Earthbound aka Mother 2).

Good on ya.

BTW, running into a minor problem with my hacks.

I'm working on a project that requires that I switch the original Teta sprite with the custom Teta sprite, so that she can be used effectively as a team member.  However, on my attempts to import the sprite set 'teta.SPR' over 'FURAIA.SPR', I am given a a message that 'teta.SPR' will have to be truncated because it is longer than 'FURAIA.SPR'.

Is this a common problem?  If so, any suggestions on what I might do to fix it?  I do not necessarily need to overwrite FURAIA.SPR to give Teta a working sprite, but I would need to know which sprites I could replace without changing to much of the mechanics of other classes, characters, and so forth.
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August 05, 2008, 12:38:40 am
Thanks.  Should have just done that from the beginning.  :P   I'm a dork.  Just never trusted search engines much.

Alright, I'm ready to begin!

Thanks much!
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August 04, 2008, 11:46:22 pm
How might I go about getting GIMP?  Or something similar?  It's not listed in the Downloads section, and I haven't been able to manually locate a link for it around the forums.
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August 04, 2008, 11:32:31 pm
Thank you kindly for your welcome.
Greetings.  For those of you who do not know me, do not remember me, or did not care to remember me, I used to hang around the gamefaqs forums for FFT before WotL was ever released.  In those days, the only real contribution I gave to the group was my work with the legendary Philsov to create Gameshark codes for the 'Red Mage' class back when all of this kind of hacking was little more than a wet dream we all probably had after a long day's work.  I wish to do much more now.  :)

Anyway, I am new to the entire concept of hacking this game using the methods you have developed, though I immediately downloaded almost everything you have to offer the moment I saw the site.  Got a pSX emulator and an ISO all in that same day, too.

I would greatly appreciate any and all help that I can get.  Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this most noble and awe-inspiring organization.


PS- looking for what Lydyn referred to in the Guides as 'GIMP'.  It is apparently an editing program, and I currently have none, so I would like to know where I might get it.