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Official Sprite Contest: Ivalicians Abroad

Started by Celdia, May 05, 2013, 09:26:51 am


May 05, 2013, 09:26:51 am Last Edit: July 05, 2013, 02:50:17 am by Celdia
Ivalicians Abroad

Back again by popular demand, it's another FFH Spriting Contest! Our last contest brought in nearly a score of entries from the community and there were some truly outstanding ones in the mix. I know I'm hoping to see a repeat of that kind of participation. I'm throwing off the yoke of it being a Halloween contest and going a bit more free-form this time around because our theme is going to be a bit backwards from the norm. I'll admit that this was my second option when I decided on "Heroes From Other Worlds" for the last contest. After how things have developed though, I'm glad I saved it.

With the popularity of Journey of the Five riding high I thought this idea might be fun to use now. We've seen a lot of other heroes coming to Ivalice, so now let's have a look at our favorite characters from Ivalice heading out to those "Other Worlds" to see how they might look there! That's right, this contest will even take our dedicated spriters out of their comfort zone because the goal will be to make sprites in the style of other games using FFT and FFTA characters!

Once again, this is a beginner's level spriting competition. If you've never done a sprite before we'd still love to see what you can do! The competition is open to EVERYONE and you may make as many or as few submissions as you like. You may also continue to update your submissions to the very end of the due date. Feel free to give constructive criticism on entries as they get posted to help people make the best sprite they can. Also, if someone else is doing a character and style you yourself would like to do, don't hesitate to post your own version!

Submissions are due by 11:59pm EST on Sunday, June 30th, with the possibility for an extension by request. Once the submissions are closed, all entries will be organized and a public voting poll will be opened in a new thread. Every community member will be allowed to vote for up to three entries. Poll closing will be determined when the voting begins, but it likely not to exceed 5 days. The poll will be blinded so please respect the voting process and don't make your vote choice public while voting is still ongoing.

Elric, Xifanie, Kagebunji, Lijj and Mobius have each generously offered their talents towards prizes for this competition! To the 1st place winner will go a custom-designed event with custom portraits for the sprites used* and to each of the 2nd and 3rd place winners will go custom portrait-style avatars done by Lijj as well as sprite concepts done by Kagebunji. In addition to all those, Elric has offered to create a custom event as a collective effort to be designed by our top three winners! I hope the sprites in the contest are even half as amazing as the prizes being offered! Thank you all for your contributions! ...I think I've pretty much lost any logical way to describe all of these by now. @_@ If I get any more prizes to add I'm just going to make it a bullet-point list. -_-;;
* - some restrictions may apply, offer not valid on all planets, no purchase necessary

Submission Requirements:
1) A minimum of 1 frame in the style of a game other than FFT/FFTA. If you want to do more frames or even submit something animated, go for it.
2) A name for your entry. This can just be the actual character name you're making.
3) The name of the game from which you are drawing inspiration from.
4) Provide a spoiler'd image or link to a similar-style sprite of the game listed from #3. (Ex: If you're doing a Street Fighter 2 style character portrait, don't link to a picture of a character's idle animation for during a fight, link to another portrait image.)
5) 100% or 200% Zoom in either BMP or PNG format. We like to see those details up close!
6) Post your submission in this thread and it will be officially entered.
7) Submissions need to loosely follow the general competition topic. As long as you aren't submitting an FFT or FFTA style sprite, you should be okay.
8) Follow general forum rules, such as no nudity.
9) There is NO limit on the number of entries per member as long as they are significantly distinct.
10) If there are multiple valid versions of the same submission posted in the thread, the latest version will be considered the competition version.
11) Unique characters from existing FFT/FFTA patches are considered valid, but you will need to provide a source image for the character as not everyone may be familiar with characters outside of vanilla. [Ex: If you're going to do Gospel from Call of Power, make sure to post his sprite with your entry.]

Failure to meet the submission requirements will result in disqualification of the entry.

Judging Criteria:
1) Creativity: There are obviously a lot of different style options when you can pick from any other game. This criteria would be more about how far and away from what has been done before a submission is.
2) Artistic Ability: The more like the chosen game style, the better. Of course visual quality of the entry is always important.
3) Personal Preference: When it all comes down to it you should pick what you like best!

Important Dates:
Opening of Competition: 5/5
Submissions/Extension Requests Due: 11:59pm EST 6/30
Voting Begins: TBA
Winners Announced: TBA

Why are you...?

Just a quick Q&A section to try and head off some possible questions about the contest and change from form of previous contests. I'll update this bit if anyone asks things in the thread.

Q: Why do we get three votes this time?
A: During the last contest more than a few people expressed the wish to be able to vote for more than one entry as a favorite because they just couldn't choose. It was suggested then that for future contests we be allowed more votes.

Q: Why are you allowing so much time for submissions?
A: First, I can't really see extending the submission time as hurting the contest any. Second, I know that this can be a hectic time of year for some of our members who attend school and rather than just wait to announce the contest I figured giving more time would be to the benefit of everyone involved. Third, with all the possible styles to pick from this much time would give people interested in doing highly advanced sprites enough time to complete them. Finally, these contests have been at best bi-annually. It isn't like we're running them every month and the submission time is going to run into another contest's timeframe.

Q: Why are you allowing extensions for submissions with so much time already set aside for them?
A: This is really just reflective of the last contest and the number of messages I got in the last couple days of submission for people that wanted to submit something but didn't have time or hadn't heard about the contest early enough.

Q: How do I request an extension?
A: Just send me a PM here on the forum before the submission closing and tell me how much time you feel you will need to get your submission done. The longest extension I am willing to grant for a submission will be 2 weeks so keep that in mind if you feel you need to apply for one.

Q: You didn't mention any prizes for this contest. Will there be any?
A: At the moment I have no prizes planned for the contest. That doesn't mean that won't change before the end of it. Also, if anyone wants to donate something as a prize for the contest they are welcome to. Just contact me via PM here on the forum about it.

Q: Were you serious about this being back by popular demand?
A: Actually, yes. I have gotten multiple PMs asking about when the next spriting contest might be held.

Q: I'm still not clear on the goal of this contest.
A: Not a question but definitely a potential concern. Here are a couple of great examples of FFT characters done in a different sprite style.
These examples are not my work and belong to their original creators, whoever they may be.

That pretty much covers anything I can think of right now. If you have other questions, feel free to post them in this thread. Other than that, let the spriting begin! ^_^
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Oh my. Those TO sprites are BEAUTIFUL...

As for myself, as much as I wanna do something for this, I'll have to decline on my part. I'd have to rush to complete something, as work gets in the way and the ship i'm on will be leaving sooner than I'd be finished, with no way to share what I have.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Reks#0128



  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Can't wait to see what people come up with!
  • Modding version: PSX
Nyzer: Alma teleports out of her own possessed body.
Raijinili: Remember that you're telling a modding community that the game they love could use some fixing.


Quote from: Kagebunji on May 05, 2013, 10:35:19 am
Heh, I cannot miss this one, can I.

No, you're not allowed to miss it. I expect great and crazy things out of you. :P
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Thanks for hosting such great challenges! This one should be very interesting. I will try to think of some little thing to maybe donate as prize.. glad there's plenty of time as well.
  • Modding version: PSX


Awesome theme! I can't sprite too well, but I can't wait to see how the artists respond to this kind of challenge.
My FFTA hacking tools: http://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?topic=9559.0

Believe it or not, I'm still working on this game.


May 06, 2013, 04:57:23 pm #8 Last Edit: May 06, 2013, 05:45:38 pm by Lijj
I'll make a custom portrait of any choice for both 1st and 2nd place for whoever gets them(and I'll try to make them as good as I can). If anyone else wants to offer a prize of sorts feel free.
  • Modding version: PSX


Thank you Lijj for that very generous offer! ^_^ I've added a Prizes section to the first post to make note of it, and yes, if anyone else would like to offer prizes for the winners, please get in touch with me and we'll see what we can do it about making them happen.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


I'll toss in a custom event for the 1st place winner, of course within my own limitations... so no new, custom sprites/maps/EVTCHR/maps.

The custom event can be written by the winner, and I'll make it come to life.
  • Modding version: PSX
Love what you're seeing? https://supportus.ffhacktics.com/ 💜 it's really appreciated

Anything is possible as long as it is within the hardware's limits. (ie. disc space, RAM, Video RAM, processor, etc.)
<R999> My target market is not FFT mod players
<Raijinili> remember that? it was awful


Quote from: Xifanie on May 07, 2013, 12:47:09 pm
I'll toss in a custom event for the 1st place winner, of course within my own limitations... so no new, custom sprites/maps/EVTCHR/maps.

The custom event can be written by the winner, and I'll make it come to life.

Swords! My only weakness!


Another amazing prize offer! Thank you so much, Xifanie! <3 So as not to double up on the 1st place prizes I'm going to shift the avatar-portraits down to 2nd and 3rd place prizes so now we've got rewards for the top 3! Hopefully this will help motivate a few more people to give this a go.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Well, I don't want to leave Lijj alone, so I will offer to do concepts for first two places, to go along with portraits Lijj will make.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Now everyone sit down, relax and have a good damned cup of tea.
Then go out into the forest and see the stars.

Then come back and realize it's pointless to be so worked up over what's meant to be our hobby.
That should be my motto here, holy s


  Worker 8 as Gato
   From Chrono Trigger

The year was 1994. An open audition was held for the coveted spot of "Interactive Karaoke Robot" in an excitingly-titled new game produced by Square: "Chrono Trigger". Worker 8 applied. However, according to the director of the game, Worker 8's performance was "too mechanical" for the game, and so Worker 8 didn't get the part.

A year later, Worker 8 witnessed the release of this game only to find the outrageous Gonzales (appearing under a stage name, "GATO") had gotten the part. Throwing a long-empty beer bottle at his 12" TV, Worker 8 couldn't help but see red. He vowed then and there to take his revenge on the company that had wronged him.

It was at this point that he heard a voice. At first, he attributed it to the copious amounts of tequila he had consumed, but the voice intimated itself to him as "Cheraub". In exchange for his mortal soul, Cheraub promised to grant Worker 8 the power to exact revenge on Square. Worker 8's decision-making circuits, on the fritz from all the alcohol, decided he literally had nothing to lose, so he made the deal with Cheraub.

Cheraub, upon trying to possess Worker 8's soul, quickly realized that the deal was not made in good faith. Angry, Cheraub transformed Worker 8 into a potent killing machine, equipping Worker 8 with the height of 1990's technology -- lasers -- and firmly embedded itself (in the form of the Zodiac stone, Aquarius) into Worker 8's chest cavity. However, instead of allowing Worker 8 to exact revenge on Square, Cheraub used deception to get Worker 8 a miniscule, yet damning, part in one of Square's new games: "Final Fantasy Tactics".

Square placed Worker 8 in a forgotten corner of Ivalice, and very few people ever meet the poor, hate-consumed robot on their travels. The rest is history.


I cracked up about the bottle into the TV... Poor Worker Eight.
Awesome entry! Excellent prizes too Xif and Kage.
  • Modding version: PSX


Awesome to see you throwing in as well, Kage. Thank you so much! <3

Lirmont, that is hilarious. XD   Love the sprite, too. Looks like we've got our first official entry and I'd say we're starting off strong! Let's keep them coming!
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


May 08, 2013, 03:27:50 am #18 Last Edit: May 08, 2013, 09:54:30 pm by Diethe
New here. Joined exactly at this point to introduce myself at the same time the contest fits a category I'm fairly good with (Namely, FE Sprites. Really need some work with FFT Sprites still, which is also why I joined). Been splicing sprites for awhile but it's only now I joined. Brought over some of my stuff from FE, mostly to learn more of spriting FFT, heh. Hope to have fun with the community either way.

Emblem Tactics (For now)
From Fire Emblem 6, 7, 8 Style Portraits

Delita's in his Shrine Knight attire, looking both regal and stern.

Gave Cloud that distinct FFT jumper look at the same time made him look like a wastelander. He probably looked lost in a post-apocalyptic dark age scenario, especially coming from an advanced place.

Did I do the format right? I'll work on other characters as well as a write up later.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Diethe


May 08, 2013, 03:29:03 am #19 Last Edit: May 08, 2013, 10:02:06 pm by Elric
I'll follow Xif's lead and make a custom event including all 3 winners of the contest. Not sure why I didn't think of this before. However I'm
not a spriter, so these would not include custom sprites/EVTCHR/maps (similar to what Xif said) unless they are provided.

The story of the event will be decided by the 3 winners.

However since Xif is already do this for the first place winner, my event will not be nearly as long nor detailed as hers, since this will
be for 3 people rather than the 1st place winner
  • Modding version: PSX