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7 portraits in 7 days

Started by Lijj, January 28, 2013, 08:01:50 pm


Interesting! More and more posts and members are coming in! Another PixelJoint member! Welcome to FFH! =)

Well, here's my previous work, some may seen before. Nothing too great though.

Day 1 (I guess..)

(From left; My version of Ike, Marth, & Twinee's version of Ike, which is better than mine)

Hope more to come.

Cheers ~
Kindly upload the images to other image hosting sites. I can't view imageshack. Thanks.


FFT: Fire Emblem edition
You guys know you want it

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


February 02, 2013, 06:28:25 am #62 Last Edit: February 02, 2013, 07:04:13 am by Lijj
Excellent to see so many posts so far. I like all the blue haired fellows here.  I like the way you shaded the hair on the left-most char.. They're both really good and it's interesting to see both yours and Twinees' next to one another. I wouldn't be able to pick one honestly if I had to.

I'm kind of nervous to post these because I'm pretty out of it right now. I thought I could do 3 tonight but I was dead wrong.. I did two and I'm absolute toast as of now. I also just finished the second one; both took way longer than I expected:

But this one made me laugh a few times while working:


And this one is experimental sort of.. it's based on an original character of mine:


Also bonus experimental; I always depicted her with ruddy cheecks so:

  • Modding version: PSX


Curse you all for motivating me to do this. I couldn't just keep coming in here and looking at all the amazing ports without being driven to finally redo the first port I ever did. A few of you might remember her in all her horrific glory. Well here's my new try at her using so many other ports as references: Link, Zelda, Etna, Hector, Succubus, Female Oracle, Lightning, some others I don't even know who they were but they looked like they had aspects I wanted...I spent so much time on the hair this time and I still feel like it's all wrong. XD

I don't know what else to say. Here is Teiris, again, 4 years to the day since I joined FFH. I think she's come a long way.

Oh, and don't expect 7 of these out of me. I'm not as crazy as the rest of you. >_>
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Quote from: Mobius on February 01, 2013, 10:26:49 pm
Day 1

A custom character.

Wanted to experiment with palletes -different- from the mainstream. Going for pale, without looking undead.  ;)

Let's see how long I last.

I could see her as some kinda special town's girl, kinda like a hot version of 20 year old girl, heh.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Great blush effect there Lijj.

I also wanted to try some blush but for some reason, it's like, hard to get it to look 'right'. I abandoned the plan then afterwards, ha.

Well now everyone, behold, day 2:


Now everyone sit down, relax and have a good damned cup of tea.
Then go out into the forest and see the stars.

Then come back and realize it's pointless to be so worked up over what's meant to be our hobby.
That should be my motto here, holy s


February 02, 2013, 04:35:36 pm #66 Last Edit: February 02, 2013, 04:45:21 pm by Lijj
So good. I like the palette and how the bulb seems moist and the way it's reflecting the creatures skin. I think Pride and Elric would really love this (Pokemon fans).
Both of your ports so far are top-notch... Respect for doing a monster portrait!

Major improvement Celdia: Glad you decided to post here too. \o/

I think I have another pal joining too, one from deviant art I pmed; not sure though.
So today will be my day 6. hmm.. what do?
Kind of thinking of doing a creepy Pharaoh. We'll see
  • Modding version: PSX


February 02, 2013, 07:23:15 pm #67 Last Edit: February 02, 2013, 08:06:32 pm by MiKeMiTchi
Wow! Lotsa yummy ports!

I really like it. Reminds me of Maoyuu Maou Yuusha. I agree with Kage; She's a great replacement for the 20 yr old girl. For the BG I always set it to (HSL) 45-16-60. I think that's the default bg value.

Venusaur looks rad on its own, but I'm not sure if it fits on a FFT-style port. ;)

Ike's port shapes looks great. I wish you could add more colors for the eyes though.

Renza.. First when I saw her I was like... Kawaii! But the long neck turned me off. You should change your habit on creating necks LOL. Grendizer? is cool! Great job on him.

For your first one, you should have a shading on the transition between the forehead and the hair bangs (use skin tones). Also, it will much much better if the 2nd darkest blue hair color is less saturated and less bright. The second one has those problems too but it also shows on other parts like on the ears. Overall, good start, I must say. ;)

Looking at lots of references helps a lot. For a start, I suggest "frankenporting". ;)

Tsk.. It's day 6 already? Dang.

Anyway, here's my Day 4 5. Another char from my game.
My Day 4 port is somewhere out there. xD
Experimented a bit on the colors. Looks Disgaea-ish too me. ;)
Never knew I could do things like this.. hihi

Jot5 GFX Designer :: Spriter :: Mitchi


That's a nice and unique portrait. I like the yellow beret-thingy and colors.

Blast me! You're right I have a serious problem about necks.

So I updated that and I also updated young Rydia to make her a little more chubby faced and childish:
  • Modding version: PSX


Thanks for the welcome Jimmy.
Cool venasuar! Very nice, but the perspective seems odd.
And MikeMiTchi, what kind of game are you making?

Anyway, this is what I have for my Day 2

Aang from the Last Airbender. I'm yet to watch through the new Korra season. I probably should.
And I did use references this time around. And I know I said I was going to work on tactics style hair, but I wasn't feeling in the mood XD Next time I will, I swear!
I know the fabric texture and clothing altogether needs some work. If I get time tomorrow I will attempt to fix it.


It looks good, welcome to FFH, but whats the line of pixels in the middle of his head?


I think I had that to show the bump between the two eyes where one's nose would have ended. But seeing that there's no noses in this style I guess it would look best if it wasn't there XD
I'll fix it tommorow.


Lijj ~ Thanks Lijj and those looks great but like what Mike has tackled, her neck is kinda long.

Celdia ~ Great to see you posted. Look much improved. Try adding some depths into it.

Mobius ~ Hah! Great Venusaur! Love the palette choice and how you blend, at the same time, distinguish the leaf from its head.

Mike ~ That's an interesting port! Liking the colours. As for Ike, unfortunately I've ran out of limit, hence his eyes.

croz ~ Looks good. You have the basics and style on. Add some darker shades onto his cloth would be good.

My Day 2

Garnet Remake

Some of you might remember my first Garnet attempt

Cheers ~
Kindly upload the images to other image hosting sites. I can't view imageshack. Thanks.


Oh wow, cool stuff guys. This is great. I will have to work on my day 2.

Smash: The pale blonde is just beautiful, I love the skin tone and the blues especially. Venusaur is just lawl because its so great, and I love how you handled the petals (though the nostrils seem slightly off center).

Lijj: Rydia's update to her neck looks so much better <3! Grendizer is cool, not sure where hes from but the mouth reminds me of a predator. And Renza is cool too, I love how you handled the reddy colours.

Croz: The improvement from your first to your second portrait is substantial and you are definitely on the right path (not to mention the last airbender is a favourite show of mine)! The eyes are much more FFT style and the bald head is cool, you really are on the right track.

Mr. Bunji: Zeiss looks cool, though the armour reminds me more of clothing rather than metal. You probably could've worked some browns in his hair colour to open up the palette for the skin but nonetheless, nice.

MikeMitchi: All your portraits are great! I love the blue palette of Eliezer's hair, though Gazelle's face angle compared to his body angle confuses me. But Selena is so cool, the green palette is great but I'd like to see more done with the beret if possible. Love how you are making original characters.

Celdie: Much improved from the old, what you've perfected though is the face shape, it really is perfect. The hair palette and shading in some areas is okay. I'd really like to see more from you~

Jimmy: Garnet is great, the shading and choice of colour is what caught might eye. The face position is okay, it was bold and you pulled it off I think. You could probably remove the slight smile from her mouth and it would work better. Great job with the yes.

More to come from me but I'm undecided on what to do next.
  • Modding version: PSX


Thank you all for the feedback. And here I thought no one had anything to say. I guess I was just being anxious.

@Mobius: I have been remiss in not saying so earlier but your pale girl is beautiful. Venusaur is also great. Didn't expect to see him in here. XD

@Mike: I love the hat on her. Berets make me squee in general about cuteness. I think the colors are just fine and I'm not a fan of yellows to begin with.

@Lijj: I love the small modifications to Young Rydia. I didn't mention what it seemed like everyone else had already said about the first post of her, but those tiny changes make her look infinitely better. You nailed it with that one.

@Croz: Any character I can recognize without being told who it is is a damned fine start. Some detail work there will make that one look a whole lot better. Listen to the masters here - they won't steer you wrong.

@Jimmy: Dat Garnet. Breathtaking...and I rather liked the first attempt back when I first saw it.

As for making changes to mine, I'd realized after I posted it that I didn't really finish her bangs and completely forgot shading in the middle there. Dunno if anyone caught the in-between fix I did and uploaded as my avatar there for a bit I tried a quick-fix on that. Then I saw Mike's submission today and thought to myself "Yes, that's more what I wanted there" and tried a variation on that. So here's the current version I'm at and I'm actually happy with this one.

  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


February 03, 2013, 06:01:14 pm #75 Last Edit: February 03, 2013, 06:06:36 pm by Lijj
I took the Sabbath yesterday.. I barely started one then just got really drowsy and decided I needed a day off and it was Saturday.. so perfect. I was lacking creative drive anyway so I'm glad I didn't force it.. Tonight will be healthier for continuing this project.


Celdia: I like the update of Teiris. There is one little line on the hair that is kind of banded and its was such a simple edit I just edited it cause it was easier to do that than explain..
I also pecked at it a tiny bit in a couple other places but it's barely noticable.

JimmyJW: Glad to see another post from you and it's pretty awesome. I like that you did it from the side and her thoughtful; meditative pose. Great highly custom stuff!

Crozier: Looking really good and yes as others have said.. Substantial in its improvement already. I can actually see where you came from putting the line there, between the eyes; but in this style it would probably look better plain.. though it could work with that head shape I reckon. Well other than the clothes which look unfinished.

Everyone else: Thanks a bunch for the feedback and I hope to see more :D Glad you guys like my little Rydia hehehe!

  • Modding version: PSX


Ok late but here's what I'll deem yesterday's; Adol from Ys:

  • Modding version: PSX


February 03, 2013, 09:57:29 pm #77 Last Edit: February 04, 2013, 12:04:47 am by croz
@Jimmy, very nice! But I think the hairline is too apparent (if that makes sense).
@Celdia, not bad. Not bad. Highlights on the hair might be a little strong.
@lijj, no flaws I can see. But your necks might just be a little thin for my taste.

And here's a gria, for my Day 3.

-edit-changed some facial proportions and hair color. Funny how you notice a bunch of mistakes right after posting, right XD
-and another edit... Made face just a wee bit smaller, added some eyelashes, and a little more shading on the face.


Thank you for the edit, Lijj. ^_^  I think hair will forever be my bane when it comes to these things and the shading changes you made elsewhere just seem so obvious after seeing them that I don't get why I didn't think of them myself. -_- Though I did try something very similar to what you did above the ear and it didn't look right when I did it. The changes to the hair in the top right corner were something I was struggling with and admittedly I just gave up on by the end deciding I couldn't make it look right. I really didn't think to use that shade of grey to round it out. I will forever be amazed what a few little pixels can change.

Additional: Adol looks great.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Glad you like the super minor edit. It can show a lot more than babbling on about smoothing pixels etc.

Today's: A generic archetypical wizard who needs a pipe:

I had it wrong.. tomorrow afternoon/eve will be 7 days, so I'll do one more then I think I'm done. It's been great practice thus far.
  • Modding version: PSX