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September 20, 2024, 08:52:15 pm


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Messages - PedroMarz

Spriting / Re: Male Knight Alternate
June 02, 2016, 03:40:28 pm
hahahah its a old post i know, but i have to give my thanks :D just for the net records
hi everyone, instead of be a lazy ass noob, im gonna do it by myself, sorry fot thats stupids requesting, and many thanks to all ffh, sorry again :)
Spriting / Re: Male Knight Alternate
May 31, 2016, 08:52:36 pm
sooo nice, it fits perfectly whit the Lune knight description, as it says "elite knight (...)" and the skill sets fits too "sword skill", many many thanks bro, its awesome, the palette 1 its perfect!, the bright on his cape in game give a nice glow, in-game unit quote would say "  'Lune' ? anything shaped like a half moon." thanks my man, u rock /clap
i was refering to this two
Hello glentlement (from now sorry my bad english i try really hard), i wonder if someone could make a UNIT image for Formation of a Judgev2 Whitout helmet and whit ramza's head, i use the judge sprite for ramza as a "Judgement Knight" and i know the last post was in 2014 but i dont know maybe someone whit skills (that i dont have) could read this, or a ramza holding his helmet in hands, i want to do (im really in this, i mean i allways love FFT back in te 1998 when my brother start playing this fantastic game i was 6 years old and here in argentina the psx was da real shit, da real thing awesome games) later i play it again whit psp version and really broken it whit lvl 99 ch3 dark knight the game lost every dificulty and now im playing "1.3 FFHACKTICKS EASYTYPE" AND ITS FLAWLESS in deep dungeon its true hardcore and this gameplay iam doing it right (lvl 76 final to orbonne)sorry for the nonsense talk, i was mean its this game i play it whit a mistic air, see ramza throw a stasis sword its awesome, back to the thread: i was trying to make a different UNIT formation image for ramza and delita, ramza a "Judge" whit the helm in his hand, and a delita ch4 (i have delita in my party) whit the helm in his hand whit the sprite of DelitaKing, but i cant do it myself because i dont have any program right, when i paste the "head" it changes its color, due to different color palet i think, well i hope someone read this and have a reply, regards from argentina gentlements, good bye.    Pedro Marzano