Final Fantasy Hacktics

Modding => Non-FFT Modding => FFTA/FFTA2 Hacking => Topic started by: Eternal on June 23, 2013, 07:50:32 pm

Title: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Eternal on June 23, 2013, 07:50:32 pm
After months- hell, years- of hard work and dedication, I am proud to present the latest version of Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire, the most extensive FFTA rebalance out there currently!

Every aspect of FFTA has been thoroughly examined for balance, and while GG is far from perfect, I hope that those of you who play this will appreciate the rebalanced gameplay and new features, all of which are documented below. A full changelog/master guide will be coming in the near future (since descriptions in-game cannot be easily edited right now, the master guide/changelog will be your source for information on changes).

How to Apply the Patch:

1) Acquire a clean US FFTA ROM.
2) Make a backup copy.
3) Open Tsukuyomi, which is included with the download.
4) Select Apply Patch, and follow the directions from there.
5) Enjoy!

General Changes:

-Laws have been set- each battle has its own set laws that can't be altered, but they're not as strict as they are in Vanilla. Prepare for fights accordingly!
-All enemy levels scale with the party.
-AP Costs have been reduced.
-The party limit has been evened out for most fights. Yes, this means that there are quite a few one-on-one battles now. Make versatile units to handle them!
-Monsters are quite a bit more deadly, with many of them having new Reaction and Support abilities.
-Bosses have higher HP, elemental affinities, and different skillsets.
-MP Regeneration is removed. Ethers, the new Osmose and Steal MP skills, and Absorb MP are your friends!
-Six new jobs which replace old ones: Bard, Green Mage, Samurai, Myrmidon, Reaver, and Mediator.
-Less saturated graphics.
-Post-game rematch with Llednar, Queen Remedi, and Li-Grim.
-New clan setups for Clan Dip and the Doned Faction.
-Thundrakes/Goblins no longer go extinct- one can be found in certain random clan fights.

The Ability Master Guide can be found here! (


Soldier:      N/A
Fighter:      3 SOL
Paladin:      2 FGT, 2 WHM
Archer:         N/A
Hunter:         4 ARC
Thief:         2 ARC
Ninja:         3 ARC, 3 THF
White Mage:      N/A
Black Mage:      2 WHM
Green Mage:      3 BLM, 2 WHM
Blue Mage:      3 BLM, 3 SOL


Warrior:      N/A
Dragoon:      3 WAR
Myrmidon:      3 DRG
Monk:         N/A
Bishop:         3 MNK
Samurai:      3 BIS
Templar:      3 MYR, 3 SAM


White Mage:      N/A
Green Mage:      2 WHM
Black Mage:      N/A
Time Mage:      4 BLM
Arcanist:      3 WHM, 5 BLM
Beastmaster:      N/A
Reaver:         3 BST
Sage:         3 GRN, 3 TIM


Fencer:         N/A
White Mage:      N/A
Elementalist:      2 WHM
Summoner:      3 ELM
Red Mage:      2 FEN, 1 WHM
Archer:         N/A
Sniper:         3 ARC
Assassin:      4 ARC, 2 SNP


Bard:         N/A
Thief:         N/A
Mog Knight:      2 BRD, 2 THF
Gunner:         3 THF
Juggler:      3 THF, 3 MOG
Mediator:      3 BRD, 3 GUN
Black Mage:      N/A
Time Mage:      4 BLM

-Shops upgrade based on story progression, rather than the number of missions failed/completed. The in-game dialogue suggests otherwise, but it is indeed based on story progression.

-Certain items teach different skills than in Vanilla FFTA.

-Knightswords are now two-handed.

-The Genji Gear can now only be acquired by stealing from Silverlock in the Save Muscadet mission.

-Certain items (such as Cureall, Excalibur2, Masamune 100, etc.) have different names.

-Items that taught certain powerful abilities such as Doublecast/Dual Wield have had their abilities moved to later items.

-Thief Gloves no longer boost the steal rate, instead boosts Speed and EVD.

-Strikeback, Geomancy, and Reflex have been removed from player use.

-Anything that inflicts Death, Petrify, or Frog has had its accuracy dropped. I'm looking at you, Assassin.

White Mage:
-Curaga now has an AoE of 2.
-Life MP cost up to 20.
-Full-Life MP cost up to 80.
-Barrier added to skillset.

-Osmose added to skillset, which drains an enemy's MP.
-Dispel MP cost has been decreased.
-Water now costs less MP.
-Aero is now unevadeable/unreflectable.
-Judge MP cost has been reduced.
-Break's accuracy has been reduced.

-Cheer's Range up to 4.
-Lifebreak's Range is now 4.

-Bio now has an AoE of 0.
-Ultima Blow is now Ultima, has 4 Range and an AoE of 2, and ignores allies.
-Raise MP cost up to 75.
-Gigaflare's power has been reduced.
-Drain is now Dark Elemental.

-Meteor power down, AoE up to 2.
-Astra has been renamed Veil.

-First Aid now imbues Regen on oneself.
-Provoke range up to 3.
-Mug has been replaced with Revive.
-Speedbreak now inflicts Slow.
-Sensor now reduces an enemy's Defense and Magic Defense.

-Steal Gil has been replaced with Mug.
-Steal: EXP is now Steal: HP, which drains HP from 1 Range.
-Steal: JP is now Steal: MP, which drains MP from 1 Range.
-Steal: Ability is now Steal: Heart, which inflicts Charm from 3 Range.

-Skillset has been replaced with Aim: Vitals, Aim: Armor, Aim: Weapon, Take Aim, Aim: Legs, Silenshot, Blindshot, and Aim: Arm.

Black Mage:
-Fire/Fira/Firaga's Power have been reduced, but now they have an AoE of 2.
-Thunder/Thundara/Thundaga's Power have been reduced, but they now have +3 Range.
-Poison added to skillset.
-Poison's AoE is up to 2.

Red Mage:
-Sleep now has an AoE of 0.
-Doublecast is now only compatible with Red Magic.
-Poison added to skillset.

-Holy Blade's Power and MP cost have been reduced, now inflicts Blind if it lands.
-Saint Cross' MP cost is reduced to 0, but Power is halved.
-Parley Range increased to 4, inflicts Immobilize.
-Nurse now removes Poison, Blind, and Silence in addition to healing.

-Ifrit, Shiva, Ramuh, and Maduin now ignore allies.
-Phoenix now revives units with 25% HP, and won't harm Undead.
-Unicorn, Ramuh, Ifrit, Shiva, and Maduin have had their Power lowered.
-Unicorn no longer cures debuffs.

Time Mage:
-Quicken is now Comet, which deals damage in a small AoE.
-Last Quicken has become Last Meteor. Go out with a bang!
-Quarter/Demi are now Dark Elemental.
-Stop's AoE is down to 0.

-First Aid now imbues Regen on oneself.
-Downsize is now Dark Elemental.

-Jump now deals double damage at halved accuracy.
-Fire/Ice/Bolt Breath have had their power reduced.
-Bangaa Cry has had its power reduced.
-Wyrmtamer Range up to 4.

-Scream, which inflicts Berserk on self.
-Ruination, which deals Holy damage in a line and may inflict Confuse.
-Icewolf, which breaks a weapon from afar.
-Split, which deals damage and may inflict Poison.
-Hollow, which deals Thunder damage in a small AoE and may inflict Silence.
-Stasis, which deals Ice damage in a small AoE and may inflict Immobilize.
-Crush, which deals damage and may inflict Slow.

-Swarmstrike now deals full damage.
-Swallowtail now hits 2 AoE around self.

-Shadowbind now inflicts Immobilize.
-Ultima Blow has been replaced with Mokuton (Wood Veil).

-Lv? Shadowflare
-Level 5 Death, which casts Death on all units with a level divisible by 5.
-Zombify, which inflicts Undead on an enemy.
-Bind, which inflicts Immobilize and Disable on an enemy.
-Lifebreak, which deals damage equal to lost HP.
-Mutilate, which drains HP from a tile away.
-Break, which adds Petrify.
-Miasma, which deals Dark damage and Poisons enemies in a small AoE.

-Lullaby, which inflicts Sleep.
-Minne, which adds Protect and Shell.
-Requiem, which deals tremendous damage to Undead.
-Lifesong, which restores a moderate amount of HP.
-Hide, which adds Vanish on self.
-Frogsong, which inflicts Slow.
-Paeon, which restores a small amount of MP.
-Rime, which boosts all stats.

-Asura, which deals Fire damage 2 AoE around self.
-Murasame, which heals HP 2 AoE around self.
-Osafune, which deals MP damage 2 AoE around self.
-Zantetsuken, which inflicts Death in a line.
-Masamune, which adds Regen and Haste 2 AoE around self.
-Kazekiri, which deals Wind damage and adds Slow 2 AoE around self.
-Kotetsu, which deals Dark damage and adds Blind 2 AoE around self.
-Kikuichimoji, which deals damage in a line.

-White Flame no longer heals HP, now cancels debuffs.
-Elementalshift is now Prism, which deals non-elemental damage and inflicts a random debuff.

-Chakra range up to 1, now cures Immobilize and Disable as well as healing HP.
-Air Render's Power has been lowered.
-Far Fist's Power has been lowered.
-Earth Render's power has been decreased.
-Holy Sign now cancels Undead, Frog, and Petrify.

-Air Render's Power has been lowered.
-Far Fist's Power has been lowered.
-Backdraft's power has been reduced.
-Air Blast's power has been reduced.

Moogle Knight:
-Mog Peek range up to 8.

-Control skill changed to 3.

-Cupid is now Flee, which imbues oneself with Haste.

-Ninjutsu is now 0 MP.

-Sidewinder MP cost up to 15.
-Sonic Boom's Range is down to 3, now deals half damage at full accuracy.

-Death Sickle MP cost up to 20.

-Smile now imbues an ally with Regen.
-Dagger now inflicts Poison rather than Disable.

Green Mage:
-Protectga, which adds Protect in a large AoE.
-Shellga, which adds Shell in a large AoE.
-Dispelga, which cancels all buffs in a large AoE.
-Esunaga, which cancels all debuffs in a large AoE.
-Regen, which adds Regen in a small AoE.
-Blindga, which adds Blind in a large AoE.
-MP Gift, which sacrifices some MP to heal an ally's MP.

-Stall, which inflicts Slow.
-Insult, which inflicts Berserk.
-Invite, which Captures an enemy monster.
-Flatter, which lowers DEF/RES.
-Frighten, which lowers SPD and inflicts Immobilize.
-Mimic Babus, which inflicts Sleep.
-Bribe, which exchanges some Gil for a chance to remove an enemy.
-Praise, which increases the damage of the target's next attack and boosts their Critical Hit rate.
-Intimidate, which lowers ATK/MAG.

-Mateus' power has been lowered.
-Exodus' power has been greatly lowered, but now deals HP damage and inflicts Immobilize and Slow.
-Famfrit's power has been greatly lowered, but now inflicts ATK/MAG Down.
-Adrammelech's power has been greatly lowered, but now inflicts DEF/RES Down.

Special Jobs:
-Bind MP cost down to 10.
-Logos Range up to 4.
-Logos now inflicts Slow, MAG Down, and Poison while doing damage.
-Abyss now inflicts Blind and Silence as well as damage.
-Omega now deals 400% damage rather than 200%.
-Azoth MP cost up to 30.
-Spellbind now inflicts Immobilize in addition to its other effects.
-Life Render range up to 5.
-Heart Render range up to 5.
-Ripcircle's power has been increased.
-Furycircle now inflicts Blind and Berserk.

-Zombify Range up to 4.
-Miasma's power is increased and is now Dark Elemental.
-Meteorite MP cost down to 15.
-Blowup is now Fire Elemental.
-Guard-Off is renamed Expose.
-Guard-Off Range up to 3.
-Mighty Guard Range up to 3.
-Flame Attack Range up to 4.
-Mutilate MP cost down to 0.
-Dragon Force Range up to 3.
-Hastebreak Range up to 5.
-Rend now lowers DEF/RES as well as dealing damage.
-Matra Magic now deals low damage at 8 Range.
-Knife MP cost down to 0.
-Poison Claw MP cost down to 0.
-Karma Range up to 3.
-Voodoo Range up to 3.
-LV3 Def-Less is renamed LV3 Expose.
-Twister now deals costs 0 MP, is Wind Elemental damage and inflicts Confuse.
-Goo Range up to 4.
-Drain Touch MP cost down to 0.
-Angel Whisper's MP cost has been lowered and now imbues Regen rather than Reraise.
-Bad Breath now affects all surrounding units.
-White Wind's MP cost is increased.
-LV?Holy MP cost reduced to 0.
-Limit Glove range increased to 3, MP cost reduced to 0.
-Night now has a range of 4 and an AoE of 1.

Known Bugs:

-Tooltips will not display the correct information.


-Darthatron, without him this mod wouldn't be possible. His tools are amazing and his help invaluable. Thanks a ton!
-BlankyBlank, whose Nightmare modules were crucial for editing battles as well as other small things.
-TyrantTanuki, aka Edea, for formation data and text tables.
-Chimp and Zareb for feedback and support.
-PickleGirlFanboy for his abilities spreadsheet.
-Xifanie for her help with Excel.
-OrangeFluffySheep, whose LP was an amazing (and humorous) asset to me, pointing out what was broken so I could fix it.
-And you, for playing it! </cliche>


All feedback is welcome and encouraged! Hopefully this will make FFTA a bit more enjoyable for those who didn't enjoy it much before. Enjoy!
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.9)
Post by: bcrobert on June 24, 2013, 01:33:58 am

Hopefully some more hackticians will give FFTA a second chance now. I'd like to see this game stripped down and remade a hundred times over before we're done with it. Congratulations Eternal! (And anyone who survives the not so forgiving new adversaries...)
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.9)
Post by: Jumza on June 24, 2013, 10:15:22 am
Part 1: Tutorials n such

Part 4: Let it Snow!

Part 5: Thesises... Thesees... Thesi?

Part 6: Saving the Prof

Part 7: More like the Aristocats

Part 8: Nothing but a man who cannot Fail

Part 9: It's time to D-D-D-D-DUEL!

Part 10: Clan Wars

Part 11: Brown Mastered Life!

Part 12: I HATE Turtles!

Part 13: Brown - Master Tactician

Part 14: Do Item's count as Drugs?

Part 15: Antlion Party

Part 16: Dem Lamia's be Trippin

Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.9)
Post by: Zaane on June 24, 2013, 03:45:15 pm
you don't know how happy seeing this topic made me :D

btw is this guy supposed to turn invisible when you put him to sleep?

ah I CAN still hit him though
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.9)
Post by: Eternal on June 24, 2013, 04:08:27 pm
What skill did you use to put him to sleep?
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.9)
Post by: Jumza on June 24, 2013, 07:38:53 pm
I got this glitch as well ET, it's when you use Lullaby on someone, and they don't have the proper frames to react to the animation. They dissapear for the rest of the battle, even if they wake up, attack, cast a spell, get hit, or die. You can still put your cursor over them to see em, and you can still attack them and stuff, you just can't see.

Also, I just faced up against the Rangers clan in Nubswood and the game froze after I completed the battle. This was the battle where I also accidentally found the Lullaby glitch, so it's possible that's what caused it. When the game froze I had to delete my recording :'(

I also think you should take Item off of that mediator because for some reason he didn't do anything else but use Item, even if he was in range for a gunshot he would either wait or use Item if he could.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.91)
Post by: Eternal on June 24, 2013, 11:03:59 pm
Updated the main post with 0.91. It should fix the Lullaby bug.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.91)
Post by: 3lric on June 24, 2013, 11:17:01 pm
What about the bug with that Mediator?
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.91)
Post by: Eternal on June 24, 2013, 11:29:58 pm
That's also been fixed.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.91)
Post by: Jumza on June 29, 2013, 11:26:27 pm
Eternal, I don't know if you caught this on chat, but I can't progress in the story anymore because the fight in Cadoan with Ezel Berbier pits you against an enemy samurai, and no matter what I do he uses a 2 aoe ability and glitches out everything. I hope you can find a fix for this, some kind of workaround or... something!
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.91)
Post by: Eternal on June 30, 2013, 01:36:23 am
Odd, that didn't happen to me. Can you tell me when the AI would try and use it?
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.91)
Post by: Jumza on June 30, 2013, 11:05:07 am
Because there's a little bit of a chokepoint where you start, he would either use it without moving (if more than one unit was near him),or he would move down the stairs to where I am and use something. (I'm curious though, the ability he is using displays as "-" on the big white bar that appears on the top of the screen. Which ability is this? It also has the animation of Swallowtail and does low physical damage because when he hit Ezel with it it did 1, but it does about 30 to everyone else.)
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.91)
Post by: Eternal on June 30, 2013, 01:15:46 pm
It's Osafune, it inflicts magic based MP damage. I'll whip up a fix when I get home tonight.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.91)
Post by: Jumza on June 30, 2013, 01:45:42 pm
I thought it did physical because it only did 1 damage to Ezel because he has wep def+ :P

We really need to figure this out, because I love having swallowtail and whirlwind with 2 aoe, it makes them so much more useful.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.91)
Post by: Eternal on June 30, 2013, 04:29:04 pm
The compromise would be to make it 1 AoE around self to fix the bug, but make it ignore allies or something.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.92)
Post by: Eternal on June 30, 2013, 08:23:25 pm
Updated the first post with 0.92.

The changelog is as follows:

-Iaido skills, Whirlwind, Swallowtail, and Blitz are down to 1 AoE to prevent the AI from flipping out and crashing. They'll be rebuffed upon further testing with the bug.
-Blowup now deals normal damage, is down to 1 AoE also to prevent crashing.
-Zantetsuken's animation has been fixed.
-The Rasp display bug has been fixed.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.92)
Post by: Jumza on June 30, 2013, 09:11:56 pm
Not everything teaches Rasp anymore! :o
Thanks Eternal, hopefully we find a fix for this soon.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.92)
Post by: bcrobert on June 30, 2013, 10:55:12 pm
Eternal, thanks for fixing the AoE thing. My OCDometer was off the charts on that one. I do hope the bug is eventually figured out since I agree with the intended change but oh well.

Rasp thing=The problem turned out to be that items with 0 abilities set to them were told to teach 1+ abilities instead. No idea why it defaults to Rasp.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.92)
Post by: Eternal on June 30, 2013, 10:56:32 pm
I think it's random. It used to be Boltshot.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.92)
Post by: Eternal on July 03, 2013, 11:59:44 pm
So in an interesting find, Maintenance is secretly acting as Dual Wield and I've no idea why. Bugfix coming, well, whenever I can figure out why the hell it's doing this.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.92)
Post by: bcrobert on July 05, 2013, 11:32:16 pm

Many of the inexplicable glitches have surprised me but...Maintenance=Dual Wield? I can't even comprehend this one. The only thing about those that you touched is Double Sword's string, right?
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.92)
Post by: Jumza on July 06, 2013, 12:25:42 am
This is your chance kids! Go rob clan Dip blind before they get their support ability back!
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.92)
Post by: Eternal on July 06, 2013, 01:04:00 pm
Not that it'll matter much, because enemies are fond about stealing/destroying gear, which now -you- can't defend against without Maintenance either. :P
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.923)
Post by: Eternal on July 29, 2013, 07:40:50 pm
Other potential errors that need fixing:

-Creams have Return Magick, which will cause the game to bug out.
-Sonic Boom may not deal any damage.
-Thieves are ridiculously good.
-Mog Knights (and possibly Soldier?) losing Revive.
-Speed Down doesn't reduce Speed.
-MP Restoration doesn't work.
-Maintenance needs fixed.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.923)
Post by: MountainDew~ on September 22, 2013, 01:56:21 pm
Just "finished" the Royal Ruins mission, killed all the enemies, waltzed up to those mean ol' statues... and proceed to hit 0's. Both my remaining units have elemental (Dark/Water, Hades Bow/Masamune specifically) weapons with no source of revivals.

Statues are immune to those elements :(

Is that intentional? I'll feel a lot better about restarting if it wasn't lol
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.923)
Post by: Eternal on September 22, 2013, 01:58:44 pm
Statues were always immune to all elements.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.923)
Post by: MithosFall on December 06, 2013, 04:33:22 pm
I don't know if this is the correct place to ask, but I've been having some trouble with my saves with this mod.  I'm playing this on my PSP (via emulator, of course).  I can play vanilla FFTA just fine on there; have saved many times and am about to beat the final boss.  However, the emulator on my PSP can't load up any save for Grim Grimoire.  The emulator on my laptop, though, can load up any save that it creates, but not what has been created on my PSP.

It's strange that my PSP can play the vanilla version just fine but not the modded one.  Does anybody have any idea what could be going wrong?

Sorry, not having the problem anymore.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.923)
Post by: tecoptt on February 19, 2014, 06:25:49 pm
I've found a bug i guess.

When you are fighting the totema Mateus, you are also fighting against vampires. Those vampires when they cast Drain, they get invisible and after a while, the game will crash.
I dont know why this happens..
Can you check this report , Eternal?

Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.923)
Post by: Eternal on March 22, 2014, 06:22:14 pm
Kinda late, but I know why it happens. Vampires don't have the proper frames to cast magick like Drain, thus causing them to turn invisible and glitch out. This as well as several other issues are being fixed. :D
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.923)
Post by: ArcticPrism on March 25, 2014, 10:17:22 am
What are you going to do with Swallowtail and such since the ai can't handle them having 2 aoe?
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.923)
Post by: Eternal on March 25, 2014, 07:36:34 pm
Chances are good that they'll temporarily go back down to 1 AoE until I find a decent fix for them. There are some other minor tweaks that need made as well.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.923)
Post by: ArcticPrism on March 31, 2014, 03:58:47 pm
Are Assassins are still worth using? It seems like you took everything from the job that would make you want to use one.

-They're much slower than Ninjas.
-Their physical attack isn't much higher than that of a Mage(Viera get no supports like Weapon Atk+ or Double Sword)
-Their magic attack is worse than a Fencer's.
-Last Breath had its accuracy reduced.
-No Ultima Masher
-Much less MP
-Less Mobility
-No Stop
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.923)
Post by: Eternal on March 31, 2014, 10:45:02 pm
I would argue that the Assassin's greatest asset is their versatility. Although they aren't particularly great at any one thing, they're great at crippling enemies and handling an array of situations.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.923)
Post by: FrozenDragon150 on April 27, 2014, 03:06:11 pm
I've been playing this, I love it.

I was surprised when I saw that the game editor still worked for the patches, so I'm in the process of soloing the game, but it is HARD XD
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.923)
Post by: Eternal on April 28, 2014, 12:32:06 am
Glad you're enjoying it, although I wouldn't suggest soloing through it! It isn't designed to be much harder than FFT, it's just been rebalanced and feels a lot different, which is what I was going for. Play it like you would FFT and you'll do just fine. As always, feedback and suggestions are always welcome!
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.923)
Post by: FrozenDragon150 on April 28, 2014, 06:15:22 pm
Hey, I've noticed many abilities have VERY different descriptions from the actual effect, for example, Hastega has meteor's description, it even says 'damage tp all enemies' when I'm going to use it.

Do you have plans to fix that one of these days?
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.923)
Post by: Eternal on April 28, 2014, 08:34:10 pm
When a tool comes around to fix them more easily, certainly. Right now it's a rather tedious process that I'm not too well versed in.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.923)
Post by: Eternal on May 02, 2014, 12:50:52 am
Testing is going very smoothly. I'm quite happy with the balance for non-required quests so far. They're quite challenging, but with proper strategy and prudent planning can be cleared with relative ease. Enter Llednar!
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.923)
Post by: tonycancer on May 02, 2014, 01:30:32 am
I've put 50 visible hours into this mod and I love it so far, but I've run into a bunch of bugs. I have them written down in two places, this is one of the lists:

Mog Knight's dissapear when they revive
Vampires Dissapear when they Drain and freeze when they teleport afterwards
Reaver's Can still become malboros ( I love this bug. *ahem* Feature)
Reaver's freeze if you use Mutiliate
Maitnence is Too Gud.
Knight Sword's don't work with maintenance ( tool tips say 1h, are they 2h now?)
Mediator's Dissapear if they use Guns
Archer's can't learn Concenrtrate
Theives have a dead ability on Cinquedea
Samurai Abilitys are kind of buggy.
Many weird tool tips ( this is prolly known >.>)
Reaver's can't seem to learn Shieldbearer from Round Shield

I'll post more as I find them. I love this game to bits, I had to abuse level 5 death to beat the first totema, it was nuts. The game has gotten much much easier since I've gained easy access to break. The Reaver is pretty bonkers and Im very glad that I rushed for him.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.923)
Post by: Eternal on May 02, 2014, 02:05:59 am
90% of those bugs have already been fixed. Thanks for reporting them though! What are you enjoying most/least?
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.923)
Post by: ArcticPrism on May 03, 2014, 11:04:35 am
What do you think could make Sniper Doubleshot worthwhile? It just does 0.5x + 0.5x damage which is worse than a regular attack considering you have to hit twice and you can just use Take Aim if you need the 100% hit at 0.5x. The only times I can think of that it could be used for is Damage > MP enemies which are extremely rare and something to hit enemies with strikeback, reflex etc if for some reason you don't have Beso Toxico or some other ability. What if it was made into 1x + 1x (double damage), given an mp cost, or some other drawback, and learned from a more rare bow? Or even 1x + 0.5x damage?
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.923)
Post by: Eternal on May 03, 2014, 06:19:18 pm
I have... plans for Doubleshot. I'll just leave it at that for now.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.923)
Post by: ArcticPrism on May 03, 2014, 08:12:32 pm

I'm not sure why that was so funny.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.923)
Post by: tonycancer on May 04, 2014, 07:00:12 am
its 4 am get ready for a wall of text:

Overall I just love the new difficulty. I've always loved this game, it was easy for me to loose 10 hours every time I hit new game. Beat the original 4~ times or so. I've really come to enjoy some of these bugs... I like that Maintenance gives Dual Swords to more races. and keeping Reaver with a single alternate form is a cool mechanic ( Something darker would be more appropriate though.) One thing I'd like to point out is how borring the Veira caster tree is. I love the new Red Mage but it still ends up playing second fiddle to summoner. I think Mog Knight and Soilder could use a little of Warrior's love. My Warrior was Great, no mater what bangaa job he went into he kept Greased Bolt, Downsize and First Aide and it was super useful. I'd also like to point out that early in the game I won almost all of my fights with Poison and Sleep, which was much faster than meleeing. Not sure if I was cheesing or if that was over powered. I spammed strong Lifebreaks too, but that felt rewarding due to the risks. So, being as I'm playing this on PSP I can't access all the mission items right and couldn't collect the mission items needed to do so right? Or is changing that already included in the patch? Oh, and how about some kind of in game event that refresh the bazaar? While getting some items from the shop was sorely needed ( getting the key steals) it would be fun to have more of it locked away. And perhaps build in some kind of reccomended area map, the treasure hunts are such an annoying mechanic.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.923)
Post by: Eternal on May 04, 2014, 09:26:03 am
Treasure Hunts have been mostly unaltered, but they may be re-examined and changed in the future. I really hate that mechanic, so I'm undecided on what to do about it.

Unfortunately for you, Maintenance is fixed now! A certain Moogle job may be getting Dual Wield soon though, perhaps Juggler. Sleep may need changed around a bit, but Poison is wholly intended to be a staple through your playthrough. I try to always place an emphasis on buffing and debuffing, and buffs/debuffs are well worth your MP to cast now.

Mog Knight will likely be getting a new ability or two in the near future, and Soldier might be getting two weapon/armor breaking skills. I'm undecided as of yet.

As for unlocking the multiplayer only mission item missions... I'm 90% sure that's something I can do. I'll open those up for the next update. :)
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.923)
Post by: Jumza on May 04, 2014, 10:57:20 am
Quote from: Eternal on May 04, 2014, 09:26:03 am
Unfortunately for you, Maintenance is fixed now!

\o/ yay! How did you finally manage to pull that off? :P
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.923)
Post by: Eternal on May 04, 2014, 09:09:23 pm
Jumza: Darth mislabeled something in AIO, IIRC. It's been a while.

FFTA GG .93 Anticipated Changelog:

-Maintenance has been fixed.

-Red Mage's Sleep has been replaced with Blind.

-Vampires have lost Drain and regained Drain Touch to fix the vanishing bug.

-The Multiplayer only missions are going to (hopefully) no longer require the unique items.

-Soldiers lose Combat Combo and Provoke and gain Aim: Armor and Aim: Weapon.

-Jugglers can now learn Dual Wield from the (rare) Mythril Knife.

-Mog Shield now also adds Regen.

-Mog Guard now adds Protect and Shell on the user as well as Defending.

-Malboro Morph has been temporarily removed from Reavers. I was going to replace it with Dragon Morph, being terrifying knights and all, but that isn't working well. In exchange, they now get Doom, which inflicts, well, Doom to an adjacent enemy. Reavers can now turn into Dragons.

-Reavers have lost Mutilate and gained Drain.

-Sages have lost Drain. They'll regain a large portion of their skillset in later updates.

-Red Mage now has improved MP Growth.

-Llednar has gained Maintenance.

-Most Samurai abilities now have 1 Range but 2 AoE, simulating an around-self AoE to prevent bugging. Likewise, Whirlwind and Swallowtail also have had this change made to them.

-Doubleshot now deals 2x damage at the cost of 20 MP, and now knocks an enemy back twice. Basically, if you try and use it with a melee weapon, it'll fail. It'll do 1x damage and knockback, but because of the knockback, the enemy will be out of range from the second attack, meaning you can't get an easy 2x damage out of it. Instead, you'll need to use a ranged weapon so that the second shot will still be within range. Most units also only have 3 Move, so this can really cripple enemies with low Move if focus-fired on them. Needs testing.

Am I missing anything else?
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.923)
Post by: tonycancer on May 05, 2014, 01:00:18 am
Those are some beautiful patch notes mate. Even if it means starting from scratch I am looking forward to dragons :D Perhaps with their dark identity a more evil transformation would be appropriate?

I love the Red Mages, I didn't find myself dual casting sleep with them too often as it was mana intensive. Blind is rather weak right now, I'd love to see Assasins or Snipers gains some kind of move that punishes status effects on the enemy.(Verias as a whole kind of lack identity right now) I should also note that I relied on bad breath pretty heavily in my playthrough, especially before Break became common. It was my first Blue Magic spell ( took forever to get Blue Magic which was a nice change of pace as I always rush it) and I got the Malboro Soul at the same time. I'm going to miss my Reaver. Nabakov was a saint. I really love this mod, though it'll be a few weeks before I start up again. Gotta figure out how to get Parted Ways on my psp haha
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.923)
Post by: ArcticPrism on May 05, 2014, 02:11:51 am
Quote from: Eternal on May 04, 2014, 09:09:23 pm

-The Multiplayer only missions are going to (hopefully) no longer require the unique items.

I thought linking doesn't work in Visual Boy Advance for Tactics? Is there some working way to do link trading/battles? Does it only work locally?
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.923)
Post by: Eternal on May 05, 2014, 09:04:30 am
To clarify, I mean the missions that require the Gold Vessel/Eldagusto/Vermillion, which can only be acquired by multiplayer. I'm also going to look into streamlining dispatch missions and making them all have the X Days condition instead of Defeat X Enemies, or X Battle count.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.923)
Post by: ArcticPrism on May 05, 2014, 10:30:45 am
Oh. I see. The change to dispatch mission sounds really cool. I hate having to waste all that good AP on characters I've recruited simply for defeat enemies, number of battles etc missions.

For Doubleshot, couldn't you make it require a bow to be cast? Like Doom Archer? You wouldn't need the knockback in that case.

Something else I just thought of. Since units in the game can't have inherent status immunities, what if you equipped monsters with things to make them immune? It would probably be tedious though, going through and equipping every red panther with a Scarab to make that monster class immune to immobilize, disable and frog. I suppose that would be a pretty ghetto and limited approach though. You could steal the accessory to remove the immunity unless you made monsters immune to steal(if they aren't already). Also, there are a pretty limited amount of items you could use and what they can be immune to is limited to the items.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.923)
Post by: Eternal on May 07, 2014, 05:55:57 pm
I looked into Dispatch missions and I sadly cannot change them- yet. That will be looked at in the near future.

As for Doubleshot, I like that idea and forgot that was an option, so I'll be using that. Thanks for the idea!

And no, I'm not changing monster immunities. It's way too tedious, and I'm not particularly concerned about them.

While tooltips cannot be easily changed right now, I'm putting together a master guide of what abilities do and what's in each skillset. Take a look here! (
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Eternal on May 07, 2014, 11:09:03 pm
And double post, but FFTA GG has been updated to 0.95. This is a rather large update that fixes a lot of issues (both bugs and balance issues) and should make the game a lot more enjoyable. Those looking for the Master Guide (which has all abilities documented save for Monster abilities at present) can look to the very first post in the topic. Enjoy!
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Eternal on May 28, 2014, 12:00:46 am
FFTA GG will be being updated to 0.96 very soon. I've almost finished the game, and I like how I hit level 50 right before the final battles. It feels so natural, haha. Anyways, I've fixed a bunch of small issues, namely animation bugs that can cause freezing.

Adrammelech has a slightly different skillset now because of those bugs, and Assassins now have Evil Gaze instead of Mokuton, which fits them a bit more thematically. Their version of EG costs no MP, but only has 3 range instead of 4 as it did previously. Naturally, Elementalists no longer will have access to it.

Mythril Weapons can now all be purchased late game and have proper pricing... though I'm not sure why anyone would want to buy them aside from the Mythril Dagger and Mythril Rod early game. Ethers will also have proper prices now.

Other miscellaneous bugs are also going to be fixed, as well as minor balance issues. I'm also writing up a small tip guide for people to take a glance at before they play to give them some tips on how to get through some of the more grueling battles, as some of them- I'm looking at you, Mateus- can be quite tricky.

EDIT: Almost there!

Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: ArcticPrism on May 28, 2014, 12:38:21 pm
Any plan to update the list of changes on the first page? It's quite outdated.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Eternal on June 17, 2014, 10:23:31 pm
Wow, I didn't notice your post, AP! Sorry! Yeah, it'll be updated.

Some things to look forward to with the next (huge) update (which will be out when Darth finishes his project):

-Fencers will be getting Stance skills to replace some of their more boring skills. This means that Fencers will be able to use a skill that boosts one stat and reduces another. For example, if you want a more damaging Fencer, you'll be able to use Bladework to improve ATK, but sacrifice DEF. If you want a tankier, more defensive Fencer at the cost of offense, you can use Footwork to improve DEF but sacrifice ATK. It's all about your playstyle. If you want to rush in and do sheer damage with your Rapier, Footwork is the Stance for you. If you prefer surviving and inflicting Poison and MP damage, Footwork is for you.

-Arcanists! Arcanists will be replacing Alchemists and are true Necromancers in the series. Arcanists can Zombify enemy units and then Turn them into temporary allies. They'll also be able to buff Undead units (giving you a reason to Zombify your own units), and other fun little perks. Although Reavers were once the almost-necromancer of FFTA, Reavers will be getting a proper Dark Knight-ish skillset.

-Sages will be acquiring a spell pool from several other jobs, such as the old Alchemist. They'll have a little bit of everything. Time Mages will be gaining Meteor, and Reavers will be gaining Rasp.

-The biggest thing: a new script and rewrite. This is what's going to make the update take a while, and is what will require Darth's new tools. My goal is to update everything in FFTA (such as terms, names, etc.) to FFXII canon. Things like the term Seam will be updated (to Rift), etc. Names will be left alone (with a few exceptions). Dialogue will also be updated and given a facelift.

-Last Meteor will be saying goodbye. :(
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Eternal on July 04, 2014, 02:13:44 am
Let the text updating begin!

Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Darthatron on July 04, 2014, 11:31:25 pm
Quote from: Eternal on July 04, 2014, 02:13:44 am
Let the text updating begin!

Looking good Eternal. :) Keep up the good work.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: rrs_kai on September 09, 2014, 05:49:48 am
Hello every one, I just wanted to share my experience with this game mod (am not a modder/hacker)
To start things off this was my first SRPG and first final fantasy game and I completed the game twice (including judge missions)

The things I liked in this mod:
-Elemental magick being varied adds a nice strategic balance rather than being copies of eachother (makes it meaningful to master all elements).
-Improved and balanced classes.
-Reduced AP cost. Reduces grinding for abilities a lot.

I have just completed mission [Thesis,Thesis] and here are the difficulties that i have encounterd:
-Enemy units always being the same or higher than my max level unit made levelling weaker units difficult.
-Reducing the max unit limit to 5 made me reluctunt to using new units and one of the starter units is still at Lv.1 (my human archer).
-Enemy clans having many abilities mastered seems like a psuedo-advantage over the player's party.
-Was it intentional to make 'Clan Dip' so end-game material? (they were my first encounter).

To append the above listed gripes, i have found a "minor tweak pack" on i will post the link if anyone can confirm that posting links to mods is legal.

The tweak changes the starting unit setup from [Black mage, Soldier, Monk, White mage and Archer] to [Bard/Animist, Archer, Warrior, Black mage, White mage] in that particular order, excluding Marche's class.
This is very similar to the starting party found in FFTA2 and makes sense in the that many changes were adopted from the sequel like ability changes, evade rates...etc;the exception being the moogle who's a Thief there.

-Montblanc has better stats to tank damage because he is sort of mandatory for battles like Thesis, Thesis. (He is also my team's MVP thanks to his good defences and 'lullluby'. Took me 50min to win Thesis Thesis).
-Soldier + Warrior is better than two soldiers because Bangaa races are interesting in this mod.
-Viera white mage has good mag.pow and is faster than No Mou.
-No Mou black mage has high mag.pow and is better than Mont blanc (both are slow).
-Human archer vs viera archer isn't that big of a change but monsters being stronger in this mod makes Hunter's with sidewinder a stronger choice IMO, although this depends on how fast you actually acquire the respective equipment for that ability.
-Since the unit lmit is 5 the above setup gives you one of each race to experiment with (leaving the archer).

All in all I find this mod very interesting and would to hear your opinion on changing the starting party to the aforementioned setup. Also looking forward to tool-tips being corrected.

P.S. I would gladly appreciate if you decide to make max units 6  :D. I always feel like i need one more unit but that's just me.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: rrs_kai on September 09, 2014, 09:28:28 am
i have found a bug playing update 0.95beta...the mog knight's ability 'moogle lance' is using current wp.atk power (variying with equipped weapon) whereas the move 'air render' is using a fixed number multiplier (somewhere around 24wp.atk)
is this intended to make the mog knight balanced, because its powerful.

on a side note, the game's difficulty feels much more managable (in a good way) thanks to clan wars (all i needed was a few levels and game became very balanced).
great mod
-I like the aggressive AI (archers don't run away after hitting they come at you).
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Eternal on September 09, 2014, 10:24:44 pm
Hey RRS, thanks for the posts, and welcome to FFH!

I'll begin by addressing the tweak patch: I'm familiar with it and have no problem with it, but I didn't alter the starting team because I like how balanced the starting jobs are to begin with. They each cover a niche that's useful in the early battles. I always considered changing up Warrior to Monk and Soldier to White Mage. It's not something I've given a lot of thought to though, honestly.

As far as the listed disadvantages are concerned, they're pretty valid. That said, raising weak allies becomes easier as more defensive skills are given to you. Protect, Shell, and Reflect are all very helpful. Enemies having more abilities than you is intended: it makes you look at battles differently than being able to just brute force them as you could in Vanilla FFTA.

Clan Dip is optional superboss material, as stated in the changelog, as reference to how terrible they were originally. Take 'em on for fame and glory! :P

Thanks for the feedback about Moogle Lance! I'll fix that ASAP!

And thanks for all the feedback- it's very helpful! Let me know how your playthrough goes! :)
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: rrs_kai on September 10, 2014, 01:08:15 pm
Glad i could be of help :)

The gameplay feels a lot smoother as units have more MP pool (currently Lv.8 party) to sustain protect/shell/cure/esuna.

Also the RES stat for Templar's(7.6->6.9) and Bishop's(7.6) feel low, in the vanilla FFTA Templar was a mage-bane class and having low RES seems to be defeating the purpose IMO. Do you find it viable to increase their RES by 1pt to both classes to compound the fact that they are the slowest bangaa.

I find this necessary because the moogle Mediator/Gadgeteer is high in DEF and highest in RES, very tanky for the slowest moogle (still faster than Bangaa) with decent attack and magick.

The moogles seem to the best tanks (my bard/animist is) and have managable speed. IMO this seems overpowered since all they do is buff/debuff (i am aiming for the Mediator class to make Montblanc the best tank). So, shouldn't the Bangaa should share the same trait being slower than moogles, and looking like big and powerful armoured lizards? (although they look closer to the horses with the headgear, also lizards have scaly skin).

Else maybe consider an increase Templar's HP stat to something like 7.2->8.6
This opinion maybe biased because I picture the Bangaa race as a high endurance class. Also I like his portrait and sprite alot (armoured horssse *ahem*  lizard).

I think the fencer is a lot better of a class (swallowtail's improvement is well thought-out). I think she need an upgradable class to move into.
+1 to the idea of footwork and baldework, this reminds me of Raptor or Ravager who also had Tenacity(power increases with debuffs) to combo it with.
Honestly its a great idea (incorporating the fencers battle stance) though I may not use it becaure the Bard's 'Rime' boosts all stats. Lowering your defence and waitng for a turn can turn out to be a risky measure (more costly than its worth IMO). Still great idea and adds homogenity to the classes nature.
Maybe something like Bladework->attack up and haste (or is it overpowered?)

on a side note, I like this mod's emphasis on defence because in the vanilla FFTA protect/shell were just an intermediary excuse until the player unlocks better classes from whreon the game becomes ruled by speed (Assassin).

P.S. The spellblade from FFTA2 is a great upgrade to fencer. Maybe the Gladiators elemental blades could be added to her skill set (they look so cool in FFTA but were terrible in FFTA2).

I found another bug.

I just liberated Giza Plains (dispatch) and then proceed to fight the 'White Flower' mission. All behaviour was proper.
Giza plains then got attacked. Now liberating the area the Lv.9 Antilion(blue) ran away used 'Lv.3 expose' on itself lowering its own stats (probably thinking of it as a buff).
Not sure if this happens only here because in 'White flower' there were 3 antilions (two Lv.9 one Lv.8) but none of them used that move.

-The Bard ran away and used 'Hide' to become invisible and then the game crashed. This is my first time seeing a Bard with that move in his skill set.
-Restarted the map and now there are 2 Antilions (Lv.8 and Lv.10) and one Jawbraker. The LV.10 Antilion used 'Lv.3 expose' on itself again.
-Completed the mission, this time the bard didn't use Hide.

My thoughts : this behaviour probably means that the AI is confusing this skill with some other buff skill because its not checking the level of the target (itself).

-Are the Antilions weak to Fire? I don't remember this in vanilla FFTA. I could be wrong.
-The ice shield now negates ice, neutral to lightning and is weak to fire. Is this an intended change or a bug?
-What does Earth heal do? Single target heal for 12MP that doesnt remove blind (this is my experience). What is it intended to do? The amount being healed is same as whats the advantage of using Earth heal?

Another bug

When encountering Sporhm Knights their monk cheered their fighter. Marche(DEF 214) used backdraft on the fighter and got counterd for 24dmg and the fighter lost his buff. When he normally hit Montblanc(DEF 215) he hit for 24dmg which means that counter neglected the cheer buff.
Can anyone verify this?

Overpowered ability (I hope its a bug)

The ability in question is Abosrb MP

When facing Clan Marble their Bard(with half MP) used haste on their Fencer and she absorbed 3MP. This could potentially mean that high MP healing skills/buffs can simply be used on allies for MP recovery.
I don't know how Absorb MP behaves in vanilla FFTA as I have not used it, I doubt it actually exists. I remember Green mages with this skill in FFTA2. I could be wrong here, if so correct me.

I cannot verify if this works on self-cast as I have no unit with this ability and that Fencer has no MP using skills that terget self.

Is this bugged or random skill? - Paeon

I see that it always shows +30 on tool tip and understood that it probably should be MP restoration. When targeting this skill it highlights only the selected character but when used the following happens:
-Once it restored zero to all units in 2AOE and cast reflect on affected units.
-Next time it restored zero to all units 2AOE and cast regen on affected units.
-Another time it damaged the closest enemy in the 2AOE and stopped (didnt affect others in AOE).
Was this skill supposed to just restore 30MP? It is not doing that.

I think its still using the AOE of skill:Friend and cast the effects of summons like carbuncle, kirin and some other damaging summon like Ifrit.

On a side note, I have 4 Bard skills, namely Paeon, Lulluby, Minnie and Rime. Among these Rime has a elevation limit of 3h, is this intended or just the limitation of previous skill (whatever it replaced). If so then consider making the elevation of all song skills the same (logic being distance how far the Bard's voice can be heard). Maybe even make it so as not to cross walls (same logic voice cant be heard through walls).

Also, how do i get the small text under the portrait which says the name of your class (like mediator)....i tried the dragoon, but it didn't show its name?
*edit* I got it, its personal text :)

I honestly hope that my posts are not rudely imposing anything/anyone and are being useful :oops:
(Excuse my ignorance of forum ethics).

On an entirely unrelated note to the game...what is more ethical?

1. To post every thought or bug in detail (which I think is helpful and reduces need for furthur clarificaiton).

2. Just list important stuff because you already know how they work (less clutter).

Should I even post my thoughts?

About the game
Here is how I am winning: The AI puts reviving allies at top priority (using phoenix down, life..etc) so taking him out means a great advantage. Even if there is an OHKO character nearby the CPU will always revive, I am using this to force the CPU to avoid KOing my weaker units.
Backdraft is powerful, never used in vanilla FFTA but here it does quite the damage. Turned Marche the white mage (on road to paladin) into a KO machine.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Jumza on September 10, 2014, 05:13:41 pm
Maybe edit your posts so that you aren't doing 6 posts in the same thread consecutively... In one day o.o Otherwise your random and thorough thoughts are great for helping the mod/game maker to understand whats going on :P
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Darthatron on September 10, 2014, 08:13:07 pm
Hey rrs_kai, I merged all of your posts. I appreciate your dedication to helping, but maybe try to keep it to one post every 12 hours (which you can edit as much as you like), so it doesn't get too cluttered.

Also feel free to join us on the IRC (; Eternal and I are both frequently online there, so it may be easier to sort out some bugs that way.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: rrs_kai on September 10, 2014, 11:07:57 pm
Thanks for merging the posts @Darthatron  :D

I have no clue on tech mod/hack...and am also new to forums in general (though i read a lot).

Also, how to IRC?
I will be available @ 19:00 (GMT+5:30)...if that helps
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Darthatron on September 10, 2014, 11:41:54 pm
Click this link and press "Go" and you will be connected to the IRC. :)

It's just a chat room with people from this site.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: rrs_kai on September 12, 2014, 01:44:05 am
A few more observations

-'Mug' bypasses reaction abilities
-Maintenance not working for NoMu (stole from Clan Dip's Sage)

-Shieldbearer (bronze shield) costs 200AP for soldier/warrior but 100AP for fencer
-Immunity (survival vest) costs 300AP for bluemage but 100AP for beastmaster
-Maintenance works fine for humans and moogles

-LV.3 expose seems to target most valid units (friend and foe) excuse my previous post on questioning its behaviour and calling it bugged.

-Chakra is single-target (with 1AOE range) and heals less just above 1/3rd (depending on mag.pow) that of first-aid(also no regen), just to remove a debuff.
In vanilla FFTA the paladin's nurse was better because of 1AOE heal+recover.
-Earth heal is single target 0AOE and costs 12MP but heals same as cure (8MP) with no added effect.

At the first totema fight. Also beat Clan Dip :) (party Lv.16)
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: SilverAuron on September 12, 2014, 02:06:19 pm
So, I have played this game for a while, wich in this case means 125+ hours of game play... Yeah...
So I have a lot to say, but i will start with,  I really like the general idea and how fresh and new it feels compared to vanilla.
That sayd I've found some bugs, along with quite a few things that I find very odd.
First the bugs, I hear some are already being fixed but I'm not sure so I'll poit them out anyways, also, I'm playng 0.95, so no old patches.
First, the no animation disappierence, it happens when a moogle knight uses revive, or a mediator uses a pistol, also when adramelek uses an ability, I don't remember wich one, or when an assassin uses mokuton, or a vampire reacts to damage with autoregen, on that note, it doesn't work, whenever it is triggered it is automatically reflected on a nearby unit, and if there is none near enough it crashes the game. When a unit desappiers that way there is a chance that the game  could randomly crash any moment after the bug.
Another bug is that some equipments display abilities that cannot be learned or are empty, so far I've found, drain for the sage (it's a raves skill now so alright but it is stil displaied on a energymace), the osafune skill, it is not even displayed in the learning abilities tab, and the ability without name in the aoneflute for the beast master, I stll havent tested what it does, and the 0 ap  ability named - in the cinqueda that some thiefs use to no effect but cannot be learned, also ravers can't  equip shields and for extension cannot learn shied bearer and the dragon and molboro souls both teach dragon morph, while genji armor and mithrill soul teach both weapon def+ .
The item prices thing you already know so ok.

Now on to the "odd" things.
First, why are combo abilities completely eraser bar for the auto-equipped one on marche, lunge combo and monk combo.  I feel like the combo sistem was very cool but even if you wanted to eliminate it than why live those two? Couldn't you live at least one per race?
Second, the totema are now almost completely useless, apart from the rare cases where  adramelek or mateus do decent damage, also why do they target every one now?
Why give classes that cannot lean aniting from them the ability to use some equipment, like the knives for the black mage. It just adds items to skroll...
I get that you like FFT, <I do too, but having to learn archer abilities to unlock the thief is stupit, it was in FFT too...
The mediator is beasically useless since you coul do every thing it does with other skillsets  and better at that. The same goes for the green mage, they both can be esely out done AND have nothing to add to theyr race, not that gadgetier where any goodd but still.
Also, ok it's more balanced to have powerfull abilities like dualwield and doublemagic early, but I'm at mission 23 ad still I  haven't seen them, but the enemies where using since very near the beginning. I've only been able to use double magic thanks to eldena, on that note, blind is not doublecastable even thou it is a red magic spell.
I also find quite jarring that ultima is so weak,  it does less than half the damage of gigaflare for 5 times the mp, why would I ever use it? Is it physycal based?
Talking about nu-mus the raver abilities are all kinda weak, i suspect they are magic based which would make no sense and all. Why are katana (the plural for katana is katana so PLEASE don't write katanaS) 2h? It makes no sense unles you make a dinstinction between the ninja/assassin ones and the samurai ones, because it would make dualwield unusable by a ninja, Oh yeah, dualwield doesn't work on moogles, i've tried it both mastered and not mastered, it just doesn't.
Last thing, making equipment become aviable via story could be good but ass it is now it's just frustrating because until mission 15 you only make mission aquired items and very basic equipments aviable, whise enemies have very powerfull ones, could I suggest to make the half way equipments at about misson 7?
Ok I'm done for now, and sorry for any mistakes I surely have done, also all my observations are just my thoughts don't take them as  statements.

EDIT: I forgot to ask if it was possible to have a chart with the stats growths of all the classes, it would help a lot!
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Eternal on September 12, 2014, 02:29:56 pm
Thanks, everyone, for your feedback! There's a lot to go over, so I'll try and take it one point at a time, please bear with me here.

RRS' posts:

-Templars already are getting an RES and HP boost in the next update, so I'm way ahead of you on that! :P

-The Bard's Rime skill is intended to be a late-game skill, so you won't have access to it when you're using Fencers. To that end, Rime- and the other Bard skills- are still being toyed around with, so it might not even exist in its current state later on.

-FFTA's AI is dumb. It used Lv. 3 Expose to debuff -your- party, but it didn't realize the tradeoff of affecting itself, too. The AI does this a lot, even though I minimized AI stupidity where I could. It does this with Roulette, too.

-Hide is one of many skills that are being given new animations to prevent crashing. Basically, certain abilities call certain animations that- as they were never intended to be on certain races- call sprite frames that don't exist, causing the unit's sprite to vanish and the game to crash. I try to catch as many of these as possible, but it's nearly impossible to catch them all, so I thank you for pointing these out!

-Most elemental absorption is gone from the player's hands, so yes, Ice Shield is acting as it should!

-Earth Heal heals HP, White Flame cures debuffs. All of these changes will be noted in-game soon, since we now have a text editor. Basically, I wanted to remove redundancy in the Elementalist's skillset between those two skills.

-Absorb MP also existed in Vanilla, but it mattered very little there since MP was restored each turn. It's actually one of the best Reactions in the game now because of the MP change. It's acting exactly how it should- it's just that more skills trigger it now. Absorb MP won't trigger if a caster uses a skill on itself, though.

-Paeon is supposed to restore MP, but for the life of me I can't figure out -why- it's not working. Your guess is actually a good one, and one I'd not thought of before. I'll have to do some tinkering with it. As for vertical tolerance, I agree that having a vertical limit is a good idea. I'll play around with that as well.

-Mug will be fixed in the next version. I already know about that one! :P

-Maintenance should also be (hopefully) fixed in the next version- I was also aware of that. It was pretending to be Dual Wield.

-Shieldbearer/Immunity are good-bad bugs. I'm aware of them, but I'm not sure if I want to fix them since it makes them more accessible to the jobs and races that actually need it.

-Chakra will hopefully restore MP soon, but I'm holding off until I figure out why Paeon is bugged.

-Backdraft is actually NERFED from Vanilla. That should give you an idea of how strong it was.

And please, keep posting your thoughts! They're greatly helpful! :D


-All the ability name on weapon bugs have been fixed already for the next update.

-The ultimate goal long-term is to turn Combos into Movement Abilities, but we haven't really crossed that road yet. We're just building the foundation, so to speak.

-Totema have been rebuffed for the next update and are quite useful again!

-Knives on Black Mages and Bows on Beastmasters were experiments to see if people would use them. Not only did they not use them, but it's buggy, so those have also been removed for the next update.

-Mediators and Green Mages are there because GG is a very buff and debuff oriented mod. Mediators add the much needed stat buffs/debuffs to the Moogle race, and Green Mages are the one source of AoE Haste and large-scale Protect/Shell, as well as the only source of Regen-casting in the game. They each fill a vital role that can't really be found elsewhere.

-Enemies will always be a little stronger than your party, otherwise it wouldn't be much of a challenge, especially given FFTA's AI. It gives you a taste of what to look forward to later! :P

-Ultima's MP cost is being revised for the next update, but it -should- be dealing more damage than Gigaflare. That said, Ultima has 2 AoE and ignores allies, meaning you can use it at will without worrying about injuring your party.

-Reavers are getting a new skillset. Eventually.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: SilverAuron on September 12, 2014, 06:07:45 pm
Well that was very informative.
so you intend to completely substituite the combo mecanic, bummer for me, because a liked it, but it's also very interesting to hear what you're planning to do with it, it also makes sense to delete them.

Talking about the orator, i will argue that moogles already have more than enough buff/debuff between bard(wich bar some minor details are awesome kudos to you for making the pretty lame animist actually usefull) gunner(long range blind, silence, weapon/armor break) AND juggler. Orator just feels redundant, it can buff but the bard does it better, it can debuff but you can put enemies to sleep with the bard too, also severely cripple them with poison berserk stop and confusion with juggler and even more with the gunner, again redundant. What moogles don't have right now is power, moogle knights have been nerfed, and black mage only has 3 elements, so, maybi a magic class with access to more elements would be more usefull for them, as well as weapon attack+ and/or magic pow+, since they are the only class to not have either, and yes dualwiled could be good balancing if it worked, but it would still do nothing for magic. For the green mage, large spectrum shell/protect is pretty useless since the max party capacity is at 5 you coul very esely put them in star formation and buff them with normal shell/protect, esunaga is kinda neat but if I remember correctly it belonged to sage so yeah, also regen is not so usefull, I mean, if you have it, great, but if not it changes little to nothing, also a lot of skills now give it to you very easely if not automatically (autoregen, even more so when it's a vampire that put's it on you). The only very good spell they have is hastega wich belogns better to time mages, so as statd befor, redundant, also by having them instead of illusionist nu-mu and hume have access to less elements (both lose dark and earth, hume also loses water and wind while nu mu lose holy), they also were the most powerful mages so there is also magic growth to lose here.

Taking about equipment tough, I didn't mean for you to pot, say, judge coat at the 7th battle, but to go against  units who use kikuichimonji and diamond grea when you only have access to bronze is not very fair, what I ment was that by the time you unlock  for example, iron armour and elm, you already won form quests and randoms at least adamant/diamond, wich makes them useless even befor you got them.Think about it, I have something like 20 very powerfull shield (stolen/won) but the shop still only sells up to round shield (mission 23 to be completed).  Again these are only MY thoughs but I hope that they at least help you as player feedback. Also you pretty masterfully dodged my question about thief and archer ;P.

EDIT: I also forgot to mention, that with the equipments aviable in the shop untill mission 15 you CANNOT unlock black mage fot the moogles, because they only sell one weapon that lets you learn a bard ability.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: rrs_kai on September 14, 2014, 09:50:19 pm
Quote from: Eternal on September 12, 2014, 02:29:56 pm
Thanks, everyone, for your feedback! There's a lot to go over, so I'll try and take it one point at a time, please bear with me here.
RRS' posts:

-Absorb MP also existed in Vanilla, but it mattered very little there since MP was restored each turn. It's actually one of the best Reactions in the game now because of the MP change. It's acting exactly how it should- it's just that more skills trigger it now. Absorb MP won't trigger if a caster uses a skill on itself, though.

-Backdraft is actually NERFED from Vanilla. That should give you an idea of how strong it was.

And please, keep posting your thoughts! They're greatly helpful! :D

-Absorb MP works on ally casts (Clan Dip's sage used raise and restored 75MP to their sumoner). Wonder how many races have access to this powerful reaction ability?
-Do bangaa's have access to Absorb MP....that would make Templars more of an anti-mage class (yes a Dota2 reference).

-Well backdraft only added fire element and no bonus damage in FFTA2, and yeah i did not use it in vanilla FFTA.

Quote from: Eternal on September 12, 2014, 02:29:56 pm
RRS' posts:

-Templars already are getting an RES and HP boost in the next update, so I'm way ahead of you on that! :P

-Yay, armoured lizards for the win :D (please do justice to their cool sprite and make them the tanks that the Bangaa race can take pride in).

-The only thing left is to give them access to 'Demon Fusion' from Disgaea 4 to make their sprite double the size :cool: (yes you will need shades to see them once that happens, their sanctity is too bright for normal LCD displays.....unless you are wearing shining armour yourself).

Quote from: SilverAuron on September 12, 2014, 06:07:45 pm
Taking about equipment tough, I didn't mean for you to pot, say, judge coat at the 7th battle, but to go against  units who use kikuichimonji and diamond grea when you only have access to bronze is not very fair, what I ment was that by the time you unlock  for example, iron armour and elm, you already won form quests and randoms at least adamant/diamond, wich makes them useless even befor you got them.

-I am in agreement with SilverAuron on this...battles last longer, classes have more prequisites, newer classes....maybe upgrading the shops after every Totema mission might work (i don't know how many upgrades there are).
-Also you could steal diamond gear from the Templar in Clan Dip (who are available from the beginning of clan wars).
-You can get more than one adamant armour this time?...from random battles?

Quote from: rrs_kai on September 10, 2014, 01:08:15 pm
Glad i could be of help :)

Another bug

When encountering Sporhm Knights their monk cheered their fighter. Marche(DEF 214) used backdraft on the fighter and got counterd for 24dmg and the fighter lost his buff. When he normally hit Montblanc(DEF 215) he hit for 24dmg which means that counter neglected the cheer buff.
Can anyone verify this?

I know its a self quote (is it fine to self quote?) but it has not been adressed, is cheer not applying on reaction abilities a bug?

Quote from: SilverAuron on September 12, 2014, 06:07:45 pm
What moogles don't have right now is power, moogle knights have been nerfed

-Also agree on this...the moogles dont have a physical attack class. Mogknights atk growth nerf from 8.8->8.3 is only 0.1pt above juggler and mediator(8.2). IMO the nerf was unnecessay, the moogle race needs atleast one physical atk class.
-Moogle lance got nerfed but so did Air-Render.
-On the contrary their defensive skills have been improved, Mog guard now imbunes shell+protect as well as defend status, Mog shield gives regen+astra, Mog peek range is upto 8, which now should reduce DEF and RES (I have yet to verify these as I need to obtain more mog knight equipment and use one).
I will update when I get to use these skills and find their behaviour as described.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: SilverAuron on September 15, 2014, 12:33:15 pm
Quote-You can get more than one adamant armour this time?...from random battles?

You could in vanilla too, so I'l assume you were talking about adamant (EDIT: looks like you did XD),no, I only have one BUT I still got it before unlocking plate mail in and iron armor in the shop, so yeah. Also It seems like clan dip tends to drop better equipment all around (got the 4 steal equop knives from them almost immediatly after unlocking clan wars).

Quote-The only thing left is to give them access to 'Demon Fusion' from Disgaea 4 to make their sprite double the size  (yes you will need shades to see them once that happens, their sanctity is too bright for normal LCD displays.....unless you are wearing shining armour yourself).

Forget the dislpays, PEOPLE wouldn't be able to witstand it!

Quote-On the contrary their defensive skills have been improved, Mog guard now imbunes shell+protect as well as defend status, Mog shield gives regen+astra, Mog peek range is upto 8, which now should reduce DEF and RES (I have yet to verify these as I need to obtain more mog knight equipment and use one).
I will update when I get to use these skills and find their behaviour as described.

As a matter of fact, yes they do, apart from mog peek that doesn't lower defences.

So I beat Remedy, and let me tell you Mr. Eternal, I'm torn between shouting at, or  kneeling before, you. She. Was. A. Bitch. But I could frog her AND the mateus with her for some reason °_°, don't know if bug or what, but that 10th try when I discovered this weakness was the only one were I stood a chance.
Any way I foud a couple more bugs, first usin ultima while having turbo MP equipped results in a freeze, probably it overflows the MP bit since it puts the displeyed cost to 254 (gigaflare and raise work perfectly at 100 and 150 respectively), I know you said you were planning to change the mp cost, but I thought that it coul be usefull to know.
Not really a bug, but remedy has her first A-ability set slot empty.
After using totema spells the toteme disappier and then freeze.
The shop sell remedy in two different spost directrly up and down of the phoenix down, but it only happens in the baguba shop.
Ultima is definetly physical since quin with 100~ more ATK does A LOT more damage than my magically inclined nu-mu.
Again, not a bug, but the megaflare ability you gave to the mateus hits everyone and looks like it does about the same damage than gigaflare, wich I find confusing °_°, but that's just me.

Now I would like to submit to you just a few random thoughts.
I was thinking that the samurai abilities would be a lot more usefull if they smart targeted, also since phoenix now only targets one character maybe it should cost less, like raise that is basically life but has a higher cost, also, is it possible to make azel babus and cid able to change job? Or make story characters dispatchable? Could you maybe take into account that the starting party could have a black or white mage hume? it Would add to the variety. And last, since mithril weapons will basically be useless why not give them some perk, like for example +1 jump and move, they ARE very light after all.

Ok, now that I said all that I can talk about wath I liked. First and formemost, freaking myrmidons AND bards! frog and debuff some one with you bard and the myrmidon will OHKO it! The expanded blumage arsenal! The now actually damaging ninja skills! Steal HP an MP! OSMOSE!! The differentiation of the elemental spells, GENIOUS!
The powered up mosters! FINALLY!!!
Event though it somehow resambles a lot the archer now, the "mustadio like" gunner is really cool.
Totema using themselves, if it was not for the  invisibility glich it would be awesome AND make a LOT of sense.
The much more balanced  fights, even though a 6 th party member would be much appeciated, it just feel odd to have a 6 member party at the start and only be able to use 5, I can see very well why tough.

Ok I'll shout my trap now, sorry for the rambling and the typos I defenitely made, sadly my keybord is unusable now and this one doesn't work very well, also english is not my first language.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Eternal on September 15, 2014, 09:06:35 pm
Just so you guys know, I've read your responses and haven't ignored you! I have a long-ish post in response, but I'm super busy until Wednesday night. I'll post my response then! :)
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: rrs_kai on September 16, 2014, 07:35:48 am
I have found a few more bugs, some rare ones as well. By rare I mean things that have only happened once (difficult to reproduce).

I want to test these rare bugs and so am in need of a SWORDBREAKER to learn steal:weapon.
Any ideas on obtaining this ASAP?
I just beat babus (an hour long battle) and have also unlocked the first tier of upgrades in the shop.....if that helps.

Ah, I got an idea...I'll test it with aim:weapon. Interestingly, discovered something just by typing a post; nice.
still steal:weapon would be convenient as it is more accurate.
also not interested in using gameshark and/or codebreaker or any cheats.

I tried using aim:weapon and failed in reproducing the one of the two bugs. The other one needed steal:armour and could be reproduced.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: SilverAuron on September 16, 2014, 09:19:20 am
Quote from: rrs_kai on September 16, 2014, 07:35:48 am
I want to test these rare bugs and so am in need of a SWORDBREAKER to learn steal:weapon.
Any ideas on obtaining this ASAP?
I just beat babus (an hour long battle) and have also unlocked the first tier of upgrades in the shop.....if that helps.

Either do story missions until you unlock them in shops OR fight clan dip and savestate/reload the last hit untill you get it.
You might need a few tries but you should get it pretty quickly. I got all 4 steal equip weapons (not immediately sold) from them as soon as they appeard on the map ;).
I don't know if the chances are the same for every random, but they seem, to me, to drop more awesome stuff more often.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: rrs_kai on September 16, 2014, 10:27:35 am
Quote from: SilverAuron on September 15, 2014, 12:33:15 pm
You could in vanilla too, so I'l assume you were talking about adamant (EDIT: looks like you did XD),no, I only have one BUT I still got it before unlocking plate mail in and iron armor in the shop, so yeah. Also It seems like clan dip tends to drop better equipment all around (got the 4 steal equop knives from them almost immediatly after unlocking clan wars).

By adamant I mean Adamant Amour (heavy armour) with 58DEF IIRC (the paladin in Clan Dip has one equipped) not Adaman Gear (clothing). In vanilla you could only get one, post game and it was the strongest armor bar the growth armour (Peytral).

Quote from: SilverAuron on September 16, 2014, 09:19:20 am
Either do story missions until you unlock them in shops OR fight clan dip and savestate/reload the last hit untill you get it.
You might need a few tries but you should get it pretty quickly. I got all 4 steal equip weapons (not immediately sold) from them as soon as they appeard on the map ;).
I don't know if the chances are the same for every random, but they seem, to me, to drop more awesome stuff more often.

Nice idea...though most of my drops were mithril weapons (claw, staff, saber).
I tried using aim:weapon and failed in reproducing one of the two bugs. The other one went well, needed steal:armour and could be reproduced.

Also I have taken screen shots to better present my posts and would like to know if its okay to attach around 10pics in the same post which makes the post very long.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: SilverAuron on September 16, 2014, 11:36:20 am
QuoteBy adamant I mean Adamant Amour (heavy armour) with 58DEF IIRC (the paladin in Clan Dip has one equipped) not Adaman Gear (clothing).

Yes I know but when I respoded originally, you wrote Diamond, enche the edit.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: rrs_kai on September 16, 2014, 09:42:38 pm
Quote from: SilverAuron on September 16, 2014, 11:36:20 am
Yes I know but when I respoded originally, you wrote Diamond, enche the edit.

I did not edit that sentance...I do remember typing adamant because diamond gear is not rare, but oh well.
Also nice idea on Clan Dip drops...this makes me wonder if their drops were the same in vanilla FFTA. I do remember obtaining a swordbreaker at Lv.7 from a clan battle.

On another note, FFTA:GG force levels your characters, just beat Adramelleah at Lv.38 (was probably Lv.20 in the original)
All I wanted was new weapons for newer classes, but at this rate my Montblanc may not become a Mediator as I need one more gun (shops only have two)...experimenting is not as rewarding as vanilla FFTA.

Sure FFTA is easy, but on my first playthrough (first srpg) I liked that most missions could be beat with almost any class combination...but first timers are not the target audience for mods, although my second playthrough was a breeze.
The job point mechanic in FFT solves this (removing the need for equiement) but can be abused to no limit.
The skill point mechanic in Tactics ogre psp maybe a more fitting alternative for it is not as easy to abuse.

How about making it so that there are 2 or 3 basic ability teaching equipment for every class right from the game beginning so that all classes can be unlocked at any point (I like that you added greatbows). My bangaa remained warrior for near 35levels, recently changed to dragoon to unlock templar. Its not that basic classes are inferior, far from it (warriors/bards/soldiers are much better now)...but having so many new classes and not being able to toy with them feels underwhelming.
Adding ability teaching equipment maybe not be as easy for some weapons teach skills to multiple classes.

Also can anyone tell me if attaching 10screen shots (240x160) is acceptable?
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Kaijyuu on September 16, 2014, 10:04:51 pm
Quote from: rrs_kai on September 16, 2014, 09:42:38 pmAlso can anyone tell me if attaching 10screen shots (240x160) is acceptable?

Stick them all up on imgur ( as an album and link to that.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: rrs_kai on September 18, 2014, 12:51:15 am
Quote from: Kaijyuu on September 16, 2014, 10:04:51 pm
Stick them all up on imgur ( as an album and link to that.

Thanks to Kaijyuu for imgur suggestion. Also I was waiting for your post Eternal since this may delay yours; but please post it. is the link to the album (zoom the web browser if the images are too small, they are 240x160).

Before starting this post I am requesting for the complete doccumentation of FFTA:GG which includes all changes made to moves, equipment, skills...etc. This makes testing behaviour of bugs easier. (the black robe bug took me nearly an hour to narrow down because I had discovered that Mirage vest also had a bug in the process).

Interesingly the same save state can be used for FFTA:GG and vanilla FFTA...which is how I am checking equipment bugs.

::: Bugs :::

-When samurai equips a katana he can't equip a shield even with shieldbearer. Are they 2H as Silver Auron said, because the ninja on Mission: Antilaws (Ezel) has two Murasame equipped.
-The 'katana:Osafune' shows a learnable skill for samurai but he does not learn it.
-Dragoons can't use lancet unless a lance is equipped (this was not the case in vanilla FFTA).
-The fighter in Clan:Banisa has 'Aim' secondary but doesn't know any Aim skills.
-The mediator skills change direction of target if successful. Marche (who already was slowed) was facing west and got inflicted with sleep changing direction to south. His turn came and speed got reset and he turned to his original direction i.e. west (still asleep).
-When gun equipped mediators use aim:arm/aim:legs they became invisible and game gets stuck waiting for the animation. Doesn't happen if they don't have a gun equipped.
-Fortune Ring should null sleep/doom but it also prevents slow.
-Mirage vest now halves lightning.
-Black robe which enhances elemental magic and also gives innate geomancy.
-Absorb MP works even when asleep, even if the target doesn't wake up (like poisoning after sleep).
-Last:Berserk isn't working (it shows the animation but target doesn't get berserked).
-Scream shows 50% accuracy although it always works.

Below are bugs for which images are available as [numbers] which indicate the image number in the album. is the link to the album  (zoom the web browser if the images are too small, they are 240x160).

Quote from: SilverAuron on September 15, 2014, 12:33:15 pm
Totema using themselves, if it was not for the  invisibility glich it would be awesome AND make a LOT of sense.

-I fought Famfirt and he used his 'Calamity' about freezes/invisibility there.
[1] Adrammelech dissappeared the 3rd time he used Flash arc (it had thundaga animation). He did not have a spell which imitates his 10JP totema skill.
[2,3] Whirlwind/Swallowtail's vertical tolerance during targeting does not match the tolerance of the actual move.
[4] Samurai skills use his MAG.POW and RES for damage calculation instead of WP.ATK and DEF.
[5] Samurai skills have infinite vertical tolerance.
[6,7] Mogknight dissapears after using revive. After that when he used moogle lance the animation never happened and the battle stuck there waiting for the damage calculation to happen.
[8] Mediator dissappears when using gun.
(help:aisenfield has 4 moogles. The mediator dissappeared after using a gun and mog knight dissappeared after using revive. The game proceeded smoothly and froze exactly after saying mission:cleared.........WHY NOW).
[8] Hit the same mediator using air blast with a mog knight in between and he did not counter even tough it highlighted COUNTER.
[9] Saving after (5 resets) finally clearing the mission (with invisible mediator) displays the save file with messed up text; it loads properly but the text does not go away.
[10,11,12] The last picture shows my bangaa's equipment and he did zero damage to the bomb, granade and firedrake. Can anyone tell me why because bombs/firedrakes are immune to fire and grenades are immune to ice. Also my equipment does not have elemental affinity (as of vanilla FFTA).
My guess for the above was bugged equipment; one ice-elemental and other fire-elemental (effectively nullifying all damge to bombs and grenades) but was proved wrong when I hit a character equipped with fire shield for non-zero damage.

::: Inconsistencies :::

-The elemantal spears now have the same attack power but their cost in the shops is not changed.
-I suspect that the above may also apply to the elemental blades (flametongue, airblade) but I don't have them unlocked (in the shop) yet.
-Although lightning and fire spells are 1 level weaker then ice spells, firaga is weaker than blizzara.
-The 'Satyr flute' has +1 move; in vanilla FFTA only growth equipment (from tourneys) gave movement bonus. Is this an intended change?

::: Rare bugs :::

Mission: Antilaws (Rescuing Ezel the first time)

-The samurai has secondary item. I stole his armour and he used draw weapon, and put away his sword as well. He keeps doing it every turn, never bringing out any weapon.I have never seen the AI put away items in vanilla FFTA, never knew it was possible (I know they requip).
I suspect this is happening because the original unit never had item secondary and hence doesn't have a virtual inventory mapped to bring out weapons from.
I tried reproducing this on other units using aim:weapon but didn't happen. So probably only that samurai didn't have a mapped virtual inventory.

-Using steal:armour on Clan Dip's templar steals only armour but his shield dissappears. Also happened to templar on the first encounter with babus (both had diamond armour and bolt shield). Does not happen when steal:shield is used.
Yes, this happens everytime I steal from Clan Dip's templar.
I cannot say if this only happens to templars because only they have diamond armour and bolt shield together. Also, it may not be dependant on the position of the item in the characters inventory as both the aforementioned templars have them equipped in different item slot positions. (Should've taken a picture of this on the second templar) Clan Dip uses slots 3&5 whereas the babus's templar used slots 2&3 (IIRC).

The templar's s-ability is Half MP, he needs Shieldbearer to equip a shield.

::: Thoughts :::

-Summons need more vertical tolerance, kirin has 1h and ifrit 2h tolerance. Summons avoid friendly fire (but kirin targets enemies) and are 100% accurate. How about removing vertical limit to alleviate their high MP cost (they do appear from the sky).
-The game feels much less rewarding to fight missions out of the main story. I was Lv.22 when fighting the first totema. I have unlocked the new classes long ago but didn't have equipment to learn new skills.
-Characters level up very quickly because enemies are always a level or two higher than the party. This makes me wonder if clans ever reach Lv.50 because in vanilla FFTA they stopped at Lv.48
-Is it possible to increase all missions that give 40AP->50AP and 80AP->100AP. This makes it much less time consuming to learn skills because 40AP out of 50AP means two battles anyway. The reduced AP costs are great, but grinding for abilities can lead to unexpected level gains (am currently Lv.45 doing Nono's Jagd missions).
-Will concentrate be nerfed? because it still gives the 20% boost to status moves. Wasn't this one of the reasons why assassins were overpowered in vanilla FFTA.
-Will damage spill be introduced for manashield.
-Evade rates being lowered is nice but things like twister (AOE HP halving) is powerful and accurate; thieves have no need for thief gloves or concentrate for most part.
-I know I've said this before but 'earth heal' (heals the same as cure but has no AOE and costs more) seems incompetant to 'cure' either MP cost reduction or power up (to cura level as its still single target) would be appreciated.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Eternal on September 18, 2014, 01:01:29 am
Sorry, the post is being delayed for about another day or so- things have been crazy today! Keep posting the bugs though, I'm going to use this topic as a reference for the next update!
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Darthatron on September 18, 2014, 05:50:27 am
Eternal, if you can compile a list of bugs which are my problem, I will get around to fixing them.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: rrs_kai on September 18, 2014, 11:12:10 am
Quote from: Eternal on September 18, 2014, 01:01:29 am
Sorry, the post is being delayed for about another day or so- things have been crazy today! Keep posting the bugs though, I'm going to use this topic as a reference for the next update!

I sincerely hope that I am not imposing on people to put more effort, for this mod and website are outcomes of free will and interest. Take your time sir, its for the better.

I registered here just to share my opinion and to congratulate your efforts and I found one bug. Never before have I found bugs or participated in forums so actively, but if listing bugs means contributing to the progress of this mod then its certainly better than sharing opinions because....well....opinions are opinions and are biased.

All in all what I want to say is that I want to see this mod get a 1.0 release and be a part of it.

Quote from: Darthatron on September 18, 2014, 05:50:27 am
Eternal, if you can compile a list of bugs which are my problem, I will get around to fixing them.

I do archive the list of bugs which I find...I can sort them and then post/PM them if you like.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Darthatron on September 18, 2014, 07:52:41 pm
No no. Eternal can make a list of bugs that require changing of code or other things he isn't capable of. A lot of these bugs are things that can be edited in AIO.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Eternal on September 20, 2014, 12:40:46 am
I'll try and condense this post as much as possible because you guys (thankfully!) posted so much!

-Available weaponry will likely be changed soon, simply because I noticed what you did, RRS, about early game skills being hard to learn for more advanced jobs.

-Katana are... weird. I'm not sure if I want them to be two-handed or not yet. I'm leaning towards two-handed with Knives being the Dual Wield option, but I'm undecided of yet.

-Osafune is an annoying bug that I've been trying to fix for ages now. It's being dealt with... eventually.

-Lancet's change was intentional. Lancet-ing with a weapon aside from a Spear is silly. It'll be learnt from a Spear in the next update with the text being changed as well.

-Clan Banisa error noted, will fix soon.

-No idea why the Mediator skills are doing what they're doing. I suspect it has to do with the animation of the skills themselves. No clue how to fix it, and it doesn't seem like a major problem, so it's not high on my priority list.

-Mediator Gun issues are known and are dealt with.

-Fortune Ring's text will be updated.

-Mirage Vest will be dealt with as well.

-Black Robe giving Innate: Geomancy... that's weird. No item in FFTA gives an innate ability. Do you mean it can still be learnt from it?

-Absorb MP has always been like that, for whatever reason. Blame Square code monkeys. :P

-I think Last Berserk takes a look at a certain skill slot to reference what skill is used on the user. I don't know what it references right now, but I'll check it out.

-Scream is how it is because Berserk is (technically) a debuff- and is therefore at 50% accuracy inherently, but the formula for the skill makes it always hit. I'm not sure how best to approach that particular issue.

-Adrammelech sprite bug is known already. It's frustrating since his frames are so limited, meaning I can't give him any Thunder abilities. :(

-What do you mean about Whirlwind/Swallowtail?

-Infinite vert was intended on Samurai skills. Considering how otherwise weak they are, I wanted to give them something to stand out.

-Mog Knight sprite bug is also known.

-I'm guessing the sprite bug (somehow) disabled his Reaction. *shrug*

-No idea about the load screen error, but that's really concerning. Maybe an emulator bug? Darth may know more about it than I.

-Ancient Sword is Earth Elemental, and Bombs are floating, which is represented by Immune: Earth in-game.

-Elemental Spears will be fixed.

-Fire is technically the weakest element in terms of Power. Always has been in GG, likely always will be simply because it has such a large AoE. I might buff it slightly, but it doesn't sound like an error to me, anyways.

-Satyr Flute got +1 Move with one of the very first versions of GG, so that's intended. Again, this will all be included when I change all the text. :)

-I'm familiar with the Draw Weapon bug, and because I changed roster items so much, it's a pain in the ass to fix. Likely I'll just remove Draw Weapon from enemy hands.

-I'd say being 100% accurate and having smart targetting is more than benefit enough for Summons. They already have a ton of AoE on top of that, too.

-I don't know why you're at such a high level. I'm in my current playthrough at the final boss at level 48, unless you're grinding a ton. I know what you mean about reducing the AP costs by 10, though.

-Concentrate is fine as it is now, IMO. That was nerfed, as was many of the Assassin abilities.

-Damage spill is no longer needed for Manashield since MP doesn't regenerate each turn.

-Stealing an enemy's gear is hugely crippling, and Thieves Gloves make them downright overpowered, IMO. Try it out sometime- Thieves are downright gamebreaking as they are now. Especially with Steal HP.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: rrs_kai on September 20, 2014, 06:07:50 am
I've used the AIO (its awesome Darthatron) and can better explain my posts

Quote from: Eternal on September 20, 2014, 12:40:46 am
-Black Robe giving Innate: Geomancy... that's weird. No item in FFTA gives an innate ability. Do you mean it can still be learnt from it?

When a character equips blackrobe they act as if they have geomancy skill equipped....i.e. making antilions weak to all elements insted of only fire, being able to damage fire shield equipped units with fire spells...etc.
It does not teach geomancy.
this together with MOGPOW+(equipped s.ability) my blackmage can OHKO low RES characters and 2HKO most of the game with blizzara.
monsters are best dealt with status effects IMO

Quote from: Eternal on September 20, 2014, 12:40:46 am
-Fire is technically the weakest element in terms of Power. Always has been in GG, likely always will be simply because it has such a large AoE. I might buff it slightly, but it doesn't sound like an error to me, anyways.

-ara spells have 40pow and -aga spells have 50pow in vanilla FFTA
I expected firaga to have 40pow (equal to blizzara) but its 37pow

Quote from: Eternal on September 20, 2014, 12:40:46 am
Adrammelech sprite bug is known already. It's frustrating since his frames are so limited, meaning I can't give him any Thunder abilities. :(

What do you mean by "cant give him any thunder abilities"??? His skillset shows Thundaga and Flash arc, though he didnt use thundaga.

Quote from: Eternal on September 20, 2014, 12:40:46 am
Thieves are downright gamebreaking as they are now. Especially with Steal HP.

Yup. They were and still are.

Quote from: Eternal on September 20, 2014, 12:40:46 am
Stealing an enemy's gear is hugely crippling, and Thieves Gloves make them downright overpowered, IMO.

The reduced evade rates mean that one can steal from most characters at 80% accuracy from the front. Thief gloves (if they worked) are plain overkill.

Quote from: Eternal on September 20, 2014, 12:40:46 am
-What do you mean about Whirlwind/Swallowtail?

Below is the AIO of whirlwind (its the same for swallowtail). Notice that whirlwind damages the elementalist 9h below but does not damage marche who is beside him, you shouldn't be able to target her in the first place.

I am posting this here since the AIO 0.7 thread is old and Darthatron is the moderator here (is there any active thread where I can post this?)
1)Can skill names be changed in the AIO? if so how?
2)Can you also edit the skill descriptions from the AIO? or is there any other program which Eternal was referring to as "this requires use of Darthatron's new tools" that can be used for the editing descriptions
Is there any documentation/wiki where I can read about the AIO and other tools?...I only found FFT and FFTA2 on this sites wiki
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Darthatron on September 21, 2014, 10:43:47 am
Quote from: rrs_kai on September 20, 2014, 06:07:50 amI am posting this here since the AIO 0.7 thread is old and Darthatron is the moderator here (is there any active thread where I can post this?)
1)Can skill names be changed in the AIO? if so how?
2)Can you also edit the skill descriptions from the AIO? or is there any other program which Eternal was referring to as "this requires use of Darthatron's new tools" that can be used for the editing descriptions
Is there any documentation/wiki where I can read about the AIO and other tools?...I only found FFT and FFTA2 on this sites wiki

Eternal is using the new version of AIO which is full of bugs and breaking ROMs. It will be released to the public ASAP. I recoded the whole thing so a lot is missing and a lot is broken. Text editing is (somewhat) functional.

There's a lot of info on the ROM on this wiki:
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: rrs_kai on September 21, 2014, 03:16:30 pm
Quote from: Darthatron on September 21, 2014, 10:43:47 am
Eternal is using the new version of AIO which is full of bugs and breaking ROMs. It will be released to the public ASAP. I recoded the whole thing so a lot is missing and a lot is broken. Text editing is (somewhat) functional.

There's a lot of info on the ROM on this wiki:

I am using AIO version have done a great job on this.
Does this version support skill name changes like FFTA:GG has in it (like how sleep-> lulluby).

On a side note, to make patches you use a patching software like LunarIPS and use the clean-ROM and modded-ROM to obtain the patch. Is this the proper way of doing it?
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: bcrobert on September 22, 2014, 01:43:14 am
1. The new version of AIO that Darth is working on will support text editing. The public version does not. Eternal is basically the guinea pig for this new feature. :P

2. That's correct. LunarIPS does create patches. Simply click "Create IPS Patch", select the original/vanilla ROM, then the ROM you've edited (your hack), and it will create a .ips patch for other users to use on their ROMs.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: rrs_kai on September 25, 2014, 03:34:56 am
Quote from: rrs_kai on September 18, 2014, 12:51:15 am
::: Rare bugs :::
-Using steal:armour on Clan Dip's templar steals only armour but his shield dissappears. Also happened to templar on the first encounter with babus (both had diamond armour and bolt shield). Does not happen when steal:shield is used.

I found out why this happens, the templars s-ability is Half MP, he needs Shieldbearer to equip a shield.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: vc on October 05, 2014, 07:53:36 am
How's this coming along?
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Eternal on October 05, 2014, 04:05:39 pm
Progress is coming along very smoothly! Just waiting for Darth to release the overhaul of his editor. :)
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Kerafyrm Six on October 11, 2014, 01:53:16 pm
I was wondering if you were still working on this >,< its been quiet some time sense i first heard about Grim but its good that you are :P
i've tried working on stuff many times but something is always blocking and stopping me lol i  mean i've restarted countless times already but i keep coming back for more

As for dat tool Dar has been working on, still amazing as ever
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Eternal on October 12, 2014, 04:32:49 pm
Yeah, FFTA GG will always be my baby, meaning it's always being worked on and tinkered with, so you needn't fear there! :P
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Darthatron on October 12, 2014, 06:25:29 pm
Soon people will be calling me Da.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Kerafyrm Six on October 13, 2014, 11:00:55 am
your hack as come pretty far from what it was back then. taken a long time but that's normal sense i don't have a time machine

Lol well after whats next just a plain D i would have said Darth but felt lazy which is probably why its slowly getting short but don't worry i think Dar is as short as its going to get

Oh off topic for a sec gratz on your SSBB PM work, really amazing. i think the turbo was your work right huh
Always a fan of your work lol
anyway i thought id tell you in person sense you're here and all

okay i'm done :P
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: rrs_kai on November 20, 2014, 11:43:11 am
You may find this useful Eternal

Quote from: Eternal on September 12, 2014, 02:29:56 pm
-Paeon is supposed to restore MP, but for the life of me I can't figure out -why- it's not working. Your guess is actually a good one, and one I'd not thought of before. I'll have to do some tinkering with it.

I used bcrobert's nightmare modules to edit cure's healing formula at 0xA08 to the following:

-1- changed damage value to 0x21 (max MP damage cap) and it restores MP based on MAG
-2- changed damage value to 0x2 (fixed 30) and it restores 30 MP

(  (


I tested healing MP with byte 0x24 heal 80MP and it doesn't work in FFTA:GG but worked fine in FFTA:DE, but the game crashed later for I don't what reason (what comes to mind is that probably 0x24 heal 80MP is linked with consuming an item which I did not possess during the test)
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Eternal on November 23, 2014, 07:24:47 pm
Very nice, thanks for your hard work! (Yes, GG is still alive. It's my winter project, so progress will be continuing more earnestly soon!)
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Shintroy on December 04, 2014, 12:42:44 am

My Samurai used Whirlwind on a Mediator with a gun and counter. The Moogle counters then turns invisible.
A second bug happens when the same mediator Moogle uses a certain ability. Crashes the game and turns him invisible as well.
Mediator used Aim Legs this time. Froze the game. Trying to beat this Save X Fight without him acting.
Update. If the mediator uses any talk skills on his allies they turn invisible as well. The fight only freezes when the mediator uses aim legs. Beating the fight crashes the game. Unable to load the map.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: rrs_kai on December 06, 2014, 01:26:02 am
Quote from: Eternal on September 20, 2014, 12:40:46 am
-Mog Knight sprite bug is also known.

Since Bards are using "Raise's" animation for Lifesong (which is not bugged except for the fact that the target does the damage animation-bending instead of lifting hands) why not use it for Mogknight's revive.
Its animation number is 14.

Quote from: Shintroy on December 04, 2014, 12:42:44 am
Mediator used Aim Legs this time. Froze the game. Trying to beat this Save X Fight without him acting.

That map is annoying to complete without getting bugged. My best bet was breaking the mediator's weapon and taking out the Mogknight first so that he doesn't use revive.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Eternal on December 06, 2014, 07:33:55 pm
Many of those bugs have been removed in the upcoming update for GG. I'm still dealing with quite a few internal errors but they're being sorted out one by one. In a perfect world, GG 1.0 will be the next release, acting as a stable base for future updates, but I don't want to commit to that big of an update just yet. I can promise that upcoming releases will be far more stable than 0.95 though! :)
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Eternal on December 16, 2014, 01:45:18 am
Just a very small screenshot of an example of the fixed law system that will be implemented into the next update. Fret not, an Anarchy version without laws will be released later as well!

Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: rrs_kai on December 16, 2014, 11:04:44 am
Quote from: Eternal on December 16, 2014, 01:45:18 am
Just a very small screenshot of an example of the fixed law system that will be implemented into the next update. Fret not, an Anarchy version without laws will be released later as well!


I had the exact same idea for a better law system.

Isn't Damage>100 a dummy?
How did you get the fixed law system to work Eternal? I tried using Nightmare1 but it didn't work in my test.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Eternal on December 16, 2014, 08:28:58 pm
It's a dummied law, but it actually works exactly as intended. The only laws that don't are laws that multiple people at one time could potentially break- this leads to the game crashing.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: bcrobert on December 16, 2014, 08:55:46 pm
rrs_kai, you need to apply a patch called "fixed laws.ips" before editing that structure. The structure that the module edits doesn't even exist until AFTER you apply the patch.

If you have my pack of Nightmare modules you already have the patch you need. Search the folder called "Darth's fixed law system" and apply it. This adds an ASM hack to the game that points to the newly created structure. (Otherwise how would the game know it's supposed to have fixed laws?)
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: rrs_kai on December 17, 2014, 10:45:36 am
Quote from: bcrobert on December 16, 2014, 08:55:46 pm
rrs_kai, you need to apply a patch called "fixed laws.ips" before editing that structure. The structure that the module edits doesn't even exist until AFTER you apply the patch.

My test failed. I applied the patch after editing (which effectively means that nothing not changed).
Since that failed I moved onto editing mission items.
Thanks, I will test again.

Quote from: bcrobert on December 16, 2014, 08:55:46 pm
This adds an ASM hack to the game that points to the newly created structure. (Otherwise how would the game know it's supposed to have fixed laws?)

I remembered that "Law Cards Forbidden" existed for every tourney battle, so I thought it could be extended to others.
Now I undersand that the mission itself needs to be programmed to have that facility.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: bcrobert on December 18, 2014, 01:47:44 am
Guess my suspicion was right then. All of your changes were probably overwritten with blank data when the structure was added to the game. Better luck next time. :/
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Ethereal Embrace on December 18, 2014, 11:13:28 am
I must say, this hack looks quite amazing. I very much like the ideas for the new classes.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Eternal on December 18, 2014, 11:10:18 pm
It's taking a while for 1.0 to be released because I'm completely redoing the item and law system, by the by. Most items will be far more interesting now (at least, within FFTA's very limited item scope...) and many jobs will be able to pick between different weapons that can boost various aspects of that job. Just to give a very brief example from end-game Rapiers...

Steal from the Elementalist in "Materite Now!"
Boost: Dark, Earth, Water

Complete "For a Song"
(+12 MAG)

Gupti Aga:
Steal from the Fencer in "Brown Rabbits"   
2 Range

Complete "Old Friends"   
(+12 ATK)

Aerial Hole:
Complete "One More Time"
(+10 SPD)

Last Letter:   
Complete "Cursed Bride"
(30% EVD)

Femme Fatale:
Initial gear on Ritz
(+1 Move)

Basically, jobs will have a bit more flexibility in terms of gear, because different gear will boost different parts of a job. Items will also not be won randomly after fights. You'll win healing items, sure, but gear will now have to be bought, stolen, or directly won from certain missions.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: rrs_kai on December 20, 2014, 09:44:15 am
Since next relaese is a possible 1.0 I started playing to find any more shortcomings.

Meteorite is too strong.

I went to 'Souring Time' with an Excalibur on Marche only to be baffeled by Babus's Mistle robe and exodus absorbing holy.
The second time I went with a Sun Blade and to my surprise it is also holy-elemental O.o

I hope the text-editing is going well....the sole reason I scrapped half of my ideas.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Marche on December 20, 2014, 11:13:38 am
Hi would there be issues if I play using the 0.95 saves in the 1.0 patch? Im having a blast with your mod btw thank you!
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: rrs_kai on December 20, 2014, 12:26:46 pm
Quote from: Marche on December 20, 2014, 11:13:38 am
Hi would there be issues if I play using the 0.95 saves in the 1.0 patch? Im having a blast with your mod btw thank you!

If you are using save states then no.

Your character stats, equipment and money will carry over if you use save states. Even if the stat growth of a particular class got changed it only reflect on your characters when you level up from now onwards.
Eternal did mention a RES and HP boost to the templars (they currently have higher MAG than RES) so you may want to look forward to that.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Eternal on December 20, 2014, 01:25:25 pm
Welcome to FFH, Marche! I would advise starting a new hard save with 1.0, because many things have been changed. Laws are set, many old items have been completely revamped, some missions have been altered, etc. Luckily, from 1.0 on, you won't ever need to start a new save again.

Yes, RRS, Excalibur has always been Holy Elemental, and Mistile Robe has always Absorbed Holy. Sun Blade is also Holy Elemental in GG. In fact, most Blades and Greatbows are becoming elemental, with the player needing to swap them out for certain battles as needed.

Meteorite is probably strong because the Fairy had Mag Pwr+ equipped. Otherwise it's just an annoyance, IMO.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: rrs_kai on December 20, 2014, 10:47:46 pm
Quote from: Eternal on December 20, 2014, 01:25:25 pm
Yes, RRS, Excalibur has always been Holy Elemental, and Mistile Robe has always Absorbed Holy. Sun Blade is also Holy Elemental in GG. In fact, most Blades and Greatbows are becoming elemental, with the player needing to swap them out for certain battles as needed.

I only meant that if the item description would mention this then it would be good (for sun blade), because there is no other place to get that informantion.

Finished scouring time and unlocked the 3rd tier of shop upgrades

-Mythril brand, rapier, knife, soul, and gun are sold for 1gil but sell for 2000gil
-Snake staff is sold for 1gil but sells for 600gil
-Mythril staff is sold for 3400 gil and sells for 2000gil
-Body slam is 100AP for fighter but 150AP for Warrior
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Marche on December 21, 2014, 12:46:41 am
It would be great if theres an item guide for GG that would help a lot and lessen confusion.. Also is it normal for some items to have glitchy skills. For example one of the blades like Laglace Sword can teach Aim: vitals which is placed at the combo abilities? I noticed it and its kinda weird.. Is it put there on purpose or is there no effect whatsoever in terms of gameplay?
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: bcrobert on December 21, 2014, 01:41:45 am
Quote from: rrs_kai on December 20, 2014, 10:47:46 pm
-Mythril brand, rapier, knife, soul, and gun are sold for 1gil but sell for 2000gil

Shhh! You're ruining the cheats! :P
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: bearbrik on December 22, 2014, 02:03:10 am
first time poster here. loving this hack so far, so i wanted to make an account and contribute on anything i found while i played.

only at Koringwood so far and the only bug i've encountered is my hume blackmage becoming invisible when he attacks with a knife. i assume this is due to missing animations of him using the knife.

i will post as i keep finding things. However, i am just playing though the game, not actively looking for bugs.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Eternal on December 25, 2014, 06:15:15 pm
Thank you all for your kind words. FFTA GG 1.0 will be released with any luck in January. It may also have a new name, something a little more reflective of what an overhaul the mod is, as opposed to how it was before, which was just a hardtype.

I'm aware of all the animation bugs, and those have all been "fixed" in the sense that those jobs can no longer use those weapons, since there are no animation frames for them. That said, many jobs will receive a wider variety of gear, though learnable skills will remain on the job's dominant weapon type. For example, White Mages can use Staves to either boost their magic, or they can opt to use a Mace to deal more sheer damage for when they're not healing/buffing.

I'm currently in the middle of text editing all of the changes to FFTA's weaponry, and I'm roughly 1/3 done with that part of it. Descriptions are a little more concise now, and detail a weapon's stat boosts and other affinities. That said, if a weapon just has more ATK than another, that won't be in the description. There will be a few references to other FFs in the descriptions, as well as many references to the other Ivalice games. For example, all Guns have been renamed to their FFXII names.

Every single battle in the game now has set Laws which both sides (except for bosses and all enemies in the Corrupt Judges arc) must abide by. There are many puzzle battles now that are themed around those Laws. Further, one battle in the game requires creative manipulation of Laws to win. Brute force will not avail you in some of these fights.

Items (aside from usable items) will no longer be given as random mission rewards. Every item can either be bought, stolen, won, or acquired through clan level ups. This is actually to the player's benefit, as each item can now be acquired a little bit more easily when they know what they want.

Moogles can Dual Wield. Moogles can Dual Wield Guns. Kupo.

The issue with items that don't normally teach abilities displaying as teaching an ability is a result of an issue with Darth's editor. It's known and is not fixable at present, but it's harmless. Just a little annoying.

All items have correct pricing, and items in general are overall more pricy, and sell for far less. Items have three tiers: 1500 Gil, 5000 Gil, and 10000 Gil. Spend your Gil wisely (or just do missions...)!

Body Slam's AP will also be fixed.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Marche on December 25, 2014, 07:20:45 pm
Is dual wield weapons exclusive to the moogles?
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Eternal on December 25, 2014, 08:38:50 pm
No, Hume Ninja can still Dual Wield as well. Moogles will be the only ones able to Dual Wield ranged weapons, however.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Marche on December 26, 2014, 05:23:00 am
I see thats cool I have a picture in my head where moogles are really evil gunslinging kupos.. O.o
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Eternal on December 26, 2014, 05:43:16 pm
New to FFTA GG... Limit Breaks! Limits are Combos, basically, but with a twist. The original six Clan Nutsy members have Limits/Combos that have 100% chance to chain, meaning that they're quite a bit stronger than generic members, who get their own Limit/Combo. For example, Montblanc's Limit- Centurion- is more likely to chain a Combo than a generic Moogle's limit- Kupocalypse. Using Limits to finish off foes and chaining them together is very helpful.


Also new to FFTA, three clans from A2 now appear as random battles. Clan Cinqueleur colors the battlefield red! Khamja assassinates the competition! Duelhorn invades the realm! (Pretend those were in Super Smash Brothers voices.)

Further, many Rumors are going to be rewritten to expand the world a little and explain some things that aren't clearly explained in-game already.

Also, just about every bug mentioned in this thread has been fixed today! :)

EDIT: Yes Blanky, that means you now have a reason to keep Montblanc.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Marche on December 26, 2014, 09:25:46 pm
Hmm can you also customize the name of the starting members so we dont get a random one? That would set them apart from the generic characters in a good way..
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Eternal on December 26, 2014, 09:32:46 pm
That's in the works. Fun fact: in the Japanese version, each starting unit had a set name (and those names were carried over to Clan Centurio in FFXII), but the NA version changes that. I'd love to restore their names.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Marche on December 26, 2014, 11:36:01 pm
I see thats awesome then hehe.. can you also make custom events or is that difficult?
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Eternal on December 26, 2014, 11:37:11 pm
Event editing is way out of my league for now. I think Darth knows how to do it, but I've very little interest in editing events (aside from perhaps dialog) at this point.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Marche on December 27, 2014, 01:21:37 am
Would you also be making limit breaks for the antagonists?
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: bearbrik on December 27, 2014, 01:42:08 am
that sounds great, i am having a blast playing .95 right now, but am totally willing to start a new game with all the changes you have mentioned.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Shintroy on December 27, 2014, 01:54:52 am
January eh?

Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: rrs_kai on December 27, 2014, 01:44:22 pm
Quote from: Eternal on December 26, 2014, 05:43:16 pm
Also, just about every bug mentioned in this thread has been fixed today! :)

So good to hear that, I hope atleast one of my posts has been useful. They're known to be long, detailed and bland.

Nice ideas and skill names :).
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Eternal on December 27, 2014, 06:47:33 pm
@Marche: As much as I would love that, I don't think the AI will ever use Combos. That said, I'm not sure how I'd even go about forcing them onto enemy skillsets in AIO. I am, however, looking into giving Ritz, Shara, Lini, Littlevili, Quin, et. al Limits. Babus, Ezel, and Cid as well, assuming their sprites won't bug, which I assume they will glitch out.

@RRS: I may not respond to every post, but I do read them all and acknowledge them! Long, detailed, and bland posts are what I need to make this project a success, so you're very much a part of it!


The following Limits will be available to the following characters. Units with a (!) next to their names are I can get the special recruit abilities to be set. That's something I'll need to discuss with Blanky/Darth. Units with a (?) next to their names means I need to test to see if they'll use their Limits correctly/without bugs.

Marche: Dream's End
Montblanc: Centurion
Ritz: Snowpetal
Shara: Artemis Moon

Babus(?): Northswain
Ezel(?): Anarchy
Cid(?): Judgement
Llednar(?): Omega Drive
Remedi(?): World Thread

Quin(!): Quickening
Cheney(!): White Whorl
Pallanza(!): Bloodlust
Littlevili(!): Feral Strike
Lini(!): Gallant Gaol

Nutsy Hume: Army of One
Nutsy Nu Mou: Ars Arcanum
Nutsy Bangaa: Omnistrike
Nutsy Viera: Wood Warden

Generic Hume: Strike Raid
Generic Nu Mou: Spellweaver
Generic Moogle: Kupocalypse
Generic Viera: Engagement
Generic Bangaa: Terminus Est
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: rrs_kai on December 28, 2014, 12:26:33 am
Quote from: Eternal on December 27, 2014, 06:47:33 pm
@RRS: I may not respond to every post, but I do read them all and acknowledge them! Long, detailed, and bland posts are what I need to make this project a success, so you're very much a part of it!

Yay :D
I want to know what was wrong with black robe.

Quote from: Eternal on December 27, 2014, 06:47:33 pm
The following Limits will be available to the following characters. Units with a (!) next to their names are I can get the special recruit abilities to be set. That's something I'll need to discuss with Blanky/Darth. Units with a (?) next to their names means I need to test to see if they'll use their Limits correctly/without bugs.

Nice names again, so fitting.
I vote for changing Quin's limit to something more awesome like sanctus burst, or arcane edict, or ancient flare, or something else :P.

I understand how combos work in this game. What I dont understand is how you were able to give a skill to a specific character and not the generic class.
I would like Marche to have judge sword (a-ability not combo).
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: bcrobert on December 28, 2014, 01:37:18 am
Quote from: Eternal on December 27, 2014, 06:47:33 pm
That's something I'll need to discuss with my mom.

Fixed. Iirc the abilities that are pre-mastered for those characters are in their recruitment tables, not the unit data. Check for the recruitment structure and the semi-secret characters should be the ones at the very, very bottom of the structure. (I think.)

One of my modules already edits that structure, but I don't remember if I included the ability bytes in the module or not. I probably did, cuz I'm cool like that. If you can't find C-abilities in the module you can:

(A) edit the module to fix that
(B) use the ROM map in my notes to get the address for the recruitment tables
(C) analyze the .nmm I mentioned for that same address in (B)

Good luck! This is the second busiest part of my year, so I absolutely refuse to go through my notes for you right now. :P
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: bearbrik on December 28, 2014, 01:41:12 am
Hey there, i managed to get dual wield on one of my moogle jugglers, but i cant actually equip 2 knives, is there something i am missing?
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: bcrobert on December 28, 2014, 01:47:42 am
Quote from: bearbrik on December 28, 2014, 01:41:12 am
Hey there, i managed to get dual wield on one of my moogle jugglers, but i cant actually equip 2 knives, is there something i am missing?

...did you equip it to your support ability slot?
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: bearbrik on December 28, 2014, 01:54:27 am
Quote from: bcrobert on December 28, 2014, 01:47:42 am
...did you equip it to your support ability slot?

yes i did

edit: also i noticed that the blue mage in the first jagd quest mission has the "night" skill available to him. Was this on purpose or overlooked? i thought night was unavailable to blue mages
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Eternal on December 28, 2014, 04:44:18 pm
@RRS: I'm still not entirely sure what you mean by Black Robe being bugged. Can you explain the error again, please?

As to how I'm making Limits unique, I'm simply making them unlearnable via weapons (except for the generic ones), and force-mastering them onto units so that other units can't get them. Really simple to do.

@Blank: That's exactly what I needed to know. I'll try that out now. I knew I had to use the Recruitment module, but I was having issues matching the ability bytes to their respective abilities. I was trying to match what was in Nightmare to what was in AIO, and was yielding only confusion for myself.

@Bear: At one point, Maintenance and Dual Wield had reversed effects. I thought that was fixed before .95's release, but it may have been fixed after that. Also, Blue Mages could always learn Night. :)

EDIT: Blank, I can't seem to find which file has which abilities are which numbers in the recruitment editor. Quin knows 5A and 58 which are tied to Gigaflare and Ultima, but I don't know which is which and what the other ability numbers are, much less for Combos.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Shintroy on December 28, 2014, 04:56:22 pm
What are "Nutsy X" units?
The special units thst have ultima learned in vanilla, will there be anything special about them in GG? Actually will they still be in GG? Only got halfway through .95 so I don't know if they're in currently.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Eternal on December 28, 2014, 05:38:01 pm
The Nutsy units are the generic units you start out with at the beginning of the game who are already a part of Clan Nutsy. The special Ultima units aren't really special, but they will have their unique Limit Breaks, as seen in the list above.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Marche on December 28, 2014, 07:09:12 pm
Im now really looking forward to the release hehe..
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: rrs_kai on December 29, 2014, 10:33:37 am
Quote from: Eternal on December 28, 2014, 04:44:18 pm
@RRS: I'm still not entirely sure what you mean by Black Robe being bugged. Can you explain the error again, please?

As to how I'm making Limits unique, I'm simply making them unlearnable via weapons (except for the generic ones), and force-mastering them onto units so that other units can't get them. Really simple to do.

I expected this but ruled it out as it would prevent generics to get the job mastery star.

I will test again and explain Black robe.
Quote from: Eternal on December 28, 2014, 04:44:18 pm
EDIT: Blank, I can't seem to find which file has which abilities are which numbers in the recruitment editor. Quin knows 5A and 58 which are tied to Gigaflare and Ultima, but I don't know which is which and what the other ability numbers are, much less for Combos.

I would also like to know which is which.
All the semi generics come with Ultima except LittleVili (Sniper) and Eldena (Red Mage). I want to change LittleVili into an Assassin with Ultima.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: bcrobert on December 29, 2014, 04:15:56 pm
Quote from: Eternal on December 28, 2014, 04:44:18 pm
Blank, I can't seem to find which file has which abilities are which numbers in the recruitment editor. Quin knows 5A and 58 which are tied to Gigaflare and Ultima, but I don't know which is which and what the other ability numbers are, much less for Combos.

I don't memorize ID values man. Just look for an abilities.txt or something in my nightmare modules. Or check the patch code FAQ. Etc. Etc.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: JoeCool on December 29, 2014, 07:26:50 pm
I've been on this site for a while now hoping they would make a patch for the psn version Wotl to work on the vita because they fixed the slow down. And then I stumpled across this little ffta project here,I just read thru this forum and I'm excited as f***. Keep up the good work,is the current patch riddled with that many bugs or is it still playable??

Either way looking forward to the completion of this patch.Had to make an account just for this LOL
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Eternal on December 29, 2014, 07:44:29 pm
The current version is playable- barely- but very buggy. I would advise just waiting until January to play 1.0. It (should) be a lot less buggy and with a lot of fun new features. Welcome to FFH!

EDIT: Blank, unless I'm blind, none of the modules have the abilities listed by ID number, nor do any of the FAQs. Gigaflare in AIO is 014, whereas in Nightmare it's 88 or 8A. Further, the Abilities.txt in the Abilities Module has neither ID numbers nor the Combos, so I'm hoping that maybe you can point me towards a document that would? I also checked all of the guides on GFaqs.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: bcrobert on December 29, 2014, 08:10:40 pm
Refer to the list at the bottom of that page. Those are probably the values you're looking for. There was a time, long ago when the world was still in sepia tone, when all of the great hackers shared their data on Data Crystal.

Let me know if those values don't work. I'm actually quite curious if support/reaction abilities will work when plugged into the recruitment structure. I don't see why they wouldn't but I don't recall any precedent.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Eternal on December 29, 2014, 08:13:10 pm
Unfortunately, that list is the same as the Abilities.txt list- it has no Support, Reaction, or Combo abilities listed.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: JoeCool on December 30, 2014, 06:54:22 pm
How we doin today?
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Eternal on December 30, 2014, 07:29:24 pm
Things are quite fine. Every unique character now has a Limit- including Eldena, who I forgot about- except for Shara, Cid, Babus, and Ezel. Shara because we're having trouble finding her abilities, and the rest because I want to test their sprites, first. Working on weapon descriptions and armor today, most likely. Unlike Vanilla, the armor you choose is vital. You can choose to equip heavier armor and robes to provide superior defenses and resistances, but it'll cut your Evasion. If you want to be an Evasion tank, you'll need to wear Light Armor, which isn't as defensively strong, but is balanced and won't drop Evasion. Some Heavy Armor and Mystic Armor won't drop Evasion, but they won't be as effective as other pieces.

For example:

Heavy Armor:

Buyable, Tier 1                                       
(+28 DEF, +2 RES)

Bronze Armor:                         
Buyable, Tier 1   
(+30 DEF, +6 RES, -10 EVD)

Iron Armor:                             
Buyable, Tier 1                                         
(+34 DEF, +3 RES, -10 EVD)

Buyable, Tier 2                                         
(+37 DEF, +3 RES)

Gold Armor:                             
Buyable, Tier 2                                         
(+44 DEF, +3 RES, -15 EVD)

Diamond Armor:                         
Buyable, Tier 3                                         
(+50 DEF, +6 RES, -20 EVD)

Opal Armor:                             
Buyable, Tier 2                                         
(+40 DEF, +6 RES, -15 EVD)

Carabini Mail:                         
Buyable, Tier 3                                         
(+46 DEF, +10 RES, -20 EVD)

Mirror Mail:                           
Complete "Desert Patrol"                               
(+28 DEF, Auto: Reflect)

Dragon Mail:                           
Complete "Wyrms Awaken"                                 
(+28 DEF, Halve: Fire, Earth, Wind)

Genji Armor:                           
Steal from Silverlock in "Free Muscadet!"               
(+46 DEF, +5 RES, +5 MAG, -15 EVD)

Complete "Battle Tourney"                               
(+46 DEF, +3 RES)

Adaman Armor:                           
Complete "Armor and Turtle"                             
(+58 DEF, +10 RES, -30 EVD)

Materia Armor:                         
Complete "Dark Armor"                                   
(+52 DEF, +16 RES, -30 EVD)
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: JoeCool on December 30, 2014, 09:11:10 pm
Limit break as in....something like the combos u learn from mythril weapons? Would u need stars to use the limit breaks or did u guys completely rework that?
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Eternal on December 30, 2014, 10:09:24 pm
Yes, they require JP, just like normal combos. So by following the Law and killing enemies, you can use your Limits more often.

And just for the hell of it, here's a video of Ezel using his Limit Break, Anarchy. Which is him basically beating things with a stick.

Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Shintroy on December 31, 2014, 01:33:32 pm
Will the item and ability info be accurate in 1.0?
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Eternal on December 31, 2014, 05:54:50 pm
Yes, every item and ability will have an updated description. The only incorrect description will be the tooltips that display the moment an ability triggers telling you what it does. Those can't be edited yet.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: advfox on December 31, 2014, 06:57:57 pm
Quote from: Eternal on December 30, 2014, 10:09:24 pm
Yes, they require JP, just like normal combos. So by following the Law and killing enemies, you can use your Limits more often.

Do all of the Limits still cost 10JP to become usable?
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Eternal on December 31, 2014, 06:58:39 pm
You only need 1 JP to trigger a Limit, but the more JP you have, the stronger it becomes. Totema still require 10 JP to use, however.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: advfox on December 31, 2014, 07:13:18 pm
It just hit me - combos have always only costed 1JP to use in vanilla FFTA. I guess I got them confused with Totemas.

I have one other question, though. How will Limits be learned for unique characters?
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Eternal on December 31, 2014, 07:17:49 pm
They already come Mastered on them- all you'll need to do is equip them!
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Marche on December 31, 2014, 09:40:54 pm
good luck on this I really really cant wait and happy new year to you all!
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: JoeCool on December 31, 2014, 10:31:23 pm
I just like to point out how selfish marche is,trying to return home and ruining the world for other people. I would kill him on sight if I was part of that world. Unbelievable >_>
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Eternal on December 31, 2014, 10:33:33 pm
You can kill Marche now. Literally. He- along with Ezel, Ritz, Montblanc, and Shara- are now able to be battled as Doned Faction. Likewise, you can rematch Llednar, Li-Grim, and Remedi in the mission "With Babus".


All items, weapons, and armor are done. All descriptions are done except for half of the items.
All abilities are done, as are their descriptions.

The home stretch is at hand. Only tedious text editing, item placement/fixing, and testing remains.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: JoeCool on January 01, 2015, 12:26:23 am
Can't wait for this sh**! So I'm gonna assume Saturday morning ull be finished?
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Eternal on January 01, 2015, 12:33:22 am
What? No. That's crazy. The rest of this is going to take some time, and after I finish placing everything and finishing item descriptions, I'm going to do a test run, myself. It'll be soon, but not THAT soon. :P
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: JoeCool on January 01, 2015, 01:07:22 am
Apologies, don't know the difficulty scale or how long it takes to hack/script/patch. Ur getting people excited man -_-
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Shintroy on January 01, 2015, 01:42:21 am
Now starts the heavy monitoring of this thread. I'll check back..... Sunday since its been confirmed not to come out Saturday.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: bcrobert on January 01, 2015, 02:37:51 am

I wouldn't expect this new and improved version to be finished until at least February. Maybe. Hacking is a time intensive process. I could spend the next two months nagging Eternal to work faster, but I don't think it'll help since he's been already been working on this patch non-stop. :P

Perhaps I'll still nag him for two months just for fun. It sounds delightful.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: JoeCool on January 01, 2015, 02:47:34 am
He said January,Feb would be rediculous =/
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Marche on January 01, 2015, 03:10:42 am
Quote from: JoeCool on December 31, 2014, 10:31:23 pm
I just like to point out how selfish marche is,trying to return home and ruining the world for other people. I would kill him on sight if I was part of that world. Unbelievable >_>

No! Dont kill me! lol
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Eternal on January 01, 2015, 12:32:37 pm
It'll be done in January. Exactly when in January is up in the air, given that I want to test things fairly thoroughly. I already know of a few things that we can't edit yet that may be problematic- namely clan level up rewards and the items that get added to shops when you free X amount of areas. For whatever reason, looking at Ritz's skills in the Doned Faction fight also causes the game to freeze, and I'm rather perplexed as to why.

I also know that there'll be a minor bug where Ezel's Limit is equipped as his Support ability. I can't really do anything about this, but all you'll have to do is unequip it and you can re-equip it as his Combo ability. It's rather harmless, though irksome all the same. Likewise, we're still waiting to see where Shara's starting info is so that we can give her her Limit as well. All in all, there will still be some issues, albeit very minor ones. Today's goal is to finish at least some more weapon descriptions.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Shintroy on January 03, 2015, 03:18:41 pm
Never understood, or looked into.the whole map creating in FFTA.  Does how you place areas matter in GG? Couldn't get into Legend of Mana because of all the map nonsense it had going on. It won't stop me from enjoying GG or anything, but it is nice to know.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Angry Potato on January 03, 2015, 05:27:36 pm
Good day!

Looking forward for this hack release. Say, please, is it possible to raise the mission item cap from 64 to 128, like stated in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance : Item Fix version 2.0 (
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Eternal on January 03, 2015, 05:50:38 pm
@Angry Potato: I actually wasn't aware that the mission item cap could be doubled. If that hack is ever made, I would definitely use it!

@Shintroy: In Vanilla FFTA, placing locations in certain ways could grant you very powerful items early on. They've been nerfed. Heavily. It really doesn't matter where you place things at all. I like to place them logically, with colder areas being in the north, deserts/volcanos to the south, etc.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: JoeCool on January 07, 2015, 03:33:20 pm
Any new/updates on this front??
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Shintroy on January 07, 2015, 04:45:14 pm
I thought o was the only one placed things geographically. Good to know Eternal. You're mankind's only hope.

Quote from: JoeCool on January 07, 2015, 03:33:20 pm
Any new/updates on this front??

Patience bro.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Eternal on January 07, 2015, 07:41:10 pm
This is a very busy week at work for me, so there won't be any updates for a bit. Progress is steady and it's just tedious stuff left. That said, item descriptions are almost done, so that's a nice bit of progress.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Eternal on January 11, 2015, 06:49:04 pm
I'm proud to announce that all item descriptions are now done, as are ability descriptions. Now all that's left is making sure items are placed properly- i.e, enemies won't use anything except buyable goods except in certain cases- and testing!
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Seika on January 12, 2015, 04:01:29 am
So I was gong through the forum and your thread caught my eye. I hated FFTA2 for a lot of reasons, balancing being one of the major ones and really wished it had been done better. So after reading, I'm excited to give this a try, Eternal! Glad to see your signature hasn't changed in like, ten years. :P Willing to lend my aid with final version testing if you want the help!
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Eternal on January 16, 2015, 09:57:10 pm
Progress is moving slowly but steadily (thanks to me working 13 days straight), but progress is coming along. I'm currently force-setting items and tweaking enemies so their equipment goes in the following order (mostly to sate my OCD):

Shield (if applicable)

Yes- only one accessible will be able to be worn at a time.

EDIT: Those of you who can get Hamachi working and do Link Battles will be in for a pleasant surprise.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: bcrobert on January 17, 2015, 02:19:35 am
Quote from: Eternal on January 16, 2015, 09:57:10 pm
Yes- only one accessible will be able to be worn at a time.
Yes- only one accessible will be able to be worn at a time.
Yes- only one accessible will be able to be worn at a time.
Yes- only one accessible will be able to be worn at a time.

... ... ... ...

I wish you could see the massive frown on my face right now.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Eternal on January 17, 2015, 02:35:43 am
Accessories are well worth wearing now. Each one is pretty much equally usable. Promise. :)
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Marche on January 17, 2015, 10:52:04 am
Im looking forward to what i will see turning up in link battles.. when i played the link battles last time using GG it crashed on me lol
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Jumza on January 17, 2015, 11:41:18 am
I'd be surprised if you anyone could get the Link battles to work, even not using GG. Eternal and I tried, no matter what I did (even running both the linked emulator's on one computer, rather than connecting via hamachi) you couldn't do anything past the first attack or ability because it would disconnect them.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Eternal on January 17, 2015, 01:29:11 pm
Blanky and I were discussing it last night. As I recall, there's a way to make it work with VBA-Link and Hamachi.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Darthatron on January 18, 2015, 07:12:57 am
This is correct.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: JoeCool on January 22, 2015, 05:55:09 am
Wats up??
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Marche on January 22, 2015, 10:36:39 am
Im also curious about the progress..
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Eternal on January 22, 2015, 08:50:31 pm
It'll likely be delayed a little bit since I've only had one day off a week for the past few weeks, but progress is still ongoing. :)
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: bcrobert on January 22, 2015, 09:06:25 pm
Quote from: Eternal on January 01, 2015, 12:32:37 pm
It'll be done in January.

Now taking all bets. :P
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Eternal on January 22, 2015, 09:12:06 pm
I never said January 2015.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: JoeCool on January 22, 2015, 10:37:56 pm
Quote from: Eternal on January 22, 2015, 09:12:06 pm
I never said January 2015.

Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Eternal on February 01, 2015, 08:49:53 pm
I have a tester testing the game out while I move items around. It'll flush out some of the bigger bugs that might be lurking, so that'll save some time for me and it means it'll come out faster!
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: bcrobert on February 02, 2015, 03:05:00 am
Quote from: Eternal on February 01, 2015, 08:49:53 pm
I have a tester testing the game out while I move items around. It'll flush out some of the bigger bugs that might be lurking, so that'll save some time for me and it means it'll come out faster!

So...I'm just going to say what everyone's thinking right now.

Why ONE tester when you have several people that want to play the game? Why not TOTALLY RELEASE THE ALPHA VERSION RIGHT FREAKING NOW and then tweak accordingly as you receive feedback?

This is not a commercial product for which you'd receive heavy criticism for releasing the unfinished version. People aren't going to complain that they paid too much for the upgrade from alpha to beta because it is FREE. There is literally no downside to reaching an incremental stopping point.

That said, I don't actually care that much right now. I just thought it'd be more fun to be the annoying person telling you what to do than to watch some annoying person tell you what to do. I'm your self-proclaimed one-stop-shop for nagging and criticism. :D

EDIT. Did you remember to fix the items that don't teach any abilities? The display error will keep cropping up periodically as you edit them.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Eternal on February 02, 2015, 06:06:06 pm
Because I'd much rather have one person deal with a buggy mess than several! :P

As for the item ability bug, I think I figured out a very dirty workaround for it which literally involves creating a new ability called Nothing that nobody can learn. I blame Darth.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: JoeCool on February 08, 2015, 05:51:09 pm
waddap??? been playing ffta2 and fire emblem recently
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: JoeCool on February 26, 2015, 10:58:22 pm
did this project die??? lol the hell??
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Eternal on February 26, 2015, 11:01:11 pm
Just because I don't post doesn't mean it's dead. It means I've been busy and haven't had access to Darth/Blanky to solve some issues, lol. Progress is fairly smooth, just dealing with placing the rest of those items and all that jazz. My tester hasn't replied recently though, so I may just release a beta and have you all test it. I'm sure there'd be no objections. :P
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: bcrobert on February 27, 2015, 12:22:30 am
Quote from: Eternal on February 26, 2015, 11:01:11 pm
I may just release a beta and have you all test it.

Release a beta. Release a beta. Release a beta.

Also what is this "no access to Blanky" nonsense? I do have a perfectly functional inbox, you know. I just don't know the answer to the vast majority of your questions. Because whenever you break something you tend to break it very well. :P
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: Eternal on February 28, 2015, 09:47:24 pm
FFTA GG 0.99 is out! Basically, it fixes a lot of crap, and adds (potentially broken!) new things. Have fun, and report every little issue you find! A complete changelog will be out with 1.0, but for now, most everything I mentioned in the thread has been included.

Enjoy, and remember, every little bit of feedback helps! (And most importantly, Ultima is no longer physical!)

Also included in the main post is a .txt file with where items are placed at and can be found. Note that forced item placement is not yet 100% complete, but the guide is a good starting point on where to find certain things.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.95)
Post by: thedarkfiddler on March 01, 2015, 10:35:04 am
Quote from: Eternal on February 28, 2015, 09:47:24 pm
FFTA GG 0.99 is out! Basically, it fixes a lot of crap, and adds (potentially broken!) new things. Have fun, and report every little issue you find! A complete changelog will be out with 1.0, but for now, most everything I mentioned in the thread has been included.

Enjoy, and remember, every little bit of feedback helps! (And most importantly, Ultima is no longer physical!)

Also included in the main post is a .txt file with where items are placed at and can be found. Note that forced item placement is not yet 100% complete, but the guide is a good starting point on where to find certain things.

Excited to play, but I can't seem to find Tsukuyomi included. I think I tracked it down elsewhere, but just in case you still want to include it with the patch.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.99)
Post by: Eternal on March 01, 2015, 11:01:15 am
It's included with the patch on the very first post. :)
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.99)
Post by: thedarkfiddler on March 01, 2015, 12:11:08 pm
Quote from: Eternal on March 01, 2015, 11:01:15 am
It's included with the patch on the very first post. :)

So it is. Guess I grabbed the wrong download!
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.99)
Post by: vc on March 02, 2015, 04:10:52 am
I've been giving it a go, but laws still seem to be in effect. Do cards simply do nothing now?
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.99)
Post by: thedarkfiddler on March 02, 2015, 01:54:24 pm
Quote from: vc on March 02, 2015, 04:10:52 am
I've been giving it a go, but laws still seem to be in effect. Do cards simply do nothing now?

The laws are set per battle, now. It's a bit tough to plan around that, since unless I've missed it you can't see what the laws will be in advance.

Went to reclass my starting clan only to realize that weapons all cost way more than I could afford without selling off all my consumables and armor. I get you want money to be more meaningful but ouch, that's tough to start with.

Also, it seems like nearly every item that doesn't teach something else gives the Dragoon Dragonheart. Was that on purpose?

Soldier's First Aid doesn't seem to be giving Regen like you intended.

Also, Mythril Blade apparently teaches three glitched abilities to glitch classes, and it costs 0 AP. I can get a screenshot if you'd like.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.99)
Post by: vc on March 03, 2015, 07:06:43 am
That's a shame. Laws like "no repeating the previous action" really make the game frustrating and I was hoping to see them gone.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.99)
Post by: Eternal on March 03, 2015, 05:21:05 pm
Just a heads up, VC, a law-free version will be released in the future once I release an official 1.0! :D

Darkfiddler: Money is really rough at the beginning, but it evens out -really- quickly. Just keep doing missions and you'll be fine in no time. Every item does technically teach Dragonheart due to a bug, but it's known and will hopefully be permanently killed soon-ish. First Aid no longer gives Regen, Nurse does. Thanks for pointing that out, the description will be fixed for 1.0.

Mythril Blade perplexes me. It's literally no different than the other Blades. I'll have to take a deeper look at it.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.99)
Post by: chocolatemoose on March 04, 2015, 12:42:40 am
Delurking to provide some feedback:

First, thanks so much for putting in this much effort. Even from a lurker's vantage point it's clearly been a labor of love, and, even at this beta stage, very appreciated.

In no particular order:

- Based on what I've read/played so far the class rebalancing seems fair and fun
- The mission-specific laws are fun and require me as a player to maintain a diverse clan. Hope they don't get too onerous as the game goes on, but I haven't gotten that far
- I'm sure I'm far from the world's best FFTA player, but while I found the original game on the easy side overall, this mod is too difficult for me. I can get through the first few missions, but I fail miserably at any of the clan battles. This strikes me as a result of the following factors:

  1. Improved AI prioritization
  2. Reduced party size
  3. Improved unit abilities
  4. Newly recruited units start at a higher level than average, thus increasing the overall clan level with units that have no abilities

I find 1 and 2 enjoyable and natural to the flow of the game.

While I see 3 becoming less of an issue as the game goes on, in the beginning, especially before you've had the ability to learn even a handful of abilities, it's crippling. From what I gather by briefly rifling through Nightmare and the AIO editor, I assume it isn't possible to scale these abilities per clan as the game goes on. Is there something that can be done to lessen the difficulty in the early game? How about nerfing some of the early clans (Dip, Cyril Band, etc.)?

4 is a smaller factor, but still contributes to the overall difficulty.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.99)
Post by: Eternal on March 04, 2015, 01:56:08 am
I'm glad to see you're de-lurking! I feel honored! :)

I appreciate the feedback! As I'm sure you've guessed, being in beta still, there are a lot of little balance issues that need fixing. FFTA had so much wrong with it and I've added/tweaked so much that it's going to take a bit to sort everything out. To address your concerns, Clan Dip isn't intended to be battled right away. They're kind of a test-your-mettle-and-be-humbled type of fight early on. A good strategy is to use Poison. That extra damage each turn is a great way to deal a little guaranteed damage each turn and it adds up fast. Buffs and debuffs are key in GG, because without them you'll simply get overwhelmed.

Though it may seem counter-intuitive, the best way to make things easier is to progress through the story a bit. This will unlock more missions (and thus AP, chances for items/Gil, etc). Also, using Limit Chains (Combos) to fell a foe and reclaim the JP lost on said Limit is another good way to destroy enemies without worrying about evasion. Your starting clan all has a Combo learnt, you just need to equip it! :)
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.99)
Post by: vc on March 06, 2015, 02:38:04 am
Good to hear about the lawless version. When that comes out, would I need to start an entirely new game, or do you think a very early game 0.99 save would remain compatible?
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.99)
Post by: Marche on March 06, 2015, 12:20:33 pm
You deserve some feedback:

•laws tend to favor us players
    i completed a mission easily since one of the enemies cannot use magic, missile, swords etc so theyll just stand there and do nothing lol

•some job errors?
    my soldiers now have 3 soldier skills but they still cant unlock the fighter class O.o
    note that other classes also do not work like they should
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.99)
Post by: chocolatemoose on March 08, 2015, 01:00:31 am
@Eternal: with regards to your suggestions, I tried proceeding with the plot but was unable to make it past the Thesis Hunt mission despite several iterations and different team variations (many, but not all). Poison wasn't much help when facing two units with esuna and a 5-6 disadvantage. I was able to beat the mission only by modding my party size back up to 6. After that I made it up to the first totema but hit a wall again (without any additional modding).

As mentioned earlier in this thread, while I love Dragonheart, it's too OP'd this early in the game.

Also, the Twin Bow appears to teach Doubleshot to Snipers for 150AP, but when I equip it I don't see the ability show up on my unit's ability list.

@Marche: it needs to be 3 A-abilities; passive ones like Shieldbearer don't count. I haven't had any issues with unlocking the Fighter class.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.99)
Post by: Marche on March 08, 2015, 10:16:51 am
@chocolatemoose thanks for clearing that up as for the dragonheart i think its a bug since majority of the items even potions had that.. also thesis hunt mission is pretty easy on my end maybe because i really took advantage of the laws and stuff..

Extra dispatch missions also took care of money problems so i dont really get why people think money is a hard thing to come by when it comes to playing GG
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.99)
Post by: bcrobert on March 09, 2015, 01:22:21 am
5-6 disadvantage? Eternal. Eteeernal. ETERNAL. No.

I can appreciate the computer not being at a blatant disadvantage (vanilla's 6v5 clan battles etc) but that doesn't mean you can arbitrarily give the plot enemies mid-tier abilities and a numbers advantage BEFORE YOU CAN EVEN GRIND.

After Thesis Hunt it's like w/e I'll go grind on clan battles. But all of the missions up to Thesis Hunt need to take into account that you basically have no grinding options whatsoever. (In fact I'd even have a blatant difficulty spike right after Thesis Hunt to encourage players to hunt down rival clans to AP grind but...that's just my mean streak talking.)

Also don't agree with making Clan Dip arbitrarily OP for their placement in-game. Well...can't do that mission that's about to time out. Because Clan Dip is standing on it. I appreciate the "humbled early-game" concept but I'd rather see gradual introduction of difficulty spikes implemented throughout as the player unlocks more options.

Love that you've been fixing the descriptions though. That was my main pet peeve with the older versions, but I knew about the compressed text roadblock so there was really no use nagging. :P
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.99)
Post by: Marche on March 09, 2015, 07:20:04 am
Quote from: bcrobert on March 09, 2015, 01:22:21 am
5-6 disadvantage? Eternal. Eteeernal. ETERNAL. No.

I can appreciate the computer not being at a blatant disadvantage (vanilla's 6v5 clan battles etc) but that doesn't mean you can arbitrarily give the plot enemies mid-tier abilities and a numbers advantage BEFORE YOU CAN EVEN GRIND.

After Thesis Hunt it's like w/e I'll go grind on clan battles. But all of the missions up to Thesis Hunt need to take into account that you basically have no grinding options whatsoever. (In fact I'd even have a blatant difficulty spike right after Thesis Hunt to encourage players to hunt down rival clans to AP grind but...that's just my mean streak talking.)

Also don't agree with making Clan Dip arbitrarily OP for their placement in-game. Well...can't do that mission that's about to time out. Because Clan Dip is standing on it. I appreciate the "humbled early-game" concept but I'd rather see gradual introduction of difficulty spikes implemented throughout as the player unlocks more options.

Love that you've been fixing the descriptions though. That was my main pet peeve with the older versions, but I knew about the compressed text roadblock so there was really no use nagging. :P

didnt know that was a thing, i tend to steer away from clans after seeing clan dip being op and all haha
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.99)
Post by: Eternal on March 09, 2015, 07:27:36 pm
Sorry about the delay, I was out of town until now.

Thank you everyone for your feedback, firstly. I'll address concerns as I see them.

@vc: Since it'd only be laws changing, I don't see why you couldn't use the same save.

@Chocolate: Thesis Hunt is going to be FFTA's version of FFT Dorter Trade City. I decided that from the very beginning. It's literally already been nerfed 7-8 times and is still undergoing changes. Esuna is already being removed from the battle in the next update, and that should be enough to help rebalance it even more. Dragonheart being on everything is a bug as a result of Darth's editor, as mentioned above. I'll look into the Twin Bow issue. That's kinda weird.

@Blank: Remember that you can Flee from battle. :P
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.99)
Post by: chocolatemoose on March 09, 2015, 11:20:16 pm
There's one other thing that seemed a little strange about the build: the enemy level scaling seemed to scale to the max level in my party (Marche) as opposed to the average level, which made a lot of the [non-story] missions difficult.

It finally stopped after the first totema battle, but I can't tell if that's because:

- It was intended
- I started playing around with levels in the AIO
- I corrected something that I previously messed up by tooling around in the AIO (but I don't think I touched levels)
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.99)
Post by: Marche on March 10, 2015, 05:04:46 am
I can confirm that twinbow does not actually teach the sniper doubleshot..
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.99)
Post by: thedarkfiddler on March 10, 2015, 04:22:25 pm
Quote from: Marche on March 08, 2015, 10:16:51 am
Extra dispatch missions also took care of money problems so i dont really get why people think money is a hard thing to come by when it comes to playing GG

I just want to clarify that my comment about money came from the very beginning of the game. I'm used to starting out and immediately reclassing for quick access to Ninja and Elementalist, so not having the money for even a single weapon until two or three missions in was a bit disorienting, is all.

Enjoying the hack so far, making steady but slow progress, but man all these battles where I can only take five people are killing me,

Edit: Also, am I missing anywhere where the Speed growth of the jobs are listed?

Edit2: Also, a lot of the job requirements in the opening post are off. Reaver only requires three Beastmaster skills, for example. Would you like us to mention these as we find them, or are they something you're aware of and just need to take the time to fix?
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.99)
Post by: Eternal on March 10, 2015, 08:38:33 pm
The first post is pretty outdated. All the job tree stuff and growth info will be updated when I release 1.0. Since there's still so much tweaking going on, it seems silly to redo all of that until it's set in stone. As far as the job tree goes, the current one is still fairly accurate. If anything, some job requirements have been reduced from the tree posted.

EDIT: I updated the first post with 0.991, which fixes Doubleshot and nerfs the Thesis Hunt battle slightly. Hopefully it's a little more tolerable!
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.991)
Post by: chocolatemoose on March 12, 2015, 12:42:27 am
Caught another bug: Haste - at least as learned by my Nu Mou time mage - seems to cast Hastega.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.99)
Post by: bcrobert on March 12, 2015, 12:53:58 am
Quote from: Eternal on March 09, 2015, 07:27:36 pm
@Blank: Remember that you can Flee from battle. :P

Cowards flee. Bcrobert kills all the things. ALL THE THINGS.

Glad to hear you're taking Esuna out of Thesis Hunt though. Esuna is a big middle finger that early in the game. Should be plenty balanced after that edit.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.991)
Post by: Eternal on March 12, 2015, 12:58:28 am
Hmm. I'm looking in AIO at Haste/Hastega right now and they both seem to be correct. Haste: 1 AoE, Hastega: 2 AoE.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.991)
Post by: chocolatemoose on March 12, 2015, 02:39:00 pm
I saw the same thing in the AIO editor. Perhaps I've misunderstood AoE, but my Nu Mou time mage with Haste learned from a Firewheel Rod was able to cast haste on 5 units (the single cross). That strikes me as Hastega.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.991)
Post by: Eternal on March 12, 2015, 04:16:52 pm
Yeah, I figured that'd be the confusion. In GG, Haste has Black Magick AoE, and Hastega has Summon Magick AoE.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.991)
Post by: bcrobert on March 12, 2015, 11:04:36 pm
Correction: I realized that was the confusion and mentioned it to Eternal in the chat room. He just refuses to acknowledge that I contribute to conversations. :P

EDIT. Sometimes.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.991)
Post by: DragoonTT on March 14, 2015, 10:00:18 am
First of all, thanks for creating this great mod - I've always wanted a new and improved FFTA to play around with.

I've put quite some hours into the 0.99 version, and here's some things I've noted (that haven't been adressed in here yet)

- only major issue not covered yet: Quarter seems to also induce Stop most of the time. Makes Stop useless and Quarter probably more than a little overpowered at it's current cost
- some info in the top post seems to be outdated: Dagger still incudes Disable (and sometimes deals 0/1 damage instead of full), I haven't ever seen a Samurai status somebody, and parts of the job tree seem wrong

gameplay-related issues/annoyances
- Green Mages seem to be largely useless for players. Since you're limited to 5 characters, there's rarely any need for Hastega/Shellga/Protectga. Of course, I have yet to receive their most powerful abilities. Some classes have similar issues for me as well (stuff like Summoner, Bishop, Mediator just not being up to par in power)
- considering the topic of buffs: at some point midgame, enemy parties start having every buff imaginable at hand. Turns take forever. Also, since the buff skills are usually spread among the enemy lineup, they will often waste turns spreading useless buffs (say, attack buffs on a Healer).
- some Laws just make certain maps plain stupid. Nubswood base (3v3 against RM/BM/WM, Color Magic only) and that fight against Babus and five helpers (forbidden to kill 4 of them) being major offenders.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.991)
Post by: Eternal on March 14, 2015, 10:38:38 am
Thanks for the feedback, it's appreciated as always! Some things to note:

-Quarter inflicts Stop and Demi inflicts Slow. It was an attempt to make both spells a little more useful compared to their old versions. Normally, I'd just give them AoE, but their animations don't allow for that. Therefore, the added effects were a bit of a test to see if that would make them a little more balanced. I'm considering making Quarter inflict Slow and Demi inflict Immobilize.

-Ignore pretty much everything on the first page. A great deal of it is outdated. In fact, when 1.0 comes out, I'm going to archive this thread and make a totally new one. Which Samurai skills are you looking at? They all seem to be working properly in AIO. Dagger has 30 Power (the same as level 1 Black Magick) and is Physical. If it's doing 0/1 damage, it may be because it's being used on a Flan or other high DEF unit.

-Green Mages are meant to be used as a secondary, moreso on physical units that might not have use for a secondary, and they're meant to be used at the very start of the fight, when all of your units are clustered together. Further, they're the only source of AoE Regen (aside from Masamune and Kirin), and Hastega as a very first action can quickly shift battles into your favor. MP Gift (assuming it works- it has yet to be tested) is also one of the few MP healing techniques in the game. To that end, Green Mages definitely are a niche job, but they're very good when utilized properly. I -may- end up making Haste 0 AoE so that Hastega is better by comparison, but I'm not sure yet. Dispelga may end up affecting all foes.

-Laws are going to be tweaked many times over, don't worry about that. I'll be creating a .992 patch soon that'll fix those fights, Quarter/Demi, and a few other minor things I noticed.

Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.991)
Post by: thedarkfiddler on March 14, 2015, 12:09:45 pm
I don't know if everybody else has the same opinion I do here, but I find the Antilaws mission to be too sudden a jump in difficulty. I don't think I had a single issue with any previous missions, not even Thesis Hunt that everybody else seemed to have trouble with, but between every enemy suddenly having advanced jobs with very powerful skills, being outnumbered, being forced to take Ezel (who seems to be needed) into battle, the mission has turned into a brick wall for me.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.991)
Post by: Eternal on March 14, 2015, 02:11:28 pm
What exactly is keeping you from winning? The skills the enemies have aren't exactly the greatest (aside from the Dual Wielding Ninja). I could see the two Item users being an issue (normally I try to make each battle only have one Item user just for the sake of less annoying sandbagging on the enemy's part), but that's easily dealt with with AoE attacks. Also, I'm surprised Antilaws is giving you issue and not Famfrit. :P
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.991)
Post by: thedarkfiddler on March 14, 2015, 04:19:26 pm
I have to admit that my Dragoon landed a few lucky Jumps on Famfrit, so that might have helped a bit. :P

The Green Mage seems to be my biggest problem, curing anything I can manage to hit the other team with, but the Gladiator breaking my weapons had been an issue too. Plus very good damage output and health all around. Maybe I'm just getting unlucky, maybe I'm just poorly equipped. I'll try again now that I see how powerful Quarter is and report back.

Edit: just finished the battle and wow... That was rough. Even with a Time Mage/Jumping Dragoon combo, that battle took forever. Ezel was useless, I don't think a single attack of his landed. Between the two item users, I think Phoenix Down was used four times. I noticed that, despite my average party level being maybe eight, the enemies were between ten and twelve, which meant they were doing damage that even my Dragoon had difficulty matching. In the end, I probably only won because the ninja didn't have any of his secondary effects activate on his jitsu.

I think the level scaling is based off of highest level in the party, not average, like somebody suggested. My dragoon is level twelve while the rest is around ten at most, and the next mission pit me against level twelve again. It looks like I'll need to kick out my dragoon to continue, since only two or the people in the party can meaningfully contribute now (Montblanc is not one and Marche is on the border).
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.991)
Post by: Shintroy on March 14, 2015, 07:30:15 pm
There's a dragoon ability on about every item in the shop called Dragonbane or something. Did I patch the game wrong? Was this intentional? If yes to the latter why?
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.991)
Post by: thedarkfiddler on March 14, 2015, 08:24:31 pm
Quote from: Shintroy on March 14, 2015, 07:30:15 pm
There's a dragoon ability on about every item in the shop called Dragonbane or something. Did I patch the game wrong? Was this intentional? If yes to the latter why?

I don't think it's intentional exactly, but it's known and it's a side effect of the way abilities were changed around.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.991)
Post by: Eternal on March 14, 2015, 10:11:36 pm
@Shintroy: Had you read the other posts, you'd have realized that it was a known bug.

@Fiddler: I'll be removing Esunaga/Dispelga from the Green Mage in the next update, and I'll take Item off of the second unit, as well as making the Myrmidon a little less tanky. That should be sufficient enough to reduce some of that battle's frustration.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.99)
Post by: rrs_kai on March 15, 2015, 12:06:09 am
Quote from: thedarkfiddler on March 10, 2015, 04:22:25 pm
I just want to clarify that my comment about money came from the very beginning of the game. I'm used to starting out and immediately reclassing for quick access to Ninja and Elementalist, so not having the money for even a single weapon until two or three missions in was a bit disorienting, is all.

Enjoying the hack so far, making steady but slow progress, but man all these battles where I can only take five people are killing me,

Edit: Also, am I missing anywhere where the Speed growth of the jobs are listed?

Edit2: Also, a lot of the job requirements in the opening post are off. Reaver only requires three Beastmaster skills, for example. Would you like us to mention these as we find them, or are they something you're aware of and just need to take the time to fix?

I am responsible for the stats and this should solve any questions you may have.

Quote from: rrs_kai from FFTA-DEI normalized the stats and made it so that all classes of a race have the same base stats and everyone has the same speed growth of 2.0 (so that level differences matter).
This stat system has its pros and cons and the reason it made itself into FFTA:DE is largely because of advantage no.1.




-1-When you start the game you can change the class of your starting party to whatever you want. Marche as a mage doesnt suffer any base stat problems, Montblanc can switch out from a black mage into something else (hopfully this reduces the Montblanc hate, (just because he's a subpar mage doesn't mean he needs to be hated) and anything else which you may like.
-2-Speed isn't that big of a advantage.
-3-In vanilla it was SPEED vs STATS now it ATK/MAG vs DEF/RES.
-4-Gives more flexibility to work on equipment. For those fearing that the Ninja/Assassin suffered a nerf, they regain their edge by equipping katanas which provide a decent a speed boost.

-1-Bangaa mages and No Mou fighters aren't as good as their peers.
-2-Tank classes and mages are faster than expected.

@Eternal-I haven't touched FFTA in quite some time but took a look at FFTA:GG 0.991 in the A.I.O to check the character stats.
I advise you reduce the speed growths to 1.0 from 2.0 otherwise monsters are going to be very slow late game.
The base HP of monsters seems to be quite low in general (least flan 14HP) except for the vampire who has 102 HP.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.991)
Post by: thedarkfiddler on March 15, 2015, 11:57:52 am
Quote from: Eternal on March 14, 2015, 10:11:36 pm
@Shintroy: Had you read the other posts, you'd have realized that it was a known bug.

@Fiddler: I'll be removing Esunaga/Dispelga from the Green Mage in the next update, and I'll take Item off of the second unit, as well as making the Myrmidon a little less tanky. That should be sufficient enough to reduce some of that battle's frustration.

Thanks. I'm surprised nobody else seemed to have trouble with the battle... Maybe I'm just bad at the game. Back to trying to catch my Human (level seven) to my Bangaa (level twelve), I guess.

Also, thanks for the stat explanation, Kai.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.991)
Post by: DragoonTT on March 15, 2015, 04:02:02 pm
A question, first: do cpu enemies have flat stat bonuses? My characters never seem to be able to do comparable damage, noticeably with a purely Mage Hume doing a whopping 5 damage with his basic spells in early midgame battles to just about anything.

Quote from: thedarkfiddler on March 15, 2015, 11:57:52 am
Thanks. I'm surprised nobody else seemed to have trouble with the battle... Maybe I'm just bad at the game. Back to trying to catch my Human (level seven) to my Bangaa (level twelve), I guess.

Also, thanks for the stat explanation, Kai.

I feel like that battle can still be controlled using the status effects you have available. A Moogle using Sing, plus a Time Mage using Quarter. Take out the Item users first or body-block them from using Phoenix Down on their dead allies. At least the numbers aren't terribly unfair, laws don't screw you over, and the map position allows you to take out enemies one by one.

started over on 0.991, noticed a small issue:
- Doubleshot is busted. For 20 MP, fires two shots at 50% damage, sometimes only fires one shot (i presume if the second one misses, the animation just skips). I don't see any use in blowing 20 MP on an attack that regularly does less damage than the basic attack. Only uses might be trying to score a crit to knock somebody off a ledge (yeah, right!) and circumventing the "Fight" law.

As good as this mod is, the storyline fights get way too tedious for me at some point. Having to rely on 50% accuracy status effects to even have a shot doesn't make the game difficult, just annoying. I kinda miss my characters feeling powerful - it's mostly Sleep/Poison doing the work, with the other characters spreading some Speedbreak, Powerbreak and the likes. Physical Damage or Magic seem to do nothing, at any point.

Salikawood's 5v8 battle is a prime example. With a Sniper/Assassin hitsquad taking out my casters from half a screen away or putting 80% hit rate Stop/Doom effects on everybody, a backline that spams buffs and is basically unattackable until you get rid of the aforementioned Viera plus two Moogle thieves that will steal your gear and (one of them) spam Dagger at you. The battle is still eminently beatable, with the only reviver usually running straight into my team and dieing within the first three turns, but cleaning up takes forever (many "empty" turns spent on enemies rebuffing) and gets incredibly annoying thanks to the aforementioned disadvantages. Seriously, 80% accurate Doom?
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.991)
Post by: Eternal on March 15, 2015, 06:41:36 pm
@RRS: Monster stats are being revised/reviewed as we speak, so they're going to be updated shortly. Like, within the next week, most likely.

@Dragoon: Doubleshot has been fixed for the next update. It was originally supposed to hit twice, causing knockback each time (so knocking a foe away two tiles), but it didn't work properly and I forgot to remove the MP cost and high AP requirement. Also, I actually nerfed Salikawood while nerfing Antilaws, so that was fixed for the next update anyhow! :P

Also, I changed around the level scaling hacks in AIO, so hopefully levels should go off of average level and not highest now. Thanks for all the feedback, every one of your posts is being read and acknowledged!
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.991)
Post by: DragoonTT on March 15, 2015, 07:13:05 pm
Quote from: Eternal on March 15, 2015, 06:41:36 pm
@RRS: Monster stats are being revised/reviewed as we speak, so they're going to be updated shortly. Like, within the next week, most likely.

@Dragoon: Doubleshot has been fixed for the next update. It was originally supposed to hit twice, causing knockback each time (so knocking a foe away two tiles), but it didn't work properly and I forgot to remove the MP cost and high AP requirement. Also, I actually nerfed Salikawood while nerfing Antilaws, so that was fixed for the next update anyhow! :P

Also, I changed around the level scaling hacks in AIO, so hopefully levels should go off of average level and not highest now. Thanks for all the feedback, every one of your posts is being read and acknowledged!

Sounds good. Great stuff with Doubleshot - guess there was a choice between making it the physical Viera's go-to move at a significant cost, or make it another utility ability, quite in turn with the way Sniper seems to be set up now. Guess I'm fine with either. As it is, only Bangaa and maybe certain Hume builds seem to be supposed to do physical damage, anyway (haven't had a shot at Reaver yet, seems more like a tanky caster anyway).

Do enemies receive flat stat bonuses? I never seem to be able to even deal equal damage, let alone outdamage them. Kinda weird when enemy thieves stab their puny knives at my armored Myrmidons and outdamage them easily :p

Another thing I noted: Drain Touch seems to slightly overperform. Unless the enemy has dark resistance, Drain Touch easily outperforms regular attacks and attack skills alike with the added boon of healing the user. Dunno whether it's intended, tho. Gonna make a Paladin/Blue Mage drain tank with huge armor + dragon buffs + drain touch and be unkillable! :D

Some general hints to other players:
- while recruited generics don't have combo skills (and I haven't figured out whether it's even possible to acquire any for them), recruited special Characters like Eldena, Lini etc come with Limit Attacks pre-learned. Lini doesn't wield Ultima any more, but Eldena still has Doublecast - very useful for those annoying, soon-to-be-nerfed storyline battles.
- use status. Certain levels become much easier if you put half of the enemy troops to sleep (or later, use Stop or Break). The third totema with it's three dragon adds becomes a cakewalk, since their sleep resistance is laughable. If you get an early Bishop (recruit a generic if you can), Sleep -> Break is a safe kill as long as you can prevent Esunas and the use of remedies (and hence is an assured kill against all-monster lineups)
- by the love of the gods, get a Beastmaster. Monsters are dangerous, usually streaking right for your Mages. Beastmasters can take some hits and take over those pesky beasts. Panthers, Goblins, Rockbeasts etc can be taken over fairly reliably. Lamias and Fairies are tricky, but very rewarding
- diversify your lineup. Get multiple healers. Try to have at least one Item user on your team, and keep some Phoenix Downs/Remedies ready. A bow user with Magicbreak wrecks enemy casters, provided you have enough power and can safely get close enough. Breaks in general are highly useful, as is Steal:Weapon and Steal:Heart midgame.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.991)
Post by: Eternal on March 15, 2015, 07:17:50 pm
@Dragoon: I think what's happening is that the enemies are levelling up to their current level as their current job. So, say, a level 16 Thief has 16 full levels of stat growth as a Thief. If you- the player- have been switching jobs around while levelling, such as having your Myrmidon as a Bishop for a few levels, you're missing a few levels of ATK and DEF that you'd have gotten if you weren't a Bishop. I hope that example makes sense. I also fixed Drain Touch. For whatever reason, it was doing -ra level damage. Its power was reduced slightly, though it should still prove useful.

Generics CAN learn Combos, but their Combo skills are on mid/late-game weaponry. And you have no idea how much I love your tips for other players, everything you listed is EXACTLY what I was aiming for!

EDIT: Forgot to mention, but Nubswood Base and Emerald Keep have slightly altered Laws.

EDITRA: I suspect that the next big roadblock for people will be Mateus. I -may- need to nerf the Law for that fight. We'll see.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.991)
Post by: JoeCool on March 15, 2015, 11:42:30 pm
alright so im not the only 1 running into difficulty problems but nothing a retry cant fix. Learning curve so steep that if it was a staircase, nobody could climb it -_- Love it tho
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.991)
Post by: Eternal on March 15, 2015, 11:47:47 pm
Which battles are you having trouble on? If you give details, myself and other players can provide feedback.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.991)
Post by: bcrobert on March 16, 2015, 01:06:12 am
Hm...Eternal when you were spreading equipment around and editing the equipment stats, you remembered the broken damage formula...right? The one that makes it so a weapon with 30 attack literally does twice the damage as a weapon with 15 attack. That one.

Just checking because that crap-tastic formula is a pretty big deal. I'm curious about the "enemies out-damaging player" thing and thought this might possibly have something to do with it.

I'd boot up the game and keep an eye on the damage problem lazy. Hopefully someone else will figure out what's going on so that I don't have to. :D
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.991)
Post by: DragoonTT on March 16, 2015, 04:27:13 am
Quote from: Eternal on March 15, 2015, 07:17:50 pm
@Dragoon: I think what's happening is that the enemies are levelling up to their current level as their current job. So, say, a level 16 Thief has 16 full levels of stat growth as a Thief. If you- the player- have been switching jobs around while levelling, such as having your Myrmidon as a Bishop for a few levels, you're missing a few levels of ATK and DEF that you'd have gotten if you weren't a Bishop. I hope that example makes sense.

I only use highly specialized characters, because I don't want to fall behind in power. So said Myrmidon only has some levels in Warrior and Dragoon and hence should outdamage a Thief. For some reason, he doesn't. Might be the difference in gear and level combined, tho. I just found it weird that even with my one-role-only characters, I can never go 1v1 against most enemies.

On the topic of level scaling: setting it to average level will probably take a lot of sting out of the mod, especially if people run large lineups like me. I'll try to report once the changes hit. Since the changes for 0.992 seem to be fairly massive, i'll have to ask: can we expect the .992 release soon? I'd like to not waste my time on 0.991 (catching up on my .99 save) when the next version is soon to arrive :)

Oh and concerning Mateus: I think the fight plays out the same whether you change laws or not. None of my mages can counter-heal the incoming damage, anyway. I beat the map on .99 spreading frost (and some dark, if possible) resistance, then rushing down the boss and largely ignoring the vampires. With 700 effective life each (around level 35 - Marche gets a ton of free levels during the Totema fight with Babus) and being undead, it takes waaaay too long to kill them. Status doesn't stick either - on my winning attempt, i confused one of them, managed to exorcise two (20%!) and then burnt down the boss in a few turns. Don't see how access to Holy spells would have helped here
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.991)
Post by: Eternal on March 16, 2015, 10:24:03 pm
@Blanky: That was my initial thought- equipment changes- but most gear hasn't been substantially changed in terms of ATK.

@Dragoon: Forbidden: Holy also affects -anything- Holy elemental, including Cure/Cura/Curaga/Life/Full-Life/Arise.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.991)
Post by: bcrobert on March 17, 2015, 01:06:34 am
@Eternal: You should go ahead and release the level scale fix asap. I'd put everything else on hold until we know what specific thing is causing such disproportionate damage differences.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.992)
Post by: Eternal on March 17, 2015, 09:35:19 pm
Updated the first post (and attached to this one) is 0.992. It fixes Doubleshot, Demi, Quarter, and (hopefully) level scaling as well as fixing the laws for Emerald Keep and a few other fights while nerfing Magic Wood and Antilaws. Remember to patch a clean ROM!
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.992)
Post by: thedarkfiddler on March 17, 2015, 09:38:59 pm
Quote from: Eternal on March 17, 2015, 09:35:19 pm
It fixes... Level scaling as well as fixing the laws for Emerald Keep and a few other fights while nerfing Magic Wood and Antilaws. Remember to patch a clean ROM!


Quote from: Eternal on March 17, 2015, 09:35:19 pm
It fixes..., Demi, Quarter...

Aww... Guess it was bound to happen. Super Demi was great while it lasted.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.992)
Post by: Eternal on March 17, 2015, 09:41:52 pm
I'm sure if you look hard enough you can find plenty of other ridiculously broken things in GG! :P
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.992)
Post by: thedarkfiddler on March 17, 2015, 10:59:22 pm
Oh, I'm sure. But I'm a simple man. Jumping Stopped enemies was so fun.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.992)
Post by: DragoonTT on March 18, 2015, 03:51:46 pm
The new level scaling kinda crippled the difficulty. Breezed through the earliest missions, up to and including Eluut. Monsters still hit fairly hard, but die much more quickly now

The only thing that gave me some trouble was Raven's Call, or whatever that mission is called, with the Paladin/Black Mage combo. Very high variance on level in there - with an average level of 4, they can be 2/2 and 8/8.

Rest of the missions is usually underleveled, since I can't manage to keep an even level spread (mainly due to Marche/Montblanc not being able to gain abilities off dispatch missions, and my early recruit Beastmaster being kinda useless up to Eluut).

Also, reporting bugs:
- when Whirlwind hits too many targets (not sure about the exact number, but I think it's 5 or more) the game stops resolving the skill at the end of damage distribution. It doesn't freeze - running animations continue to play - but the game stops working, e.g. moving into exp distribution.
- Mug has some weird interactions. Seems to ignore Armor (just dealt sizeable damage to a flan) or maybe calculates off Magic Defense instead. Anyway, it's just not consistent with weapon damage dealt to the same target in many cases. Also, I'm pretty sure it sometimes triggers Counter and sometimes doesn't.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.992)
Post by: Eternal on March 18, 2015, 09:09:22 pm
Thanks for the feedback so far! I imagine level scaling is going to take a while to mesh out. I'm ultimately not too concerned though- I'd much rather something be easier than harder. Remember, too, that monsters haven't had their stats changed since my initial changes, so once RRS gets back to me, monster stats will be tweaked heavily.

Whirlwind's bug is a strange one. I'm guessing it's just too much for the game to handle, but there were abilities that hit all enemies at once. Strange.

Mug has been fixed. Because of how things used to be, there are two "Mug" skills- one used by Moogles and one used by Humes. The one Mug was marked as Physical, the other was not. That was pre-AIO times when we thought the world was flat! ;)

EDIT: Green Magic is getting a slight buff in the near future. Esunaga/Dispelga's MP costs are reduced, and I may reduce Protectga/Shellga to 15 MP each. In terms of Haste/Hastega, Haste's MP cost will be raised to 15 and Hastega's reduced to 25. Thoughts?
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.992)
Post by: DragoonTT on March 19, 2015, 01:42:39 pm
New bug report:
Mog Aid - which I guess is supposed to be a Moogle version of Revive from the tooltip - has range 0 and is hence unusuable

- Beastmaster Skill "Malboro", learned by Aona Flute, has no skill name
- Mog Lance doesn't Drain HP, just deals damage equal to a normal attack at range 1, so a glorified attack command (it's only useful against Strikeback)
- Reavers cannot equip Shields, even though Shields list Morpher (Reaver) as potential users and the Round Shield supposedly teaches Shieldbearer to Morphers (Reavers)
- Adrammalech's "Loss" skill seems to never hit, ever
- the sprite of the Mediator from the "Help Aisen" mission sometimes disappears (might be a general Mediator problem, never seen/used any not a general problem, Mediator in Wanted: Gabbana Brothers works fine)
- the Weapon "Osafune" doesn't teach the skill "Osafune" to Samurai
- Myrmidon skill "Crush" seems to never cause Blind or anything else, even tho the "Sweet Spot" message appears
- Bomb/Blue Mage skill "Blowup" only ever deals 29 damage
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.992)
Post by: Eternal on March 19, 2015, 01:44:28 pm
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.992)
Post by: DragoonTT on March 20, 2015, 03:40:14 pm
I can totally see now why you nerfed Mateus. Dunno how I did it on my first attempt - he probably never used Apocalypse - but on .992, it was the second really difficult main quest fight (after the Salikawood one which is still hard after the nerf and level scaling change).

Apocalypse is just painful, dealing about 1/3 to 1/2 to everybody. Used magic/totema to empty all vampire's mana pools so they can't miasma, gave everybody dark and some frost resistance to avoid Drain Touch and Mateus' Blizzard and Freeze. Immunity to Stop was also useful. Dunno how I would have done this fight pre law change - maybe using absorb elementals to heal up

Also, new bugs crawling in:
- Moogle Dual Wield (learned as Juggler) doesn't work
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.992)
Post by: Eternal on March 20, 2015, 07:36:04 pm
I'll try and pick these off one by one:

-Malboro has been a bug that has persisted for ages now and I haven't a clue why. There's no reason for it to be happening, and I don't quite know how to go about fixing it.

-Mog Lance -should- be working correctly. Have you used it after you were wounded? If so, you probably were healed and there was just no animation of it. That said, it -will- be buffed to be weapon range instead of 1 Range. Currently it's just Steal: HP with a different name.

-Reavers should be able to use Shields. Again, there's literally no reason why that should be happening. Everything is properly marked in AIO... not sure why that'd happen.

-Loss seems flagged correctly. Did you have Immune: Confuse gear equipped?

-The Mediator bug is probably sprite-related. What skill did it use before it vanished?

-Osafune should hopefully be fixed for .993.

-Crush inflicts Slow, not Blind. If the skill inflicts damage, it has (100 - Enemy Debuff Resistance)% chance to proc Slow. This holds true for any skill with a status proc.

-Blowup's bug is... weird. It'll likely be completely reworked for .993 at any rate.

-Not sure why Dual Wield wouldn't work. Maybe Blanky/Darth would have an idea.

Sorry, I know this post isn't too reassuring. Thanks for bringing these all to my attention though.

Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.992)
Post by: DragoonTT on March 21, 2015, 04:20:41 am
Quote from: Eternal on March 20, 2015, 07:36:04 pm
-Mog Lance -should- be working correctly. Have you used it after you were wounded? If so, you probably were healed and there was just no animation of it. That said, it -will- be buffed to be weapon range instead of 1 Range. Currently it's just Steal: HP with a different name.

You're right, it's just the HP gaining animation that doesn't play. Hadn't thought of checking that, sorry.

Quote from: Eternal on March 20, 2015, 07:36:04 pm
-Loss seems flagged correctly. Did you have Immune: Confuse gear equipped?

Pretty certain I didn't, especially not by accident on my whole team. The skill persistently had a 0% chance to hit on everybody

Quote from: Eternal on March 20, 2015, 07:36:04 pm
-The Mediator bug is probably sprite-related. What skill did it use before it vanished?

The first action the Mediator takes vanishes his sprite. Attacking, using a skill, being attacked etc

Quote from: Eternal on March 20, 2015, 07:36:04 pm
-Crush inflicts Slow, not Blind. If the skill inflicts damage, it has (100 - Enemy Debuff Resistance)% chance to proc Slow. This holds true for any skill with a status proc.

Okay, I'll check for that. Slow/Haste caused by Myrmidon and Samurai skills never show the status notification and don't violate related laws, so I thought the tooltip for Crush was correct and it was supposed to cause Blind instead. Thanks for clarification

And a new report:
- There's something wrong with the Help: Materiawood map. The game sometimes freezes, crashes etc - white screen, black screen, frozen screen all happened after a few turns. Can't quite tie it to a certain action yet.
- "Engagement", probably the Assassin Combo skill, is on a staff-type weapon (Dreamwatcher) and hence unacquireable
- Bard skill "Rime" has no tooltip and can't be targeted at anything
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.992)
Post by: chocolatemoose on March 21, 2015, 05:19:41 pm

Can you provide any guidelines on how monster capture should work? I've tried to use a Hunter to capture a couple different monsters in critical condition (bombs, goblins) but when I use the Capture skill it says a 0% chance of success (it's usually around 10-20% when the monster isn't in critical condition).

Is this a bug with GG? I never bothered using Morphers in my regular FFTA playthroughs, so I don't have a frame of reference.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.992)
Post by: Eternal on March 22, 2015, 12:16:45 am

-I'll investigate the Materiawood and Engagement issues. Rime is bugged currently (it's supposed to restore MP), but it's being dealt with.


Straight from the vanilla FFTA guide:

"apture is a useful ability, not only does it capture a monster for your
monster bank, and give you souls to use with your morpher, but it also removes
an enemy from the battlefield. Capturing monsters is also a prerequisite for
mission #100 (fiend run). In order to get that mission you MUST capture at
least 5 monsters, and then the operator of the monster bank will post a request
in the pub after you visit him. Now in order to use capture, several things
must happen, most obviously you need the capture ability. In order to use this
ability correctly, it can only be used on injured monsters (i.e. they cannot
have full health). Now don't be discouraged when you do this, the maximum
percentage you'll ever get for catching a monster is 24%. Just as another side
note, sleep, stop, blind and the direction you attack from have no effect on
the percentage to capture a monster. The way this percentage works is based on
the percentage of life remaining on the monster, at half health you'll have
12%. (If you really wanted to get technical, just take a monsters max hp and
divide by 24, this number is the amount of hp you have to take off in order to
get a 1% increase in your capture attempts). There are a few special cases for
capturing monsters:
> Any undead monster (zombies, vampires) cannot be captured.
> Any rockbeast monster (bladebiter, toughskin) cannot be captured.
> Any fairy monster (sprite, titania) cannot be captured.
> Any tonberry monster (tonberry, masterberry) cannot be captured.
> The monster you are catching cannot be the last enemy on the field.
> The monster you are trying to catch cannot be ko'd.
> The monster may be special, and in turn simply uncatchable."
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.992)
Post by: bcrobert on March 22, 2015, 01:32:31 am
Only animations already used by Drain etc will actually show the HP recovery in an animation. This is stored in the animations data, not in the skill data.

The Mediator thing is almost definitely sprite related. But it shouldn't be happening when he takes damage. Because that sprite definitely has a damaged animation. Eternal, what did you break?

I think shields had some sort of special unknown flag associated with them in a different structure? I seem to remember discussion to that effect a long, long time ago. Darthatron would probably know more, assuming he remembers. (It was like...literally years since this was last brought up.) I seem to remember the short-term solution was to make them all count as gloves so that players would have to choose between glove and shield. Actually that discussion might be from back when Darth was still on insanely derpy. OLD PROBLEM IS OLD.

When you say Dual-Wield "doesn't work" what exact super-specific thing do you mean? Like you have it equipped and it won't equip two knives? What weapon type(s) did you try to dual-wield? And just in case this is the problem, did you remember to equip it to a support slot in the menu while you're learning it?
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.992)
Post by: DragoonTT on March 22, 2015, 05:15:32 am
Got a bug similar to the Mediator one today - the sprite of the Reaver in the Gelp: Gotor Sands (at least I think it was that mission) disappeared after attacking. When the Reaver was supposed to die, the game stopped processing.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.992)
Post by: rrs_kai on March 22, 2015, 08:23:00 am
Quote from: bcrobert on March 22, 2015, 01:32:31 am
Only animations already used by Drain etc will actually show the HP recovery in an animation. This is stored in the animations data, not in the skill data.

The Mediator thing is almost definitely sprite related. But it shouldn't be happening when he takes damage. Because that sprite definitely has a damaged animation. Eternal, what did you break?

I think shields had some sort of special unknown flag associated with them in a different structure? I seem to remember discussion to that effect a long, long time ago. Darthatron would probably know more, assuming he remembers. (It was like...literally years since this was last brought up.) I seem to remember the short-term solution was to make them all count as gloves so that players would have to choose between glove and shield. Actually that discussion might be from back when Darth was still on insanely derpy. OLD PROBLEM IS OLD.

When you say Dual-Wield "doesn't work" what exact super-specific thing do you mean? Like you have it equipped and it won't equip two knives? What weapon type(s) did you try to dual-wield? And just in case this is the problem, did you remember to equip it to a support slot in the menu while you're learning it?

Interestingly the breath attacks also show the HP recovery animation.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.992)
Post by: Ghostly_Life on March 22, 2015, 09:52:53 am
Srry for my bad english, but i'm french.

For the job tree...

"Fighter      2 Soldier"

Unlocked for me with 3  soldier


"Ninja      4 Archer, 4 Thief"

Unlocked for me with  3archer & 3 thief


Samurai   3 Warrior
Myrmidon   3 Samurai
Dragoon      3 Myrmidon"

I've unlock Dragoon with 3 warrior é_è
And i haven't the other job


"Time Mage   4 Black Mage"

Unlocked for me with  3 black mage


"Green Mage   4 White Mage"

Unlocked for me with  3 white mage


"Reaver      5 Beastmaster"

Unlocked for me with  4 beastmaster

I don't know if this problem was already report, i've not see it, so excuse me if it is already report.

btw, your patch is awesome.  ;)
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.992)
Post by: chocolatemoose on March 22, 2015, 02:12:50 pm

That makes sense. What I've run into in GG is that I get a 0% success rate when I try to capture monsters who are in critical condition (i.e. less than 1/4 of max HP). I've specifically run into this with Bombs and Goblins.

However, they seem to have normal capture %s (10%-20%) when they're not in critical condition.

Can you investigate the critical capture %s? It doesn't seem to be working as designed.

EDIT: nevermind, it usually happens when it's the last monster on the field. Makes sense now, thanks!
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.992)
Post by: Eternal on March 22, 2015, 04:08:31 pm
Good news, everybody! I've fixed more bugs! :D

All the Mediator/Reaver bugs were fixed. There were a few equipment/sprite bugs that slipped through and that's what was causing those issues.

@Blanky: Since all Accessories are Rings now, I guess I could make all Shields into Gloves, but that'd mess with Shieldbearer. So sadness. :(

@Ghostly: Welcome to FFH, I'm glad you're enjoying the mod! .993 will actually have reflected job tree information in-game in the Rumors section of the Pub, with any hope. Don't quote me, but it will be in-game soon!

EDIT: Also, Engagement is on Summoner, so Staves are perfectly fine for it!

EDITRA: The first post has been updated with an updated, accurate job tree. 0.993 also has updated job requirements in their descriptions.

Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.992)
Post by: Qavex on March 23, 2015, 07:56:38 pm
Recently stumbled across this. I love the hack so far, but I've a couple balance-related comments.

Firstly: As a guy who loves to re-class the starting clan members immediately, money is ungodly tight at the start of the game. I'd rather not change that, but I have two ideas to ease up on the wallet just a little.
1) How about a Tier 0 set of equipment? They would consist exclusively of the most basic equips for the starting classes. Shortsword, Jack Knife, Stinger, White Staff, Rod, Longbow, Demon Bell (or Glass Bell?), Hard Knuckles; Cuirass, Leather Garb, and Hempen Robe. Nothing else. The Tier 0 weapons cost 800gp instead of 1350gp; the armors cost 1000gp instead of 1500gp. Tier 1 unlocks after the first mission, or is available from the start if you want. It really shouldn't make a difference.
2) Alternatively, just bump starting gold from 1000 to 1500. This would have the same effect before the 1st mission and less impact on the game afterwards.
Both of these should allow unit customization before the first mission. The player, if they choose to do so, can sell all their consumable items and a couple equips to just barely buy 2 items (after paying for the first mission).

Secondly: How many phoenix downs and potions are enemies with the item command supposed to carry? In a skirmish with Clan Marble (I think? They were low level guys headed by a fencer), the soldier used 3 phoenix downs and 5-6 potions. I literally could not out-damage his hasted item spam. Are we, the players, supposed to be able to use items that liberally? If not, they need to be toned down a little. If yes, money's a bit tight for that, you see.

Lastly: A couple of general questions/concerns.
Are missions level scaled?
Are enemy clans level scaled?
Are we supposed to be able to handle the random fights when they first start appearing?
Is grinding for AP going to be a thing ever? New members need to get up to speed somehow.

Criticisms aside, this is a great hack even in its "unfinished" state. I look forward to seeing the final result and will occasionally be around to give more comments like this (and bugs too, if I run into them).
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.992)
Post by: Eternal on March 24, 2015, 01:15:26 am
Welcome to FFH, Qavex! I'm thankful for your feedback, and glad to hear you're enjoying the game! Allow me to address your concerns.

First, I was considering bumping starting Gil back up to 3000, but I'm not sure if that would make things too easy. I- like yourself- also like switching jobs around early game and want people to have that option.

Second, enemies have an infinite amount of each item. Unfortunately, I can't really do anything about this. That's just how they were, even back in vanilla (though enemies didn't use items then).

Thirdly, enemy levels scale with the average level of the party. This goes for every mission and every enemy in the game. Most battles can be attempted upon unlocking, save for the random battle with Clan Dip. They're an early fight meant to test your mettle, though it's not easy to win until late-game, since enemies in Clan Dip have late-game setups and skills.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.992)
Post by: CrowBlack on March 24, 2015, 08:35:38 am
Hello, i am kinda new to this site, and first of all I LOVE THE HACK, but it seems my monk whirlwind got 2 range, which is not listed in your first post, is this a mistake, or maybe i read your post wrong? ( i used it on the early mission against 2 bombs in a line , the position was

B| B| M

M=White Monk

you didn't mention about reduced MP for the blizzard, also in the conversation ( early game ) they mention the old names such as combo etc. instead of your renamed one.

More Addition
What is Mythril blade is supposed to teach? the image is very distorted/looks like a failed gameshark
BTW did i mention that most item teach dragonheart Reaction for dragon(including circlet, shamshir, hemphen robe etc.)
And if you could, please lower the mythril rod Weapon damage, because now my black mage got the highest attack, which is very funny, because, my monk, soldier, and archer only deal half the damage
Pardon any mistake or rudeness, english is not my firts language
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.992)
Post by: Eternal on March 24, 2015, 08:25:46 pm
Welcome to FFH, CrowBlack! Glad to hear you're enjoying the mod!

The first, original post is highly outdated except for the job tree. Using the tooltips and such in-game are your best option. So yes, Whirlwind has extra AoE and Blizzard has a reduced MP cost. I can't change in-game dialogue yet, so talk of Combos will have to remain for now.

Mythril Blade and Dragonheart are known bugs. Mythril Rod is a new one though! I'll review it and adjust it as needed.

EDIT: Mythril Blade is fixed!
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.992)
Post by: CrowBlack on March 25, 2015, 05:01:17 am
I also got another bug in AI reaction, the AI hit me with healing staff , and so my unit health increased, if you could, please make the healing weapon only used to heal the friend
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.992)
Post by: Eternal on March 25, 2015, 08:18:05 pm
I sadly can't edit things like that. The AI is just really derpy sometimes. :(

EDIT: Should Lullaby be moved to a later item for Bards? It's something I'm considering.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.992)
Post by: DragoonTT on March 26, 2015, 03:57:05 am
Quote from: Eternal on March 25, 2015, 08:18:05 pm
I sadly can't edit things like that. The AI is just really derpy sometimes. :(

EDIT: Should Lullaby be moved to a later item for Bards? It's something I'm considering.

Provided you want to up the enemy levels again, you'd have to cut reviving spells/abilities from a few fights that way. If I remember correctly, Lullaby is the only early control ability. Not having access could make certain fights with multiple reviving enemies (not too uncommon) somewhere between stupidly annoying and unwinnably difficult once you lose a member yourself. If you keep the current leveling curve, moving Lullaby could work. Keep in mind that it's pretty much the only ability that makes Moogles remotely useful in the early game, since Moogle Mages are terrible (removal of Geomancy cripples Moogle Black Mages, Nou Mou and Humans get Magic Power + and Double MP to cope) and Thieves aren't terribly useful until you get access to higher-level abilities.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.992)
Post by: Eternal on March 26, 2015, 10:55:47 am
It's funny you mention Geomancy and Moogles. I'm tempted to give Mediators Geomancy (although they couldn't directly benefit from it) so that Moogle Mages would have a little more power.

EDIT: Still attempting to fix Paeon. Unfortunately, every change I make seems to not work. Whenever Paeon is used, it won't restore MP and (somehow) inflicts Reflect on the party instead.

EDIT: I'm also perplexed as to why certain items- namely accessories- aren't appearing in the stores.

EDIT 3: Items are now appearing in shops properly. Fun fact about FFTA I learnt just now. If you want an accessory to be buyable in shops, it has to be Shoes. If it's anything BUT Shoes, the game won't allow it to appear in the shop.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.992)
Post by: Qavex on March 26, 2015, 09:02:52 pm
Lots of little comments and questions here.

Is there a reason items that decrease Evade display 26 evade (for -10evd; -20evd shows up as 21)? I assume it's because the display can't handle negatives.

Should tier-2 equipment be available early through random drops? I found Gold Armor after a random clan fight. I have yet to try The Cheetahs, so I'm still well within tier-1 territory, I think.

There are no Time Mage or Green Mage abilities in tier-1 equipment. Is this intentional, or just a fault of how the better rods have the better magic abilities? My Nu Mou's in an awkward position, having learned everything there is to know about Black and White Magic at this point and having nothing else to learn (cause I have someone else on Beastmaster duty). That's not necessarily a bad thing; Black/White magic is a powerful combo with a lot of utility. It just feels wrong to bring someone into battle with no AP gains.

On a similar vein, there is only one tier-1 Bard ability: Lullaby. Don't remove it, please. I'm not one for optimization, but Moogles have it hard at the start. Since there's only 1 Bard ability, half of Moogles' job tree is unavailable. The other half includes Time Mage, which I mentioned has no tier-1 skills. Montblanc is kind of obligated to go thief because of this.

The Scream ability for Fighters and Myrmidons inflicts Berserk on oneself. Is there a benefit to this? Is Berserk supposed to increase melee damage or something? If so, I don't think its doing it. Granted, the numbers I'm looking at are still low.

What aesthetic are you going for with the Reaver? What was the concept you based the class on? Ignoring the Morpher backbone you have to build on, I'm having a hard time understanding what the class is. It feels like it's supposed to be a warrior of some kind, but its abilities feel more Sage-like.

Lastly, is there anything you can do with Catch? It was kind of a pointless ability in the original game since maybe one or two enemies ever threw things at you. I haven't tried it yet myself, but it still seems to have that generally useless vibe. Unless I'm missing something.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.992)
Post by: Eternal on March 26, 2015, 09:26:03 pm
Hey Qavex, thanks for the response. It's actually kinda funny that you mentioned the things you did since 90% of those things are things I noticed on my own playthrough today.

Evade: That's likely the reason, yes. What item(s) were you looking at?

Gold Armor: Clan battles should only be dropping a usable item, no armor, weapons, etc. That's weird, and I'm not sure why. I'll take a deeper look at it.

Time Mage/Green Mage: I noticed that today during my playthrough, and it'll be remedied soon. The likely scenario will be the -ra Rods being moved to Tier 1. It might be overpowered (though MP cost is always a concern, and some enemies pre-Tier 2 can use -ra spells anyways), but I would like Green Mages/Time Mages to have skills to learn. This way they can each learn 3 skills. Also, on the note of Green Mages, they'll be losing MP Gift for Slowga and their MP costs will be decreased slightly for a little more ease of use. Further, Protect/Shell/Barrier on White Mages will also be seeing an MP cost decrease.

Bards: Conch Shell (Minne) and Fairy Harp (Lifesong) will be moved to Tier 1, most likely. On the topic of Bards, Paeon is being reworked to cancel buffs and debuffs instead of restoring MP. It'll act as a blend of Esuna and Dispel, basically.

Scream: Berserk increases physical damage, yes. Unfortunately, it's not very useful. Future updates may instead make Scream boost the user's ATK instead.

Reaver: Heh, the cat's out of the bag, I suppose. One of the things I'm attempting to do for .993 (and is why said update is taking a bit, comparatively) is because I'm attempting to revamp Reaver to what it was originally intended to be: a Dark Knight/Necromancer hybrid for Nu Mou. Right now it (and Alchemist, which I'm getting to shortly) are in the process of being changed significantly. Since you brought it up, I may as well reveal what their (hopeful) skillset will be:


Dark Wave      (Deals Dark damage to surrounding units and damages the user)
Zombify         (Add: Undead on a unit)
Necromancy      (Add: Charm on an Undead unit)
Putrify         (Fully heals Undead units and harms living units in a small area)
Banish         (Exorcises Undead in a small area)
Lifebane      (Deals damage equal to lost HP)
Charon         (Sacrifices self to deal heavy Dark damage to surrounding units)
Fearful Aura      (Reduces DEF/RES of surrounding units)
Shadowbreak      (Deals ranged Dark physical damage to a ranged unit and damages the user)

Basically, a Dark Knight with control of the Undead that learn skills by ripping away souls from enemies. Which is badass, IMO. But that may just be my Dark Knight fetish showing itself. :P

Reavers are armored mages that can change the tide of battle by turning enemies (which are in larger numbers now, compared to Vanilla, simply because you can't use as many allies) against each other and crushing them with the HP lost by your own attacks. This will only happen if I can find a way to disable Nono's shop (I need access to those text strings that his shop uses for new text), so we'll see if we can make it happen soon-ish.

Likewise, Alchemists are being revamped. I'm sure you've noticed that now they're "Arcanists". That was the original Necromancer job I had planned for them, but they're being revamped to "Evokers". Inspired by Final Fantasy III's Evoker job, Final Fantasy X's Dark Aeons, and the early Persona series' Reverse Arcana, the Evoker will be a Nu Mou summoning job with summons whose effects are reverse of the Summoner's. Their exact skillset has yet to be determined, but some examples are Kirin inflicting damage and dispelling buffs (a reverse to Viera Kirin healing and dispelling debuffs), Phoenix inflicing Undead on a large area (a reverse of Phoenix reviving the dead properly, also to help Reavers out), Maduin healing HP over a large area (a reverse of Maduin dealing damage), etc. Shiva/Ramuh/Ifrit/etc. have yet to be determined. Also, should their animations work, Chocobo will be returning on Evoker (and Summoner!), but only if both their sprites don't bug out. The real issue is that I'm running out of skill slots to work with. I should have enough to make Evoker work, but fitting Reaver in will be tricky.

Catch is exactly how it was before. Proceed as such. :P
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.992)
Post by: Qavex on March 27, 2015, 08:21:53 am
I definitely got a Twin Bow and Gold Armor from clan battles. I didn't think much of the bow since I could also buy it from the shop. I think I also picked up an Onion Sword or something else I didn't think noteworthy. Every clan battle has gotten me a weapon/armor so far, along with gold and, I think, 1 Phoenix Down. The phoenix downs may have come from missions though.

Bronze Armor, Iron Armor, Silken Robe, and Magus Robe have "26" evade. Gold Armor has "21" evade. Based on this I would think anything that gives -10 evade looks like 26, and anything that gives -20 looks like 21. I don't have access to -30 evade items to check on those. Weapons, shields, etc. that increase evade seem to be displaying the correct values.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.992)
Post by: Eternal on March 27, 2015, 08:56:05 pm
Hmm, that's really strange. My -guess- is that clan battles are somehow hardcoded to drop certain items, but that's just a guess. I reworked random mission drops to all be usable items, so that's what should be dropping (and has been dropping for me, but I haven't done clan battles yet).

Shortly after you pointed it out, I noticed the evade issue on my end as well. I'll figure out a way to approach that, if I even keep armor weight at all.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.992)
Post by: Eternal on March 29, 2015, 08:46:58 pm
So, I've been working on Evoker today, and ran into a rather large snag. I'm in need of some help from some of the more experienced hackers here. I used the (currently unused in GG) Morph ability slots for the Evoker's abilities. I thought the "Enable Morpher" flag was what tied the ability to the Monster Bank, but upon attempting to use the skills like normal skills, I'm still unable to select it (presumably because I lack monsters in the Bank). Would anyone know how to un-tie those ability slots from the Bank?
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.992)
Post by: bcrobert on March 30, 2015, 06:11:41 am
Honestly I thought it checked for that specific flag and then compared the ability to a list of capturable monsters somewhere. If it's not a flag then it must be *drumroll* hard-coded for no reason.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.992)
Post by: Eternal on March 30, 2015, 09:03:46 pm
Hmm, could you or Darth take a look at possibly undoing that? Also, a bug was pointed out to me wherein Adrammelech has 999 Magick Power. This has been fixed for the next update... whenever that may be. Evoker needs fixed first.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.992)
Post by: Qavex on April 01, 2015, 11:22:36 am
The Red Mage in Nubswood Base is able to cast Evil Gaze at 0 MP. I'm absolutely certain she didn't heal MP any time during the battle because I have a Soldier with Mirror Mail and Magic Break trolling the enemy casters. I'm pretty sure Evil Gaze isn't supposed to cost 0 MP considering it's an Elementalist ability, but I don't have access to the skill myself yet.

Also, Evil Gaze bypasses reflect. I don't know if that's intentional or not. I'm not sure about the other Elementalist skills since no one's used them against me before and the only skill I have access to is Heavy Dust.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.992)
Post by: Eternal on April 01, 2015, 07:28:05 pm
Evil Gaze's MP cost has been fixed, but note that Elementalist spells have never been reflectable.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.992)
Post by: CrowBlack on April 02, 2015, 03:21:15 am
Hi again, i found that osafune is not working, or actually didn't show up at my samurai ability list. i had checked by equiping osafune, Also my juggler cannot wield 2 weapon despite he is wearing mythril knive
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.992)
Post by: bcrobert on April 06, 2015, 02:19:28 am

I vote make Summon Magic and Spirit Magic reflectable. It always annoyed me that these "magic" skillsets inexplicably ignore barriers that Time Magic can't even get through. It's weird.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.992)
Post by: Beckendorf on April 06, 2015, 03:06:39 pm
Hi Im new on hacktics and there is a bug that annoying me because most of the items teach dragonheart. It's so weird and annoying :(
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.992)
Post by: Eternal on April 06, 2015, 10:47:11 pm
If anything, I would make Spirit Magick Reflectable and not Summons, but that's not in the plans any time soon. Beckendorf, that bug is well known and can't currently be fixed.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.992)
Post by: Beckendorf on April 07, 2015, 04:36:42 am
Oh ok but yours hack still rules :)
Uh oh amazing Im before Hot Awakening mission and I got ninja tabi from battle with clan antilions :D. (Sorry for my bad english but Im from Poland :( )
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.992)
Post by: Lucius on April 07, 2015, 08:47:46 am
Just wanted to say thank you for making this mod. I gave this game around 400 hours when it first came out, so I sort of played it to death :P So yeah.. thank you very much for breathing new life into this brilliant game!
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.992)
Post by: Beckendorf on April 07, 2015, 11:37:54 am
Maybe you should change one worthless class (from nu mou, viera and bannga) to thieves? I do that on my ffta file and it's works perfectly but sadly in ffta GG there is no abillity steal :(

I turn elemantalist ilusionist and warrior in thieves :)

You can too boost black/white mages by giving them doublecast (I give it to moogles in my file)
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.992)
Post by: Viking on April 07, 2015, 11:57:43 am
This is a really fun mod, I've been playing it for a couple weeks now and I'm about half way through.
But does anyone know if its possible to get this on an SD card to play on a 3DS? Sorry if this is a bad place to put this question, I'm new to the forum.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.992)
Post by: Eternal on April 07, 2015, 07:33:58 pm
@Beckendorf: I -highly- advise against modding/cheating in GG. The ROM is rather unstable as it is. Modding things that you don't know about without my notes may cause issues later. Also, Nu Mou, Viera, and Bangaa jobs are all pretty incredible. I would advise playing with those and learning how to use them before changing them.

@Lucius: Thanks for the positive response! Please, let me know about anything you feel that may need tweaked as you play through the game!

@Viking: Glad you're having fun! Feedback is always welcome! I don't know about the 3DS part of your question, but that may be valuable info for later.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.992)
Post by: Beckendorf on April 08, 2015, 02:26:20 am
Yes I know but I don't modding in ffta GG just in my ffta EU file :)
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.992)
Post by: Lucius on April 08, 2015, 07:06:20 am
Just wanted to add that I'm currently playing this on my PSP. I've got it set to fill and screen and I think it looks really good. So nice to be able to play this on the bus on the way to work! :) ( (

Some small things.
Just played a match where the enemy used about 10 phoenix downs! I had to crit to beat them. Long fight.. hard work :P I read that you can't change this.. just wanted to cry about it!

Did you change the treasures you can find when choosing where to place things on the map? I'm guessing you did.. otherwise I'm really bad at following instructions. I'm following the "Perfect Ivalice" layout and it ain't working out :P I should have just done my own thing I guess.. oh well!

What point will the shops start selling new stuff? I just did the mission to save Ezel but the shops still sell the same stuff they've been selling from the start of the game. My poor Bard only knows one skill!

Also my Marche misses his attacks when joining in with a "Limit". How weird is that?
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.992)
Post by: Eternal on April 08, 2015, 08:28:53 pm
@Lucius: Be glad PDs only heal 25% HP now instead of 50% like they used to, haha! And yes, map layouts have been significantly nerfed. You can still get good things, but nothing gamebreaking. Bards are also getting more early-game weapons in the next update.

The first shop upgrade is after Ultima Crystals. As far as Limits go, Combos work like this: each unit has X% chance of joining a Combo, if that check fails, that unit doesn't join in, as denoted by a Miss.

EDIT: Although Evokers aren't what I want them to be, they're temporarily bandaged so I can update soon. Both Evokers and Summoners get the Chocobo Esper! Kweh!

Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.992)
Post by: Eternal on April 11, 2015, 07:36:59 pm
FFTA GG is now updated to Beta 0.993! Some fun additions include:

-Alchemists have been changed to Evokers. Currently, their Summons are no different from Summoners, but once some hardcoding is changed up, they'll have Summons with different effects from Summoners. Chocobo has been added as a Summon to both Summoners and Evokers, and it deals damage to enemies in a line on both sides of the user.

-Engagement is temporarily unavailable as a Limit- it will return again soon.

-Reavers have an updated skillset, unfortunately, descriptions won't be changed until a later date. Reavers are still kind of a WIP, so I don't want to make those changes until everything is 100% finalized.

1) Drain- Drains HP from a unit.
2) Zombify- Add: Undead on a unit.
3) Exorcise- Banishes an Undead unit from battle permanently.
4) Lifebreak- Deals damage to a unit equal to the user's lost HP.
5) Rot- Deals moderate damage to units in a small area, heals the Undead.
6) Dark Magic- Add: Charm on an Undead unit.
7) Expulse- Deals physical Dark damage to units surrounding the user and harms the user by 25% of the damage dealt.
8) Malice- Add: DEF/RES Down on the user and surrounding units.
9) Judgment- Deals tremendous physical Dark damage to units surrounding the user and kills the user.
10) Shieldbearer- Allows Reavers and other jobs to use a Shield.
11) Weapon Def+- Reduces physical damage taken.

-Green Magic MP costs have been reduced, MP Gift has been replaced with Slowga.

-Protect/Shell/Barrier MP costs have been reduced.

-Haste's MP cost has been increased.

-Bards and Time Mages have more weapon access early-game for more abilities.

-Adrammelech no longer has 999 Magic Attack.

-Evil Gaze properly costs MP now.

-Doubleshot has been removed. R.I.P. Doubleshot. You were the most screwed ability in the game, screwed over just about every update. May your eternal soul rest in peace. Faram.

Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: rrs_kai on April 11, 2015, 10:43:17 pm
My system is running again.
Revised the base stats for Bangaa, No mou and Moogle. Also here are the monster stats.
All characters/monsters in the game now have a speed growth of 1.0

@Eternal - Let me know if think they need changes.

Goblin        (Monster [Goblin])
Equipment:    None
Requirements: None

Move:   4     Jump:   3
Evade: 20

HP:  84 / 9.4
MP:  36 / 3.6
ATK:  92 / 9.2
DEF:  92 / 9.2
POW:  68 / 6.8
RES:  64 / 6.4
Red Cap       (Monster [Goblin])
Equipment:    None
Requirements: None

Move:   4     Jump:   3
Evade: 25

HP:  92 / 10.2
MP:  46 / 4.6
ATK: 100 / 10.2
DEF:  90 / 10.7
POW:  80 / 8.2
RES:  80 / 8.3
Jelly         (Monster [Flan])
Equipment:    None
Requirements: None

Move:   3     Jump:   2
Evade: 20

Absorb:  Fire
Weak:    Ice

HP:  65 / 8.2
MP:  70 / 4.2
ATK:  85 / 8.5
DEF: 320 / 25.5
POW:  89 / 8.9
RES:  46 / 4.6
Ice Flan      (Monster [Flan])
Equipment:    None
Requirements: None

Move:   3     Jump:   2
Evade: 20

Absorb:  Ice
Weak:    Fire

HP:  63 / 7.8
MP:  66 / 4.2
ATK:  83 / 8.3
DEF: 320 / 25.5
POW:  88 / 8.8
RES:  49 / 4.9
Cream         (Monster [Flan])
Equipment:    None
Requirements: None

Move:   3     Jump:   2
Evade: 20

Absorb:  Lightning
Weak:    Ice

HP:  67 / 8.2
MP:  62 / 4.2
ATK:  87 / 8.7
DEF: 320 / 25.5
POW:  86 / 8.6
RES:  48 / 4.8
Bomb          (Monster [Bomb])
Equipment:    None
Requirements: None

Move:   3     Jump:   2
Evade: 10

Absorb:  Fire
Weak:    Ice

HP:  87 / 9.2
MP:  42 / 0.4
ATK:  90 / 8.9
DEF:  80 / 8.5
POW:  80 / 9.4
RES:  72 / 7.2
Grenade       (Monster [Bomb])
Equipment:    None
Requirements: None

Move:   4     Jump:   2
Evade: 10

Absorb:  Ice
Weak:    Fire

HP:  97 / 10.2
MP:  44 / 1.1
ATK:  95 / 8.5
DEF:  90 / 9.5
POW:  80 / 10.2
RES:  88 / 8.8
Icedrake      (Monster [Dragon])
Equipment:    None
Requirements: None

Move:   3     Jump:   2
Evade: 25

Nullify: Ice

HP: 192 / 14.2
MP:  24 / 2.9
ATK:  94 / 10.1
DEF: 148 / 11.2
POW:  76 / 7.6
RES: 122 / 11.2
Firewyrm      (Monster [Dragon])
Equipment:    None
Requirements: None

Move:   4     Jump:   2
Evade: 25

Nullify: Fire

HP: 132 / 11.2
MP:  28 / 3.0
ATK:  91 / 9.1
DEF:  94 / 9.4
POW:  72 / 7.2
RES:  92 / 9.2
Thundrake     (Monster [Dragon])
Equipment:    None
Requirements: None

Move:   3     Jump:   2
Evade: 25

Nullify: Lightning

HP: 156 / 12.6
MP:  26 / 3.6
ATK: 132 / 11.2
DEF:  82 / 8.2
POW:  73 / 7.3
RES:  76 / 7.6
Lamia         (Monster [Lamia])
Equipment:    None
Requirements: None

Move:   4     Jump:   2
Evade: 30

HP:  78 / 8.8
MP:  68 / 3.6
ATK: 100 / 8.6
DEF:  90 / 8.5
POW:  82 / 8.2
RES: 106 / 9.6
Lilith        (Monster [Lamia])
Equipment:    None
Requirements: None

Move:   4     Jump:   2
Evade: 30

HP:  86 / 9.6
MP:  74 / 4.8
ATK: 105 / 9.2
DEF: 100 / 8.9
POW:  86 / 8.6
RES: 122 / 11.2
Antlion       (Monster [Spider])
Equipment:    None
Requirements: None

Move:   3     Jump:   2
Evade: 20

HP:  99 / 9.2
MP:  42 / 4.2
ATK:  95 / 9.5
DEF:  95 / 10.5
POW:  60 / 6.4
RES:  56 / 5.6
Jawbreaker    (Monster [Spider])
Equipment:    None
Requirements: None

Move:   3     Jump:   2
Evade: 20

HP: 109 / 10.2
MP:  64 / 5.6
ATK: 110 / 10.1
DEF: 105 / 11.5
POW:  64 / 6.4
RES:  72 / 7.2
Toughskin     (Monster [Blade Biter])
Equipment:    None
Requirements: None

Move:   3     Jump:   2
Evade: 15

HP: 122 / 10.2
MP:  84 / 6.6
ATK:  80 / 8.1
DEF: 220 / 11.6
POW:  64 / 6.4
RES:  64 / 6.4
Blade Biter   (Monster [Blade Biter])
Equipment:    None
Requirements: None

Move:   3     Jump:   2
Evade: 15

HP: 136 / 11.6
MP:  70 / 4.8
ATK:  96 / 9.6
DEF: 240 / 13.2
POW:  64 / 6.4
RES:  74 / 7.4
Tonberry      (Monster [Tonberry])
Equipment:    None
Requirements: None

Move:   2     Jump:   2
Evade: 50

HP:  50 / 9.1
MP:  48 / 4.4
ATK:  50 / 5.1
DEF: 115 / 9.0
POW:  40 / 4.1
RES: 112 / 11.2
Masterberry   (Monster [Tonberry])
Equipment:    None
Requirements: None

Move:   2     Jump:   2
Evade: 55

HP:  62 / 10.2
MP:  86 / 4.4
ATK:  50 / 5.2
DEF: 125 / 9.4
POW:  40 / 4.2
RES: 128 / 11.8
Red Panther   (Monster [Panthers])
Equipment:    None
Requirements: None

Move:   5     Jump:   5
Evade: 35

HP:  79 / 9.6
MP:  24 / 2.4
ATK:  90 / 9.0
DEF:  80 / 9.5
POW:  80 / 8.2
RES:  80 / 8.2
Coeurl        (Monster [Panthers])
Equipment:    None
Requirements: None

Move:   5     Jump:   5
Evade: 40

HP:  90 / 10.2
MP:  32 / 3.6
ATK: 101 / 10.1
DEF:  99 / 9.9
POW:  86 / 8.6
RES:  96 / 9.6
Malboro       (Monster [Malboro])
Equipment:    None
Requirements: None

Move:   3     Jump:   2
Evade: 20

HP: 110 / 13.4
MP:  20 / 3.6
ATK:  82 / 8.2
DEF:  80 / 8.0
POW:  80 / 8.2
RES:  94 / 9.4
Big Malboro   (Monster [Malboro])
Equipment:    None
Requirements: None

Move:   3     Jump:   2
Evade: 15

HP: 132 / 13.2
MP:  28 / 5.2
ATK:  91 / 9.1
DEF:  95 / 9.5
POW:  80 / 8.4
RES: 101 / 10.1
Floateye      (Monster [Ahriman])
Equipment:    None
Requirements: None

Move:   6     Jump:   4
Evade: 40

HP:  56 / 8.6
MP:  32 / 3.2
ATK:  80 / 8.0
DEF:  80 / 8.2
POW:  84 / 8.4
RES:  88 / 8.8
Ahriman       (Monster [Ahriman])
Equipment:    None
Requirements: None

Move:   6     Jump:   4
Evade: 45

HP:  72 / 9.2
MP:  48 / 4.8
ATK:  85 / 9.5
DEF:  85 / 9.2
POW:  92 / 9.2
RES:  96 / 9.6
Zombie        (Monster [Undead])
Equipment:    None
Requirements: None

Move:   3     Jump:   2
Evade: 45

Absorb:  Dark
Weak:    Holy

HP:  98 / 9.3
MP:  20 / 2.8
ATK:  95 / 9.5
DEF:  90 / 9.1
POW:  68 / 6.8
RES:  72 / 7.2
Vampire       (Monster [Undead])
Equipment:    None
Requirements: None

Move:   4     Jump:   3
Evade: 55

Absorb:  Dark
Weak:    Holy

HP: 102 / 10.2
MP:  42 / 4.6
ATK:  81 / 8.1
DEF:  88 / 8.8
POW:  96 / 9.6
RES: 104 / 10.4
Sprite        (Monster [Fairy])
Equipment:    None
Requirements: None

Move:   4     Jump:   3
Evade: 50

Absorb:  Holy
Weak:    Dark

HP:  62 / 7.2
MP:  40 / 5.1
ATK:  70 / 8.0
DEF:  75 / 7.5
POW:  92 / 9.2
RES:  92 / 11.2
Titania       (Monster [Fairy])
Equipment:    None
Requirements: None

Move:   4     Jump:   3
Evade: 60

Absorb:  Holy
Weak:    Dark

HP:  72 / 8.2
MP:  52 / 7.2
ATK:  85 / 9.5
DEF:  80 / 8.2
POW: 102 / 10.2
RES: 106 / 11.6

firedrake has 4move while the other two have 3move
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Eternal on April 11, 2015, 10:49:23 pm
Thoughts about 100/1.0 Speed Growth: since I started with jobs having 2.0 Speed Growth, should I keep that trend for monsters as well, for people who've already started a save file with 2.0 Speed Growth? Other than that, everything looks good!
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: rrs_kai on April 12, 2015, 12:06:35 am
yes 2.0 works

also fixed dual-wield for moogles (its fine for humans)
change it as below image as double-sword and maintenance are incorrectly labeled
vice-versa for maintenance
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Eternal on April 12, 2015, 12:08:56 am
Perfect! 0.994 will have the updated monster stats, some tweaks to status resistance, and fixed Dual Wield for Moogles! Thanks!

EDIT: 0.994 will also update some descriptions, fixes Enmity's range, boosts Reraise's MP cost, and a few other small things.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Qavex on April 15, 2015, 07:08:28 pm
The Evoker's Chocobo skill has a range of 1, an AoE of 2, targets all units in range (friends, enemies, and the user), does physical damage (weapon attack damage?), and the animation looks kind of like sleep/bio but purple. I think this needs some fixing.

And I got myself so pumped up for Chocobo and everything, too.  :cry:

Also Ramuh has replaced Dragonheart for "taught by everything". I know this bug can't be fixed - just thought I'd point it out.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Eternal on April 15, 2015, 09:37:11 pm
Ah, I know what happened. I was testing a Reaver ability (Expluse) and had it in Chocobo's slot and forgot to switch it back. I'll fix that for the next update.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Marche on April 25, 2015, 07:18:17 am
Any updates about the upcoming beta 1?
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Qavex on April 27, 2015, 12:28:42 pm
Bug: In the mission Magic Wood, trying to check the summoner's skills causes the game to freeze.

Maybe bug: The average party level seems to be calculated as [actual average]+1.5. Enemies are consistently 1-2 levels above the party. If this was intentional, this is fine most of the time, but the smaller skirmishes get more difficult. Raven's Oath, for example, is a 2-on-2, and the enemies being level 12 when almost all of my party is level 9 is rubbish (especially since it's still a tough battle at even levels).

Comment: In the missions where the enemy has 6 or more units, is there any reason we're still limited to 5?
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: CrowBlack on April 30, 2015, 06:45:13 am
Hi, back again here, list of problems :
Samurai skill (osafune, and some others katana) cannot be learned (doesn't show up at the skill list)
Dual wield cannot be used , although it is shown as 'equiped Support skill' but the effect is not appliable
I don't know if i should say this is a bug or not, but i got red mage at level 10, with doublecast, while it is actually a end-game skill-- Edit-- just realize this is a special character (Eldena)
Enemy breaking laws
Bugged skill ->Enemy gone invisible(not invincible tho), usually when i fight an enemy clan full of moogle, i think it was the gunner
My arcanist(original job) don't have Action Abillities of ITEM
I managed to get locked item through stealing from enemy, quite a lot of them, you'll want to check them
Temporary fix for Hang/Frozen/Not-moving game >>> Press start, and then save now. Save it with Shift+F1(state). Open your original ROM . Load the state (Press F1) . Load the game. Clear the mission. save it and then play it with your hacked ROM again.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: CrowBlack on April 30, 2015, 07:03:53 am
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Eternal on April 30, 2015, 08:16:17 pm
Thanks for all your feedback! I'm going to be a little out of commission until after the 10th of May, but I am keeping track of this topic! I'll respond in-depth after that. CrowBlack, are you sure you're using the most updated version? It fixes a lot of that.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: CrowBlack on May 01, 2015, 07:42:24 am
I wasn't, then i re-checked with the newest version, still not fixed, at least the one i could check,but i cannot check my arcanist, since i throw it out of the clan, But the enemy has at least break the law once, after i re-check it. Dual sword still not usable. Rime Also cannot be used (Bard skil)
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Marche on May 20, 2015, 10:54:49 pm
Is this dead? I hope not
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Eternal on May 20, 2015, 11:27:05 pm
Just because there's not been an update recently doesn't mean it's dead. It means I've been working on a lot of back-end stuff that isn't really ready for release yet.

EDIT: The biggest of which is getting Evoker working and some other weird bugs fixed. The next update will be the cleanest one yet, if all goes well! :)
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: bcrobert on May 21, 2015, 01:35:31 am
Give all of the guns 999 attack and innate dual-wield.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Shintroy on May 25, 2015, 04:34:00 pm
Looking forward to the update. Stopped midway chapter 2. Fights didn't get harder like they did in the first .99X release
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Eternal on May 25, 2015, 10:57:53 pm
Ultimately, the next update's balance should be a lot more stable, with much fewer spikes, and an overall better curve. Also, hopefully, Chocobo Summon. :P
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Eternal on June 18, 2015, 04:29:17 pm
Hey all! Just an update, I've been really busy so far, but I've still been plugging away at the next update for GG, which should be out in July. Sorry for the wait, but this is my busy season at work. Kweh!
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: gomordecai on June 29, 2015, 02:12:53 pm
Hello, I'm having a patching issue. I'm running tsukoyomi through wine on OS X and I get an error every time is attempt to patch. Sorry if this doesn't belong on this forum, if not thanks for your hard work and I'm sure I'll love it once I get it going.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Eternal on June 29, 2015, 09:15:25 pm
Hmm, I'm honestly not familiar with Wine, so I can't really say what the issue would be. My guess is that your computer is missing some requisite file to properly run the program or something along those lines. Sorry I can't be of more help. :(
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: gomordecai on June 30, 2015, 10:43:54 pm
No worries, thanks anyway!
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Aquarius322 on July 15, 2015, 08:26:46 am
Hello there. I noticed another bug. It happened when I fought clan dip I went to check the stats of the summoner and the game froze.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: kedar on July 18, 2015, 04:11:44 pm
Hey, just stumbled upon this project and wanted to thank you for your time and effort put into creating GG. Can't wait to dive into tweaked Ivalice, and be a child again. I'm a bit salty, as I liked my Illusionist, but I'm aware that it was a necessary change. Is July still a viable deadline, or will you need more time to polish your baby? I know you have your private life, and I respect that.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Eternal on July 18, 2015, 06:25:50 pm
For the most part, most of my tweaks and fixes are just about done. I'm still having trouble with the Evoker and Reaver though, so that may take a little more time to polish.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: kedar on July 19, 2015, 03:37:25 am
What seems to be the problem with them?
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Eternal on July 19, 2015, 03:44:55 pm
Honestly, the issue is finding text space with the tools that are currently out. I've run out of space to make new ability names and description names.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Viking on July 30, 2015, 02:21:44 pm
How can I tell if this is done correctly right away? I followed the instructions, but in the first tutorial battle the laws still show up. Am I using the right Tsukuyomi thing? Theres four things to use, and I don't know which is which or what files go to what (I had it installed right once, but it seems to not want to work again)
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Eternal on July 30, 2015, 07:41:33 pm
An easy way to tell is that before the title screen there'll be a screen that says Eternal + Darthatron. If that doesn't appear, then the patch hasn't patched correctly.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Viking on August 02, 2015, 12:49:36 pm
Which title screen, the one on startup or the one after the little intro thing?

Also, trying to redo everything. Clicking 'Apply patch to existing file' gives me a invalid checksum error, applying to a new file gives the same thing. Create a new patch I don't know how to use. Am I supposed to have two rom files, one to use as the patch to apply to, and the other to have as the output destination?
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Eternal on August 02, 2015, 06:57:49 pm
Right after Square-Enix pops up before the title screen, it'll say Final Fantasy Hacktics, and then Darthatron + Eternal if it was patched properly. You're going to want to patch an existing file (your untouched FFTA ROM). If you're getting a checksum error, my guess is that you're either not using a US FFTA ROM, or it's already been patched with something else.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: SwirlingPetals on August 06, 2015, 04:49:21 pm
I'm new to this whole... everything so I don't know if this was intended or not, but missions always have laws, not only that but certain missions seem to have certain laws. For example, the mission I'm on (one of the "Wanted!" missions) always has 2 laws (no matter the day I entered them):
One forbidding Missile weapons and recommending Swords (which makes my poor Archer useless)
One forbidding the usage of Law Cards, in fact, every mission so far seems to have this law, sometimes appearing twice (I guess they REALLY don't want us using law cards)
On top of that, the world map never displays any laws being in effect.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Eternal on August 06, 2015, 07:40:24 pm
That is intended. Switching jobs and strategies around is key- Laws will always be set for each battle.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: SwirlingPetals on August 06, 2015, 08:37:01 pm
Ok, thanks for clearing that up. That's a really good idea too, the original was kind of boring in the sense that after I got Gunner, Ninja, Sniper and Dragoon my party almost never changed.
Either way I got through the match (only 2 members were alive though), if only because I got really lucky on my Fencer's Swallowtail missing my party members almost everytime.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Eternal on August 12, 2015, 11:58:28 am
For all those wondering, I've been working a lot on KO PSP Critical Mode and Parted Ways lately. After I finish my test run for KO PSP Critical Mode, I'll be doing a test drive of GG and with any luck, once that's done, 1.0 will be finally released! Thank you all for your patience! :)
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: chocolatemoose on August 12, 2015, 07:44:58 pm
Thanks for the continued work! We'll be here waiting.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: kedar on August 13, 2015, 03:44:50 am
Same here, thank you and keep all the goodness coming  :D
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Narcissistic Black on August 15, 2015, 07:04:46 pm
I had some questions about some things.

Quote from: Eternal on June 23, 2013, 07:50:32 pm
-Laws have been removed.

Does this mean that the prisons and judges serve no purpose now or of have you made something new for them?

Quote-All enemy levels scale with the party.

Does its only go off of the main characters level?

Quote-Tooltips will not display the correct information.

Will this be fixed in the full release version or is this not editable?
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Eternal on August 15, 2015, 10:37:49 pm
-Laws are back, but each battle has set Laws. Prisons and Judges still serve their purpose. Law Cards can't be used except for Clan Fights to shift those battles into your favor.

-Enemy levels scale based on the average level of the party.

-Descriptions have been changed and are now (mostly) accurate.

Enjoy! :)
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: bcrobert on August 16, 2015, 02:03:06 am
Quote from: Eternal on August 15, 2015, 10:37:49 pm
-Descriptions have been changed and are now (mostly) accurate.

Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: SilverAuron on August 16, 2015, 09:18:23 am
I was wondering if something has been done(if it is even possible) about the "named generics", you know, Eldena Pallaza and the like. I was mostly interested in the "time of recruit", because some fo them are pretty far in the story, and most importantly, their join level. Last time I tried getting them as fast as possible, they were A LOT higher than the rest of my party, leaving me with (near start of the game) a 6 lv7-9 characthers, two lv 12, a lv 16 and a wopping Lv 20 Pallaza(or was it cheney?). This, of course kind of screwed me up a little (ok with pallaza I "cheated" by tradind the wymthing from aprevious complete save file, but still). Another thing I was interested in was if you had any intention to change the "original 4's" starting classes, we talked about it months ago but it was not mentioned again.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Eternal on August 16, 2015, 08:07:58 pm
I know we had briefly discussed the starting roster, but I've grown to like it how it is now. As far as recruitable characters are concerned, they join at the party's average level now, so they shouldn't throw you off like they did before.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: bcrobert on August 17, 2015, 01:47:27 am
Starting roster should be 3 bangaa and 3 nu mou. At level 50. With all skills mastered. LIZARDMAGE DESTRUCTION SQUAD GO!

But seriously I'm happy to see that you've been working on the descriptions. That was easily my biggest complaint about older versions. :)
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Keitomine on August 19, 2015, 05:09:50 pm
Quick question.. just to make sure this isn't a bug or anything.

Is everything that doesn't have an ability already tied to it supposed to teach Ramuh to Alchemists?

Also why does the enemy's First aid add Regen, but not my own? It says it adds Regen but it behaves like it originally does.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Eternal on August 19, 2015, 07:28:47 pm
The former is just a bug. It's already well known and documented. The latter... are you sure it's behaving differently for both sides? It's literally one ability.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Keitomine on August 19, 2015, 10:57:34 pm
Well when I did the Request: "Thesis Hunt" I noticed a soldier giving a thief Regen some how, and he also gave it to himself, making it a lot harder for me because I don't have access to regen like I should.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Eternal on August 19, 2015, 11:05:47 pm
Hmm. I made a few adjustments to First Aid and Nurse a while ago... First Aid should only restore HP and cure Blind, Silence, and Poison. My guess is that the Soldier used Nurse- a Chivalry skill- that heals HP and bestows Regen.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Keitomine on August 20, 2015, 01:00:02 am
So, first aid doesn't add Regen? you should probably change that. I was under the impression that I was just playing against an unfair advantage.

Other than that it's a decently challenging game. Though I don't like how expensive items are, and how little money you get, and how much faster you learn skills, it kinda ruins the flow of things, causing AP to get wasted, which kinda sucks for a hack with this kind of difficulty this early on.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: bcrobert on August 24, 2015, 05:13:57 am
Quote from: Keitomine on August 20, 2015, 01:00:02 amThough I don't like how expensive items are, and how little money you get, and how much faster you learn skills, it kinda ruins the flow of things, causing AP to get wasted, which kinda sucks for a hack with this kind of difficulty this early on.

This reminds me of exactly my problem with FFTA2. It's always disappointing when a unit isn't learning a new skill and should be. It makes victories bittersweet.

If you want money to be a limited resource, you could edit the mission rewards so that they give out more or occasionally set equipment rewards. Just to guarantee that the player never goes wanting.

EDIT. You gave a Thesis Hunt guy AoE Regen? What the dick, man. YOU CAN'T EVEN GRIND BEFORE THE CLAN WARS. We've totally had that discussion before. >_>
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Kensai on August 24, 2015, 08:14:34 am
Swallowtail is messed up, becomes really powerful now.

First Aid is weak, maybe increase healing amount or add range 1?
I think magicbreak will be better if you add 50% damage to skill. It's perfect against mages.
Why you restrict doublecast only to red mage? That worked great with Elemental magick, and still limited with regen mp disabled.

Thesis Hunt - 2 thiefs with counter, 1 soldier with nurse (heal + regen) and 1 with cure + priest with cure. Are you serious?
So, red soldier cast nurse on enemy thief. Thief gets heal and regen and then counters soldier. Nice move, thief.

Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: bcrobert on August 25, 2015, 05:06:32 am
Quote from: Kensai on August 24, 2015, 08:14:34 am
So, red soldier cast nurse on enemy thief. Thief gets heal and regen and then counters soldier. Nice move, thief.

Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Kensai on August 25, 2015, 09:09:03 am
Reason why Swallowtail overpowered and Air Render useless now.

Before "Sensor"

After "Sensor"

Solder has some buff with hourglass from Warrior (Sprohmknigths)

BTW what do you think about AOE 1 decrease power as soldier mid level skill?
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: rrs_kai on August 25, 2015, 12:54:56 pm
Quote from: Kensai on August 25, 2015, 09:09:03 am
Reason why Swallowtail overpowered and Air Render useless now.

OMG!! Swallowtail has and AOE of 3? :shock:
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Kensai on August 26, 2015, 03:47:06 am
Quote from: rrs_kai on August 25, 2015, 12:54:56 pm
OMG!! Swallowtail has and AOE of 3? :shock:

AIO says Swallowtail is Vertical AOE 2 and Horizontal AOE 13  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Scream (Self berserk) is useless, because you can't heal or buff yourself, so potion>scream
How about to make moogle receive double wield much sooner than hume, but restrict this race or skill to knives only (but only for moogle, hume kept original)? They are small after all.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: bcrobert on August 27, 2015, 10:06:26 pm
Scream does have potential regardless.

In FFTA one of my play-tests involved an ability that inflicted Self: Berserk and then applied buffs IF the berserk effect succeeded after the equipment check.

It was like Berserk+Haste+AttackUp+CriticalUp...and it turned the Soldier into a walking berserker time bomb. :D

FFTA2 has even more buffs iirc so I'm sure there's a combination that fits well for Scream.

EDIT. I forgot this is the GG1 topic. I'm getting the FFTA and FFTA2 threads mixed up. T_T
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Eternal on August 27, 2015, 10:41:51 pm
Kensai, welcome to FFH, and thanks for playing! Allow me to respond to your feedback, and I hope it clears things up:

First Aid is actually only a few points weaker than Cure, but is based on Physical Attack and is free, and cures debuffs on the user, making it useful in different situations from Cure. It's not meant to be an amazing ability, since it's one of the first ones you get. That being said, it's still really good early-game and in situations where you need to top off your health.

To clarify, the 13 AoE you see is the game's way of saying "summon AoE", basically, 2 AoE instead of 1 or single-target. This was to put it on par with Whirlwind and other around-self skills that had an AoE boost. Unfortunately, I'm having trouble setting them back to default. Even when I set everything back to how it was in Vanilla, they still act strangely.

Magicbreak is meant to be used to cripple mages while you go after other units. If you can't flat out kill the mage, making it unable to cast spells (or at least, as many of them/the stronger ones) is a viable option. The Breaks are all weapon range and work great with Bows, for the record.

Thesis Hunt has always been a weird mission to balance. No matter what changes I make to it, it always comes out ridiculously hard or ridiculously easy. I've never been truly happy with it, but I'm getting there! The one Thief did lose Counter and Maintenance, and the other had Counter replaced with Arrow Guard. I noticed, however, that he didn't have any actual Thief skills. He can now steal your gear, but I'll see during testing how that plays out. Nurse is staying, namely because I don't feel it makes the battle much different one way or another.

I'm aware of the bug with the stat down skills, though I'm not sure why it's happening or how to fix it. Darth looked at the ROM ages ago and saw that it should be working perfectly, so I don't really have an answer on that just yet.

The hourglass buff on the Soldier was like the result of the Fighter in that fight using Cheer, which Adds: Boost onto an allied unit to increase their strength. (Think Helping Hand from the Pokemon series.)

In regards to Scream, it's getting buffed in the near future, I'm just not sure what I'm going to do with it. Fret not, it's on my list! :)
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Kensai on August 28, 2015, 07:19:48 am
Thanks for the answer!!

1. First Aid. Actually, the way it is (and was), First Aid is useless in comparison witn Item:Potion.
If you can give potion to drink to teammate (AOE 1), why you can't aid them? It's not a specific skill like Boost or Chakra, to not be able to. And AOE 1 won't make it overpowered and such. Of course it's for you to decide.
QuoteThat being said, it's still really good early-game

Actually no, item:potion is useful than this skill.

2. Well that's sad. Maybe some part from another code (after hacking another class for example) is messing with variable? Hope you find a solution!

My point is then enemy wizard has mp regen often the best solution is to punch him to kill him on next turn, than you deplete his mana, wizard regens it and cast another spell at you.
And if enemy has manashield then this skill is simply useless.
My point is, if magicbreak get's damage bonus (50% of simple attack) it becomes a great tactical option, useful anti-mage skill.
Even an enemy with manashield loses his mana and get hit.

Yes, I know that soldier skills work great with bows (and even greater with dual wield in fft), it's just sad for me to realize that the way it is, soldier class is just a way to get other classes, not a great tactical job on his own. You only need a 3 soldier skills maximum to unlock warrior, so why not make other 5 skills better? (but I haven't played whole game to the end, so maybe I'm wrong )

QuoteThesis Hunt has always been a weird mission to balance. No matter what changes I make to it, it always comes out ridiculously hard or ridiculously easy. I've never been truly happy with it, but I'm getting there! The one Thief did lose Counter and Maintenance, and the other had Counter replaced with Arrow Guard. I noticed, however, that he didn't have any actual Thief skills. He can now steal your gear, but I'll see during testing how that plays out. Nurse is staying, namely because I don't feel it makes the battle much different one way or another.

Well, speaking for myself that was my first mission, and that was quite difficult, if I haven't got Whirlwind and Swallowtail that will be insane to complete.
In my opinion, what makes it harder is that almost everyone in enemy team has aid, cure, or even nurse with auto-regen. So you hit them them with all you got and then it's their turn and voila! - full hp.

QuoteIn regards to Scream, it's getting buffed in the near future, I'm just not sure what I'm going to do with it. Fret not, it's on my list! :)

I think that you wanted to make it more like Rage and Berserk skill from DND games, am I wrong? :)

Maybe buff it with Auto:Regen or Haste?
Or add advice effect (criticalUp).
Or before Berserk begins heal user and remove immobilize.
Or remade it to "AttackUP + DefenceDOWN + Charm\Berserk\Confuse immunity" combination

Beso Toxico should do a full damage, like swarmstrike
Throw skill is too expensive to use now. Possible solution - to reduce price on kunai and weaker knives

Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Eternal on August 28, 2015, 02:14:49 pm
I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on First Aid. It's not meant to be anything amazing, it's meant to be anything amazing, it's meant to be one of many utilities in the Soldier/Warrior's skillset. Soldiers, I might add, get Revive and Aim: Armor later on, as well. I wouldn't be averse to giving First Aid 1 Range later on if I feel it really needs it though.

In regards to Magicbreak, note that MP regeneration isn't a thing in GG. That was one of the first things removed from it. So unless an enemy uses an Ether or something, if that MP is gone, it's gone for good.

Scream will probably be getting Critical Up added to it, at least, that's what I've been leaning towards. We'll see though.

Beso Toxico and Swarmstrike were too similar for a very long time, thus the differentiation. Beso Toxico is great for Poisoning ranged enemies, but Swarmstrike is for when they're up close and you want to do damage as well.

It's funny that you mention Throw since I was thinking about it the other day. My change is to make the Kunai no longer +15% EVD (moving that to the Osafune), and making Kunai 500 Gil instead.

When 1.0 is out, I'm also hoping to release an official version of FFTA Arena, since I've pretty much overhauled everything since then. This was a demo video that was made ages ago of it:
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: bcrobert on August 29, 2015, 12:55:44 am
I appreciate that it's called Kunai instead of Ninja Knife. Let me just mention that.

Also soldiers get Aim: Armor? Happiness.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Qavex on August 30, 2015, 03:54:19 pm
Thesis hunt ends up becoming a war of attrition since every enemy ends up with healing. This isn't a problem in and of itself, but the mission comes at a point in the game where the player has an explicit set amount of resources and no way to get more. And to make it worse, they start the fight with more units than the player. It can't be avoided; it can't be fought on the player's terms. The enemy drives the pace of the battle, and there is jack squat one can do about it. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but it's frustrating to look back on the fight and not have an "Oh! I should have done this to not lose" moment. Does that make any sense?

For the thief's abilities: please don't let them steal weapons. Consumable items? Fine. Accessories? Fine; irritating, but fine. Armor? Devastating, but grudgingly acceptable. But to remove a weapon? Lose a skill mid-battle, lose out on AP gains, and have to pay for a new one? If anyone here is like me, that's an instant-lose condition and requires a restart.

Scream can just Add: ATK up (like from Dragon Force) on top of Berserk. That should make the hurt felt more consistently than the crit boost. Or you could do both and make the ability take longer to learn. Losing control of your unit, even if voluntarily, is a major sacrifice, and from my experience requires a full-party strategy to pull off without handicapping yourself. In other words, unless I go into a fight knowing I'm going to use Scream right then, it never gets used (and even so, its super niche).

Also, Swarmstrike isn't weapon range!?  :shock:
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: bcrobert on August 31, 2015, 02:22:16 am
You're probably thinking about replacing Steal: Weapon with Frogsong or Demi or some other nonsense.

Stop it.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Eternal on August 31, 2015, 10:23:21 am
@Blank: Don't be silly. It's just going to be Steal: Shield and Steal: Accessory- neither would be big losses if they hit.

@Qavex: The big thing about FFTA Berserk is that it's like Confuse and Charm- it wears off if the unit is attacked, making Berserk a tricky thing to balance around. Swarmstrike and Beso Toxico were changed in a recent update because they were too same-y before. Now they have their own little niches.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: bcrobert on August 31, 2015, 11:31:06 am
Quote from: Eternal on August 31, 2015, 10:23:21 am
@Qavex: The big thing about FFTA Berserk is that it's like Confuse and Charm- it wears off if the unit is attacked, making Berserk a tricky thing to balance around. Swarmstrike and Beso Toxico were changed in a recent update because they were too same-y before. Now they have their own little niches.

Could someone else confirm that? I don't remember Berserk curing itself with damage but I also don't ever use Berserk...I can check later but I need to be at work in a few minutes. >_>
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Mikail on August 31, 2015, 03:03:43 pm
All laws have been removed? Did I do something wrong when patching it? I still got the law at the start of the game.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Eternal on August 31, 2015, 07:47:10 pm
Laws are back (I really need to update the first post), but they're set, so each battle will have set laws.

EDIT: I believe you can stack the Anarchy patch (found in Completed Patches) with this patch if you don't want Laws. I'm not usually for stacking patches, so I'm not sure if it'll work, but it's worth a try!
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Mikail on September 01, 2015, 12:23:07 am
That would probably be a good idea jajajajaja
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Eternal on September 01, 2015, 12:31:50 am
I'm currently performing what will (hopefully) be the final playthrough of GG before a 1.0 release. I've noticed several bugs (albeit minor) that are on the chopping block. Some tooltips still aren't right, but those will be worked on over time (and some simply can't be dealt with at the moment thanks to lots of ability swaparoo-ing).

And yes, I've replayed Thesis Hunt. It's... kinda pathetically easy now, but I thought it was fairly easy before, so we'll see how others will react.

Some bugs I've noticed thus far:

-First Aid does not properly cure Poison (but properly cures Blind, despite both properties being present in the editor.)

-I need to figure out what to do with Whirlwind, Blitz, Iaido, Swallowtail, etc. Ideally, I would just reset them back to Vanilla range/AoE, but that doesn't seem to be working.

-Stat downs are broken for some reason, and I've no true idea why.

-The enemies in Lizard Men (the first fight in the game) start at a level other than 1 for some reason. (Also, you all will be pleased to know that now Mewt has only 1 HP, so the tutorial fight goes by a lot faster now, and you can control Montblanc in Lizard Men, meaning that the first minutes of the game go by much faster than before so you can get to the meat of the game faster!)

So yeah, that's what's on the list right now. I'm sure there's more to fix, but I'll find all that out in time!
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: bcrobert on September 01, 2015, 04:33:51 am
First Aid=This is probably because Remove:Poison is effect 4 and Remove:Blind is effect 2. If my theory is correct then First Aid will only cure Poison IF the same unit is also Blind and Silenced. Because the activation of an effect is related to whether or not the effect before it is used.

Whirlwind etc=Set them to a very low power, like 15 or something. If both AIO and the abilities Nightmare module are unable to fix whatever's wrong with it, then I have no idea how you broke it. :(
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Kensai on September 01, 2015, 07:03:20 am
About Whirlwind and Swallowtail, maybe you should
a) lower accuracy
b) add MP cost
c) lower damage

Also maybe good solution will be to take a clean rom and patch these skills in aio, to see if they work and then compare code. That's just a noob advice ;)

To tell truth without this skills battles at beginning of game would be insane difficult imho.

And imho iaido is normal. Not owerpowered and class is not so easy to unlock.

Saint Cross doesn't working, shows 0% hit, 0% damage, no target selection.
Enmity is maybe owerpowered (I may be wrong), immobilize + berserk wins a lot of battle.
Crush (myrmydon skill) shows "Sweet Spot!" label doesn't add effect, and has 15 MP cost against 10 MP from Split (damage+poison).
Shadowstick (slow) is probably better than in original, but still not so useful as swarmstrike. Same for Aphony.

Moogles, so they get Dual Wield early after all. But I completely forgot about them and they probably don't get much support with skills\items at the begining, so their place was taken. Is anyone having same problem?

Quotelso, you all will be pleased to know that now Mewt has only 1 HP


p.s.I have your mod and item fix installed but I guess they should conflict with each other.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Eternal on September 01, 2015, 12:01:59 pm
Saint Cross doesn't do damage, rather, it Exorcises surrounding undead units. The skill description has been fixed for the next update.

Enmity, again, inflicts Berserk which (I think) wears off upon being wounded, and Immobilize wears off after three turns, so it's not as overpowered as you'd think. I'll do some testing on it later.

Crush's animation is hardcoded to display Sweet Spot, but if it hits it'll deal damage and inflict Slow.

Shadowstick and Aphony may deal weapon damage in the future as well as their statuses, and it's something I've been considering for a while now. We'll see.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Kensai on September 02, 2015, 03:37:34 am
Quote from: Eternal on September 01, 2015, 12:01:59 pm
Enmity, again, inflicts Berserk which (I think) wears off upon being wounded

No, it's a full berserk which wears off after death or maybe dispel (I think, haven't tried). No remedy will cure this. Death to the mages!

Quote from: Eternal on September 01, 2015, 12:01:59 pm
Saint Cross doesn't do damage, rather, it Exorcises surrounding undead units.

That's sad. Paladin is not a holy warrior anymore, but a some class full of gimmicks.

Quote from: Eternal on September 01, 2015, 12:01:59 pm
Crush's animation is hardcoded to display Sweet Spot, but if it hits it'll deal damage and inflict Slow.

Maybe change this animation to slow animation? Or that sword animation from Split.
This sweet spot label is really confusing imho.
Lancet skill needs a spear, but learned from a sword. ???
Nightmare has no mp cost, is it intended?

And actually I was wrong, if other skills damages as ashura then iaido is pretty weak skillset.

I haven't said that before, but thank you Eternal for this mod. Yeah he has it's bugs but still I love this increased challenge.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Eternal on September 02, 2015, 11:10:05 am
Uh, banishing Undead is a very Holy Warrior thing to do... it's been a staple in RPGs for Paladins for years now. In fact, FFTA2 even gives Paladins the Sanctify ability, which does roughly the same thing.

Lancet has been moved onto a Spear.

Nightmare has no MP cost at present, but it may regain it later in the future, depending on how terribly broken it is.

Iaido damage is based on Magic Attack- in fact, the entire class pays homage to FFT's Samurai. Chances are good that you've spent a lot of levels in a Physical Attack growth-based job. Spend a few levels in Bishop or Samurai and see Iaido's damage increase.

Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: chocolatemoose on September 02, 2015, 12:33:03 pm
Quote from: Eternal on September 02, 2015, 11:10:05 am
Iaido damage is based on Magic Attack- in fact, the entire class pays homage to FFT's Samurai. Chances are good that you've spent a lot of levels in a Physical Attack growth-based job. Spend a few levels in Bishop or Samurai and see Iaido's damage increase.

I've been meaning to ask about this but had been waiting to see updated stat growths - will a magic Bangaa (samurai/bishop) actually be a viable build (including stat growths in those classes)?
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Mikail on September 02, 2015, 11:43:07 pm
I guess I will be waiting for the update then. This is pretty cool
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Bonesy on September 03, 2015, 02:24:47 am
1.0 release on the horizon? Hot diggity dog!
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Kensai on September 03, 2015, 04:52:01 am
Quote from: Eternal on September 02, 2015, 11:10:05 am
Uh, banishing Undead is a very Holy Warrior thing to do... it's been a staple in RPGs for Paladins for years now.

I thought that's a priest job ;)

Quote from: Eternal on September 02, 2015, 11:10:05 am
Nightmare has no MP cost at present, but it may regain it later in the future, depending on how terribly broken it is.

Maybe make it a no-mp cost Sleep at high accuracy instead? That way no Doom, but you can still KO your enemy on your next turn, if no one awakes him. (100% hit chance on sleeping enemy)

Quote from: Eternal on September 02, 2015, 11:10:05 am
Chances are good that you've spent a lot of levels in a Physical Attack growth-based job.

Of course! It's a bangaa after all, not some nu mou !! :)))
Does leveling in Samurai increase both atk and matk?
At the moment Myrmydon and Dragoon builds seems a better choices for me...

bug: Venus Blade teaches Myrmidon Doublehand but this job can't equip it...

P.S. fighting with resonating turtles is fun :D

Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: bcrobert on September 03, 2015, 09:14:20 am
Make Paladin good again please.

Why not give Saint Cross its MP cost back, deal Holy damage at a low-moderate power and add [If Eff1 hits:chance of Banish Undead]? It -might- work without glitching up the game. Would require testing. But having an AoE Exorcise might make the Paladin more appealing. Especially since it no longer has Shiny 200% Damage Death Blade.

Side note: I'll miss screaming RIGHTEOUS JUSTICE SLASH every time I use Holy Blade. It no longer deserves such childish glee.

EDIT. And Berserk does not seem to wear off when you attack the unit. Bear that in mind when balancing Berserk abilities.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Eternal on September 03, 2015, 10:46:55 pm
@Chocolatemoose: In the existing version, Samurai have fairly low Magic Power, but this is changing for the next update. Currently, it's best to level them as a Bishop or a Monk. In the update, Samurai will have better MA Growth and Monk MA Growth will be reduced. Bishop is still the job to level as for MA/MP, but Samurai get the boon of being able to wear heavy armor and deal better damage with weaponry. So, ultimately, it's a choice of defense or magickal offense.

@Kensai: Myrmidon Doublehand is fixed. Myrmidons can now learn Doublehand from Ragnarok.

@Blanky: Paladin is still good. Healing + Regen, Exorcism, Blind, the ability to boost an ally's next attack... they're a good job. You just need to play it a little differently than one would in vanilla FFTA. And it -has- AoE Exorcism in Saint Cross.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Mikail on September 05, 2015, 03:26:58 am
Eternal, the work you have put into this is greatly appreciated. Thanks a lot for this.
All of the new jobs seem like really fun classes :D. The only one that don't interest me as much is Bard but I never care much for that class in any game xD.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: rrs_kai on September 06, 2015, 10:03:07 am
The game crashes when you check the abilities of Clan Dip's summoner.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Marche on September 06, 2015, 10:53:25 am
Patiently waiting.. must suppress the urge to play .993 beta...
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Mikail on September 06, 2015, 01:28:11 pm
Quote from: Marche on September 06, 2015, 10:53:25 am
Patiently waiting.. must suppress the urge to play .993 beta...

Same here haha :D
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Eternal on September 06, 2015, 04:54:44 pm
It'll be well worth the wait, I promise! I apologize for the wait, though. I just want everything to be perfect!~
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Kensai on September 07, 2015, 04:32:40 am
Nurse triggers counter.
Dream Watcher teaches "Chocobo" skill to Assasin, but he can't use it.
Nosada teaches dul wield and some unknown glitchy no name skill with 0 ap.
Flamberge absorbes fire, not halves it, as states in description.
There is a spear wich gives Infinite Jump (100 Jump), and a katana which doesn't have this bonus.
Saint Cross banishes dead at 10%. Maybe I do something wrong or this skill is terribly weak after all.

There are some enemies in game and after you check its skills - game crashes.

Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Mikail on September 07, 2015, 09:34:58 am
Quote from: Eternal on September 06, 2015, 04:54:44 pm
It'll be well worth the wait, I promise! I apologize for the wait, though. I just want everything to be perfect!~

Sure man, take your time ^_^. I am sure it will turn out awesome.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Eternal on September 07, 2015, 05:24:23 pm
Nurse is fixed, Dream Watcher is fixed, Nosada is fixed, Flamberge is fixed. The Bangaa Spike and a Katana (I forget off the top of my head) do give Infinite Jump. The Katana will also be fixed in the future. As for Saint Cross, I see no reason why its accuracy shouldn't be the same as Exorcise/Burial/etc. What are the battle conditions?

Also, to fix the skillset check/game crash issue, I need to know exactly what enemies it happens on. Otherwise I have no way to check and see what the problem is.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Kensai on September 08, 2015, 04:22:09 am
Quote from: Eternal on September 07, 2015, 05:24:23 pm
Also, to fix the skillset check/game crash issue, I need to know exactly what enemies it happens on. Otherwise I have no way to check and see what the problem is.

Grisanbella, assasin
Laetitia, elementalist
From Ritz vs Marche battle (end game)

Aeon flute's ability has no label
Magic Hammer has no decription.

Can you make Steal ability be able to steal from your party mates?
This opens new tactic possibilities, for example changing weapon on beastmaster

OFFTOP: Can my blue mage learn skills from enemy blue mage?
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Eternal on September 10, 2015, 12:19:16 am
Thanks for the info! I -think- I've fixed the Assassin and Elementalist. The Elementalist had Absorb MP learned twice and the Assassin had a Combo ability learned... so my guess is that maybe that had something to do with it. Strange.

Aona Flute has been busted for a while, and I'm not sure why. It teaches Malboro to Beastmasters. I'm not sure why Magic Hammer isn't showing a description- it appears to be fine in the text editor.

In regards to Steal, Steal Ability is flat out dead. It was ridiculously abuseable. It became Steal: HP.

In regards to Blue Mages, I -think- you can learn them from enemy Blue Mages, but I forget for sure.

Thanks for the feedback! And it sounds like you're towards the end of the game. I'm really excited for you! :D
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Kensai on September 11, 2015, 08:43:14 am
Quote from: Eternal on September 10, 2015, 12:19:16 am
In regards to Steal, Steal Ability is flat out dead. It was ridiculously abuseable. It became Steal: HP.

Sorry, I mean ability from Steal skill set, Steal Weapon ability.
My idea was to steal weapon from your teammate, so he can Draw Weapon another, to use another skill for example.

Final battles were really challenging, Totema bosses as damage dealers with DEF+ ,FrogDoom is really annoying,this Full Raise is maybe too much.
BTW Last Breath works even on final bosses (47%), but I didn't use it. - invisible boss glitch :)

Ritz recruitment battle were difficult because of this "No Holy" law. Somehow even Saint Cross can't  Exorcise them, so they keeps calm uses  LV? S-Flare and ressurects after 3 turns. And Ritz were useless, that was hard to complete.

Babus recruitment was doable,but you need Ruby Earring and Ribbon\other to protect party agains FrogDoom and Angel Rings helps too.

Sadly, some of quests have their original, easy difficulty, I mean enemies have only one skillset and not even Item skillset equipped, often without reactions. For example hero's gaol second mission, battle at aisen, or something like that.

My best-5 team:

Fighter\Blue Mage
Ayvuir Red\Blue
Deals great damage (~340 with Ayvuirs), heal, and Matra Magic still works!
Good Combo: Paladin with Black Robe, Weapon ATK+ and Fighter Skillset for powerful Backdraft.
Also Steal skillset has great hit chance and is powerful for disarming opponents.

Saint Cross is weak

With proper gear has 100% Evade, Swallowtail is awesome early-game, Swarmstrike is best melee damaging ability for Viera,  and Corner Skills still works.
Nightmare has 70%-90% chance on back, and Fairy Shoes (stole it from Dip clan) teleports you to that place.
Last Breath works even on final game bosses and has 100% chance on sleeping enemies.

Didn't find the bow to learn Doubleshot so can't say anything about that.

Red Mage\anything
Still great. Great damage with Black Hat and Black Robe, unfixed Flamberge absorbs fire and helps with reflect.
Because of improved Fire and Thunder Red Mage has increased range and aoe attack.

Starts weak and slow, ends up best damage dealers and...slow :D
Templar can equip black robe which greatly improve myrmidon's Hollow ad Stasis (AOE, 200-320 dmg), and ranged Lifebreak (4 range, lost HP as damage) is awesome.
Other skills as Lancet (Dragoon), Downsize (Warrior) are good.
Samurais are weak imho.

About black robes: you can steal one, receive other at clan leveling and last as a quest reward.

Yakei description states he should have +1 MOVE
Viera Totema doesn't work
Bangaa's Last Berserk somehow increaes all his states, but maybe I'm wrong.

Big thanks for such great challenging mod!
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Mikail on September 11, 2015, 11:51:27 am
That's because Samurai's status growth is not fixed yet I think. One of the reasons I am waiting for the next update is because I want to use them
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Eternal on September 11, 2015, 10:55:57 pm
Congrats on beating the game, and thank you for tolerating and reporting the bugs! Your reports have been very, very useful! There's still a great challenge left in the game: the Judges sidequest. I think you'll find them to be quite challenging! Overall, what did you like and what did you feel should be changed in the future?
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Bonesy on September 11, 2015, 11:30:23 pm
I'll play it again once 1.0's out lol, hopefully by then I'll have a game off my backlog or something.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Eternal on September 19, 2015, 10:25:38 pm
Things to look forward to:

-The around-self AoE bug has been fixed thanks to rrs_kai.
-The debuffs bypassing boss immunity bug is being fixed thanks to Darth.
-Saint Cross now has 3 Range and 1 AoE, and Exorcises Undead units.
-First Aid now has 1 Range.


-Haste/Hastega are back to how their AoE was before with adjusted MP costs.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: rrs_kai on September 19, 2015, 11:31:47 pm
Hi Eternal, maybe you will like this:


Use this with any healing animation and it will heal mp, I have tested with chakra and it works.
Changing the numeric value from 0x1E-standard to fixed-30/80 also works fine.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Eternal on September 19, 2015, 11:33:29 pm
And with that, one more bug is fixed and Paeon can heal MP now! Thanks! :D
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: bcrobert on September 20, 2015, 01:50:57 am
Quote from: Eternal on September 19, 2015, 10:25:38 pm
-The around-self AoE bug has been fixed thanks to rrs_kai.
-The debuffs bypassing boss immunity bug is being fixed thanks to Darth.

You will tell me exactly how these got fixed or I won't love you anymore. Especially for the debuffs bypassing boss immunity. Every Darthatron hack deserves automatic archiving.

Quote from: rrs_kai on September 19, 2015, 11:31:47 pm
Hi Eternal, maybe you will like this:


Use this with any healing animation and it will heal mp, I have tested with chakra and it works.
Changing the numeric value from 0x1E-standard to fixed-30/80 also works fine.

So wait, is the main change here just that it's not value 1E (standard)? Inconvenient, but it's completely awesome that you realized this.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: rrs_kai on September 20, 2015, 07:18:02 am
Quote from: bcrobert on September 20, 2015, 01:50:57 am
So wait, is the main change here just that it's not value 1E (standard)? Inconvenient, but it's completely awesome that you realized this.

The change is the byte being used for mp-healing.
It was previously ether's byte 0x24 heal 80 mp. This byte itself is bugged and only functions properly for the item-ether.
I changed that to an unused byte which is 0x3d.

Do you know how the game differentiates between various the control abilities? Although they use the same byte, targeting changes for each once. The only thing different is the animation number (even the unknowns are same).
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: bcrobert on September 20, 2015, 10:37:29 pm
Quote from: rrs_kai on September 20, 2015, 07:18:02 am
Do you know how the game differentiates between various the control abilities? Although they use the same byte, targeting changes for each once. The only thing different is the animation number (even the unknowns are same).

My assumption would be that control's accuracy formula compares the target's race to the ID of the ability used or something. The secret to the targeting would be in the accuracy formula pointed to by ID value 0x1E, since it would use 0x15 if it were just a typical status accuracy skill. Probably hard-coded into that routine somehow. The exact method would require further investigation with ASM afaik.

Quote from: rrs_kai on September 20, 2015, 07:18:02 am
The change is the byte being used for mp-healing.
It was previously ether's byte 0x24 heal 80 mp. This byte itself is bugged and only functions properly for the item-ether.
I changed that to an unused byte which is 0x3d.

Well now I feel silly. :P
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: trukxlig123 on October 23, 2015, 12:17:28 pm
Mr. eternal, I'd like to request, If I may, that both protect and shell's bonus be increased(if possible). in game protect and shell increases about 40% of the weapon defense and magic resistance respectively, and they approximately reduce 25% of the incoming damage.

ability power 40
attacker                          receiver
weapon attack: 300          weapon defense: 250
Magic power   : 480          magic resistance: 360

without protect:
damage= ((300-(250/2))*40)/100
with protect:
without shell:
with shell:

my point is that protect and shell have the same bonus as defense up and m.res up (mighty guard), but they have expiration. increasing their bonus would definitely make them more usable and worth wasting 1 turn. I mean I'd rather nuke up the enemy or just use healing abilities than bulking myself with low bonus. Besides shell and protect don't really last long so giving them a more feelable (I can't seem to come up with the right term) effect won't harm the gaming experience. sorry for my bad English   :)

Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Eternal on October 23, 2015, 08:57:23 pm
Thanks for your interest! I was originally going to extend statuses to 5 turns instead of their current 3, but Doom is tied to that 3-turn duration, and it bugs if you increase that number, which is why Protect/Shell/etc. have their Vanilla durations.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: bcrobert on October 24, 2015, 04:55:44 am
Make Sleep last 45 turns.

On a more serious note, do you have the data to change the one-turn buffs? Boost isn't really worth using, but if you tack an extra turn onto it it's suddenly a very nice trade-off for melee-centric classes.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: trukxlig123 on November 09, 2015, 09:11:40 pm
Ahw too bad :(  ...I did not know they share the same duration with doom. Well if their duration can't be increased, How about the value?  Later on defense and resistance won't have much effect because of the game's damage formula. So this won't hurt, right? (I can't believe how this kid is nagging me when I'm far too busy finishing v1.0)

Mr.Eternal, I know it's rude how late this reply is and it was I who asked first. But...I'm quite selfish so, can you make samurai's R-ability last berserk to last expert guard?(there he goes again)  that way I'd be forced to use reaction ignoring skills. :D

Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: PowerOfKaishin on November 29, 2015, 05:46:13 pm
I'm getting an error with backup memory message when I go to save. Any idea what's going on?
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Bonesy on December 01, 2015, 05:55:57 am

Eternal, any idea when you're going to do 1.0 so I can play? lol
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Eternal on December 01, 2015, 08:04:55 pm
I'm hoping to release an update with some fixes by Christmas to go along with a basic FFTA2 GG release. It won't be a 1.0, but it'll be quite a bit closer! At this point it's just a matter of fixing silly little things and polishing things up.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: PowerOfKaishin on December 02, 2015, 04:42:58 pm
I've since started playing through this game, and there's one thing I really don't like so far: how useless summoners are. These girls are the goddess of mass death and destruction in game, but their spells now only do as much as a level 1 fire/blizzard/lightning spell. This is kinda of ridiculous, especially considering how fire is now two range. The not targeting allies thing doesn't make up for this, especially considering summons costs 3 to 4 times as much as your basic magic. There seems like much less reason to use a summoner except as a sort of red mage that gets a life spell, except they're way too weak and the fact that I can simply combine two other magical practices that cover all of those things makes them almost completely superfluous.

It seems like physical classes dominate here, which makes me kind of sad I went for a magical viera. Of course, it doesn't help that my magical viera is for some reason 40 magic points behind my Nu Mou.

Also, do you have a list of the growth rates for the jobs? Or are they unchanged?
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: chocolatemoose on December 02, 2015, 07:00:49 pm
@Eternal: any preference for which one you'd like to get feedback on first?

I'll probably have bandwidth to only play one for a while.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Bonesy on December 03, 2015, 01:58:14 am
Should saves work between versions of GG1 when you release the bugfix?
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Madeen on December 07, 2015, 01:16:40 pm

So I started playing this today, and something stroke me as odd... to say the least.

I was fighting fire bombs in "Fire! Fire!" mission, and here's my Montblanc damage vs them:

Rod smack: 9 dmg
Thunder: 13 dmg
Fire: Absorb
Blizzard: 6 dmg!?

Maybe something wrong here?  Especially bombs have higher P.def than M.def...

Also Guard Staff heals target on hit?
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Eternal on December 07, 2015, 09:32:19 pm
@Kaishin: Summoners are being tweaked a bit to make them more useful. They were edited all the way back before we had decent editing capabilities and hadn't been touched since then, so they're going to be revised.

@Chocolatemoose: FFTA GG1, definitely! GG2 is going to take significantly longer to make any real edits, such as to battles.

@Bonesy: Yes, they should work just fine.

@Madeen: Bombs are Halve: Ice, Absorb: Fire, Immune: Earth, Weak: Water. All Staves (except the Mythril Staff, IIRC) heal on hit now and have generally defensive boons.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Madeen on December 07, 2015, 10:01:27 pm
Quote from: Eternal on December 07, 2015, 09:32:19 pm

@Madeen: Bombs are Halve: Ice, Absorb: Fire, Immune: Earth, Weak: Water. All Staves (except the Mythril Staff, IIRC) heal on hit now and have generally defensive boons.

Oh I had no idea, didnt see anything under monsters on first page so I wondered, thanks for clarifying :)
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Oryman on December 09, 2015, 12:50:52 pm
i everybody and congraturations for the job done with this mod, you turned my favorite childhood game into a very challenge!
I played all the mission and also the judge sidequest and I have to report that dual wield from juggler doesn't work, frighten from orator and dark magick from reaver have 0% accuracy, blue mage can no longer learn night (maybe also roulette). I played the mod during last summer, maybe I've forgot something...
And now some personal opinions:
-great job with the new classes! I loved the reaver, samurai and orator offer good tactical choises during the battle, I haven't tried the green mage and the myrmidon to much... why don't you work on the viera? I suggest an improvement of the elementarist with more range, more choises on debuffs and maybe less power, something like a long range magick debuffer
- I liked that final:berserk now work as buff for all stats but samurai can no longer learn it 'cause he can only equip katana...
- can you extend the choise of weapons? it can be cool to to equip, for example, blue mage with rapiers/maces, or paladin/mog knight/samurai with spears, fighters with knuckles...
- I will reintroduce the mp regain, using mp break and matramagick make me win a lot of battle
- I miss the chance to steal the kotetsu and maybe other weapons or armors... can you reintroduce all the "basic" goods buyable in the shop, maybe after the end of the games, in order to don't miss the chance to learn some ability?

thanks again and sorry for my improvised english  ;)
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Madeen on December 15, 2015, 04:24:01 pm
Just had an idea... how about adding an accessory that would prevent the gain of exp?
Would be great to train units who cant do dispatch missions such as Marche and Montblanc.

Edit: Something else, just noticed shoes and accessories such as rings cant be worn together, is that intended?
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Eternal on December 25, 2015, 12:38:38 am
While I love the idea of a 0 EXP accessory, that's not really something I can do without ASM, which I lack knowledge of. And yes, all accessories are one type now, and you can only wear one. Choose carefully!
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: chocolatemoose on December 25, 2015, 01:01:54 am
Will Christmas come tomorrow?  :P
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Eternal on December 25, 2015, 01:05:04 am
Christmas already came for FFTA2. :p

I'm working on FFTA still, of course, but a part of me is really tempted to redo everything from scratch with the tools we have now, since I'm having a lot of trouble keeping everything straight because of how much duct tape and bubble gum was used to keep things together. And if there's one thing I learned from PW 1.0 development, it's that that always catches up to you later on and becomes a pain in the ass. So I'm not sure yet, honestly. I know that's a depressing (and not very helpful!) answer, but I want to put out a truly good patch for the game.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: chocolatemoose on December 25, 2015, 01:12:25 am
I think that's understandable.

I suppose the question would be what takes more time: figuring out the jobs/abilities/etc. or trying to code out bugs? I'd imagine you have most of the former worked out.

You could always release a .994 for us to play with while you redo GG with newer tools.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Eternal on December 25, 2015, 01:17:13 am
Honestly, I think it'd take more time having Darth or someone look at the code of everything and fix it, since they're busy with other things. One of the big problems I'm having is that I had to hex edit a lot of things way back in the early days of FFTA modding, which in turn messed other things up, and makes things hard to keep straight. If I restarted it, not only would things be done faster, but everything would be more concise to keep together. The big thing keeping from just restarting it right now is that I'd have to redo every formation, every job, every tooltip, every piece of equipment, etc. It's a lot of long, tedious work. I'm definitely going to release an update in the near future, but I really want to fix some of the bigger things first.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: chocolatemoose on December 25, 2015, 01:32:04 am
Sounds good, looking forward to the update when it comes along. I'll try to start playing your FFTA2 mod soon; I'm pretty close to wrapping up a vanilla game (~300 missions done so far).
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: JoeCool on December 29, 2015, 09:55:01 pm
So december now, talking about restarting the project. Its been a year and change LOL
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Eternal on December 29, 2015, 10:08:24 pm
Eh, it's just talk for now. I'm still actively working on what I have right now. The more I'm playing with it, the less necessary it seems to restart it from scratch though. Thanks to Darthatron I have a fix for the status/boss exploit/issue, which is a fairly large issue right now, everything else is relatively minor aside from some random crashes that lack a decent explanation yet. When I clean a few more things up, I'll release an official new update and see how it plays from there.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: bcrobert on January 09, 2016, 04:40:47 am
If you use a patcher that can produce a log of the changes for you, then you might be able to split up the patch somehow to isolate problem areas. But that's theoretical. I don't have the attention span to research the viability or difficulty of that method.

Also I'm settled into my new place. My roommate's kittens are adorable.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Eternal on January 11, 2016, 07:01:22 pm
Blanky, I'd like to catch up and discuss quite a bit of stuff on IRC when you have the chance.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: ChaosCaine on February 03, 2016, 10:17:20 pm
Fun rom hack so far, almost every item teaches Alchemists Rumah tho I'm guessing it's a bug.I was also wondering if by some chance in the future you could add more Vieara classes like that dancer from War of the Lions? o3o PS:Sorry if I spelled anything wrong I cri
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: snowday on February 13, 2016, 05:21:51 pm
Really liking how much harder this is, as my gripe with the original was how easy it was. Some questions though...

How come some magic differs in it's aoe? Like I'll use fire with one character and it hits in the normal space it did in the original game, and some hits a lot of characters in an area i can't quite make out.

When do I start getting weapons/equips to learn better skills? It's getting to the point where enemies have skills and abilities way past anything I have access to. For instance, I have access to only 2 spears, javelin and the mythril one that doesn't even teach anything. I have 40 missions completed up to the 2nd totema, which isn't all of them but its a lot, and I still have shit equips and the stores don't have much at all.

Also, I feel like my characters can't do shit for damage. Watching the videos on youtube of this game, Marche just 2 levels higher than mine deals ~60dmg to an ultima crystal with what appears to be a dagger, wheres mine does like 35 with the highest hitting weapon I can equip him with.

Is there a guide anywhere explaining all of the changes to skills? Sometimes I just can't tell what they do, since the text is bugged, or I can't see the .squares of the AoE (like whirlwind, wtf is its hit space? its massive and hits a ton of units). this aspect is discouraging me from playing, as some stuff just doesn't make sense.

Upon reading this thread, I feel like I don't have the most recent version, even though I downloaded the proper one on the first post...
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: snowday on February 14, 2016, 11:33:01 pm
On second thought, I'm at emerald keep and I feel there is too many problems for this to be playable...

Its too easy for me to just doom and frog all enemies and cheese every battle, so many abilities not working correctly/no explanation for what they do (nurse triggering counter?), the range on magic and skills like whirlwind have no explicable range..

I enjoy the increased difficulty but damn, I think i might just try a different hack:(
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Eternal on February 14, 2016, 11:40:51 pm
Hello, Snowday, and welcome to FFH!

To answer some of your questions, FFTA GG is quite playable- and finishable, as many people have done- though I'll admit it's currently not quite to where I want it to be, which is why I've been working on reworking quite a bit.

I'll start with your question about magick. Black Magick is different in that each element has its own gimmick. Fire has a large AoE, Thunder has enhanced Range, and Blizzard hits the hardest. Using each element as needed for each given situation is key to winning. Things like Poison are also incredibly useful.

You're almost to the point where you can buy new gear. Keep progressing through story missions and you'll unlock quite a few new weapons that'll teach you new skills. One of the things I'll be changing is what gear unlocks when, so future updates will see more gear in stores, earlier.

Whirlwind's AoE was bugged in the last version but is fixed in the next update, which I'm hoping will be released soon. Frog and Doom are also problematic because debuff resistance (on bosses) is bugged, and Doom/Frog are pretty broken as they are. I've been doing a lot of work on FFTA2 GG, and I've learned a lot in doing so, so I'm going to be revisiting a lot of stuff in FFTA1 GG soon. If you're not having fun, I would encourage you to keep your save and play when the next update is released. What problems are you having at Emerald Keep? Either way, I appreciate the feedback and I appreciate you playing the mod! :)
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: snowday on February 14, 2016, 11:56:12 pm
Hey thanks for getting back to me!

I'm not having any problems at emerald keep, I just meant that battle, which should have been hard, was really easy just turning everyone into frogs. Doom (using deathsickle with a sniper) is also really overpowered I feel.

Didn't mean to sound like a complainer though!! Love the difficulty increase, the first battle with ritz gave me a run for my money. I like that status conditions are worthwhile. And I'm not sure if I just didn't notice it originally, but did you change beastmaster at all? When I played this game years ago I never bothered, but now I'm finding it very useful. I also like that I'm not just given all the items and equipment in shop, it makes me actually fight clans and do more side missions to get the good equips.

I guess I'll just list off things I noticed that you might want to fix or take into consideration:

-Nurse triggers counter, not sure if it was always like this, but it renders the skill useless if my bangaa is gonna slap me for 50 after I heal him for 30.
-Parley seemed to just proc immobilize, not sure if that was intended.
-Doom/Frog too good of hit chance, lets me cheese a lot of battles.
-I'm sure you're aware, but a lot of skill descriptions don't make sense, like Split and Entropy off the top of my head.
-Basically, a list of the changes to skills would be awesome
-The only time I felt really deprived of equipment was before the 2nd totema battle, I think thats when the shop upgrades the first time. Since then I've had no problem with having too little equips, and as I said before I like actually having to do the clan fights in order to randomly (i think its random?) get nice stuff.

I think I might just keep my save until the next patch.

EDIT: Accidentally sent this as a PM, my bad!
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Eternal on February 15, 2016, 12:00:22 am
I replied to your PM! :D
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: snowday on February 20, 2016, 10:23:48 pm
Saint Cross doesn't seem to work. I click the ability in battle and I can't click anything after that.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Ivalice4Life on February 22, 2016, 07:03:05 am
Ye been watching for a while,new account. Is this playable?? Tool tips messed up last time i tried which was months ago.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: snowday on February 24, 2016, 02:40:21 pm
It's totally playable and a lot of fun, but a lot of, aw.... moments when new content doesn't work properly

Sant Cross doesn't work, certain skills can hit from crazy heights, no weapons for new class Reaver to learn any abilities other than Def+, moogle dual wield doesn't work.

It's definitely more difficult, which is great in my book as my only real gripe with the original game is how stupidly easy it was. Enemies use items and regularly revive their comrades so it makes for much more interesting (and longer) fights. Further balancing could be added though, Status effects are a just bit too good IMO, and stuff like doom and instakill stuff are far too OP.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Eternal on February 24, 2016, 05:36:51 pm
You can be rest assured that these bugs are noted and are being fixed. There's a lot going on behind the scenes, and I'm working on fully revamping everything to make it not only more playable and balanced, but more fun as well. Working on FFTA2 GG has really helped in that regard, since I have some new ideas to make things more interesting.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: snowday on February 29, 2016, 07:24:18 pm
Love the changes to time mage, is quarter supposed to add slow? With that, the AoE of time spells and comet, time mage is great.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: captainshaw on April 04, 2016, 07:26:55 pm
Just wondering how you deal with EXP? I was playing FFTAX that also has scaling levels and honestly it kind of ruined the experience of training because I would gain like 3 levels in one battle and by the time I got to Baguba Port I was already level 40. The fast leveling makes it harder to control character development; I don't want to gain 10 levels when all I am doing is trying to accrue 400AP, learn 2 skills, and move on to a better job with better stat growth and distribution. and I cant keep doing dispatch missions to earn AP and learn skills as it is way too tedious.

Do you notice a similar phenomenon happening in FFTAGG?
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: bcrobert on April 09, 2016, 09:40:09 am
I'm too lazy to reread everything. What parts are still under development at this point? Just bits and pieces for ambience? Seriously serious bug fixes? Post-game?
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Achelexus on April 11, 2016, 03:50:55 pm
Is there a fix to the "almost every item teaches Ramuh" glitch? I know it's minor, but it gets on my nerves :\
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: dck on April 11, 2016, 04:14:04 pm
Open the rom with the AIO editor, go to the item editor, get to an item that doesn't normally have any skills (so skillset will be zero) and click the save floppy disk button.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Eternal on April 11, 2016, 09:59:54 pm
@Snowday: Yes, Quarter adds Slow. It's supposed to make it a little more useful than it was prior.

@Captain: EXP is handled exactly how it is in Vanilla. No large EXP gains here! The only real difference is that enemy levels scale now, so bear that in mind.

@Blanky: There's several weird bugs that need cleaned up and in general, it's not polished as to how I'd like it to be. I keep comparing it to how clean and neat FFTA2 GG is, and it just makes me want to restart from scratch with all the nice new tools that we have.  I've also been super busy with offline stuff, so it's been difficult to work on it and not get burned out.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: captainshaw on April 13, 2016, 03:09:48 am
So that means I will constantly gain 10+exp per hit?
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: JoeCool on July 27, 2016, 05:58:22 am
Did this patch die lol??
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Eternal on July 27, 2016, 09:46:32 am
In your dreams, maybe. :P

Just been busy with work. Besides, Darth is working on a new editor with expanded features, so I want to see what comes of that.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Deltre on October 24, 2016, 04:38:18 pm
Hello there, I've been playing this hack for a few days now and I wanted to throw in my two cents. Registered just to do so in fact lol so that's a pretty good sign I'd say.

If I'm being brutally honest, I wouldn't normally touch A1 with a ten foot pole, but I'm enjoying myself with this mod so far. I find myself greatly enjoying the fact that enemies can actually be somewhat threatening so far, and enemy scaling is a must in my book as far as rebalance mods go. Also, I practically shed a tear of joy when I saw then enemy actually revive one another haha. Additionally, I like the reduced AP costs on lower end skills, to help get the ball rolling a bit faster. To that end, however, I would like to suggest a few other things that may help keep up the pacing a bit. First and foremost I should say that I'm still somewhat in the beginning of the game; I'm only really now starting to unlock more advanced classes to give you an idea. If "keep playing" is the appropriate answer to any of my suggestions that's cool :p
Same goes for anything that simply isn't possible with the available modding tools.

-The first thing that stands out is that at this point, it feels like tanks take way too many hits. While I do think they should be pretty beefy, I think it may be a bit much. I would prefer if they took 5-6 or maybe even 4-5 hits (with dedicated attackers, of course) instead of 7-8 to down. Maybe this won't be as troublesome later on with better skills/equips, but right now it feels like it drags a bit much for my tastes. For example, the soldiers and warriors in one of the first clan battles (Clan Marble? I think that's the one) come to mind. I would almost go as far as to say that everyone feels too beefy by default. To that end, I would probably suggest a reduction in base HP/growth. I'm not overly familiar with the formulas in this game, but I will say that it's not particularly fun to chip away at ~180 HP of health 20-30 damage at a time. It wouldn't be as bad, but most of these guys have a way of clearing status on themselves while simultaneously healing so poison doesn't really help shave off time, and disabling status effects only put off the inevitable fact that you still need to deal all that damage. I also feel that a change like this would make players play more carefully with their mages/squishies, as right now I don't feel all that threatened by having them in range of multiple enemies at a time, if that makes sense. This is a bit tangential and possibly misinformed, but if the AI is anything like PSX FFT then perhaps less health or more damage would help prevent the AI from doing as many silly things and make the enemy more threatening, since again, if it's like PSX FFT then the AI absolutely loves to knock out units and get big damage.

-Status is insanely good. The Bard is the huge offender, and it screams "OP" to me, at least in context of the beginning of the game. MP free 4 Range sleep with 50-70% accuracy is way too good. If I may make a suggestion, Sing skills most definitely need an MP cost. Either that, or maybe move Lullaby to after the first shop upgrade? I've been able to pretty well trivialize what otherwise seem like well thought out maps just by spamming that one move. Sleep is pretty much like a temporary KO, since that unit is essentially removed from the fight for the duration. It's almost certainly always enough time to gain the upper hand, at the very least, and can be used indefinitely if I want.

-In fact, Fencer Skills need MP cost too, there's never a reason not to go for Swarmstrike, for example, since it deals 100% damage and poisons. Arts of War is probably fine as MP free, since the skills are more situational. On the whole though I think it wouldn't hurt to have small MP costs even for physical jobs, just to encourage you to strategize on when you should be busting out that special move, or if you should be trying to conserve MP to take down a particularly annoying enemy more easily.

-Viera are still insanely fast, and relatively good at everything. I know this is a playstyle thing, but I will always value speed above all else unless I'm given significant incentive not to. The extra turns will almost always make up for any kind of slight increase in defensive or offensive capabilities, since even if they don't deal as much damage as the strongest attacker, or aren't as good at magic, they can still do it twice in the same amount of time. I'm trying so hard to raise up a Bangaa, for example, but he's sitting about 2 levels lower having been deployed in more maps since everything is dead/dying by the time he really gets into the action. Also, he doesn't feel that much more durable or strong to compensate, since almost everyone takes at least 4-5 hits anyways, which is more than enough time to react to just about any situation thus far. I get that from a lore standpoint it doesn't make sense for them to be anything but fast, so maybe have them be a touch more frail on the whole? And that's coming from someone who loves using Viera in Advance/A2 haha.

-The AI does really funny things sometimes. I know the AI here won't be as good as the PSX FFT because of the limitations of the system, but I had the Antlions in White Flowers use Lv. 3 Def-Less on themselves just a few minutes ago. I know that advanced AI script rewrites probably aren't on the table, but I can't say I remember them ever deliberately debuffing themselves in vanilla.

-There are some minor text inconsistencies that I'm sure you're aware of so I won't nitpick those :p

Don't get the wrong impression though, I really like the changes I'm seeing and it's certainly more fun than vanilla ever was! The fact that I'm even talking about strategies other than "attack everything" should be a testament to that. In fact. I'm probably going to keep playing after posting this lol. Maybe I'll even change my mind about some of these as I get further, but I just wanted to put my own observations out there. Overall though, good stuff man.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: vc on January 08, 2017, 02:41:59 am
How's this going?
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Rfh on January 08, 2017, 12:56:59 pm
I completely agree with Deltre. I played this mod some time ago and I find these problem. Also, some unbalanced things make the game extremaly easy. Using Poison status on enemies is the way of win any battle early in game, because the poison deals more damage than an average attack! You should make 3/4 hits to down an unit instead 7-8.
When you get your first Doom inflicting skill (maybe Death Sickle)  the game loses all difficult. I only need to doom every unit and I will finish the battle 20 times faster than dealing damage. And nothing to say about instant petrify skills...

Please, you should make the game less stalling and remove instant KO skills.

Two things more:
- In lategame, wizards with a strengh elemental item a Magic Atk+ ability only needs 1 or two hits to kill an unit.
- The game freezes when an unit uses Auto-Regen reaction
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Eternal on January 08, 2017, 06:58:58 pm
Right now time is pretty scarce, so it's been hard to work on anything, much less FFTA, heh.

To make a potentially long post very short, I'm in the planning stages of just completely rebooting FFTA GG, namely because it's kind of a mess right now since it was started when FFTA modding was very dirty and a lot of stuff was duct taped together. Ultimately, I'd be remaking it to be cleaner, better balanced, and more fun with the findings that have been discovered since FFTA modding first began. The challenge is that it takes a lot of time, and as I mentioned above, time is very scarce for me at the moment. Statuses are a truly tricky thing to play with in FFTA, but you can be assured that I've taken note of everything that's been posted. Much like in FFTA2 GG, I want to get rid of most instant KO statuses and make existing statuses more useful/better balanced in different ways.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: ziligan14 on April 17, 2017, 10:00:12 pm
any news from this thread? :?
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Greenclonk on May 08, 2017, 07:29:27 am
I've downloaded this patch and tried to use it, but it didn't patch correctly.

Some of the things that I've noticed on my file was that the shop had most items at weird prices, mainly 1500.
I then checked, on a video about the mod, how much they should be worth and saw that in the second tutorial that every unit had way less HP. On mine they each had more than 80 and on the correctly patched, they had less than 60.

Does anyone know what could have caused this? I tried this on two different PC and with three different patch versions (0.993, 0.992, 0.99) and while the result were kind of different, they were still not what should have happened.

I have no idea what could give me different results.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Eternal on May 08, 2017, 06:24:28 pm
So, to answer your question, the changelog on here is pretty outdated. Many of the things in the original post were changed since its inception. As it stands, right now I'm laying out the groundwork to get this back up and running. There are a few challenges (namely time), but I think the next version of GG is going to stick more to its initial roots instead of the direction it was headed before. Ultimately, some of the changes were messy (mostly because of lack of customization with FFTA, opposed to FFT/FFTA2), and I don't like things that aren't clean.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Greenclonk on May 09, 2017, 03:21:25 pm
Well, thanks for answering. I guess I'll be waiting for a playable version then, I've been wanting to replay that game since a while and this was going to be a good reason to.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Eternal on May 09, 2017, 06:30:42 pm
I'd say go ahead and give the current version a go. It's very much playable and fun, but it's just different from what I'd do nowadays (it was made years ago, afterall).
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Greenclonk on May 11, 2017, 12:40:41 pm
I would give it a go, but I don't think that it'd be that balanced, considering some of the stronger weapons cost the same as the weaker ones. That might be a small bug that happened on my end.
I made an image that shows some things that I found to be quite weird, I'll add it as an attachment.
I also made a video of it last week, since I planned on let's playing it, I'll put that in a spoiler.

Here is it in Video Form, at around 6:20 I went to the shop.

Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Bonesy on May 11, 2017, 07:14:56 pm
why do people still use VBA
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Jelli on September 04, 2017, 02:01:28 am
The mods fun but kinda unfair... Really unfair actually, I've been stuck on twisted flows and can't progress.
The only clans that spawn are too strong, the units kill me in 1-2 hits and even if I get a hold theres always someone with infinite items and one unit with a revive/heal ability so I have to somehow focus down three different people which even my strongest unit has to get lucky to kill.
Then in twisted flows the boss just runs and pretty much kills my entire party by turn three with his 'Hit everything' ability, he's immune to sleep and speedbreak so I can't postpone it at all.

I'm thinking I've just screwed myself or something because I picked the wrong classes but now I can't grind to recover and no missions appear to recruit new ones. How the fuck do you progress in this game when the enemies get all the abilities you never get access to? They have infinite items, have life which I can't find a staff for, usually more people, higher numbers all around, and seem to think 90% is more like 10%.
Is it VBA breaking something?
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Xid on September 12, 2017, 03:04:55 am
Hey, first of all thanks for the gg hack. I played ffta the first time when i was 9 years old so it has a special place in my heart. My question is can reaver do morpher stuff since i just started playing but wanted to try morpher aswell? (if not i'll just play the other versions too.)

Quote from: Bonesy on May 11, 2017, 07:14:56 pm
why do people still use VBA
mm... have been using mgba myself seems legit.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: dreamtrain on October 01, 2017, 12:33:12 am
Whats a myrmidon? never seen it in FFT or other FF games
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: franswaa on December 11, 2017, 11:32:26 am
Jelli: Try grinding with quests like chocobo help. Another thing that can help out is reducing clan size below 6 and losing a fight- that results in you getting a quest to find a new unit posted by montblanc. Those are great ways to get stronger classes.

Dreamtrain, it's originally gladiator but was changed so it fits better with the bangaa theme.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: SpaghettiCat on April 14, 2018, 05:48:45 am
Could someone please re-upload the Ability Master Guide that's in the original post? People will be playing this for years to come, so it's worth making the resources last.

I'm trying to figure out why there's no option for my Soldier to change jobs to Fighter, despite having mastered 3 Soldier abilities (I presume I need to get abilities of a specific types).
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: maxdranzer on April 14, 2018, 07:32:01 pm
So, what's with the Ramuh skill being everywhere? lol
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Blue Mage Fanatic on May 19, 2018, 05:55:43 pm

I know this particular thread might be dead, but I'd like to point out that Evoker's alternate Summon Effects don't work, instead opting for the default Summon Effect. Evokers also take an exceptionally long time to take actions, likely due to conflicting information on the summons.

If you are remaking this mod from scratch, then those are a couple things to keep in mind.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: MountainDew~ on August 03, 2018, 02:22:14 pm
Do you intend to drop this completely in favor of ffta2? Been getting into this one, just curious.

You are right that your mod for ffta2 is more polished than this one, though, so I can sympathize wanting to just migrate over to 2, building on what you have :p
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Eternal on August 05, 2018, 11:18:03 am
Hey MountainDew! I'm working on completely revamping this mod at the moment- I intend there to be a FFTA GG and a FFTA2 GG. Unfortunately, real life has just been super busy of late, and I've been working on my FFXII mod as well. Thankfully, that one is pretty much wrapped up, so my focus has been shifting back to FFTA2 and FFTA. With the advancement of many tools since FFTA GG first started, we can do things a lot more cleanly than we used to be able to, so I'll be redoing everything to be cleaner and, hopefully, less buggy!
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: mimik on August 18, 2018, 07:30:08 pm
Is it done yet? Me and my 3 friends are waiting for it. I hope you don't drop this.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Eternal on August 18, 2018, 08:15:44 pm
Mimik, it's not being dropped. As noted above, I've been working on FFXII and FFTA2 at the moment and I'm actively working on reworking this mod to be less buggy, using tools that have come out since the original release.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Blue Mage Fanatic on August 20, 2018, 07:04:24 pm
If you plan on changing some more Jobs when you pick up this project once more, may I offer a suggestion?

Perhaps you could revamp Hunter or Fighter to a Job focused on dealing increased damage based on the number of Status Buffs or Ailments? It would give more reason to use Ailment Heavy Jobs, along with punishing Buff Heavy Foes.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: snowday on October 18, 2018, 04:48:07 pm
Glad to see this project is still being worked on! Had a great time playing through a couple years back. Would love to help out in any way I can.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Eternal on October 18, 2018, 07:18:06 pm
Thanks! It's kinda slow-going right now, but I've been setting up the foundation for 2.0 so I can just get the ground running and really get things knocked out.

I can tell you that perma-death and FFT's KO countdown timer will be appearing in 2.0, so I'm rebalancing things around that. I'm super excited for all of the cool things that have come out in the past few years!
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Caerulius on December 21, 2018, 01:38:48 am
Hi I'm checking this mod out and having a blast so far. Thanks for the hard work! Quick question though, why do so many weapons/armor seem to teach alchemists how to summon ramuh? I'm just wondering if I patched my game wrong or something. Thanks!
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Eternal on December 22, 2018, 05:02:38 pm
Hey there! It's unfortunately just an error with the tool I used to edit the game. It should hopefully be fixed when I rework everything. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Blue Mage Fanatic on February 23, 2019, 01:20:51 am
Hello! Are the Grim Grimoire mods still an on-going project? if so, was a new thread created for them?
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Nyzer on February 23, 2019, 08:41:29 am
... Huh?
Why would a new thread have been created and posted in some other location with no forwarding link in this topic? Especially when Eternal's kept this topic going since 2013?

Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Eternal on February 24, 2019, 07:53:07 pm
Howdy! Yes, they're still ongoing. Thanks to the hard work of Leonarth and the others, I think FFTA/FFTA2 GG 2.0 will be a far cleaner endeavor than the originals were. I'm currently finishing up my FFXII mod in the next few days and then I'll be able to continue with my other projects. For the most part I have everything laid out for 2.0, it's just a matter of implementing and testing. Apologies for the silence and the delay, FFXII modding has really taken up a large part of my time the last several months but it's been good experience for me for future projects such as this, so I guess it all works out in the end. Thanks for your continued support! :)
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Blue Mage Fanatic on March 03, 2019, 01:49:06 am
Ah, that's excellent to hear! I look forward to seeing Grim Grimoire Advanced/A2 2.0 in the future!
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: elcee5000 on May 26, 2019, 08:17:30 pm
I apologize for bringing up an old topic, but since the Google Drive link is dead, is there any possibility anyone has a copy of the Ability Master Guide? I've searched everywhere (even the version of the site) and I can't find it. Thank you very much.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Squire Doodad on August 07, 2019, 04:16:30 pm
I'm guessing if a topic has been around for this long without a new one, the "hasn't been posted on in 60 days" bit is somewhat irrelevant...?
Anyways, looking forward to GG2.0, I just have two main questions
First off, any idea when it'll be done? I don't expect it to be magically done already but I'm wondering if there's a vague idea as to how far along it is.
Secondly...if I have a modded game that is modded with the old Grim Grimoire, would I be able to apply some sort of reversion patch to the update my game with GG2.0? Or will I need to start a new game?
Things are looking great, good luck :D
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Squire Doodad on October 08, 2019, 10:52:46 pm
Doubleposting but its been months :P

I'm curious, what sorts of builds did you guys try?
I was thinking of doing a BM/Bard combo for Montblanc for my next run (not sure if TM/Bard or [X]M/Mediator works better), but also trying out Myrmidon/Samurai (I THINK Samurai deals physical damage?).
Basically trying to make a team that can work with Montblanc and Marche instead of in spite of them.

Also if anyone can find a copy of the Ability Master Guide that'd be great.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Eternal on October 09, 2019, 11:29:33 pm
I dug through my old files for the Master Guide and wasn't able to find it, so I think I lost it when my hard drive died ages ago. That being said, I'm not really happy with the current version of GG and will likely be reworking it in the future. I don't want to promise an ETA or anything since work has gotten so unexpectedly busy for me of late, but I'd like to go through and make a more stable version with less bugs.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Squire Doodad on October 12, 2019, 08:05:05 pm
Ah, that's a shame. What's already here is really good though, I'm impressed by how much you were able to pull off. It's like someone spilled Dark Souls on my FFTA and fixed 90% of my problems with the gameplay.

Question for min-maxing purposes: Do you by chance recall what some of the job stat growths were for GG? If so, can you give a loose description of what the revised stat growths are? EDIT: Read through some comments seems pretty clear that stat growths were reworked.

Hope your work clears up a bit, it really sucks when you just get bogged down in stuff.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Vexye on December 16, 2019, 06:00:20 am
Hi, Eternal!

Just created this account after finishing my FFTA: GG gameplay (300 missions completed, finally) and I wanted to give my review after the gameplay. I found pretty interesting -and difficult- to clear the first missions, using Montblanc's Lullaby as my main weapon, combined with the Bangaa Dragoon's Jump at first, then Frogsong (which manages to work on Totemas and bosses despite Inmunity) and finally Last Breath. Life arrives so late in the gameplay so I could reach Revive in White Monk and Soldier before, forced to explore unusual gameplay options. Green Mage is also a great choice and I found it a great option early in the game.

The main problem is the level growth (the level adjustement makes interesting to fight but i managed to get to Exodus at level 50) but i find that if you don't adjust XP growth (for example, less XP for fighting) there's no other choice to balance that.

The fight against Mateus was the most difficult in game. The fact that I reached lvl 50 before this fight made the lvl? Flare SO DEADLY, combined with the all-target Mateus skills, i needed aprox. 20 tries and precisely programming every move to succeed.

The main problems during the gameplay (well, problems) were the following:

And i will reply when i remember new things!
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Stormlag on December 18, 2019, 09:18:31 pm
I think the mod is unbeatable by normal means. I'm not sure if it's built around knowing about savestates. The real problem is the bosses is way too hard. I'm not sure how to beat the game without using Humes with dual wield, I mean I have 3 Humes in a single party, leveled as Fighter(I don't really know which jobs gave the best damage output) and pummel my way through. The Li Grim fight is impossible with her having mana shield unless you grind up to higher levels.

I always check the enemy stats and some freezes the game.

I truly wanted to play normally as far as I could. I needed to grind so much just to have advantage.

That's just my 2 cents.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: badabing93 on June 23, 2020, 05:01:55 pm
Just finished my second playthrough of the storyline. I'll offer some general criticism since you said that you'd be doing things differently if you revisited this.

I disagree with some posters who found the enemy bulk/healing problematic. It's an important source of difficulty spike here, though I think you'd benefit from raising enemy power more often for this instead. Relying on status for tanks past the early game (outside of bonus poison from swarmstrike/split) is very inefficient. This mod puts an emphasis on boosting and/or using AoE attacks to build a lead, and the positions were fun to solve despite several tools being a bit overpowered. I say leave the buffs on swallowtail and eldena doublecast fire, but add some drawbacks such as recoil and more midgame return magic respectively.

As for other rebalances, I thought the various nerfs to physical classes were welcome because they incentivize the unit to actually specialize in ranged or close quarters. A good example of this was the bounty's fighter on roda volcano. Not sure if the formation was random, but he starts up close to the party such that you're better off simply sidestepping him and abusing his inferior movement/ranged power rather than brute forcing through him like any other unit. Took me some experimentation to realize that though because the game doesn't quite force you to try that hard the entire time if you're content weathering the attrition.

Bow-users' access to ranged fight provides them a cool niche when paired with the bonus crit chance of mediator's praise. I love the mediator for this and his growths/equips, but a lot of his debuffs weren't worth clicking to the point where he probably oughta go a different direction overall. And this hits on my biggest complaint with the mod which was there being a lot of fluff in not useful abilities and even classes. Many regular classes could use a little more differentiation also. Of the custom jobs, the reaver in particular needs changes as everything he does outside of lifebreak is just too slow-paced or weak in my opinion. I suggest buffing zombify to AoE and making his growths better while increasing job reqs to make him more of a reward. Panther soul movement was genius though. The evoker and dual wield juggler concepts are interesting and hope they get implemented.

That's it mostly... Good job with the equips. Consider lowering AP cost further and removing dispatch (if that's even feasible). I'd be tempted to remove AP honestly, but it does add a layer to the RPG decision-making.

Thanks for your work.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Madeen on October 14, 2020, 05:20:50 am
Well I enjoyed myself until Exodus fight ... took me like 4 hits to finally destroy a fruit, then Babus comes and full-lifes it ... yeah right :/

And I cant kill Babus first either, he's immune to debuffs and has auto-regen ... this fight is torture, I'm not spending 2 hours on this.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: 1337Noob on March 05, 2021, 12:05:00 am
Pretty enjoyable hack for the difficulty, although sometimes it seems impossible to outmatch the opponents. It's a shame that this isn't being finished, but you did great work for what it is now OP.

I read that the Master Guide for all the changes is lost to the void but....

Does anyone at least know ALL of the class unlock requirements? I getting a sense that it may be pointless to continue if I'm not able to plan accordingly, because as I progress/level the enemies will most likely get much more tougher than they are.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: 1337Noob on March 05, 2021, 12:13:39 am
Quote from: 1337Noob on March 05, 2021, 12:05:00 amDoes anyone at least know ALL of the class unlock requirements? I getting a sense that it may be pointless to continue if I'm not able to plan accordingly, because as I progress/level the enemies will most likely get much more tougher than they are.

Nevermind! I'm blind. I started playing for a few days and was worried, but never noticed the Job Tree on the main post. Gonna copy it down, just incase hehe.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: steffanb on October 08, 2021, 05:27:14 am
Everything is really good. My only big issue is the restriction on the fighting members to always 5, even when the enemy has more. That is not fair and puts you in a big disadvantage. I want to use more of my players. That's the only let down.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: ZaneOlric on February 01, 2022, 08:30:30 pm
Just found this and am super excited to try this out.

As a kid, my enthusasum for the game was broken when I realized some quest items and monsters could be missed, locking me out of 100%.

As an adult, I found the game a bit unchallenging.  Hearing that the difficulty has ramped up has me excited. Curious about the new jobs as well.

This is honestly everything I was hoping I'd find when I decided to search for a mod, so I'll give it a go and leave some feedback again when I finish it.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Moneyovfame on June 09, 2022, 08:05:37 pm
This might have been discussed before and im going to continue to read just in case, but is Juggler being able to learn dual wield intentional? Because its bugged and even though i equipped the ability its not letting me equip another weapon. I checked the weapons and they're both 1 handed.

And saints cross is bugged too,. It just does nothing .

Im really enjoying the Mod, it does feel alot harder
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Moneyovfame on June 10, 2022, 02:15:54 am
Quote from: Moneyovfame on June 09, 2022, 08:05:37 pmThis might have been discussed before and im going to continue to read just in case, but is Juggler being able to learn dual wield intentional? Because its bugged and even though i equipped the ability its not letting me equip another weapon. I checked the weapons and they're both 1 handed.

And saints cross is bugged too,. It just does nothing .

Im really enjoying the Mod, it does feel alot harder

Well i took the time to read and realized those are well known bugs, im kinda sad though that the last update was in 2015 and seeing the thread slowly die from there :/. Seeing that you were so close to making the changes and bug fixes we asked for and it never came.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Zolias on June 17, 2022, 04:07:14 pm
I'm enjoying this so far and have recently gotten the third Totema, though I have noticed a couple oddities:

1: It's far too easy to reach max level - I merely tried gaining money for some better equipment by fighting other clans - I was 50 by the first totema...  Only good side of this is that it's easier to train lower leveled units if you can find a way to safely bring them into a fight, but it makes it harder to level a unit up properly.  This is especially true for Marche and Montblanc, as they cannot gain AP from doing missions, and one of the bigger benefits I found with FFTA2 granting the entire Clan the AP from a job.

2: I've noticed that you can only ever equip ONE of each type of gear.  I have had many thoughts of adding boots and gauntlets to a mage or a melee fighter with a two-handed weapon, however the player cannot do this.  This might be a feature added, but this may result in another issue, which is coming next.

3: The Dual Wield S-Ability is broken, and I don't mean like it is in the base game, either.  I've equipped a weapon that grants the ability to be learned (Nosada for Human Ninja and Mithril Knife for Moogle Jesters), but even with the S-Ability equipped, I cannot equip a second weapon (I was doing this for Lini, so I could equip him with both the Ayvuir Red and Ayvuir Blue at the same time in his Mog Knight job). I'm guessing the limiting of one single item type is the cause of this bug. Also, I'm positive it's must be a bug because why else would the Mithril Knife be granted the Dual Wield ability instead of a combo skill like normal?

4: Speaking of Nosada, there is a strange black glitch on its ability list underneath the Dual Wield for Ninja, and has a learning cost of 0 AP.  Additionally, there's a similar bug on the Aona Flute, though not as glitchy-looking as the Nosada - it teaches Bomb to Beastmasters for 100 AP and Frogsong to Bards for 200 AP, but the topmost ability is an unnamed Beastmaster Skill, which is also learned for 100 AP.

5: Is it intended for every non-accesory piece of equipment that normally doesn't have a skill to learn to have Ramuh available to be taught to Evokers?  Because every non-accessory piece of equipment that normally doesn't have a skill to learn has Ramuh available to be taught to Evokers...

That's all I noticed for as far as I've gotten, that HASN'T already been mentioned before, so... yeah.  Still enjoying it, though!
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Idward on September 17, 2022, 07:56:28 pm
Quote from: Eternal on February 24, 2019, 07:53:07 pmHowdy! Yes, they're still ongoing. Thanks to the hard work of Leonarth and the others, I think FFTA/FFTA2 GG 2.0 will be a far cleaner endeavor than the originals were. I'm currently finishing up my FFXII mod in the next few days and then I'll be able to continue with my other projects. For the most part I have everything laid out for 2.0, it's just a matter of implementing and testing. Apologies for the silence and the delay, FFXII modding has really taken up a large part of my time the last several months but it's been good experience for me for future projects such as this, so I guess it all works out in the end. Thanks for your continued support! :)

I'd just like a bit of clarity, was there ever a 1.0 release? Or is just going to skip 1 and go to v2?
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Nathan124124 on January 08, 2023, 09:03:53 pm
With full respect to (and permission from) Eternal, I present to you:
UNOFFICIAL FFTA Grim Grimoire (Beta 0.995)

This patch mostly focuses on fixing various bugs that were present with the current build, but also a few minor changes that Eternal previously posted as well.

Bugs fixed:

Bugs fixed:

Current known bugs:
Future intended changes:


Honestly I was just playing FFTA GG Beta 0.993, but after encountering a few bugs I decided on a whim to fix some of them for myself. After reading other's posted problems and Eternal's changes I got carried away and implemented them too. Just posting what I have in case someone else will want it. Regardless, I'm still kinda willing to work on this, and if there are other bugs persisting from before 0.993, let me know.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Squire Doodad on February 01, 2023, 07:48:35 pm
That looks really neat Nathan, might give it a shot at some point! Definitely looks like it'll give a far smoother and cleaner experience. I remember playing the 0.993 at one point and having a lot of fun but having to deal with some of those bugs, kind of put a damper on the whole thing.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Shirosan on February 07, 2023, 01:13:04 am
Oh dang, didn't expect to see an update. Thanks man, will definitely try this out.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Bluth on February 14, 2023, 01:12:28 am
hello! i have problems with patching the 0.95 version, for some reason i can patch the original 0.93, but when i try to patch again (or use the 0.95 patch in a clean rom) i have problems, does anyone have this problem too? please help me!
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: SpaghettiCat on April 07, 2023, 04:04:50 am
Huge thank you @Nathan124124 for the update! Much appreciated! This game is not worth playing without this patch, it's far too easy.

Quote from: Bluth on February 14, 2023, 01:12:28 amhello! i have problems with patching the 0.95 version, for some reason i can patch the original 0.93, but when i try to patch again (or use the 0.95 patch in a clean rom) i have problems, does anyone have this problem too? please help me!

Patches fine for me. How are you patching? What's the error? If you don't give details of the problem nobody can help you, we can't read your mind. You're meant to use the 0.95 on the clean ROM. Perhaps try getting a copy from another source?
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Oberginois on April 15, 2023, 03:50:46 pm
Hi, I'm playing V0.995, and I need help.

Game is very, very, very hard, I think it isn't normal.

March LVL 3, my 7 clan members also, and all missions available are impossible (enemies LVL 6, with all skills learnt, enormous speed...). I thought I had to LVL up with clan wars, but it is even worse (all my team dead in 2-3 rounds).

Also, many skills have description issues, or no description at all.

Moreover, I'm playing with my 2DS and Luma, and I have display issue. I trled with the EUR version (without mod), and all is fine.

Well, think I might have failed something, maybe during installation.

I downloaded ffta USA, applied patch 0995, and here I am.

If someone can help me (especially for the difficulty), it would be very nice.

Apalogies for my English.

And thanks anyway for the work made.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: HungSolo on June 08, 2023, 10:44:47 pm
Played a few levels recently and love the game so far but I still hate laws! Would it be difficult to remove the laws in the game?
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: whispered on July 28, 2023, 04:26:19 pm
Quote from: HungSolo on June 08, 2023, 10:44:47 pmPlayed a few levels recently and love the game so far but I still hate laws! Would it be difficult to remove the laws in the game?

But the laws is one of the spices of the game
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: zelazko on September 13, 2023, 03:12:20 pm
Level scaling is messed up. Enemy levels will be set at the highest level of your unit effectively overpowering the enemies. The only way to deal with that is keep the party members on the same level which severely limits how you field clan members on battlefield.
//Pro tip: If you're struggling with any fights even final boss who has manashield with 999 mana and 999 hp just use hastega on multiple party members. That was the only way I could beat the final boss.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: zonova on January 03, 2024, 12:38:53 am
Hello! I was wondering, will this mod be finished, or is it already in a basically finished state? I'm interested in trying it but I unfortunately don't have a lot of time to game these days, so I was planning on just waiting to see if it will be finished (I don't mind waiting a year or two). But if it's already in essentially a final state except for a few bugs then that is close enough to finished for me! I just wasn't sure if it still needed any major re-balancing. I remember seeing Eternal mention that he might come back to this at some point, or perhaps try rebalancing from scratch? Anyways, just wanted to check in! Thanks to Eternal for all the work and Nathan for the more recent patch!
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: LaylaAlder on June 18, 2024, 12:08:56 am
I just have a couple questions, wanting to make sure I installed this correctly.

Is the equipment in the shop supposed to all hover between 1350-1500 gil, regardless of what stats or skills they provide?  And are most equipment not usually teaching anything supposed to teach an alchemist something, even when the alchemist can't normally equip them, such as the case of most mythril weapons?

I worry I may have installed it wrong since there's weirdly little monetary progression/scaling in the shop and the weird alchemist thing is on the equipment.

Apart from those oddities, I like it so far.


Edit: Oh dear, it's been a year and a half since even the unofficial bugfix up above... And the original creator hasn't been online in 5 years... this is abandonware, isn't it?  It seemed so promising too - was kinda hoping for a One Vision style mod, but for FFTA.
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: Alex on June 19, 2024, 08:14:26 pm
Quote from: LaylaAlder on June 18, 2024, 12:08:56 amIs the equipment in the shop supposed to all hover between 1350-1500 gil

 this is abandonware, isn't it?

Yes, it's supposed to be 1350-1500 gil, original mod creator probably did it, it's able to be changed in the AIO Editor

The Original Maker seems to have abandoned it, but Nathan seems to have taken up the mantle to unofficially update it

Also, I'm going off of Nathan's version and editing all the prices, stat growths, skill damages/effects right now for my own personal playthrough.. I might upload it in a month or two if any of you are interested and with Nathan's approval? (I'd also need to figure out how to make it a patch instead of just a .gba file
Title: Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)
Post by: blaide on June 28, 2024, 07:40:52 am
I feel the same way Layla does, FFTA is possibly my favourite Tactics game and one of my all-time favourite games, I still have great memories playing it as a kid.

As much as I still love playing the vanilla game, once you have completed it as much as we all have, I feel it becomes way too easy ( and I don't feel it was too difficult to begin with) I get that you can restrict yourself and only choose certain classes or not go for overpowered abilities and not focus on min-maxing, but for me personally I really enjoy getting the most out of a game and carefully planning my team stats, not to make me feel overpowered, but to make my team feel complete.

Here are a few things I have always wanted from mods;

To have main characters like Marche, Montblanc and Ritz with different unique outfits when they changed classes, I know this would probably never be possible with gba modding capabilities, but even as a kid I was so gutted when I'd change Marches class and he would look exactly the same, I get why the developers did this, but how cool would it be if they had special class outfits, even if it was a slightly different colour

Increased level cap to 100, or had some kind of option where you could reset your level/stats to LVL 1, if you messed up your min-maxing, I found with even the base game I got to level 50 far too quickly, could even have something like the increased level cap is only unlocked after a certain mission and exp rate is reduced 50% once you hit 50.

New Game Plus, I know this would be impossible without a complete remake, but how cool would it be, you start from the beginning at your current level (but with no weapons and skills carried over) and the difficulty has been increased substantially on the missions with double the enemies and a boss enemy added to each stage

Getting to play as Mewt, even if it was a simple pallet swap, I always imagined if this game ever did get a full remake, when first starting the game, you would get an option to select either "Marche" "Ritz" or "Mewt" as the main character and you would get to experience all of their full stories

Anyway, before I go off on a ramble on everything I would love to see in a remake/remaster, I feel with a game like FFTA, the more mods the better, I think it's so sad that not many people seem to come on this site anymore, I'm completely with Layla, I would have loved to see a OneVision style mod with a big community behind it, I know most people much prefer the original Final Fantasy Tactics, but I played FFTA before that and I could never get into the OG game. (I have tried on many occasions) I still to this day compare every Tactical RPG to FFTA and honestly the only game I feel that came close to the vibe of FFTA was Onimusha Tactics (which I loved by the way) don't get me wrong I really like FFTA2 but it felt a little too different to FFTA in my opinion.

Alex, it would be amazing if you would be able to upload your version of GG, it was such a fantastic mod!

Thank you for your time ^_^