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[Old] About DD and move finds...

Started by Dome, June 21, 2012, 03:28:45 pm


June 21, 2012, 03:28:45 pm Last Edit: September 24, 2015, 07:04:42 am by Dome
I had an idea some moments ago
What about removing the move-find from the DD?
The rare items could be put on Ch4 storyline enemies! In that way you'd have to steal them instead of spending a crapload of time looking for them while fighting hard battles...what do you think about it?

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"

Joseph Strife

Might be a good idea, but must be tested.
Gaffgarion: It's in the contract!
Ramza: Does your contract says: "When you find a former squire, that now is a Holy knight that has kidnapped a princess, in a bridge by a waterfall fighting a brigade you are supposed to kill everybody that helps him!"
Gaffgarion: ... Sure!
Ramza: ... Let me see your contract...
Gaffgarion: ... No...


Do it, stealing awesome items adds a good dynamic to the game.
Yeah, right


I think finding the items is the point of the Deep Dungeon. This is evidenced by the fact that the Dungeon is completely Dark. If forces the player to search around blindly. Isn't there a hack that turns the lights back on in the DD? Is it possible to do this on the random battles only? That would even things up a bit.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Timbo


Quote from: Jack of All Trades on June 21, 2012, 08:02:43 pm
I think finding the items is the point of the Deep Dungeon. This is evidenced by the fact that the Dungeon is completely Dark. If forces the player to search around blindly. Isn't there a hack that turns the lights back on in the DD? Is it possible to do this on the random battles only? That would even things up a bit.

Agreed. They should stay in the DD. Otherwise, there's not much of a point.

As for the lights thing, I think LFT did something like that - I remember there being a crystal in an unreachable panel lighting up each floor. So I don't see why it couldn't be done for FFT Plus as well.

Neophyte Ronin

The Theft schemes you can devise will suddenly take full precedence over everything else in the game.  Also, Thieves with Precision are exceptionally good at lifting things from foes.  Given proper preparation, you can negate the battlefield's ability to take you on and then lift the items in question.  I got a Faith Rod before Limberry Castle by careful preparation before Bed Desert.

There are a few items that should never escape the Deep Dungeon.  There is no material incentive to marching in there besides.  Does it exist solely for bragging rights?  If I am going to fight interesting encounters against vicious opponents, then I better get something better out of it.

Then again, there's always War Trophies.


June 24, 2012, 05:40:21 am #6 Last Edit: June 24, 2012, 05:47:23 am by Dome
In 1.02, DD is going to be a post-game area
Yes, it means that you won't be able to access it until you kill Altima and return to the world map
After that, you gain access to the DD, a place where you can test your skills, without having to spend time looking for rare items during the fights (I'd also like to remove the whole "Look for the exit while fighting" thing: You win, you gain access to the next floor)
At the end of the Deep Dungeon, you get to fight Elidibs, one of the hardest bosses in the game, and if you win, you can recruit the Byblos (Or not? I might change him into something else)
AND THEN...yes, there is something that happens even after you have conquered the DD...but I won't spoil the surprise. You'll have to wait ;-)

Tl:Dr version
My idea of the DD is that it should be like an Arena: Endless fights and bragging rights for the bravest!
n00bs will still be able to enjoy the "secret" items (Which will be nerfed) and hardcore players (Like me) will have a place to test their skills with hard fights and self imposed challenges

Don't you like my idea?
P.s: Thieves will be the only class to have move-find item in the next release, making them sort of treasure hunters

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


It's a video game, there's no material incentive, only the incentive to play interesting battles. I like the idea Dome. So after you beat the game, it saves that progress and puts you back on the main map? I never knew that.

I think moving some of the less powerful DD items into tricky spots to steal from in regular battles, but leaving the most powerful equipment in the DD as battle rewards/move-finds/steals. Or maybe have nerfed versions in the story maps and full powered versions in the DD?
Yeah, right


It normally doesn't work that way, but our awesome-lovely hackers made it possible :-)

Anyway, "Secret" items in the next release will be heavily nerfed and no longer uber like they are right now

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"

Neophyte Ronin

Okay.  I can live with that.  There is a far better incentive after all.  I don't suppose this incredible surprise will be enough to respect your decisions in the matter?

Anyway, it's flat-out awesome that Thieves finally became bona-fide Treasure Hunters, and that NOT EVERYBODY CAN DO IT!  That was starting to really get on my nerves.  I like the idea of heading down into the Dungeon and not having to worry about whether an item will be a rare or a common elixir, or if SOMEONE WILL SNATCH IT BEFORE I GET THERE.  You can stuff duplicates of rare items down there for hardcore types who think they can juggle heavy fights while searching for treasure.  How else can the Thief legitimately brag?  Keeping them optional, by what you prescribe, should lessen the pressure on whoever just wants to brawl.

Anyway, if you're thinking about using a different creature other than the Byblos, or a special character, why not have the Byblos featured earlier, in some other battle?

Also, should you nerf rare finds, why not elevate common stuff a little bit by adding some features that make them unique or reprehensibly functional in some odd fashion?  After you reach a certain level, the stores' stuff just doesn't cut it because they raise one stat without added functionality.  For instance, there must be some method of altering armor to raise Health by a percentage instead of a lump sum.  Then we can scale equipment differently and give ourselves an excuse to add special effects to the piece.  But that's probably lightyears ahead of the curve, so nerfing rarities is okay for now.