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FFTA: Rebalanced

Started by ffta707, December 11, 2010, 01:11:55 am


From what I have planned, Concentrate will be nerfed to hell. Maybe increasing accuracy by 5%, max. And the insta-death moves will be changed to very low accuracy aswell.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Darthatron

Pata Hikari

Quote from: Darthatron on February 11, 2011, 01:30:06 am
From what I have planned, Concentrate will be nerfed to hell. Maybe increasing accuracy by 5%, max.

Fairly sure that's what FFTA 2 did. :P Though, it they also added a spell Tranq that boosts accuracy as well.

I think a 10% boost over all would be good, actually.

Ethereal Embrace

Mp:  In this game, everyone recovers 5 Mp every turn, which most seem to agree is a lot, so would making them recover only 2 Mp every turn be better since you already start out with your maximum Mp from the start of the battle already.  Or we could generally reduce the Mp growth to more reasonable levels.

Experience:  It's way too easy to level up, so is there a way to make sure that a person could level up no more than twice in a battle and then get no more exp afterward?

Evasion:  Should be rebalanced, 30 Evasion is quite ridiculous: a mage has very low Hp, low very defense, and really can't dodge anything...quite fair if you ask me.

A.I.:  just wanted to put here, but it seems everyone already talked about it.

Laws:  some of the laws are ridiculous, is their a way to make the penalty for breaking a law a more lenient?  Oh, and is anyone else bothered that Doublecast can break laws without being harmed?

- Thief's stealing abilities are broken, I remember someone suggesting that the ability maintenance should be added on to more enemies.
- Was anyone else bothered that weapons (staves) barely ever rose more than 2 magic atk?  Getting better staves only meant getting better spells and more weapon atk., just like it would be for every other weapon in the game, only mages barely ever used weapon atk. so that bonus is really wasted (which was rather minuscule to begin with).
- Am I the only one who thinks that Gunners have too much range?  I thought that lowering their range by one was fine, though.
- Some of the later weapons outclass all the others by a good margin.
- Some accessories really aren't that useful.

- Ninja's skill set was awful, could be considered worse version of Elementalist as they are both elemental and give added effects, therefore accomplish the same, exact thing.  Though Elementals cost more Mp, that's hardly a problem in this game, as Elementals are significantly stronger than Veils, not to mention, Elementalists can heal.  Moveset should either be changed altogether, or at least more powerful.
- Doublesword is pretty cheap...
- Lots of Blue Magic are either overpowered or borderline useless, this could be remedied either by nerfing the effects of the overpowered ones and trying make the useless ones a little better.  Or we could simply edit the specific Blue Magic that can be learned in the first place, and make that list more balanced.
- Illusions are very weak (weaker than fire 1) for the amount of Mp cost they consume, it's almost ridiculous.
- Archer has pretty bad stats, but the moveset is surprisingly useful.

- Animist:  the moveset is interesting and fairly unique, but there is magic atk. involved in some of those skills and Animist doesn't really have much magic atk. in the first place.
- Black Mage:  Moogle black mages are awful.  8.4 in Magic atk. is really pathetic considering the only advantage they have over the other black mages out there is their better Mp and defense, but the others simply make them really unneeded.
- Gadgeteer:  Someone already said it:  they really need a moveset change or maybe even need to be removed all together to replace with another job.  But they do have one of the best stat growths in the game.
- Time Mage:  again, Moogle time mages just can't compare to either Nu Mou time mage, and Quick is completely outclassed by Smile.  These guys need a stat change.
- Juggler:  they have great stats, and even better moves (gigantic Defense, good speed and atk), but Smile is broken and needs to be nerfed somehow.

- Fencer:  the skills aren't all that great, you never really want to use Fencers because Snipers and Assassins just have way better skills.  They should have higher atk. like they did in FFTA2.
- Red Mage:  spells are way weak, and Poison is pretty much a wasted spot for them here.  The stats also aren't bad, but aren't that good either.  Someone already suggested that Doublecast should somehow either only work on Red Magic or on any spell set other than Summon Magic, because without it the summons, Doublecast really isn't that great (except for law-breaking).
- Assassin:  already discussed, coupled with Concentrate, instant death in multiple ways.  Ultima doesn't make things any fairer, not to mention very good stats (they apparently have more Magic than Red Mage and Moogle Black Mage).
- Elementalist:  even though the spells themselves are pretty good, they become so obviously lackluster later on as you get more Summons.  The fact that most Elemental Magic only effects one person doesn't help either.

Nu Mou:
- Morphor:  as everyone already said, they need to be changed or removed completely.  It doesn't seem like there's away to balance them out effectively.

- Most of their stats and skills are good without being overpowered.  But I found that Templars weren't very useful, like at all.  And Bishops are also really weak and need more Magic atk.


Ethereal Embrace: Thanks for all the feedback! We will definitely refer to your post when we are going through the stats/movesets! :D
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Darthatron

Ethereal Embrace

Thanks, I'm just starting to play this game again.

Overall, I really liked it but it definitely could use a lot of work that would make it a better game overall.

I could have a single class by class discussion for like each of the jobs, I'd like to see anyone else's thoughts about them too.

Ethereal Embrace

Just curious, if anyone already has testing version because I'd be really anxious to play it.


At the moment there is no version available. And there probably won't be for a while, since I'm the only one(?) who can edit the actual game, and not many people are helping with data. :\
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Darthatron

Pickle Girl Fanboy

April 18, 2011, 11:04:40 am #27 Last Edit: April 18, 2011, 11:05:08 am by Pickle Girl Fanboy
If you cut everyone's evasion in half, then you won't need concentrate; you'll get reasonable hit rates without resorting to overpowered crap like concentrate.

What help do you need with data?


Pretty much everything that's on data crystal is all we have. I really need a C function, or at least an algorithm, to decompress some data: http://datacrystal.romhacking.net/wiki/Final_Fantasy_Tactics_Advance:Compression_Formats#LZSS

Also, just an excel sheet stating reasonable values for all the stats for each job. Both are pretty big jobs, but anyone can do the stat sheet. You don't really need to understand ROM Hacking to do it. But nobody is willing to dedicate the time.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Darthatron


Quote from: formerdeathcorps on January 10, 2011, 05:19:25 am
3) Kiddie Storyline

This is what's making the game lacking.

I would vote on modifying parts of the story, or better yet, re-write it completely into something that makes sense.


Or better yet, stick to the original idea of just rebalancing the game and not attempting to fix a story that's better written than most anybody on these boards can do.

Ethereal Embrace

Quote from: Darthatron on April 22, 2011, 03:14:31 pm
Pretty much everything that's on data crystal is all we have. I really need a C function, or at least an algorithm, to decompress some data: http://datacrystal.romhacking.net/wiki/Final_Fantasy_Tactics_Advance:Compression_Formats#LZSS

Also, just an excel sheet stating reasonable values for all the stats for each job. Both are pretty big jobs, but anyone can do the stat sheet. You don't really need to understand ROM Hacking to do it. But nobody is willing to dedicate the time.

Lol, I really have almost no idea what you mean for the first one.  But for the excel sheet, if you mean going in to microsoft excel and typing all of jobs' stat values (ones that I believe would suffice), then I could do it if you want me to.  I've get them down in a word document but it'll be really easy for me to transfer them, just let me know.

I'll probably post it in this thread or in my stat balancing thread or in both.

Quote from: MysticKnightFF5 on April 28, 2011, 07:00:28 am
Or better yet, stick to the original idea of just rebalancing the game and not attempting to fix a story that's better written than most anybody on these boards can do.

I do have to say that I was actually impressed at the kiddie story.  I'm in Ap Euro right now and I've JUST REALIZED how hilariously political this story is, what with all of the rumors and judging of the palace; that really took me by surprise.  In all actuality, there is a surprising amount of depth within the story, more so than I had originally anticipated.

But, there's added "Lore" within this game's fanfiction that I actually found very interesting as well.

Ethereal Embrace

Does anyone know how to make a link so that I can post the Excel Document I made for the stat changes I thought of. 

Or I could e-mail it to someone who knows how.


Just upload it to mediafire and post the link here?
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Darthatron

Ethereal Embrace

May 01, 2011, 01:10:40 pm #34 Last Edit: May 01, 2011, 01:12:16 pm by Ethereal Embrace
Okay then, this should be it.  Tell me what you think.


Ethereal Embrace

Quote from: Pickle Girl Fanboy on April 18, 2011, 11:04:40 am
If you cut everyone's evasion in half, then you won't need concentrate; you'll get reasonable hit rates without resorting to overpowered crap like concentrate.

Maybe not in half, but something pretty close.  I imagined the evasion base should range from 25 being the lowest and 45 being the highest, and jobs like soldier would be 35.  Oh, but shields also need to be better, not necessarily in Evade but definitely in Defense, same thing with hats and helmets.


  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Darthatron