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Messages - Vir

Ah. Perhaps I have been foolish. I had extracted the ATTACK.OUT from my WoTL ISO, but maybe I can only implement a change to ATTACK.OUT via orgASM, which then wouldn't be a viable PSP ISO (if I haven't misread my latest page of searched up topics)?

I read a number of topics to find whether anyone was editing ATTACK.OUT for PSP, and then I checked the downloads page it it plainly shows the program is for PSX, no PSP icon.

Or am I still missing something?

Well, if I have started on a faulty premise here, hopefully the thread will help someone else later.
Thank you very much!  :D

After work, I'm going to look at the wiki, etc., to try to figure out why those were the correct numbers. If I can get the patch work, I'll post here.

OK. I had a break to check the wiki and the code part of your post makes sense now. Basically

Forget Murond
Forget where the party's present location
Have the location of Orbonne

I see Orbonne is listed as 0x12 on this page


and has the ID $12 on the variables page. I was not even looking at the right column of numbers originally.
Hi, I'm trying to do approximately what Pride did here, but for PSP:


That is, make the final battle send Ramza back to the world map after (or instead of) the ending scenes. I think I can just check a box in ENTD/1B9 to let Alma join my party after Altima (not because I care to have her as a battle character, but hopefully I just rescued her!), but feel free to chime in if you know something about that. Once concern I'll have to see about is if a join screen would mess up the ending scenes there, necessitating I add Alma to the Delita/Ovelia finale (133 in ENTD I think) so she can join after that.

Please feel free to tell me about that.

So I have been trying to research Elric's advice:

QuoteYou would edit the last battle of the game in Attack.out GUI to be "Go to Worldmap" after that senario
You would also need to change the ADD/ZERO commands in that event to move you off of Murond as well as to remove the lines :D
It's all pretty painless

The first thing he says there looks plenty straightforward after minimal poking around. The second thing, about the ADD/ZERO commands, I've had more trouble with. I've got Elric's tutorial, the workbooks, the wiki, numerous topics, and the fine editing programs to hand here. I just haven't been able to connect the right dots.

In EasyVent, I have found the Ultima battle events as well as the funeral and Delita/Ovelia finale (012C in ATTACK.OUT). So ideally I might change 012C's After Event to "Go to World Map" and do an ADD/ZERO thing to move my world map position, if that's necessary once I've let the end events run? I have been able to decipher some of the event scripts, but not well to do this thing yet.

Thanks for your input. While I await replied, I'll be trying to figure out how to test experiments down this line without playing through the entire game.
Help! / Re: PSP: weapon graphics in battle
June 18, 2015, 05:29:41 pm
Well, thanks for that additional information, too.
Help! / Re: PSP: weapon graphics in battle
June 18, 2015, 02:52:55 pm
Ok. Thanks for that information. So I worked on FFT modding a year ago and at that time I downloaded two Shishis, one of which I marked as for PSX, the other better for PSP. This would have been based on research I did at that time; I was able to do my sprite editing this time without that research, so I can't cite.

I see now that the one I marked better for PSP is v.352 and that for PSX is .482. In .482, which I have not been using much since I'm doing PSP, I can find this WEP1 you mention. I can't find WEP1 in the version I think works for PSP yet. Maybe I can use .482 for PSP or maybe I can find WEP1 .352? But either way if I'm not mistaken, I can't assign those images to particular weapons in Shishi?

My present problem is this. I wanted to make the Fallingstar Bag into the Golden Axe, i.e., to convert an item I don't want so much into an item I do want (but can't assign due to the programming of the WOTL items). Following information int the Weapon Conversion tutorial (which I believe is for PSX since it discusses using orgASM), I picked these two items because they use the same formula, and so, I hope, will be functional for Secret Hunt after editing. The converted item is in every respect like the Golden Axe--except that it still looks like a blue and brown bag when swung in combat. I'd like to see the yellow axe in combat, too. Is there a way to make this link between the item images you've helped me find in Shishi and the item in FFTPatcher?

Or do you mean the only solution it to take both tables of weapon images in Graphics Gale and paste a yellow axe on top of the brown and blue bag's square?
Help! / PSP: weapon graphics in battle
June 18, 2015, 02:10:15 am
I've read the tutorial on converting weapons, done several searches, tested with the item palettes page. I see the very same question is pending an answer since 5/28 on the WotL board. So I decided to ask in here.

Can I change the in-battle weapon graphic?
I kept getting the same error messages we see all about the forums here:

"Object reference not set to an instance of an object" with TacText .457

And with .482, which I had been using these two weeks before trying to apply the patch, I'd get

"DTE for BOOT.BIN 5 failed."
"DTE for BOOT.BIN 7 failed."
"DTE for BOOT.BIN[some hex] failed."

I followed advice from various good posters:

used a new, unpatched ISO

resaved my .ffttext, closed, opened, tried again

deleted all kanji and other extraneous text I could find in every accessible file...

did all these same things in .457 which (for people who can't find it) I found here http://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?topic=7837.0

importing the original text from the clean ISO so I could watch that not patch either

The problem was unremitting through every variation of the above and probably some stuff I've forgotten these 18 hours: DTE error in .482, object reference error in .457. The only thing I did not try (in case anyone still working on the problem is interested in what all advice I can remember finding) is refilling all the cells I'd just cleared which worked for Barren here:


In my case none of this appeared to matter

I opened .457 (don't know if that mattered)

I imported the all text from a clean PSP ISO

I opened .482 and loaded my .ffttext

I copied all my changes from the .482 window into the corresponding .457 window cell by cell
Every two categories of cell I modified (ie, after copying over guns and knightswords) I patched the my FFTPatcher-modded ISO from the .457 window which was accessing it directly

At no time did I try again to let a .ffttext patch patch the iso

shima in the link above says that worked for him 9/10 times; I never had any error message saving it this way after several hours and probably ~15 saves

I didn't delete any kanji or extraneous text from this .457-imported ISO

So, in my case, it didn't matter if I saved to a clean ISO. It didn't matter that I added text without deleting any. The only thing that apparently mattered was that I didn't try to apply an .ffttext patch.

Two caveats:

I also tried running the programs as administrator. I don't know if I was still running as such when they eventually worked.

And lastly because it seems to me VERY IMPORTANT, if you use this method, remember NOT to close .457 before you're done testing or you may have to paste everything in again. (You might be able to load from your patched ISO, but why find out?) EDIT: I just tested this and it reverted to the same problem. Apparently you have to load a clean ISO in the first place, but it doesn't matter what you save to.
I don't mind needing non-edited characters for propositions, I just needed to know whether I did :) Thanks.
I tried to search this :)

If I make a custom class, can he do errands?

I don't know if existing special characters are hard-coded to be unable to do errands or if it checks whether you're a generic or what.

Edit: I'm using FFT Patcher (of course) for a PSP patch, if that matters.
Archives / Re: Is 1.3 the only patch for WotL?
April 05, 2012, 11:48:28 pm
Alright, thanks for the reply.

I'm also curious about FFT: Complete. Can you use that on a PSP ISO, say for the translation, in combination with another patch for content?
Archives / Is 1.3 the only patch for WotL?
April 05, 2012, 11:29:33 pm
I would like to figure out what mods are available for WotL. I see I could go with 1.3, but I am trying to see what options I have all together.

I found a topic <http://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?topic=7744.0>; asking the same question, but I'm sorry to say I remain confused. I have seen people talk about "eboots" which I gather are like ISOs for PSP games(?). This suggests to me maybe I could get some of these attractive patches on my WotL. However, I have not been able to find out much about this, so perhaps I'm just confused.

Thanks for your input.