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Event Give Away!

Started by Jumza, May 30, 2014, 08:33:37 pm


May 30, 2014, 08:33:37 pm Last Edit: June 14, 2014, 11:56:50 am by Jumza
I really had to restrain myself from calling this the Extravagant Banana Extravaganza Bonanza Summer Event Give Away

So, with summer either here or rapidly approaching (who can say for sure) I've decided to give away some events! Whee~! Fun!

I'm going to do 5 events, and they will all be ones submitted by anyone who finds this topic and takes some interest. Hopefully you have some sort of an attention span.

Include some kind of outline as to what would happen in your event. A script, maybe some general ideas behind what action is going on in the event, perhaps even a list of things you would like to include such as certain maps (did you know you can visit multiple maps in one event? :o), music, custom sprites etc... Be as specific if you want, but if an idea is very clear it probably has a better chance of getting picked.
The event could be one of many things such as;
A normal scene,
a tutorial on something,
a scene that leads into a battle,
something ridiculous like the Adventures of K&T, (and who else remembers DEB vs Kanbabrif? That was awesome too)
(insert other ideas you may have here)

It can be for anything as well! If you want an event for the project that you are working on, or if you just want something cool to be made just drop off your idea and I might pick it!

The criteria for picking the 5 that I want to make aren't really set in stone maybe you'll be picked maybe not.

Also, this cannot be a secret event. If it is for a project you must be willing to share it with the world, because after I complete each event I will be uploading it to youtube and posting it for all to see.

So, yup. Go ahead and post stuffs. I'm looking forward to making some awesome events :)
I don't know when they'll be picked, but it'll be soon.
  • Modding version: PSX
Nyzer: Alma teleports out of her own possessed body.
Raijinili: Remember that you're telling a modding community that the game they love could use some fixing.


I have some Mog/Umaro events kickin around my noggin... I have to write out the script and all I guess though. You're quite a good dude for doing this =) I'll see if I can come up with something!


As I have horrible eventing skills, (and apprehensive to update my evsp config) I thought I would propose one that I would both use in a project as well as be fun to see :)

(Vague Outline)
Araguay Woods: a lone man runs across the map and stops to look behind him wondering if he is safe....(squire...or maybe a scholar :D)

Seven soldiers appear and circle the man. He begs them to leave him alone.
One man calls him a freak.  Another accuses him of destroying his pub.  A third tells him he must pay for the damage done to their village.

The party arrives and Ramza (Or whoever) asks the men what crime this man has commited?
A man replies that this is their business and to leave them to it, or be the next target.

A soldier steps forward and declares enough of this! You come with us now or we kill you here!
The man turns to the soldier and tells him not to strike him.  Please don't make me angry........You wouldn't like me if I was ANGRY!!!

The soldier strikes the man.  He falls down as if dead.  Man stands back up and screams.  Man transforms into green titan.  HULK SMASH! Insta-kills soldier.

Battle begins!

  • Modding version: PSX


Ramza's escape from Murond Death City. It's canon!
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


I vote for Eternal's event! That would be cool as hell.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Timbo


While I agree with this, I really have no idea what I would do for such an event so if you guys want me to make it then someone has to come up with a plan for it.
  • Modding version: PSX
Nyzer: Alma teleports out of her own possessed body.
Raijinili: Remember that you're telling a modding community that the game they love could use some fixing.


CONMAN's event will soon be the first completed event for this (hopefully tomorrow!) :)

Here's a little screenshot update to let you know that I'm actually getting stuffs done:

Hope more people post so I don't run out of things to do!

Quote from: CONMAN on May 31, 2014, 09:32:08 pm
(and apprehensive to update my evsp config)

Tiny side-note, EVSP will screw with you when you do update your config. So you should do it, but when you update start getting used to eventing with notepad :P
CONFIG.ini is for the compiler / decompiler, not evsp btw.
  • Modding version: PSX
Nyzer: Alma teleports out of her own possessed body.
Raijinili: Remember that you're telling a modding community that the game they love could use some fixing.


Please turn this
Into an actual event

I'll reward you with my eternal love <3

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


Quote from: Dome on June 15, 2014, 03:41:43 am
Please turn this
Into an actual event

I'll reward you with my eternal love <3

As you wish! Dome's idea has been picked for event #2 because it is absolutely hilarious :P
  • Modding version: PSX
Nyzer: Alma teleports out of her own possessed body.
Raijinili: Remember that you're telling a modding community that the game they love could use some fixing.


Gilgamesh event. An event that leads to a battle that, after winning the battle ,leads to another event. Gilgamesh(male-samurai vanilla sprite) and enkidu(vampire sprite) comes out of a portal in yugou woods, gilgamesh pops out a speech bubble about the whereabouts of the sword excalibur. Ramza and orlandu then comes into the scene/map, gil gets surprised that orlandu has the excalibur, maybe makes a deal with orlandu to do battle wherein orlandu must hand over the excalibur if he so loses. Ramza then asks what if gil loses inwhich gil replies with "don't worry, I won't" or something like that and then he tells them that they cannot refuse this battle. Orlandu complies nonetheless and battle starts. After winning, another event occurs wherein enkidu and ramza is in critical state, gil lunges for orlandu, ramza then tries to intercept by striking with a sword but gil teleports behind orlandu and goes for a backstab. Ramza slightly stumbles while orlandu evades/blocks and then counters, gil weaponguards the counter. Gil jumps 2 squares back, cid lunges at him, and hits Gil. Gil's sword flies off, Orlandu normal poses, gil in critical pose, Orlandu tells gil that he lost but gil then suddenly goes "hehethisisn'tevenmyfinalform" and strikes orlandu with another sword, orlandu blocked but is sent 3 squares backward. Orlandu and ramza are now in critical pose while Gil prepares for an ultimate attack, maybe says something like "This'll be the final fantasy you'll ever be in" then lunges towards orlandu. Orlandu makes a defend pose, but before gil could land the strike, a portal appears in between orlandu and gil, intercepting gil's lunge. portal is still there, ramza,orlandu and enkidu normal poses, enkidu pops a textbubble containing ".....(whimper)" then goes after gil through the portal. portal disappears, another 2 second pause or so, ramza then says "I wonder who that guy was...", orlandu replies with "....." ending the event. Also gil and enki's names are not shown in the events, only "????" or "Foreign swordsman" and "Weird panther", or something like that. It's ok if the scenes are not exact, I just love to see a fight scene of Orlandu and Gilgamesh. :mrgreen:


July 05, 2014, 02:03:36 pm #10 Last Edit: July 05, 2014, 02:15:00 pm by Elric
Lol not bad Potion, at the least it would give Jumza a chance to practice a action scene ;)

I told Jumza I'd post this like a month ago, so here ya go:

My idea was to make sort of a "Welcome to FFH!" event, however this would actually be numberous events linked
together (remove loading screen in video editing) due to ENTD restrictions.

Basically, it would go to a map with a bunch of people from each patch (minus the dead ones) and section, like Arena,
CCP, CoP, PW?, Jot5, The ASMers, The spriting section, the FFTA Section, The IRC crew, etc. Each introducing their selves
and what they do on FFH.

There was more to it than this, but you get the general idea, just something to welcome newcomers, and perhaps
explain that we have an EDIT button or something :P

If you wanna work on this, lemme know and we can work out who does what scenes/sections/mods/etc. I already have
what sprites to use for just about everyone, and rough ideas for each little scene.
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: Elric on July 05, 2014, 02:03:36 pm
Lol not bad Potion, at the least it would give Jumza a chance to practice a action scene ;)

I told Jumza I'd post this like a month ago, so here ya go:

My idea was to make sort of a "Welcome to FFH!" event, however this would actually be numberous events linked
together (remove loading screen in video editing) due to ENTD restrictions.

Basically, it would go to a map with a bunch of people from each patch (minus the dead ones) and section, like Arena,
CCP, CoP, PW?, Jot5, The ASMers, The spriting section, the FFTA Section, The IRC crew, etc. Each introducing their selves
and what they do on FFH.

There was more to it than this, but you get the general idea, just something to welcome newcomers, and perhaps
explain that we have an EDIT button or something :P

If you wanna work on this, lemme know and we can work out who does what scenes/sections/mods/etc. I already have
what sprites to use for just about everyone, and rough ideas for each little scene.

Hell, I'll do a few of these if this goes anywhere. :D
  • Modding version: PSX


Okay, here's my idea:
The Camera sets on the Zeltennia Chapel Ruins.
We see Agrias kneeling beside the dead Ovelia.
Arias: Who did this?... and why?
Ramza walks into sight.
Ramza: Agrias...
Agrias: I failed her.
Ramza: Don't be so hard on yourself, there was nothing you could have done.
Agrias: But I -should- have! I was to be her Aegis, but when she needed me, I-
Ramza: Think! You may not have been able to save her, but you saved many others! I'm sure that's what she would have wanted.
Agrias: ... I hadn't thought about it that way.
Ramza: Well, we had best be go-
Delita walks up to the gate.
Agrias: Don't tell me you had a hand in this!
Delita: Shall I tell you that which you want to hear, or the truth?
Agrias: You swine!
Delita: The truth, then. You were right. It was your fault Ovelia died. She died of the same knife that you thought would 'protect her'.
Agrias: I'll kill you!
Delita looks at Ramza.
Delita: And you, Ramza?
Ramza: I thought you were my friend! Your injustice will be answered for!
Delita: Kill them!
2 knights come into view. Arias and Ramza fight Delita and his men, and win.
Delita gets on his knees.
Delita: Tietra... Ovelia... I'm coming...
Delita falls to the ground and dies.
Agrias leaves the scene.
Ramza stops and stares at Delita's body.
Ramza: To think it came to this...
Ramza leaves the scene.     
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Nice script Tristan, I dig it. Although Ramza usually sucks at consoling people. He usually tries "<person's name>..." and silence lol. Alma's the same way >_>



Maybe he learned some people skills through his adventure though


I like the concept of it, since I can see Agrias being very upset by it. However, how does she know that Ovelia died there?
I mean, if Agrias did enough digging to find out what happened to Ovelia and where she died, how did Delita get left out
of that bit of info?

Though that's just my inner eventer trying to see it play out. It is nice to see someone post a script, and that last scene in
vanilla isn't explained as well as it could have been anyway, so no real issues there.

My main issue is some of the actual dialogue itself and Ramza's character. Ramza and Delita grewup together, they were
still friends the last time they saw each other, or at least, didn't wish each other harm. Which makes it very hard for me to
see either one of them being this cold to one another, especially the bit at the end with Ramza.

None of this really matters anyway, since the events are just for shits and giggles. Just throwing out some constructive
criticism. Still it's very nice of you to actually include a script. It definitely makes the process of making the event quite a
bit easier when you don't have to write the dialogue as well.

Dem War of the Lions names though....

  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: Jumza on June 15, 2014, 01:00:12 am
CONMAN's event will soon be the first completed event for this (hopefully tomorrow!) :)

Apparently when I said tomorrow I meant... fortnight.

The Hulk event is done and recorded, but I'm moving so I don't have an internet connection stable enough to upload to youtube. It'll be up soon though. I am starting on Dome's event, as well as Tristan's (with some possible script alterations) and I plan on doing Elric's as well, but it could take a lot longer :P
  • Modding version: PSX
Nyzer: Alma teleports out of her own possessed body.
Raijinili: Remember that you're telling a modding community that the game they love could use some fixing.


July 16, 2014, 02:07:39 pm #16 Last Edit: July 16, 2014, 02:59:21 pm by TristanBeoulve
Yeah, I just figured: Hmm... what do I want to do? The meeting of Balbanes and Orlandu, (I'll use vanilla names to the best of my ability) Beowulf and Reis' wedding, Delita's coronation? No, those don't feel right... I'll just put it on hold. Then, I was just watching some custom events and came across the Event with Delita and Ovelia. Then this popped into my head: What if Rama and Co. went forward in time. (I'd imagine that the last scene took place several years after the Final battle.)

So, I decided that maybe Rama and Agrias fell out of the loop in a location near to Zeltennia. Agrias, in my mind, would look to the ruins, as Ovelia spent a lot of time contemplating and whatnot there.
So, say that Delita said that he found Ovelia dead. (I wish I'd added mention to the flowers; they would have been a nice touch, at least in my mind.) I think that once Agrias discovered Ovelia, she'd be in shock (but I can understand the confusion on that matter.) and probably pay her respects.
And with the whole matter about Delita and Ramza, I had 2 things in mind:
1. Delita could have changed in the presumably five years or so (just an educated guess) and we all now that power changes someone.
2. Ramza's suspicion. This one is pretty much null and void without the flower thing, but let's be hypothetical here. In Ramza's mind: Why would an assassin bring flowers? And where do I recognize that knife? (As Ramza is treasurer for his group. And trainer. And fashion stylist. And guidance counselor.) And most importantly, how does said assassin know her favorite hangout AND the biggest of all: Who cared about Ovelia enough to bring her flowers? DELITA. ( This is, of course, assuming that Ramza has become Delita when it comes to mind games.)

Sorry for the beefy explanation, but that's the hypothetical idea in my mind. ( I realize this isn't Chrono Trigger, but there ARE Time Mages, so time travel? Maybe.) Anyway, that's it.

Tristan out.

EDIT: Also, Ramza IS a heretic, so Delita would possibly be obligated it run him through, and in a more unlikely turn, it could be similar to the Ser Aliste, and Delita would want to atone by letting Ramza kill him- but like I said, it's unlikely.

And sorry for all the edits, I wrote this on my mom's auto correcting abomination of a phone.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


July 31, 2014, 02:10:35 pm #17 Last Edit: August 13, 2014, 01:20:46 am by Jumza
Event #1 finally uploaded!

I am also attaching a savestate for psx so that you may view the event and fight the battle yourselves!
  • Modding version: PSX
Nyzer: Alma teleports out of her own possessed body.
Raijinili: Remember that you're telling a modding community that the game they love could use some fixing.


July 31, 2014, 05:44:39 pm #18 Last Edit: July 31, 2014, 06:51:37 pm by CONMAN
Dude! Awesome Jumza! Thanks for making this! I actually had no idea that the "mimic titan" would look good on the "Titan" sprite!

Do you think you could post the event.txt and palette you used for the titan?

edit/package recieved :P Hella awesome thanks!
  • Modding version: PSX


Yeah that job turned out to be the perfect fit :)

Here's a little package for you, including the sprite (the portrait colours actually need to be fixed, some of his skin is still brown), the attack.out (the only changed settings you need to have are in the first slot, all other slots are not important), the fftpatch (which has the ENTD, make sure to keep the unit's in the correct spot so it doesn't mess with the event) and the event.txt (remember to change any unit ID's that you change in the ENTD to match with your patch in here!).

Hope this helps you out with your patch!
  • Modding version: PSX
Nyzer: Alma teleports out of her own possessed body.
Raijinili: Remember that you're telling a modding community that the game they love could use some fixing.