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Adding Multiplayer/new Items to a shop

Started by Korangar7776, September 22, 2011, 07:42:45 am


I know you can add these items directly to your save with a save editor, but I am curious if its there a way to get them by just patching the ISO?
I been trying with FFTpatcher, but it only allows the original version items.
The rest of the items(Tynar Rouges or Multiplayer stuff) dont have the "shop availability" tab in them x;
So, is there other way to patch it, or am I forced to save edit them?


September 22, 2011, 11:25:01 am #1 Last Edit: September 22, 2011, 11:26:42 am by formerdeathcorps
Quote from: Korangar7776 on September 22, 2011, 07:42:45 am
I know you can add these items directly to your save with a save editor, but I am curious if its there a way to get them by just patching the ISO?
I been trying with FFTpatcher, but it only allows the original version items.
The rest of the items(Tynar Rouges or Multiplayer stuff) dont have the "shop availability" tab in them x;
So, is there other way to patch it, or am I forced to save edit them?

There's a basic problem here.  All the WoTL exclusive items have item IDs that are two byte.  All the items that existed in the pSX have item IDs that are one byte.  It's likely that there exists certain parts of the game (like the section for the item IDs sold in shops) that still use the old pSX one-byte read code.

Furthermore, it's not like you can simply edit them all to take two-byte IDs because the table for multiplayer items would need to be expanded (to include the "can be sold by Chapter X" byte) and you need to double the size of the table that decides buyable items (so EVERY item will be forced to consider two byte values).
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


Tl;dr you're shit out of luck as far as adding them to Shops.  You can either use FFTPatcher to replace existing pSX items with the new Items you want, or you can force the Multiplayer Only Items onto Guests in a random battle and use Join After Event to strip and boot them, if you have the room in your formation screen to do so.

Otherwise, you're stuck using a save editor, sadly.


is that the same reason you can't add them as spoils either?


What about the PSP version? Is there a way to use orgASM or a Patcher to get them?


you can't put them on guests either... or in the poaching section or the treasure hunt section.