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[Old] Need Help with Velius!

Started by skiploom188, April 29, 2012, 10:02:06 am


Quote from: skiploom188 on May 02, 2012, 05:37:54 am
Sorry about that, my bad for bringing that up indirectly.

No need to worry man :-)

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"

Neophyte Ronin

The battle with Velius opens up another can of worms: practically every instance of Zodiac Demon, minions in particular, is unique.  The first three bozos are no pushovers.  Other instances make them sincerely tricky.  However, it seems as though they cannot shrug off status effects.  Break Skills and Yin Yang Magic turn them into jelly.  Without those useful abilities, these guys will use their signature moves to humiliate you into submission.  Fortunately, it is rare that these villains have any degree of speed, and slowing them down puts the pressure off your party.


A trick i used to use when I played through FFT for the first time (like 8 years ago) was to have Ramza have (at the minimum):

Equip whatever you want, if you have something to lessen Lightning damage then put it on.

Guts (Knowing the Ability Accumulate(Focus))
Punch Art or Item(Knowing the Ability Chakra)
HP Restore or Auto Potion (To maintain health)
Martial arts (or your pick if you are a Monk)
Any Ability to increase movement range (Move+1, +2 or Teleport if you know it)

Or change up the skillset if you are Monk class.

The strategy is to basically run for the 1st part of the fight, when Wiegraf is in human form. During that time you will Use Accumulate/Focus and then run out of range of his sword skills. And repeat about 20 times. Make sure to check your AT often because sometimes both of you will get two turns in a row which could make or break you. If he does manage to hit you with Lightning Stab or another move, then Auto potion should help, at the least, minimize the damage. Then basically attack him. It may kill him in one hit or two.

When he transforms and your party joins in, keep them separate. if any of your units know Break/Rend skills then they can be of help as well as Mustadio and his Arm Aim for the Archaic Demons. But the battle shouldn't last long since your previous Accumulate/Focus should have your attack sky high for your level. The battle at that point should be every quick if you put all your attention on Velius.

That worked for me but there are millions of other methods if mine isn't what you're looking for.
Preparing to start on attempting to incorporate the main characters and of FFVII and their unique jobs into Tactics.

Dont hold your breath.


We all know that this level became a wall for first time FFT players, even in Vanilla. And to think that it's already hard back then even in Wiegraf's human form.

Others used unconventional methods to conquer this level. The most popular being the accumulate yell spam. But if they couldn't win they used backup saves.

But during my first playthrough of Vanilla, I didn't have a backup saves nor necessary survival equipments and abilities in this battle. I was nearing a final decision to start over, but that's too hard to take in. So I was forced to do some indecent gaming behavior...

The JP scroll glitch... Saved me from that battle. But all I needed to glitch was the Chemist because I needed Auto Potion. You know, that glitch saved me from having to go through the entire game again. Because YOU DON'T WANT your first playthroughs in games become scarred by a stupid corner level.

Just sharing. 
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
I evolved... into a stick figure. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCj-yTyoVpYIdcdIPw8SP5rw
Pokemon Fantasy Tactics - A treat for FFT fans! http://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?topic=10984.msg207542


I'm not sure if it's a glitch or just silly AI in Plus but for the one-on-one Wiegraf vs. Ramza fight I somehow got Wiegraf to keep running back and forth between those torches while I accumulated and ran back and forth at the very bottom of the level lol. So instead of coming closer to me and destroying me with Lightning Stab, I destroyed him (and Velius for that matter) after accumulating to about 55 attack power lol.


Ramza as an Archer with concentrate can stay out of Velius's range. Having white magic will allow him to heal if necessary. A few well-placed charged hits will get you to round two in a hurry.

Lower the MA of the demons with a knight or two. I'd lower the MA of two of them and have a third to kill when I needed to distract Velius. It took me three attempts but I didn't have that much trouble.