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EasyVent Editor 4 (In the making)

Started by ffta707, June 24, 2010, 12:58:42 am


Just tried 3 and...

Error:  Component 'comdlg32.ocx' or one of its dependancies is not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid.  

In fact, all versions here have that issue.
Just another rebel plotting rebellion.


Ugh, forgot to add that file. I thought it came with .Net framework. I'll post a download tonight.



Sorry for the wait. I sort of forgot.

Should be able to place it in the folder, and your all set.

Oh, and also: Since Zodiacs estimated release date is 2012, there is the possibility of a beta, or a 4. I just need some input on how to make it better. So please leave some suggestions.



Quote from: "ffta707"Oh, and also: Since Zodiacs estimated release date is 2012, there is the possibility of a beta, or a 4. I just need some input on how to make it better. So please leave some suggestions.


I'm old school and still use notepad a lot, but I just played around with this for a bit and it seems really cool.

A few things you can add:  [Note - 1 through 3 are simple changes, 4 is borderline, 5 and 6 are more ambitious, just a head's up.]

1. Important but simple - the blank event.txt window on startup or that appears when you click "New Event" should contain "Offset(x00???000)" or something similar and a comment to the effect of "//Change ??? to the Offset in TEST.EVT you wish to write your event." by default to make people remember to actually give their events an Offset.  Mostly a reminder for newbies honestly but its a simple change that prevents a simple mistake.  

2. In the drop down lists, you'll have commands such as DisplayMessage(x10,x??,x00??,x00,x??,+00??,+00??,+00??,x??).  This is good because it shows exactly how to create the command and what to and not to edit.  However, this could be done better.  For example, instead of just having gaggles of question marks, change the question marks where the UnitID would belong to "ID", and such, so that each area is specifically labeled as to what data should be input into each field.  This should be a simple skim and fix in a text file most likely and would help newbies greatly in their editing.

3.  The "Unit Animations" box is very helpful... but the placement above the Internet Controls is deplorable.  When maximized, there's a ton of unused space to the right because the program hugs left by default, so move that box over and expand it so that it displays.... 10-15 animations (roughly 8-12% of them) or so at a time so that skimming through for the ones you need can be done far more easily without needing to have them all committed to memory.  That, and barely being able to see 3 animations at a time seems rather unprofessional and scrunched due to there being over 100 of them.

4.  Again, making use of that empty space on the far right, I recommend making a "help" window for the Event Instructions drop down, so that when an Event Instruction is highlighted, in addition to the slightly better guides suggested in 1., this new window on the far right appears and takes the time to briefly explain the currently selected instruction, so that you don't need to go frantically scrolling through FFH for the detailed rundown.  That Internet bar helps a lot, but having a quick "layman's terms" breakdown of what the instruction does and what the insert numbers are would save newbies a lot of time.  Alternatively, you could just replace the Internet features entirely with this, dedicating their space to this one, having the explanation prefaced with a "layman's terms" explanation followed by the more in depth look you'd get by looking at FFH's main site, but that would be more work than may be needed.  Would be very nice for making EasyVent a work for people who may not have net access at the time though.

5.  Zodiac had a Camera Instruction Maker lying around somewhere to my knowledge.  This is probably the hardest of the points listed, but if you could incorporate something like that directly into EasyVent you would save everyone many headaches.

6.  The screenshot Zodiac showed just seems to sort events by Event Script + Name, then call them as templates.  I don't know how hard such a thing would be to work in something like this... say, a bar that lists every event in the game by name and Event Script, then can be selected and prompts a "Do you want to overwrite the current Event with this Event Template?" Yes/No, and on Yes loads said event from the file, but if you want to I can supply you with 100% corrected and functional versions of the old "filler-less" events Philsov posted, including the real annoying ones like Mandalia Plains and Algus' choice that you could include.  Again, maybe it's my monitor size (about 17in), but it seems like you have plenty of "leftover space" to accommodate a bar listing events by name and Event Script.  If possible, this could even be an outside file that people could edit to contain their own events, making maintaining their own patch's TEST.EVT after creating it easy.

Like I said, I'm a notepad freak, so a number of these are mostly to further make Event Editing easier for newbies, but these are probably the best ways to enhance this depending on how ambitious you want to be.  The first three I would definitely include because they all seem like rather simple features, though the last two would make EasyVent really follow its namesake if you want to try making them happen.  It would be one huge step towards making it impossible for anyone to ever bitch about this game being hard to mod ever again.  So far this seems like a pretty great program, though.


Thanks ROR. I can easily do all of these except 5, which will take more time. I'm working right now, and all of these will be inserted for Easyvent 4.

Thanks so much for these. Anyone else?


Also, regarding notepad. Oddly enough, I use it myself. OR I use a custom EasyVent, witch is essentially notepad with a browser.


Quote from: "ffta707"Thanks ROR. I can easily do all of these except 5, which will take more time. I'm working right now, and all of these will be inserted for Easyvent 4.

Thanks so much for these. Anyone else?

No problem.  Most of those were actually suggestions that came up for a good event editor after talking with someone else before even looking at EasyVent honestly.

Do you need the corrected events or do you have them yourself?  (Decompiling the events normally causes the conditionals like Mandalia to come out retarded, those are the main ones I'm worried about as the rest can even just be {end} padded even if it looks trashy.)

Outside of these, I think the only thing missing from EasyVent offhand would be the ability to directly compile and decompile events to/from TEST.EVT, but again that's a huge pain to include when you can just bundle Zodiac's Event Compiler and Event Decompiler with it or something, though having everything self-contained would be far better.

E: I would also merge the "Select a display message template or select a camera template!" and "Select a premade camera!" fields into "Select a display message template, camera template, or premade camera!" and use a single drop down to reduce the number of overall windows.  Granted, the other changes I suggested mean adding more sometimes, but merging those two would still do a little to keep the interface clean and simple and make more room for the windows being added depending what the target monitor size is when maximized.

Quote from: "ffta707"Also, regarding notepad. Oddly enough, I use it myself. OR I use a custom EasyVent, witch is essentially notepad with a browser.

Haha.  I see.  I love the simplicity of Notepad myself, though EasyVent is nice for making me remember what shit does and the interface isn't really complicated.


"Unknown Commands"

- prompt game save before next scenario.

- Remove unit without prompt. I believe ID references the sprite number but i could be wrong. Could reference job number as well.

- Units with "Join after battle" join without prompting

- Go to next scenero, bring up formation screen. aaaa is the scenario number referenced Attack.OUT.

I would be interested in seeing these commands added in with a little description as they are not as well known. There are a few others that I have notes on but these are the ones i came up with off hand
  • Modding version: PSX
Check out my ASM thread. Who doesn't like hax?


Quote from: "RavenOfRazgriz"
Quote from: "ffta707"Thanks ROR. I can easily do all of these except 5, which will take more time. I'm working right now, and all of these will be inserted for Easyvent 4.

Thanks so much for these. Anyone else?

No problem.  Most of those were actually suggestions that came up for a good event editor after talking with someone else before even looking at EasyVent honestly.

Do you need the corrected events or do you have them yourself?  (Decompiling the events normally causes the conditionals like Mandalia to come out retarded, those are the main ones I'm worried about as the rest can even just be {end} padded even if it looks trashy.)

Outside of these, I think the only thing missing from EasyVent offhand would be the ability to directly compile and decompile events to/from TEST.EVT, but again that's a huge pain to include when you can just bundle Zodiac's Event Compiler and Event Decompiler with it or something, though having everything self-contained would be far better.

E: I would also merge the "Select a display message template or select a camera template!" and "Select a premade camera!" fields into "Select a display message template, camera template, or premade camera!" and use a single drop down to reduce the number of overall windows.  Granted, the other changes I suggested mean adding more sometimes, but merging those two would still do a little to keep the interface clean and simple and make more room for the windows being added depending what the target monitor size is when maximized.

Quote from: "ffta707"Also, regarding notepad. Oddly enough, I use it myself. OR I use a custom EasyVent, witch is essentially notepad with a browser.

Haha.  I see.  I love the simplicity of Notepad myself, though EasyVent is nice for making me remember what shit does and the interface isn't really complicated.

Thanks again.

I would like the corrected events, if you have them with you, or have time for that matter. There is a programing routine for implementing other programs into it. I could do this very easily (Exaggeration) XD. Expect to see them implemented, as I don't think zodiac will mind. If she does, then I'll remove that feature.

Merging Combo boxes is possible. But honestly, it might make the GUI a bit more confusing; But I suppose I could give it a try.


Added. Thanks for the suggestion.


Quote from: "ffta707"Thanks again.

I would like the corrected events, if you have them with you, or have time for that matter. There is a programing routine for implementing other programs into it. I could do this very easily (Exaggeration) XD. Expect to see them implemented, as I don't think zodiac will mind. If she does, then I'll remove that feature.

Haha.  Alright.

I have them.  I was using them for something else though so I'll need to re-Vanilla all the offsets and such so you may not get them for a couple days though.   They all work though unless I did something incredibly dumb and all start on Message x01, so they'd make editing existing cutscenes about as easy as it can get combined with new EasyVent features.  

Quote from: "ffta707"Merging Combo boxes is possible. But honestly, it might make the GUI a bit more confusing; But I suppose I could give it a try.

I see.  Don't bother if it seems confusing and you have GUI space anyway.  I just thought of it offhand as a way of simplifying the GUI.  The current setup isn't at all bad in regards to it, after all.

Quote from: "Pride"I would be interested in seeing these commands added in with a little description as they are not as well known. There are a few others that I have notes on but these are the ones i came up with off hand

Hurry up and find the rest of them so the pimping can be done in one round.


QuoteI have them. I was using them for something else though so I'll need to re-Vanilla all the offsets and such so you may not get them for a couple days though.

No, no rush. I don't want to tell you to do something, and make you feel pressured about it. Take your time. I've got plenty of things to do on this program, XD.


Quote from: "ffta707"No, no rush. I don't want to tell you to do something, and make you feel pressured about it. Take your time. I've got plenty of things to do on this program, XD.

I have to do a lot of stuff with them anyway, so it's fine.

Once most of this stuff is implemented, I really think all that would be missing would be means of directly editing ATTACK.OUT via EasyVent and a way to preview events because I think with these suggestions almost everything else that could be wanted in an event editor is basically there.  Haha.


Quote from: "RavenOfRazgriz"
Quote from: "ffta707"No, no rush. I don't want to tell you to do something, and make you feel pressured about it. Take your time. I've got plenty of things to do on this program, XD.

I have to do a lot of stuff with them anyway, so it's fine.

Once most of this stuff is implemented, I really think all that would be missing would be means of directly editing ATTACK.OUT via EasyVent and a way to preview events because I think with these suggestions almost everything else that could be wanted in an event editor is basically there.  Haha.

Haha, thanks.

Looks like I might be able to make something like the camera maker.


Okay, here is another update showing you EasyVent 4. Please note that this is not the final GUI.

Things Added

1. Credits/ Help (Mid - top region)
2. Every Event (Click one you want to edit; Offset information will display)
3. Added several Instructions (Compatibility with newer instructions!)

Things yet to be added

1. Camera Helper (Several Directions will be displayed in a list like: West, northwest - The basics)
2. Possibly the ability to compile to the Test.EVT
3. Possibly the ability to view each map by selecting it
4. Unit Animation has generator under it (You click the one you want - creates an instruction)

This has hardly anything, but I made an .exe to show you. Please suggest ideas for GUI.


Will the Event list (Orbonne Prayer, etc) be contained by the program or will that be a file like TEST.EVT or PSX Events that the user can edit to their needs or restore to default?

Also, will the final version list the setup events or leave them omitted in the way the files I sent you had them?


Quote from: "RavenOfRazgriz"Will the Event list (Orbonne Prayer, etc) be contained by the program or will that be a file like TEST.EVT or PSX Events that the user can edit to their needs or restore to default?

Also, will the final version list the setup events or leave them omitted in the way the files I sent you had them?

Regarding your first question: They are contained in the program itself.

How you sent them.


Quote from: "ffta707"Regarding your first question: They are contained in the program itself.

If this means they're not editable, that's a bit depressing.  Oh well.  Getting them IN is a huge step in itself, so fancy shit can wait until a potential EasyVent 5.

Quote from: "ffta707"Update with poll.

The fact this poll exists almost makes me lose faith in you entirely bro.  Of course whole events should be contained.  Templates are how people learn, especially since most Patches DO NOT LOOK TO REMAKE THE ENTIRE GAME FROM SCRATCH AS MERCENARIES / ETC DOES.  Your average user is going to just want to make small / moderate plot edits using the standard Vanilla plotline, and templates makes this very easy to do. Your above average user may want a few new Events, or to do something like what Newtype does, etc. but templates still help them because they can go "oh, I want to do this and don't know how, but it occurs in Event X, so I can go look and get a functioning example to make sure I do it right."

This poll upsets me because it forgets two key things.  

One, it makes me feel you don't know what the majority of your audience is going to be - the more vocal ones are more elaborate maybe, but your common user is not, and the template functionality does nothing to inhibit the rarer, more vocal, more elaborate user.  One of the main reasons this site doesn't see patches coming out is because even the editing level required for these simpler patches is a lot for the common user, so as "Easy"Vent, this should be as easy as possible to do so that finished products can actually be released more readily.  Your average user will benefit greatly from this function, so "the point" shouldn't stop you from making a program that makes their code monkey job as easy as possible, especially since it doesn't make things harder for other users.

Two, quite bluntly, templates are how things get done.  The "point" of spriting, for example, is to make new sprites - but the vast majority of "custom" sprites are just different limbs and heads juggling around and then edited.  Obviously some exceed this mold, but your average one doesn't, or does so in a manner that has it starting directly in this mold and slowly evolving beyond it as edits are made.  Your average patch in general does this with Jobs as well - using existing FF / Vagrant Story jobs for the most part instead of making things that are 100% original.  Similar to what I said in Kagebunji's thread about his monster sprites - should all the sprites that required templates at any point ever be taken down?  Should the patches that aren't 100% original Job content be taken down?  If not, why is the Event Editor held to a higher standard to make all their events 100% original?   Because, the truth is, they shouldn't be, and templates are how things get done.  Someone being 100% original will outside of very rare cases end up with maybe 2 cutscenes and a handful of battles unless they're already skilled or dedicated enough to not need EasyVent to begin with.  Someone using templates combined with all of EasyVent's other features will have a very high chance of actually make a fully functioning product that they couldn't have made otherwise.  "The point" should never get in the way of enabling people to create finished products, especially on this site where nothing ever seems to get completed.  This also ties back to my first point of target audience - if the people who want 100% original are worth talking to on this matter of templates vs none, they probably don't need EasyVent in much of any capacity to begin with and are not even in the target audience.

Sorry for the rant, but I saw "the point", remembered the people who bitched over Kagebunji's monster sprites, and honestly just had to.  The people who bitch about "the point" are either those who have no idea what they're talking about and have never tried doing what they're complaining over or are so skilled they really aren't relevant to the conversation or community standard, such as here.  I'll go as far as to say those that cry for all 100% original content and no template use should just be cut away, because even if they're 10x as skilled as the most skilled person here, their standards are so high that the community without them will still have a far higher chance of actually making a respectable product.  Being able to make a quality, respectable, and completable product should always be the ultimate goal.  The methods are irrelevant, because honestly - just using the bare bones FFT engine is "copying" and illegal anyway, so doing anything more than that shouldn't even BEGIN to be a moral dilemma if it leads to a product that's just as good as one that's 100% original but is also 100% more completable.  Period.

So yeah, full templates, fuck the haters because they're either clueless or probably don't even need this program anyway, and your target audience should always obviously be the users that aren't clueless but DO need this program.


Full events.

It's much, much easier to highlight everything -> delete than to mess with having someone extract their test.evt and copy/paste everything and mess with all the dummy text and yadda yadda yadda.  

Besides, full events offer great sources to copy/paste from.

aaaaand, in case you don't know, I've also already made most of them.  How to make them work with your scheme... I'll let you figure that one out :)


(Just note the disclaimer; I've been apathetic towards getting the bundle up to 100% workability)
Just another rebel plotting rebellion.


Agreeing pretty much with Raven, it shouldn't even be a question to be honest. Keep up your work though, I'm still excited to see EasyVent 4.
  • Modding version: PSX
Check out my ASM thread. Who doesn't like hax?


Quote from: "philsov"Full events.

It's much, much easier to highlight everything -> delete than to mess with having someone extract their test.evt and copy/paste everything and mess with all the dummy text and yadda yadda yadda.  

Besides, full events offer great sources to copy/paste from.

Also this.

Quote from: "philsov"aaaaand, in case you don't know, I've also already made most of them.  How to make them work with your scheme... I'll let you figure that one out :)

http://ffhacktics.com/forum/viewtopic.p ... 140#p91140

(Just note the disclaimer; I've been apathetic towards getting the bundle up to 100% workability)

I already PM'd him a 100% working set of this Phil, sorry to ruin your thunder.  I'd post it here but the order is different than vanilla for... reasons and I don't feel like dealing with confused people.