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Name Fix Patch (Final Version's out, for real this time.)

Started by Chronosplit, March 30, 2016, 05:51:55 pm


March 10, 2017, 09:21:29 pm #20 Last Edit: March 15, 2017, 09:17:49 pm by Chronosplit
Quote from: Raijinili on March 10, 2017, 07:33:37 pm
In the original, Gemini ("Help" #29) text has "Sagittarius" doubled.

I finally found old versions of IDeLucas's FAQs (before GameFAQs mangled non-Unicode FAQs), which were made before an official English translation, and have samples of the Japanese text. Use encoding EUC-JP.
0.3: http://web.archive.org/web/19980121145915/http://www.cronorye.com/cr/fft.html
Abilities (0.4): http://www.mogelpower.de/cheats/dl.php?id=5836

Japanese sources:
Full: http://www.carbuncle.jp/fft/index.html
Full #2: http://playshinra.com/fft/
Weapons: http://playshinra.com/fft/weapon.html
Divine Knight: http://playshinra.com/fft/meliadoul.html

Specific notes:
- Osafune (Bizen Boat)'s full name is Bizen Osafune. Though that's probably too long.
- Polka Polka really is "Polka Polka". Was this different in other FFs?
- Blaze Gun is NOT a swapped translation. Also see this image of Glacial Gun with a distinct Fire icon in the corner, and this one of Blaze Gun with an Ice icon. Finally, the Japanese weapon list has them as they are in the original translation.

Thanks a lot!  I'll get looking into all of this after I get TactText working (Wine looks like a real possibility for the suite, I believe that I almost have it).

-Osafune tends to be par for the localization of it in general (the only time it's localized as such is FFXI), and I don't think the space is quite going to work which is one of two reasons why I keep Heaven's Cloud as-is.  I'll probably keep it as Osafune.
-As far as Polka, it's localized as such outside WOTL in a later Tactics game, on the Dancer Job in A2.  This stretches past my anchor, but it's also the only other time the ability is used (then again, it also uses all WOTL names).  There's also Frailty Polka in Dimensions, but that's a different name and ability.  I'm still thinking about it, but I'm probably going to switch that back.
-Good point about the guns, that's enough proof for me.  I'll probably reverse these back.

I'm also planning on maybe reverting Divinity and Impiety to what they were as well (Impiety will be either Hell or Nether Demon, but yeah).  The original was more correct, and the names just don't feel quite right.  Still don't have anything for Calculator's reactions, so those will stay as-is unless anyone wants Distribute to be plain ol' Division.
  • Modding version: PSX


Mean (double meaning)
Distribution (a probability word)
Generate/Generator (akin to Regenerator, though also to Degenerator)
Surjection (since it's healing all the party)

For Damage Split:

But it's probably an arithmetician/calculator, not a full-on mathematician. That gets rid of everything but Average/Mean/Division.

Anyway, no need to be fancy. If there's no really good name, and the name isn't that bad, why change it? It's not like the Support or Movement skills are math-themed. They might've just tossed in reactions that didn't go anywhere else.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


March 22, 2017, 04:07:01 pm #22 Last Edit: March 25, 2017, 05:30:32 pm by Chronosplit
Quote from: Raijinili on March 21, 2017, 06:44:50 pm
Mean (double meaning)
Distribution (a probability word)
Generate/Generator (akin to Regenerator, though also to Degenerator)
Surjection (since it's healing all the party)

For Damage Split:

But it's probably an arithmetician/calculator, not a full-on mathematician. That gets rid of everything but Average/Mean/Division.

Anyway, no need to be fancy. If there's no really good name, and the name isn't that bad, why change it? It's not like the Support or Movement skills are math-themed. They might've just tossed in reactions that didn't go anywhere else.

Hey, some of these are pretty good.  Equivalence is better than Bisect even (and makes me wonder why WOTL didn't just go that direction, it fits in with the theme).

You do have a point though, in a lot of ways they're fine as is.  If I do a swap I'll probably leave them out of the Altered patch.  Or I'll do some sort of "liberties version" or whatever with these changes and a few other things I've been considering lately.
  • Modding version: PSX


March 25, 2017, 04:05:38 pm #23 Last Edit: March 25, 2017, 08:15:52 pm by Chronosplit
Good news everyone!  I finally got TactText working (Apparently for Wine, dotnet40 actually isn't needed for this one in spite of requirements).  Update shouldn't be too long now, couple days at most.

So far this will have:
-Fixed Gemini's help text.
-Blaze and Glacier Guns have been reverted
-Sky Demon has been reverted; Un-Truth version is Nether Demon (Hell Demon still sounds pretty redundant).
-Polka Polka has been reverted.
-Hydra abilities have been reverted; Tri-Breath is now Triple Breath (Triple Attack is kind of the shared thing between games, I didn't know this until now).
-Straight Dash>Reckless Dash
-Look of Fright>Dread Gaze (Fits in with Devil's Gaze, also FFVI)
-Death Cold>Ague (Tactics Advance did the same thing, nice flavor.)
-Steal Accessry>Steal Accessory
-Auto Potion>Auto-Potion

More than I had expected sitting down to it, but once the reverting started I saw more that could be done.

Also this new version will be in the PPF format instead of xDelta. Scratch that, my current patcher can patch PPF but can't make one.  Still going to be xDelta.
  • Modding version: PSX


March 25, 2017, 08:47:07 pm #24 Last Edit: March 25, 2017, 10:20:31 pm by Chronosplit
And it's up!  I'll be looking through documents and whatnot, but I'm pretty sure this is finally the final one.  Hopefully.

Next up... maybe looking at KO?

EDIT: Whoops, I accidentally forgot to compress a couple of files.  Give me a little bit.
EDIT 2: Fixed.
  • Modding version: PSX


As an aside, I'm glad you're still using xdelta. Also glad you're still keeping this up, being open to suggestion, and just all-around maintaining a great convention. I could probably still debate some things, but I have a lot on my plate, and I enjoy these fixes enough to not want to be truly picky.
  • Modding version: PSX
* Angel should quit being a lazy bitch
<@Elric> I agree to that as well

nyanyame nyanyajuu nyanyado no nyarabide nyakunyaku inyanyaku nyanyahan nyanyadai nyannyaku nyarabete nyaganyagame
At the end of the day, are we not all trapped inside lemons?


Chrono, let me know what you'd need to make a version of this for KO. Although I'm not a fan of many of the changes, KO is intended to be a base patch of sorts, so anything you need I'll be more than happy to help with.

EDIT: Would you be willing to use the updated spell quotes from FF: Record Keeper?
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


March 26, 2017, 01:46:13 pm #27 Last Edit: March 26, 2017, 04:34:59 pm by Chronosplit
Quote from: Angel on March 26, 2017, 02:27:31 am
As an aside, I'm glad you're still using xdelta. Also glad you're still keeping this up, being open to suggestion, and just all-around maintaining a great convention. I could probably still debate some things, but I have a lot on my plate, and I enjoy these fixes enough to not want to be truly picky.

No problem!  Now that I'm back in business so to speak, I'm glad to throw together things if I see them.

Please do tell me if you have any suggestions.  Not all of my ideas end up being the best in the world, and some of these can be big deals for FF fans in general.  :P

Quote from: Eternal on March 26, 2017, 12:23:41 pm
Chrono, let me know what you'd need to make a version of this for KO. Although I'm not a fan of many of the changes, KO is intended to be a base patch of sorts, so anything you need I'll be more than happy to help with.

EDIT: Would you be willing to use the updated spell quotes from FF: Record Keeper?

Will do!  It might take a little bit of time though.  I'm thinking maybe starting next version of KO?

I'll look up the Record Keeper quotes.  That sounds like a pretty cool idea actually.  Might even make it into this one if things pan out well enough (if I do and there's nothing else, might stick it on top of more crossbow fixing, IDK).
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: Chronosplit on March 30, 2016, 05:51:55 pm
-Sky Demon has been reverted; Un-Truth version is Nether Demon (Hell Demon still sounds pretty redundant).

Personally, and I'm just saying personally, I'd write the Un-Truth versions somewhat like so:
- Hturt
- Rednuht Nevaeh
- Aruhsa

It's a nice joke, but not something I'd call a name fix.

But if you're going to change "Sky" to "Nether", you can also change Demon to Angel.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


March 30, 2017, 06:48:16 pm #29 Last Edit: March 30, 2017, 07:33:40 pm by Chronosplit
Quote from: Raijinili on March 30, 2017, 06:34:14 pm
Personally, and I'm just saying personally, I'd write the Un-Truth versions somewhat like so:
- Hturt
- Rednuht Nevaeh
- Aruhsa

It's a nice joke, but not something I'd call a name fix.

But if you're going to change "Sky" to "Nether", you can also change Demon to Angel.

I did actually play around with the reversed idea.  It isn't a bad one on paper and it communicates better what the localization itself attempted to do, but it can make menus a slight bit of a cluster of crap depending on who's reading them (even with the help tips).  If I did this, it either wouldn't go into Altered or it'll be in it's whole standalone patch (probably with some other stuff that didn't make it, Shirahadori etc.), and I'd still want more than one opinion on the matter.  Nether Angel does have a nice ring to it though, I was wondering if I should've done more to make Un-Truth the opposite of Truth.

I did play around with quotes, but Eh... it either looks bad or it doesn't have enough effects.
  • Modding version: PSX


March 31, 2017, 08:47:49 pm #30 Last Edit: March 31, 2017, 11:17:36 pm by Chronosplit
Turns out I did find a couple of other things to mull over.  So this is coming after some testing on one matter, tomorrow probably:

Ability Names:
Will O' Wisp>Ignis Fatuus (I cannot for the life of me get this to look decent in FFT's font and it's always looked like a rougher edge in the patch to me.  So we're going the FFV GBA route as it means the same thing.  Includes Terrain Descriptions.)
Nether Demon>Nether Angel (I'm probably killing a sacred cow here because of the mythology aspect, but it is opposite.)

Job Names:
Archangel>Holy Archangel (I realized that it's kind of weird that they tend to imply that the angel lost it's holiness or something.  Sure it certainly looks more demon-ish, but this isn't the case according to the job name.)

Item Types:
Cross bow>Crossbow (this was everywhere even before I made Crossbow a thing, so I finally fixed this up.  Includes descriptions.)

EDIT: I lied and managed to pull it out before April Fools.  Whoo!
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: Chronosplit on March 31, 2017, 08:47:49 pm
Turns out I did find a couple of other things to mull over.  So this is coming after some testing on one matter, tomorrow probably:

Ability Names:
Nether Demon>Nether Angel (I'm probably killing a sacred cow here because of the mythology aspect, but it is opposite.)

Now, I don't actually speak Japanese but I know quite a bit about our mythology. Sky Demon Back is translated from 裏天魔鬼神 or ura tenma kishin. The bit we want to focus on 鬼神 or kishin comes up as Demon if you put it through google translator but that's pretty far from the whole story. If you break it down further 鬼 means Oni and 神 means Kami. An Oni is functionally similar to a demon but the concept is definitely not parallel and Kami are a kind of natural spirit which could be anything from a familial ancestor to a force of nature.

The point is that Nether Angel is definitely not equivalent. Nether Demon is definitely closer.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Timbo


Ah ha, I see!  Thank you very much!

In this case, yeah that's definitely getting reverted pretty soon, tomorrow maybe or day after.  I jumped the gun so to speak.
  • Modding version: PSX


April 01, 2017, 05:52:31 am #33 Last Edit: April 01, 2017, 06:19:10 am by Raijinili
Quote from: Timbo on April 01, 2017, 01:11:16 am
Now, I don't actually speak Japanese but I know quite a bit about our mythology. Sky Demon Back is translated from 裏天魔鬼神 or ura tenma kishin. The bit we want to focus on 鬼神 or kishin comes up as Demon if you put it through google translator but that's pretty far from the whole story. If you break it down further 鬼 means Oni and 神 means Kami. An Oni is functionally similar to a demon but the concept is definitely not parallel and Kami are a kind of natural spirit which could be anything from a familial ancestor to a force of nature.

The point is that Nether Angel is definitely not equivalent. Nether Demon is definitely closer.

Strictly speaking, Ten (天) means Sky/Heaven. "Nether/Hell Demon/Angel" should probably not go in a patch with any kind of strictness.

Interestingly, Googling "天魔鬼神" got me this:

"天魔鬼神 下の巻" "The Wicked Gods Last Volume"

It also gets the FF Wikia, which translates it to "Fierce Demon God".

Googling Fierce Demon God gives me... "Beyonce Admits To Demon Possession While Flaunting Satanic Imagery".

Proposed new translation: Nether Beyoncé.

From http://chrysaliswiki.com/ability:divinity
Quote天魔鬼神 [tenma kishin] in Japanese. 天魔 [tenma] is a demon from sixth heaven who tries to prevent people from doing good, and 鬼神 [kishin] means a fierce god. This makes the translation 'god Tenma'. The counterpart of this ability is Impiety.
I can't find anything to back up their definition of "Tenma".

Wikipedia on Kishin:
QuoteThe Japanese Buddhist name and term for Wrathful deities, from which the name is reference to in its kanji, and is translated rather as fierce god rather than oni god.

Wikipedia on Wrathful deities:
QuoteIn Buddhism, wrathful deities are enlightened beings who take on wrathful forms in order to lead sentient beings to enlightenment.
A wrathful deity is often an alternative manifestation of a bodhisattva or other normally peaceful figure, making the representations of all human vices and atrocities.

Wikipedia on Tenma:
QuoteTenma goddesses, twelve guardian deities in Tibetan Buddhism
Looks unrelated to the Japanese meaning.

Wiktionary on 天魔:
Quotedemon; evil spirit

The Google results for 天魔鬼神 include a lot of results, including a 2002 Chinese book on Buddhism, and a 1995 Chinese book's title. There's clearly something about this term.

We know that Asura/Ashura is a Buddhist, or Hindu, reference. Now we have ties for Sky Demon. I looked up Heaven Thunder (天鼓雷音) just in case, and found Divyadundubhimeghanirghoṣa, which looks pretty Buddhist to me.

Space Storage (大虚空蔵) found me Ākāśagarbha (虛空藏), "a bodhisattva who is associated with the great element (mahābhūta) of space (ākāśa)."

Diamond Sword (金剛七剣): The Japanese Wikipedia page for Vajra is titled 金剛杵, sharing the first two kanji. 金剛七 turns up some Chinese Buddhist results for the phrase 金刚七句.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


April 01, 2017, 03:00:11 pm #34 Last Edit: April 01, 2017, 05:53:56 pm by Chronosplit
Hm.  Some good points are in here.  I've been (over)thinking about this situation.

It's true that what's set for Un-Truth isn't the best of ideas put forth.  I have a couple of ideas for this, but Beyoncé's Nether Regions Nether Demon's happening partially in all of them:

A. We use the reverse ability name idea, but in yet another patch.  Quotes would still stay as-is except for the ability name, because among other reasons I'd rather they stay consistent for the most part.  This would also be the home of other things in the FAQ like Reunion's Limit names and Shirahadori.  I haven't done enough testing to Draw Out/Summons to ensure the left out stuff would work well enough, but there's a possibility those updates would make it after enough clearance.  Later on down the line, updated Lucavi names and Black Mage/White Mage would maybe happen here (but I'd need to wait for a little more time on my hands).

B. We use reverse ability names in everything but Altered (for those who think this is a bunch of gobbledygook, as it happens).

(Vajra is actually pretty interesting when you think about it, considering Dimond Blade is wind.  It's also the weapon of Indra who is Vedic god of rain, lightning and the sky.  But that's for another time, I'm not planning on turning Diamond Sword into Indra's... well it isn't even just a sword.)

I'm leaning towards A, but either one works.  Aaaaaanywho, hotfix is up.  I also spotted that I had forgotten to change Arise to Raise 2 in No Suffixes so that's done.
  • Modding version: PSX


I favor Un-Heaven Thunder for a fix patch. Close to the source, nothing fancy. Maybe not "Un-" ("Ura-"?), or maybe "Heaven Un-Thunder".

"Ura" is like the flip side, the back, reverse. It reminds me of a Buddhist idea of iterated negation: Deny that it's true, deny that it's false, deny that it's both, deny that it's neither, and keep going.

Looking at official translations of Ura doesn't help.
- 裏魔道士, Ura Madōshi (FFT:A2). The mage of Ura. Translated to Arcanist. (The other games probably use different kanji.)
- 裏魔法, Ura Mahō (FF12). Ura Magic. Translated to Arcane Magic.
- Shuriken.
- Many others.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


April 01, 2017, 09:51:00 pm #36 Last Edit: April 01, 2017, 11:24:24 pm by Chronosplit
Quote from: Raijinili on April 01, 2017, 09:27:40 pm
I favor Un-Heaven Thunder for a fix patch. Close to the source, nothing fancy. Maybe not "Un-" ("Ura-"?), or maybe "Heaven Un-Thunder".

"Ura" is like the flip side, the back, reverse. It reminds me of a Buddhist idea of iterated negation: Deny that it's true, deny that it's false, deny that it's both, deny that it's neither, and keep going.

Looking at official translations of Ura doesn't help.
- 裏魔道士, Ura Madōshi (FFT:A2). The mage of Ura. Translated to Arcanist. (The other games probably use different kanji.)
- 裏魔法, Ura Mahō (FF12). Ura Magic. Translated to Arcane Magic.
- Shuriken.
- Many others.

That's actually the best idea I've heard yet.  It flows well, it doesn't sound weird in a quote, and captures the intent perfectly.

Kudos.  I'll look into the possibilities.

EDIT: No doubt, Ura- is too long for Heaven Thunder and Space Storage.  It hits smack into the JP menu limit, so Un- it is because not much else is gonna fit.  Well, outside losing the hyphen, I'll need to attempt that.
  • Modding version: PSX


What are the principles of the patch? Predicting what Square will use in the future? Accuracy? Removing the most obvious mistakes and awkwardness?

Heaven Thunder can be Heaven Clap. Space Storage can be Space Store.

Quote from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mah%C4%81bh%C5%ABtaIn Hinduism's sacred literature, the "great" or "gross" elements (mahābhūta) are fivefold: space (or "ether"), air, fire, water and earth.
In Buddhism, the four Great Elements (Pali: cattāro mahābhūtāni) are earth, water, fire and air.

Lightning is missing, but I believe Heaven Thunder (tenkuraion) really is "Thunder" and not "Bolt".

Quote from: http://huayanzang.blogspot.com/2016/05/buddhahood-and-early-mandala.htmlFinally, in the north is Divyadundubhimeghanirghoṣa Tathāgata 天鼓雷音如來. The Mahāvairocana-sūtra describes him as the "unmoving Buddha" 不動佛, separated from afflictions and in pure samādhi. The commentary defines him as the nirvāṇa wisdom 涅槃智 of the Tathāgata, hence the meaning of unmoving. His original name is stated to be "Sound of Drums Tathāgata".
He corresponds to Amoghasiddhi Tathāgata in the Vajradhātu.

The Japanese Wikipedia page for Amoghasiddhi uses the kanji 不空成就如来. Compare with 天鼓雷音 (Heaven Thunder) and 大虚空蔵 (Space Storage). I'm not sure that Amoghasiddhi is the right fit. But the Chinese Wikipedia gives the alternative name 天鼓音佛. We need someone to read the Chinese.

Acala (不動明王) is the "Unmoving King" of the Five Wisdom Kings.

Googling "tenkuraion" gave the French Wikipedia, which says,
QuoteAu Japon, le bouddha de la famille du karma est souvent appelé en sanskrit Dundubhishvara, « seigneur du son de tambour » (japonais : Tenkuraion Nyorai 天鼓雷音如来)

"Dundubhi" has some results on Google ("drum", or a demon's name), but "bhisvara" looks like it means "God", resulting in "Drum God".

Regarding Space Storage,
Quote from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C4%80k%C4%81%C5%9BagarbhaĀkāśagarbha is regarded as one of the eight great bodhisattvas. His name can be translated as "boundless space treasury" or "void store" as his wisdom is said to be boundless as space itself.

Possible Buddhist-themed names:
Dundubhi Clap (Dundu for length)
As[h]ura [Fire]
Vajra Sword
Akas[h]a(garbha| Store)

A change like this may require fixing the spell quotes, for the sake of the theme.

Quote from: Rafa (http://playshinra.com/fft/rafa.html)
死の記憶に眠る音の響きの全てを 閃光とともに降ろさん... 天鼓雷音!
カルラの猛炎、雲壌を埋め尽くす 炎の滝となり地を焼かん... 阿修羅!
暗雲に消ゆる来光を雷電に束ね 金剛光の息吹とならん! 金剛七剣!
悪鬼羅刹、天水をゆるがし その爪で引き裂かん... 水磨龍穴!
入相の鐘の響き、天に光消ゆる時 現在りしは幻と知る... 大虚空蔵!
五行に宿りし神々の震天動地の霊威を 借りて唱えん... 天魔鬼神!

Quote from: Malak (http://playshinra.com/fft/malak.html)
黒竜王、その哮りを嵐となせ天下無双の破邪の印! 裏天鼓雷音!
怨敵調伏、金剛炎を現出させ邪を焼き尽くさん... 裏阿修羅!
暴風雷電を治める無限光を現し覆滅せん... 裏金剛七剣!
天水の龍爪となりて引き裂かん塵なる身を知れ! 裏水磨龍穴!
虚空蔵の如意宝珠に願う現世の不浄を払わん! 裏大虚空蔵!
普天率土に宿りし神々の震天動地の力暴威をふるえ! 裏天魔鬼神!

They are NOT the same, despite being identical in the translation.

Speaking of spell quotes:
- Hydragon Pit should be "water-filled", not "water filled".
- Split Punch has "restlessnes".
- "Repeated Fist"
- "Cirijiraden"

Names in spell quotes should really be done algorithmically. I think they were cut for length, though.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


I personally -really- love the idea of using Reverse, and I wish I could use it for KO.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


April 02, 2017, 11:14:57 am #39 Last Edit: April 02, 2017, 11:34:06 am by Chronosplit
Order usually goes:
1. "Update" terms with (somewhat) later FF shared terms while fixing names best as possible.  Should be readable and somewhat familiar to both old and new players.
2. Shouldn't stick out too far from the original translation, as we're keeping it.
3. Original intent.

Quote from: Eternal on April 02, 2017, 09:36:33 am
I personally -really- love the idea of using Reverse, and I wish I could use it for KO.

Walking this back, I think this is the best idea we have given the space.  Heaven Thunder's giving me a lot of trouble and I want to keep that.  Keeping them "rightside up" in Altered is going to be the order of the day; considering the changes to Swordskills keeping the WOTL callback in there works best. (Ura in any form just doesn't work in the menus, we were just barely lucky with Altered's Swordskills I guess.)
  • Modding version: PSX