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WORLD at WAR ! (Specialy reviewed edition)

Started by Kokojo, January 12, 2010, 01:52:13 am

Flat or round, and 12turns or 24turn per day ?

7 (46.7%)
7 (46.7%)
6 (40%)
10 (66.7%)
Other (Post)
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 15

Voting closed: January 15, 2010, 10:04:20 pm


Akwikonia: Begins operation Fishnet Stalking, 20 days
Akwikonia: Begins research on Tesla's findings, 20 days
Akwikonia: Begins operation Red Alert, 10 days
Akwikonia: Begins research on Pigeon Training, 12 days
Akwikonia: Begins research on Deuterium, 25 days

Hope I didn't break any rules.



[center:18tylhye]We will start when the timer reaches 347d,00hours00minutes00seconds.[/center:18tylhye]
I keep leaving, I keep coming back. Boomerang boy.


Hax0rland sends a letter by boat to all countries. 10 days
Hax0rland starts forming 200 researchers. 40 days
Hax0rland starts researching Aerial Shockwave Cannon. 90 days
Hax0rland starts researching Sun Fusion. 300 days

¤ Researched Technologies:
• None

¤ Population:
• 3000 Peasants
  • Modding version: PSX
Love what you're seeing? https://supportus.ffhacktics.com/ 💜 it's really appreciated

Anything is possible as long as it is within the hardware's limits. (ie. disc space, RAM, Video RAM, processor, etc.)
<R999> My target market is not FFT mod players
<Raijinili> remember that? it was awful


Tyrantopia begins to gather and train spies. 12 days.
Tyrantopia begins research on surface-to-air missiles. 20 days.
Tyrantopia sends out non-agression treaties to all nations. 2 days.
Tyrantopia gathers materials for building. Continuous.
Tyrantopia begins gathering animals for Project Monster. 30 days.


16h or so left ! Cmon, post your actions guys :o
I keep leaving, I keep coming back. Boomerang boy.


I decided to dictate population. They grow by 10% of their total size per 4 real days or per 48 turns. The number of days Since WaW has started will be in my posts, along with general information. If you do not calculate, it's your loss. Pops represents the number of people that can potentially be used. But a bigger pop does not mean bigger win. You still need to train the same number of units and equip them accordingly.

Exampleland : 100 pop total.
Haxorland : 80,000 pop total
Prinyland : 140,000 pop total
Kokopia : 200,000 pop total
Akwikonia : 300,000 pop total
Tornadios : 320,000 pop total
Boomland : 400,000 pop total
Dominion of Dominic : 400,000 pop total
DRoDP: 420,000 pop total
Epic Failure : 480,000 pop total
Tyrantopia : 520,000 pop total
Valinor : 600,000 pop total
Edge of eternity : 650,000 pop total.

Trying to come up with a post template :

Number on the timer when you posted (To check for innacuracies)

Updates on your projets:
-Projet X (53 turns left)
-Exampleland  starts a new research on Genetic Baboons.(150 turns)
-Exampleland  begins to install security on the main city, City. (20 turns)
-Exampleland  is still mining in it's upper island.
Other news:
-Exampleland loses the battle againts Y-land in the north, but both sides suffered casualties.
-Exampleland accepts the treaty from X-land.
-Exampleland sends their fresly trained Bob-fighther to attack W-land
, using 10 soldier.

More :
My country is happy.
Spy still waiting in  Y-land!!! (send the pm, you idiot!)

¤ Researched Technologies:
• Electric eels.
• Soviet cats
• Projet T

¤ Population:
-100 from last battle

• 90 Peasants
• 10 soldiers (In battle)
I keep leaving, I keep coming back. Boomerang boy.


Valinor: Gathers resources for building and research. (Continuous)
Valinor: Sends out Trade and Non-Aggression Treaties to all nations. (2 Turns)
Valinor: Researches Flight. (8 Turns)
Valinor: Trains and Gathers Spies. (12 Turns)
Valinor: Researches "Plasteel." (40 turns)
Valinor: Researches "Titanium Alloys." (40 Turns)
Valinor: Researches "Standard Giant Mecha." (40 Turns)
Valinor: Researches "Pilot Training Program." (40 Turns)

For those who don't know, Plasteel is Plastic with the strength and durability of Steel.



World at War starts lol.

¤ Researching:
Boomland begins researching Newbie Immunity (Protects against one chosen invasion or attack). (1 turn).
Boomland sends Trade and Non Aggression Treaties to all countries. (2 turns)
Boomland begins researching All-Purpose Factories. (5 turns)
Boomland will begin building All-Purpose Factories on almost every piece of land. (10 turns after researching)
Boomland begins researching Flight. (8 turns)
Boomland begins researching Worker AI. (10 turns)
Boomland begins researching Specialized AI. (25 turns)
Boomland begins researching War AI. (15 turns)
Boomland begins researching Advanced Electricity (5 turns).

¤ Researched Projects:

¤ Future Projects:
Boomland begins building Airships. (20 turns)
Boomland begins researching/building Project A. (50 turns)
Boomland begins building Worker Mechanized Robots using AI. (1 turn for uncountable number of robots, starts after factories are built).
Boomland begins building Specialized Mechanized Robots using AI. (2 turns for a large amount of specialized robots, starts after factories are built).
Boomland begins building War Mechanized Robots using AI. (1 turn for an army of robots, starts after factories are built).
Boomland will start researching Electron Control (10 turns after Electricity).
Boomland will begin Project B. (15 turns after Electricity)
Boomland will begin Project C. (5 turns after Project B)


Boomland begins researching Newbie Immunity (Protects against one chosen invasion or attack). (1 turn).
I call utter bullshit. Way too fast and too strong.

2 turns passed since WaW began.

Kokopia build the K-ship frame (28 turns)
Kokopia stops his treaty-weilder to Boomland.
Kokopia builds a city for the northern continent workers. (10 turns)
Kokopia deploys intelligence artists to hunt down spies that would spy on the future K-ship upgrades (48 turns)
Kokopia extract precious metals and wood to fasten further upgrades of the K-ship by 5 turn per upgrade. This is done in the northen (top) Kokojo continent. (Continuous)
 Kokopia attemps to more territory in the north (24 turns)

More :
Kokopia Accepts treatieds from : Prinnyland,Tyrantopia, Valinor and Egde of eternity.
Kokopia refuses the treaty from Boomland

¤ Researched Technologies:
• None

¤ Population:
• 80,000 Peasants
I keep leaving, I keep coming back. Boomerang boy.

Dominic NY18

The Dominion:
- Accepts all treaties and emissaries
- Heightens alert levels among existing anti-aircraft units
- Begins building war industries (24 turns)
- Begins building up national infrastructure (Roads, bridges, railways, ports, shipyards, etc.) (36 turns)
- Begins conscription for males over the age of 18, with an end goal of 75,000 new military personnel overall (36 turns)


Edge of Eternity has sent out Non-Agression Treaties to all nations.
Edge of Eternity accepts all Non-Agression Treaties.

Edge of Eternity gathers and begins to train spies. (15 turns remain)
Edge of Eternity begins to gather and process resources to build things quickly. (continuous)
Edge of Eternity begins research on Project Nightshade. (9 turns remain)
Edge of Eternity invites Dominion of Dom, Valinor, Tyrantopia, Boomland, Tornadios, Akwikonia, and Prinnyland to a mediation session. (2 turns remain)
Edge of Eternity begins research on Project Paling. (17 turns remain)
Edge of Eternity begins to research Microbiotics (20 turns remain)
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


Tyrantopia has sent non-aggression treaties to all nations.

Tyrantopia begins to gather and train spies. (10 turns remain)
Tyrantopia begins research on surface-to-air missiles. (18 turns remain)
Tyrantopia gathers materials for building. (Continuous)
Tyrantopia begins gathering animals for Project Monster. (28 turns remain)

Tyrantopia accepts all non-aggression treaties.



3 turns passed.

Accepts all Trade/Non Aggression Treaties.
Failed Project: Newbie Immunity

Research Update:
Boomland continues researching All-Purpose Factories. (2 turns)
Boomland will begin building All-Purpose Factories on almost every piece of land. (7 turns after researching)
Boomland continues researching Flight. (5 turns)
Boomland continues researching Worker AI. (7 turns)
Boomland continues researching Specialized AI. (22 turns)
Boomland continues researching War AI. (12 turns)
Boomland continues researching Advanced Electricity (2 turns).

One question, how long do we have to respond to counter an attack or etc.?

¤ Researching:
Boomland continues researching All-Purpose Factories. (2 turns)
Boomland will begin building All-Purpose Factories on almost every piece of land. (7 turns after researching)
Boomland continues researching Flight. (5 turns)
Boomland continues researching Worker AI. (7 turns)
Boomland continues researching Specialized AI. (22 turns)
Boomland continues researching War AI. (12 turns)
Boomland continues researching Advanced Electricity (2 turns).

¤ Researched Projects:
Boomland sent Trade and Non Aggression Treaties to all countries.

¤ Future Projects:
Boomland begins building Airships. (20 turns)
Boomland begins researching/building Project A. (50 turns)
Boomland begins building Worker Mechanized Robots using AI. (1 turn for uncountable number of robots, starts after factories are built).
Boomland begins building Specialized Mechanized Robots using AI. (2 turns for a large amount of specialized robots, starts after factories are built).
Boomland begins building War Mechanized Robots using AI. (1 turn for an army of robots, starts after factories are built).
Boomland will start researching Electron Control (10 turns after Electricity).
Boomland will begin Project B. (15 turns after Electricity)
Boomland will begin Project C. (5 turns after Project B)


Quote from: "boomkick"One question, how long do we have to respond to counter an attack or etc.?
I think I forgot to mention it in the OP... it's one day (so 12 turns)
I keep leaving, I keep coming back. Boomerang boy.


Hax0rland starts researching pigeon cannon. 8 days [346d:2h]

¤ Researched Technologies:
• None

¤ Activities in progress:
• Letter by boat to all countries. 10 days [346d:4h]
• Formation of 4000 researchers. 40 days [344d:8h]

¤ Researching:
• Pigeon Cannon. 8 days [346d:2h]
• Aerial Shockwave Cannon. 90 days [339d:12h]
• Sun Fusion. 300 days [322d]

¤ Population:
• TOTAL: 80000
• Peasants: 76000
• In Formation: 4000
• Soldiers: 0
  • Modding version: PSX
Love what you're seeing? https://supportus.ffhacktics.com/ 💜 it's really appreciated

Anything is possible as long as it is within the hardware's limits. (ie. disc space, RAM, Video RAM, processor, etc.)
<R999> My target market is not FFT mod players
<Raijinili> remember that? it was awful


Edge of Eternity invites Dominion of Dom, Valinor, Tyrantopia, Boomland, Tornadios, Akwikonia, and Prinnyland to a mediation session on IRC.

Edge of Eternity gathers and begins to train spies. (13 turns remain)
Edge of Eternity begins to gather and process resources to build things quickly. (continuous)
Edge of Eternity begins research on Project Nightshade. (7 turns remain)
Edge of Eternity begins research on Project Paling. (15 turns remain)
Edge of Eternity begins to research Microbiotics (18 turns remain)
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


January 18, 2010, 10:23:53 pm #57 Last Edit: January 19, 2010, 01:47:51 am by VampragonLord
Mikuru Farm begins building farms on unclaimed land. (20 turns).
Mikuru-chan:Population 1200

Projects: Gather materials (continuous)
Send out trade negotiation emissaries (2 turns)
Trains town guards (100 every 4 turns)
Sends out "Open Arms" policy. (Welcome any refugees who are willing to work)
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


Prinnyland has sent Trade and Non Aggression Treaties to everyone.
Prinnyland begins to assemble a unit of advanced spies to train (8 turns)
Prinnyland begins to assemble a unit of advanced researchers (8 turns)
Prinnyland sends information on Project P to Tornadios 2 turns after Project P finishes (10 turns)

Researched Technology:

Present Activities
Prinnyland has begun building cities on every piece of land (26 turns)
Prinnyland began researching Project P (8 turns)
Prinnyland is researching Project PC (8 turns)
Prinnyland began training spies (14 turns)
Prinnyland is researching Project PB (8 turns)
Prinnyland has started improving navy to increase security on convoys (8 turns)
Prinnyland looks for more resources and attempts to take over the empty islands around Avalon (8 turns)
Prinnyland begins to assemble a unit of advanced spies to train (8 turns)
Prinnyland begins to assemble a unit of advanced researchers (8 turns)

Total: 140,000


Valinor: Accepts all Trade and Non-Aggression Treaties
Valinor: Begins Constructing 6 All-Purpose factories throughout the continent. (30 Turns)
Valinor: Begins Researching "Mech Weaponry (Assault Rifle)." (25 Turns)
Valinor: Begins Researching "Mech Weaponry (Combat Blades - Steel)." (25 Turns)
Valinor: Begins Researching "Laser Technology." (25 Turns)

Currently Researching:

Gathering resources for building and research. (Continuous)
Training and Gathering Spies. (9 Turns)
Researching Flight. (5 Turns)
Researching "Plasteel." (37 turns)
Researching "Titanium Alloys." (37 Turns)
Researching "Standard Giant Mecha." (37 Turns)
Researching "Pilot Training Program." (37 Turns)

Completed Actions:

Sent Trade and Non-Aggression Treaties to all countries

