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Arena battle videos and discussion

Started by PX_Timefordeath, August 04, 2010, 06:49:51 pm


I will probably change the monk so that he's not armor breaking, but instead have steal accessory on him. otherwise, I don't think I'd make any changes. because I can't remove Basic Skill from the archer, he has Heal to remove at least some of the status effects, which he didn't do either. and the monk also had Stigma Magic also to remove status. so these units just weren't working together, for whatever reason....
Strategy is just magical.


Well Heal can't remove don't act. If you look at the squire skill set, heal removes poison, blind, silence, charm and stop. The monk was kept busy trying to kill my mages because the AI sees them as better targets to go after plus your monk so it was prioritized to do damage
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


February 19, 2014, 02:48:46 am #2983 Last Edit: February 19, 2014, 03:04:07 am by reinoe
 My ninjas are both squishy and the only source of revival...
Yes!!! Very nice to see affirmation that the Hawk's Eye glitch works.  I just need to stregnthen elemental damage on the thieves now...

gg silentkaster.

However I definitely needed to make some changes to "Shadow Of The Colossus".  That mediator was like an empty rocket out there: fast and empty.  Edited her to give her more focus on status and less focus on doing 70 damage kiku.  Replaced "Refute" with Mimic Daravon.  With her big move and fast reactions she should be able to get off more status and less kiku.  Secret Clothes will make a rare appearance!  Unyielding means she should still be able to tank damage.  Her regen means her HP should stay up.  But overall the team didn't seem to gel as much as I'd like them too...

Hehe, Shadowdragon's team redeems themselves in the very next match with few or no changes!

gg shadowdragon!

Wow lot's of charms going of in the first match.  I could really mellow out and feel the love between these two teams.

Thanks for the uploads Truelight!
My dreams can come true!


I had an idea to make an all immortal team. two phoenix blade singing thieves, and two cursed ring paladins... absolutely no need for revival, so this should be interesting!
Strategy is just magical.


Thanks for the videos, guys! really liked that version of one winged angel. i always found the flute and xylophone bit out of place in the song, but it worked best in this version.

GG otabo!

Quote from: ShadowDragon15 on February 19, 2014, 10:53:49 am
I had an idea to make an all immortal team. two phoenix blade singing thieves, and two cursed ring paladins... absolutely no need for revival, so this should be interesting!

keep in mind you'll have like two 5 spd units and two 8 spd units, making your team exceptionally slow. not impossible to work with, but you're at a serious disadvantage when thieves without spd equips are double turning you, not to mention what slow would do to that team overall.

nothing is quite like a raise 2. you're in a 2 on 4 and suddenly your 2 raise 2 users res the other two at full hp and you're not only equal 4 on 4 but likely also at an hp advantage. the 1 thing i don't like about the cursed ring is how long it can be to get back up compared to a raise that happens same round. you will generally have more success with a glass cannon ninja backed by a raise 2 user than a cursed ring ninja that dies and then comes back in 3 rounds to die again.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
The bird of Hermes is my name
Eating my wings to make me tame
  • Discord username: rouroni elmdor


I'm thinking that the two singing thieves will have Iron boots, and will just spam cheer song/Angel song.
Strategy is just magical.


In my personal opinion I really don't like that set up because those iron boot thieves are left open for damage even with protect/shell because they can be petrified still. plus it should be noted that not every class can pull off song & dance very well unless you have ways to keep them up. phoenix blade is a interesting choice but because of auto slow there's still a chance that your idea may get shut down by your opponent
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


it works for my "going nowhere" team (for a given value of works anyway)   they sometimes have spectacular wins or a spectacular losses if the opponent has fire2/nether fire/salamander/auto potion/flash hat


I did not have a good pair of matches... For the Fear team, just poor judgement. I liked the mad science flying around often, but my white magic samurai going down first was bad... once she was down there was no hope. however that 319 counter on the ninja, that was my one plus, I can say.

Frogger, decent damage, I saw an 88% frog chance, which was awesome, but the team just couldn't capitalize as a whole. plus Automaton just going out and getting himself killed at least 3 times, definitely not smart... going to have to lower his speed, or maybe even his move. I'm not sure yet. GG Reinoe and Redworld/Silentkaster.

I am curious to see how One Man Show will do later on, hope it comes soon. I enjoy making the crazy teams. Most of you have not seen One Man Show, or heard of it, but it is a crazy idea, let me tell you.
Strategy is just magical.


Thank you CT5Holy for the request. Whew, that was a big one! Thank you also, Truelight, for the multiple videos you always do such a great job on. I want to record some matches sometime, but A. Not sure how to get arena to work properly...has some bugs (like Dia constantly being in the skillset even when not selected) and B. Ancient laptop being ancient and all. Also, forgive this post if errored...doing it from mobile.

I really only did my Paladin team because their skillset is so difficult to use (at least for me) and I wanted to challenge myself. Their skillset doesnt offer enough damage, status, or disruption to be effective stand alone in my opinion. But, this was my try at it and it did beat Reinoe's team (though I am inclined to believe if the female squire had any type of dagger instead of the healing staff my team was doomed.) It also had Otabo's strong status team on the ropes. It was a lot of fun to make though just based on the challenge it presented. If I do keep it, item bot is getting a battle axe and counter (and maybe unyielding though I do like itembots with throw item). Perhaps a few other small changes. I considered making two dancing paladins with slow dance, phoenix blade and big robes while having a couple either concentrated battle axe wielding paladins or secret fist high hp paladins in front but then it really wouldn't be much of a paladin team. Also, 8 speed is just so hard to work with these units. Oh well, gg everyone :)

Yay! Their first win! WTG sis! We were fortunate that your thief ran ahead and got himself seperated and killed. One of my sister's signature units is a priest with talk skill, which is very effective in many cases, though I wish was a tad faster. GG.

I'm not sure this was a bad match-up per se as much as it was a 12 speed beatdown team overwhelmed you. Samurai are notoriously slow and don't have much innate equipment to speed them up.  So your match was almost a 6 on 4 since Reinoe was getting three turns (for the most part) to your two turns pre-buffs. Speed is HUGE in FFT...moreso than damage in my opinion. This was very evident in this match.

I watched all the matches posted recently but will comment later :)
You've stepped in puddles less shallow than me.


Yeah, have to agree with Barren on that. Your thieves wouldn't be able to cure status and would just be left vulnerable in the back while your 9 or 10 speed paladins advanced. I dont mind a singer or dancer with Phoenix Blade and Iron Boots, but your units will just be decimated by poison and/or petrify if they hit.
You've stepped in puddles less shallow than me.


in my opinion the best slow dance unit is a Defense up Paladin with double regen, transfusion, iron will, reraise and a reaction that restores MP.   


February 20, 2014, 01:21:14 am #2995 Last Edit: February 20, 2014, 02:11:03 am by reinoe
Quote from: TrueLight on February 19, 2014, 07:02:59 pm
FFT Arena 1.38D - ShadowDragon15 (Fear Is Against Shu) vs. Reinoe (12 Gauge)

There were things I liked, and things I didn't like going on in this match.  The two female units act like they hate each other.  More specifically the Archer seems to hate the Time Mage.  The most damning thing was at 6:36 when the archer walked up to the T.M., knowing full well she was about to die from the Bio3 and didn't give her an X-Potion to survive.  It's specifically crap like that why I gave the Thief Item.  Because that archer really hates the T.M.  But the worst thing is that it caused the T.M. to miss her turn.

The things I liked?  That thief was spamming the heck out of quickening, so he's working exactly as I designed.  I also liked that the Ninja pretty much single handedly fought all three of shadowdragon's units while the rest of the team was messing around behind the building.  I really wanted my Ninja to have Snipe, but because of the selfishness of the Archer I had to redesign the whole team around her being a selfish brat.  Although my archer did finally (begrudgingly) use Holy Water on the Time Mage.

Otabo and I made elemental blocking squires that are almost the exact same!
My dreams can come true!


Seriously? I thew that charm team together in like 5 minutes and it was that effective? Granted there was compat issues floating around, but still. 70-80% charms? LOL. Also, that 300-something damage staff whack. Serious note though, I totally forgot that Quickening doesn't work with Focus, but works with Accumulate. Guess I gotta look at that.


February 20, 2014, 08:57:20 am #2997 Last Edit: February 20, 2014, 09:48:21 am by Rouroni Elmdor
a lot to note of a lot of teams, but i'll focus on one, the weirdest of them all of course!

i will start by mentioning that i generally disapprove of any team that starts with a defensive objective, however, despite "i will make a team that can tank anything" usually being not such a great idea, there is potential for a seriously strong team. i saw that quickening squire got a repel knife, good call. she's still somewhat awkward in my opinion, but now her 16 speed actually MEANS something. good job. the pally, though not bad, would probably be more effective as a monk. he doesn't really do damage, which is fine his job is to tank, but so is everybody else on your team. at least with a chakra band you'll be able to cover as many statuses if not more, and martial arts can give you a decent chakra (which u need badly) and you can actually dish out some damage. i like your team, oddly as it posses things i generally don't like, just needs.... damage.. or a frog or petrify or something lethal. yes, your team uses death sentence, however cursed ring, the most commonly used item in the game, nulls that. on a team that has a "tank anything" basis, this should definitely be addressed. i suggest raise 2 for obvious reasons. please don't delete them! i wanna see them become something scary, because it's weird, different and potentially very effective.

Edit: I'm sorry if i'm coming off as rude, that's not my intention. I actually love your team and would steals them in a heartbeat! Your paladin is perfectly fine and as matches have shown, a crucial part of your strategy. I just think that jp usage is more efficient on a monk while fulfilling the same role. oddly enough, being a monk actually FREES up some equip for you, quite a rarity. While revive, stigma magic and secret fist are all conveniently there so you can do other things with your secondary. focusing on hp restoration instead of evade and opening a new doorway to your offence is crucial to making it the versatile, tanky team as intended. 

-- 3 reasons why i don't like refute --

1. Low chance to hit. comparatively to other status removal, refute has a very low chance to hit. in some cases where a stigma magic would do the trick, a refute is used and missed and CT5Holy gets sad.

2. Can target enemies. Seems an odd reason to not like it, but it will target haste, making it probably the first thing your unit will do. every time a refute is used to remove haste, a slow 2 hits 3 units and reminds us how fragile we all are. though i'm not against using refute for the purpose of removing an enemies' buff, but i think of how i want my team to behave in the first 3 rounds or so (after that all bets are off) and refute generally doesn't make the cut of things i want to happen. just make sure chaos blade, refute or dispel is a crucial and functioning part of your strategy. refute is not a willy-nilly ability.

3. will remove positive buffs. well yeah. she got rid of poison but i'll have to waste another turn hasting you. if you use masamune (or anything with positive buffs for that matter) do yourself a favor and don't use refute. stigma magic, esuna is just fine.

  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
The bird of Hermes is my name
Eating my wings to make me tame
  • Discord username: rouroni elmdor


Quote from: Rouroni Elmdor on February 20, 2014, 08:57:20 am
a lot to note of a lot of teams, but i'll focus on one, the weirdest of them all of course!

i will start by mentioning that i generally disapprove of any team that starts with a defensive objective, however, despite "i will make a team that can tank anything" usually being not such a great idea, there is potential for a seriously strong team. i saw that quickening squire got a repel knife, good call. she's still somewhat awkward in my opinion, but now her 16 speed actually MEANS something. good job. the pally, though not bad, would probably be more effective as a monk. he doesn't really do damage, which is fine his job is to tank, but so is everybody else on your team. at least with a chakra band you'll be able to cover as many statuses if not more, and martial arts can give you a decent chakra (which u need badly) and you can actually dish out some damage. i like your team, oddly as it posses things i generally don't like, just needs.... damage.. or a frog or petrify or something lethal. yes, your team uses death sentence, however cursed ring, the most commonly used item in the game, nulls that. on a team that has a "tank anything" basis, this should definitely be addressed. i suggest raise 2 for obvious reasons. please don't delete them! i wanna see them become something scary, because it's weird, different and potentially very effective.

Edit: I'm sorry if i'm coming off as rude, that's not my intention. I actually love your team and would steals them in a heartbeat! Your paladin is perfectly fine and as matches have shown, a crucial part of your strategy. I just think that jp usage is more efficient on a monk while fulfilling the same role. oddly enough, being a monk actually FREES up some equip for you, quite a rarity. While revive, stigma magic and secret fist are all conveniently there so you can do other things with your secondary. focusing on hp restoration instead of evade and opening a new doorway to your offence is crucial to making it the versatile, tanky team as intended. 

-- 3 reasons why i don't like refute --

1. Low chance to hit. comparatively to other status removal, refute has a very low chance to hit. in some cases where a stigma magic would do the trick, a refute is used and missed and CT5Holy gets sad.

2. Can target enemies. Seems an odd reason to not like it, but it will target haste, making it probably the first thing your unit will do. every time a refute is used to remove haste, a slow 2 hits 3 units and reminds us how fragile we all are. though i'm not against using refute for the purpose of removing an enemies' buff, but i think of how i want my team to behave in the first 3 rounds or so (after that all bets are off) and refute generally doesn't make the cut of things i want to happen. just make sure chaos blade, refute or dispel is a crucial and functioning part of your strategy. refute is not a willy-nilly ability.

3. will remove positive buffs. well yeah. she got rid of poison but i'll have to waste another turn hasting you. if you use masamune (or anything with positive buffs for that matter) do yourself a favor and don't use refute. stigma magic, esuna is just fine.

A lot of stuff you wrote I addressed in a pm to CT5HOLY  ;)
My dreams can come true!


Still waiting for FFMaster to update the patch already. I know there's talk about it but if he's not around to work on 1.39 whose gonna volunteer?
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?