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Messages - ArkthePieKing

First off, Reks I'm so sorry to have stopped updating right after you just subscribed and gave me such high praise. It's really appreciated and I feel like a heel.

Secondly, I've got really good news, and really bad news. The really good news is my grueling overtime at work is finally on hold after 12 straight weeks of it, which means more free time to do the things I love. I'm going to be getting back to this. However, this leads me directly into my bad news. My computer has started restarting whenever I do anything graphically intensive, and by 'graphically intensive' I mean League of Legends. I haven't tried it with PPSSPP yet, but I'm worried that it'll still explode when combined with my recording software. So I'll be attempting another video at some point this week, but I don't really have high hopes for it surviving the attempt. Thanks very much for your patience with all this. Your support has seriously meant the world to me. I'm used to putting out my videos and getting silence in return. Feedback, especially positive feedback, has just been incredible.
Goodness it's been a while. There have been a ton of technical difficulties on my end as well as some personal issues that have kept me from doing anything of any significance, but it's finally up!


I was so frustrated by this one! It's not a hard fight but there were a lot of factors that just caused it to drag on way longer than it should have. So many freak accidents from random stops to weapon breaks to enemies healing to just flat out running to the far corner of the map. That should have been a short map, and it wasn't!
Yeah, that wasn't my best work. I was really, really tired when I recorded that and I ended up making a ton of little errors. The problem is the only real time I have to record is right after I wake up and before I go to work because of my schedule. But I'll make sure not to have another video like that. I'd honestly say that was probably the worst video I've made in the last year.

And apparently this wasn't my best work either! I lent my mic to a friend because he's auditioning for a voice acting role, and apparently he turned the gain on my mic waaaaay down and I didn't realize it. So when I recorded this video it didn't pick my voice up at all. Luckily I saved in another file and still have the original. I'll rerecord Zeirchele Falls tomorrow, though I suspect it won't go quite as smoothly. Delita got 2 instant kills and Agrias had stopped one of the knights, but we'll see how it turns out.
Yeah, but I'm not super worried about the brave boosts. I've always got the option of using Ramza's Steel for raising brave in the distant future when I actually have spare JP to learn it.

On that note, episode 8 is up! Tons of small technical errors. Misclicks, bringing the wrong people, bringing the wrong people AFTER I explicitly said I'm not bringing them as I selected them, I'm not sure where my brain was today! But all in all it was a smooth ride, but then again it's really hard for things not to go smoothly when you've got Gaff and Agrias mowing everything down with extreme prejudice.

Episode 7 is up! First battle had a couple of smaller hiccups but went smoothly. Second battle was intense, and I only just barely scraped by because of some laughably poor decision making on my end. But it all ended up working out thankfully. But this means we're onto chapter 2! Ramza will be spending some considerable time in the Dark Knight class now, and eventually Rapha will get access to her Katanas and become even more of a juggernaut than she has been. I'm really quite excited.

I can't embed it today since I have to get to work but here's the link to the video for when it's done. Youtube is taking its sweet time processing this one!

The Lounge / Re: My new YouTube channel
February 13, 2016, 10:43:58 pm
Mmkay. Something I did with another friend of mine was a Super Mario World race. We each recorded our best time and uploaded it. I'm thinking you and I could really get creative. Since we're both from FFH, maybe we could each make a stage the other has to beat. We could trade patches and save files and see how the other does. Just a thought.
The Lounge / Re: My new YouTube channel
February 13, 2016, 12:41:00 am
I'd be happy to give this a looksie myself! I listen to/watch a lot of Let's Plays at work since they let us have headphones in while we slave away. I've actually got a Youtube channel myself if you're interested in a little cross promotion! I've been doing a Let's Play of Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions with a few twists that make it a little more dynamic than a vanilla run. Been chronicling it here: http://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?topic=11257.0

Anyway, I can't wait to see what you've got in store!
Yeah, with Rapha's ridiculous sniping abilities I'd be inclined to agree with you. I wonder when I'm going to start getting back to back misfires.

Anyway, episode 6 is up! More cutscenes, and a single battle. Everything is definitely coming to a head, and I'm nowhere near where I want to be as far as learning skills. It's good fun! I'm really enjoying not having the skills I want. It makes for some fun decision making.

Episode 5 is up! This one went fairly smoothly. Enemies died, people were rescued, potions were wasted, overall it was a good time.

Quick question: Should the menu/shopping stuff be included? I personally like it when Let's Players leave that stuff in. It gives some insight into their train of thought and reasoning, plus it shows a certain transparency for challenge runs like this, but I also get that it's not super exciting. It's my personal preference to leave it in, but I'm also open to feedback.


Are you looking for Iron Giant suggestions too? Because I've got a few floating around in my head if you're looking for a solid boss fight, or just a neat character in general.
And we're up to episode 4! I enjoyed this one. It really goes to show you the power of careful planning and learning from your mistakes, which are the hallmarks of a good game and challenge I think.

Yeah Dorter's interesting. From a game design perspective I actually think it's kind of poorly made. It's still very early in the game, and it's the first time the game introduces 3 fairly dangerous concepts.

-It's the first stage where the enemy has a significant high ground advantage
-It's the first stage where the enemy has reliable, high damage ranged attacks
-It's the first stage where the enemy has reliable, high damage AoE

I honestly think those concepts should have been staggered a bit more instead of all introduced at once. It's a lot of new problems to try and face all at once. A stage more similar to Sand Rat Sietch would have been more apporpriate for that stage in my opinion.
Episode 3 is up! Things went roughly how I expected, not a lot interesting to report. I'm already feeling the hurt from not having the levels and abilities I'm used to. Early game mages are so painful, and most of the secondary classes I picked are squishy, and the two that I aren't are locked away until chapter 2 so it's a pretty dangerous game I'm playing here. I mean I guess Monk isn't THAT squishy, but it's not really tanky either. Either way this was my first loss, and I expect many more!

Well if you're still looking for opinions on these things, here's my two cents.

I'd actually do Umaro's blizzard as a 2 panel AoE centered on him, similar to the higher bomb family's. Even make him absorb ice and let him get hit by it. I always thought that was a really creative thing they did with the bomb, but they never did anything similar to it again. For range maybe some sort of snowball he could throw? It could be a higher variant of throw stone, where it has a chance to knock back but actually does real damage.

Iron Man I feel like is going to be a bit harder, though for one innate float would be an absolute must. Some kind of melee punch with an explosion (blue if you can do that. Are there any good animations that fit that already?). I'm having trouble coming up with other ideas that aren't just "lasers, and also more lasers". I think the secondary bomb idea is a step in the right direction though. Although I did just have a pretty interesting idea. Maybe a recharge battery ability, that inflicts him with both immobilize AND regen? It would work well with the idea of him using HP for his attacks. I think there's something there if you want to play around with those concepts.
And episode 2 is up! I had some technical difficulties towards the end, and the sheer amount of cutscenes the game makes you sit through at during the beginning of the game pretty much made me only be able to get through one battle, but it's coming along nicely I think. I'm coming up on the first truly difficult battle at Dorter and I'm both dreading it and looking forward to it. I think the craziest thing is realizing that JP Boost isn't going to be the A tier ability it usually is since I have so few abilities to get in the first place.

Thanks so much for the encouragement! I'm glad you're enjoying it, that means a lot to me.

So essentially yes, they'll be switching between the two jobs as as I see fit to gain the skills as the game goes on. This means that characters like Rapha and Ramza will be at a slight disadvantage for the first part of the game since I can't get to Katanas, leaving her 2nd job basically useless and my self imposed restriction on young master Beoulve and his 2nd class. This also puts me in a unique position with Beowulf as I'll have to balance how much time he spends in the White Mage class since he can't use his sword magic while he's in it and won't have any access to equip sword. I feel like this will give me some important choices to make for each battle and let's me think about how to handle each given encounter. Balthier and Reis will be much better off for most of the game since their classes aren't dependent on the point in the game I'm at and can actually function in harmony.

I think in the next episode I'm also going to talk about why certain characters didn't make the cut like Alma and Cloud.
The Lounge / Re: Ramza in Dissidia
February 07, 2016, 02:36:15 am
I like it! And I think he looks amazing, nose and all. I'm actually considering cosplaying him now in fact. I really hope this ends up getting some kind of western release so I can main my favorite Squire ever.
As the title says, I'm doing an LP of WotL, but with some special rules and changes to hopefully make it a bit more dynamic and set it apart from all the other LPs of it. Firstly, I added special characters to my party from the get go. None of the sword skill users (Beowulf doesn't count and you know it). Beowulf, Reis, Balthier, and Rapha. However, I'm setting two fairly major restrictions to the run. Firstly each character gets access to exactly 1 other job they can pull abilities from. So no having 5 abilities from 5 different jobs, or having Auto-Potion on all members or any of that fun stuff. Secondly, grinding is being kept to the bare minimum needed to plow through the game. The rule I set is I have to lose a stage 3 times before I'm allowed even a single random battle, and then only one random battle. After that I can choose to take a random battle after every loss until I've succeeded and then it's back up to 3 times. The class choices are as follows:

Ramza: Dark Knight
Beowulf: White Mage
Reis: Monk
Balthier: Chemist
Rapha: Samurai

((They've all been given access to the classes from the get go to preserve the integrity of the challenge, so Rapha doesn't end up as every class under the sun with temporary access to other skills, Reis doesn't spend time as a knight with knight equipment, etc. This also puts Rapha in an awkward spot as she essentially doesn't have a 2nd class until late chapter 2 when Katanas become available, and I think that's pretty interesting actually.))

This should get me a fairly good mix of offense, defense, and utility while making sure every character has a unique role in the party. The only thing it really truly lacks is a reliable means of aoe damage, with Rapha being the only one to get access outside of Reis's awful Holy Breath and of course Shockwave. Side note, Ramza's getting a special restriction. Dark Knight is only going to be accessed from the 2nd chapter on for story purposes, and to make sure the 1st chapter can't be plowed through *too* easily. On that note, please enjoy the Let's Play, and I'm very welcome of critiques or suggestions! :D

News / Re: WotL on Android
June 13, 2015, 03:58:03 am
I've actually been really enjoying this port so far. The touch controls aren't perfect, but they're forgiving enough that they can be worked with. The main issue I have is so many of the sound effects just don't work with the faster battle speed. The game runs at a blitz, which is really nice because I don't want to spend 30+ minutes in a battle on my phone, but it broke a lot of the sound effects in the process, but that's a minor complaint. Seriously, I like it a lot. Now if only I wasn't so reluctant to grind the ridiculous amount of JP it takes to get a Dark Knight...
Yeah, you're right. The formula I put up is 5E Dmg_((MA+Y)/2*MA) #Hit_(X+1) 6.25% Status. So no Faith calculations at all. That didn't turn me off at all, but I can see where it would be offputting for you. It could also be a selling point for the class, getting some Faith ignoring, double hitting spells as a capstone ability.