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Total Request ASM: All armor replaced by shoes

Started by pokeytax, January 02, 2011, 10:16:01 am


August 21, 2011, 12:36:51 am #220 Last Edit: August 21, 2011, 08:51:01 pm by pokeytax




This changes the distribution from 28 hats/36 armors to 31 hats/33 armors, which I assume is preferred? I didn't go to 32/32 because it looks measurably harder than what I did. I might try and tinker more, but I'm not sure if there are any other pressing needs. Shifting between headgear and armor is definitely the easiest change to make.
  • Modding version: PSX


Does this change display correctly on Shop and Equip menus and such?

I'm one of the rare people who'd definitely want/need/prefer 32/32, so I'm compelled to ask: Why changing one more piece of armor into a headgear is so hard?  Is it a space issue or what?  This is definitely an improvement, though.


August 21, 2011, 06:04:05 am #222 Last Edit: August 21, 2011, 06:16:54 am by formerdeathcorps
Pokeytax, anything in that routine check the difference between accessories and shields?

If you think Raven's odd, I'm running 26 Hats/34 armors/17 shields/31 accessories.  I technically had 2 slots in hats and armor each that I didn't even notice.
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


Quote from: pokeytax on August 21, 2011, 12:36:51 am



This changes the distribution from 28 hats/36 armors to 31 hats/33 armors, which I assume is preferred? I didn't go to 32/32 because it looks measurably harder than what I did. I might try and tinker more, but I'm not sure if there are any other pressing needs. Shifting between headgear and armor is definitely the easiest change to make.

Much better ^_^

I'm wondering why its harder though? I haven't taken a look at the routine or what your asm does yet but it seems odd, to me, that it would be more difficult to change up one more slot.
  • Modding version: PSX
Check out my ASM thread. Who doesn't like hax?


Pride and Raven, there's a "item less than XX?" boundary check that's reasonable, and then a set of weird reversal tables that has three zeroes at the end before the armors start. I just filled those three zeroes for now. I was too sleepy to go full 32/32 but since people seem interested I'll investigate.

fdc, the main reason body/headgear are the easy slots (besides that their item numbers are consecutive) is the "Second Table" lookup in FFTPatcher. They both share one table. With a short jump to freespace and some other edits, I think you could sort things into different slots pretty easily, but I'm guessing the old offset would be applied to a new table, so one entry would be looked up by two items and one would be ignored.

I haven't really tinkered enough to say for sure how this all works yet, I plan to take another look today. In theory, you should be able to manually shift the second table boundaries or just load the offsets as signed and have lookup spaghetti all over the place.

EDIT: okay, looks like it's just changing a value to shift where armors begin, so I changed the hack to 32/32. Might do a spreadsheet - with some work I think you could swap around shields/head/body/accessories as well as turn the throwables into actual weapons.
  • Modding version: PSX


Hm, what looked like a table was apparently dynamically generated. Not quite ready for prime time yet! It does affect what displays in shops, though, and I'm pretty confident we'll be there soon.

Once I have a version that can perform the offset trickery necessary to swap things besides head/body, I will release a spreadsheet.
  • Modding version: PSX


Sounds good. 

I hate to pile another request on you so soon, but while I'm thinking of it - is it possible for you to find the hardcoding that dictates that Math Skill can only draw from the White Magic, Black Magic, Time Magic, and Yin-Yang Magic skillsets and make it so that you can alter which skillsets it reads from?  This one's actually a really important issue for a few different things I'm planning I'm doing, as I need to Calculate skills that are nowhere near existing in those skillsets, and the ability to be more flexible with it would probably help people make better use of the otherwise-useless hardcoded skills in general.


Quote from: RavenOfRazgriz on August 22, 2011, 10:27:52 pm
Sounds good. 

I hate to pile another request on you so soon, but while I'm thinking of it - is it possible for you to find the hardcoding that dictates that Math Skill can only draw from the White Magic, Black Magic, Time Magic, and Yin-Yang Magic skillsets and make it so that you can alter which skillsets it reads from?  This one's actually a really important issue for a few different things I'm planning I'm doing, as I need to Calculate skills that are nowhere near existing in those skillsets, and the ability to be more flexible with it would probably help people make better use of the otherwise-useless hardcoded skills in general.

You sure about that?  Are you telling if if I flag Shiva as under math skill, it won't take?  I recall hearing something to the contrary.
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


DaveSW did lots of testing with it, and apparently Math Skill only takes if you use those four skillsets.  When we were having the discussion, I also remember Samuraiblackbelt corroborating him, and it's something I just thought of.  DaveSW even retested it on the spot to make sure he was correct, IIRC.


Here's the prototype equipment resorter. Unfortunately you have to do some Patcher work like changing item types, I will integrate that into the spreadsheet at some point. Plus the previews don't work since they're also based on item number, which I have to change to Patcher item type. Plus you can't whack people with throwables yet. But, you can put shoes on your head, which is what's most important.

Actually useful applications might be reclaiming the six throwing weapons and a few of the Chemist items as equippable.

After fixing the rest, going to try to rewire the slots so you can do something like hat/accessory/accessory if so desired.
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: pokeytax on August 23, 2011, 05:53:41 pm
After fixing the rest, going to try to rewire the slots so you can do something like hat/accessory/accessory if so desired.

Quote from: pokeytax on August 23, 2011, 05:53:41 pm
Actually useful applications might be reclaiming the six throwing weapons and a few of the Chemist items as equippable.

Items being equips would be very nice.


Quote from: pokeytax on August 23, 2011, 05:53:41 pm
Plus the previews don't work since they're also based on item number, which I have to change to Patcher item type.

Minor issue, and not really important, I think.  Pokeytax, you've overworked yourself by trying to even bother fixing the previewer on ALMA.

But, you can put shoes on your head, which is what's most important.

Does it take +HP/MP on the two slots or A-PEV/A-MEV?

After fixing the rest, going to try to rewire the slots so you can do something like hat/accessory/accessory if so desired.

That's good as an ASM advancement, but I have some logic issues.
1) How do you wear two helmets or two pieces of armor?  It's not like clothing and robes (or rings/gauntlets) where one easily fits over the other (or is worn on the other hand) without seriously restricting mobility.  Could you imagine someone going into battle wearing a ruby slipper and a steelplated boot?  That seems like logically the unit would suffer (since his battle stance and mobility would be hampered), and he wouldn't be getting the benefits of either equipment type.
2) This also assumes an even balance between helmets, armors, and accessories.  Most people tend to allow for slightly more OP accessories than helms/armors (viewing the accessory slot as about equal to the importance of the helm + armor slot), and most people tend to tilt a higher HP bonus towards armor (than helmets) since well, armor covers more of your body (I just did this in a more extreme fashion than everyone else).  Of course, once this hack comes out, people are free to rebalance things/not use it, but I feel we're starting to abut against basic sense.
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


Quote from: formerdeathcorps on August 23, 2011, 07:29:26 pm
Minor issue, and not really important, I think.  Pokeytax, you've overworked yourself by trying to even bother fixing the previewer on ALMA.

That's because he actually realizes the importance of things looking correct graphically, FDC.  Quality control.  It's far more important for something to display properly than you seem to realize...


August 23, 2011, 09:31:49 pm #235 Last Edit: August 23, 2011, 09:32:10 pm by MysticKnightFF5
Most knights did tend to wear a chainmail and a full plate.


Hmmm... hopefully this works fine with the AI's random equip options? One more thing to check.

Quote from: formerdeathcorps on August 23, 2011, 07:29:26 pm
Does it take +HP/MP on the two slots or A-PEV/A-MEV?

Once the item's type is changed to "hat", it takes HP/MP: A-PEV becomes HP, A-MEV becomes MP. Likewise, if you sort item 90 (Leather Helmet) as a Shield, HP becomes S-PEV and MP becomes S-MEV. Of course you can use ALMA to add whatever (...once I get that all running).

QuoteCould you imagine someone going into battle wearing a ruby slipper and a steelplated boot?  That seems like logically the unit would suffer (since his battle stance and mobility would be hampered), and he wouldn't be getting the benefits of either equipment type.

That's exactly what I imagined and I would personally explicitly permit it because it makes me smile, but new equip routines would be desirable for things like shoes. Alternately you could use item set bonuses in ALMA, e.g. two pairs of shoes add Can't Equip Shoes.

2) This also assumes an even balance between helmets, armors, and accessories.

Yes, you would need to rebalance equipment very carefully, especially if there's no routine preventing doubling up... Bracer x 2?

Quote from: RavenOfRazgriz on August 23, 2011, 06:30:18 pm

Reactions from equipment and job, three supports, three accessories... no, wait, default weapons based on job FFX-2 style and five accessories, definitely that one.
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: pokeytax on August 23, 2011, 11:53:12 pmReactions from equipment and job, three supports, three accessories... no, wait, default weapons based on job FFX-2 style and five accessories, definitely that one.

...You've been going through my scrapped notes, haven't you?


Quote from: pokeytax on August 23, 2011, 11:53:12 pm
Reactions from equipment and job, three supports, three accessories... no, wait, default weapons based on job FFX-2 style and five accessories, definitely that one.

Bracer*5 plx


instead of thinking about it logically, think about it munchkinly. Its like disgaea, where you can wear 3 pieces of "armor" which seems to include armor, shields, shoes, glasses orbs, belts, dumbells, muscles, etc. Its less about where you physically place the item and more about the feel of the stat boosts the item gives you.
I will show you the power of SARDIIIIINES!!!!