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Messages - Otabo

Quote from: Corosar on September 14, 2016, 11:20:17 pm
i just need to relearn this patch's AI. too much has changed and it has fully thrown me off. At least last patch i knew half of what i was doing. i actually felt i was getting a grasp of things... 1.4 has made me feel like i am retarded...

You're not the only one, my friend. That's mostly the reason I haven't even submitted a team into the Team Submissions yet. I've been testing teams, concepts, strats and etc. since 1.4 came out, too. I could whip out teams left and right, testing out concepts and strategies and etc, regardless if they were viable or not back in 1.38/1.39 - I had almost 15 teams at one point. Yet, now I can barely put a decent team together in 1.4. In fact, the team I submitted for this tournament is the first team I've submitted since 1.4's release. Just too many changes at once. A lot of changes are good, and some changes, personally IMHO, don't even make sense to me, but it is what it is, I suppose. I dunno - that's just how I feel about it really.

Small map I knew I would lose from the start, so there's nothing I really need to say about that. 3rd round was close; that missed Raise, though. Ouch. I think I lucked out on this one, seriously. GG.
Quote from: gatebuster202 on August 31, 2016, 10:41:10 pm
Vs. Otabo.

I knew this was going to be one sided when I saw the team. I retested after with my autoporion build. It didn't save me either.

That is one F...Ed up build. And it has little opportunity to be countered. It feeds itself MA, heals efficiently. Immune to Earth... Just... Well. I'm glad I fought this now rather then later.

I'm on a mission this time - to prove to myself that Dance isn't an even more shitty skillset now than it was back in 1.39. Plus, I decided to be 'that guy' to run both Dance and a full immobile team. I might not even get that far; despite the fact that there are only a handful of Rubber Costumes, I'll eventually run into the plethora of Diamond Armlets + Defense Rings and get shit on anyway by speedy high damage units or talk skill or yin yang magic or something. But we'll see, I suppose.
FFT Arena / Re: FFT Arena Season 5 Registration
August 27, 2016, 11:54:35 am
FFT Arena / Re: FFT Arena Season 5 Registration
August 16, 2016, 11:41:28 am
I still can't get used to this patch, but I'm in this time.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
August 14, 2016, 06:05:06 pm

Charm does stuff once again. 39% too, SMH. I honestly think Andante could've won that if 1) the Geomancer used Carbunkle much sooner. If only Andante had ran Douse on the oracle. What in the world did you guys do to Solution to get the AI to use it like that, though? I mean, I already knew it would use it to interrupt charging (sometimes) back in 1.39, but now AI's using it on both enemy AND ally? That is very interesting. Makes me want to try out Doubt Faith - whenever I get around to making my first team. GG.
FFT Arena / Re: FFT Arena Balance Discussion Thread
August 10, 2016, 01:37:28 pm
Rune Blade before was 10WP, 10% W-EV and +2 MA before I believe. Or something along those lines. I dunno why it was changed in the first place, but meh.
FFT Arena / Re: FFT Arena Balance Discussion Thread
August 10, 2016, 12:06:54 pm
Quote from: White Knight Wiegraf on August 10, 2016, 02:12:47 am
- Combining Power and Mind Ruin into one Ruin that deplete both PA and MA by 1 point, and possibly moving the Ruin abilities to another skillset
It's difficult to make the Power/Mind Ruin work without heavy dedication (they suffer from the same problem as the old stat break dances did). Thieves have better ability options to choose from. It has been suggested to move the Ruins to the Squire or Ninja.

This I could get behind. Moving it to squire would probably be better since ninja skillset should be all about dealing damage instead of breaking stats and I don't think it would fit there well. Speaking of dance, has anyone had any success with or even used Break Dance yet? On paper, it seems to be worse than Polka Polka/Disillusion.

Quote- Instead of replacing Rune Blade with "M Bag", P Bag would take Rune Blade's properties instead of its current Always: Regen and Immune: Poison. There has been no discussion about what will become of the Rune Blade after this.
No need for two Auto-Regen items, the Light Robe is enough. In addition, we have added 4 new items to protect against Poison in 140 (P Bag, Light Robe, 108 Gems, Vanish Mantle), plus one new ability to dispel it (Misogi). Not to mention Poison Bow and Bio being repurposed to inflict "MP Poison" instead.

Please. This needs to happen. I would love to see P Bag with Rune Blade's properties. Question though, so if Rune Blade is getting changed/shafted, what does Geomancer use now for elemental damage? C Bag/FS Bag?

Don't Act allowing evasion doesn't even make sense, really. A unit not being able to use reactions while don't acted, but can evade attacks? That is just plain silly if you ask me. You're DISABLED - unable to act PERIOD, that should be the whole point of the status effect. Don't act should just stay the way it is. Evasive units will just be harder to kill, and like Barren said, battles will just take longer. There needs to be at least something OTHER than petrify that disallows evasion.

Quote from: Reks on August 03, 2016, 09:59:12 am
Pairing, huh? I'd honestly rather make my own team, but I won't be complaining anytime soon: I just wanna have fun :P

I second that.
2010. And yeah, I did enable macros and content. It only seems to happen when I have all four units created and try to save.
Is there a reason why it sometimes displays a run-time error 1004 whenever you try to save your team?
FFT Arena / Re: Official names for MP poison and regen
August 02, 2016, 12:15:05 pm
Hex sounds good to me, as does Refresh.
Quote from: silentkaster on June 09, 2015, 02:41:36 pm
So surprised not to see CT5 and Otabo this year!! Maybe next time...

Meh. I'm stepping aside for a while. I've been just too busy to even keep up anymore. I might be quitting Arena cold turkey soonish anyway - haven't decided yet. But yeah. Good luck and all that. I'll watch some of the matches - especially with the newer players.
Indeed. Both have their ups and downs.

Dracula Mantle: With Abandon, he has around 60% evade from the front with 2x Healing Staves and 22% magic evade which isn't terrible. Without Abandon, it's around 50% or so, which still isn't bad. Probably gonna be a lot of mages/spellcasters, so the m-evade could help out if you're lucky. Berserk protection + evasion could be very useful in the long run, depending on what he's up against.

Reflect Ring: +1 MA isn't completely wasted and reflect status could help a lot against Black, most time magic & Yin-Yang Magic outside of Dispel. Ninja will most likely die by whatever first before reflect wears off, and once it does, you're left with just the berserk protection. You also run the risk of the enemy using it to its own advantage.

But yeah, it's your call, though. Personally, I'd go Defense Ring.
Quote from: Shintroy on May 25, 2015, 12:48:01 am
Status Mime vs Status(?)

R1 - I remember it being absorbed by units and killing due to the dead proc, but never hitting.

And that's exactly what happened there. Your eyes didn't deceive you.

Gosh, I wonder just how much stop we're gonna be seeing in this tourney...? And status in general.  :?
Still contemplating on participating, to be honest with you. I haven't even begun the thought process of making a crappy halfway decent team yet. Depends how much time I will actually have, though. If you all don't hear anything from me by, say Friday - assume that I'm not entering.
I say keep em. If people are worried about Genji Shield/Gold Armor screwing their team over, give Shield Break and Armor Break a call.

If we want to ban anything, let it be Cursed Ring or Stop, otherwise, let's just have at it with what we've got.
What in the...what IS that team!? I mean, damn. That ninja, doe. That was a stomp if I ever saw one.
Quote from: Mudvayne on May 03, 2015, 08:15:15 pm
That actually has nothing to do with my recording settings. I use psx 1.3 and press backspace which is the hotkey to increase the frame rate or fps or whatever its called, basically just speeding things up. I now know not to do that though if it causes issues seeing what's going on. Thanks for the feedback.

O ok. I said that because back when I was trying to figure out the right recording settings (for my desktop), it would do that and I wasn't using frame skip, so I just thought that what it was. Some of us like seeing the action so I wouldn't bother frameskipping unless there's like a major loop or stalemate type thing going on during the match.
Classic case of being screwed over by RNG on multiple factors there. Lost to petrify and silence; former not too surprising, but latter was just me basically betting on the other team not having silence. Lost that bet here. Still not gonna put silence protection on them, either, though I may have to substitute Item somewhere, somehow. 2x Healing Staff starting to become one of my favorite setups, too - might make another team with them. Nice to see Bahamut being used, too. GG.

Just a suggesstion, you might want to tweak your recording settings; sometimes, it was going so fast it was hard to tell what was happening at certain points. But practice makes perfect, I suppose.