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CCP (Celdia's Complete Patch) [Old Thread - Locked]

Started by Celdia, December 14, 2010, 12:41:47 am


Version 1.4 is available. See posts 1 and 2 for details on the patch.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Wow - nice! This is definitely on my list to play next. I want to finish my run of Rebirth, first.


January 16, 2011, 06:02:59 pm #22 Last Edit: January 16, 2011, 06:05:50 pm by Lucifer_zero
Yoh, i´ve downloaded and started to play ( again ), some things i noticed

- Oracle is needing lvl 3 on Cook/Homemaker, lvl 2 on Red Mage and lvl 2 on Champion, instead of only lvl 2 on Red Mage and Cook/Homemaker

- Torero having some Gunslinger skills

And the class changes are really great !
My english sucks... and i know this.

Currently playing:
- FFT +, by Dome
- CCP, by Celdia

Skip Sandwich

Vanquishers...I just finished converting my whole team into awesome Mystic Knights and Enchanters, and you come out with awesome Vanquishers and Gunslingers? At least tell me some of the prerequisites overlap, oh, that reminds me, it would be really nice if you posted a job's prerequisites along with the descriptions on the front page. Anyway, you keep up the awesome work, and i'll try and turn Ramza into a master Vanquisher in time for slaying Elmdor.
"Dave?  Are you there?"
"Yeah.  I can't get you through the cell now."
"You have to talk through the bratwurst from now on. I'm sorry. I didn't know it would do that."


January 17, 2011, 01:09:00 am #24 Last Edit: January 17, 2011, 04:00:25 am by Celdia
So glad to see people are playing and enjoying my patch! ^_^

I'm uploading v1.41 now. It should take care of the issues you noticed, Lucifer_zero. Also, I've had the chance to re-apply an ASM hack by FDC that will give the Gunspinner's "Aim" skills some damage in addition to their status effects. If I didn't mention it before, these are also on Mustadio's skill list as Arm Aim and Leg Aim were replaced by the new versions.

Oh, and Skip, I forgot to mention earlier: There is a job web in the first spoiler of my second post. It was added with the v1.4 update. Your Mystic Knights actually NEED Vanquisher to be MKs now.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Ohh, some other thing that i´ve seen today:

- Wizards on chapter 2 Dorter City. Not that i dislike the idea of 2 unit that do nothing on this battle

- Is all the engrave skills break the stone upon use ?

- Is intentional all Sword Skills 100% proc ?

- ... no more Invite ?
My english sucks... and i know this.

Currently playing:
- FFT +, by Dome
- CCP, by Celdia


- Holy Sword skills are "All or Nothing" instead of "separate" which means status like stop/dead hits 100%
- I saw Sugary Candy used from veryyyyy far by Save Fading Life
- Boil is very easily abuseable. I can pick 3 generic female squires with low faith, immediately learn Boil, and target Monk ramza... normally the skill will hit thrice per squire early on before Ramza's next turn, meaning a potential of +9SP/PA/MA. I can quickly raise my PA to 20-30ish and deal 300-999 damage with earth slash. 11 damage per hit with that setup vs 70 faith ramza.
- When the AI uses Boil, it does not follow target
  • Modding version: PSX
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<R999> My target market is not FFT mod players
<Raijinili> remember that? it was awful


I knew I was forgetting a couple Wizards somewhere. -_- Let's like three updates now I've forgotten about Dorter 2. Yes, the stones for Engrave break 100% of the time except for the Ruby which is located in DD. Invite is currently removed from skillsets, yes. I have a class planned to return it with but that's still being worked on. Flipped Boil to Hit Enemies to prevent abuse and just took it away from the AI since they can't use it right.

I didn't realize I'd screwed up the Holy Sword skills but apparently I did that with my consolidation patch, which I've also fixed and re-uploaded. They should all be functioning properly now.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


January 17, 2011, 06:04:35 pm #28 Last Edit: January 17, 2011, 06:05:32 pm by dinosaur

Lil glitch when Lapidary dies


January 17, 2011, 06:11:12 pm #29 Last Edit: January 17, 2011, 08:40:01 pm by dinosaur
I think Vanquisher and Lapidary should have the ability to use better weapons. They are pretty strong and knives don't really do just.

EDIT: Ooops I see that they can equip books!


My dearest friend Cels..
You have out-done yourself with this patch.....
Nicely done
I'm a Birdman bitch!
I be high in the sky shit on you and your girl!


Quote from: dinosaur on January 17, 2011, 06:11:12 pm
I think Vanquisher and Lapidary should have the ability to use better weapons. They are pretty strong and knives don't really do just.

EDIT: Ooops I see that they can equip books!

Lapidary can use Rods, Staves and Whips as well as the Books and Knives. Vanquishers have Knives, Axes, Whips and Books.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


I´ve been playing the new classes, my opinion are:

Wow, Mystic Knight hit pretty hard !

IMHO, Vanquisher may need some work on skills, the way they are now, i think u need a more specific team to make use of the bigger skills
-Dagger is the most strong so far ( multi hits tend to become broken ),
-Axe is the only PA based,
-Holy Water have more power than 1 dagger ( not so much bigger ), but lose to dagger when 2 are throwed
-Holy Book have more potencial damage than dagger, but it´s so much more a gamble than the latter that don´t compensate the Damage
-StopWatch, with everybody on your team protected against stop, this shine like a star
-Holy Cross, I LOVED this one, at same tame... hated... only useable if u need to finish stage or if have Holy-absorb, cost could be a little more high...

Gunslinger could lose the Innate Two Guns, that make they become powerfull with DEF UP/ MAGDEF UP

Torero, my Ramza is one ! But It could lose Veneno and Lento, Enchanter already does Slow as Alchemist does poison ( and Gunslinger to ). As a Torero this class could have a attack non-evadeable non-reaction, right now i feel that Torero is kinda of "jack of all trade, master of none"

I´m relly having a good time playing this, thanks Celdia !!!!
My english sucks... and i know this.

Currently playing:
- FFT +, by Dome
- CCP, by Celdia


Dagger is PA based. Axe is getting a tiny tweak. Holy Water is actually bugged currently; I'm fixing that. Holy Book's AoE makes it a bit tough to use so its getting reworked.

Gunslinger is a powerful class in general. Torero will make more sense after I re-balance Enchanter. Enchanter is an old class and needs general fixing.

I'm glad you're enjoying the patch, Lucifer_zero. Keep an eye here for the next update.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


You can count that i´m anxious ( in general i love playing FFT hacks, counting now, i have 9 hacks on my PC  )

And about Dagger, it really MA based, i´ve checked with equips and by FFT Patcher...

By last, something interesting that i found... Light Robe = Cursed Ring.
My english sucks... and i know this.

Currently playing:
- FFT +, by Dome
- CCP, by Celdia


Celdia, could you send me those Archers sheets? I have something in mind for them, hehe.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


January 18, 2011, 07:50:16 am #36 Last Edit: January 18, 2011, 08:11:15 am by Celdia
First two are the ones I'm using, Kage. The others are the same mostly but with the alternate palettes. You're welcome to them. If you're going to update the portraits lemme know. I'd love something like that, especially if its using the new palettes.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


January 18, 2011, 07:54:32 am #37 Last Edit: January 18, 2011, 08:07:38 am by ChimpMaster
Don't mind me, just posting this to see if Celdia is interested in this recolor done by Mando.

Edit: Disregard that last sprite I uploaded, I am an idiot.


Quote from: Lucifer_zero on January 18, 2011, 06:27:32 am
You can count that i´m anxious ( in general i love playing FFT hacks, counting now, i have 9 hacks on my PC  )

And about Dagger, it really MA based, i´ve checked with equips and by FFT Patcher...

By last, something interesting that i found... Light Robe = Cursed Ring.

That is all rather odd. Not sure why I thought the Dagger formula was PA. Maybe before I made it multi-hit I was using a PA formula. That's likely. As for the Light Robe, that shouldn't even HAVE an attribute on it. Got that set back to 0 so it shouldn't be acting like a Cursed Ring anymore.

Once I get just a tiny bit more testing done on this I'll post v1.43. Thanks for all the info, Lucifer. Its a lot of tiny things like this I either lose track of or never see while I'm patching.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Man you're cruising through this. Can't wait to play it. And jesus, you'll be on version 2.xx once I'm done with 1.3 at the rate this is being updated.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown