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Messages - The Damned

FFT Arena / Re: FFT Arena: Balance Discussion Thread
March 30, 2015, 10:52:29 am

It occurred to me while remaking "Blinded by the Light" (the team) into "No Angels" that I've actually come to agree with making Oil apply to Dark and Holy elements now that Oil no longer doubles elemental damage. Before I was mostly against it applying to Dark and Holy elements since it would make Demi 2 into AoE Death and Dia would become really obnoxious what with Weakness still doubling damage (which probably needs to change anyway, for Shields' sake). With that aspect gone, I think Oil working for all elements would probably be fine now, especially since it helps get around Cursed Ring generally telling Holy absorb to screw off and making Dark element to be so "conflicted" due to its continued overuse (in part due to Quickening).

Not a huge deal to me either way though. I just figured I'd post this before it ended up slipping my mind.

(If it happens, then I'd be fine with renaming Oil something else like "Imperil" or "Expose" or even "Libra" or "Achilles", though that's of course not necessary either.)

Quote from: White Knight Wiegraf on March 29, 2015, 05:43:13 amI do see most teams have Haste somewhere... so why not make the Undead impossible to be Hasted. In most games I've played, the undead are inherently slow. And they can't regen either. So I guess Regen could be disabled too. Kind of like how Reraise is by default. That would indirectly buff Poison status since the Undead could not cancel it out with stuff that adds Regen like Masamune or Nurse. Regenerator would become useless on Cursed Ring users. I'm forgetting stuff probably but just throwing my idea.

I can get behind the "Regen can't stack on top of Undead" part and not just because it's something that I've been thinking about for my own patch(es). Another reason I agree with it is because Regen makes it really difficult currently to keep track of who the hell is Undead currently due to the status order making Regen's coloration take precedent over Undead's coloration, especially since Regen still works on the Undead normally.

So either making Regen (and Poison, I guess) unable to stack on top of Undead or pulling an FFVIII (?) and making Poison heal Undead units while Regen harms them would work for me as far as Regen goes with regards to Undead.

As for making Undead immune to Haste, as much as the overabundance of Haste annoys me despite being unfortunately understandable, I can't agree with this for three reasons. The first reason is that even if Undead was made immune to Haste, Quickening would still be usable by Cursed Ring units and it's the far more egregious problem, even compared to Masamune the ability. The second reason is that Slow is still pretty crippling and having no way to combat that just because you want to use Cursed Ring or, worse, get hit by Zombie or Necromonicon seems a bit much. The third and final reason is that FFMaster eventually wants to add monsters to Arena (still) and presumably two of those will be the Always: Undead monsters that are Skeleton and Ghost and it also seems overmuch to weaken them before the word "go" is even uttered as far as they are concerned.

Not that I'd be against trying it if other people are for it. I just think other anti-Haste options can be taken instead (or first), like changing Counter Tackle so you can't kill yourself with it or making Oil and Stop both cancel and block Haste. Stuff like that.

Still, both of those are good, interesting suggestions.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
March 30, 2015, 10:17:53 am
(Give into the darkside of Haste 2 & Slow 2, Shintroy. You know you want to....)

Ugh. I still need to catch up on White Knight Wiegraf's videos.

In the meantime, I'll just say thanks to him and silentkaster.

I also realized that I forgot to comment on Joorum's first video and "Springtime Sisters" coming back, though at this point I don't really remember much about either of those outside of who won. So I guess I'll have to re-watch those two too. Sigh.

I at least updated the Mime entry yesterday morning in the other thread finally, but I should probably edit it (and the Lancer post) more.

Geez. I don't think that even I've been hit with that many Dead procs from Odin in one match despite generally always having one unit instantly die from Odin whenever I fight anyone with it. That certainly did CT5Holy's team no favors, though it was hardly the only reason he lost, especially since the Berserk Ninja never really went down for the most part. Oddly he was the least threatening entity on Anima Zero's team despite Platina Dagger being rather overpowered--ugh, I've been saying that word too much lately--as it currently is. Hunh.

And this video is another fine documentation of the plight of Petrify the status and how it's basically maybe only worth using if you're using it with Ancient Sword (or, I guess, Local Quake). Petrify the spell is a two-fold failure unfortunately since it basically hijacks the user's A.I. into constantly using it, even if the opposition clearly has Cancel: Petrify abilities (which 99% of teams inevitably do), since Petrify is a KO status. So the class that has a bunch of (unused) interesting abilities turns into a completely ineffectual idiot any time it uses what's supposed to be its most deadly ability. I'm not really sure how to fix this outside of "nerfing" Esuna or Stigma Magic to no longer cure Petrify or...something. That or maybe turning Petrify into (FFVII) Break and allowing it do a bit of (Earth-elemental) damage on top of Petrifying. I suppose that's a balance thread issue though.

Still, despite that being what ultimately cost Order of the Steel Basilisk, they put up a more than decent fight, especially in the face of that hideous amount of Draw Out damage.

I'm rather surprised my team not only managed to win, but also actually managed to win a pretty disadvantageous match-up. When I was expecting to fight a team with half of the units being Immune: Holy, I was expecting it to be because of Cursed Ring, not Small Mantle. The fact that there are two accessories that outright negate Holy is part of the reason that it's probably the worst element to try to build an Absorb team around. The main reason is that despite Dia, Holy and Silver Bow being really good and Excalibur and Cyclops being more than decent, it's basically the only Element that has to rely on Grand Cross or Southern Cross for AoE healing of any kind. As much as Dark-element Grand Cross or Southern Cross currently sucks, that at least has the generally good yet unused Demi spells for AoE healing as well as Koutetsu. Not benefiting from Oil doesn't help it either, which is why it's worse off than Earth despite that also having two accessories (technically) that negate it and one more accessory absorbing it currently than Holy has; of course, Earth-elemental also has Earth Slash, Kikuichimoji and Quake for healing, so....

So, I'm getting derailed. Right.

As far as the match-up goes, I have to admit I was bit annoyed that it looked like I would lose off the bat, with the first round's debacle rather quickly backing this up. I only really managed to win at all because my team was actually semi-competent for once and the two units they could target with Holy abilities were generally the biggest threats. Once the Wizard and Oracle went down, Angela not being able to target the Lancer or the enemy Paladin kind of worked out as far as anti-sandbagging purposes go. Had she stayed the female mirror image of Angelo that she was on in the original version of this team, "Blinded by the Light", then I would have definitely lost due to lack of range, which was this team's most prominent original problem. So good to see that's fixed.

Hell, if both of White Knight Wiegraf's mages had just been using Magic Rings instead of Defense Rings then I also would have most likely lost. I'm not going to giving anyone Steal Accessory just yet though.

Still, see how the team potentially performed against an Immune: Holy team was instructive and made me aware of a couple of things, including about how Execute apparently still counts its weapon's element since Angela didn't use it to kill the Lancer in the second round. That or she was stupid. Unfortunately, it's difficult to tell with the A.I....

I have to admit that I expected "Gangsters" to lose due to the relatively short duration of Initial: Protect since as much as I (still) deride male Samurai as being among one of the worst units in Arena, they can do damage. Between Barren's team's damage advantage, Nameless Dance being kind of toothless nowadays, the current version of Muramasa being rather horrible and both Malroth and I having made rather lousy Limberry-themed teams--with my versions being the most lousy--in the past, I expected that "Gangsters" would eventually get overwhelmed by all of the innately Two-Handed katana strikes flying around.

Lo and behold, though, at Celia and Lede being competent enough to know when to stop Dancing for once and do actual damage. As "meh" as Cloths actual properties are when its come their interchangeable Initial buffs, they can still do quite the bit of damage. Much respect for also making decent use of Muramasa the katana even if I'm going to nag the hell out of FFMaster to switch it and Spell Edge's properties back. Buster feels kind of "there" though, if only because I was expecting Celia and Lede to have Black Costumes to absorb his Blaze Gun attacks, but meh. It all ended up working out for the best (because male Samurai are terrible [/cheap shot]).

Good game to White Knight Wiegraf.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena Team Battle
March 29, 2015, 04:20:19 am
(*raise hand*)

I guess I should make a note about Two Swords in the Mime post as well though even though it's suppose to be about Mimes changed.

Anyway, I'm a bit...unsure about how edits are supposed to work. Are we re-running these with edits after the current Round Robin is done? Or are the edits supposed to be for the current Round Robin? I'm guessing it's the latter, but...yeah.

Regardless, I made a change to Shamanness just in case:

White Magic

Short Charge
Move-MP Up
Faith Rod

Golden Hairpin
Light Robe
Defense Ring

Nether Bolt, Frog, Death
Cure, Raise 2, Esuna

Oh, whoops. I forgot to comment on the last matches:

The Mime is probably one the best team that he could be, really, even if it's on the team that only has one revival and even though Kagesougi is useless on it...outside of waking up Sleepers without causing damage apparently. Not much else to say about this team.

I honestly kind of expected us to lose this due to the lack of status negation, but Petrify missed all of its time and Death, Flare and Axe OHKOs didn't. Dispel Magic was actually decently useful too without having to compete in a losing battle against Masamune too.
FFT Arena / Re: FFT Arena: Balance Discussion Thread
March 29, 2015, 03:57:30 am
(You missed Regenerator, technically, silentkaster as well as the fact that the first Cure was changed specifically this version to to combat Poison. Otherwise, yes, you got everything.)

Regardless, yeah, Poison's sole use basically is screwing over Phoenix Down. If that goes away, then Poison is utterly worthless even with as annoyingly long as it lasts. Cure got changed to keep it from screwing over mages (and usually just mages), which was basically the few other things Poison was/is actually good at. With that more or less gone, screwing over Phoenix Down and Berserk units is all it has. Taking away screwing over Phoenix Down (and Wish) means that Poison status might as well not even be in Arena anymore.

That said, there really does need at least one accessory that is Immune: Poison again. Hence why I've been harping about 108 Gems getting it back. In fact, I'm not entirely against two since making Magic Ring lose Earth would be fine with me since Quake and Earth Slash need to be nerfed regardless and yet Titan still needs a buff.

Quote from: silentkaster on March 26, 2015, 09:55:06 am
Typing from a phone so response won't be too detailed. Actually, the +1MA could probably go from the Bag. However, there is no viable way, with the exception of the unreliable Finger Guard, to block Talk Skill. Even Chakra Band doesn't block against the most (arguably) useful Talk Skill, Mimic Daravon. This blocks the status used by Talk Skill and is a good balance. It will probably mostly see use from support units without providing MA. It does still leave them open to DS and Berserk so it doesn't completely blunt Talk Skill. That was my thought behind it.

I see. I can get behind that I suppose, even if the part I put in bold rather ignores how Defense Ring single-handedly blocked every status Talk Skill could inflict as recently as the last version of Arena. I mean, that was half of the reason I suggested Stall in the first place, even if I now somewhat regret that.

Still, given how obnoxiously long Sleep lasts (since it hasn't been changed from vanilla), I am totally not against anything else being Immune: Sleep even if its Sleep CT really does need to be reduced by half, if not more. At this point, between Stop the spell and Stall somewhat running wild, I'm also not against something else being Immune: Stop either.

Quote from: Shintroy on March 27, 2015, 09:32:32 am
*Squire stuff*

*Chemist stuff*

*Paladin stuff*

*Archer stuff*

*Monk stuff*

*Priest stuff*

I'll stop here for now. It's more than I expected.

Geez. I feel extra long-winded now if that's more than you expected to type. Regardless, I'll use spoilers of my own to try to keep this post uncluttered. There's no need for me to (directly) comment on Chemist (again) though since I already did that above.

Pretty much all agreed here. Ultima needs a buff (again) and Counter Tackle would be perfectly fine so long as you got rid of Bullrush's recoil, even if that meant lessening the damage on it.

Nice to know someone else agrees with the idea that Paladins "should" get Flails even though literally no one said anything when I brought it up months ago. I'm not entirely sure if they "need" to lose Katana though, if only because that would leave only Samurai as being able to use Katana and right now barely half of Katana get used as it is. This especially given that female Samurai never use anything save for Kiyomori in most instances.

So you no longer think that Gastrafitis needs a boost then?

I couldn't disagree about this class more, even despite having agreed with silentkaster completely about Phoenix Down not needing a buff. At least with Phoenix Down, I could understand why you wanted it buff since the Poison sandbag loops are idiotic to look at with the A.I. never learning and Poison (and Regen) lasting way too long given they last after death in Arena.

Here, though, about the only thing I agree with is that Chakra Band needs to be nerfed, though pretty much everyone agrees with that (even if it's a bit annoying that Immune: Petrify isn't working on it as it "should"). The fact that Monk still has quadratic formulas is hugely problematic, as seen by the absurd amount of damage that Earth Slash can do when boosted to its highest levels. Leaving that as it is while giving a Monk innate access to a piece of headgear that boosts their PA even further would be horrible, even if Earth is the easiest element to negate. (Of course, this is ignoring how easily negated Holy is between Cursed Ring's still existent popularity and Oil not working Dark or Holy, so....)

I'm torn between agreeing that Regen the spell should be better and disagreeing it shouldn't solely because both Poison the spell and Poison the status shouldn't even be worse than they are. Even buffing Regen to instant heal wouldn't really do much between the recently buffed Cure and the continued existence of Masamune the ability in all of its overpowered glory. Regen also has the issue of having to compete with Regenerator on the same set, so there's that. Why "waste" an action when you can potentially get the status for free, especially when Regenerator is one of the more decent reactions for mages?

As such, I still think the "best" solution for Regen the spell, at least given how Regen the status currently works, is just to give it (and Poison) to Time Mage. At least then it's not on a class that literally has at least six other ways of healing and would have even more if you believe the best solution to getting the A.I. to use Protect and Shell more actively is having those heal a bit too. (It probably wouldn't do much, really, since the A.I. will use Protect and Shell. It just can't use them well unless it gets them off trying to soften the blow something that's charging, which both mostly benefits Shell rather than Protect and is part of why the newly buffed Wall indeed makes four other spells nigh-useless.)

Going back to Regen the spell (and Poison the spell), I suppose one way to buff them that I wouldn't be against is having them discriminate. No real reason that Regen can't be all only (and that Poison can't be enemy only).

FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
March 29, 2015, 01:57:18 am
(Blegh. I thought I was caught up barring Silentkaster's newest post, but I appear to have missed White Knight Wiegraf's last two videos. Damn it. Add that to backlog.)

In the meanwhile, I at least finally got up my teams again before going for exercise, so there's that at least. I still need to update that Mime thing, which I should do immediately after this, lest I forget yet again:

Ugh. Too many Mimes.

Beyond that, I concur with Shintroy's comment on Youtube in that we should be thankful that FFT was probably the last Final Fantasy with relatively brisk summon animations (though at least the longer ones were justified in FFX). Otherwise this match would have easily extended to like 40-50 minutes with how many Mimic Summons there were given how slowly (but surely) silentkaster's team lost this otherwise one-sided "fight". They might have actually won or at least come far closer to putting up an actual struggle if the Geomancer weren't so focused on being a klepto that she didn't really do anything of value of the entire time, even when her team was desperately behind.

Gee. Throw the new guy the wolves already why don't you. Seraphic Earth is a bit of harsh team to go up against for anyone's first time give how currently overpowered Quake, Earth Slash and Stop are at max power, but I suppose at least Joorum knows that firsthand now.

Aw. I thought this was going to be a Fire-elemental team versus a Lightning-elemental team given that names here, even with the...elemental scarcity on ShadowDragon15's team. Alas, that was not to be, though it was arguably for the better given that how rare and interesting the Ninja build Shintroy is using on this team is. The same goes for the Lancer build ShadowDragon15 is using. Both are unorthodox, but rather good (though Lancer would probably be better if Lancer's still had access to Robes).

This was closer than I thought it would be given how literally hit-or-miss Death is, especially in that third round where the A.I. team that starts at the back of the church tends to lose due to splitting up, being more open to rooftop sniping and being unable to pass the choke-point on the "left" side. Said choke-point almost ended up costing Reks since his Bard randomly decided to not Odin at the most advantageous times possible, such as when Stop had hit two units, but that's the (currently) A.I. for you (unfortunately).

Speaking of Stop, there was an immense amount of status from Geomancy in this match as a whole, to the point that it arguably outstripped Quake--of all things--as the bigger threat, especially since it's not dependent upon MP. This especially since it was the lack of MP that ended up forestalling the third round even though it was ultimately Barren's team's downfall rather than Reks's team's downfall despite the fact that Reks's team is the one that ran out of MP first.

I'll fully admit that I don't remember much of what happened here beyond the fact that Anima Zero won, partially against due to Stops that were way too accurate for how fast they were and partially due to horrifically damaging Jumps. Shrug.

The Haste 2 and Slow 2 tug-of-war was mostly of what made my eyes glaze over, though watching this at like 5:00 A.M. after being for quite a while didn't help either.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
March 24, 2015, 03:24:32 am
(...And of course I still can't get around to fixing things in time. I should have my teams back up by sometime later today though.)

Someone nag about making an edit to the Mime post in the Team thread with regards to both not using MP and with regards to Berserk status if I haven't done so by later today, please.

Quote from: Barren on March 23, 2015, 08:54:15 am
Well do you need some of my settings Damned?

Sure. That worked quite well before, but that was on an Asus laptop as well. This one is an Acer and I'm not sure how much of a difference that will make. On top of that, I'm not sure which version of ePSXe "should" work best on it even if it was working since last time you helped a while back--gee, like two years now--that was ePSXe 1.7 or something, which I still have. It's just that it's now up to ePSXe 1.925 or something, which I've also downloaded but haven't had anymore success with getting to run well, though at least it's running at all (for a bit).

On top of that, I don't have anything to record anymore even if I can get ePSXe to work, but one thing at a time.
FFT Arena / Re: FFT Arena: Balance Discussion Thread
March 24, 2015, 03:19:00 am
(I honestly don't remember the entirety of what I wanted to post when I asked silentkaster to remind me, but putting things off for at least a couple of months will do that, especially with my horrible memory.)

Regardless, I can agree with both of the above comments about Genji Helmet, which literally no one is using, and Silk Robe needing improvements still. Genji Helmet as +1 Speed would definitely see some use too, especially if Quickening dies as it should.


Re: (Re)Making An Accessory that has Immune: Poison vs. Light Robe and P Bag gaining Immune: Poison: Between the two options, I still think the better one would just be to give 108 Gems back Immune: Poison since it's currently nigh-worthless without any status immunities. Meanwhile, Light Robe and P Bag see a bunch of use still and, on armored units at least, there's have way to be Immune: Poison via Platina Helmet; Monks also get the still-immunity-bloated Chakra Band. Not that there shouldn't be more Immune: Poison items or at least one that any unit can use; I just don't think it should be by way of Immune: Poison being innate on Light Robe and P Bag. That may just be me though.

Re: Crisis on Infinitely Superfluous C Bag: I'd be up for changing C Bag due to simple fact that even in vanilla, "+2 MA" is easily the most used Item Attribute. So C Bag being the least used bag is hardly surprising. That said, giving it that many immunities seems a bit...weird-slash-overmuch. Why immunity to all three of those things, silentkaster?


So yeah, I can't really remember what I was going to say about here before, but I know at the very least that I was going to reiterate that I increasingly agree with Dokurider's suggestion for an Accessory that is Immune: Blind & Charm. I thus again reiterate that I think N-Kai Armlet would be the best fit for it despite being already decent since we really do need another Immune: Blind accessory, if only so that Angel Ring doesn't have a monopoly given all the many people that use Grand Cross.

Sure, it would be another blow to Dark element users as a source of offense, but, honestly, Dark element as viable offense isn't going to be picking up any time soon. Dark doesn't benefit from Oil--it shouldn't, at least as long as Demi is Dark element. Dark easily has the worst weapons right now, which adding Balmung would help, but not by much. And Cursed Ring isn't going anywhere in popularity, at least as long as Quickening remains.

So, yeah, let's please add Immune: Blind to N-Kai Armlet in the next version, FFMaster.

(Beyond that, I think I was going to start suggesting that we try to replace Mime with some other class given how mechanically broken Mime still is or maybe even outright introduce other human classes, but that can wait. To be truthful, though, all of my ideas for "replacements" are leaning towards mage classes.)
FFT Arena / Re: Arena Team Battle
March 24, 2015, 03:15:48 am
(Check this off as one more thing I am now caught up on.)

Thanks for doing this, TrueLight. I didn't expect this go anywhere for several reasons, especially since I figured formerdeathcorps was going to end up rather busy and disappear again, but it's nice to see that this finally got enough people to sign up to kill each other.

I do feel a bit odd that my unit ended up on the team that ended up hogging all of the Summon Magic it seems like, especially since all three of us have Fairy, but that's true randomness for you. Thanks, random.org.

Fellow teammates-slash-victims, if we want a team name, then I personally think we should go with "Dr. D and the Women". We could also use "Three Women and a Barry Berserker" though. Shrug.

Anyway, as far as commentary on the matches so far go:

Well, this took a while, partly because the first round ended up being a 3 v. 3 with a bunch of Charm and Critical and Undead resurrection forestalling things further. Also, Hartman being at 7 Speed did him no favors, especially in that round. Good damage and good coincidental synergy with Kali--even as dubious as I think that unit is--but he's a glacier whose damn was outstripped by pretty much everyone else on the other team, especially since Kagesougi is still so damn stupid.

As such, that Team Two ultimately won because of the Squire who went down pretty much immediately in the first round isn't too surprising. Team Two can't really do much damage--Death doesn't count as "damage" to me-- but between all units having revival and having some type of status removal enabled it to take advantage of the Squire's Death Sentence, which is basically what Team One ended up succumbing to, especially since Team One "only" has two revivers.

I somewhat expected to lose this entire match despite the fact that I think Team Three is the most "weird" one. Everyone on Team Four is squishy, even Dharok since he has no evasion, and his bad Faith (and compat.?) makes it difficult for Fairy to actually resurrect him even if we all have it. On top of that, Serena having Flare as her only form of offense is pretty flawed when she has no method of MP revival save for Carbuncle...despite the fact using Flare enough leaves at 2 MP, which is too little to cast Carbuncle. This is even more of problem when she essentially wastes so much MP Flaring someone whose HP is barely breaking double digits just to put them back down. Whoopie.

It also didn't help that Poison and Dispel Magic are pretty damn useless against Masamune--how surprising--and that for some reason, the A.I. preferred using those over Frog & Odin and Sleep for some reason. Not that Sleep really even benefits our team that much since Dharok basically OHKOs everyone anyone and magic doesn't get boosted at it. Hell, Serena and Sleep are outright antithetical to each other due to her running around Flaring everyone to death. (My fault for purchasing Poison despite already knowing it's not worth a damn, at least on Wizard's skill set and with Masamune around.)

That said, we got kind of lucky with Death hitting as much as it did and the second and third maps were really in our favor. I'm really glad Dharok is someone I don't have to fight against even if none of us can revive him all that well. Averaging 500~ damage per hit is pretty disgusting even with the disadvantages that Always: Berserk brings.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
March 23, 2015, 05:29:56 am
(And as the days go by, I become ever lazier and lazier.)

An instance of this is not getting around to the stuff I said I would do Saturday night/Sunday morning, though I should stop expecting to get stuff done around that time when it's one of the few times I actually watch TV. Still, "Half of No Quarter" shouldn't have fought again and I have no one to blame but myself for not deleting it sooner given I said I would do so after it first fought. "Whoops".

Regardless, I'll re-watch the other five videos later still. For right now, I'll just say thanks, Otabo, and thanks, silentkaster, though I could hardly hear you mid-match during your recording this time, silentkaster. The in-game sound effects were too loud relative to your voice, especially Haste 2 and Slow 2, which were basically destroying my ears at the normal volume I use for videos. Just for your information and all that next time around. Still, thanks.

GG to both Anima Zero and Shadowdragon15.

So, my crappy team with no ranged AoE or high speed or high movement versus two ranged AoE users, one unit with Quickening & revival & 50% Don't Act and a Paladin that hits decently hard when both he and the aforementioned unit can't be Blinded, all backed up by Haste. ...Yeah, not really at surprising I lost this one, so I'm not really sure why you thought I had the advantage, Otabo, but meh. I can only imagine how poorly this would have gone were Steal Heart actually usable against the same sex.

For what it's worth, this was way closer than I thought it would be because of that, in part because Anima Zero's Mediator decided to be absolutely idiotic in round two and charge in after getting turned Undead by Necronomicon. The Mediator was generally far less of a problem than I thought she was going to be, if only because she kept dying. Meh.

Not much else to say except that I've come to despise Nurse (and Iron Will...and actually-balanced-now Reraise), at least when it comes to trying to put them on Grand Cross users. No more doing that for me if I can reasonably avoid it.

Similarly, I'm not all too surprised that silentkaster took this, if only because I have such a negative opinion on Mimes by this point that to me having an Always: Berserk Mime is basically just asking to lose. Still, given said Berserk Mime is backed up by the still-quadratic-even-though-it-shouldn't-be Earth Slash and the still-hilariously-overpowered Quake, this being close wasn't too surprising.

The third round was quite brutal though. Dead bodies everywhere.

This, on the other hand, I'm extremely surprised I won given how disadvantageous  a match-up it was for this untested, I-figure-this-probably-sucks-but-since-Otabo-"challenged"-it team. I mean, despite all the AoE I had, half of Shadowdragon15's team absorbed Ice, three units had M-EV, the Bard outright had "double" Shell essentially, the Lancer had basically instant Balance and the Squire could constantly instantly heal himself with Grand Cross while doing damage. Between all that, my usual bad luck and Summoners being ridiculously squishy for their relatively lackluster damage (even ignoring the fact that I'm further handicapped by using two male Summoners on a themed team)...yeah.

I only really won this because my luck wasn't as horrible as it usually is, getting Charmed that many times and Counter never going off aside, and because the second and third maps rather favored my team, even with as little damage as it was doing per casting. Shadowdragon15's Bard also lacking Esuna helped a lot in the second round when Frog actually hit the Paladin. That Squire was the only unit that could heal--literally Heal--Stop and yet the most vulnerable unit to Stop also similarly helped a great deal. Admittedly, I do feel a bit dirty for using the current version of Stop which I think it still slightly overpowered, at least its Speed relative to its accuracy, but that can't be helped. At least it's not utterly broken like Quickening, so I'll stop there.

ShadowDragon15 did also get a tad unlucky at times though, especially since I think that Balance that missed in the second round had a 99% chance of hitting. Still not as bad when I missed that crucial Raise 2 at 99% during "IV a Darker Future"'s first match, but I do wonder if it hitting would have changed things....

Fun Fact: I'm relatively sure this is the first match that I've ever been hit by Odin and not had at least one unit get killed by Instant Death despite it "only" being a 20% chance. This is especially funny given I was the one throwing Odins at myself, so maybe my bad luck with inflicting status was stronger than my bad luck with getting hit by status. Shrug.

So...this round basically boiled down to "And this is why you pretty much always take Esuna when you're using White Magic, even if you already have White Magic with Esuna on another unit". For all the (wonderful) damage that two of the Oracles were doing with Whale Whisker, ShadowDragon15's team basically (slowly) lost to Petrify in both rounds when it absolutely didn't have to due to the available JP. It's really as simple as that, especially given how quickly both rounds devolved into a 3 vs. 4 scenario.

Still, nice to see Petrify be relevant for once outside of ending a round, especially on an all-Oracle team. As it is, pretty much every team either cures or blocks Petrify, with the latter aspect have greatly risen now that Jade Armlet is actually worth using. So it being the sole reason someone loses is pretty rare (even though it also effectively just happened to Otabo's team vs. Shintroy's team).

Sigh. So much to catch-up on still, like always. Regardless, I'll try to see if I can start recording things again by next weekend, especially since I'm not doing anything. As it is though, ePSXe is still acting weird on my newest laptop and I have no idea how to fix that most basic thing even before all the other potential issues.

In the meantime, I need to update a bunch of things in the next couple of hours since this is probably all the time I'll get today or, at least, two hours is all the time I should take given how behind I am.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
March 21, 2015, 11:02:32 pm
(Ugh. I'm an idiot. Like always, I knew I forgot something. In this instance it was noting that Mimes still don't use MP for some stupid reason. I'll fix that later, just like I should finally update my team entries tonight.)

Since I'm still around for all your foddering needs, I'd still be interested in seeing how horribly my "Esper Family Outing" team does against Barren's "Tri-Absorb" team; I suppose that team is called "Multi-Absorb" now though. Feel free to also throw said team at Otabo's "Magical Thorns"--despite the fact that the Bard now absorbs Ice--given Otabo says he wants to fight mage-heavy or status-heavy teams with it and "Esper Family Outing" is definitely the former. Besides, I imagine he wouldn't mind beating up on Summoners and I'm feeling even more masochistic than usual.

Outside of that, I need to re-watch like four or five videos since I don't really remember what happened in anything of them with great detail outside of the fact that I surprisingly barely lost to White Knight Wiegraf. So belated GG with regards to that. In the meanwhile, now that I'm caught up on the other matches, I can comment on those.

I'll admit that I chuckled when I saw that Zero was a female unit since I honestly don't know anyone who didn't think he was a woman at first due to his breast-lights. I'll also admit that I can't look at Anima Zero's team's name without thinking about that "Hellfire" song from Disney's version of Hunchback of Notre Dame. (R.I.P. Tony Jay.)

As for the actual match, it proved what I've suspected for quite a while: if you want your Grand Cross user to, well, use Grand Cross to heal himself (or herself) upon (Reraise) revival rather than just being stupid with Nurse, then you're going to have forego Nurse completely. That's...unfortunate.

Beyond that, this was decently close, though Anima Zero's team not being completely immune to Oil screwed it over at points and in the third round his Paladin was stingy with Grand Cross even before he got Oiled. Then again, Blind unfortunately doesn't affect Chirijiraden's accuracy and besides the relatively limited amount of Hawk's Eyes, that was chiefly was kicking in his ass. The female Samurai in general was the reason Anima Zero's team lost between that and her Raise 2s tending to hit. As much damage as the male Samurai was capable of doing, having Berserk on initially means he tended to do die first.

Ugh. Personally I just try to avoid using Zombie Zalbag's map in general because I think it's a flat out horrible map in general for Arena's purposes, at least with the current starting positions. So the fact that Otabo basically got destroyed on it isn't surprising since he essentially lost from the word "go". His getting unlucky with the lack of Counter Magic Petrify from the Bard didn't help either. Petrify in general seems like it destroys (this version of) his team as evidenced by the second round.

That said, Otabo's current composition of Magical Thorn is really dubious in my eyes, which isn't too surprising since that tends to happen with the first forms of a lot of teams, especially with how the A.I. actually acts. Still, I find it a more than a bit ironic that he says he's swearing off mages, particularly Summoners, and then goes for a MA-based, low offense team with Summon Magic and White Magic on non-mages that can't make as good use of it (even with Bard's superior MA), at least under current circumstances. Shrug.

Not much to say about the second match other than I'm surprised the A.I. was smart about ending it that quickly, especially given all that "let's walk into statues even though only one of us can do anything"; actually, in general I'm surprised this match didn't drag out way longer. Thankfully despite Mime being busted in a ridiculous amount of aspects mechanically, it's still affected by 0 MP...except in the case of Counter Magic apparently.

Regardless, it's nice to see Monster Dict not only use, but it's use be what prevented this match from dragging on for possibly literally twice as long.

Honestly I was tempted to just stop watching halfway through when it looked like the really rote, still really dumb and still why-is-this-still-so-effective Berserk + Kiyomori strategy was going to win yet again. I just find that strategy extremely boring, especially since the A.I. tends to dick around even after everyone is Berserked, Blind & Poisoned.

Luckily though, or rather unluckily for Otabo's team, Rouroni Elmdor's male Samurai just didn't seem to give a damn about Blind and ended up killing everyone in the second and third rounds where he was able to stay up rather than being allowed to charge in by himself and killed, as happened in the first round. That's really all there is say about this match since a combination of bad luck and that male Samurai were ultimately the tipping point for Otabo's loss here.

Just like in the actual game, Chica is the least threatening of the bunch in actuality and Barren basically lost because she was too busy with being ineffectual with Time Magic than actually supporting. Barren gains some respect for trying to use Haste 1 and Slow 1 despite how frankly bad or at least mediocre-at-best they currently are, but that's what ultimately bit him in the ass.

Beyond that, he mostly just lost because Tornado & Quake are hideously unbalanced, though the latter made no apperance in this particular match, and he didn't really have any AoE to compete against Tornado blowing him away in the first place. I suppose getting slightly unlucky with revival despite Shintroy''s team surprisingly low Raise 2 rates screwed over Barren's team a bit as well though.

Also, to Barren, regarding Float: Indeed, Float--both the general status and thus the Movement--will make the unit immune to Earth elemental abilities, but will not prevent that same from getting hit by regular attacks using Earth-elemental weapons. So while every Earth-based ability, such as Earth Slash or Quake, will miss a Floating unit even if it's weapon based, the actual weapon shots from  any Earth-elemental weapon will still do normal damage if it hits; it's been like that since vanilla.

As such, despite the many things in vanilla that can be improved upon, I personally don't that particular quirk is actually a flaw. At the same time, I won't stand in the way of anyone wanting to nudge FFMaster about trying to change it. If that's the case, though, then I personally would rather see the Float Movement buffed to do something else alongside Always: Float, especially since Volcano is a rarely used map that currently also has really poor starting positions relative to its terrain; meanwhile, Feather Boots is easily "fixed" by just giving it Null: Earth on top of Always: Float if people think three barely used weapons hitting Float that ("logically") "shouldn't" is actually a problem.

P.S. For the record, to be perfectly clear, if you use a Grand Cross unit with an Earth-elemental weapon and Float, they'll still be immune to their own Grand Cross. This despite the fact that another unit using an Earth-elemental weapon can damage them with melee if the Grand Cross unit doesn't actually absorb Earth (which is unlikely since it would otherwise likely be pointless if you're using Float on that unit in the first place).
PSX FFT Hacking / Re: ASM Requests
March 12, 2015, 01:52:10 am
I see. Thanks, especially for the BATTLE.BIN thing even though I currently won't understand most of it. Good to know for other people at least.

Regardless, waiting is completely fine with me, especially since I'm not guaranteed to finish this (like always) and I read you were pretty busy with summer. It's just good to know about how easy or not it may be to do things given how many things are technically possible. The third thing with Berserk is pretty coincidental though, even though it seems like you and I want it for rather differing purposes and styles of Berserker.
PSX FFT Hacking / Re: ASM Requests
March 10, 2015, 09:13:03 pm
Congrats on both noticing and fixing such an obscure issue Choto and Grond, especially given it was solved so quickly. I'd been noticing things were off with Draw Out for years in ARENA, but I thought that was largely because of something that FFMaster might have inadvertently changed. I never really noticed Elmdor was/is apparently so buggy since usually he was too busy using Blood Suck or Rafa was too busy dying or the Assassins were too busy being bigger issues. I wonder if this works if you change what weapons Draw Out or what Draw Out generally uses. It seems like it should, but only testing would confirm that, which can wait.

Anyway, since I'm posting in here again, I might as well dump three somewhat general status-related things that have come up while working on my own newest patch that I might actually finish for once. These might be better off in "Help!" section technically since they're more questions than outright requests, at least in the sense that I don't expect them to fulfilled anytime soon, if ever. There's no reason, however, not post them here in case anyone else might be interested in tackling them provided they can be tackled:

1. Is there a(n easy) way to go about fixing Frog's behavior for the A.I. in terms of making it so that A.I. Frogs don't run far (far) away from their team? Staying away from the enemy and/or staying behind their teammates when possible is generally fine, but given I'm not hoping for miracles that I don't believe in anyway, I'd be fine with just making it so that Frog A.I. has the A.I. attack as "normal" despite the drastic change to the unit. (Speaking of which, on a related note, has anyone looked into the far, far more minor issue of why A.I. Frogs' attacks supposed ignore Countergrasp reactions?)

2. Is there some way to essentially "fold" Invite into Train so Invite's space on the status list can be used by something else? Or does Invite essentially have to be separate for Train to work properly even if one is not actively using it for something? I'm guessing it's the latter, but there's no reason not to ask really since it isn't abundantly clear due to the rather opaque way that Invite works in general with its invisible, weird flagging.

3. Finally, is there anyway to (easily) assign Berserk status a skill set like Blood Suck (A7) and Frog (A8) have? Between the two "types", I'd personally prefer if it was like Frog's skill set where you--well, the A.I.--are restricted to moves that can only be used if you already had them in either your Primary or Secondary skill set. This compared to Blood Suck's type, where it just seems like A7 outright hijacks anything else could unit originally do and causes them to only use abilities within that skill set since no one but Elmdor has (that version of) Blood Suck (the attack).

Regardless, thanks in advance and good work once again.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
March 10, 2015, 08:41:44 pm
(I should really see if I can get Camtasia working again on this new laptop since I still have Internet. Hell, I should see if I can get Internet working on this new laptop given how ancient this desktop is.)

In the meantime, thanks once again to silentkaster, TrueLight and Barren for recording videos as usual. Also thanks for the reminder, silentkaster, though of course by now I had forgotten what I was even going to say next in there. I think I can dredge up most of it before tonight ends, but who knows; that's literally an entirely different discussion though.

My, what "comedy" of errors on both of teams part, especially in that last round where I somehow won despite Polar Knight be literally incapable of damaging anyone on Barren's team with anything besides Bullrush and despite both of our teams playing supremely stupidly. Ugh. I think I'll just retire Half of No Quarter too anyway before it does even worse. I can't remember why I gave Dracula Mantle due to the double Berserk thing. I think it was mostly M-EV related since Power Wrist doesn't give any M-EV. Shrug.

About the only thing that worked out as planned was my intentionally foregoing giving Sceptre Knight Nurse so that he would actually use Life Drain and Spell Absorb. Even he used Blind, which even if it always got immediately canceled is still something that gets so little use that it was at least novel.

I find it a bit ironic that as much damage as CT5Holy's Monk and Scholar were doing that TrueLight's Samurai and especially the Archer easily outdamaged them, which is chiefly what won TrueLight the match ultimately. I mean the Archer was doing 300+ easily to CT5Holy's poor Lancer, so, yeah, bigger numbers prevailed here.

That said, it's a bit "fitting" that literally all three matches were ended by Sleep given that only increases already big physical damage. That causal 417 to end it makes me think that Crossbow users perhaps aren't inherently doomed if they aren't using Hunting Bow.

Weirdly this was perhaps the closest match in general so far despite the fact that Frog basically decided that Reks was going to lose from the get-go. Ugh. The A.I. is so damn stupid about curing Frog and other statuses a lot of the time it's pathetic. Reks likely would have won handily, at least in the last round, if his Paladin had gotten cured of Frog given how long he held out in what essentially a 3v4.

Oh well. At the very least, it was interesting to see two teams that actually try to make use of Death fight, even if for the most part Dead status from Death was a non-issue. Speaking of which, it was also nice to see Counter Magic be useful for once, since I'm relatively certain the first Counter Magic Odin back on the Bard proc'd Dead and instant-killed him. Heh.

Sigh. Of course my (far) better team of the two to fight Barren's team so far fails despite also having the positional advantage on both maps on which we fought. Through a combination of my team being idiots, particularly Lulu, and my usual bad luck (damn Paladin), I lost this somehow despite the fact it should have easily gone onto a third round.

Sigh. Whatever. I guess I'll have to change them around a bit again, especially if Lulu sadly can't be trusted to be competent and Wakka can't hit anything without Concentrate. Also should probably change HP Restore on him anyway since it literally never goes off for me unless it's in situations where I'm going to lose anyway.

Not sure who disliked this video, though. It wasn't me even with how disgusted I was and still am with my team's stupid performance.

And since I've watched Barren's latest two just now, I'll actually remember what happened in them.

...That 904 critical by the Dancer in the first round didn't break the damage record, right? I can't remember right now. The 837 damage though on the record strike after the Dancer got briefly charmed though probably breaks the damage record for strikes from non-critical hits.

As it was, this was closer than I thought it would be, even expecting Berserk to backfire despite all the damage it produces. It was also more protracted than it "needed" despite all the Raises missing, all the Critical hits, and the overall lack of healing on ShadowDragon15's team between all the Reraise status, all the HP Restore (grr...) triggers, all the Charm from ShadowDragon15's team that the A.I. immediately sabotaged half of the time, all the Blindness from Grand Cross and all the Auto-Potion on the really tanky Paladin. Still, congrats on winning your first match back, ShadowDragon15.

If nothing else, then outside of giving ShadowDragon15 a refresher course in ARENA, this match was more fodder for arguing that Two Hands's damage boost perhaps needs a nerf. Shrug.

Oh, a nice Water-absorbing team with a nicely nerdy name. I like. I also liked the A.I. actively using Preach to an increase the potential damage of already Charging spells and the use of Faith Up as a reaction and Coral Sword in general.

Speaking of Faith Up, I can't say that I like Witch Hunt triggering Faith Up in addition to already being effortlessly defeated by Absorb MP. I can't blame FFMaster for that since I'm pretty sure that hasn't changed since vanilla where Faith Up was equally...lax in what it reacted to. Wonder how easy that is to change....

Other than, there's not much to say outside of the fact that it was kind of painful to watch silentkaster's Wizard get revived into an incoming Titan so many times and also painful to see White Knight Wiegraf's Samurai essentially give away the round by assuming that Poison would kill the Wizard.

Oh. A.I. You're so unintelligent at times.

Good games to Barren. Since "third time's a Charm and all that", if anyone wants to record it, I wouldn't mind my "Esper Family Outing" fighting Barren's "Tri Absorb" even if I expect to be less of a fight and more of slaughter for me as per usual.

P.S. Also, yes, Barren, since no one has confirmed it for some reason, you were/are correct in calling the logographs that White Knight Wiegraf used for his team name "kanji" provided that his team name is actually meant to be pronounced in Japanese and not Chinese.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
February 26, 2015, 01:25:06 am
(Hey, silentkaster, when you post, remind me to post in the Balance thread before I forget again please.)

Speaking of music, I forgot to say that I find the sudden influx of Sonic music rather amusing, though I'm overall fine with it.

Ah, Mimes will forever disappoint it me seems, but in this case, it was mostly the Chemist's fault for silentkaster's (inevitable?) loss, which already got delayed by HP Restore going on off the Monk twice.This especially in the second round where he could have easily stood right behind the Paladin's body and Phoenix Down'd it to cause the Mime to Mimic--provided the Mime didn't spontaneously just fail like it does sometimes--it and revive the downed Monk. Sigh.

Even with my painfully low expectations for the A.I., it keeps to disappointing after all these years.

Quote from: White Knight Wiegraf on February 23, 2015, 01:54:46 pm
A bit late to comment on my match, but...

Mime has some problems it seems. Perhaps I should have studied them a bit more, but learning the hard way is fine, too. I've noticed it never tried to Mimic bow attacks. Does that have something to do with the equipped weapon? I assume you guys probably know more than I do, I don't really watch other matches.

Constantly picking on the Geo really helped Otabo here. My Geo is the only big AoE damage dealer, and keeping her down (or Stopped/Berserked in this case) prevented that. I'm not sure what she has equipped, but some tweaks are probably needed for that character as well. I'll have to look into that, probably later this week. Good match.

Oh. You are still around. Well, to answer your question, you can look at the post about (new) Mimes I made in the A.I. Team Building Guide 2.0.

To clear things up without you having to look there, though, Mimes' weapons tend to change and outright disappear one anyone else on their team makes a melee attack, though there was a hazy issue with weapon-lending between enemy Mimes that still hasn't been cleared up. On top of that, Defending, Charging & Performing seems to "glitch" permanently on Mimes if they get killed while Defending or interrupted while Charging & Performing, with the latter being while White Magic among many other job classes are basically worthless on them unfortunately: they get interrupted by anything their teams do and their previously Charging spells don't go off at all.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
February 23, 2015, 08:18:36 am
(Finally edited my last post to have the links it should have had days ago. Such sloth.)

Anyway, due to such sloth, you guys get spared my boring match analysis for once. A whole of Mimes in the three videos before the Rivalry one, though, so I suppose as much as I've forsaken that class, it was interesting to see what more could be gleaned about their behavior. It doesn't seem like any weapon sharing beyond Mimes went on in Otabo's match though. Hmmm....

As for the Rivalry, not much to say there except that I figure CT5Holy will again be lamenting how stupid the A.I. can act, especially given the way his Dancer acted in the first round of the third match. Terpsichore Christ she was dumb.

Regardless, as always thanks TrueLight and Barren. Belated thanks to TrueLight for the song name too. I suppose I'll have to check out the Xenogears series' OSTs sooner rather than later despite still having no desire to ever play those games.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
February 18, 2015, 11:46:11 pm
(Thanks for the videos, silentkaster and TrueLight.)

Also, it's good to see that Barren isn't encased in snow given all the storms still hitting Boston and that side of the country in general.

I'll admit that I originally thought reinoe would win this despite  Shintroy's damage advantage, if only because Quickening + Charm meaning the Ninjas would potentially easily get Charmed and destroy their own Scholars. That's essentially what eventually happened in the first round anyway after a way too long battle due to the Monk going down so early and never getting revived. In the second and third rounds though, Charm either missed or got Tornado'd away quickly (due to Tornado and Quake's insanely fast speed) and Insult backfired big time in both those rounds too unlike the first one where the Squire with Talk Skill used it on more appropriate targets.

Not much else to say beyond that except that I find it ironic that the entire match was set to Sonic music given how long the first round took. Then again I suppose it's oddly appropriate given the increased quickness of the second and third rounds where Shintroy overran reinoe: Round 1 was essentially the first Sonic where everything immediately slows way down after the Green Hill Zone; Round 2 was Sonic 2, which can ran through at a decent pass until get to the Metropolis Zone; Round 3 was Sonic 3 sans & Knuckles given how quickly it went by. [/forced comparisons]

Oh, hey. I actually recognized the majority of songs in here for once, though I'll talk about that below outside of spoilers.

For the most part, this round was basically determined by Counter Flood, especially that first round where we finally see Water Ball turn someone into a Frog after like...a year or more of that not happening. That it happened twice and stayed on the Ninja is basically what won Barren the round off the bat.

The second round was much closer and might even have gone to Anima Zero had Barren's female Geomancer not guarded that otherwise would-be-fatal Spear shot from the Monk. I do have to wonder things would have turned out if she had gone done there....

Still, it was nice to see Barren go against a team that he didn't automatically beat by virtue of sheer bad matches as happened with Otabo's Total Summoning. And Anima Zero's team held on decently well enough for all the status Elemental/Geomancy threw out at it and despite getting unlucky with Platina Dagger for once (Platina Dagger's proc probably needs to be less likely to fire anyway, but that's a balance discussion.)

I'm tempted to make an Earth Absorb team now between this and the Kikuchimo(n)ji the Katana question Malroth brought up in the balance thread. However, given the PK Rocking one that I made with Reks technically still counts, meh.

And the foddering counts. A bad match with bad luck for me on top of that, but oh well; it's not like that doesn't usually happen to me anyway. At least this is more proof that Haste 1 just sucks currently and that the Time Magic Secondary I was hesitant to give Green Requiem+ is just not useful for this team since Haste status does nothing for it anyway. The Short Charge Haste 1 idea at least sort of worked out though.

Still, I guess I'll go back to Dance Secondary since, "ironically", if I had kept that I might have a more even match against Reks's team between both Witch Hunt and Nameless Dance screwing with this version of his team.

Well, nice to see someone else pull off an Archer Only Team that has no Spellgunners to boot. I suppose I shouldn't have tried to make my team with only Crossbow users on top of that like an idiot, but meh. That teams dead and apparently redundant now.

Still, I did kind of expect reinoe's team to lose that first match due to the idiotic way that his archers kept bunching up in the corner. His team would have lost if Reks's Scholar hadn't run out of just enough MP--she had 17--to cast a Quake that would have killed at least two people. After that, though, reinoe's team was able to regroup and pick people off.

His team winning at Doldobar Swamp wasn't suprising though given the wide open space he had to work. Reks's Thief, which kicked my ass, suffered even worse there than the first round and didn't even manage to ever get close to anyone of them, not that anyone on Reks's team ever got much of the chance to do so. I was kind of the surprised to see the Gunner take team out to use Antidote on his ally to heal only Blind though. I suppose it's because said ally was directly in his line of fire or something since the A.I. usually foregoes curing Blind (by itself) infuriatingly enough. Huh.

So, in the fight between Anima Zero and Barren, I recognized "Temporal Despair" from OC Remix's remixes of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and "...And In Her Self-Loathing and Despair, She Found Wrath" from OC Remix's remixes of Chrono Trigger; I'll edit in the links later.

May I know what the third song was though, TrueLight? I didn't recognize it, though it was something that remained greatly of The Outer Limits's opening theme for all things.

Regardless, thanks again.

Spoiler EDIT: Whoops. I forgot add an extra end-spoiler tag.

Lazy EDIT: Finally got around to adding the links to those two things. My, how intensive.
FFT Arena / Re: FFT Arena: Balance Discussion Thread
February 10, 2015, 11:09:37 pm
(Damn it. I always miss a typo or omission, even in shorter posts.)

I must say I like that idea. I vaguely thought of something along those lines when considering alternatives, but then dismissed it between Diamond Armor's ubiquity and the fact that the new Chirijiraden would easily out damage it. Still, it somewhat ties into the actual abilities of Kiyomori the ability and would actually be useful while letting Samurai use something other than Diamond Armor--say, perhaps, Carabini Mail--with it instead; it also be a less suicidal option than the new Chirijiraden. Not sure if it "should" get more W-EV though--like 25%--between male Samurai's general lack of active healing and the fact that I admittedly wouldn't mind giving the proposal for the new Masamune 20% W-EV on top of its Range and other things.

Shrug. It's not like I'll ultimately decide these things anyway.

Regardless, before I forget again, someone has done the 70/70 thing with Kikuichimo(n)ji on a (male) Samurai, but it was with Two Swords rather than the innate Two Hands. The damage was pretty good, like 300~ average when just one procs went off IIRC. It's been a while though since anyone used it since I think that person was Darkblade and that was like two years ago already at least.

(Also, before I forget, part of the reason for switching Muramasa and Spell Edge back with each other is because 100% Faith coming from faster units, one of which has innate access to Two Swords, is pretty overpowering and the new Muramasa is horrifically underpowered compared to it on top of that. Add in the fact that having access to Faith is overshadowing most of the other Ninjato and directly undermines Ninja's elemental -tons, which have been seeing a lot less use lately despite Atheist Bow now existing and the changes to Poles and, yeah, it really needs to change back.)
FFT Arena / Re: FFT Arena: Balance Discussion Thread
February 10, 2015, 02:38:15 am
I guess you have a point about my proposal for the new Kiyomori katana. I wonder if just adding +1 Move to that would "fix" it given that I can't really think of anything else to do even though that obviously steps on Knives' space a bit.

All I know is that Kiyomori really shouldn't be "C Bag: The Katana" since otherwise female Samurai aren't going to ever use any of the other Katana, though maybe the changes to Asura Knife, Kotetsu Knife and Heaven's Cloud the katana would see that change. Hell, even the nigh exclusive use of Kiyomori wouldn't be such a problem if male Samurai weren't so...mediocre at best.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
February 10, 2015, 02:30:03 am
(Well that's out of the way at least.)

That went about as well as expected. I would have preferred if other teams were used given I just updated those, but seeing how I clearly have no business making teams in the first place, much less trying to "fix" them", it doesn't really matter.

Anyway, thanks for the video, Barren. Now you can record actually decent matches.
FFT Arena / Re: AI Team Building Guide 2.0
February 08, 2015, 10:51:55 am
(I do so loathe double-posting, but if I must....)

Kriss Kross, Make You Wanna...Lancet: A Lancer's Guide to Jump

Given it came up a while ago, I figure that I might as well post relatively comprehensive list of facts about Lancer's Jump even though most of this can easily be found in Aerostar's still useful "Final Fantasy Tactics Battle Mechanics Guide". Hereafter it will be referred to as the "BMG": http://www.gamefaqs.com/ps/197339-final-fantasy-tactics/faqs/3876.

We might as well start with the obvious and work our way down to the esoterica:

1. Jump's Invincibility: While Jumping, a Jump user cannot be targeted or affected by anything other than already afflicted Slow or Haste, which merely affects CT earned as we will go over later. As such, a unit using Jump is completely invincible from it starts until when it resolves. Any spells targeted on them that go off while they're jumping will fizzle unless it potentially affected more than them, in which case it will act normally otherwise if there are any other valid targets. Even map wide abilities like Lore, Dance or Song will miss Jumping units, even if in the case of Lore or Song the ability hitting them would otherwise have been beneficial to them. Finally, Jump's invincibility is somewhat transferred to the space that user originally bounded from as no unit can move onto that space, even via knockback; moving through or targeting that space with delayed actions abilities still works normally though. [/so obvious it may verge on condescension]

2. Jump's JP Parameters: Level Jump skills control the horizontal. Vertical Jump skills control the vertical. These are the Outer Limits. Both skills make any values below them redundant to buy. And due to the nature of how Jump currently works, Jump is the only ability in the game where all four units on a team can have access to it. [/still so obvious it may verge on condescension]

3. Jump's Other Parameters: Jump is affected by Defense UP, Protect and presumably Unyielding as far as damage reduction goes. As far as damage boosting Jump goes, Jump is affected by Sleeping, Frog, being equipped with a Spear and Zodiac Compatibility. Jump is not affected by Attack UP, Martial Arts or Two Swords (in the sense that you'll strike with both weapons; upper/right-handed weapon takes priority) or Two Hands; Jump is supposedly affected by Overwhelm though. Jump cannot be evaded, but still counts as a physical attack and thus triggers Reactions that react to physical attacks as well as still triggering Counter Flood currently. Finally, Jump can (thankfully) only target panels, not specific units, though the A.I. is generally very good at Jumping only if it will assuredly hit the target.

4. Jump's Base Damage: With any weapon, its damage is [PA * K] * WP, where K is 1 unless the weapon is a Spear, in which case K is 1.5 (or 3/2). If the Jump user is barehanded, then Jump damage is [(PA * Br) / 100] * PA...or, at least, it was originally if FFMaster changed it. Also, for all the many other things it ignores, Jump is affected by the user (and the target's) Fury from what it seems, even when not barehanded.

5. Jump's Resolution Time: This is pretty easy to calculate actually since it is not affected by Short Charge and neither Haste nor Slow directly affect Jump's resolution time since, in fact, nothing can (currently): CT = [50 / Jump user's base Speed], rounded up.

For example, a 10 base Speed unit like a Lancer with a Javelin will have their Jump land within 5 CT. An 11 base Speed unit, such as a Lancer with a Javelin and a Zephyr Shield, and a 12 base Speed unit, such as a Lancer with a Javelin, a Zephyr Shield and Sprint Shoes, will also have their Jumps land within 5 CT. A 13 base Speed unit, however, such as a Lancer with a Javelin, a Zephyr Shield, the new Genji Armor and Sprint Shoes will have their Jump land within 4 CT; incidentally, 13 base Speed is the fastest a Lancer can get (now) without using Equip Clothes to get access to Thief Hat or, sigh, Quickening.

(Note: This is yet another way that Quickening breaks the game and why it should die in a fire between it both potentially decreasing Jump's landing time and making it more & more difficult to land Jumps, but I'll stop before I digress.)

6. Jump's Element: Jump is always, always non-elemental regardless of the weapon used. So a Holy Lance unit with Jump that otherwise can't strike a unit equipping a Chameleon Robe, Cursed Ring, Small Mantle or the new Diamond Shield can Jump on that same unit for damage. Similarly, given that Jump normalizes damage like Meatbone Slash does, Jump users with Blood Sword or Bloody Strings can Jump on an Undead unit without hurting themselves; they don't drain damage from the Jump though due to this normalization.

7. Jump's Interaction With Status and Movement for the User: As alluded to under the first point, Slow and Haste do still affect a Jumping unit, if only with regards to the CT when they land. Normal Jumpers generally land with ~50 CT, but Hasted Jumpers originally landed with ~75 CT; due to the necessary reduction in Haste's Speed boosting, this may have been reduced to ~63 CT--until now, it's never occurred to me to check. Similarly, Slow's effect--if any-- on the CT is rather nebulous currently given the BMG doesn't mention it oddly, but I'm at least fairly certain that it doesn't leave the user at a mere ~25 CT even with a crippling as Slow is. Then again....

Beyond that, most statuses maintain their normal effects with regards to Jump, though any status that allows you to Jump will have its CT countdown (if any) temporarily frozen while Jumping, including the aforementioned Slow and Haste I believe. The two big exceptions for "normal" relations with regards to Jump are Poison and Regen, of which Jumpers can avoid the damage and healing by Jumping since the normal checks for those don't get to go off; their CT countdowns are still presumably frozen though.

I suppose that Blind technically is an exception since while Blind will still affect the user (infinitely) as far as normal weapon strikes concerned, Jump's inability to be evaded trumps it and thus Blind is basically useless against a unit that can land Jumps.

(And, no, Death Sentence/Doom isn't affected since that counts down at the beginning of your turn, so even Doomed Lancers are dead (wo)men walking...well, jumping, current issues with the Immune: Dead equipment aside.)

8. Mimes and Jumps: Supposedly, Mime can instantly mimic Jump even in vanilla, but I can't personally ever recall seeing this happen. Similarly, despite the fact that FFMaster has generally kept all abilities able to Mimic'd in Arena currently, for better for worse, I can't recall seeing a Mime mimic Jump. It's probably happened, but I just don't recall it if it has.

Far more intriguing is the still yet unanswered question of what would happen if one gave the new Mime Jump secondary, said Mime Jumped and then something that could be Mimic'd happened.... I find it likely that nothing detrimental would happen in actuality, but it's also entirely possible it would break something and maybe even outright crash the game. Guess we'll never know though.... (Hint hint. Someone test this please.)

9. The Best Part of Waking Up...Is Not a Lance In Your Face:  As I'm sure most of us used to vanilla FFT have noticed at one point or another, the A.I. is rather...weird when Jumping on Sleep-afflicted units. The weirdness comes not from Jumping on enemies for often fatal damage, but that A.I. will very often figure it's somehow a very good idea to Jump on a Sleeping ally, often for fatal damage, to wake them up...dead. This despite the fact that it would pretty much always be both less damaging and quicker to just jab said ally awake with a regular weapon attack, especially if a Spear. As yet, no one seems to know why this happens--I'd wager it's probably a glitch or just bad coding--and thus no one has fixed. Thankfully, the A.I. will (usually) choose better methods of getting rid of Sleep such as Maiden's Kiss if the Jump user has them available, but just be mindful of this in as much as you can actually control it.

10. The Only Way that Jump Can Be Evaded: Since Jump, for all its oddities, is still a physical attack that takes the weapon (type) used into account, there is one way that Jump can actually be evaded in Arena: Projectile Guard. If the user of Jump has a Longbow, a Crossbow or a Gun as his/her weapon, then his/her Jump will have the same chance of triggering Projectile Guard as any other attack where that unit uses his/her weapon in the actual attack.

(Or, at least, this was the case in at least one previous version or Arena. I'm admittedly unsure if it's the case still, though I doubt that FFMaste would have changed it given it's only come up once in all of Arena and it was pretty hilarious. Regardless, try to avoid using either of those three weapon types with Jump unless your team really needs it for some reason.)

11. Lancer's Jump Card: Going back to Jump being the only skillset where everyone on a team can learn it despite Arena's limit of two repeats per team otherwise, I suppose I should mention the easily forgotten fact that Lancers also innately have access to Jump even if they don't buy any of the Level or Vertical upgrades. Indeed, all Lancers have access to a Range 1, Vertical 1 Jump from the word go. Despite the fact that much has changed in the transition from vanilla to Arena, this presumably hasn't. Whether the A.I. would actually use it (competently) though....

12. The Blind Jumping The Blind: Speaking of A.I. short-coming, the A.I. as a whole is rather blind to an unfortunate number of things and Jump seems to be one of them. "Seems" being the key word here is part of why I'm ending this list on what's ultimately a theory, but given my observances of the A.I.'s various failings, among them is the fact that A.I. will quite often "kill-steal" from a Jumping ally rather than choosing to do a (far more) productive option even if it has the choice. I'm not entirely sure why this is, but I wouldn't entirely be surprised if A.I. was generally outright incapable of seeing how much damage Jump can do given the whole "LET ME WAKE YOU UP WITH DEATH!" thing Jumping units tend to have going as detailed in number 9. It thus wouldn't be surprising to me if we found out (eventually) that all the A.I. sees as far as Jump is concerned is "does damage" and "can't be evaded". It would certainly explain some things....

As for avoiding this and other A.I. stupidity, you can't unfortunately to be completely honest. So just like you'll face-palm for the A.I. basically always refusing to just Jump out of the way of an incoming spell or charged abilities even if it doesn't have a valid target in range, this too will often happen. Learn to cope (or weep completely silently).

In the meantime, I'm sure I'm forgetting something, so I'll probably have to edit this eventually.