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Messages - DarthFutuza

Help! / Re: Battle Event Editing
March 21, 2019, 01:21:26 am
All good this helps a lot.  80 is the beginning of a new set of stuff in memory, plus when size switches from words to the miscellaneous bit section.  Also, probably not coincidence that happens after 128 total words (which is ~2048 bits which is the max memory size of the playstation's RAM if I recall right).  I dunno why it would necessarily need to check that, but it might be some sort of max memory/capacity check.

EDIT: Nope can't be that, playstation has 2 MB lol, not 256 bytes.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Help! / Re: Battle Event Editing
March 21, 2019, 12:51:19 am
Ah okay that makes sense on that one.  Is variable 08 the standard way to check to see if the battle is over/still happening or unique to this instance/event?  I didn't see any reference to that on the variable reference, maybe its just out of date.

Quote from: Elric on March 21, 2019, 12:48:17 am
however you broke it down wrong. The bytes are reversed, not the hex in the bytes themselves

Example: 0123 would be 2301, not 3210.

Oh yeah, you're right.  Good catch.  Mel is totally 2A, not 24.  I messed that up in my head because 2A == 42 in deci, whoops.  (The other stuff is obviously backwards too XD).
Help! / Re: Battle Event Editing
March 21, 2019, 12:45:05 am
Quote from: Elric on March 20, 2019, 06:28:50 pm
It wasnt really a hex tutorial. It was a mini tutorial on how some of the commands work and letting you know its in reverse hex bytes. Knowing how to hex edit doesnt immediately mean you know what our commands are, lol.

Yeah, my bad I didn't really know how to refer to it since I hadn't read it in full yet, it was useful regardless now that I have gotten to it.  :D

Quick question, a lot of events I'm looking through seem to look for some seemingly extra variables on most of the event condition checks.

  0100 7D00 0000 0100 8000 0000       0400 2400       0500 2400            0100      0400 2A00          0500 2A00      0100    0B00           2A00              1900          C001
//if   varD7==0   if  var08==0       ifUnitExists(42)      ifHP(Meliadoul HP > 1%)     ifUnitExists(A2) ifHP(Vormav > 1%) ifATReached(Vormav) LoadEvent(01C0)

Here it checks if both 007D and 0008 are set to 0.  Do we know why it does this and why its relevant/needed?  As you explained, most events set a variable to 1 to indicate its done the event and we don't need to do it again.  But why two different ones?  Is this standard procedure for multiple chained events (set multiple variables for each one)?  (I checked on the wiki's variable reference and it seems like these are temporary/unknown variables so I'm not sure what else they would be.)

Edit: Bleh spacing
Help! / Re: Battle Event Editing
March 19, 2019, 02:34:55 pm
Okay thanks for the information guys, I didn't realize attack.out dealt with mid battle conditions as well as other things.  Looks like I will need to reserve a new event and edit the attack.out to point to it after setting up a condition.  Thanks for the hex tutorial Elric should be helpful, though I've done this thing before its just been a while so its a good refresher.  I'll give it a try and let you know how it goes.
Help! / Battle Event Editing
March 18, 2019, 12:23:24 pm
Hello helpful forum goers,

I'm trying to figure out how to add new mid-battle events (sorry if I'm using the wrong term, might be why I can't find instructions on what I want to do).  I get the impression this has something to do with modifying the attack.out, but I'm not really sure where to start.  What I want to do is this: Take a battle without a mid-battle event, say Eldibis/Deep Dungeon, and add a condition with something like if(Ramza's HP < 25%) startDialogueEvent();  And then Ramza would yell something at Eldibis or whatever and then go back to fighting.

Do I need to overwrite one of the pre-existing event slots (say 491 since its unused), or can I just use the existing battle event (115 I think?) and add what I need to it using EasyVent?  Where does editing the Attack.out come in, etc?
Help! / Re: Which portraits in EVTFACE are unused?
March 12, 2019, 03:05:36 am
Alright good to know.  I might have a weird case then.  My issue is the game is using the character that previously spoke's portrait within the scene (the white mage at the bar), rather than defaulting to their default WLDFACE.BIN portrait.  I'm trying to insert extra dialogue/characters and stuff in the bar scene before DeepDungeon and its mostly working other than the character's portrait shows up incorrectly (or is turned off if I use x09).  The default event starts the scene out with using Call Portrait, so maybe that's the bit making things unusual.

EDIT: Not quite sure what I was doing wrong, but I was able to fix it with x00, which I swear I had already tried.  Maybe I just forgot to try the obvious.  Anyway, thanks for the pointer Elric.  Though I am still interested in knowing how many of those Balbanes actually do anything.
Help! / Which portraits in EVTFACE are unused?
March 12, 2019, 01:16:34 am
I looked and couldn't find an answer, hopefully you guys can help me out.  I've been working on making some changes with EasyVent to some scenes, but realized that the DisplayMessage() function can only pull the portraits from EVTFACE.BIN (via Portrait Row etc.) which means if I'm adding a new character, I have to replace someone.  So my question is, which of the portraits are unused by the vanilla game, if any?  I noticed there are a lot of (probably) unnecessary Balbanes repeats.  Can I use Shishi to replace one of these without affecting the vanilla game and use that one for my custom character in events?  Or is there maybe another more practical way to tell the game to use the UnitFace portraits instead with a DisplayMessage() function?  (On PSX version btw).

Quote from: Glain on November 30, 2018, 02:40:27 pm
I've never heard of or experienced anything like this happening with this patch.  Is this audio issue happening during battles, on the pre-battle screen where you set your formation, during the post-battle sequence, or outside of battle entirely (world map, formation screen, etc.)?  Is this on console or emulator (if so, which)?

(This isn't really so much an assembly hack as it is replacing one hardcoded value and some tables of static data.)

Audio issue happens everywhere, formation, pre-battle, world map, battles.  Doing it on PSXe emulator.  I've also tried it on different machines with different hardware.  Yeah its definitely not real assembly coding :P  I noticed if I apply the patch first and then use other tools like tactext or fttpatcher on the resulting patched bin/image it seems to lessen the effect.  I dunno its pretty weird and seems to intermittently go away occasionally, maybe my emulator is just having weird audio driver problems.  It sounds like its just me, not a common issue.  Its probably just an issue with my emulator setup, I'll play around with it some more see if I can figure out what the real cause is.
First, just wanted to say this tool was super useful to me, thank you!

However, I wanted to check if there's any known sound bugs (PSX version) when you use these sort of character replacement assembly hacks?  If I patch a clean FFT disc with a custom character (eg: Job 3B uses 09) the resulting image has random audio glitches (static noises etc, like what you you'd hear from like a speaker that's about to go bad), before the patch there's no audio glitching, but every time I've applied it, it results in audio static flicker especially with the game music.  I used FFTorgASM to apply the patch if that makes a difference.  Just wondering if I'm the only one this has happened to, or if its a known issue.  (The rest of the patch works fine, and does exactly what you'd expect it to).  Or maybe this only happens when using xml generated from this tool?
Quote from: Celdia on April 06, 2018, 08:30:25 am
Even though its apparently wickedly out of date, I fixed the first post anyways. Thanks, Darth, for rehosting those images. Made super quick work of it.

I realize that if I ever decided to work on a new project, I'd have to relearn how to do everything from scratch again with all the updates in the past years. :D

Of course. :D
I may have to review how to do this again myself, its been too long since I've tried to make custom sprites.

Quote from: dgcool on October 01, 2018, 06:32:11 pm
I hope someone can still help with this (PSP version): I just went through the whole process of changing sprites with ShiShi and then doing the fftpack (FFTEVGRP+CDMAGE) pack/repacking. Now I see all the correct sprites in combat AND in the unit selection screen but NOT in the formation/character overview area. Any ideas? Thank you!!

Its been a while, but it sounds like you didn't do the UNIT.bin WRLDFCE.bin stuff in order to have the new sprite show up in the formation and battle screen menus.  Did you follow the tutorial on the first page, it should still work - I just went through and did it with Meliadoul no problem.
Quote from: Elric on February 26, 2018, 02:30:13 pm
I will edit the post in a few days, just moved and dealing with some issues in that currently.

Though I should also add, with the latest FFTP, you can do this all with shishi, eliminating the need for FFTEVGRP altogether

Thanks.  If that's true, maybe I should just write a new tutorial with the latest method in that case, (though I haven't tried using Shishi to do FFTEVGRP's job yet) given how out of date this one is.  Seems a lot of the tools have changed etc and the tutorials haven't quite kept up.
Hello.  I've lurked for a long time.  I found this tutorial helpful and thought it a shame the original's images are hosted by photobucket and thus no longer show up.  I've taken the liberty of rehosting the images from the topic post here:

Maybe a mod would consider editing the original post?