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Introducing "Proper" — (v1.10 released 10/28/17!)

Started by johnmyster, August 15, 2017, 02:49:03 am


QuoteThis is true, and is a tradeoff to giving CT abilities to Draw Out. I wonder if making Draw Out behave like a Basic Skill set would get rid of this behavior (and let me give them MP costs).

There's a flag in the AI Behavior section of the Abilities tab: "Check CT/Target".
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Quote from: Nyzer on October 27, 2017, 02:53:24 pm
There's a flag in the AI Behavior section of the Abilities tab: "Check CT/Target".

Already checked for most Draw Out abilities. Looks like I overlooked a few that I added CT's to later, but I'm pretty dang sure I've seen them ignore Asura/Koutetsu/Kiki CTs, who all already had Check CT/Target checked.
  • Modding version: PSX
FFT Proper v1.10 released 10/28/17!
Proper Rebalances, ramps up difficulty, and adds variety to battles.


10/28/2017: Proper v1.10 released!
Patch a fresh FFT ISO.

Lots of changes here:
The Ghoul in Outside Lionel Castle is now a weakish Knight to keep sprite limit from being exceeded.

Squire buffs!
All Squires except Algus can now learn Wish.
Heal now cancels Slow, Charm, and Sleep in addition to Darkness/Silence/Poison. MP Cost 0>>1
Ramza's Cheer Up now always inflicts Regen and Haste, instead of one or the other.

Draw Out:
No longer requires the Katana in inventory.
Draw Outs no longer follow target, but the caster themself.
Bug: Drawout animations have Katanas in weird position.

JP: 240>>220
AI Chance to Learn: 70%>>74%
CT 3>>4
MP Cost: 0>>24


JP: 180>>290
AI Chance to Learn: 56%>>71%

Agrias has always been a strong character in Proper, if a bit slow. These buffs give her a chance of maybe surviving a hit that would have barely killed her otherwise, as well as giving her those valuable speed points sooner to make her easier to use.
HP Multiplier: 140>>142
Speed Multiplier: 105>>106

Another strong character in Proper, Cloud is now a bit more rewarding to help with the end game:
Speed Multiplier: 102>>103
PA Multiplier: 124>>125

Blade Beam:
CT: 3>>2
MP Cost: 13>>11

Finishing Touch MP Cost 14>>13

Materia Blade
now has a chance of inflicting Slow.

Rafa and Malak have received various buffs to make them more interesting, viable, and fun to play. All descriptions should be updated.
(1.03>>1.10 format)

MA Multiplier: 125>>127

Heaven Thunder:
Range 4>>5

Space Storage:
No longer can inflict Faith, as you don't always really want Faith on your units.
CT 4>>2
MP Cost 15>>12

MA Multiplier: 118>>123

Heaven Bolt Back:
Damage Multiplier 10>>11

Hydragon Pit Back:
Now has a chance of inflicting Don't Move.

Sky Demon Back:
Now has a chance of inflicting Death Sentence, just like Sky Demon.
Damage Multiplier 30>>31

Malak has lost of a tad of brave and levels in the two battles you fight him to compensate for his buffs.

In response to player feedback, many battles in Chapter 4 have been made ever-so-slightly easier. They should still be a strong challenge, but hopefully will be more fun and not seem quite as punishing.

Germinas Peak:

All enemies -1 Level.
One of the Time Mages has 87 Faith, down from 97.

Balk 1:
Balk -2 Levels.

Bethla Sluice:
Knight that had Angel Ring and Crystal Mail now has Battle Boots and Platina Armor.
Wizard with Time Magic awards 25,500 gil after battle (up from 0).

Poeskas Lake:
Summoners -3 Faith.
Oracle -2 Levels.
Archer -1 Level.

Inside Limberry (Elmdor 2):
Elmdor has +2 Faith and -3 Brave to make him slightly easier to pin down.

Zalera is now level 62, down from 64.

Zalmo 2:
Zalmo has an Elf Mantle instead of a Feather Mantle.

UBS 4:
Now awards a Thief Hat, Flash Hat, Chirijiraden, Feather Mantle, and Carabini Mail. (used to award no items)

UBS 5th Floor (Rofel):
Level 80 Summoner is now level 75, and has 2 less Faith.

Lost Sacred Precincts (Balk 2):

Enemies have lost a few levels.

Murond Death City (Kletian):
All enemies except Kletian -2 levels.

Graveyard of Airships 1 and 2:

All enemies -1 Level.

Broken/stolen equipment sold in Fur Shop removed, due to foes' equipment showing up as well.
Katana break ASM removed. (no longer needed)
Title screen default from New Game to Continue ASM implemented.
Generic Skillset Fix ASM implemented to make Draw Out and Sword Spirit behave like normal skillsets.

Text Changes:
Sky Demon now properly says Death Sentence, not Dead.
Assassin Dagger, Wish, and Scream descriptions fixed.
All other changes from 1.10 should be reflected in game text.

Another patch, v1.10b has been released. v1.10 unintentionally left out the Skip Events ASM. 1.10b has it back in.
  • Modding version: PSX
FFT Proper v1.10 released 10/28/17!
Proper Rebalances, ramps up difficulty, and adds variety to battles.


Quote from: johnmyster on October 28, 2017, 09:34:36 pm
Bug: Drawout animations have Katanas in weird position.

I'm guessing that the sprites for the katanas is also incorrect.  It happens if you use the draw out abilities in an action menu that is not set as "katana inventory"

You could always change the animations from "03 73 00" to something like "07 00 00" or "01 00 00" if you wanted. 

"07 00 00" is used for Holy Sword abilities, etc.

"01 00 00" is used for the Spellblade abilities

But at the end of the day I suggest setting the animations to something that YOU are happy with.  Also, I can't recall what the "Drawout" abilities look like exactly with various character animations.  It has been a while since I last messed around with them. 

  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
(PSP) FFT: GGL Edition 0.9.81 is now available. check here


Quote from: Ildon on October 29, 2017, 12:25:35 am
I'm guessing that the sprites for the katanas is also incorrect.  It happens if you use the draw out abilities in an action menu that is not set as "katana inventory"

You could always change the animations from "03 73 00" to something like "07 00 00" or "01 00 00" if you wanted. 

"07 00 00" is used for Holy Sword abilities, etc.

"01 00 00" is used for the Spellblade abilities

But at the end of the day I suggest setting the animations to something that YOU are happy with.  Also, I can't recall what the "Drawout" abilities look like exactly with various character animations.  It has been a while since I last messed around with them. 

  • Modding version: PSX
FFT Proper v1.10 released 10/28/17!
Proper Rebalances, ramps up difficulty, and adds variety to battles.


  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
(PSP) FFT: GGL Edition 0.9.81 is now available. check here


For those who have played Proper, I have created a survey as another way to get feedback. Filling it out would really be appreciated!

  • Modding version: PSX
FFT Proper v1.10 released 10/28/17!
Proper Rebalances, ramps up difficulty, and adds variety to battles.


Algus can and will get absolutely toasted before I can reach him, meaning if I say "we gotta save him" I just basically auto-lose.

  • Modding version: PSX


Also Algus is a sack of shit who just used my only remaining Phoenix Down in a context where the person he rez'd immediately got blasted back into oblivion.

Also Algus is a sack of shit in general.
  • Modding version: PSX


Seriously though, 3x in a row, Algus has gotten toasted a solid turn before I could feasibly reach him.
  • Modding version: PSX


lessen, we have an edit button for a reason. Use it! There is no reason to triple post, especially in a period of 12 minutes...
  • Modding version: PSX



Anyone got any idea why Ramza turned into a series of vertical color bars at the start of the thief fortress battle? At a specific moment as the level was loading, and the title of the level was showing, the background graphics glitched out a bit (large black patch) and some color bars appeared very briefly on the right side of the screen. Then Ramza's sprite showed up as crazy rainbow bars, and his portrait is also messed up (it's showing a yellow black mage).

Should I just assume my ROM itself got corrupted somewhere along the way? The rest of the mod features seemed to be working fine for the most part. There was one moment during the very first mission where tooltips stopped showing up entirely, and as mentioned before, Algus can't NOT get killed, but aside from that...

Further testing indicates it's not about Ramza specifically, it seems more like the right-most character in my squad gets turned into color-bars. I guess I'll save my game and try re-preparing the ISO tomorrow to see if it turns out any better.

Image: https://i.imgur.com/XtheDuJ.jpg

Further further testing: I re-prepared the ROM and things are still the same. I found that if I play a random encounter, the problem doesn't happen (in the random encounter). I also found that if I play the Thief Fort map with a party of 3 instead of 4, the problem doesn't happen. It doesn't seem to matter which three, the problem just always happens with a party of four on that map for me. I guess I gotta face the challenge of beating the map with three people
  • Modding version: PSX


lessen: This is perfectly normal behaviour. There's nothing wrong on your end: i.e. this is a bug with the mod itself.
  • Modding version: PSX
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Anything is possible as long as it is within the hardware's limits. (ie. disc space, RAM, Video RAM, processor, etc.)
<R999> My target market is not FFT mod players
<Raijinili> remember that? it was awful


Yes, this is because the creator of the mod didnt actually follow the rules of mod creation for FFT, how proper of them.
  • Modding version: PSX



Darn, I liked the idea of the patch and (as a newbie to FFT) the execution seemed plausible.

Guess I'll tryyyyyyy........ LFT, next, then!
  • Modding version: PSX