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Messages - Jon

New Project Ideas / Re: Red Wings Project
September 27, 2012, 05:06:44 am
Thanks! I really appreciate the feedback!

@Elric: I made Cecil walk slowly only so the player could absorb as much from the scene as possible. I had him at +004 speed, +008 being the normal walk speed. I can change that if its too slow...

@Mike: With the font I kinda like this style, I actually wanted to use it for the whole game (every map)...does it look bad? Is there a font of it I can use in Photoshop? I will move the Dancer down 1 panel closer to Test. Test will be in a loop dance frame, which actually might look funny. The dancer is singing and the soldier is dancing...As for the Red Wing talking to his girlfriend or whatever I'll have him raise his arms like you suggested, thanks for the idea! The weird sound from 52-57 is already gone, it doesn't fit there. I can have the elderly man and his white chocobo walk in, or maybe moving or something...Thanks for 1:28, its gonna be like the Red Wing salute! They all attack upwards with Broad Swords (and later better swords/weapons).

@Elric and/or Mike: Can you guys please help me with the boy walking back and forth like in a loop? If that's not possible I can manually have him run back and forth time based, but it would be much cooler if he did it himself and I didn't have to write like a bunch of lines of code to see him do it...
New Project Ideas / Re: Red Wings Project
September 26, 2012, 11:33:58 am
Here is the first prototype event, please notice the sound effect at 52-57 seconds (the marching sound) will get most likely cut. I really need crits and advice to make this event shine! :mrgreen: I'm totally willing to fine-tune it, I just don't know now what has to be changed...

Real quick, the sprites are not that important right now. Cecil is a generic Dark Knight from WotL and the Red Wings are all Squires. I actually like that the Red Wings are Squires and might keep that, I made three special Red Wings, Biggs (with the portrait of the prisoner Delita has in the Gelwan scene), Wedge (with the portrait of the enemy Squire in Gariland recolored red) and {Ramza} (with a generic Squire portrait). {Ramza} has been renamed to nothing, so the player can name his Red Wing character whatever they want.

Crits please, I am making a mod seriously now and I want this to look awesome. Thanks in advance! :mrgreen: (Oh and the weird "marching sound" at 52-57 seconds will probably get cut, the sound lasts way too long and doesn't make sense)

Actually, this kinda happened unintentionally but the protagonist shifted. I thought about all this stuff and everyone already knows Cecil's story, if you wanna play FF IV why play a mod on someone's point of view? So I decided that now the focus will be on the Red Wings. I'm still arguing internally with myself if I should really go all out and make a patch about a Red Wing rookie and then a whole new story from the bad guys point of view. Imagine you play as some new Red Wing recruit and then go about doing "evil" stuff that the King commands you to do, like you actually destroy Damacyan and get to kill Anna with arrows (who shields Edward with her body) or raid Fabul, etc. All those places could be retold from the Red Wing point of view because they were victories for Golbez...

Cecil & friends can be saved for events in between battles. Maybe you can fight some of them as bosses, I dunno. This also gives me the chance to make Kain a PC for the player. Evil Kain! :mrgreen:

I made the opening event but after replaying it a few times I don't like it anymore. I think I'll just start with a simple speech or something and then let the player kill some Mysidians, but after that Cecil and Kain go to Mist and the main character Red Wing will do some other missions...thinking about it...
I found a bug maybe:


notice that the first "x0" should be "x05", however Easyvent doesn't see any error and compiles normally.
Tutorials and Learning / Re: Tutorial Requests
September 21, 2012, 08:28:37 am
Controlling the World Map and the points of where Ramza can travel to (i.e. not from Gariland to Mandalia to Igros but something that we want). If possible, might as well include on how to change the overworld Ramza sprite.


Probably never gonna happen but worth mentioning, a tutorial on how to either import your own music files or change the already existing ones in FFT. Not sound effects, just music really.
You do have a good point MountainDew, however I always assumed (maybe incorrectly) that the Red Wings just attacked and took the Crystal, and then thereafter had a bad conscience about it. The game itself was never too clear on the whole ordeal since all you get is a flashback with either no dialog or some simple text like "Take them!" in the Crystal room depending on which version of FF IV you were playing. Please read this in the spoiler:
Soldier: Lord Captain! We're nearly to the Baron border!

Cecil: So we are.

Soldier: It troubles him, too. Orders may be orders, but this? This goes too

Flashback to the Mysidian Crystal room, where Cecil and his men take their
Crystal by force.

Soldier: Lord Captain!

Soldier: We are the Red Wings - the pride of Baron! Must we now be thieves,
sent to plunder from the weak?

Cecil: Enough!

Soldier: But, Lord Captain!

Soldier: The Mysidians offered no resistance. And still we cut them down.

This is the DS version of FF IV. Here it seems to me the men are confused about their actions after they take the Crystal (since there is a flash back). I guess I will base it on this one. Another good question would be is if the Red Wings had such a bad feeling beforehand of the attack, why did no one speak up or revolt, especially Cecil himself? He does have some sense of loyalty but I'm pretty sure if he knew he was doing evil, no matter for his king or not, he wouldn't have done it. Thanks for the feedback, this got me thinking on this whole thing on a different level, it gave me some more good ideas on how to characterize both the Red Wings and Mysidians. Actually the flow can be kinda like what I described above, like Cecil starts out as a loyal and brave soldier, obedient and somewhat innocent/ignorant to the King's true motives, but by the end of the mod realizes he is nothing more than the King's killing machine. More to come soon! :mrgreen:
New Project Ideas / Red Wings Project
September 20, 2012, 03:22:42 pm
Red Wings
Hi everyone!  :mrgreen:
I want to create my own mod finally, and I'm gonna. Right now I'm still fleshing out the story but basically it will be a short, one chapter mod. I want to create custom events and probably a few custom sprites to go along with it. I know my events I made up to this point were mediocre at best, but I hope (maybe also with some help/ideas from all of y'all) that they can become more exciting with this project. Like the title of this thread states, this will be a mod on the attack of Mysidia, from Final Fantasy 4. Any suggestions or critiques will be much appreciated as I start to develop this, don't be afraid to share your opinions as well!

As of right now, I'm working on the story mainly, but I already have in my head how this game will be shaped. I want the story to start with a "naive, brave and proud" Dark Knight Cecil, the Lord Commander of Baron's Red Wings. He leads his men, the Red Wings on the assault of Mysidia to obtain the Crystal, which as dictated to him has become too dangerous in the Mysidian's hands. The Red Wings will play a major role in the battles, but the focus of the story is on Cecil and how he reacts and comes to terms with himself once he realizes that he obviously is slaughtering innocent people for the whims of his King. In a certain sense, its kind of like Cecil is an obedient puppet...

Events and Maps
Not even close to finished, but here was some random stuff that I wrote down for an introduction, this obviously will be revised until I'm happy with it.

First map Orbonne Monestry inside(opening speech): Arguary Woods
Second map Orbonne outside(battle in the town): Gariland Magic City
Third map Military Academy (approaching water crystal room): Citidel of Igros
Fourth map Gariland Magic City (battle with Elder): Curch of Zeltennia(?)

Cast of Characters
Dark Knight Cecil, Red Wings Biggs, Wedge, and Nameless(player's choice), Black Mages, White Mages, Elder of Mysidia

Taken from FF Wiki:
The Black Mage can cast Black Magic and knows Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, Poison, Sleep, Stop, Fira, Blizzara and Thundara.
The White Mage is able to cast White Magic. She knows Hold, Libra, Protect, Silence, Esuna, Slow, Cure, Cura, and Raise.
He has access to all White Magic except Holy. He has no equipment except for a Staff in his right hand.The Elder only has a maximum of 520 HP.

Cecil: Soldiers! Hear me now! The Mysidians have been secretly plotting behind our backs and know too much of the Crystal and its secrets! His Majesty deemed it so! Our kingdom's peace and prosperity are at stake! Think of your wives and children! Think of our kingdom's future! We are the pride of Baron! We are the Red Wings!

Soldiers: Long live Baron! Long live the Red Wings!!

Cecil: Their vile town of spell casters lies on the other side of this forest! We're going to win back the Crystal! On this day we fight!  Now go! For the honor to be called a Red Wing!! For Baron!!!

Soldiers: Yeaaahhhhhhh!!!!


White Mage: Soldiers of Baron!? Here!!?


Cecil: Ha! See how they flee like cowards before our might! Go and run! Warn your countrymen! Nothing will stop us, you wizard bastards!

*during battle*

Cecil: Watch out men! These Black Mages can cast all kinds of hideous spells! Attack quickly in force!!

*after battle*

(that's it for now, sorry its so short but I hope you can see where this is going...more to come soon...)

Spam / Re: PPUL
September 19, 2012, 03:38:20 pm
Spriting / Re: Kagebunji's sprites- Moving on...
September 16, 2012, 02:36:20 pm
For Bartz hair maybe a shortened version of Cloud's hair turned brown? Yeah and that's the only Bartz I think of, the one in Mike's spoiler. Not the weird Dissidia one...
Spriting / Re: Kagebunji's sprites- Moving on...
September 15, 2012, 12:09:08 pm
I really like the Wyvern Knights, Hawkeye doesn't look powerful enough. In FE he had like a huge back/chest with much, much stronger arms and body. That looks more like Sabin, actually the head would serve for a pretty good Sabin head.
You're right, I'll try to make something with some fighting or spell effects and the like. I'm kinda happy right now that I finally mastered (or more or less mastered) the camera, now I can make some better events. I feel like doing something FF IVish next! :mrgreen:
I don't want to take it to the next level yet, first I have to master stuff like walking and talking. Spell effects and attack animations are easy, the timing is a bit confusing though. Yeah, maybe my next event will be something a little better, I wanna take stuff step by step. I think you're right though Mike, they are pretty mediocre, then again I just started like one month ago...
I was bored so I made this event just for fun in about 20 minutes. Event editing sure helps pass the time, so get out there and event edit something awesome everyone! :mrgreen:

Like always, video on first post or the link to Youtube here:
Wow, this is amazing, I should practice making portraits some time. Thanks Twin, awesome work like always :mrgreen:
Here comes the classic Final Fantasy intro! I already made this event but now I've corrected it so the camera fades out at the end better! You can watch it above in the first post or directly on Youtube from here:

With the periods in text, if they were my own, custom events I would only use one or three, agreed 100%. I am actually copying the text of FF7 exactly, counting the periods. They use one at the end of sentences, and then vary between three, six or twelve whenever characters are thinking or trailing their thoughts.

Lol at Elric the slavemaster. Hey, I dunno what I should do for my next event, I'm pretty much up for anything FF I-IX but not another FF7 please...Any ideas Elric (or anyone else)?
Event Editing / Re: Final Fantasy 7 Cloud's Story
September 04, 2012, 09:57:12 am
Here is the latest, you can watch it directly on Youtube or scroll up! A sad event from FF7 that doesn't involve Aeris! Please note: I think I ran out of memory and that is why this event ends where it does. Couldn't be helped, but still you get the idea! ;) @Elric 3 outta 4 camera commands are from your tutorial this time! One is just for Focus()+Camera().

And for those of you who would like to recreate this or just to see the code I used, here you go:
Map is Germanis Peak, state is 2
Cloud is at x1, y0 facing North
Red XIII is at x0, y0 facing North
Bugenhagen is at x1, y1 facing West
Seto is at x3, y6 facing West


//Cloud x01, Red XIII x02, Seto x03, Bugenhagen x04


//Message 1
{font:08}Red XIII{br}
{font:00}This is...{end}

//Message 2
{font:00}...The warrior who fought{br}
against the Gi.{br}
He kept them from taking{br}
even one step into Cosmo Canyon.{br}
But he was never able{br}
to return to town.{end}

//Message 3
{font:00}Look Nanaki. Look at your father,{br}
at the warrior, Seto.{end}

//Message 4
{font:08}Red XIII{br}

//Message 5
{font:00}Seto continued to fight{br}
the Gi tribe here.{br}
...To protect this Canyon.{br}
Even after the Gi's poisonous arrows{br}
turned his body to stone......{br}
Even after they all ran away...{br}
Seto continued to protect us.{br}
And he continues to protect us,{br}
even now.{end}

//Message 6
{font:08}Red XIII{br}
{font:00}Even now...{end}

//Message 7
{font:00}You thought that he was{br}
a coward and ran away.{br}
But he, alone, risked his life{br}
to protect Cosmo Canyon.{br}
That is your father, Seto.{end}

//Message 8
{font:08}Red XIII{br}
{font:00}That.....that is Seto? ...!?{br}
Did mother know?{end}

//Message 9
{font:00}Ho Ho Hoooo... She knew.{br}
The two of them made me promise{br}
to keep this cave shut.{br}
They asked me to seal it myself{br}
and not to tell a soul.{br}
They said we should forget{br}
about this cave.{end}

//Message A
{font:08}Red XIII{br}

//Message B
{font:00}Cloud......Would you mind{br}
leaving the two of us alone?{end}

If you have any requests, post them! I'd like to make some stuff non-FF 7 related as well! :mrgreen:
Event Editing / Re: Final Fantasy 7 Cloud's Story
September 03, 2012, 11:15:27 am
Copy pasted them from (I think) the event where Cloud gets summoned. I guess I don't need them but then again it doesn't do anything negative to the event so whatever, I guess I'll just leave it as it is. I have also no idea what it does...(I'm still just copy pasting camera codes)
Event Editing / Re: Final Fantasy 7 Cloud's Story
September 03, 2012, 09:30:01 am
Sorry for double post but...

I'd like to share the code with you guys and instructions so you can maybe actually learn from this event (obviously not experienced people). Still the code to this was really simple, maybe you can use it for your own projects! :mrgreen:

You have to change the map to the Beoulve bedroom one, the one where Balbanes dies. You also must download the 4 custom sprites of Barret, Red XIII, Tifa and Aeris/Aerith from the custom sprites on the main page of FFH. In FFTPatcher give them the correct unit numbers and the correct x and y coordinates where they stand on the map! Example Cloud x01-x4,y2 means Cloud should be assigned as unit 1, and be at the coordinates 4x, 2y on the map. Another thing, they should all be "Always present". Good luck if you wanna try to replicate this!

//Kalm Inn, Cloud shares his story with the group about the incident that occured at Nibelheim.
//Beoulve Bedroom of Balbanes
//Cloud x01-x4,y2, Red XIII x02-x2,y0, Barret x03-x3,y1, Tifa x04-x5,y2, Aeris x05-x5,y1

//Set Up and Camera

//The Event

//Message x01
{font:00}Guess everyone's here now.{end}

//Message x02
{font:00}So let's hear your story......{br}
You know, the one about Sephiroth  {br}
and the crisis facing the planet.{br}
Let's hear it all.{end}

//Message x03
{font:00}......I used to want to be like Sephiroth,{br}
so I joined SOLDIER.{br}
After working with Sephiroth on{br}
several missions,{br}
we became friends.{end}

//Message x04
{font:00}You call that a friend?{end}

//Message x05
{font:00}Yeah, well......{br}
He's older than me,{br}
and he hardly ever talked {br}
about himself.{end}

//Message x06

//Message x07
{font:00}So I guess you'd call him a war{br}
buddy...We trusted each other.{br}
Until one day......{end}

//Message x08
{font:00}...one day??{end}

//Message x09
{font:00}After the war it was SOLDIER's duty to put{br}
down any resistance against the Shinra.{br}
............that was 5 years ago.{br}
I was 16......{end}

Stay tuned people, next up is a much more touching scene, and it isn't Aeris/Aerith's death!

Edit: Also if you have any favorite scenes from any FF game, I guess you can post requests here. As long as its one scene! I'm not gonna make half a game for anyone! :P If I don't know the scene, I prolly won't make it, so stick to FF I-IX please! If I can't find sprites that are made for characters or look close enough, I prolly won't make it. If the scene is not super long and memorable, I'll prolly make it! :D The reason I'm writing all this is because I really want to learn event editing and replicating already existing scenes is really great practice! Try it out some time! :mrgreen: