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Curse of the Viper Forum RPG - Capture Dat Flag!

Started by RavenOfRazgriz, May 10, 2011, 06:06:43 am


May 10, 2011, 06:06:43 am Last Edit: February 18, 2012, 02:51:20 pm by RavenOfRazgriz
Last time on Curse of the Viper! - the Desert Cobras went to Canada, Ms. Florance Vie Silette turned out to be an E.F.F. traitor, the remaining COOOOBRRRAAAAAS got their shit pushed it by a man named Lieutenant Rolfe and subsequently by an unknown Black Beast of a Mobile Suit.  Now, having returned to California Base, the Desert Cobra Squadron has been promoted to the Cobra Corps., but with a catch!  Due to their fiasco out in Canada, the stand-in commander is forcing them to play a simulated game of Capture the Flag against an unknown enemy Mobile Suit team without even showing them a preview of the map, and failure to adequately win the scenario will result in termination of the Cobra Corps. and court marshalling of the entire squadron, including the newbie members that were just assigned to them!  Will the COOOOBRRRAAAAAAS be able to defeat their unknown enemy at Capture the Flag, or will they get fragged and tossed aside like worthless pilots?  Find out next time, on Curse of the Viper Z!

----------RPG Background and Overview----------

"Curse of the Viper" is a tactical Forum-based RPG set in the universe of the original Mobile Suit Gundam, in the year 0079 of the Universal Century, where mankind has moved its burgeoning population into tubular space colonies.  A war has been raging between the Earth Federation (E.F.S.F.) and the Principality of Zeon (Zeon) since January 1st of 0079, where Zeon's controlling power - the Zabi Family, began waging a war for independence against the E.F.S.F.  Eight months have past since the war began, and after many atrocities from both sides - including nuclear arms and dropping inhabited colonies onto the Earth, which has destroyed a large section of Australia - over half of humankind's population has been lost, and the Antartic Treaty was signed, prohibiting the use of these tactics for the remainder of the war.  The Zeon faction has gained a leg up in the war with the mass production of their latest weapon - the Mobile Suit - a humanoid work-horse robot measuring about 18 meters in height. Due to Minovski Particles that have made most forms of radar useless during combat, the power of these Mobile Suits in close to mid range combat has been a deciding factor for the 8 months that have passed in the war thus far.  This is all the background history of the Mobile Suit Gundam series you will need to know in order to participate effectively in this RPG.

Players who join the fight will be under the flag of the Principality of Zeon, fighting to win the "Spacenoids" freedom from the oppressive rule of the Earth Federation.  Specifically, they will be fighting in a Mobile Suit Squadron known as the Desert Cobras, an experimental operations team under the command of Atrius Schliend, a cold and methodical man who seeks to achieve the mission above all else.  In terms of gameplay, Atrius Schliend is the GM-controlled squadron leader who will give instructions on how to complete key objectives and help the players stay alive and complete the mission.  However, most turn-by-turn tactics will be left up to the players to decide, with Atrius' movements being decided based on the tactics the players have chosen.  While he is powerful (especially in the early game as you are learning how to play), he is still human - if you play too poorly, he cannot ensure your victory, and he can die.  Remember this is a tactical, teamwork based RPG - no matter how good you are, you're not superhuman, you're not Shinji Ikari, you're not the Megazord, etc.  Keep this in mind.  While there is the potential of characters ejecting from their Mobile Suits upon defeat, a character who dies is lost forever, and that player will need to create a new one, and will not be able to rejoin the game until the next time the Squadron is resupplied.

----------Joining the RPG----------

To join, fill out the below form for your Pilot:

-Gender: (Male/Female)
-Age: (15-65)
-Birth Place: (See Maps)
-Appearance / Clothing:
-History / Background:
-Combat Style:

Simple?  No?  Let me give you an example to show you how simple it really is.

Example of Character Creation:

QuoteName: Atrius Schliend
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Birth Place: Taklamakan Desert, original birth place unknown.

Appearance / Clothing: He has darkened skin from a life in the desert, and straight, unruly hair grown out to the base of his neck.  He's commonly seen wearing a thick, tan trench coat, a faded green shirt, and a pair of semi-torn up brown jeans.

History / Background: He was a desert mercenary, living an almost tribal life after an ill-fated childhood.  He rarely talks outside of battle, so little is known about him beyond what they forced him to put on the paperwork to join.  Why an earthling like him has joined the Principality of Zeon against his own kind is unknown. While participating in several early space skirmishes against the E.F.S.F. before being reassigned to Earth, he shot down several enemy battleships using a unique pattern of Bazooka fire said to be like the jaws of a viper quickly closing on their prey.  This is what has earned him his combat title, "The Viper."

Combat Style: A distance fighter, akin to a Sniper.  Specializes in Speed and Long Range.

----------Birth Place Resources----------

Space Colonies - Click to View:
Side 1
Side 2
Side 3 (Zeon Homeland)
Side 4
Side 5
Side 6 (Neutral Territory)
Side 7 (E.F.S.F. Territory)

World Map - Click to View:
-Erm... it's Earth.  Figure it out.

----------Combat and Battle Pane Explanations----------

All combat will be explained in "Battle Panes", a sort of freeze frame or ongoing novelization of each turn as it happens.  The description of each Battle Pane will be the full summary of all the actions taken, the reactions from the enemy, and a situation to work out of for the current Battle Pane.  The map will be presented to the players in the form of an image, that will be painstakingly made by me in Photoshop, showing the locations of the player units, all known enemy units, and giving the players a good idea of what the terrain looks like.  This overview will be updated with each Battle Pane, and should be easy to follow.

During each Battle Pane, a character is allowed a default of 5 Actions that he or she can perform, and also allowed to do things such as communicate over comm-channels, which do not require Actions to perform.  An action is considered things such as:

1. Moving.
2. Switching weapons.
3. Attacking with the equipped weapon.
4. Reloading the equipped weapon.

Note that the concept of Actions is open-ended.  While these are basic ones, what you can actually do during combat is limited only by your imagination.  You can also perform "Combo Actions", which require two Actions but allow you two combine two simple movements into one "Action."  These would be things such as strafing and firing the weapon simultaneously, etc., and again are fully open-ended.

After firing your weapon, next to the action you perform it in, you should note how much ammo is left in your weapon. For weapons such as Machine Guns that have variable fire rates, you should note how much ammo you shot, as well. This saves me tons of work.

When moving in a Mobile Suit, you should remember that there is no distance cap per action.  However, moving farther in a single action will delay how long it takes for your next action to trigger (as should be logical, since moving farther takes longer).  Note that there are also 3 types of Movement - Standard Movement, Booster Dashing, and Booster Jumping. Standard Movement is standard - walking or running with the Mobile Suit.  Boost Dashing is a quick dash using the boosters (duh) that quickly propels you up to four spaces, unless the machine specifies otherwise. However, a Boost Dashing takes a moment to begin, making it risky in close quarters, and the higher speed makes it far harder to turn and weave. It is  great for evasive maneuvers such as strafing but weaker for crossing larger sections of the map.  Booster Jumping is a type of movement only available on Earth and maps with gravity - put simply, the main boosters are used to launch the unit airborne until the end of the Battle Pane.  This has many obvious advantages, but takes the longest to initiate and can only be used a set number of times between resupplies, so it must be used sparingly.

----------Terrain Explanations----------

There are several different base terrains that combat can take place in.  While each map will have its own features and obstacles to overcome, all maps will follow one of the four following baselines:

Space Combat: This is a 360* battle, set in the void of space.  Enemies can come at you from all sides, and you have to be aware in order to survive.  This type of combat does not affect how your Mobile Suit operates aside from it not being on solid ground.

Lunar Combat: This is a ground-based battle with a twist. The low gravity forces you to fight as if on earth, and doubles the maximum high attainable by your Mobile Suit's boosting system.  The ease of Mobile Suits to stay airborne in this terrain combined with the usually large amounts of outcroppings to hide behind will generally lead to a plethora of unique situations and strategical opportunities.  It is not uncommon for a Mobile Suit that Booster Jumps in these conditions to stay airborne for multiple Battle Panes if it jumps high enough, allowing for pseudo-air combat.

Surface Combat: Combat on Earth. This is basic combat under the normal pull of the earth's gravity.  This combat type has no negative effects on your Mobile Suit, aside from being weighed down by gravity.  Air combat is possible in this terrain, but Mobile Suits not specifically designed for flight on Earth will fall back to the ground at the end of the Battle Pane.

Undersea Combat: This is the hardest type of combat to be engaged in.  Pilots that are not acclimated to this type of combat are far weaker under these conditions.  All non-amphibious Mobile Suits are also far slower and suffer HP drain underwater.  Depending on the type of Mobile Suit being piloted, this type of battle will resemble either a Space battle or a Surface battle, creating interesting dynamics that leave Amphibious suits at a heavy advantage.

----------Range Explanations----------

There are several different combat ranges. These include Proximal, Short, Medium, Long, and Extreme.  The effect these ranges have on combat depends on the terrain.

Proximal: A melee attack.  This range is unaffected by environment.  In game terms, this Range is 1 Square anywhere around the unit, including diagonally.

Close: Close range, but not close enough for a Proximal weapon to cause damage. This range is unaffected by environment. In game terms, this Range is 3 Squares in a diamond around the unit.

Medium: An average combat distance that most weapons function at. This is the same as Long range when located in [Space] and [Lunar] environments, due to the lowered gravity. In game terms, this Range is 4-12 Squares in a diamond around the unit.

Long: A far range that only certain weapons can function at. This is the same as Medium range when located in [Space] and [Lunar] environments, due to the lowered gravity. In game terms, this Range is 13-20 Squares in a diamond around the unit.

Extreme: A range for [Space] and [Lunar] battles only, that can only be attained by battleship cannons and beam rifles. These weapons can hit units far beyond the normal range of weapons.

----------Mobile Suit and Weapon Selection----------

Obviously, this is a mecha based tactical RPG, so we need mecha.  When initially joining, each player will have 300 points at their disposal, with which to "buy" a starting machine and a gear loadout.  These points carry over, and are used for changing or upgrading mechas, changing weapons, etc., so there is benefit to being stingy.  However, being too stingy can get you and possibly the whole party killed - so be sure you're confident in your loadout.

The Zaku series of Zeon Mobile Suits use a "Clamp" based system to hold things such as weapons and ammunition on their machines, in addition to what is held normally in either hand.  See the bottom-right supplementary image of the Zaku I (click!) for an example of clamps in action.  Since that picture should say all that needs to be said, let's move on to the meat - our mechs and our guns.  Click the name of each mecha or gun for a visual.  It should be noted that all weapons besides the Heat Hawk and Knuckle Shield can be doublehanded to increase accuracy, so you may not want to fill both of your Mobile Suit's hands with weapons.  You must also have a suitable empty clamp or hand to place a weapon on/into when changing between weapons, else the weapon being switched from will be dropped, so keep this in mind as well. Info on available Mobile Suits, Weapons, and Upgrades can be found here.

Example of Mobile Suit Selection:

Quote[Character Info Here.]

MS-06C Zaku II Early Production Type

Cost: 180 points.

HP: 40
Speed: 12
Armor: 12
Booster Speed: 25
Booster Jump Fuel: 2
Clamp Count: 3
Clamp Locations: 1 on the side of each hip, 1 under the booster pack.
Special Properties:
--Shield Right: Right Shoulder Armor can be used as a Shield.
--Spike Left: Left Shoulder Armor can be used as a spiked ramming instrument against enemy Mobile Suits.

Built in Armaments:

Right Hand: 280mm Bazooka - Cost: 70 points.
Left Hand: None - Doublehanding 280mm Bazooka.
Clamp Equipment:
--Right Hip Clamp: 105mm Machine Gun - Cost: 50 points.
--Left Hip Clamp: None.
--Back Hip Clamp: None.

Total Cost: 300 Points.


like I said on IRC, chalk me up as pretty interested.


If you're interested, start drafting yourself a character then.

Unless something comes up I'll have the system for mech selection and stuff smoothened out by tonight since my old one was really shitty.


May 10, 2011, 10:31:33 pm #3 Last Edit: February 18, 2012, 02:37:59 am by RavenOfRazgriz
----------Mobile Suit List----------

Quote from: MS-05B Zaku IMS-05B Zaku I

Cost: 130 points.

HP: 35
Speed: 10
Armor: 10
Booster Speed: 20
Booster Dash Range: 4
Booster Jump Fuel: 2
Clamp Count: 3
Clamp Locations: 1 on the side of each hip, 1 under the booster pack.

Mounted Items and Weapons:


Right Hand: Can Equip Weapon.
Left Hand: Can Equip Weapon.
Clamp Limits:
--Right Hip Clamp: 1 <Small> Class Weapon, 1 Reserve Clip for 1 weapon equipped that supports reserve clips.
--Left Hip Clamp: 1 <Small> Class Weapon, 1 Reserve Clip for 1 weapon equipped that supports reserve clips.
--Back Hip Clamp: 1  Weapon of any Class, 1 Reserve Clip for 1 weapon equipped that supports reserve clips.

Quote from: MS-06C Zaku IIMS-06C Zaku II Early Production Type

Cost: 180 points.

HP: 40
Speed: 12
Armor: 12
Booster Speed: 25
Booster Dash Range: 4
Booster Jump Fuel: 2
Clamp Count: 3
Clamp Locations: 1 on the side of each hip, 1 under the booster pack.

Mounted Items and Weapons:

Shoulder Shield:
Mount Location: Right Shoulder.
HP: 12.
Armor: 10.
Special Properties:
--Outward Facing: Shield faces outwards, covering the unit's side by default.

Shoulder Spikes:
Mount Location: Left Shoulder.
Power: 8.
Special Properties:
--Ramming Speed: Usable when ramming by turning the equipped shoulder to the enemy.

Right Hand: Can Equip Weapon.
Left Hand: Can Equip Weapon.
Clamp Limits:
--Right Hip Clamp: 1 <Small> Class Weapon, 1 Reserve Clip for 1 weapon equipped that supports reserve clips.
--Left Hip Clamp: 1 <Small> Class Weapon, 1 Reserve Clip for 1 weapon equipped that supports reserve clips.
--Back Hip Clamp: 1 Weapon of any Class, 1 Reserve Clip for 1 weapon equipped that supports reserve clips.

Quote from: MS-06F Zaku IIMS-06F Zaku II

Cost: 220 points.

HP: 40
Speed: 13
Armor: 13
Booster Speed: 25
Booster Dash Range: 4
Booster Jump Fuel: 2
Clamp Count: 3
Clamp Locations: 1 on the side of each hip, 1 under the booster pack.

Mounted Items and Weapons:

Shoulder Shield:
Mount Location: Right Shoulder.
HP: 12.
Armor: 10.
Special Properties:
--Outward Facing: Shield faces outwards, covering the unit's side by default.

Shoulder Spikes:
Mount Location: Left Shoulder.
Power: 8.
Special Properties:
--Ramming Speed: Usable when ramming by turning the equipped shoulder to the enemy.

Right Hand: Can Equip Weapon.
Left Hand: Can Equip Weapon.
Clamp Limits:
--Right Hip Clamp: 1 <Small> Class Weapon, 1 Reserve Clip for 1 weapon equipped that supports reserve clips.
--Left Hip Clamp: 1 <Small> Class Weapon, 1 Reserve Clip for 1 weapon equipped that supports reserve clips.
--Back Hip Clamp: 1 Weapon of any Class, 1 Reserve Clip for 1 weapon equipped that supports reserve clips.

Quote from: MS-06S Zaku II Commander TypeMS-06S Zaku II Commander Type


HP: 40
Speed: 16
Armor: 13
Booster Speed: 27
Booster Dash Range: 4
Booster Jump Fuel: 2
Clamp Count: 3
Clamp Locations: 1 on the side of each hip, 1 under the booster pack.

Mounted Items and Weapons:

Shoulder Shield:
Mount Location: Right Shoulder.
HP: 12.
Armor: 10.
Special Properties:
--Outward Facing: Shield faces outwards, covering the unit's side by default.

Shoulder Spikes:
Mount Location: Left Shoulder.
Power: 8.
Special Properties:
--Ramming Speed: Usable when ramming by turning the equipped shoulder to the enemy.

Right Hand: Can Equip Weapon.
Left Hand: Can Equip Weapon.
Clamp Limits:
--Right Hip Clamp: 1 <Small> Class Weapon, 1 Reserve Clip for 1 weapon equipped that supports reserve clips.
--Left Hip Clamp: 1 <Small> Class Weapon, 1 Reserve Clip for 1 weapon equipped that supports reserve clips.
--Back Hip Clamp: 1 Weapon of any Class, 1 Reserve Clip for 1 weapon equipped that supports reserve clips.

Quote from: MS-06K Zaku CannonMS-06K Zaku Cannon


HP: 42
Speed: 12 [10]
Armor: 16
Booster Speed: 18 [16]
Booster Dash Range: 2
Booster Jump Fuel: Cannot Booster Jump.
Clamp Count: 2
Clamp Locations: 1 on the side of the right hip hip, 1 under the booster pack.

Mounted Items and Weapons:

Shoulder Shield Kai:
Mount Location: Right Shoulder.
HP: 15.
Armor: 13.
Special Properties:
--Outward Facing: Shield faces outwards, covering the unit's side by default.
--Heavyweight: Speed is reduced by 1.

Shoulder Spikes:
Mount Location: Left Shoulder.
Power: 8.
Special Properties:
--Ramming Speed: Usable when ramming by turning the equipped shoulder to the enemy.

Back Cannon System:
Mount Location: Back, replacing the Booster Jump system.  Booster Jumps cannot be performed with this weapon.
Power: 20 per round.
Ammo: 8 per clip.
Range: Long.
Reserve Clips?: No.
Special Properties:
--Heavy Kickback (Back Mounted): Weapon cannot be fired while moving, suffers an accuracy penalty if fired while standing, and requires two actions to fire.
--Kneel Booster: This weapon's range becomes 30 squares while the firing unit is kneeling or prone.
--Armor Piercing: Shells pierce through armor, lowering its affect on final damage.
--Lob Shot: Shots fired can be lobbed over obstacles.
--Automatic Fire: Weapon does not need to be "switched" to and can be fired at any time.
--Booster Replacement: Replaces the Main Boosters, reducing Booster Dash Range by 2.
Size: <Large>

Folding 2-Tube Grenade Launcher (Smoke):
Mount Location: Left Hip Clamp.  Left Hip Clamp cannot be used with this weapon.
Power: N/A.
Ammo: 2 per clip.
Range: Medium.
Reserve Clips?: No.
Special Properties:
--Smoke: Explodes and releases vision-obscuring smoke instead of doing damage.
--Automatic Fire (Folding): Weapon does not need to be "switched" to and can be hip-fired at any time as long as it is unfolded.
Size: <Medium>

Right Hand: Can Equip Weapon.
Left Hand: Can Equip Weapon.
Clamp Limits:
--Right Hip Clamp: 1 <Small> Class Weapon, 1 Reserve Clip for 1 weapon equipped that supports reserve clips.
--Back Hip Clamp: 1 Weapon of any Class, 1 Reserve Clip for 1 weapon equipped that supports reserve clips.

Quote from: YMS-07A Prototype GoufYMS-07A Prototype Gouf

Cost: 300. (ONLY 1 IN STOCK.)

HP: 46
Speed: 15
Armor: 14
Booster Speed: 25
Booster Dash Range: 4
Booster Jump Fuel: 3
Clamp Count: 3
Clamp Locations: 1 on the side of each hip, 1 under the booster pack.

Mounted Items and Weapons:

Shoulder Spikes Kai:
Mount Location: Right Shoulder.
Power: 11.
Special Properties:
--Ramming Speed: Usable when ramming by turning the equipped shoulder to the enemy.

Shoulder Spikes Kai:
Mount Location: Left Shoulder.
Power: 11.
Special Properties:
--Ramming Speed: Usable when ramming by turning the equipped shoulder to the enemy.

Right Hand: Can Equip Weapon.
Left Hand: Can Equip Weapon.
Clamp Limits:
--Right Hip Clamp: 1 <Small> Class Weapon, 1 Reserve Clip for 1 weapon equipped that supports reserve clips.
--Left Hip Clamp: 1 <Small> Class Weapon, 1 Reserve Clip for 1 weapon equipped that supports reserve clips.
--Back Hip Clamp: 1 Weapon of any Class, 1 Reserve Clip for 1 weapon equipped that supports reserve clips.

----------Mobile Suit Retrofit List----------

Quote from: Zaku II RetrofitsC-Type Retrofit
Refit the base of any MS-06 model Mobile Suit to the MS-06C Zaku II Early Production Type.  (Base HP/Armor/Speed/Booster Speed/Booster Jump Fuel becomes that of the MS-06C Zaku II, and upgrades are re-applied to the new base stats.)
Cost: 10 points.

F-Type Retrofit
Refit the base of any MS-06 model Mobile Suit to the MS-06F Zaku II.  (Base HP/Armor/Speed/Booster Speed/Booster Jump Fuel becomes that of the MS-06F Zaku II, and upgrades are re-applied to the new base stats.)
Cost: 60 points.

K-Type Retrofit
Refit the base of any MS-06 model Mobile Suit to the MS-06K Zaku Cannon.  (Base HP/Armor/Speed/Booster Speed/Booster Jump Fuel becomes that of the MS-06K Zaku II, and upgrades are re-applied to the new base stats.)  OPTIONALLY: You can pay an additional 60 points to replace the Booster System of that Mobile Suit with the Back Cannon System of the MS-06K Zaku Cannon.
Cost: 60 points, or 120 with Optional Bonus.

----------Mobile Suit Upgrade List----------

Quote from: Clamp UpgradesFront Hip Clamp:
Add a clamp to either the right or left front hip of the Mobile Suit.  Capacity is Reserve Clips only.  Can be bought once for each side of the front hip.
Cost: 30 points.

Quote from: Armor UpgradesIncreased Plating I:
Adds additional layers to the Mobile Suit's armor platingm increasing its Armor by 2 and decreasing its Speed by 1.
Cost: 40 points.

Decreased Plating I:
Removes some of the Mobile Suit's armor plating, increasing its Speed by 1 and decreasing its Armor by 2.
Cost: 40 points.

Quote from: SensorsThermal Sensors:
Build a thermal sensor into the Mobile Suit.  Allows for the detection of heat sources (hidden enemies, weapon fire, etc.) within 3 squares of the Mobile Suit, regardless of Line of Sight.  Effectiveness based on Weather and Location.  If more than one sensor type is installed, only one can be active at a time.
Cost: 30 points.

Sonar Sensors:
Build a sonar sensor into the Mobile Suit.  Allows for the detection of sound sources (hidden enemies, weapon fire, etc.) within 9 squares of the Mobile Suit, regardless of Line of Sight.  Effectiveness based on Weather and Location.  If more than one sensor type is installed, only one can be active at a time.
Cost: 30 points.

Quote from: Sensor CloaksThermal Cloak:
Outfit the Mobile Suit with a cloak that masks thermal images.  If more than one cloak type is installed, only one can be active at a time.
Cost: 30 points.

Sonar Cloak:
Outfit the Mobile Suit with a cloak that masks sonar images.  If more than one cloak type is installed, only one can be active at a time.
Cost: 30 points.

----------Weapon List----------

*Note: All Reserve Clips cost a universal 10 points to purchase. All <Large> class weapons reduce the unit's Speed by 1.

Quote from: Primary Weapons105mm Machine Gun:
Power: 1 per bullet.
Ammo: 100 rounds per clip.
Range: Medium.
Reserve Clips?: Yes.
Special Properties:
--Full-Auto Fire: Fires any number of rounds, can fire up to the remaining clip size per action.
Size: <Small>
Cost: 50 points.

120mm Machine Gun:
Power: 2 per bullet.
Ammo: 99 rounds per clip.
Range: Medium.
Reserve Clips?: Yes.
Special Properties:
--Semi-Auto Fire: Fires rounds in clusters of 3, can fire up to the remaining clip size per action.
--Unclampable: Cannot be equipped to a Mobile Suit's Clamp.
Size: <Medium>
Cost: 70 points.

280mm Bazooka:
Power: 10 per round.
Ammo: 4 rounds per clip.
Range: Long.
Reserve Clips?: Yes.
Special Properties:
--Explosive Rounds: Rounds tear armor and cause splash damage.
--Heat-Seeker: Rounds curve somewhat as they fly, improving accuracy over great distances.
Size: <Large>
Cost: 70 points.

Power: 10 per spray.
Ammo: 8 rounds per clip.
Range: Short.
Reserve Clips?: Yes.
Special Properties:
--Concussion Spray: Powerful spray, at close enough range can tear through the armor of battleships.  Damage weakens significantly with range.
Size: <Small>
Cost: 60 points

175mm Mazella Top Cannon:
Power: 20 per round.
Ammo: 8 per clip.
Range: Long.
Reserve Clips?: Yes.
Special Properties:
--Heavy Kickback: Weapon requires both hands to use, cannot be fired while moving, and requires two actions to fire.
--Kneel Booster: This weapon's range becomes 30 squares while the firing unit is kneeling or prone.
--Armor Piercing: Shells pierce through armor, lowering its affect on final damage.
--Lob Shot: Shots fired can be lobbed over obstacles.
Size: <Large>
Cost: 120 points.

Quote from: Melee WeaponsHeat Hawk:
Power: 12 per slash.
Ammo: Infinite.
Range: Proximal.
Reserve Clips?: No.
Special Properties:
--Superheated Blade: Cuts through armor and shields, melting them.  Units that are hit and survive have far weaker armor in the affected areas.
Size: <Small>
Cost: 40 points.

Heat Sword:
Power: 16 per slash.
Ammo: Infinite.
Range: Proximal.
Reserve Clips?: No.
Special Properties:
--Superheated Blade: Cuts through armor and shields, melting them.  Units that are hit and survive have far weaker armor in the affected areas.
Size: <Medium>
Cost: 70 points.

Quote from: ShieldsKnuckle Shield:
HP: 12
Armor: 10
Power: 8 (If using the Spikes on the front offensively.)
Ammo: Infinite.
Range: Proximal. (For using the Spikes offensively.)
Reserve Clips?: No.
Special Properties:
--Concussion Spikes: Spikes can be used to crush and tear enemy armor with a powerful punch.
--Unclampable: Cannot be equipped to a Mobile Suit's Clamp.
Size: <Small>
Cost: 30 points.

Heavy Shield:
HP: 20
Armor: 15
Reserve Clips?: No.
Special Properties:
--Arm Mount: Mounts to a Mobile Suit's Right or Left Arm, over any existing Mounts, leaving the hand free to use.
--Unclampable: Cannot be equipped to a Mobile Suit's Clamp.
--Sword Holster: Can holster 1 Heat Sword inside it, handle extending out the bottom of the shield.
Size: <Large>
Cost: 90 points.

Quote from: Auxiliary WeaponsCracker Grenades:
Power: 8 per Cracker Grenade.
Ammo: 2.
Range: Medium.
Reserve Clips?: No.
Special Properties:
--Explosive Rounds: Rounds tear armor and cause splash damage.
--Micro Grenade: When this weapon explodes, it fires off four smaller grenades one square in each cardinal direction, with 4 Power each.
--Grab 'n Fire: Weapon is not "switched" to, but rather thrown from its clamp directly when needed, following the same rules as weapon reloading.
Size: <Small>
Cost: 30.

Sturm Faust (x2):
Power: 12 per Sturm Faust.
Ammo: 1 per Sturm Faust.
Range: Long.
Reserve Clips?: No.
Special Properties:
--Explosive Rounds: Rounds tear armor and cause splash damage.
--Heat-Seeker: Rounds curve somewhat as they fly, improving accuracy over great distances.
--Grab 'n Fire: Weapon is not "switched" to, but rather pulled and fired from its clamp directly when needed, following the same rules as weapon reloading.
Size: <Small>
Cost: 30 points.

----------Mounted Weapon/Equipment List----------

Quote from: Head-Mounted Equipment70mm Head Vulcan:
Mount Location: Head.
Power: 1 per bullet.
Ammo: 100 rounds per clip.
Range: Short.
Reserve Clips?: No.
Special Properties:
--Full-Auto Fire: Fires any number of rounds, can fire up to the remaining clip size per action.
--Head Mount: Is built into the unit's head.  Cannot be removed once equipped, except to equip a different item with "Head Mount" instead.
Cost: 30.

Quote from: Shoulder-Mounted EquipmentShoulder Shield:
Mount Location: Shoulder.
HP: 12.
Armor: 10.
Special Properties:
--Shoulder Mount: Mounts onto either shoulder of the Mobile Suit, replacing its current Shoulder Armor.  Shield faces outwards, coveing the unit's side by default.
Cost: 30.

Shoulder Spikes:
Mount Location: Shoulder.
Power: 8.
Special Properties:
--Shoulder Mount: Mounts onto either shoulder of the Mobile Suit, replacing its current Shoulder Armor.  Usable when ramming by turning the equipped shoulder to the enemy.
Cost: 10.

Quote from: Arm-Mounted EquipmentWorker Zaku Forearm Crane:
Build the hook and winch of the MS-06W Worker Zaku into the Mobile Suit's forearm.  Can be cast out and pulled in.  Effective range is 5 squares, but Close Combat Skill is always applied.
Mount Location: Arm.
Cost: 40 points.

Emergency Repair Forearm:
Replace the entire forearm of the Mobile Suit with a welding torch and system of metal plates designed for repairing other Mobile Suits. 5 uses per sortie, but cannot repair the same part on a Mobile Suit more than once per sortie.
Mount Location: Arm.
Cost: 30 points.

Quote from: Hip-Mounted Equipment
Folding 2-Tube Grenade Launcher (Smoke):
Mount Location: Either Left or Right Hip Clamp.
Power: N/A.
Ammo: 2 per clip.
Range: Medium.
Reserve Clips?: No.
Special Properties:
--Smoke: Explodes and releases vision-obscuring smoke instead of doing damage.
--Automatic Fire (Folding): Weapon does not need to be "switched" to and can be hip-fired at any time as long as it is unfolded.
Size: <Medium>
Cost: 30 points.

Quote from: Leg-Mounted EquipmentHigh-Mobility Leg Booster:
Modifies each leg with a high-mobility booster, increasing Booster Speed by 5 and Booster Dash Range by 1.
Mount Location: Bottom half of Right and Left Legs.
Cost: 80 points.

----------Weapon Upgrade List----------

Quote from: Auxiliary Weapon UpgradesSmoke Crackers:
Convert the Cracker Grenade into a powerful smoke grenade that breaks into smaller smoke grenades.  Duration is until the end of Battle Pane after the one it was used during.
Cost: 30 points.


Throwing my interest in. I'll update this when I'm less busy tonight/tomorrow.
  • Modding version: PSX
Check out my ASM thread. Who doesn't like hax?


Sounds good.  And we had 3 other people say they were interested on IRC, so if everyone whose interested joins, we'll hit the 5 we need to start.  Else, we'll need a couple people.

Sounds good either way, the couple days people take to get ready will give me time to hunt down the rest of the image resources I'm going to need and possibly even prepare the opening map sans player units.


May 11, 2011, 11:04:36 pm #6 Last Edit: June 08, 2011, 10:20:40 pm by VampragonLord
Name: Lyra Leylande [Combat Title: None.]
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Birth Place: Australia.

Appearance / Clothing: approx. height. 1.65 meters. see attached image.

History / Background: Born in Australia, Lyra was raised solely by her mother, never having met her father, only hearing he never amounted to much. Her mother died when Lyra was a teenager, shortly after which the calamity in Australia took place. She got fed up with how far Earth had fallen, and how it couldnt even protect their own people, and joined up with Zeon, hoping to bring an end to this conflict, or at least get some revenge on those who let this happen, realizing that, as long as one side of the war won, there'd be peace.

Combat Style: A mid to close range fighter, preferring to pepper her targets with explosives, aiming to thin out their defenses, then finishes them off with her heat hawk, if necessary, though generally opting to just let her friends clean up the scruff.

----------Mobile Suit Info----------

MS-05B Zaku I

HP: 35
Speed: 10
Armor: 10
Booster Speed: 20
Booster Jump Fuel: 2
Clamp Count: 3
Clamp Locations: 1 on the side of each hip, 1 under the booster pack.
Special Properties:

Built in Armaments:

Right Hand:
280mm Bazooka
Power: 10 per round.
Ammo: 4 rounds per clip.
Range: Long.
Reserve Clips?: Yes.
Special Properties:
--Explosive Rounds: Rounds tear armor and cause splash damage.
--Heat-Seeker: Rounds curve somewhat as they fly, improving accuracy over great distances.
Size: <Large>

Left Hand:
None - Doublehanding Equipped Weapon.

Right Hip Clamp:
Reserve Clip for 280mm Bazooka.

Left Hip Clamp:
Heat Hawk
Power: 12 per slash.
Ammo: Infinite.
Range: Proximal.
Reserve Clips?: No.
Special Properties:
--Superheated Blade: Cuts through armor and shields, melting them.  Units that are hit and survive have far weaker armor in the affected areas.
Size: <Small>

Back Hip Clamp:
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


May 12, 2011, 07:02:26 am #7 Last Edit: February 18, 2012, 06:05:05 pm by RavenOfRazgriz
Quote from: Table of Contents - Ctrl+F for name to find their Character SheetActive Pilots
Atrius Schliend
Lyra Leylande
May Greenfield
Buliwyf Herger
Rellia Lunar
Renae "Rin" Heathraid
Wesley Tress
Quentin Bouteillevoix
Linear Leylande

Benched Pilots
Seth "Setch" Harrow

Deceased or Traitored Pilots
Florance Vie Silette

----------Active Pilots----------

Quote from: Atrius Schliend----------Pilot Info----------

Name: Atrius Schliend [Combat Title: The Viper.]
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Birth Place: Taklamakan Desert, original birth place unknown.

Appearance / Clothing: He has darkened skin from a life in the desert, and straight, unruly brown hair grown out to the base of his neck.  He's commonly seen wearing a thick, tan trench coat, a faded green shirt, and a pair of semi-torn up brown jeans.

History / Background: He was a desert mercenary, living an almost tribal life after an ill-fated childhood.  He rarely talks outside of battle, so little is known about him beyond what they forced him to put on the paperwork to join.  Why an earthling like him has joined the Principality of Zeon against his own kind is unknown. After participating in several early space skirmishes against the E.F.S.F. before being reassigned to Earth, he shot down several enemy battleships using a unique pattern of Bazooka fire said to be like the jaws of a viper quickly closing on their prey.  This is what has earned him his combat title, "The Viper."   

Combat Style: A distance fighter, akin to a Sniper.  Specializes in Speed and Long Range.

Points: 160.

???????: No.

Close/Proximal Range Skill: 7
Medium Range Skill: 11
Long Range Skill: 21
Reflex Speed: 17

Combat Abilities:

Marksman II - Passive
Increases accuracy with Long Range and Medium Range weapons.

Crack Shot I - Active
Use 1 extra Action when firing a weapon to aim for weak spots and deal additional damage.  Increases Accuracy when used.

Lock-On I - Active
Use 1 extra Action when firing a non-Proximal weapon to focus on the target and greatly improve accuracy.

Counterbomber I - Passive
Activates automatically if attacked from Long Range.  Counters the attacking unit with an attack from one of the character's own active Long Range weapons, if possible, without consuming an action.  Can be intercepted.  Can only activate once per battle.

----------Mobile Suit Info----------

MS-06S Zaku II Commander Type [Atrius Schliend Use.]

HP: 40
Speed: 16 [15]
Armor: 13
Booster Speed: 27 [26]
Booster Dash Range: 4
Booster Jump Fuel: 2
Clamp Count: 3
Clamp Locations: 1 on the side of each hip, 1 under the booster pack.
--Thermal Sensors:
Detects heat sources (hidden enemies, weapon fire, etc.) within 3 squares of the Mobile Suit, ignoring Line of Sight. Effectiveness based on Weather and Location. If more than one sensor type is installed, only one can be active at a time.  Switching between Sensors can be done once-per-turn as a Free Action, and subsequently that turn as a full Action.

Mounted Items and Weapons:

Shoulder Shield:
Mount Location: Right Shoulder.
HP: 12.
Armor: 10.
Special Properties:
--Outward Facing: Shield faces outwards, covering the unit's side by default.

Shoulder Spikes:
Mount Location: Left Shoulder.
Power: 8.
Special Properties:
--Ramming Speed: Usable when ramming by turning the equipped shoulder to the enemy.

Right Hand:
120mm Automatic Rifle:
Power: 8 per round.
Ammo: 12 rounds per clip.
Range: Long.
Reserve Clips?: Yes.
Special Properties:
--Armor Piercing: Shells pierce through armor, lowering its affect on final damage.
Size: <Medium>

Left Hand:
None - Doublehanding 120mm Automatic Rifle.

Right Hip Clamp:
Reserve Clip for 120mm Automatic Rifle.

Left Hip Clamp:
Reserve Clip for 280mm Bazooka.

Back Hip Clamp:
280mm Bazooka:
Power: 10 per round.
Ammo: 4 rounds per clip.
Range: Long.
Reserve Clips?: Yes.
Special Properties:
--Explosive Rounds: Rounds tear armor and cause splash damage.
--Heat-Seeker: Rounds curve somewhat as they fly, improving accuracy over great distances.
Size: <Large>

Quote from: Lyra Leylande----------Pilot Info----------

Name: Lyra Leylande [Combat Title: None.]
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Birth Place: Australia.

Appearance / Clothing: approx. height. 1.65 meters. see attached image.

History / Background:


May 13, 2011, 09:35:30 am #8 Last Edit: June 08, 2011, 06:11:23 pm by Celdia
Name: May Greenfield
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Birthplace: Side 3

Appearance: May is a cheerful, full-figured young woman with fair skin, blue eyes and long hair that she dyes green with religious regularity. When not working with her Mobile Suit she dresses down in comfortable, casual clothes of black, grey and green - but she is just as commonly seen in her form-fitting grey and black Pilot Suit which gets her more than enough examining looks to feed her vanity. She goes out of her way to paint a green smiley face on her Mobile Suit before a sortie.

Background: Born and raised on Side 3, May is the daughter of a mid-ranking engineer who eventually became employed by Zeonic, the manufacturers of Zeon's Mobile Suits. Her mother died when she was very young and May was raised solely by her father. While most children were raised on fairy-tales and similar bedtime stories, May grew up being read sections of of engineering manuals and space navigation theory books. Where normal girls played with princess dolls, May played with small engine models and pieces of machinery. Unsurprisingly, she was easily the equal of any of her peers in both her physical sciences and math classes in school, though occasionally lacking in languages. After she graduated, May knew she wanted to work as closely with her father as she could and continued to study in space engineering and general astronautics. When war finally broke out between Zeon and the Earth Federation, May finally felt she had found her calling in the world: to fight for her home using the weapons and machines her father had helped develop and which she had been studying for so long. Following the best example of her father's work and his specialization in heavy arms design, she now pilots the green Zaku II Mobile Suit designated "Merrygate". She fights to protect her home from the oppressive clutches of the Earth Federation and also to show the galaxy what her father's weapons are capable of.

Personality: Cheerful, often motherly, very protective of her friends and absolutely ruthless towards those that hurt her loved ones. She easily treats new friends like close family and can be quite selfless for their benefit. She suffers mainly from a vanity of her physical beauty and has an almost obsessive fondness for sweets that makes her waste extra hours in the gym daily. May can also frequently be stubborn when she believes she is right and never backs down from a challenge.

Combat Style: Long range heavy weapons. Her Mobile Suit is outfitted for both giving and receiving heavy damage. She prefers to stay near the back lines and give supporting fire while also drawing the heaviest fire from the enemy since her Suit can take the punishment. If absolutely necessary she won't hesitate to move into close range and just pound the enemy into scrap metal.

----------Mobile Suit Info----------

MS-06C Zaku II Early Production Type (180p)

Right Hand: 280mm Bazooka (70p)
Left Hand: Knuckle Shield (30p)
--Right Hip Clamp: 280mm Bazooka Reserve Clip (10p)
--Left Hip Clamp: 280mm Bazooka Reserve Clip (10p)
--Back Hip Clamp: Empty (for holding Bazooka)

  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Woooot, we has a Celdia, who apparently does not only RP halfway.  Who knew mechs attracted so many chicks?  Added May Greenfield to the character sheets.  Just 3 more to begin!  This is looking to be a fun run.

Also, for those wondering what program VampragonLord used to get her character image there, you can find a couple different versions here and here.  Bit girly, but you can't knock what works and what's free.


May 14, 2011, 04:11:19 pm #10 Last Edit: May 16, 2011, 04:15:52 pm by NinjaWeazel
-Name: Buliwyf Herger
-Gender: Male
-Age: 62
-Birth Place: Side 6
-Appearance / Clothing: Casual shirts, battered and faded jeans, and heavy work boots when he's off-duty.  Grease-spotted reinforced pilot suit with pressure seals when he's working.
-History / Background: The quintessential interplanetary blue-collar worker.  Formerly an industrial megafisherman by trade, Herger was recruited by Zeon for his familiarity with giant robot operation and maintenance.  He's got no real vested stake in one army winning over the other, and he is moderately disgusted with both sides for some of their more unsavory tactics.  But Zeon is the ones paying his bills right now, so they get his expertise.
-Combat Style: Thanks to his previous profession, Herger has no problem getting into close combat and wrestling things into submission that are six, seven times his size.  Very much a short/proximal specialist, he tends to grapple and wear down his targets through punishing counterstrikes and superior endurance.

----------Mobile Suit Info----------

MS-06C Zaku II Early Production Type

Cost: 180 points.

HP: 40
Speed: 12
Armor: 12
Booster Speed: 25
Booster Jump Fuel: 2
Clamp Count: 3
Clamp Locations: 1 on the side of each hip, 1 under the booster pack.
Special Properties:
--Shield Right: Right Shoulder Armor can be used as a Shield. (HP: 12. Armor: 10.)
--Spike Left: Left Shoulder Armor can be used as a spiked ramming instrument against enemy Mobile Suits. (Power: 8.)

Built in Armaments:

Right Hand: Can Equip Weapon.
Left Hand: Can Equip Weapon.
Clamp Limits:
--Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for Shotgun
--Left Hip Clamp: Shotgun
* Power: 10 per spray.
* Ammo: 8 rounds per clip.
* Range: Short.
* Reserve Clips?: Yes.
* Special Properties: Concussion Spray: Powerful spray, at close enough range can tear through the armor of battleships.  Damage weakens significantly with range.
--Back Hip Clamp: Skinning Blade (Heat Hawk)
* Power: 12 per slash.
* Ammo: Infinite.
* Range: Proximal.
* Special Properties: Superheated Blade: Cuts through armor and shields, melting them.  Units that are hit and survive have far weaker armor in the affected areas.
total: 290 points


I'll join. Making my sheet right this moment.


May 14, 2011, 06:38:36 pm #12 Last Edit: May 14, 2011, 06:54:22 pm by RavenOfRazgriz
Looks like we're up to 4 (MysticKnightFF5 PM'd me hers), and I know Starwaker's working on one as we speak.  We should be good to go soon, once he posts up his profile and Weazel finishes his WIP.  

For anyone wondering, our current unit spread is 2 Long Range, 1 Medium Range, and 2 Close Range units.  (I believe Starwaker was going to be Medium Range tentatively, as well, so if that holds true, we have a perfect 2-2-2 spread.)


May 14, 2011, 09:18:17 pm #13 Last Edit: February 14, 2012, 10:01:25 pm by st4rw4k3r

-Name: Florence Vie Silette; Doctor Silette; Commonly Called Vie, or Flo
-Gender: Female
-Age: 23
-Blood Type: AB-
-Birth Place: Paris, France

-Appearance / Clothing:
   Medium Red Hair; Blue Eyes; 160cm
   Long white robes; Black Shirt; Medium Black Skirt; Black Tights (See Pic)

   Talkitive; Very Caring; Patient; Clingy; Hyper; Flirty; Liar;
   She speaks in a mix of English and French.
   Vie was born in Paris, her parents were, father; a Chief, and mother; a librarian. She spent her early childhood there, learning to speak, walk, and such. At the age of 2, her parents died from a mysterious sickness, which influenced her to become a doctor. She moved to Montrael, where she grew up for the rest of her life with her best friend Chloe.

   While Vie was off getting her second Doctorate, Chloe left to join the war, without word to Vie. Vie came back to her home, to learn from others Chloe left. Vie didn't know which side Chloe left to, and joined Zeon in hopes of finding Chloe.

-Combat Style:
   Runs around frantically healing and keeping allies in check. Outside of that she picks an allies and protects them.

-Name: Henry Von Eliono Travasky 3rd - Hen for Short
-Gender: Female
-Age: 24
-Blood Type: 0-
-Birth Place: Somewhre in Norway

-Appearance / Clothing:
    Black Hair; Green Eyes
   Wears Red and Yellow Flowery Kimono

    Hen's mom gave birth to her somewhere in Norway, it was a funny story actually, her mom met a random ruggedly handsome ice fisherman who she fell quite a liking to. She met him everyday she could on the winter season that he was there. One day, the man became "mildly" intoxicated and plucked the ladies flower. He never returned to the ice hole since, and Henry was born from that incident. At which point her mom decided to become a man to bury the pain of her loss along with her previous self. Her mom sent her away to live with a pro-Zeon uncle, who moved to Zeon camps with Henry. Hen's mom never named her, so Hen took it upon herself to name herself, Henry Von Eliono Travasky 3rd. Hen's ungle didn't care what she did and let her do what ever, and man did Hen have a nag for drinking.
   Henry rarely hears from her now-father these days because Henry is an extension of his pained and buried past.

           As soon as the war started, Henry jumped up and left straight for Zeon, she is currently a member of Sieg's Snap Dragon Team.

-Combat Style:
   Hen tends to favour using close combat tactics, and uses what ever she can, when ever.
   As for a gun, she favours the shotgun.

The Dragon and Horns is all in her imagination

   Body: MS-06C Zaku II - 180c
      Increased Plating I - 40c
      Thermal Cloak - 30c
      Shotgun - 60c
      Heat Sword - 70c
      Heat Sword - 70c
      Heavy Shield - 90c
      Heavy Shield - 90c
   Clamp Left:
      Shotgun Ammo - 8c
   Clamp Right
   Back Clamp:
   Left Arm:
      Heavy Shield:
         Heat Sword
   Right Arm:
      Heavy Shield:
         Heat Sword

Thank you Celdia for both of the pictures!


May 15, 2011, 03:35:28 pm #14 Last Edit: May 15, 2011, 03:36:35 pm by MysticKnightFF5
-Name: Rellia
-Surname: Unknown (Adopted the surname "Lunar")
-Gender: Female
-Age: 28
-Birth Place: Earth

-Appearance / Clothing: White hair and red eyes makes her seem slightly...scary, though she tries not to be. She tends to not tell people what she's doing or where she's going, making her best when not working on a team, though that doesn't mean Zeon necessarily cares how she works best.

-History / Background: A child born on Earth, her father one of the scientists working on the refining of Lunar Titanium, and her mother a daycare worker. She never really liked her mother. For whatever reason, she had a profound interest in science, and more specifically, the science of killing people.
When the Earth Federation heard rumors of the project being leaked from her father's division (only one of many working on the project), they killed her father through assassination, and imprisoned her mother for life. As for the little girl, she was interrogated and checked against lie detector tests time and again to see what she knew, then put her in an orphanage.
That was around the time she decided to be an assassin.

-Combat Style: A short ranged fighter based on assassination and outmaneuvering / fooling her enemies.

MS-05B Zaku I

Cost: 130 points.

HP: 35
Speed: 10
Armor: 10
Booster Speed: 20
Booster Jump Fuel: 2
Clamp Count: 3
Clamp Locations: 1 on the side of each hip, 1 under the booster pack.
Special Properties:


Built in Armaments:

Right Hand: Heat Hawk - Cost 40 Points
Left Hand: None - Doublehanding Heat Hawk
Clamp Equipment:
--Right Hip Clamp: None.
--Left Hip Clamp: None.
--Back Hip Clamp: None.

Total Cost: 170 Points.

Rellia's Picture


Alright.  I'm closing joining now because we have enough players.  NinjaWeazel just needs to finish his WIP profile and FDC needs to get to posting his character.  (He's asked me to reserve him a spot.)  Gonna get all the Character Sheets I can (at least MysticKnightFF5 and st4rw4k3r, hopefully NinjaWeazel and formerdeathcorps if they get theirs done and posted/sent to me) done tonight, and we should be ready to play within the next couple days tops.



Lets see, seeing hes letting me play a lesbian Doctor, and advised some three ways to happen, I'd say; Do what you want. Max rating.


May 15, 2011, 09:44:23 pm #18 Last Edit: May 15, 2011, 09:50:03 pm by RavenOfRazgriz
Quote from: MysticKnightFF5 on May 15, 2011, 09:26:06 pm
Yay! By the way, what's the rp parental rating? :3

Um, as far as you guys want to take it, honestly.  I'm pretty not-bothered.  As long as you're not like explicitly cybering in the off-mission sections or otherwise doing things that are so bad you might get the thread locked (lol), I don't really care.  I don't feel a need to arbitrarily impose something like that, let things flow naturally.

Edit: Basically PG-13ish, I guess.  Adult Language, Violence, Suggestive Themes type of deal.  Just don't get yourself banned, don't get the topic locked, etc., and have a good time.

Quote from: st4rw4k3r on May 15, 2011, 09:39:55 pm
Lets see, seeing hes letting me play a lesbian Doctor, and advised some three ways to happen, I'd say; Do what you want. Max rating.

Oh lord.
