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Patch Ideas Proposal Thread

Started by RavenOfRazgriz, September 17, 2012, 06:12:58 pm


  • Modding version: PSX
* Angel should quit being a lazy bitch
<@Elric> I agree to that as well

nyanyame nyanyajuu nyanyado no nyarabide nyakunyaku inyanyaku nyanyahan nyanyadai nyannyaku nyarabete nyaganyagame
At the end of the day, are we not all trapped inside lemons?


I would like to use the extra event slots from the setup events to add a choice to each event. Attack from north/south or east/west with different battles from each. Mini-bosses and HQ gear spread within the choices.

A Blood Red Fox

One thing I think would be interesting (but I'm not planning on doing since I already have my own project I'm working on) would be an alternate history where you play as somebody in the Death Corps and manage to turn the tide, and in the end the Death Corps win and you depose the nobility. I've always thought it'd be neat to see what would happen if the Death Corps won.


My patch is kind of like that, but sadly, Matsuno's Chapter I is fairly watertight.  You definitely need an alternate history and maybe a few character replacements to make it happen.

If anyone's interested, I can PM you all the details.
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


I feel like this thread is mostly a pie in the sky/ have fun discussing ideas kind of thread.  In that spirit, I had an idea that I thought would be awesome as a community style mod (pie in the sky, I know).

I think it would be cool to split the story lines tactics ogrish style by leading a first chapter into 3 different paths.  We already have 4 chapter break down that could easily lend itself to 3 short stories.  Effectively, have 1 shared chapter with some decision that leads to a singular chapter length finale. 

As a hypothetical- Imagine that the 1st chapter is similar to how it is now, but at the breaking point your decision launches you into either chapters 2/3/4.  Chapter 2 continues with the chapter 1 Ramza tale, but 3 might switch you into a Delita journey, and 4 a Weigraff episode. 

The sprite changing mechanic is easily right there.  And everything would have to be rebalanced to Chapter 2ish levels.  What I really like about this idea is that story mods are rarely completed and mountains of people's hard work have gone to waste.  3 smaller episodes both seem more manageable and likely to keep morale high for those working on it.  Taking a quick look at both the archived and ongoing projects it's easy to see that a chapters worth of changes have been accomplish on several occasions.  Even one chapter is a lot of work, but getting a team of people focused on a single chapter could produce great results.

There is probably some mechanic issues that escape me here, but I figured for random down the road wishful thinking- it was worth putting out here.
  • Modding version: PSX


Would anyone be interested on a Shin Megami Tense/Devil Survivor/Persona patch? I would be the first to download it :3


Instead of posting my idea, I decided to make a small video about it

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


  • Modding version: PSX
Nyzer: Alma teleports out of her own possessed body.
Raijinili: Remember that you're telling a modding community that the game they love could use some fixing.


Dome, I like the idea, but it would take forever if monsters only did 1 damage to the shaman.  Maybe it would work better if it was 25% normal damage?

CONMAN, check your PMs.
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


Quote from: formerdeathcorps on May 03, 2014, 11:46:45 am
Dome, I like the idea, but it would take forever if monsters only did 1 damage to the shaman.  Maybe it would work better if it was 25% normal damage?

I'd assume Shaman's would have an HP range of about 3-10 :P
  • Modding version: PSX
Nyzer: Alma teleports out of her own possessed body.
Raijinili: Remember that you're telling a modding community that the game they love could use some fixing.


In the video shamans have like...5 hp xD
But it's just an idea, so everyone is free to tweak it the way they want

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"



Registered specifically for this purpose, but will likely be active in the forums, now that I've discovered them, because FFT has been my favorite game since it came out.

I apologize if someone has posted about this previously, but here is my proposal idea that I am willing to do any grunt work on. (I'm just an analyst who knows excel, macros, some SQL, and some Java, so I would do what little I would be able to do)

I want to introduce the joys of FFT to my wife, but she is against any story-game that will absorb her whole life.

I was hoping for the ability to have a game that is two-player, player-controlled, dynamic, and customizable. 

Elaboration:  I want to be able to just have battles over and over again between two players(allowing time between battles to arrange team in 'Formation') while still gaining EXP and JP to upgrade the characters between battles. 

The customizable portion that I thought of would be the most difficult of all the things I spoke of.  I would like the ability through an outside editor or some sort of program to change job names and abilities.  The sprites and animations and such wouldn't be important at all, as the feel of the game would be the important part.  My wife and I are both big fans of the author Brandon Sanderson and I have ideas for custom jobs based on some of his books.  I was hoping to find something already completed similar to this, but to no avail.  I only just recently discovered FFT Arena tonight. 

Been playing FFT since it came out and have barely stopped despite the low difficulty level.

2-Player FFT Game, no story, progressive characters as usual, customizable jobs and abilities.


If you're looking for co-op, it would be easier to just decide which units you control before battle, and pass the controller where appropriate. If it's PVP, controlling all units wouldn't be difficult (I made that hack before this site existed), but would still involve passing the controller where appropriate.

As far as custom jobs go, you can easily make any job a reality in FFTPatcher with patience (and possibly some effects editing, which tutorials exist for.

What you may truly be after is Arena, but player controlled. Which may be easily doable - I don't know; I never touch Arena.

For all other things, there are a plethora of tutorials. My best advice: don't be intimidated. There's a lot that's been discovered, many tools authored, and pretty much anything is possible. Just don't let modding the game take you away from your wife. :)
  • Modding version: PSX
* Angel should quit being a lazy bitch
<@Elric> I agree to that as well

nyanyame nyanyajuu nyanyado no nyarabide nyakunyaku inyanyaku nyanyahan nyanyadai nyannyaku nyarabete nyaganyagame
At the end of the day, are we not all trapped inside lemons?

A Blood Red Fox

I'm busy working on other projects at the moment... but I what I think is a great idea for a patch. I'm not joking when I say that it came to me in a dream.

Take FFT beyond the Middle Ages and into the age of gunpowder.

Jobs might include Skirmisher\Sharpshooter, Musketeer\Line Infantry, Pikeman, Cavalier\Cuirassier, etc.

There would be two main classes of gun.

1. Muskets

Muskets are powerful, but have a chance of outright missing that increases with range. Muskets have a normal rate of fire.


Rifles have a much better chance of hitting, but cannot be fired in the normal way. Instead it is by way of a aim\charge-like ability. The longer the it is aimed, the more likely it will hit and the more damage it will do. This charging would simulate the much lower rate of fire of rifles prior the latter half of the 19th century. (Trying to push a musket ball down a barrel with rifling in it is very difficult.) If you attack normally with a rifle, without the aim\charge, you'll instead do a melee attack - using your rifle as a club.

All those enemy archers may instead be skirmishers\sharpshooters\light infantry sniping at you with rifles.

There would also be re-spriting involved. The soldiers would need appropriate uniforms and armor.


I'd like to see something based on dissidia 012, but not following it strictly.

Like, having all the dissidia heroes available and perhaps more as the cameo in-game tutors, the generic enemies re-sprited to be manequins based on the heroes, running through the villains in chronological order, but not only that, having a world map and everything so we can grind and build the characters, each character having unique skills based on their hp attacks and a few bravery attacks. IDK if would be possible to include the bravery system, ex modes or the summon stones but not a problem, i'd say. Perhaps the first chapter shows as if Cosmos heroes (the protagonists) were on a mission to slay every Chaos villain (and Chaos/Feral Chaos) to protect Cosmos and another chapter as if Chaos villains were  the protagonists on a rampage to kill every Cosmos hero to finally kill Cosmos itself.

Oh and mog as a shopkeeper would be neat, like in dissidia, they sell summonstones and accessories in the story mode, but in here they would sell everything i'd say.
"    One of these days I'll fly an airship of my own. I'll be a sky pirate, free to go where I will.    ,,
   ~ Vaan


November 14, 2014, 12:09:36 pm #55 Last Edit: November 15, 2014, 10:38:07 am by Boco
I'm posting some ideas that others could pick up on in their own projects.

Does anyone else get annoyed that the Round Shield isn't round? Or that the Gold Helmet has 10 HP less than the Gold Armor (same for Bronze Helmet and Armor)? Or that the Platinum Shield, Helmet, and Armor are all different color metals? Why is there an Iron Helmet and no Iron Armor or Shield?

Also, why is a Sorcerer's skillset named All Magic when it could be named Sorcery instead? Similarly, the Geomancer's Elemental could be renamed Geomancy. Some other ideas include renaming Wiegraf's White Knight class to Paladin, renaming Divine Knight to Templar, renaming Temple Knight to Spellsword, etc. There are too many A-Knight, B-Knight, C-Knight classes, and it makes things confusing, especially when you throw in Heaven and Hell Knights (which are actually mages).


Has anyone ever attempted to recreate Final Fantasy Tactics Advance in Final Fantasy Tactics? That would be awesome imo.. Imma try doing that in the summer but Id like to know if thats hard for a beginner to do.. Id like to know your opinion guys..

The Damned

December 23, 2014, 03:28:10 am #57 Last Edit: December 26, 2014, 07:38:17 pm by The Damned
Quote from: Marche on December 22, 2014, 09:14:10 am
Has anyone ever attempted to recreate Final Fantasy Tactics Advance in Final Fantasy Tactics? That would be awesome imo.. Imma try doing that in the summer but Id like to know if thats hard for a beginner to do.. Id like to know your opinion guys..

I'm sure people have attempted to recreate it, but no one has finished a patch based on it as evidenced by you having to ask this question. It's something I've considered myself even though I don't really like FFT:A, so at most I've just been using elements from it when it's seemed beneficial to do so.

As far as ease or difficulty, it depends on what you mean when you say "recreate". Do you mean that you want to recreate the most easily transferable elements of FFT:A, such as classes, into Final Fantasy Tactics? Or do you want to try to literally recreate Final Fantasy Tactics: Advance wholesale, reducing Final Fantasy Tactics itself to effectively a port-like skin on PSX (or PSP)?

The former would be relatively easy, as class-based patches most always are, search for balance aside. The latter, however, would be immensely difficult and have a number of outright impossible or nigh-impossible elements. As it is, even the easiest option of "just" a class patch has a number of impossible elements already, such as not being able to implement learning from weapons (or equipment in general), at least if you want units to be able to use more than one-to-three abilities regardless of how many they learn.

As such, I'll assume that you mean "recreate" as in FFT:A classes, equipment & monsters and not "recreate" as in situations, locations, card/judge or race or Totema mechanics & wholesale plot, even if you may reference the latter in any changes you make while doing the former:

Statuses: This is the easiest thing to replicate because I'm pretty sure FFT:A has less statuses than FFT anyway and the only status that FFT:A has that FFT vanilla didn't/doesn't is Astra, which is easy enough to replicate using one of the three unused status spaces; you'll probably want to use Wall. The only things you can't really recreate are the exact(ing), temporary effects of Beastmaster's Control, which are why Beastmaster is effectively impossible to recreate and I suppose Green Mage's Leap, Tranq and Spellbound effects if we're including FFT:A2 as well. Aside from that, the most difficult thing about this is the fact that the Resistance stat doesn't exist in FFT unfortunately, so status susceptibility is either an all or nothing affair rather than capable of having levels of resistance.

Equipment: This is doubtless the second easiest thing to replicate since, learning abilities from weapons aside, FFT:A's weapons and equipment are hardly that special (or balanced). Granted, you can't replicate their stats exactly since the Defense and aforementioned Resistance stats don't exist in FFT, but otherwise, aside from that, these should be fine. I'm not sure you'd have room for all of FFT:A's equipment though, at least among weapons, and there may be some sprite issues if you change weapon types in spots from their original designation in vanilla, though IIRC that's relatively easily fixed. Finally, there aren't sprites currently for Knuckles and Souls (and Hand-cannons and Cards) and, technically, Rapiers, Sabers, Blades, Greatswords & Greatbows, though those technicalities are all relatively easily worked around save for maybe Rapier; I guess could technically use Bombs/Balls' sprite for Souls, but those are Throwing Weapons, so.... Also, you're "stuck" with only Harps for Instruments and while Hammer sprites do exist, they're nonnative to vanilla, so you'd have to import those in over something else, like say Cloths or Bags.

Classes: Nonexistence of sprites for Viera, Bangaa or even Moogles aside and existence of only Humans in FFT's plot of the five races & inability to restrict classes by anything other than sex/"gender" currently anyway, these should mostly be maybe moderately difficult at best to recreate. You can't recreate Beastmaster or Morpher at all though and certain abilities within classes that might otherwise be easily replicated would either need to be changed or just can't be translated. For instance, Archer's "Boost" skill can't be made a temporary boost and Paladin's "Cover" just simply can't be made, at least as it is in FFT:A. Additionally, any ability that used or affected FFT:A's type of JP such as Bishop's "Judge", Hunter's "Hunting" and Thief's "Steal: JP" can't be made either and would be complete useless anyway; similarly, none of the Combo abilities can be recreated at all--same with the Totema summons, not that I should need to say that.

On top of that, there's the not insignificant issue that Ninja can't have Throw if it has Veils and vice versa and that Alchemist can't have Item if it has its spells and vice versa. Similarly, Dragoon would have to be given a pseudo-Jump rather than the "real" Jump if you wanted it to have other, non-Jump abilities unfortunately; its T-shaped breath would be a problem, but Dokurider was trying to make some unique targeting a while ago and that may be done by time next summer rolls around if you're waiting that long. Finally, you'd be restricted to "only" 16 spells for Blue Mage rather than the 20 or so that FFT:A's Blue Mage has access to in its Blue Magic; personally I think it would be easiest to cut out "L3 Def Less", "Matra Magic", "L? Shadow Flare" and two other spells since level-specific formulas and the formula for the overpowered Matra Magic don't exist currently anyway.

Monster: Here there's less a problem of replicating abilities and more a problem of there still being a lack of a decent amount of FFT-style sprites for monsters specific to the FFT:A series. This on top of not really being able to just "ask" people for them unlike perhaps formula since sprites are really difficult, time-consuming work; not that coding isn't, but formula changing for the most part is usually quite easy, relatively speaking.

To give you an idea of things, Flans were only relatively recently made in the past year or so. Meanwhile, Zombies, Vampires, Sprites/Faeries and Antlions still don't exist, to say nothing of Dreamhares, Nightshades, Dullahans and whatever other monsters were unique to FFT:A2. However, Lamia and Tortoise sprites for patches do exist and besides the aforementioned four, every other monster in FFT:A1 already existed in FFT IIRC excepting Flan, which I already said has a sprite for it now. Of course, there are of course marked differences in way some of these sprites look, such as Panthers or Flying Eyes, but you take what you can get it at times.

What you do, whether with the above or otherwise, is completely up to you though. Regardless, good luck if you actually want to do such a thing. It shouldn't be too difficult, even for a beginner, given most of that stuff can be handled in FFTPatcher as far as purely numerical changes go. Making sure it's all balanced, especially compared to the rather challenge-less game that FFT:A was, would/will be considerably more difficult though.

Summoner EDIT: Besides fixing the way too many typos in this post, it also occurred to me that if we're talking about current sprite limitations, then you should know as far as the non-Totema summons for FFT:A go that Summoner has, only Ifrit, Ramuh, Shiva and Carbuncle exist. Nothing exists for Unicorn, Kirin, Phoenix or Madeen currently, though I know Valkrist was working on some alternate summon sprites, so he may yet get around to them. Shrug. At least you could also probably easily get away with using Salamander's animation for Phoenix.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


March 28, 2015, 08:44:20 am #58 Last Edit: December 07, 2015, 04:14:20 pm by Zolias
-Deletion Requested due to reposting-


March 28, 2015, 09:08:45 pm #59 Last Edit: March 28, 2015, 09:41:57 pm by Jumza
This all sounds very possible with FFTPatcher work + a few existing ASM hacks (Like roster size increase). The FFTPatcher is extremely user-friendly, I bet you wouldn't have much trouble getting this going.
EDIT: Except increasing JP gains and adding noses :P Can't do that with FFTP (unless you give everyone JP up, or move JP up, but that won't fix noses haha)
  • Modding version: PSX
Nyzer: Alma teleports out of her own possessed body.
Raijinili: Remember that you're telling a modding community that the game they love could use some fixing.