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Arena battle videos and discussion

Started by PX_Timefordeath, August 04, 2010, 06:49:51 pm


December 07, 2014, 02:32:48 pm #3661 Last Edit: December 07, 2014, 02:59:23 pm by Shintroy
Ninja vs Innocent
Odd match up due to the ninja set ups. Doesn't look like anyone on Reinoe's team uses Ninjitsu so I bet on The Damned. I'm a fan of this atheist team for a reason too. Actually got the idea for Smite from this team so I can't not dislike it.

Round 1 - So the already low ma support ninja gets affected by innocent and chose not to even try to raise leaving the itembot ninja to phoenix down loop? On top of that, there were no weapon break procs. I think Move-HP Up shouldve gone to the units without self healing or regeneration. Maybe try out a draw out support ninja build for haste, Murasame and Kiyomori. If Murasame is affected by overwhelm that is. Could drop a snipe ninja for a female draw out ninja. Abandon sounds like a good reaction too.

Round 2 - Weapon break lands for the win. Still pretty close due to the lack of recovery though. Did not know breaks worked like that with dual wield.

Round 3 - See round 1

Stop and Reflect vs Team that always sticks together.
Haven't seen the joop troop team before, and its not wise to bet against a red cloak wearing alchemist so I'm putting it all on balance.

Round 1 - Started off with a charm and Joop getting a strong lead early. High stop % vs single unit, single turn wasting petrify from the oracle turned this around quickly. The oracle never got in range to effect important units. Plus Barren's team had an answer for petrify on 3+ units making her turns insignificant.

Round 2 - Pretty free. Stop vs high faith units. Monk seems to have best compat with Joop too. Not much to comment on here.

Didn't think this would go so badly. Haste and Slow 2 plus stop and some sick reflect play were too much for Doku here. GG. I think AI prioritize petrify over all other spells. Not a great status on its own. Maybe paired with slow/haste.

Good stuff Truelight. What track was playing  in the beginning of Barren vs Dokurider?
Some day my people will be free.


Quote from: Shintroy on December 07, 2014, 02:32:48 pm
Good stuff Truelight. What track was playing  in the beginning of Barren vs Dokurider?

Resonance of Fate - Battle to Pay the Debt
  • Modding version: PSX


I thought round 1 was going to be yours initially after that charm but thanks to my team's high speed and recovery power I was able to pull through. Plus my paladin did a very good job keeping everyone in check as did my time mage. Round 2 was pretty much all mine from the beginning with charm tactics of my own. GG dokurider, that was a good match
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


Apologies for not being around lately to record matches...somehow my brand new laptop took a crap on me so I have to take it in to see what the issue is...I did all I could do to fix it on my end and nothing worked.

Anyway, because of this, I will not be able to record for a bit...I will when I can! Meanwhile, I'll try to bring back a couple 1.38 teams that I haven't gotten around to revamping for the new patch yet.

BTW CT5Holy, are you making a 1.39 team any time soon? I love your team making videos!
You've stepped in puddles less shallow than me.


Hopefully once winter break starts... Spare time and energy has been spent hanging out with friends and Card Hunter, hence my low activity here =x

but yes I have at least one idea for a team! part of me thinks that wanting to record everything is also a slight demotivator cause it means I can't work on a team at like 2 am when I have trouble falling asleep hahaha
Winner of the 1st FFT 1.3 AI Tourney

The Damned

(Sigh. I of course forgot to edit that Mime thing. I should do that tonight before I forget again.)

I'd try recording things again, but this laptop either can't run PSX that well or my setting for PSX are wrong again. Possibly both.

Anyway, thanks TrueLight.

Despite getting curbstomped by formerdeathcorps in the match just before this, I can't help feel bad at how much he screwed over here. Between having horrible luck both with and against status and being (heavily) disadvantaged on both matches, it's not surprising this turned out as poorly as it did. Rather it's surprising it took as long as it did, though Shintroy's Archer was weirdly resistant to wanting to use Teleport as much as he could have, especially on the first map.

Other than that, it's nice to see someone finally abuse Teleport on the latter map and I have to wonder to if this match breaks the record for number of times Don't Act occurred in match.

Ugh. I facepalmed so much during this match even though I somehow managed to win given my team decided to act like complete morons in almost every possible instance.

Let's charge ahead when we can't do anything. Let's use Steal Accessory or Steal Heart when we should attack and vice versa. Let's resurrect the unit that's currently at 2 and ignore that one that's 0 that might allow us to still win this round. Let's move back and miss a -ton when we could have just used Repeating Fist for fatal damage and used our double turn better.

Sigh. Literally the only smart thing my team did was that fatal Reflected Suiton onto the female Ninja a.k.a the only unit on reinoe's team that can tell apart in the third round. I honestly bet that the only reason I won, besides getting somewhat lucky with all of the knife procs, was because none of reinoe's all-Ninja team actually had Ninjutsu.

This team really needs another damage dealing unit to take advantage of Innocent, but I still want it to fight a mage team before I potentially change it; it really should have been the team of mine to fight fdc's Faith team even if I would have likely still lost. At this point, I'm likely to just retire it anyway after since one of Otabo's team does what this team wants to do better.

This was so one-sided that I again have to wonder why Stop was buffed as much as it was. That's really all I can say about this match unfortunately.

I forgot to mention how HP Restore apparently continues to loathe me. I really need to stop wasting JP on that reaction.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


I have a few new teams to throw around.

Anyone up for a match or two?
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Reks#0128


I can resume matches again after this weekend
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


Came by to ask if its Attack UP or Magic Attack UP that boosts spellbreaker damage?

I'm always up for matches Reks. Any team is fine except for Pen and Sword unless its magic attack up that boosts spellbreaker damage. What's your YouTube by the by? I don't believe I'm subscribed to you yet.

Looking forward to it Barren.
Do you do competitive Pokemon battles? I unsubscribed to all of my channels since Mega evolutions killed the meta somewhat. Are Megas still OP?
Some day my people will be free.


Quote from: Shintroy on December 11, 2014, 07:21:28 am
Came by to ask if its Attack UP or Magic Attack UP that boosts spellbreaker damage?

I haven't done any tests, but I believe damage is boosted by Attack UP.
  • Modding version: PSX


December 11, 2014, 03:42:45 pm #3671 Last Edit: December 11, 2014, 03:48:15 pm by Barren
Quote from: Shintroy on December 11, 2014, 07:21:28 am
Looking forward to it Barren.
Do you do competitive Pokemon battles? I unsubscribed to all of my channels since Mega evolutions killed the meta somewhat. Are Megas still OP?

Yes I do competitive battling. I don't have a competitive team just yet but I am working on it. As far as Megas, it depends on your perspective but I can give you a few examples or megas that are OU. Mega Salamence gets Aerialite which means all normal type moves become flying type moves and get a 30% damage boost. So you can give Mega Salamence Return or Facade (pending on what you're going for) and can inflict a lot of damage. Smogon banned it for OP but honestly to me you just have to type match correctly and be sure you can either out speed your opponent and land the KO or survive one hit first to then land a KO if you hit hard enough.

Then there's Mega Metagross which gets Tough Claws and can do 30% more physical damage. An awesome fairy slayer too because Fairy types are weak to Steel Types.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


Quote from: TrueLight on December 11, 2014, 02:56:37 pm
I haven't done any tests, but I believe damage is boosted by Attack UP.

Ah okay. I'll keep it as is until I know for sure.
After looking at an arena match of A Bard with 14 MA, and Attack UP, I saw units taking normal (14x16)x1.1 damage instead of x 1.43 from having attack up. Didn't see a past vid with spellbreaker and MA UP so I'll keep it as is since I think MA UP boosts the damage.

Quote from: Barren on December 11, 2014, 03:42:45 pm
Yes I do competitive battling. I don't have a competitive team just yet but I am working on it. As far as Megas, it depends on your perspective but I can give you a few examples or megas that are OU. Mega Salamence gets Aerialite which means all normal type moves become flying type moves and get a 30% damage boost. So you can give Mega Salamence Return or Facade (pending on what you're going for) and can inflict a lot of damage. Smogon banned it for OP but honestly to me you just have to type match correctly and be sure you can either out speed your opponent and land the KO or survive one hit first to then land a KO if you hit hard enough.

Then there's Mega Metagross which gets Tough Claws and can do 30% more physical damage. An awesome fairy slayer too because Fairy types are weak to Steel Types.

Shieeet. Sounds like I gotta catch up on the meta then. Sounds like its settled in enough to watch. Didn't last a week trying to watch x and y matches around release.
Some day my people will be free.

The Damned

(I'll...refrain from commenting on the current state of Pokemon despite wanting to so very much.

Preemptive reply: No, I don't have a 3DS and I'm not getting one any time soon, if ever.)

I'm pretty sure that Magic Attack Up is what should be influencing Spellbreaker given the formula that's in the Master Guide. Even if it is a weapon-based, "physical" attack, it's still going by MA, so....

*goes back to trying to fix his nigh-worthless landline since AT&T is unreliable*
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


December 12, 2014, 02:05:16 am #3674 Last Edit: December 12, 2014, 02:11:04 am by Andante49
Spellbreaker is a physical attack, despite using MA in the formula, so Attack UP will boost the damage.

Mediator with Attack UP, 12 MA, 15 WP, 70 Fury VS 40 Fury Good compatibility

Attack UP [12*(4/3)]=16
Compatibility [16*(9/8)]=18
Pre-Fury 18*15=270
Fury [(270*(70+35)*(40+35))/10000]=212

Quote from: silentkaster on November 02, 2014, 06:47:04 pm
FFT Arena 1.39C- Andante49 (Old Gimickry) vs. Leif1991 (Gardening Shenanigans)

It also takes the weapon's elemental and can be strengthened, if it has any, gets the sleeping-target damage bonus, and is guaranteed to hit even if the caster is Blind.

As is your Bard, without any Magic Songs going off, will do 246 against a 70 Fury target, assuming neutral compatibility and no Defense UP/Unyielding/Protect/Fire resistance.
Attack UP 317
Attack UP and 108 Gems 388

Your Scholar as is 229
Attack UP 299
Attack UP and 108 Gems 370

And on a somewhat related note, the updated Asura Draw Out attack is boosted by Attack UP but still uses Magical evasion.

Hope it helps


December 12, 2014, 04:35:21 am #3675 Last Edit: December 12, 2014, 12:43:25 pm by Shintroy
Quote from: The Damned on December 12, 2014, 12:06:24 am
(I'll...refrain from commenting on the current state of Pokemon despite wanting to so very much.

Preemptive reply: No, I don't have a 3DS and I'm not getting one any time soon, if ever.)

I'm pretty sure that Magic Attack Up is what should be influencing Spellbreaker given the formula that's in the Master Guide. Even if it is a weapon-based, "physical" attack, it's still going by MA, so....

*goes back to trying to fix his nigh-worthless landline since AT&T is unreliable*

Don't plan on buying a 3ds until its fully hacked. Homebrew is looking great so far

That's what I thought too. Saw a bard with attack up in one of barren's videos doing less than 300 damage with P Blade and thought spellbreaker was affected by MA Up as well.

Quote from: Andante49 on December 12, 2014, 02:05:16 am
Spellbreaker is a physical attack, despite using MA in the formula, so Attack UP will boost the damage.

Mediator with Attack UP, 12 MA, 15 WP, 70 Fury VS 40 Fury Good compatibility

Attack UP [12*(4/3)]=16
Compatibility [16*(9/8)]=18
Pre-Fury 18*15=270
Fury [(270*(70+35)*(40+35))/10000]=212

It also takes the weapon's elemental and can be strengthened, if it has any, gets the sleeping-target damage bonus, and is guaranteed to hit even if the caster is Blind.

As is your Bard, without any Magic Songs going off, will do 246 against a 70 Fury target, assuming neutral compatibility and no Defense UP/Unyielding/Protect/Fire resistance.
Attack UP 317
Attack UP and 108 Gems 388

Your Scholar as is 229
Attack UP 299
Attack UP and 108 Gems 370

And on a somewhat related note, the updated Asura Draw Out attack is boosted by Attack UP but still uses Magical evasion.

Hope it helps

Pretty sweet..... 388 Damage Spellbreaker? Looking forward to that somewhat. Lost defense ring on my bard so he's extremely status prone, but we will see if the damage output balances out the risk reward. I'll definitely be looking into revamping the Pen and Sword team after seeing it in action. I think there's some chance of a unit benefiting from overwhelm and Spellbreaker.

Thanks for all the input guys. Not always sure about some damage modifiers.
Magic Attack Up and Overwhelm boost Geomancy damage right? Does Martial Arts affect Shuriken like it does throw stone?
Some day my people will be free.


December 12, 2014, 10:39:22 pm #3677 Last Edit: December 13, 2014, 06:14:32 am by Shintroy
Error Mages vs Undefeated in 1.39 Ice Absorb

Guess I'll have to make a new post with every team revision to avoid out of date teams being used. It's cool though even if P&S II was used it wouldn't have been that much different. The Bard would have been OHKOing units sure, but the other units would've went or the same options.

Round 1 - Magic Ruin? I actually confused this with Mind Ruin. Not much to comment on. A just loss since this version had MA Up instead of Attack up. Tornado. Tornado. Tornado.

Round 2 - lol

PA vs MA

Called MA to win it due to superior range, status,and revival. Sick Geomancer too.

Round 1 and 2 - 499 and 513 crit shots from both team. The oracle was more impressive due to not needing berserk to achieve it.

Round 3 - Doesn't pick up until the very end.  Intentional berserk and unintended side effects. Could've gone either way, but the 3v2 Reks had didn't mean he had the advantage. Chemist sandbagging vs a geomancer and back up is all thst needs to be said.

Samurai vs Team
Not much to comment on here. A complete mismatch. I forgot about Muramasa. Added to my P&S Samurai.

Fire absorb vs Suicidal Wizard

Only watched the first round. A lot of Mime bugs in this one. It looked like Reinoe's mime equipped a Phoenix Blade for a while. If Grand Cross was flagged, the AI didn't want to used it since Mimes lose their weapons if a unit melee attacks.

I'll have to finish this another time. Good to know Mime can't Grand cross

Fixed a bunch of mistakes on all teams now. Should be good to go.
Signs of Aging does it again
Some day my people will be free.


Thanks for all the videos Barren!

Don't know how you made it through the third round Barren, you have the patience of a saint. Two defensive teams and, not counting unintentional friendly fire, no real "tank busting" offense. Was able to grind down reinoe's team in round one, got separated and picked off in two, and proved just how little offense my team had in the marathon round three. Thanks again for sitting through that Barren. Thought I updated the Monk as to be not so walled against fire resistant teams, will have to check that out. GG reione

Quote from: Shintroy on December 12, 2014, 04:35:21 am
Magic Attack Up and Overwhelm boost Geomancy damage right? Does Martial Arts affect Shuriken like it does throw stone?

Geomancy will benefit from Magic Attack UP and Overwhelm, you are correct. Martial Arts will only boost Shuriken if the caster is barehanded, so depending on the other skills you use Attack UP and a FS Bag sometimes works better.


December 13, 2014, 12:34:41 am #3679 Last Edit: December 13, 2014, 12:43:44 pm by reinoe
Kicking myself for somehow forgetting to give my Squires Grand Cross.  Really I am annoyed by some of the mistakes I've been making with my teams.
Also throughout the match the mime was randomly discarding Asura Knife.
My dreams can come true!