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September 20, 2024, 09:07:13 pm


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EasyVent Editor Super Perfect v1.91 BugFix [King Needed a Band-Aid.]

Started by RavenOfRazgriz, September 05, 2011, 07:57:43 pm


I guess a better question would be why it would need to be?

Whenever you change something in FFTP you have to restart the game completely,
However when you edit a event and import the TEST.EVT you can load a savestate right before the event starts..

I can't see putting it into FFTP as anything more then a headache to use.
  • Modding version: PSX


New instructions?

Used to turn on/off the vertical flipping of frames for a specified unit
   xID   Unit ID
   x00   Always 00
   xMI   x01 = Mirror Frames (normal and EVTCHR!)

Seems to perform a more simple version of UnitAnim paired with the ability to change the facing direction
   xID   Unit ID
   x00   Always 00
   xDR   Direction (see RotateUnit?)
         00   South
         01   South
         02   West
         03   West
         04   West
         05   West
         06   North
         07   North
         08   North
         09   North
         0A   East
         0B   East
         0C   East
         0D   East
         0E   South
         0F   South
   xSQ   SEQ ID (see UnitAnim)
   xEV   EVTCHR Frame (see UnitAnim)
   x00   Always 00
  • Modding version: PSX
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Anything is possible as long as it is within the hardware's limits. (ie. disc space, RAM, Video RAM, processor, etc.)
<R999> My target market is not FFT mod players
<Raijinili> remember that? it was awful


Quote from: Elric42 on April 22, 2012, 10:32:47 pm
I guess a better question would be why it would need to be?

Whenever you change something in FFTP you have to restart the game completely,
However when you edit a event and import the TEST.EVT you can load a savestate right before the event starts..

I can't see putting it into FFTP as anything more then a headache to use.

I like what you said. Say more smart things.


Actually... hypothetically, if you could change events in FFTP... you could load from a savestate and see them. You wouldn't have to restart the game unless you changed something else at the same time. And even then, you wouldn't see your other changes, but you would still see the changed/new events.

The key is that TEST.EVT (or at least the relevant part of it) is reloaded before you view an event, so the data in the ISO overwrites whatever might have been in the savestate (which is a copy of memory at the time it was created).

The reason you usually have to restart the game when you patch with FFTP is because most of what it can do requires edits to other files that are resident in memory for much longer, such as SCUS (never leaves memory, ever), BATTLE.BIN (you'd have to enter a new battle/cutscene to reload it), and WORLD.BIN (you'd have to go back to the world map from a battle/cutscene).

Anyway... I'm just saying that situation, in particular, shouldn't really be a problem. I'm not really sure it's a good idea anyway, though. (Plus, I'm not really sure if anyone feels like doing it :P)
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


haha, yea Glain, Xifanie corrected me on that after I said it. I wasn't aware of most of it since a lot of that is outside my knowledge.

Tho I still can't really see it being useful lol. Because besides the couple features that EVSP has,
it is basically a notepad, with build in map view and command explanations. Tho I suppose for someone who
has never doe anything with events before it could be nice to have it right there in FFTP with everything else.

  • Modding version: PSX


While I haven't debugged any of it yet, here's a nice progress report for the next version of EVSP:



18 Effect -> 18 EffectPrep
4E AddUnit -> 4E RemoveShadow
7D ShowChapter -> 7D ShowChapterStart


3E FadeScreen
68 MirrorFrames
7F EVTCHRPalette
8C UnitSpinAnim


Error-Checking will now detect if you have mismatching numbers of the various Start/End() commands, if you have Start/Ends nested inside other Start/Ends (a big no-no), and will detect whether the number of {end} commands in the text-portion of your Event match the highest Message ID being sought after by your DisplayMessage commands.

Decompiling now has error-checking and will output errors if any of the decompilers are actually missing. 

Find/Replace was already fixed in 1.91 unless my memory is wrong, Elric.  Depending on how lazy I get, I may or may not add Replace All and/or Find Exact functionality, though.

Currently, outside of the updates to the Error-Checking functionality though, there are no plans to add more functions to EVSP in the next update, just add the newly discovered command and address the bugs/errors found.  If there is anything people want added that isn't stupid complicated like "Add an ATTACK.OUT editor!", now would be a good time to suggest it.  My time is limited lately but I should be able to cram a few features in if they're not too derplex or anything, I just can't think of anything not already implemented that's of any use and won't take me years to code at this time.

@PGF, no, this is never going to be integrated into FFTP.  They are completely different programs coded in completely different languages, and I'd like to keep it that way for the sake of being able to maintain my own code adequately.



1. The wordwrap sucks major dick :P
2. Pride figured out a bunch of the commands for tutorial events, and you need to add all the ADD/OR/SUB/MULT/ZERO stuff to EVSP,
EVSP currently tells you to look at the FFH homepage for these commands, but those are sooooo outdated it's not even funny anymore.
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: Elric42 on May 09, 2012, 09:14:50 pm

I'll see what I can do. 

Quote from: Elric42 on May 09, 2012, 09:14:50 pm2. Pride figured out a bunch of the commands for tutorial events, and you need to add all the ADD/OR/SUB/MULT/ZERO stuff to EVSP,
EVSP currently tells you to look at the FFH homepage for these commands, but those are sooooo outdated it's not even funny anymore.

You want me to add these kinds of things in, post the content.  I don't know anything that Pride discovered or what your updated Variable lists look like.  I do not have ESP and have been gone for like two months, remember.  :v


:P I know, but since when can I not give you shit?

anyway I will grab the list from the home page and add everything I have found out and I will add what Pride has sent me as well

  • Modding version: PSX


Hm... That cannot be correct Elric because my testing with variables x28 - x2A, which are used in the tutorial events when I was deciphering them.
  • Modding version: PSX
Check out my ASM thread. Who doesn't like hax?


hmm, i think you are correct, i will have to double check why i thought that was correct. I got it from a PM i sent Eternal when i first joined FFH.
Tho i think it was cuz the secondary number for when using the ADD 0031 (current worldmap location) matches that of the ones i posted here
  • Modding version: PSX


Wow, these tools look awesome, I'd love to try them out except for the federal crackdown on MegaUpload, unfortunately I can no longer download these through their mirrors. Is there somewhere else you can post them to for us to download? Thanks!


Hi...i'm sorry for ultra-mega-highly noob question...i'm edditing with the programs in the download section (Shishi, FFTEVRG, FFt text, torgasm) of the site...but my brain melts when a command line appears...this program seems to be huge awesome, but i just want to edit the texts (and i know it does) but....i really don't know why

I know many here are advanced players and programmers but...could u please teach me how to edit the texts?

I downloaded v1.9, started, openned "EVT_002_002 Orbonne Prayer" in the "Final Fantasy Tactics Event Directory", erased the Text(0x....), changed a single word "God...please forgive" to "Bla...please forgive" to test it, then i saved the event in the "Custom Event Directory"...and compiled "Just the Event" then "Event Compiled successfully to Offset x00002000!"...then i closed, openned CDmage, my iso raw image, imported the TEST.evt that is in the "EasyVent Editor" folder, import ok, save .cue ok, closed, started emulator, iso, new game = nothing, "God...please..."

What is wrong?Am i saving the wrong folder?Using the event of the wrong folder?Compiling the event is not enough?The TEST.evt that comes with the EasyVent is not to be imported to the iso? Eorry again but i'm really noob in this stuff and don't want to create events, just want to edit a bit the texts  :oops:
  • Modding version: PSX


This program is excelent. The only problem I have is that it either takes forever to compile one event (event.txt) or it freezes after trying to compile any event after compiling once. Is there a reason for this?
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


  • Modding version: PSX


Well, bad news everyone.  My entire hard drive on my old laptop just inexplicably died.  Elric and I are trying basically everything we can to save it, but the situation looks bleak.  This means I'll need to reverse-engineer and reconstruct EVSP from scratch with the aide of a free decompiler before I can do any more updating and will be behind for a fairly long while.  Unless someone here has one of those really expensive decompilers that can rip the vbproj file from a VB.NET 2008 EXE file, there's nothing I can do about this because my ass is too poor to buy one of those for the sole purpose of saving EVSP.

My apologies, but do know I will be working to try and salvage this, even if the work will be slow.


These are the unit animation videos that Elric made, can we please have them in the important links section? They're gonna be lost in the mix if left here i'm sure and they are way too valuable to let that happen IMO

Quote from: Elric on January 04, 2012, 10:28:13 pm
These are the rest of the Unit Animations used for events. The "Monsters" uses the Red Panther but includes attacks from all monsters
(I will write lists for these soon as well)

EDIT: Added Flying & Floating monsters to the video list
NOTE: Goblin, Pisco Demon and Skeleton all use Human Spritesheets and follow Human Unit Animations rather then monsters
EDIT: Added List of Animations for MON type. ALSO, due to the fact that some animations between 3D-76 look different
         for some monsters due to different types of attacks, I have also add 15 VIDEOS covering 3D-76 of EVERY sprite
         that uses SHP: MON SEQ: MON.  Zodiac Demons will follow shorty
EDIT: Chocobo Animation List added!


Monsters - Flying

Monsters - Floating

Monster Attack Animations 3D-76 All Monsters

Ahriman Attacks

Apanda Attacks

Behemoth Attacks

Bomb Attacks

Bull Demon Attacks

Demon Attacks

Dragon Attacks

Ghoul Attacks

Hydra Attacks

Juravis Attacks

Marbol Attacks

Panther Attacks

Trent Attacks

Uribo Attacks

Worker 8 Attacks


Zodiac Demons

Altima (First Form)

Altima (Second Form)


If no one else does so thn i will put these there once i get home from work
  • Modding version: PSX