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Messages - RandMuadDib

PSX FFT Hacking / Re: weapon sprites (in battle)
February 21, 2011, 02:32:37 am
hey just wondering if you ever finished documenting everything for us retard-strong out here? If not i'll try messing with it tomorrow and see if i can understand what you're saying.
Okay so i've been at this a while now, have made a few successful personal patches so i kinda know what i'm doing. But tonight i just noticed that there is an entry for objects in the 'items' tab called Second Table, which contains a number in hex. It seems to start at 1 for dagger and then continues to increment by one until it gets to the last bomb, at which point it starts back over at 0 for escutcheon. Again it increases until it drops down to 0 at the first hat.

Does anyone know what this is for or what it affects? i thought it might be the position when viewing in your inventory in the game, but that doesnt make sense because both the shuriken and the balls/bombs fall under weapons with this value while in the game they're registered as regular items (like potion, phoenix down, etc.)

Any ideas?
PSX FFT Hacking / Re: FFMaster's small ASM hacks
November 02, 2010, 06:44:05 am
@Zozma i'm sure you've resolved this issue already, but you could use formula 4 if you just want to cast fire/lightning/ice with a special ability.
The problem of course that that most people don't like reading instructions. I'm sure the "Read before posting" rarely gets read, same for forum rules. Besides the modern tendency to ignore instructions, when people first discover this site and all the wonders that it can lead to, they just get crazy excited. Let the newbs have their fun, and either encourage them to sprite themselves or ignore them. No need to get angry or rude. People take things way to seriously and thats how stress, violence, and religions arise.
PSX FFT Hacking / Re: New spells...
October 29, 2010, 12:11:42 am
Oh hey thanks!
Help! / Replacing Throw <weapon> abilities
October 23, 2010, 02:51:31 am
Hey there. In my personal patch i'm working on, i'm trying to replace the ninja with a different class. I understand that there's some special hardcoding that doesnt let the "Throw" skillset be used with normal abilities without Zodiac's hack. I also recently discovered that you cannot combine "throw" abilities in the same skillset as normal abilities. While this is unfortunate, its not what concerns me.

Since i'm not planning on using the 'throw' abilities at all, i want to replace them all with new, normal, abilities. Mainly because this will open up 12 new abilities for me to make use of, which i can then use to populate the class that's replacing ninja. Unfortunately, even if i switch the 'throw' to 'normal' in FFTPatcher, i don't have access to the rest of the information normally contained within a normal ability. (I.E. formula, range, area, elements, effect, etc). Is there a way to completely transform the 'throw' abilities into new, usable, 'normal' ones?

Spriting / Re: Twinees' Sprites
October 17, 2010, 12:55:29 am
Wow thats super incredible dude! Amazing sprite! I just wish i had room in my game to add him :( Definitely considering a FF7 patch with the rate you're pumping out these great sprites.

Oh Hey what flavor is he? Type 1 or Type 2?
PSX FFT Hacking / Re: New spells...
October 14, 2010, 12:06:00 am
Question for you guys experienced with color replacements (i.e. Zozma et all)

Is there a way to change the palettes of effects files all at once? or multiple values at once? Its incredibly tedious to change each of the 256 colors individually, especially if you want to do something as simple as change the blue hue to red.

Otherwise, do you guys have any suggestions for making the process go faster?

Messed with the Kamaitachi effect, so its just the slashes and not the weird blobs. Also colored them a bit differently.
Site Submission /
October 13, 2010, 09:33:19 pm
Quote from: "Zozma"how about a download section for custom/ recolored effect files with small screenshots of the effect and the name of the original effect file it was made from?
(hmmm maybe this isn't so popular right now?)

I second this. After browsing the forums on this subject for the past couple of days, it looks like there could be a dozen custom effects out there. It would definitely be nice to have them in one centralized location, and if there's a section dedicated to it, it might also inspire other people to make some of their own.
Hacking/Patching Tools / Re: New patcher?
October 13, 2010, 02:51:24 pm
There is already a new patcher out, it came out a little over a week ago now i think. Its 478, and is on the main download page on the main site (not the forums). Enjoy playing with your new toy!
Here's a simple question: Have you put custom firmware on your psp? If you havent done that, you wouldnt be able to play it, no matter what you tried.
PSX FFT Hacking / Shishi restructuring problems
October 03, 2010, 03:27:00 am
I wish to make a modded game using the PSX version as a base, but convert it to an EBOOT for play on the psp for mobility. Unfortunately, it seems that if i use shishi's to restructure the iso, the game freezes when loading a battle. The game works just fine on an emulator.

I've seen that people have had a similar problem when using ASM hacking, though that seemed to be a problem with the hack itself being incorrect.

Has anybody experienced this problem themselves, or have any suggestions? Thanks.

EDIT: Turns out the issue was not shishis, but instead the program I was using to convert my iso into an EBOOT. If you have a similar problem, do a search for some EBOOT converters other than the one you normally use. Try a few out. Different converters seem to work for different people.
Help! / Re: Where to find version 478 of FFTactext?
September 27, 2010, 03:14:58 am
It seems to prevent most of the folders from being viewed, particularly the useful ones like "EVENT"
The only folders i get to see after this error are the BATTLE and DUMMY folders

BTW super thank you Zodiac for posting 478! you're my hero.

EDIT: Ahh nevermind i was using an old version of CDMage. Got the one on the download page and works fine now, even with the error.
Spriting / Re: Twinees' Sprites
September 27, 2010, 02:34:05 am
The back paw rotates but the front paw does not. Should be fixed.
Help! / Re: Replacing Gaffgarion and Agrias
August 05, 2010, 01:24:43 am
zozma: I don't know anything about an 'old version' but i've tried both 457 and 466. Supposedly there's a 478 floating around as well, but i can't seem to find it.

philsov: i tried your workaround, and it didnt work for me. it still hangs when calculating DTE for wldhelp.lzw
Help! / Re: Replacing Gaffgarion and Agrias
August 03, 2010, 09:34:21 pm
Thanks zozma. What i ended up doing was switching to the psx version, moving some non-battle characters to another, open, location, using those newly opened spots for my custom characters, and hexing the proper unit.bin values. Unfortunately i wanted to use the FFT:Complete as a base, but it doesnt seem possible to use FFTacText with FFT:C, and melonhead doesnt seem to be around anymore to update TacText. From what i understand, the FFT:C team used a special, non-public version of TacText and i can't seem to get hold of it.
Spriting / Re: A quick small edit..rate it pls.
July 29, 2010, 01:40:49 pm
and are you trying to import to a psx or psp version?
Help! / Re: Can you change the leader in battle?
July 29, 2010, 06:03:50 am
perhaps a simpler solution would be to have a 'guest' member brought in so that they're always there, and just make them controllable?
Its a demon. Has pointy ears.
Help! / Unit.bin for WotL
July 14, 2010, 12:47:11 am
Okay so here's some things i've noticed recently while attempting to make use of the extra portraits on unit.bin for the psp. Luso, Balthier, Onion Knight and Dark knight are not in unit.bin. Also, World.Bin is all zeros after 0xAC290, so the information from the Unit.Bin thread in the Sprites forum doesnt work for reassigning pointers to unit.bin (which starts at address 0xADE34 according to that thread).

I did, however, using a search function, find a list of values that coincides with the unit.bin values. They started at 0xA0CBC for job 0, 0xA0CBD for ch1 ramza, etc. After attempting to modify these values, however, the formation sprites did not change (they still pointed to their default unit.bin locations).

Has anybody had a similar problem, or has anyone attempted to change these pointers on WotL so we can use a few of the extra jobs for special characters? Any theories, feedback, or experience would be helpful.

Edit: After writing the initial post i also attempted to do the same thing with ATTACK.OUT so that the battle setup sprites would also be correct. Again they were not. I found the list of values presented at the beginning of the UNIT.BIN thread, but they were not in the same spot. These started at 0x17186 for ch1 ramza. I am beginning to get frustrated and hope someone can help.