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Chapter 2 Progress Log

Started by 3lric, August 20, 2013, 06:52:12 pm


look, no boone is a dealbreaker elric
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Bonesy#9386


  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Well i guess I'll stall for more time for JOT5 with Mass Effect Andromeda now xD

RJ Cid

So I'm curious... Is there anything we can post to help you guys out with the project? Any grey areas that could use some creative suggestions from us?

I've been reading more Greek mythology lately and I wanted to offer some ideas for rare pieces of equipment, although they are not from any video game. I was also wondering if your team would have very limited and simple equipment selection for purchase in the Shops and leave most of the other equipment slots to be rare finds/steals, or if all that's been mapped out already?

Not a big deal, just curious. Keep up the great work! We're all still very excited to see your final product!


Late reply I know  :roll: RL has been real lately lol.

I could definitely see chrono trigger making a cameo, maybe shining force and suikoden. All good rpgs and I think they could be pretty easily put into the FFT world. Ryu would be a fucking awesome character, since he is an absolute badass. Frog would be pretty cool too, he is a perfect stereotypical knight, and probably my second favorite character next to magus. Magus would also be a badass character, that goes without saying  :P. Quite a few shining force characters would be an awesome addition, Oddeye would definitely be a good choice.  Obviously we know luigi is the CS, so no need to guess on that.

Definitely hyped to see what made the cut!


I'm new and I've been playing jot5 and I love it! Can't wait for chapter 2
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
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when chapter 2 in lyrical ??
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL


How has life for the team been, and how has progress on JOT5 been going lately? It's been a while, could we get another spoiler maybe?  :mrgreen:



It's going well. Not sure what else I could spoil without hurting the experience.

Lijj is working on some new Time Mage sprites to replace the weird hat bros (new version concepts by Twinees)

Nyzer is still knocking out Marks and such for Ch2 and i think may be into Ch3 marks by now.

I resigned from the position I was working, and am taking a few months off work, and in that time i plan to catch up on mod stuff. My resignation was in effect as of last friday.
  • Modding version: PSX


(ME Andromeda didn't buy me much time at all)

Its sounding like chapter 1.5 and 2 will be released at around the same time is that at all true?

Andre Pratama

sir elric in chapter 2 will there be a zack as a guest 😁
  • Modding version: PSX


Raben's back! yay

Well it is true folks I will be making new time mages but I can't start on them just yet. All my free time goes to working on becoming a rock star. I wrote 9 songs recently and I'm performing them in a week (I'm pretty nervous).
But after that I should be able to start cranking them out. I hope I remember how to sprite.. it's been  a long time.
  • Modding version: PSX


Dude! put some links of your band songs here!


  • Modding version: PSX & WotL


Well.. all of the tracks are lacking final vocal takes. I actually used a pretty bad mic on this (I recently bought a real condenser microphone though so after the show I'm going to get the vocs all nice).

But f-it I'd be glad to share one raw song til I get more finalized:

Here's a link:

  • Modding version: PSX


@ Elric and Lijj No worries, just figured I would ask  ;) I wouldn't mind talking about the concept for the new time mage if you guys want, or if there is a drawing or whatever I'm sure most of us would enjoy seeing it. If you want to of course. Glad to hear everyone is doing good and that progress is still going good.

I like the song too, the upload quality was pretty shit, but I'm also listening on laptop speakers so it's not really helping lol. Good shit though man, I really like the "beat" (my music terms are pretty limited). I don't know about the rest of your songs though, but I don't think #pop fits your genre really well. Definitely more grungeish to me, which is definitely my kind of music. Feel free to post more and let us know how things went at your show, if ya want.

Oh and...
Quote from: RavenOfRazgriz on April 07, 2017, 10:00:20 am

Suicide version? :twisted: So glad you are back!   (even though I wasn't around when you went mia)


How is the progress of chapter 2 JOT5?
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


i think every time someone asks that it should get delayed by some specific amount
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Bonesy#9386


Dammit, Bonesy figured it out.
  • Modding version: PSX
* Angel should quit being a lazy bitch
<@Elric> I agree to that as well

nyanyame nyanyajuu nyanyado no nyarabide nyakunyaku inyanyaku nyanyahan nyanyadai nyannyaku nyarabete nyaganyagame
At the end of the day, are we not all trapped inside lemons?