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Messages - Pierce

FFT Arena / Re: Arena Monster Concepts
May 18, 2012, 09:23:47 pm
I'm stoked on monsters.

Pig's "toot" skill adds Charm and Poison. The poison damage at the end of the unit's turn will cancel charm, not sure if that's intentional or not.
Also I'm not sure what is meant by the Treant skills saying "Persevere HP Healing" or "Persevere MP Healing"
Let me start by saying that my suggestions-to-come may have already been mentioned. I tried to skim through the text replies above, but I simply can't make time to read the mutliple essays. I tried, I really did, and I skimmed it so I may have got some of the basics of what you propose, but that's it.


I'm not a fan of Dia going to Priest. Despite the fact that it's not a heavy damage attack, Priests shouldn't really have that much offence going for them anyway in my opinion. At the moment there are people running Bard/Priest as primary/secondary because Holy is strong enough that this still leaves them with a powerful offensive unit that can revive, heal, cure status, and add defensive status. I'm sure Holy is seeing a nerf, but realistically shouldn't people be inclined to give priests an offensive secondary? At the moment, that's not necessary because unless your enemy is absorbing Holy, your priest is plenty offensive even with a blank secondary.

I also don't like Poison persisting through death. Raise/Raise2 are the better methods of reviving as is. They're exceptionally common, and they should be, Raise2 essentially brings a unit back as if it was never hurt. If Poison persists through death, Wish, Revive, and Phoenix Down will all feel the pain big. Yes PD is really common, and it can be annoying to watch PD-loops, but that's why you throw in an AoE attack once in a while. It's not like it needs to be a powerful AoE, the unit comes back with less than 20HP.

I would argue that Frog should be removed from BioII, but that might fall on deaf ears. Frog's a pretty annoying status. I see it's been changed to remove on death, but I'm still sort of meh on it sticking with BioII.

Idea for a new skill, feel free to shoot it down. It deals 50% damage to the user, and heals 50% damage to the enemy BUT it is undead reversible. Meaning an undead user would heal 50% damage and deal 50% damage. Maybe it's a bit OP, but Cursed Ring blows chunks right now, it could use a boost. If this idea gets dismissed, can Cursed Ring at least see some sort of boost? Maybe Reflect or Innocent, to cancel out the very realistic chance that said undead unit gets OHKO'd from Raise2.

I tried to make sure none of these have already been posted, but I could've made a mistake.
I'm not a big fan of Nurse adding Regen instead of healing. Nor am I a fan of Life Song adding Regen. At the moment with Masamune being so popular and so frequently used by the AI, Regen is quite common. Yes I know Masamune is seeing a nerf, but that won't stop it from still being used somewhat frequently (Instant 100% Haste and Regen, why not?). Adding 2 more skills that add Regen is just going to make it annoyingly common.
Also, it's not like Nurse needs a change right now. And life song heals less than 60HP per turn (assuming the song goes off twice before the unit acts) and the unit is forced to be performing in that time, losing their evasion.

I'm also not really a big fan of Weak:Element from shields. I mean c'mon, it's a shield, it should really only be helping you, not potentially hurting you.

Is it possible that Esuna gets its JP cost dropped to 250? I know people have been saying they would like to see more status healing instead of relying on Raise2 to heal the unit (I think it was FDC that said this). Dropping the JP cost by 30 makes it an even 250 and makes it an easier addition to a team.

Did someone say Concentrate is coming back? Why... there's already Transparent...

These are just my two cents.
The Lounge / Re: Bad Song Topic - General Version
May 08, 2012, 01:01:39 am
Quote from: Dome on May 02, 2012, 12:35:18 pm
Having 2 stickied topics about the tournament is confusing me >_>
Quote from: iamBQB on April 29, 2012, 01:15:49 pm
If you make round 5 of the winner's bracket a Round Robin and send the two losers to Round 5 for the loser's bracket you'd be able to run the whole thing with no byes and only 2 extra matches.

Personally I'm all for this idea. 16 byes in the first round seems a little iffy, being that it would mean a third of the competitors are eliminated that quickly. Just my two cents.
22. Pierce
Let's rock this!
I like the idea of Best of 5 of the finals. I like the idea of having 5 rounds, no commentary, higher gamespeed than regular matches. That ensures both teams get a chance to redeem themselves, it isn't too much work for the host, and speeding up the game speed will mean you don't get bored halfway through if it's a longer match.
The Lounge / Overdue and unimportant introduction.
March 15, 2012, 04:17:41 am
Howdy FFHers. I'm Pierce.

I guess I never really wrote in the Introduce Yourself forum, but I've been part of FFH for probably about a year now. I don't really have any sort of coding/spriting skills... at all. So the only way I've ever really contributed is throwing in my two cents when I feel like I have something to add.
I'm just returning now from a hiatus from FFH, so with any luck I'll be able to make some contributions or do something of any interest soon.

Nice to meet you I guess?
I know how to set up ePSXe, but I run on a Mac and they're not compatible. Just loaded up FFT+ though and found that it seems to work fine on my shitty emulator, so that's not an issue.
I'm happy to be a tester for you. I'm currently testing/formatting for Elric for JourneyOfThe5 already, and that's my first priority, but when I need a break from formatting over there I'll play through FFT+ and take note of anything that needs fixing. I warn you in advance though that I don't use ePSXe as an emulator, and as a result some ASMs don't work and I can't run certain patches properly. I haven't tested to see if FFT+ is one of those that doesn't work, but if it is then I'll be unable to help you at all. :)
I just copied all the text and plugged it into Google Translate a moment ago.
When I first saw the site I was thinking "Oh cool! People in Russia modding FFT?" but unfortunately this is more of a page to talk about the game. It's more like a game review, and happens to include a brief synopsis of the CoP, FFT:Complete, FFT+, and [the patch which we aren't allowed to talk about anymore].
Nonetheless, this is pretty cool. FFH is making a presence internationally now.
You two, please take your argument elsewhere. This is a page for Jubel1986's patch, not a page to argue about the completion of patches.

Yes, Jubel, keep in mind that what you have ahead of you is going to be a shit-ton of work. If you think you're capable, good on you! There are lots of people that are willing to help people with their patches, whether it be some help working ASMs, spriting, testing, and the like. Keep in mind though that if you start asking for help too early, people might disregard the patch, because lots of people ask for help and then don't follow through by doing any work.

If you can get this going well, it seems like it's got an interesting plot behind it. I might make a suggestion and say that you may want to deviate a little bit from the characters from Vanilla FFT. Yes, they are a focus of this patch, but keep in mind that many people along the way may have died or been erased from history for whatever reason, so consider coming up with some completely new characters to keep the story interesting.
As soon as you've got something to show (screenshots, events, video(s), demo, whatever) I'll gladly help you test things, make sure there aren't a bunch of bugs or whatever. I've got no ASM/spriting/event editing abilities, so my assistance is really only available through testing, maybe some writing, maybe some format issues.

Good luck!
Brief little update on my end.
I'm about halfway through the chapter formatting the text. There was a section or two that I couldn't for the life of me format so the text boxes wouldn't flow awkwardly, so I had to change a touch of the wording. Nothing significant; things like making a comma a period, or making the first half of a second come after the second. Nothing groundbreaking.
Recruitment / Re: Recruitment Forum Rules
December 18, 2011, 05:04:10 pm
Quote from: Dome on December 18, 2011, 06:13:53 am
Should we open a "Feedback topic" too?

I feel like the forum section for a patch is generally a good enough place to put feedback.
Spam / Re: A fun little test to do if you're bored.
December 17, 2011, 11:55:14 pm
It's not a question of "evil", rather a question of corruptness. While having sex and drinking don't mean you're corrupt, if you were 40 and hadn't had sex or drank, you're likely very un-corrupt (innocent?).

Also, 167 for me.
Spam / A fun little test to do if you're bored.
December 17, 2011, 05:49:42 am

The "Corruption Test".
Take it, find out how corrupt you are. It's simple.
If DarkShade is on it, I'll leave his work to him. He probably doesn't want someone constantly second-guessing his work and throwing in opinions if he knows what he's doing and whatnot. I might just throw in some comments here or there if I feel something might've been overlooked or something though, if that's okay with him.
I'm really looking forward to seeing this patch make it! It's made so much progress and continues to progress at an alarmingly fast rate.

// I worry that the proposed Demon Charge skill might be a bit overpowered. PA+1Br+20 seems a bit overwhelming, unless it comes with a decent MP cost and/or charge time.