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Topics - LastingDawn

PSX FFT Hacking / LastingDawn's ASM Hack(s)
February 10, 2016, 12:00:47 am
...And making the Diamond Armlet, if equipped, always supply the Rare Item. This is the code I have for it...

00180258: 34050064 ori r5,r0,0x0064             Load 100 into r5   
0018025c: 34040064 ori r4,r0,0x0064            Load 100 into r4
00180260: 9203001C lbu r3,0x001C(r16)         load Accessory
00180264: 10620004 beq r3,r2,0x00180278
00180268: 340200E0 ori r2,r0,0x00E0         branch if Accessory is Diamond Armlet (this doesn't seem to work for me for some reason)
0018026C: 0c017833 jal 0x0005e0cc         check if Random is greater/equal to Chance
00180270: 14400004 bne r2,r0,0x00180284         branch if Value is less than 75.
00180274: 3404004B ori r4,r0,0x004B
00180278: 92220002 lbu r2,0x0002(r17)         load rare item
0018027c: 080600a2 j 0x00180288
00180280: 00000000 nop

Here is the default routine...


Is there something I removed I shouldn't have or am I misunderstanding some basic of MIPS?

It was meant to be a simple change, I didn't expect to have this much trouble with it.
I am blown away by the amount of effort, creativity, and extraordinary amount of polish and fidelity to all of the worlds that are shown in Journey of the Five.

First the skillsets. Each skillset feels genuine and fitting. Ramza's skillset takes the old skills and retools them in a manner which still feels appropriate to their names. Link's skillset has a neat focus on his Ocarina and the Elemental Arrows (though I am slightly surprised there is no Din's Fire/Farore's Wind/ anything like that which he can use with Staves or Rods) Snake's moveset is a lot of fun with a lot of interesting ideas such as Smoke Break, Sleeper Hold, and Hide, along with others. My only complaint with Snake's moveset is the worthlessness of Tear Gas. It doesn't seem to have that great of a chance to hit (MA effected?) and it only hits a single target when it clearly has Gas in the name, leading me at first to believe that it would at least be normal cross range. Cloud is fine, very useful set-up on his skills. And Dante looks to be well represented for the hour or two I played Devil May Cry 2.

Now, the story, you present it in such a manner where there is no leaps of faith and its set up in such a manner that it could almost be believed that this is the continuation of the story, that said it is a bit fantastical, but it doesn't distract from the story being built. Delita is still an important figure (and it's good to see that he cared enough about Ramza and Alma's safety to set them up for life. Even if his motives may have been a little suspect and paranoid) the addition of Olivander and Leesha really adds a flair of that ol' political intrigue that FFT is renowned for. Every cutscene is wonderful and most of the time characterization is intact (Ramza randomly cursing as he makes his way through Araguay is a bit off-setting, admittedly) I was impressed with the length of the chapter. I had thought for certain it was going to be over with the fight against Sephiroth but then you go and set up an Extraordinarily difficult battle with Ganondorf as the finale of the chapter! That said I don't 100% agree with how Ganondorf was handled in the end... it seems a bit of a let-down that he didn't even have the chance to transform into Ganon.

Mustadio piloting a Worker was a really neat idea. Heaven forbid the Engineer actually put his knowledge to work! The asides where you battled with Alma were also unexpected and a bit of fun, and the effort put into the backstory (with an extra scene no less!) was very much appreciated and helped draw me into the world which you have elaborated on.

Everything seemed to be balanced to a great extent. I personally had Link as a magic-user who had Equip Heavy Arms and Adventure Skill so he could refill people's MP and Stop people with the Song of Time and Whirlwind Blade was always useful in someway or another. The one thing I kept on askewing was bringing the Asura into random battles with Bombs, so many Bombs... Heh, but I loved the gimmick of the Asura. A near definite Oil for low-decent damage and then a big hit with the already Fire-Elemental blade. Very creative there.

The sprite-work was amazing, the balance was top-notch and if it didn't have a cross over from so many companies I would almost believe that this was professionally made.

That final battle with Ganondorf though... wow, that was a fight and a half. Sometimes Mustadio would act really stupid and just fly around without attacking Ganondorf where in the winning time it was thanks to him that we won...

Here was the scenario... My people were spread all across the map to avoid Gravity and Energy Barrage, but it wasn't enough and when the final cutscene occurred somehow Ganondorf was faster than Snake who it was Crucial would go before him and he killed him and Cloud. Then Dante and Ramza fell in short order after taking a few more desperate shots at him. My entire team was now dead, except for Mustadio. Ganondorf has previously used Comet on him forcing him to use Reboot and he flew off. Then he came back with a vengeance! He used Dispose hurting Ganondorf for 90. Ganondorf used another Comet but Mustadio used another Dispose ending it, and Cloud at this point had 0 turns left on his counter. That was extremely intense.  I'm still not sure how to effectively fight Ganondorf though. Link got three Holy's on him at the start, but then the opportunities to strike came few and far between.

All in all I am amazed! I am now eagerly awaiting the completion of Chapter 2, along with everyone else, I'm sure.
Feast your eyes on this my friends!


Now before some of you start saying. "Final Fantasy XII? Eh... I didn't care much for it." Look at the promotional storyline.

"Ten years after Final Fantasy XII, in the Lea Monde region of Nabradia. A fanatical cult leader has taken up residence in the eldritch Fortress of Faram, above which has suddenly appeared a mysterious floating artifact called the Gate of Lucav. The cult leader believes it to be the gateway to paradise, but an emissary from the northern Holy Ydoran Empires claims it to be an ancient weapon with the power to destroy all of Ivalice. The Queen of Dalmasca, figurehead of the delicate New Alliance, must petition a lone mercenary to infiltrate the Fortress and prevent the cult from harnessing the forbidden magicks housed within the Gate."

There is So Much to love in this little description alone. Let's start from the beginning...

First sentence mentions Lea Monde and as many of us thought it is in Nabradia. The land devestated by the Nethicite before FFXII takes place.

Second sentence mentions a fanatical cult leader, could this be Ajora? St. Iocus? Mullenkamp? My bets are slightly on Ajora. Now continuing in that vein it mentions the Fortress of Faram. This is very likely what became of "FFXII: Fortress" we had heard about several years back. Finally there is a mention of the "Gate of Lucav" It will definitely have some relation to the Lucavi, without doubt.

Third sentence, mention of the Holy Ydoran Empire. These people did their homework to an incredible extent! The name only comes up twice or so in FFT, so this is proof that they aren't going to make this half-heartedly. And the most intriguing part "claims it to be an ancient weapon with the power to destroy all of Ivalice." The official timeline released in the FFXII ultimania shows that the Cataclysm takes place very shortly after the end of FFXII but what we had gotten from the previews of Fortress didn't help us with that at all, but this seems pretty definite.

We're dealing with the Cataclysm here folks.

Fourth sentence, I like how they mention that Ashe is only a figurehead, this proves they aren't abandoning the political intrigue of the setting for something more bombastic. And finally a lone mercenary will be infiltrating the Fortress. Some have suggested that this may be as close to a Vagrant Story sequel as we will get, and if such is the case, I would be fine with that if this promo teaser plays out in this detail.

However if it turns out to be a hoax, can't blame me for getting excited, eh?

Help! / Ability Requirement Hack Troubles
June 14, 2011, 02:27:45 pm
Hello, it's been some time since I've posted a topic but this seems a better place to ask than IRC, I feel, hence the reason why we have the Help Forum at all I suppose, heh.

Well to cut to the chase, I've set up a very specific ARH for Mercenaries (a necessity in the Synergy skillsets) yet whenever I try to input it into the game, the game simply locks up when I go to battle, or will lock up when I go to attack something. I've tried so many different methods so I can't say for sure which is which at the moment.

FDC took a look at the actual table data and when he inputted it into his game it worked fine, but I have tried a clean Battle.bin and Clean SCUS at least a dozen times by this point and nothing seems to change.

I can't figure this out on my own, so here is my ARH and Battle.bin. Please tell me if it works on a clean copy and  if it does then see if it would happen to work on the enclosed Battle.bin.

I'm sorry that it had to come to this, but I've exhausted every other turn.

http://ld.ffhacktics.com/Data%20Table.txt - Here's the data table.

http://ld.ffhacktics.com/ARH%20Mercenaries.xls - Here's the ARH.

http://ld.ffhacktics.com/Battle.bin%20Mercenaries - Here's the Battle.bin

The Lounge / Our friend is ill...
August 31, 2010, 02:43:41 pm
Eternal248 as you know him have been a purveyor of many great projects here on FFH. He is the storyboard artist for Mercenaries and worked on a lot of the script. He is the maker of FFT: NewType as well as the ever present FFVI: Hardtype. It seems that his health has taken a turn for the worse and was hit with appendicitis. He has been a friend and inspiration to us all here at Final Fantasy Hacktics and by far has been the greatest friend I've ever met online.

I ask that we all wish for him to heal, to recover from this ailment. I want him to know that he is wanted by this community. Let us give him all the support we can!

My thought's go out to you my friend. Don't let this illness beat you down and turn you towards despair. Remember, you have friends here who want to see you well. You can conquer this, you're a strong man. I await your return to here.
A member of ours by the name of formerdeathcorps made quite a few impressive ASM hacks, among them was the ability to change Reactions to Anything on the Formula Hacking page. I decided that this should be put to Great use, and now Reactions are now set to something else.

That something else is Wall's CT. In the coming days I will remove Wall's "benefits". And give it 80 CT (or however much is needed to balance about 10 turns worth through each patch). Wall will be then be called Adrenaline.

What Adrenaline will do is at the Very start of battle, there will be an 80% Chance of your reaction going off. As the battle wears on (to represent fatigue) your reactions chances begin to drop steadily, before "Adrenaline" is gone completely. This also applies to your enemies though, so it is just another layer of strategy to keep in mind.
I've been told many times that the Mercenaries forum is very cluttered for a variety of reasons, mainly because of how I decided to make the forums, so now that has hopefully been remedied. I have split Job Discussion and Sprite Discussion in two. This will make it much clearer for one to look at the progress of a sprite for one, and to find it for another. In addition actual discussion about the job in terms of game mechanics will be a lot more concise.

So enjoy the new Mercenaries sub-forum!

When it comes to discussions of spriting, feel free to post it here!
Dragoons, Dragon Knights of Past Teachings

August 22nd, 2010

It is an ancient practice of the people of Ivalice, it was sponsored by Hero King Mesa, it was a method of survival after the Cataclysm. A Dragoon leader from the Holy Empire of Ydora, by the name of Velana was among the survivors. In her land of Ydora only women were allowed to be taught the arts of the Dragoon, as the Dragoon was Mesa's original military hand, he had little choice but to abide. Thus the camps set around Mesa's land were each protected by a unit of women. The women wore Dragon skulls, in place of steel helmets, to ward off other beasts and demons that would often try to assault the many camps of survivors, they saw almost total success in guarding the people.

Women were the dominant Dragoon for many a year, with each of their leaders commanding them to follow the old ways, they stuck to their classic apparel and original techniques. With the loss of King Mesa's line they became a rather secluded group, similar to the Monks of Germinas, they no longer assisted the world, as it had little reason for their assistance any longer. They eventually faded from the sight of the world, whittling away their time in the sacred mountains of the Forbidden Land Zellea, their collective fate left unknown.

A decade before the Fifty Years War had broken out, scholar's were busy at work with developing new technologies and rediscovering lost ones from the Cataclysm. In an ancient scroll from Ordalia, there was depicted diagrams and techniques for men, and another unknown being, to be taught in the ways of the Dragoon. Realizing that the women Dragoon of a past age originally used these lessons as well Ivalice enacted an event called the "Dragon Knight's Revival". An event of unprecedented attendence. A small fee was neccessary to enter and the commoners took great advantage of this. The country was alight with activity, with instructors sent out to every province to train these potential soldiers, to be Dragon Knights in the inevitable war looming...

While women Dragoon are rarer then their male counterparts many do leave the Forbidden Land Zellea to become normal members of society, though they hold strongly onto their traditions, taught to them by their mothers in the Forbidden Land.



QuoteDragoon - Really there's several iconics I wish I could put up, but alas.  This'll be fun to divvy....

Jump - Duh.  SP*WP damage.  5 range, infinite vert imo.  
Dragon's Cry - 2 range, 2 vert.  Success = PA+90%.  Revives target with 1% HP.  (to review, Fairy rezzes with 50% HP at 4 range and charge time, and cantor 20% with 1 range... this might work?)
(Dragon Lord) - Self-only Float, Reraise, Berserk, Innocent, Reflect, Protect, Shell

Wisdom's Downfall - TarCurMP dmg, 18 MP.  
Bahamut Breath - 3 range linear, MA*10 damage, 30 MP.  Possibly elemental.
Dragon Gambut - Weapon damage + 50% chance to use Vital Sense.
Dragon's Roar - 100% Slow, Self AoE 2 vert 3 MP 32.  Slooooow.
Highwind - PA*(high), 4 range. single target.  Deals physical damage and knocks enemy back.  Only useable while under Float status.

Soul Sphere - PA*WP MP drain strike.  MP 45.
Dirt Breath- 2 range 1 AoE 2 vert 30 MP MA*10 damage.Earth Elemental.
Mimic Tiamat - 1 range, 3-way attack.  
Dragon Sword - Weapon damage with 50% chance to cast Ghost Strike on your foe.
Dragon's Wings - Fa's * (MA + 180) chance to inflict Float.  Light MP cost, very low CTR.  3 range, 2 AoE.
Bangaa Cry - Will be decided later.

Archer, Master of the Enchanted Bolts

August 22nd, 2010

With the fall of traditional magic at the turn of the last century there was a large resurgence in magic dabbling warriors. Chief among those were the ever popular Archer. The Archer had been an enduring profession since the beginning of time and the New School of Arcane Marksmen, founded half a century ago has only expanded their numbers. The Archers of this day and age, place enchantments on their arrow before fitting them into the bow, thereby whatever they would want, an arrow of love, poison, divinity, as long as they knew the proper words and gestures, the mist divulged would easily enchant them. For this reason they do not use much mist in the applications of their spells.

Philsov is to thank for the new skills here (though the ones with X's either need a new formula or removed all together and replaced with something else).

QuoteArchers - Bow-weilders with a hint of magic!  And, yes, this one is a bit hard without overlapping.  They both gained a shot with a 25% proc of an invoker spell -- I chose one from each of their books but maybe a cross-swap would be better?  idk.  Invoker spell choice was the one most likely to connect, because procs that ultimately fail are lame.  Both also gained an AoE spell, and the cover fire idea is all skip sandwich iirc.  Also stepped on monks' toes a bit, and then straight stole from Dragoon but eh.

Beso Toxico - PW*WP with 100% chance to poison target.  Weapon range, MP 10.
Dominate Demon - Randomly inflicts Slow, Stop, DA, or DM onto a monster.  3 CTR, 12 MP.  100%.
(Lifeforce Shot) - Self-destruct formula, 8 range linear 8 vert, 30 MP, 100% Confusion

Divine Bolt - Sp + 50% chance to petrify undead.  Given to Ramza because he needs more light-based stuff.
Take Aim = PA*WP (maybe normal weapon strike?  I don't know if the goal is to inflict more than normal damage or just do unavoidable), 100% accuracy.  Given to Ramza since Rad has the thing from Knight.
Mist Disperse - MP damage, 20%+MA; 100%
Volley - moderate MP cost.  Bow/xbow only?  4 range, 1 AoE, 2 vert.  Weapon Strike damage into the area.  
Dark Shot - Weapon range, moderate-low MP cost.  Weapon Strike with a 25% chance to cast Dark Chant on the target.
X - Entice Demon - 100% Monster charm. (Is there a monster-only formula that isn't 100%?) - higher MP/CTR than dominate

Black Out Bolt - 100% Blind, but deals no damage.  2 MP.
Cupid's Arrow - Because Rad is a charming mofo.  MA+60%, weapon range, 3 CTR, 18 MP.
Cover Fire - 3 range, 1 AoE, 2 vert.  Enduring (perpetuating?  performing? whatever) at.... 6 CTR intervals.  Uses truth formula to fire up to 3 arrows into the affected area every cycle.  
Lit Shot - Weapon range, moderate-low MP cost.  Weapon Strike with 25% chance to cast Shock on the target
Stone Arrow - 100% chance to cancel charging and performing
X - Soothe Demon - 100% Monster Sleep. (Is there a monster-only formula that isn't 100%?) - higher MP/CTR than dominate


We need Eight more skills here as well. For the Rad/Ramza idea. This one is rather difficult, without overlapping things, but I'm sure we'll think of something.
Travelers, the Street-Smart Scholars

August 22nd, 2010

Travelers are the drop-outs, ne'er do-wells, failures of the magical society. These magicians have strange magics that aim at debilitating their opponents as well as taking their tangible and intangible goods away from them. The Patron Saint of the Traveler is Lich, the insatiable being that became wealthy through pacts in the middle ages, thus he is often called "Rich" by his followers. The God of the Travelers is Odin, the man who is said to cut men to oblivion, leaving only their fallen gear in his wake.With the ability to rust and shatter rare and unique arms and armor from afar, it is often a fell sign when confronted by multiple of them.

Philsov is to thank for the majority of the new skills.

QuoteTravelers - Rhodes Scholar?  More like rogue scholar!  lololololololol.  Did a decent split, then mirrored up Pick Up Speed and gave them both cool little duo tricks.  Ramza gained Ghost Strike as Rad has the thing from Monk.

Steal Heart - (MA + 50%) Range 3, Single Target, Charm, CT 3, MP 25
Blow Leaves Dmg F_(MA * 5) 3 Range, 3 Area, 3 Vertical - MP 10
(?????) - (MA + 5%) Range 4, Area 3, Vertical 3, CT 5, MP 60 - Has a small chance to turn your foes into Treasures.

Rust Helm - (PA + WP + 60%) Range 3, Single Target, MP 10
Rust Weapon - (PA + WP + 30) Range 3, Single Target, MP 18
Hide Away MA + 70% 3 Range, 3 Vertical, Single Target, CT 4 MP 10
Steal Exp -
Drop Down Speed - (Status 100%) 3 range, Target enemy, MP 16. With a quick incantation they apply slow to the foe.
Saved Time - Success = PA + 90%.  Cancels an ally's haste in order to heal them for ?50%?.

Rust Armor - (PA + WP + 40%) Range 3, Single Target, MP 12
Rust Shield - (PA + WP + 55%) Range 3, Single Target, MP 5
Ghost Strike - Dmg_MP * 5, Melee range, Single Range, MP 10
Lich - CastLvl_SP 100% Hit - Field Wide, CT 2, MP 5
Pick Up Speed - (Status 100%) Target Self, MP 16, With a quick incantation they apply Haste to themselves.
Steal Time - Success = MA + 65% - Attempts to deal 50% damage to an already Slowed opponent, canceling slow in the process.

Synergy Skills

This set up is All thanks to Philsov with a bit of help from Mav! Each skillset is meant to work well with one another as well as compensating for what is missing in another. I think Philsov and Mav have done a great job splitting these! But let me know your thoughts on this arrangement as well.

Thanks goes to Philsov and Mav (and many others whose names I can't recall for the original skill ideas)for these wonderful skills!

QuoteMonk - Master of Internal Energy, also the starting point for all physical-ish jobs.  If you wanna know the basics, you start with yourself.  

Iconic skills:
Searing Salvation - clears the soul of impurities with holy fire.  Deals 15% HP damage, able to target self and allies.  (Self-only cleanse is worthless for most of the big ones, we need function here)
Chakra - melee-range, PA-based spirit exhertion damage!
(Secret Skill) - I don't think Demi Fist is fitting for the class, but we'll go back to these later.

Golden Hand - 5 range linear, instant, no MP - cancels Charging and Performing
Ogre Run - 2 range linear, instant, no MP - Earth ele damage + haste cancel proc.
Wave Fist - 2 range, single target.  Like the old one, only shorter range.
Pressure Point - PA*X (or MA*X?) damage with a 25% chance to Don't Act target.  1 range, 1-3CTR.
Meditate - Self-only regen, 100%.
Grid - Self only defend + protect

Mage Bane Fist - melee range, small charge time, no MP - 25% MP damage
Turning Gust - self-AoE, instant, no MP.  - no ele damage + Float/Regen/Faith cancel proc.
Consuming Fist - PA-based damage with recoil.  2 range, 1 AoE.
Radiant Claw - 4 range, single target, CT, MP - artillery shot
Tranquility - Enemy-only.  Dispells all status effects on the user.  PA+X% success rate.
Brace - Self only defend + shell


QuoteScryer - Supa-chemists!  Fine for now.  I probably want to change a rune or two but that's another step.  


QuoteInvoker - The black mage-like-class.  Features MA-but-not Fa-based damage with moderate status infliction in some cases.  Hosts the various elements.  I went with a dark/light split on Ramza + Rad.  Seems fitting, ability wise, though you may want to shuffle for thematics.

Explosion - MA * 5 (MA + 30%) Range 4, Effect Area 2, Vertical 2, MP 2 - The Invoker's most destructive spell, as well as the most inaccurate, from a distance the Invoker let's fly a large explosion
Metal (I'm really at a lost for this slot...) - MA * 2 (MA+90%), range 4, AoE 0, MP 1 - Invoker's most basic spell, manipulates the opponents equipment to deal them harm.
(Secret Skill - Blood Sin)

Dark chant - MA * 2 (MA + 65%) Range 2, Effect Area 0, Vertical 5, MP 2, chance to Inflict charm,
Poison  - Engulf - MA * 4 (MA + 60%) Range 2, Effect Area 1, Vertical 4, MP 2, Inflict Poison
Ice - Freeze - MA * 3 (MA + 40%) Range 4, Effect Area 1, Vertical 1, MP 2, Inflict Slow
Earth  - Tremor - MA * 3 (MA + 50%) Range 0, Effect Area 2, Vertical 0, MP 2
Poison + Earth = Rot - MA * 5 (MA + 45%), range 2, Effect Area 1, vertical 0, MP3.  Chance to inflict Undead or Death Sentence
Dark + Ice = White Death - MA * 4 (MA + 50%), range 3, Effect Area 2, Vert 2, MP3.  Inflicts Sleep.

Light - Spirit Surge - MA * 5 (MA + 45%) Range 5, Effect Area 0, Vertical 3, MP 2, Inflict Confusion
Lit  - Shock - MA * 2 (MA + 70)%) Range 3, Effect Area 0, Vertical 10, MP 2, Inflict Stop or Don't Act or Don't Move
Fire - Burn - MA * 6 (MA + 50%) Range 3, Effect Area 1, Vertical 3, MP 2, Chance to inflict Haste
Wind - Gale - Dmg_Random(1...4)* MA (For now PA...) Range 4, Effect Area 4, Vertical 2, (linear attack), MP 2
Fire + Wind = Flash Fire.  MA * 4 (MA + 50%), range 4 linear, vert 2.  No status.
Lit + Light = Smite - MA * 6 (MA + 90%), Range 4, Effect Area 0.  Chance to inflict Dead.  


QuoteCantor - Voice of Heaven.  Ramza and Rad given a good split on abilities, then gain a Cure-like spell each (Ramza with healing voice got an AoE, Rad got the opposite).  And I know you're going more for the vocal angle here, and I went more with the priesty angle, so feel free to change the names.  I like the abilities themselves though, nevermind the awesome bias.

Hymn of Life = Range self, AoE 1.  Revives!
Throe of Rebirth = single target, light CT, light MP.  Inflicts Reraise but harms unit for 25%.  Ally/self only.
(Mighty Prayer)

Healing Voice - 40% healing to a nearby target, triggering prayer status.  Instant.
Tumultuous Bellow - Range 0, AoE 1.  Success = 50% + MA;  Inflicts Berserk around the caster
Lethargic Psalm - Heals 65%, inflicts sleep and slow.  Very high success rate, ally only.
Anoint - Heals CFa * TFA * MA * 20;  range 4, AoE 1, moderate CT and MP.
Repent - Strips target of Innocent or Shell status, dealing 20% HP damage in the process.  
Sonnet to Faram - self-only, moderate CT, MP.  Success = ((CFa/100)^2) * (160+MA)) -- protect/shell/regen/faith

Healing Breath - 20% healing for a large area, triggering prayer status.  Instant.
Insane Chant - Range 2, AoE 0.  Success = 40% + MA.  Light PA-based damage plus confusion infliction
Aria of Peace - Dispels Berserk and heals target for 25%.  Success = PA+125%.  
Bless - Heals CFa * TFa * MA * 25; range 4, AoE 0.  moderate CT and MP.
Penance - Inflicts Addle.  Success = MA + 60%, Range 2, AoE 0, instant, no MP.
Coronach to Lucavi - Formula (100-CasF)*(100-TarF)* (Move + 6) * Current MP/2 #Hit Rdm 6 (wtf?); Single Enemy - Berserk/Blind/Poison/Innocent (All)

QuoteKnights - got kicked out of both Holy and Dark knight school, kinda waffling around with both and willing to sacrifice their own well being to get the job done.

Somber Drive - melee range, PA based.  Nasty damage with nasty recoil.
Battle Cry - Because Haste infliction ought to be shared <3
(Sanct Saber) -

Abraxas - Good range (5?  Greater than xbow, imo), single target, 30% recoil, 15 MP.  PA-based damage.
Ironclad - self/ally only - inflicts protect, regen, and slow.  Moderate MP, instant.
Chaste Slice - low faith enemies suffer~.  14 MP, instant, weapon range.  MA-based???
Iai Strike - Moderate MP Cost, can only be used with certain weapon types. 50% Chance to -20 Br.
Final Sacrifice - Must be critical Sacrifice the last bit of your life force for a high damage sword strike.
Cimmerian Edge - A Dark Elemental Sword Strike

Nix = 50% chance to transform dead unit into a crystal - 30 MP, weapon range, small CT.
Transfusion = Range 0, AoE 1.  Heals surrounding units for 40% HP at the expense of 20% on the self.
Swiftness - 15 MP.  Unevadeable weapon strike (use ARH!  no guns).
Fanatic's Folly - Higher damage to Higher faith units.
Sacred Symbol - Holy Elemental Sword strike.

QuoteTravelers - Rhodes Scholar?  More like rogue scholar!  lololololololol.  Did a decent split, then mirrored up Pick Up Speed and gave them both cool little duo tricks.  Ramza gained Ghost Strike as Rad has the thing from Monk.

Steal Heart - (MA + 50%) Range 3, Single Target, Charm, CT 3, MP 25
Blow Leaves Dmg F_(MA * 5) 3 Range, 3 Area, 3 Vertical - MP 10
(?????) - (MA + 5%) Range 4, Area 3, Vertical 3, CT 5, MP 60 - Has a small chance to turn your foes into Treasures.

Rust Helm - (PA + WP + 60%) Range 3, Single Target, MP 10
Rust Weapon - (PA + WP + 30) Range 3, Single Target, MP 18
Hide Away MA + 70% 3 Range, 3 Vertical, Single Target, CT 4 MP 10
Steal Exp -
Drop Down Speed - (Status 100%) 3 range, Target enemy, MP 16. With a quick incantation they apply slow to the foe.
Saved Time - Success = PA + 90%.  Cancels an ally's haste in order to heal them for ?50%?.

Rust Armor - (PA + WP + 40%) Range 3, Single Target, MP 12
Rust Shield - (PA + WP + 55%) Range 3, Single Target, MP 5
Ghost Strike - Dmg_MP * 5, Melee range, Single Range, MP 10
Steal Gil - CastLvl_SP 100% Hit - Field Wide, CT 2, MP 5
Pick Up Speed - (Status 100%) Target Self, MP 16, With a quick incantation they apply Haste to themselves.
Steal Time - Success = MA + 65% - Attempts to deal 50% damage to an already Slowed opponent.


QuoteGambler - My life is a chip in your pile.  Ante up!

Darts -  Formula: 1F (100-CasF)*(100-TarF)* (Move + 0) * Current MP/2 #Hit Rdm - X Variable:10 - Y Variable: 0 - Range: 4 - Effect Area: 0 - Vertical: 1 - - CT: 2 - MP: 15
Jackpot - 50/50 chance to hurt or heal targets in range.  How is this getting rigged up?
(Shady Deal) - Steal Acc

Dice Off - Range 1, area 1, linear attack, random fire, deals light-moderate non-elemental magical damage 1-6 times randomly between the gambler and his target
Straight - Deals one of 5 status effects at 50% -- (Blind/Poison/Don't Move/Addle/Berserk)
Ace of Spades - Deals high damage, Low chance to cause instant death.
Double Down - Self + AoE 1.  ~75% chance to work with 50/50 Reraise/Don't Move
Roulette - Haste or Slow to everything in sight
Polarize - Innocent or Faith everything in sight

Coin Toss - Range 1, area 1, linear attack, random fire, deals moderate-heavy non-elemental magical damage to either the Gambler or his target (only hits once, so 50-50 odds)
Three of a Kind - 3 range linear - PA-based damage with a chance to inflict ?????
Tantalize - MA+60% chance to inflict Stop. (we need less charm and confusion imo)
Drink Off - Self + AoE1.  ~50% chance to work with 50/50 Sleep/Berserk
Moss Shroom - Poison or Regen to everything in sight
Dazzle - Blind or Protect to everything in sight (Defend and Blind might be more fitting, but def is too temp for blind)


QuoteReliquian - Much like the Scryer, this chap is capped on available, so little will be added/split.  Tweaking may be needed, but later!

QuoteBlue Mage - Needs no description! (In the Interim of being changed)

Choco Cure - Self AoE Curing
Drain Touch - MP damage and MP restoration all in one!
(Hurricane) - I think self-destruct is imba, but secret skills will be looked at after the status effect bit.  

Eye gouge
Ice Breath
Triple Thunder
Calm Spirit
Not cat kick - ???

Mind Blast
Blow Fire
Triple Attack
Wind Soul


QuoteEsperblade - Subjected to a paradigm shift.  The esperblades will only be able to summon Espers tied to their equipped weapon, thanks to ARH. There are 4 subgroups with 4 espers each, to the tune of:  Healing, Support, Elemental, and Non-elemental.  Highly specialized but highly effective.  All spells are Faith-based, and all spells in the elemental and non-elemental brances have a 100% chance to hit.  Also forgive me for imprinting summon functions from my own patch :3.

Moogle - Range 4. AoE 2 - Wide-area healing
Fairy - Range 4, AoE 0 - Revives target with 50% health (Raise, basically)
Leviathan - Range 3, AoE 2 - Regen infliction
Silf - Range 3, AoE 1 - Drains 15% HP from targets.  (does AoE drain work, at all?  Would be nice to siphon life from a large area, while keeping things balanced for boss fights coupled with the drain cap ASM)

Elemental - Ifrit, Shiva, and Ramuh do the same damage with the same MP cost.  Titan is stronger (same MP?) due to range issues.
Ifrit - Range 4, AoE 2, affects both enemies and allies.  Fire elemental.
Shiva - Range 6, linear.  Enemies only.  Ice ele
Ramuh - Range 4, 3-way attack.  Enemies only. Lit ele
Titan - Range 0, AoE 2.  Enemies only.  Earth ele.  

Golem - Range 3, AoE 1 - Esuna-like effect, high success rate.
Salamander - Range 4, AoE 1 - CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 170) chance to inflict Berserk.  Enemy only.
Lich - Range 4, AoE 1 - CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 180) - Removes all positive status from the enemy.
Carbunkle - ?Confuddle? - Range 4, AoE - 1 - CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 130) - inflicts Charm, Confuse, OR sleep.  Enemy only.

Bahamut - Range 4, AoE 2.  Affects both enemies and allies.  Higher damage and MP cost than ifrit.
Odin - Range 6 Linear - CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 140) to inflict either Dead or Death Sentence
Zodiac - Range 4, AoE 0 - heavy damage, no AoE.
Cyclops - Range 4, AoE 3 - Med-Light damage, wide area.

QuoteArchers - Bow-weilders with a hint of magic!  And, yes, this one is a bit hard without overlapping.  They both gained a shot with a 25% proc of an invoker spell -- I chose one from each of their books but maybe a cross-swap would be better?  idk.  Invoker spell choice was the one most likely to connect, because procs that ultimately fail are lame.  Both also gained an AoE spell, and the cover fire idea is all skip sandwich iirc.  Also stepped on monks' toes a bit, and then straight stole from Dragoon but eh.

Beso Toxico - PW*WP with 100% chance to poison target.  Weapon range, MP 10.
Dominate Demon - Randomly inflicts Slow, Stop, DA, or DM onto a monster.  3 CTR, 12 MP.  100%.
(Lifeforce Shot) - Self-destruct formula, 8 range linear 8 vert, 30 MP, 100% Confusion

Divine Bolt - Sp + 50% chance to petrify undead.  Given to Ramza because he needs more light-based stuff.
Take Aim = PA*WP (maybe normal weapon strike?  I don't know if the goal is to inflict more than normal damage or just do unavoidable), 100% accuracy.  Given to Ramza since Rad has the thing from Knight.
Mist Disperse - MP damage, 20%+MA; 100%
Volley - moderate MP cost.  Bow/xbow only?  4 range, 1 AoE, 2 vert.  Weapon Strike damage into the area.  
Dark Shot - Weapon range, moderate-low MP cost.  Weapon Strike with a 25% chance to cast Dark Chant on the target.
X - Entice Demon - 100% Monster charm. (Is there a monster-only formula that isn't 100%?) - higher MP/CTR than dominate

Black Out Bolt - 100% Blind, but deals no damage.  2 MP.
Cupid's Arrow - Because Rad is a charming mofo.  MA+60%, weapon range, 3 CTR, 18 MP.
Cover Fire - 3 range, 1 AoE, 2 vert.  Enduring (perpetuating?  performing? whatever) at.... 6 CTR intervals.  Uses truth formula to fire up to 3 arrows into the affected area every cycle.  
Lit Shot - Weapon range, moderate-low MP cost.  Weapon Strike with 25% chance to cast Shock on the target
Stone Arrow - 100% chance to cancel charging and performing
X - Soothe Demon - 100% Monster Sleep. (Is there a monster-only formula that isn't 100%?) - higher MP/CTR than dominate


QuoteInquistor - EXPECT IT.  Stole a bit from Meliadoul.  When it doubt, give it a swordskill!Drawing a blank on these skills... maybe I'll thumb through the list from Ivalice Arena now that it's rather kaput.

Mirror Stance - self-only Reflect infliction at 100%.
Head Cracker - PA+65% chance to inflict Addle.  (damage + 100% seemed too good, and damage + 25% seemed to weak, so... goodbye damage)
(Blissful Indulgence) - MP restoration to ally?

Tear Away - 100% removal of magical benefits from target.  3 range, light MP cost, instant.  (Rad has the other dispel in monk)
?Shield Strip? - PA*WP with a 100% chance to break the targets shield.  Very high MP cost.
Steady Feet - Range 0, AoE 1 vert 3;  100% cancel Stop and Don't Act

Mana Strip - removes X% (30%?) mana from user.  This makes Rad/Ramza 2 and 2 for mana burn.
?Accessory Strip? - PA*WP with a 100% chance to break the targets accessory.  Very high MP cost.
God's Orb - Tar_F * MA * X damage.  Range 4, single target.  Non elemental.
Stable Feet - Range 0, AoE 2 vert 3; 100% cancel Slow and Don't Move


QuoteTrancer - We need to see what formulas do and do not work with geomancy, and more importantly concrete out the rest of the classes before solidifying this.


QuoteDragoon - Really there's several iconics I wish I could put up, but alas.  This'll be fun to divvy....

Jump - Duh.  SP*WP damage.  5 range, infinite vert imo.  
Dragon's Cry - 2 range, 2 vert.  Success = PA+90%.  Revives target with 1% HP.  (to review, Fairy rezzes with 50% HP at 4 range and charge time, and cantor 20% with 1 range... this might work?)
(Dragon Lord) - Self-only Float, Reraise, Berserk, Innocent, Reflect, Protect, Shell

Wisdom's Downfall - TarCurMP dmg, 18 MP.  
Bahamut Breath - 3 range linear, MA*10 damage, 30 MP.  Possibly elemental.
Dragon Gambut - Weapon damage + 50% chance to use Vital Sense.
Dragon's Roar - 100% Slow, Self AoE 2 vert 3 MP 32.  Slooooow.
Highwind - PA*(high), 4 range. single target.  Deals physical damage and knocks enemy back.  Only useable while under Float status.

Soul Sphere - PA*WP MP drain strike.  MP 45.
Dirt Breath- 2 range 1 AoE 2 vert 30 MP MA*10 damage.Earth Elemental.
Mimic Tiamat - 1 range, 3-way attack.  
Dragon Sword - Weapon damage with 50% chance to cast Ghost Strike on your foe.
Dragon's Wings - Fa's * (MA + 180) chance to inflict Float.  Light MP cost, very low CTR.  3 range, 2 AoE.
Bangaa Cry - Will be decided later.


QuoteWarder - I knew I missed one of em~

Fortify - Range 0 AoE 1 vert 3.  100% Protect
Muster - PA+120%, range 1 + self.  Esuna effect.  Moralizes himself or allies, letting them shake off negative status.

Grapple - CT00 with perservere!
Crumble - Cancels Protect, Shell, Reflect, or Defend and deals 33% damage
Daze - 1 range, 100% Blind.  No damage (same as Rad's Archer's Blackout)
Knockout - 1 range.  Fa*(MA + 160%) success rate; sleep infliction.
X - Swordslap - SUPER-light damage (MA*1-ish).  1 range, useful for canceling charm, confusion, and sleep without harming your ally.

Relieve - 1 range; cancels defending or sleep, healing target for 33%.  Max success rate.
Kick - 1 range, PA-based damage with target knockback
Unknown - Previously Ramza-only status infliction at decent success rate
Snuff - 1 range; cancels sleep, damaging target for 100%.  Moderate success rate.
Steadfast - self-only.  Heals for 10% every 6 ticks until canceled/out of MP.  Preferably also inflicts defend but can a formula do both?

QuoteArbalist - A crossbow using heavy damage user that somehow needs to be distinct from Archer and hopefully have minimal overlapping skills.  Buh.

Elemental Shot - strong charged ability with various elements attached to it.  
Riskbreaker - Weapon damage with a proc of itself (which can proc itself, which can proc itself, etc)

??? - 6 range 0 vert tol linear attack dealing PA-based damage
Autocrossbow - Uses old repeating fist formula to pelt the enemy with a deluge of bolts, 3 range single target
Execute - Uses Death formula to deal 21% dark damage to critical targets.  Weapon range, single target.  
Desperation - self only, critical-only.  Adds haste and innocent at 100%

??? - 4 range 0 vert tol 3-way attack dealing PA-based damage
Point Blank - 1 range 0 vert tol - PA+WP+X attack.  High damage.
?Salted Wound? - Damage dealt = damage taken thus far (aka climhazzard) (trumps Execute, I know;  but this job is off the Red Mage radar and needs a perk imo)
Second Wind - self-only, critical-only.  Adds Berserk and Regen at 100%.

You're probably scratching your head asking "...what?"

Well let me explain. Zodiac created something called the Ability Requirement Hack a while back and it is quite a Marvelous tool! It has single-handedly rescued the Hessian and Red Mage classes! It gets around that accursed skillset bug in a myriad of ways.

To give you a scope of this things potential...

You can now make Any skill require Any sort of equipment, from a Crossbow to Ribbons! You no longer are restricted by "Only Sword, Only Materia Blade" The tool can also set up "synergy skills" that require two specific skillsets to be there, but for the most part we won't be using all of that (there will be exceptions, mind you)

What the greatest part of this tool is for us is the Gender specification for skills. For those who have been with Mercenaries a long time know that Rad is labeled Male and Ramza labeled Female (only on a mechanics side of things, of course). This is done so each could have their own special class at the end of their job lines. Well... thanks to the ARH this arrangement becomes 100x more meaningful!

Now Rad and Ramza will have Completely different Skillsets from one another! (Despite still having the majority of the same jobs) but I will need your help. I will need anywhere from 5-16 new abilities for these classes (as because there skillsets are split, that means that they can have 8 maximum, minimum I would say would be... 5 each.).

Let me show you an example...


Ramza - Burn
Ramza - Spirit Surge
Ramza - Tremor
Ramza - Shock
Ramza - Blood Sin (Gran Grimoire)

Rad - Engulf
Rad - Dark Chant
Rad - Gale
Rad - Freeze
Rad - Explosion (Clear Thought)
(As you can also see from this example, that specific items can be required to use skills)

 I will be resurrecting each job thread (everyone that will be using this, anyhow), feel free to come up with your own themes for the Two skillsets, just keep in mind the purpose of the classes. Also don't fear of just giving a few skill ideas, we need as Much help as we can with this.

As always, thank you for all the help you can give.

EDIT: I will be away this weekend, but I'll try to respond to what I can while away.
Astathon is the opposite of Zalera within the Gemini stone, already awaking within Garamonde's grasp.

Astathon has a markedly different appearance than Zalera. Unlike the other Lucavi he is very human looking. An extraordinarily tall man, wearing a white robe, with a mourning veil, covering the majority of his face. His hair can be any color the spriter wants it to be.

He should have bright blue eyes, and if Somehow make him seem extremely handsome (which might be difficult with just eyes to work with). Astathon is a very vain being, believing himself to be the most pure and beautiful creature to grace Ivalice.  

I apologize for the real lack of description, but I'm not that great at describing things. I was told to make this topic along time ago, let's see if I can't find some references...


An idea of what I mean (with face more veiled.


A better description of the outfits I have in mind.

http://www.steampunkfamily.com/wp-conte ... 50x150.jpg

And finally an idea of how the portrait would look (half the face impossible to see through the shroud, so to speak.

Sorry this took so long to get up, just keep in mind his outfit is meant to be white, rather than the traditional black.
As I gleamed from Zephyr's ambiguous post in Spam, he had said that Yasumi Matsuno had returned to Square Enix for a remake of Tactics Ogre. I couldn't believe the news, so I had to google it to be sure. Lo and behold our man is back in his chariot, running the show!

http://www.gamingplanet.info/tactics-og ... inal-staff

I have personally never played Tactics Ogre, so this is fantastic news for me who knows relatively nothing of the story! Another Matsuno produced game... I never would have imagined. And with Square Enix nonetheless. This is a restart of relations I feel. I think we can expect that this is just the tip of the iceberg for the return of the incredible man!
FFT Arena / FFT Arena: Tiered Play
July 14, 2010, 03:03:33 pm
Yes, yes, I know that things are set to 35 for balance issues, but We control the balance now, do we not? My idea will solve the problems with the "useless tiers" of weapons and bring a bit of variety to mix up the tried and true method of the Tourney setups.

My idea is to change the lower tiers of weapons into starting (or near game beginning) weapons from other FF's (Or what have you, anything is better than the generic 1 WP sword). In addition to this is to reconfigure the stats of all classes so they are all usable at Level 5. Furthermore the JP cap would need to be immensely lowered, if these classes are meant to mimic the start of game, maybe 300-650 at most.

For instance instead of Dagger (1 WP 5% Ev.), how about

Spark Dagger 2 WP, 5% Ev. Lightning Elemental, 25% Don't Move. Not very effective against humans, but against certain monsters it may make or break the team.

Shadow Blade 4 WP 5% Ev. Dark Elemental 50% Hit: Demi, Innate Blind This weapon has a few uses, especially so early when Ev. won't get higher than 20.  

It's a very simple system to bring up creative solutions to what would be the earlier tiers. I'm not the best balancer around, but I believe this idea has some merit.

Lv 5 Tier (Rank 1 Weapons)
Lvl 10 Tier (Rank 2 Weapons) So on and so forth.
Archives / ★ Event Breakdowns Thread
June 29, 2010, 09:29:19 pm
Alright. Here is the progression of the story for every character, an easy template to ingrain.

(Starting Event) - Battle 1 - Battle 2 - (Event Battle) - Battle 4 - Battle 5 - (Event Battle 2) - (Chaos Summoning for most characters) (Event Battle 3)
- Battle 9 - Battle 10 - (Destined Battle) (Final Battle)

There are 18 teams, so there are...

18 Starting Events

54 Event Battles

18 Destined Battles

(18 Endings?)

In addition to this are paths A/B/C, each of the characters fall into this, the path for each is as follows...

Path A - Follows forward to win the prizes from Elidibs, whether it be immortality or the precious gemstone.

Wiegraf - Blackmailed into the tournament, but did have Elidibs' word that he would receive his aid if he did become the victor.

Balk - With a new, unseen creation dug up from the mines in Goug, feels invincible. Eternal Life doesn't sound that bad at all. Why not just grab it with this beast?

Beowulf - Thinks that the Gemstone would make the perfect engagement gift to propose to Reis with!

Grims - Does what is necessary to win immortality for his daughter. That means slaying any demon or felling any man that gets in his way.

Anastasia - With a world of adventure on her belt already, why not go to see if she can't add another priceless relic to her expansive collection?

At the end of this path, they come face to face with Mateus, as the Lucavi directly opposing them.

Path B - Follows Forward to defeat Elidibs. Whether it be for glory, profit, or for the sake of mankind.

Meliadoul - To prove herself to her father, she had resolved to defeat Elidibs and claim his gemstone for the church. She's not so naive to believe that he will just hand it over. Magicians are crafty folk after all.

Kletian - The self professed "next coming of Elidibs". He is in this tournament for one reason and that is to defeat Elidibs and prove once and for all that he was the best mage Ivalice had ever seen.

Gafgarion - Tasked by a mysterious man to stop Elidibs by any means Necessary it is clear that Gafgarion will have to fight through the Mage's tourney to even get a glimpse of him. With his goal firmly in mind.

Rakunar - What lies inside of him draws him to the tournament and the being he plays host to drives him to destroy the tournament leader. Struggling with the conflict within, he tries to hold onto himself as these two forces within tear at his very soul.

At the end of this path, Chaos is fought (not a watered down, just revived version). As the lucavi directly opposing them.

Path C - The Wanderers, those without an aim, or simply honing their skills, or are simply observing the proceedings,perhaps chasing old ghosts, not knowing what awaits them at the end of their path...

Alicia + Lavian - Two recruits freshly graduated from the Lesalia Guardians. The ladies were personally tutored by Agrias. They fight to see how far they can get.

Valmafra + Desburiga (Coven)- They are there to assure everything goes smoothly according to Elidibs' design.

Celia + Lettie - Spies for the Lucavi, watches the moves of all the players and waits for Elidibs' himself to make his move.

Olan - The information gatherer of Ivalice. Surely such a place as this would be a hotbed of information!

Zalbag - Conflicted with which path to take, his blade remains hesitant, as he fights towards a goal in which he is not even sure of.

Agrias + Ovelia - Receiving a mysterious letter from her long dead teacher, she leaves Orbonne to confront this woman, while Ovelia follows her in secret.

Elmdor - Told that he is to attain to immortality here, but little does he know that he's playing into a plot separate from Elidibs' own.

These unsure and aimless folk run into Famfrit as their Scion of Opposition.
Mercenaries / Mercenaries: On Hold No Longer!
February 16, 2010, 02:54:11 am
I apologize to everyone who helped me in my naive undertaking, but I am afraid life has swallowed me whole. I should have been aware of my folly well before I had begun. (I have a knack for only half finished projects that fool the people into thinking that they're accomplishing anything...) I have too many people to thank that I could spend all night listing them, so I can't exactly do it and I assure you all this is not how I had wanted things to go. In the end though, I fear this is the only way for things to play out.

This post will probably be seen as highly melodramatic and I apologize for that. This was a project I kept close to my heart for a good two years. I had created (along with much help from Eternal and Asmo) a truly Incredible story, and thanks to much of your input truly creative classes and abilities. With a battle system that is 85% refined, it is still playable in a few parts, and of course the possibility of new scenarios that people wish to make from this nearly complete battle system (battle system = items, classes, abilities, of course).

I will be releasing all of my notes, aside from the story (by request of the co-script writer, Eternal), along with the patch, so people can see what I had accomplished (Which really wasn't a lot). I cannot apologize enough for stringing you all along with a project that probably reached its peak in the fall of last year. If anyone Truly wishes to continue this project (no chance...) I will only hand over the story when I see that you would be serious of taking on this job. That includes events, (likely sidequests shown in the sidequest thread) and actual testing of the battle system in place.

A lot of things made me make this decision, but first and foremost is my lack of time, secondary is the talent being wasted here. Everyone who has helped me here has some of the best talents on the forum and it is a shame that they were so squandered by my inability to lead. As such I ask that everyone who had assisted with Mercenaries,  Please support Call of Power. Kokojo has done Incredible work, dwarfing anything I had done, by at least two to threefold, if not more.

Because this project was the "First" real large project it attracted quite a following, but left other, more than worthy projects, out in the cold. Remix, Call of Power, and Symbols of Rage all come to mind. Your talents helped this foolish undertaking shine brighter than I ever could have imagined, allow those talents to burn for a project that has purpose and devotion behind it. I was nothing more then a mediocre event editor (what should have taken minutes took me hours to figure out and apply) and less of a hacker then I displayed myself. Sure my grandstanding and impressive (for the time) displays may have attracted others, but it really alienated other, more talented project leaders.

So without further ado, the current form of Mercenaries (note it's still playing from a "Training Demo" standpoint, so you will need a save file past the start, or extract the events from the original demo and input them in here. Even then, it may be unstable. Keep in mind the game was meant to be only two fully customizable units, please take that into consideration if you should choose to create any scenarios.

I might come back to this, who knows what freedom summer brings? For that reason, that last slight sliver of hope, I will not be releasing the story for that reason (unless as listed above someone wishes to be a true successor to this, honestly mediocre project). Once again I fully suggest everyone check out Kokojo's Call of Power, it has made leaps and bounds far beyond Mercenaries.

Here you are, the two packs you'll need for everything Mercenaries.

(Remember to Patch you must have an extended ISO or there will be problems)


Don't get me wrong, I won't be quitting this forum (though I've been on it a lot less due to school and other issues) I just don't have the time to care for this little pet project.

Also I must deeply most apologize to Mav, you had done such brilliant work for this project and only hope you continue using your grand talents for Kokojo's own work.


I've grown accustomed to the ways of college life, therefore I can now work on this project again, while balancing my time to do so.
Alright, I plan for a new video, upcoming in two weeks, our mercenaries face off against the greatest seafaring threat known, Bikke the Pirate. Now I was wondering if I could have a sprite made for Bikke, the Pirate from FF1, that would be Fantastic! Here are a few reference pics for him...

I would like this sprite by the end of next week, if at all possible.

(Once the sprite concept is complete this thread will be put into the normal spriting thread)
Good afternoon everyone, as most on IRC might know I've come down with what I believe to still just be a common cold, the problem is now that it's entering a month if not longer of this cold and I think my condition is getting worse. While I used to be able to function pretty well, I was at least able to get some work done. But this sickness has wrecked me since then, I can hardly see straight and just staying awake is a difficulty unto itself, searing headaches and unabetting muscle weakness, and a constant sore throat... well they say it's darkest before the dawn (no pun intended) perhaps this is the last of it, before my condition returns to normal.
The Lounge / Carl Sagan Tribute
October 09, 2009, 04:48:43 am
Glorious Dawn - Carl Sagan Tribute

I know what some of you might be thinking... this is completely out of character for me, but this video has lead me on a pretty interesting journey that partially takes me through my childhood, as I too had a grand interest in the stars as a boy, and I never really ventured back into it since I was young. So seeing this video, (which I happened across rather incidentally...)especially with the message it gives and the hope it instills, at least in me, has brought me full circle. I've been spending most of the day and night watching his (29 year old...) series called Cosmos and am learning everything anew, along with many other interesting pieces of history.

To any light fan (anything more than light would probably seem insipid to them...) of astronomy or just space itself I fully suggest the Cosmos series, though it is old, it is still very relevant.

In the original game these two skills were among the Most Useless, but Mercenaries does give the basic premise of the skills a chance... so to speak...

Finger Guard - Guards Against Formula 2A Explicitly

Monster Talk - Allows the use of Formula 2A on the Monster Gender Explicitly.

Now this allows us a few interesting possibilities... a few monsters that won't be equipping anything will be staying the Monster Gender, this allows for skills that could be used against them.

So does anyone have suggestions for a new role for Monster Talk and Finger Guard to play?
Monsters are very different in Mercenaries...

A number of them can equip certain items, for instance...

The Minotaur can equip Clothes, Armguards, and Armlets.

Bombs can equip Helmets and Hats, because... well they're a giant head with arms, hehe.

Goblins are very versatile, they can equip Hat, Clothing, Shoes, Rings, and Armlets. These foes are not to be taken lightly.

Mindflayers can equip Robes, Staves, Rings, and Cloaks, definitely foes to watch out for (especially with their new reactions, but more on all that later.

The Bone Snatch is a relatively unique foe in Mercenaries, they can equip Swords, Shields, and even Bec De Corbins, their protective garb is Armor, Armguards and Cloaks.

Ghouls can equip Robes, nothing else.

Treants can only equip Rings

That's it for their equipment, because I made a grave error with Dark and Fire weapons most monsters have resistance to those two weapons, so it might not be best to use the newest Dark/Fire weapon one happens upon.

Also there are no longer subclasses of monsters, but I can easily still give certain ones their own skillsets, most of them were sacrificed for Bounties, (which will be talked about in another thread...) but regardles monsters can do with a rehaul of their current abilities. If you have any thoughts on what you would like to see rehauled (or perhaps new ideas for monsters to be put in) don't hesitate to speak up.
Mercenaries Spriting Forum / Event Portraits
September 17, 2009, 12:24:20 pm
Eternal and I are moving pretty fast, but there are a few things we need from the talented spriters among us, to make our events really stand out, these are "emotional portraits" or rather unique portraits used in events, this is what I require, but feel no pressure for time of course...

A backwards facing portrait of Lady Ruglia (Ramza's mother)
A sad expressioned Cadet Delita portrait
An angry Dycedarg portrait
Wounded Miluda portrait
Saddened cadet Ramza
A commanding expressioned Zalbag
A dark shaded Algus face (if possible)
An angry Cadet Delita
A close eyed Teta
Horrified cadet Ramza

There will be Many more down the line, but this seems enough for now, I look forward to seeing what you all come with, this is for the Dream Sequence and Zeakden Nightmare respectively.
This video will highlight a more traditional battle scenario in Mercenaries. It is versus Rondel Lednor and the Baert Company Mercenaries, it is a bit based on character and this is the formal introduction of Rondel Lednor(Rondel Lednor is the replacement name chosen for the character formerly known as Pieke Okata). Gafgarion's Rival for many years. This will be a relatively character developing event, not as earthbreaking as the consequences in the Aftermath but it is still a very fun battle. The video is planned to be up by next Sunday.
There has been a bit of contention on the IRC if I should keep the character of Gafgarion's rival name as Pieke Okata.

Those in the Know-How know the name comes from a GameFAQ's user from the FFT Boards which some say is a bit of a 4th Wall Breaker, this is true, there's no denying that. The original name of the sprite is Pieke and I thought it was a cool name to use for an older man who has had past dealings with Gafgarion. Though some profess that this is too much and breaks up the flow of the story, granted his character's name is revealed a bit later, they say the reference is simply just a cop out and many people will be pulled away from the story we've tried hard to keep legitimate.

On the flip-side... wouldn't this in some cases draw in users? A reference to GameFAQ's may get more people interested from that community to join us here and perhaps give their support to Mercenaries. Also there are very few names which present the same "arrogance" that this character portrays as the name Pieke Okata, it just seems to oozes self confidence, but if it is voted that it should be replaced, then I would be happy to hear any suggestions you may have.

For those who vote Please make sure to state your reasons for the choice.
Mercenaries / Mercenaries Reorganization Effort!
August 15, 2009, 06:58:02 pm
Alright, I'll put it bluntly... this section is a mess! While I have everything I need, for the person just finding out about this project they are left in the dust, it is a bit of a shame but to find much information one must dig and things change consistently on the project.

Now disorganizatin is one of my larger faults, while I can find my way around my own messes many other people can't. What suggestions may you people have to clean up this secton a bit?
Mercenaries Spriting Forum / Reliquian Palette
August 10, 2009, 12:01:36 am
Well Mav and MikeMitchi have done a great job giving the Reliquian a personality with his portraits! 12 palettes to choose from! That's far too much for me! Now this poll will decide the six as chosen, the five most popular portraits will be the palettes chosen for the sprite itself.

This poll will go for seven days and seven days only.

Mercenaries / The Aftermath Battle Event
August 06, 2009, 10:10:56 pm
Alright! Voldemort has come through! And with some impressive strategy (though I must ask why the Bullet and Gun combo didn't go off...)  you didn't do too bad at all. This is the first actual viewing of a Mercenaries combat zone, so feel free to comment on the battle system itself (namely Zalbag's refusal to use anything but the suicidal Shallow Slash...) although I do sort of wish the Gamble skillset had been utilized, but that's mainly my fault for not telling him about it.

So without further ado... enjoy...

Leave any critiques or comments you may have either here or on the video itself.

Mercenaries: The Aftermath of Event

Aftermath of Event part 2
PSX FFT Hacking / Magic the Gathering: FFT Edition?
August 03, 2009, 03:14:31 am
For anyone who's a fan of the classic card game, there are a couple of nifty tools to make your own cards, I find myself rather drawn to such things, hehe. For instance here is an idea I had for Ultima. Probably a bit overpowered but...

Mercenaries / Video Surprise! Tonight!
July 25, 2009, 11:56:16 pm
The Video is Up! At... The Aftermath of the Battle topic!

Northern Sky
Moon Transfixion
Shallow Slash
Lea Monde