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Original Jot5 Thread

Started by 3lric, October 24, 2011, 04:53:34 am


November 24, 2011, 04:03:34 am #120 Last Edit: November 24, 2011, 04:14:37 am by Elric42
Quote from: Lucifer_zero on November 23, 2011, 09:11:05 pm

6) Wish - Instant Revive with really low HP, always a need on some suport, but close range
7) Wishga - revive with 75% HP, high MP and/or CT = Raise, that way it will at leat be better than Raise, but still close range as wish
8) Calm Body - remove, on self and around, body stats debuff: Don´t Move, Dont Act, Silence, Darkness, Petrify, Poison, stop, slow and Oil.
9) Tranquil Mind - only on one, remove mind debuff: Berseker, Sleep, Confuse and Charm
10)Purish Soul - only on one, remove soul debuff: Death Sentence, Undead, Blood Suck and Frog
11)Protecure - only hit one with small HP recover (cure 1) + protect
12)Reshell - only hit one, Regen + Shell
13)X-Cure - Cure 3 on one character
14)Arise - Reraise if not dead, Raise 2 if dead
15)Purifying Hymn- Adds regen, protect, shell, and haste on one unit ( Mag Barrieeerrrr ^^ )
16)THROW STONE - just kidding, to tell true i was thinking on another ranged skill that have 100% knockback AND cancel charge, but didnt think on one good name,

Some of these seem very similar to what Durbs had thought up, the Arise is quite a interesting idea, I really like the last onewith 100% knockback and cancelcharge i could see that being extremely useful and i also agree that he would need atleast one simple type of throw stone move, also atleast 1 of Ramza's will have to be learned from a boss crystal in a "kill all enemies" battle (such as when you kill gafgarion) but otherwise lets see what he has to say about the changes you've made, since he thought up the movelist originally.

QuoteAnother thing i was thinking is on how each char could learn they skills
Dante is dependent of equip, great ! ^^
Link could be the event like i said
Cloud i thought on something like reading rumors on some guy on black that liberate a fight on some place that you can only enter with Cloud, like a duel, as if Cloud was seacrhing after the rumor being something on Sephiroth, there he would battle someone and start next to some crystal with the new skill.

Alot of character abilities will be available from just having JP to buy them tho they won't be cheap JP or MP wise but some will be learned from bosses.
I like the whole thing with a rumor but that unfortunately at this time isn't something i can do more then vanilla already had (Nelveska Temple & Goland Coal City) because I don't know how to link other rumors to things like that and unfortunately i have a subquest in mind for using a rumor later on, so that would remove that possibility, but i do like the idea of having a duel with some characters, and there are other ways go about doing sidequests that I've thought of as well  :mrgreen:

QuoteSnake, AMMUNITION ! ( trash some itens, make they into the skill and plan where they could be avaible )

I'm not sure what you mean here

QuoteAlso, monsters would be tammed on this game ? If not, Tortoise could have something like
* HardShell Strike
An attack with knockback efect
* Big Guard
Protect+Shell on EVERY ENEMY
* Revenge
HPmax - HPactual
And more, will they have tiers as Vanilla ? if Yes, what about to make some a 4th Tier thats like Byblos/Worker 8, i mean, special monsters, that have acess to every attack from they and buffs ?

There may be a skill to tame monsters, we haven't really done alot regarding the generic classes, but since the game will have generics i suppose we should work on that as well.
Also yes the custom monsters do have tiers same as in vanilla  :mrgreen: and a 4th Tier would be quite interesting indeed

Quote1- someone with group buff + atack would end to much versatile, that can make it a little broken, and if you put the group buff with low hit hate, then people would just not use they, or use only when there was not anything else to do
2- Thats the charm on secondary moveset, you can focus the first one on one thing and the other on what you need to complement the first.

This makes a lot of sense actually

Thank you very much for all your ideas! Keep them coming  :mrgreen:
  • Modding version: PSX


Hum, as i dont know what part from snake you didnt get, ill try to explain everything that on my head:

When i said about how character learn their skill was for one thing basically: to not get some power skill from grinding JP, even if you putted some high JP cost if you grind enough you could have the non secret skills right on the start, so learning they at some point of game is another way to limit what you can use ^^

For snake, the ammunition would be like item, i mean, basically ammo, you need to have some item in inventory to be able to use the skill, every time you use, you spent one of that item, when i said to trash some item, was to remove some item from game to make the item for ammo to snake


For Tortoise, what i have thought on so far is something like:

1st Tier
Stelltoise - innate = defense UP , cannot enter water, mov HP UP / Weak: Water, Absorb: Ligthing
"A Tortoise soo hard that it cant event enter on water without drown and rust"

* HardShell Strike
An attack with knockback efect, close range
* Big Protect
Protect on every member of the team
* Revenge
HPmax - HPactual, range 3

2nd tier
MyrithlToise - innate MagDefUP, ignore height, move on water / Weak: earth, Absorb: Wind
"A Tortoise born from the famous magical metal, that is so light that their feet dont even touch the ground"

* HardShell Strike
An attack with knockback efect, close range
* Big Shell
Shell on every member of the team
* Diference
the skill from Byblos

3rd tier
Adamantoise - Innate DefUP, MagDefUP, cannot enter water, move on lava / Strong: Fire, Water, Wind
"Made from the legenday metal, Adamantoise is barely hurt from slashes or magic, even lava is nothing for it"

* HardShell Strike
An attack with knockback efect, close range
* Big Guard
Protect + Shell on every member of the team
* Last Resort
Self cast, only on critical, gives full HP + Berseker + Protect + Shell + Haste

4th tier, THE BOSS
Unknowtoise - innate DefUP, MDefUP, MovHPup, move everywhere / Always: Protect, Shell, Start: Reraise / Immune: dead, Dont Act, Dont Move, Charm / Strong: every element Null: Dark
"They cant say of what this Tortoise is made, some say its a material from another world"

Skill set - Metal Shell ( i know, gotta work on this name )

- HardShell Strike
- Revenge
- Diference
- Last Resort
- Big Guard+  ( shell + protect + regen on everyone on team )

Also everyone of the Tortoise would me immune to Charm, so you cant have they cast their Big skill for your team, didnt think much more from this

Still didnt thought on specific counter to Tortoises, i dont even thought if they sould have a specific counter or each Tier one type of counter.

I´m already thinking on something for Werewolfs, so far each one will have one Claw attack that inflict some a status, each tier one different debuff ( poison, Charm, undead, Blood Suck) and Howling Moon, a self cast Haste... and right now thinking on what could be last attack, and names on they.

For Lamia surely they will use at least one song skill that inflict bad stats ( the classical Sleep and Poison+frog ) and from then i didnt think nothing yet -_-

well, thats for now.
My english sucks... and i know this.

Currently playing:
- FFT +, by Dome
- CCP, by Celdia


Quote from: Lucifer_zero on November 24, 2011, 06:08:20 am
Hum, as i dont know what part from snake you didnt get, ill try to explain everything that on my head:

When i said about how character learn their skill was for one thing basically: to not get some power skill from grinding JP, even if you putted some high JP cost if you grind enough you could have the non secret skills right on the start, so learning they at some point of game is another way to limit what you can use ^^

For snake, the ammunition would be like item, i mean, basically ammo, you need to have some item in inventory to be able to use the skill, every time you use, you spent one of that item, when i said to trash some item, was to remove some item from game to make the item for ammo to snake

Oh i get it now, an yea i see what your saying, some skills will be limited, and the whole making them acquire after certain events would be great, my main issue is, other then making them learn by crystal I don't know how to make someone learn a secret skill, so if you know how I would welcome the knowledge. The only other way i could think of to do that (unlock different ones from chapter to chapter such as Ramza learning Scream) would be to make a completely separate skillset for chapter 2 and so on as they did in vanilla, and when you consider doing that for 5 separate people, that eats up alot of skillsets

Also the more I think it over, the more I'm liking the idea of Snake having some moves like either the throw moves that the ninjsa have or Item moves could probably be modified to do about the same, if this is what you mean?

For Tortoise, what i have thought on so far is something like:

1st Tier
Stelltoise - innate = defense UP , cannot enter water, mov HP UP / Weak: Water, Absorb: Ligthing
"A Tortoise soo hard that it cant event enter on water without drown and rust"

* HardShell Strike
An attack with knockback efect, close range
* Big Protect
Protect on every member of the team
* Revenge
HPmax - HPactual, range 3

2nd tier
MyrithlToise - innate MagDefUP, ignore height, move on water / Weak: earth, Absorb: Wind
"A Tortoise born from the famous magical metal, that is so light that their feet dont even touch the ground"

* HardShell Strike
An attack with knockback efect, close range
* Big Shell
Shell on every member of the team
* Diference
the skill from Byblos

3rd tier
Adamantoise - Innate DefUP, MagDefUP, cannot enter water, move on lava / Strong: Fire, Water, Wind
"Made from the legenday metal, Adamantoise is barely hurt from slashes or magic, even lava is nothing for it"

* HardShell Strike
An attack with knockback efect, close range
* Big Guard
Protect + Shell on every member of the team
* Last Resort
Self cast, only on critical, gives full HP + Berseker + Protect + Shell + Haste

4th tier, THE BOSS
Unknowtoise - innate DefUP, MDefUP, MovHPup, move everywhere / Always: Protect, Shell, Start: Reraise / Immune: dead, Dont Act, Dont Move, Charm / Strong: every element Null: Dark
"They cant say of what this Tortoise is made, some say its a material from another world"

Skill set - Metal Shell ( i know, gotta work on this name )

- HardShell Strike
- Revenge
- Diference
- Last Resort
- Big Guard+  ( shell + protect + regen on everyone on team )

Also everyone of the Tortoise would me immune to Charm, so you cant have they cast their Big skill for your team, didnt think much more from this

Still didnt thought on specific counter to Tortoises, i dont even thought if they sould have a specific counter or each Tier one type of counter.

I´m already thinking on something for Werewolfs, so far each one will have one Claw attack that inflict some a status, each tier one different debuff ( poison, Charm, undead, Blood Suck) and Howling Moon, a self cast Haste... and right now thinking on what could be last attack, and names on they.

For Lamia surely they will use at least one song skill that inflict bad stats ( the classical Sleep and Poison+frog ) and from then i didnt think nothing yet -_-

well, thats for now.

I like the tortoise moves you came up with here and as long as there's no objections from any of the team i will post them to the first post tomorrow with the rest of the moveset
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: Elric42 on November 24, 2011, 07:03:04 am
Also the more I think it over, the more I'm liking the idea of Snake having some moves like either the throw moves that the ninjsa have or Item moves could probably be modified to do about the same, if this is what you mean?

Yeah, right that ^^, except for the Roundrouse Kick and the ones that work only when invisible, all other would end up having ammo ( item ) instead of MP cost.
My english sucks... and i know this.

Currently playing:
- FFT +, by Dome
- CCP, by Celdia


Quote from: Lucifer_zero on November 24, 2011, 07:17:49 am
Yeah, right that ^^, except for the Roundrouse Kick and the ones that work only when invisible, all other would end up having ammo ( item ) instead of MP cost.

I really like that
  • Modding version: PSX


  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


November 24, 2011, 09:46:52 am #126 Last Edit: November 24, 2011, 11:23:33 am by Durbs
I don't know about ammunition, especially if we're already doing something like this for Dante (eg moves are ALMA based). I do like your tortoise abilities, though (although the Big ____ can't be 100% on all; that would be rather cheap).

As for Ramza, I thought of most of those moves, but kicked them out for reasons that I shall explain later (hafta go; just keep an eye on this post for later!)

Ok, so here was my thought process with most of those:

Your 6-7: I think you might have misunderstood where I was going with this; that's basically what those two are.

Your 8-10: It did with three what I did with one (and, to a lesser extent, two); I just like the balance the way I have it more (the majority of statii healed from one, or less to a group)

Your 11-12: I don't really like the concept with 11, and with 12 it's just about balance that I didn't do something like that.

Your 13: That's what the progressive healing spells are for; it's going up a chain to reach that point.

Your 14: This one I like, but I don't know where we'd fit it in unless we combined Mantra and Aura, which I'd rather not do for balance purposes (rejuvenate wouldn't have a second staii attached to it, though I suppose we could add haste).

Your 16: It doesn't fit in the set (and while it might be an homage to the original game that's what Ultima Sword is for).
  • Modding version: PSX


November 24, 2011, 09:50:23 am #127 Last Edit: November 24, 2011, 10:05:57 am by Elric42
Quote from: Eternal248 on November 24, 2011, 09:34:33 am
You guys need to come on IRC more. :(

Sorry Eternal I shall try to come on more often, been real busy on the mod + finally just beat Skyward Sword ( :mrgreen:)and got over being really sick

Quote from: Durbs on November 24, 2011, 09:46:52 am
I don't know about ammunition, especially if we're already doing something like this for Dante (eg moves are ALMA based).

I'm not sure about Lucifer_zero but i was referring to actually modifiying the Item abilities such as potion, phoenix down antidote and giving some to Snake as attack abilities, like grenades and things like that that need to actually be bought such as the ninja's ice/fire/thunder balls.

And I honestly don't know what ALMA is but if your refering to Dantes moves that require different equipment to use that not quite the same thing as modifying some of the item abilities themselves (or even the ninjas) to be use for snake such as bullets or grenades.

Hope that clears up any confusion  :mrgreen:
  • Modding version: PSX


Make bullet-esque skills by using Draw Out, and having the Break Rate for each Katana be 100%. Make all Guns one-handed with Innate: Dual Wield. From here, make each Draw Out skill require having a certain Bullet (Katana) equipped to use that skill.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


Quote from: Eternal248 on November 24, 2011, 10:15:52 am
Make bullet-esque skills by using Draw Out, and having the Break Rate for each Katana be 100%. Make all Guns one-handed with Innate: Dual Wield. From here, make each Draw Out skill require having a certain Bullet (Katana) equipped to use that skill.

I like this idea, but not necessarily for the entire main set. Is there a way that we can get him to be able to switch to a second class?

Actually, that brings up some interesting ideas... what if each of them (Ramza included) had 3-4 job classes that they could switch between? We'd probably have to eliminate the current system of generics to do this and make a series of enemy-only classes, but I kinda like the idea.

  • Modding version: PSX


I thought about that a while ago, but I'd have no idea how to go about it except with maybe RAD magic.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


November 24, 2011, 12:19:42 pm #131 Last Edit: November 24, 2011, 12:22:45 pm by Lucifer_zero
Quote from: Durbs on November 24, 2011, 09:46:52 am
Ok, so here was my thought process with most of those:

Your 6-7: I think you might have misunderstood where I was going with this; that's basically what those two are.

Oh, i just putted those two to know make sure it was something like that ^^

Quote from: Durbs on November 24, 2011, 09:46:52 am
Your 8-10: It did with three what I did with one (and, to a lesser extent, two); I just like the balance the way I have it more (the majority of statii healed from one, or less to a group)

Hum... when i had read your description it looked as one esuna for one and a nerfed esuna for a group, so thats basically why i´ve thought on this, especially on 10, something that cure Undead/Blood Suck is really welcome, but having it on something that remove almost other thing is strong ( that would make a skill that takes strenght from moves that, for instance, gives Undead + Poison one someone ) mine concern isnt the only the strenght of the skill alone, but what it-ll reflect on others skills -_-

Quote from: Durbs on November 24, 2011, 09:46:52 am
Your 14: This one I like, but I don't know where we'd fit it in unless we combined Mantra and Aura, which I'd rather not do for balance purposes (rejuvenate wouldn't have a second staii attached to it, though I suppose we could add haste).

IMHO, Regen + Haste is too powerfull, on true Haste alone is something kinda broken in this game when used with high speed characters / too much strong,

Maybe if my 14 worked, it could be Wishga ? What you think ?

Quote from: Durbs on November 24, 2011, 09:46:52 am
Your 16: It doesn't fit in the set (and while it might be an homage to the original game that's what Ultima Sword is for).

YEah, i know what you mean, but i didnt mean to have exactly throw stone, but something like what i proposed, maybe something like "Vacuum Blade", and add Wind elemental to the skill.

About 11, 12, 13, i´ve trhought on something that would make me use this skillset, without removing some possibility of the secondary, if you have skillset to much like one from priest, you end rarely using white magic cuz you can do almost everything you need with your main skillset, so i tried to focus on having skills alike priest one, but that dont make all priest could do ( this remind me of Tactics Ogre, where Cleric have Area Heal and Priest have Revive and Heal All, they are two jobs that are too much alike, but each one does what the other dont so you end up using both instead of only one of they )


For Tortoise, Big ____ i think its better than having low %HIT, having a huge MP cost, so enemy can cast they only two times at max on begining ( i dont remeber if someone did get MP costs work for monsters ) and this ONLY if you couldn´t invite monster, as tortoise could have immune charm ( i think charm is one of most breaking status in game... )

If you could invite enemy, then i agree that they hit should be something like 50%+MA ( also Tortoise are mean to be slow Tank, so they will need something a little more strong to compensate that )

[ at least Big Guard+ should stay 100%, as it would be one "Boss" skills, boss are mean to be more hard ]


The ideia of everyone of the 5 having 3~4 jobs is great ! If this could be make itll be better than having generics, and... what about making ( if its possible, of course ) they have all 2 main jobs, and the other one or two being one "generic" job, that you could find on battles, but its exclusive for they, for instance, lets say Ramza have Duke and Defender as mais jobs, and Mediator as a third job, no one from other five will have mediator as possible class, but you can find enemies as mediator

And more, instead of having one recruit ofice, you can only get generic through certain random battle wher they join you, with the job locked
This way they end up worse than the 5 stars, as they´ll be not so versatile, but generics needs that drawback, as the game want you to play with the 5 stars; at same time, having Ramza and one Mediator could prove more usefull than having Dante on team, for instance, or even will be better than giving the mediator´command to Ramza when you need his Duke AND Defender skills.

Also some jobs should be generic only.

And another thing, the 5 star having 3~4 class will make less needy of 16 skills per skillset!, so one jog Snake have his Spy skills, and on another he have his weapons.
My english sucks... and i know this.

Currently playing:
- FFT +, by Dome
- CCP, by Celdia


November 24, 2011, 12:34:15 pm #132 Last Edit: November 24, 2011, 12:35:32 pm by Durbs
Quote from: Eternal248 on November 24, 2011, 11:30:45 am
I thought about that a while ago, but I'd have no idea how to go about it except with maybe RAD magic.

My thought was to use patcher and play with the job requirements and give each person a sub-group of classes at the cost of generics' classes.
  • Modding version: PSX


I'm happy to see you are progressig on this. Zelda is coming along nicely, though it will take some time to complete, now that Twinees helped me with a new dress concept for her. If anyone is interested, I can post few frames.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown

Joseph Strife

Quote from: Kagebunji on November 24, 2011, 12:53:42 pm
I'm happy to see you are progressig on this. Zelda is coming along nicely, though it will take some time to complete, now that Twinees helped me with a new dress concept for her. If anyone is interested, I can post few frames.

Of course we are interested! :D
Gaffgarion: It's in the contract!
Ramza: Does your contract says: "When you find a former squire, that now is a Holy knight that has kidnapped a princess, in a bridge by a waterfall fighting a brigade you are supposed to kill everybody that helps him!"
Gaffgarion: ... Sure!
Ramza: ... Let me see your contract...
Gaffgarion: ... No...


Ok, here is a small preview. Note that the dress still needs to be changed on two of those frames.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown

Joseph Strife

The second and fourth from left to right, but so far so good, the sprite is coming up great.
Gaffgarion: It's in the contract!
Ramza: Does your contract says: "When you find a former squire, that now is a Holy knight that has kidnapped a princess, in a bridge by a waterfall fighting a brigade you are supposed to kill everybody that helps him!"
Gaffgarion: ... Sure!
Ramza: ... Let me see your contract...
Gaffgarion: ... No...


Quote from: Durbs on November 24, 2011, 11:29:18 am
I like this idea, but not necessarily for the entire main set. Is there a way that we can get him to be able to switch to a second class?

Actually, that brings up some interesting ideas... what if each of them (Ramza included) had 3-4 job classes that they could switch between? We'd probably have to eliminate the current system of generics to do this and make a series of enemy-only classes, but I kinda like the idea.


Normally I can go for just about anything, but you already convinced me once that we NEED to have generics and that's why we are building the battles the way we have been, and i've really liked it that way, I would really hate to get rid of them now, While i can agree that the main characters may need a bit of something extra, to complete remove the generic classes would be changing a lot
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: Elric42 on November 24, 2011, 03:56:40 pm
Normally I can go for just about anything, but you already convinced me once that we NEED to have generics and that's why we are building the battles the way we have been, and i've really liked it that way, I would really hate to get rid of them now, While i can agree that the main characters may need a bit of something extra, to complete remove the generic classes would be changing a lot

Yeah, I agree; it was just an idea. I posted in the RAD thread to see if we can use that to give each character different jobs, so when Poketax comes on next hopefully we'll have an answer. We can always sacrifice unused skillsets and job classes in the original game to give the 4 each at least 2 classes instead of just 1 (while retaining generics).
  • Modding version: PSX


November 24, 2011, 09:16:24 pm #139 Last Edit: November 24, 2011, 09:28:12 pm by Elric42
Quote from: Durbs on November 24, 2011, 08:47:33 pm
Yeah, I agree; it was just an idea. I posted in the RAD thread to see if we can use that to give each character different jobs, so when Poketax comes on next hopefully we'll have an answer. We can always sacrifice unused skillsets and job classes in the original game to give the 4 each at least 2 classes instead of just 1 (while retaining generics).

Yea you are correct i think i may have read it incorrectly in my turkey induced state :P.
My very original idea when first starting the mod was to do exactly that, have each of the 4 that aren't from Ivalice have there own Job tiers, like 3 or 4 since Dante (in DMC 3 anyway since i never played anyone past that) Has Gunslinger, Trickster and Sword Master I believe, Also it would be good since each person already had equip/change innate since for example Link's skills will either involve a bow or sword but doing it this way we can have a secondary class for his bow moves and other jobs which would include his songs, same with the other characters. The more i think about it, the more I'm loving this idea.

I've been reading in the RAD 3 Topic and it seems like this might be doable but being as we are still focusing on events i don't personally have the time to verify that so hopefully you are correct and Pokeytax can give us the info we need to make it happen  :mrgreen:

Quote from: Eternal248 on November 24, 2011, 10:15:52 am
Make bullet-esque skills by using Draw Out, and having the Break Rate for each Katana be 100%. Make all Guns one-handed with Innate: Dual Wield. From here, make each Draw Out skill require having a certain Bullet (Katana) equipped to use that skill.

And Eternal thank you for bringing up the fact that i could make guns 1 handed and make him innate dual wield, i was wondering if that was possible since Dante needs 2 guns rather then just one, after all you can't have Ebony without Ivory  :mrgreen:. I must ask tho, why do you think we should use the Drawout rather then modifiying the Items or the Ninja abilities? I only ask becuase i heard there was some issues when it comes to modifing the Samurai skills

Quote from: Kagebunji on November 24, 2011, 02:23:06 pm
Ok, here is a small preview. Note that the dress still needs to be changed on two of those frames.

Good God Kagebunji that is awesome! Your doing a fantastic job so far  :mrgreen:

Quote from: Lucifer_zero on November 24, 2011, 12:19:42 pm
Oh, i just putted those two to know make sure it was something like that ^^

Hum... when i had read your description it looked as one esuna for one and a nerfed esuna for a group, so thats basically why i´ve thought on this, especially on 10, something that cure Undead/Blood Suck is really welcome, but having it on something that remove almost other thing is strong ( that would make a skill that takes strenght from moves that, for instance, gives Undead + Poison one someone ) mine concern isnt the only the strenght of the skill alone, but what it-ll reflect on others skills -_-

IMHO, Regen + Haste is too powerfull, on true Haste alone is something kinda broken in this game when used with high speed characters / too much strong,

Maybe if my 14 worked, it could be Wishga ? What you think ?

YEah, i know what you mean, but i didnt mean to have exactly throw stone, but something like what i proposed, maybe something like "Vacuum Blade", and add Wind elemental to the skill.

About 11, 12, 13, i´ve trhought on something that would make me use this skillset, without removing some possibility of the secondary, if you have skillset to much like one from priest, you end rarely using white magic cuz you can do almost everything you need with your main skillset, so i tried to focus on having skills alike priest one, but that dont make all priest could do ( this remind me of Tactics Ogre, where Cleric have Area Heal and Priest have Revive and Heal All, they are two jobs that are too much alike, but each one does what the other dont so you end up using both instead of only one of they )


For Tortoise, Big ____ i think its better than having low %HIT, having a huge MP cost, so enemy can cast they only two times at max on begining ( i dont remeber if someone did get MP costs work for monsters ) and this ONLY if you couldn´t invite monster, as tortoise could have immune charm ( i think charm is one of most breaking status in game... )

If you could invite enemy, then i agree that they hit should be something like 50%+MA ( also Tortoise are mean to be slow Tank, so they will need something a little more strong to compensate that )

[ at least Big Guard+ should stay 100%, as it would be one "Boss" skills, boss are mean to be more hard ]


The ideia of everyone of the 5 having 3~4 jobs is great ! If this could be make itll be better than having generics, and... what about making ( if its possible, of course ) they have all 2 main jobs, and the other one or two being one "generic" job, that you could find on battles, but its exclusive for they, for instance, lets say Ramza have Duke and Defender as mais jobs, and Mediator as a third job, no one from other five will have mediator as possible class, but you can find enemies as mediator

And more, instead of having one recruit ofice, you can only get generic through certain random battle wher they join you, with the job locked
This way they end up worse than the 5 stars, as they´ll be not so versatile, but generics needs that drawback, as the game want you to play with the 5 stars; at same time, having Ramza and one Mediator could prove more usefull than having Dante on team, for instance, or even will be better than giving the mediator´command to Ramza when you need his Duke AND Defender skills.

Also some jobs should be generic only.
And another thing, the 5 star having 3~4 class will make less needy of 16 skills per skillset!, so one jog Snake have his Spy skills, and on another he have his weapons.

I love that you keep giving these long posts full of ideas  :mrgreen: Its great. Tho i will still let Durbs do the deciding with you on Ramza, since you guys both have excellent ideas and with my head so wrapped around event editing I would need to push some knowledge out before i could take this all in HAHA
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