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CoP progress Log.

Started by Kokojo, May 16, 2011, 08:41:47 pm


-Script, script, script. (Thanks terny)

-Text work.

-Nothing substential :P
I keep leaving, I keep coming back. Boomerang boy.


Going away for the weekend ;3
I keep leaving, I keep coming back. Boomerang boy.


Events and battles:
Legend :
( )= Planned
(x)= Started
(X)= Finished
(o)= Balanced
(*)= Detail needed that can't be fixed now

-Event1(X) ''Pub''

-Battle1(Xo) ''Mountains''

-Event2(X) ''Pranking''
-Battle2(Xo) ''Treants''
-Battle2end (X)

-Event3 (X) ''Grief''
-Battle3 (Xo) ''Bothsides''
-Battle3event1 (x)
-Battle3event2 (x)
-Battle3end ()

-Event4 (x) ''The Head''
-Battle4 () ''Hurtfull''

- Sent out more versions of CoP 1.300
- Finished ''Grief''. (That was a long, but epic one)
- Got done ''The head'' script (danke, terny!)
- Started work on the battle-events in battle 3.
- Started work on Battle3end.

- Generic taking of notes for a bigger update.
- Big storyline discussion with Eternal helped to cover a lot of gaps.
I keep leaving, I keep coming back. Boomerang boy.


Silent, very minors changes.

Sorry for the lack of motivation. Working on it. (But I just cut off a chunk of thumb (it'll regrow) and it will hinder me dearly)
I keep leaving, I keep coming back. Boomerang boy.


Events and battles:
Legend :
( )= Planned
(x)= Started
(X)= Finished
(o)= Balanced
(*)= Detail needed that can't be fixed now

-Event1(X) ''Pub''

-Battle1(Xo) ''Mountains''

-Event2(X) ''Pranking''
-Battle2(Xo) ''Treants''
-Battle2end (X)

-Event3 (X) ''Grief''
-Battle3 (Xo) ''Bothsides''
-Battle3event1 (x)
-Battle3event2 (x)
-Battle3end ()

-Event4 (x) ''The Head''
-Battle4 () ''Hurtfull''

- Mended my thumb.
- Fixed the problem I had by the end of Battle3event1 and 2.
- Started and nearly finished Battle3end.
- Made the transferpoint to Event 4 (The head)

-Received  1/4 of the reports from CoP 1.300.
I keep leaving, I keep coming back. Boomerang boy.


-Started a new topic for the tests. (Get on!)
-Started a vote topic. (vote!)
-Started changing the old text for the new text.
(Currently at : Chapter 1, First battleend)

-Finished Event3battleEnd.
Events and battles:
Legend :
( )= Planned
(x)= Started
(X)= Finished
(o)= Balanced
(*)= Detail needed that can't be fixed now

-Event1(X) ''Pub''

-Battle1(Xo) ''Mountains''

-Event2(X) ''Pranking''
-Battle2(Xo) ''Treants''
-Battle2end (X)

-Event3 (X) ''Grief''
-Battle3 (Xo) ''Bothsides''
-Battle3event1 (x)
-Battle3event2 (x)
-Battle3end (X)

-Event4 (x) ''The Head''
-Battle4 () ''Hurtfull''

I keep leaving, I keep coming back. Boomerang boy.


Working on the script change. It's more exhausting than I thought.
I keep leaving, I keep coming back. Boomerang boy.


I keep leaving, I keep coming back. Boomerang boy.


Finished the last of the script.

So consider chapter 1 nearly complete. I just need to test it now...
I keep leaving, I keep coming back. Boomerang boy.


Koko where do you live? Considered sellin anything to a pawn shop?


Quote from: GeneralStrife on July 10, 2011, 01:30:13 am
Koko where do you live? Considered sellin anything to a pawn shop?

Planning to stalk him?

BTW, can't wait to play ch.2!
  • Modding version: PSX


Yes I'm stalking him, it's not like I wanna find out his area to help him.


July 12, 2011, 11:55:15 am #32 Last Edit: July 12, 2011, 11:55:40 am by Kokojo
Since all the ' din't import correctly, I have to redo 90% of the work.


If not, Canada, but please help me in the good topic.
I keep leaving, I keep coming back. Boomerang boy.


- Wicked world is now a MP removing AOE.
- Pyroclasm speed and damage lowered.
- Doubled CT on Fear (Now 4)
- Buffed Terror
- Buffed Dimension X, Increased the percentage/success rate by a tad
- Fixed (I think) slow dance.
- Changed Daredevil to equip light things, not armors, but gave them acess to Bow, Crossbow, and books. (Because they are random!)
- Lucky Infusion: Now more strong, hits up to 4 times.
- Sanity Gamble: Increased Hit Percentage slighly, and then reduced mp cost.
- Lucky 7: Reduced JP cost of 777 to 300
- Health Gamble: Increased Hit Percentage slighly.
- Roulette Fissure: Now wayyy stronger since it's impossible to land a hit.

- Soulseek reduced to 15%, but made it available to target enemies.
- GravelStrike : Reduced damage.

- Magic Rift reduced MP from 6 to 4
- Infuse increased percentage by 15
- Deplete  increased percentage by 15
- All Magic cost and damage reduced.

- Quick Order increased percentage by 15
- Tactics increased HP gain from 4 to 6, mp cost increased.

- Lowered some levels on enemies in many battles.

- Lowered difficulty on the puppet battle.

Now I just need the new text for CoP 1.3

I keep leaving, I keep coming back. Boomerang boy.


-Added a new ability for squires that does high damage but requires long charging. I want to call it Xin strike.

-Added 1 CT to most mp-costing abilities.

-Added 3 new abilities for Gospel. They cost almost nothing in JP. (50/75/75).
Aegis : (holy elemental) Gives wall to an ally, not self, for very short time (5ct). Instacast but mp-heavy.
Team spirit : Raise brave by 10. Very long to cast but mp-free.
Courage : Gives regen to a unit. MP and CT used.

-Goblin tackle now has 1 CT.
-Goblins now have another ability that lowers Brave by 25.

-Permanent Brave/Faith changes removed. (Phew!)
I keep leaving, I keep coming back. Boomerang boy.


- Implemented text for ''The head''.
- Finished the event order for Chapter 2. (this will give a definitive lenght, even thought I may and will add some in-battles event)

Events and battles:
Legend :
( )= Planned
(¸)= Scripted (part)
(x)= Started coding
(X)= Finished coding
(o)= Balanced
(*)= Detail needed that can't be fixed now

-Event1(X) ''Pub''

-Battle1(Xo) ''Mountains''

-Event2(X) ''Pranking''
-Battle2(Xo) ''Treants''
-Battle2end (X)

-Event3 (X) ''Grief''

-Battle3 (Xo) ''Bothsides''
-Battle3event1 (X)
-Battle3event2 (X)
-Battle3end (X)

-Event4 (x) ''The Head''

-Event5 () ''Insight''

-Battle4 () ''Statues''
-Battle4end ()

-Event6 () ''A tender stab.''

-Battle5 () ''Chaos'
-Battle5end ()
-Battle6 () ''ChaosCont'
-Battle6end ()

-Event 7 () ''Lady?''

-Battle7 () ''Justice'
-Battle7end ()
-Battle8 () ''Firefright''
-Battle8end ()

-Event 8 () ''Chapter 3''

I keep leaving, I keep coming back. Boomerang boy.


August 03, 2011, 10:44:41 pm #36 Last Edit: August 03, 2011, 11:11:58 pm by Kokojo
- Started and finished event 4, the Head.
- Linked and started event 5.
- Started scripting all the other events. (Plans = Finish it tomorrow).
- Minor map edits.

- Set me up some deadlines :
10 august : Get chapter 1 (CoP1.5) perfected and show it to some hacking sites (Text and one bug left).
31 august : Give CoP 2.0 to the world. (That's chapter 2) with or withouth sprites/bugs.

Events and battles:
Legend :
( )= Planned
(¸)= Scripted (part)
(x)= Started coding
(X)= Finished coding
(o)= Balanced
(*)= Detail needed that can't be fixed now

-Event1(X) ''Pub''

-Battle1(Xo) ''Mountains''

-Event2(X) ''Pranking''
-Battle2(Xo) ''Treants''
-Battle2end (X)

-Event3 (X) ''Grief''

-Battle3 (Xo) ''Bothsides''
-Battle3event1 (X)
-Battle3event2 (X)
-Battle3end (X)

-Event4 (X) ''The Head''

-Event5 (x) ''Insight''

-Battle4 () ''Statues''
-Battle4end ()

-Event6 () ''A tender stab.''

-Battle5 () ''Chaos'
-Battle5end ()
-Battle6 () ''ChaosCont'
-Battle6end ()

-Event 7 () ''Lady?''

-Battle7 () ''Justice'
-Battle7end ()
-Battle8 () ''Firefright''
-Battle8end ()

-Event 8 () ''Chapter 3''

I keep leaving, I keep coming back. Boomerang boy.


August 05, 2011, 12:08:07 am #37 Last Edit: August 05, 2011, 12:09:56 am by Kokojo
- Scripted all Chapter 2 and sent to terny.
- Made map edits in maps for events. They all look nice. Still some to do. (Do you want to see them? heh? Do you?)

Events and battles:
Legend :
( )= Planned
(¸)= Scripted
(x)= Started coding
(X)= Finished coding
(o)= Balanced
(*)= Detail needed that can't be fixed now

-Event1(X) ''Pub''

-Battle1(Xo) ''Mountains''

-Event2(X) ''Pranking''
-Battle2(Xo) ''Treants''
-Battle2end (X)

-Event3 (X) ''Grief''

-Battle3 (Xo) ''Bothsides''
-Battle3event1 (X)
-Battle3event2 (X)
-Battle3end (X)

-Event4 (X) ''The Head''

-Event5 (x) ''Insight''

-Battle4 (¸) ''Statues''
-Battle4end (¸)

-Event6 (¸) ''A tender stab.''

-Battle5 (¸) ''Chaos'
-Battle5end (¸)
-Battle6 (¸) ''ChaosCont'
-Battle6end (¸)

-Event 7 (¸) ''Lady?''

-Battle7 (¸) ''Justice'
-Battle7end (¸)
-Battle8 (¸) ''Firefright''
-Battle8end (¸)

-Event 8 () ''Chapter 3''

I keep leaving, I keep coming back. Boomerang boy.


Quote from: Kokojo on August 05, 2011, 12:08:07 am
Do you want to see them? heh? Do you?

I would like to, Kokojo.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Script for chapter II is done. NOW GET ON IRC, KOKO! >:o
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817