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[Old] Contest : Create another Mid-boss... skillset!

Started by Kokojo, May 14, 2011, 07:56:01 pm


May 14, 2011, 07:56:01 pm Last Edit: February 02, 2012, 09:06:50 am by Kokojo

Hello! In the battles of CoP, you will see a lot of things, but you will also see a special battle and I won't elaborate too much...

To get this section popularity up a bit, I want you guys to make me a skillset for a boss!

About the boss:
-He's going to be a monster, and he will be UNABLE TO MOVE. He was around 5 tiles on each side of him (until the edge of the map). He will have 1 skill that is made by me, and the rest by you. He will be also untargetable, and only killable via other means. He will be accompagnied by minions. he also will have infinite mana and hp and average stats.

About the skillset:
-No self-healing.
-No Opness. (Instacrystal lololol)
-At least 2 of his abilities must have a least one element rattached to it, and 1 of these must be earth.

You have to (please) fill up this form for each skill :
What it does: (Mini-description)
Effect area: (0 is 1 square, 1 is 5, ect)
Inflit status: (chance %?)
Ct: (0 is insta, 20 is about 2 of everyone's turns)
Prefered formula : (Optional)
Prefered Effect(cinematic) : (Optional)
Anything else :

You have to make 3 or 4 or 5 abilities.
I can pick all of them or separate them by person.

But he uses magic, so he is not only about that. Be creative all you want :-)
I keep leaving, I keep coming back. Boomerang boy.


Can you give us any kind of theme to work with? eg he maniulates time, wind, etc?
  • Modding version: PSX


May 14, 2011, 11:23:53 pm #2 Last Edit: May 16, 2011, 11:36:50 pm by Kokojo
Of course. He manipulates earth. He VERY in touch with nature, and with magic. He's mostly the type of guy that will attack relentlessly the party and focus on hitting the most pannels, while not all of them. He's pottent with roots, earth magic, earth-psysical abilities, leaves, and all that.

But he uses magic, so he is not only about that. Be creative all you want :-)
I keep leaving, I keep coming back. Boomerang boy.



Name: Windstorm
What it does: Decent damage to everyone on your side
Range: (0)
Effect area: (255)
Inflit status: May inflict don't move (25%-ish)
Ct: 0
Elements: Wind
Prefered formula : Dmg(Mag*Y)
Prefered Effect(cinematic) : Tornado
Anything else :

  • Modding version: PSX


May 16, 2011, 10:05:41 pm #4 Last Edit: May 16, 2011, 10:43:24 pm by Wiz
Koko, you might want to change "Effect Area" to AOE for simplicity's sake :D

Skill 1

Name: Terra Splice
What it does: Hits all enemies for 1/3 of their total health/HP
Range: 2 panels
Effect area: 5 Panels
Inflit status: Slow (25%)
Ct: 10
Elements: EARTH
Preferred formula : Dmg_(1/3)% Hit_F(MA+200)
Preferred Effect(cinematic) : Hell Ivy
Anything else : Change the colors of Hell Ivy to Purple! If possible, make it so the attack does NOT kill!

Skill 2
Name: Aerial Spike
What it does: Add status
Range: 255
Effect area:0
Inflit status: Poison + Don't Move
Ct: 5
Elements: None
Preferred formula : Hit_(F_MA+190)%
Preferred Effect(cinematic) : Stab Up
Anything else : Give him/her/it 100 Fa that way it's guarantee to hit someone

Skill 3
Name: Freeze!
What it does: Does moderate damage to enemy(ies)
Range: 255
Effect area:2 panels
Inflit status: Stop (15% of the time)
Ct: 0
Elements: Ice
Preferred formula : w.e. works
Preferred Effect(cinematic) : Ice 2
Anything else : Purple Ice 2 possibly?
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


May 17, 2011, 12:14:47 am #5 Last Edit: May 17, 2011, 12:17:01 am by LastingDawn
Skill 2

Name: Aura of Defiance
What it does: Confuses enemies in an area
Effect area: 2
Inflict status:Confuse
Ct: 0
Elements: Wind
Preferred formula : 100%
Preferred Effect: Send Dejeon

Skill 3

Name: Fallen Leaves
What it does: Can cause Doom/Death/ or Faith
Effect area: 2
Inflict status:Doom/Death/Faith
CT: 3
Preferred formula : CFa TFa + 180%
Preferred Effect: Silf (Without leaves)

Skill 4

Name: Conjure Solitude
What it does: Wall + Sleep to a party member
Effect area: 0
Inflict status:Wall + Sleep
CT: 0
Preferred formula : 100%
Preferred Effect: Level Blast

Skill 5

Name: Forest Fire
What it does: Deals High fire damage over a single vertical plain
Effect area: Infinite (only contained by vertical)
Inflict status:
CT: 3
Elements: Fire
Preferred formula : CFa TFa + ?Dmg? + 48 Y
Preferred Effect: Melt

Skill 6

Name: Awaited Vengeance
What it does: Deals very heavy dark damage in a cross and Blinds any survivors.
Effect area: 3
Inflict status:Blind
CT: 2
Elements: Dark
Preferred formula : MA * 20
Preferred Effect: Muramasa

"Moment's anger can revert to joy,
sadness can be turned to delight.
A nation destroyed cannot be restored,
the dead brought back to life."

Art of War

Beta & Gretchen Forever!!!!


 :oops: I don't know what you guys are typing in formula so I just used that to explain what i want the effect to do a little.

Psithurism (definition:http://dictionary.babylon.com/psithurism/)
What it does: Causes either berserk, confuse or charm or any combination of them if possible
Effect Area: 5
Inflict status: berserk, confuse or charm or any combination of them if possible
CT: 2
Element: Wind
Formula: high hit rate
Preferred Effect: Leaf Dance (re-colored green)

Silent Sorrow
What it does: Deals damage and inflicts Don't Move (also mute)
Range: 3
Effect Area: 6
Inflict Status: Silence
CT: 2
Element: Earth
Formula: erm..  causes silence not always
Preferred Effect: Kiyomori


Chop Down
What it does: Deals 3/4 Damage to 1 character at a time and 20% of the time causes them to be stunned
Range: 6
Effect Area: 1
Inflict Status: Stop
CT: 2
Element: Earth
Formula: 20% stop.. hit rate 75%
Preferred Effect: Spinfist

  • Modding version: PSX


Skill 1

Name:True Death
What it does:Causes frog and dead
Effect area:2
Inflit status:frog and dead
Prefered formula :(100%)
Prefered Effect :Frog(from normal wizard skillset)
Anything else :It's meant to kill people that come to close to it. Doesn't it look fun!

Skill 2

Name:Enternal sleep
What it does:sleep and death sentence
Effect area:3
Inflit status:sleep, death sentence, both of them hit with 50%
Anything else :long range spell making hard for enemies to avoid it.

Skill 3

Name:Fire God
What it does:fire AoE damage that can 25% cancel peforming, charging, singing
Effect area:2
Inflit status: 25% to cancel peforming, charging, singing
Prefered Effect(cinematic) :fire 4

Skill 4

Name:Ice God
What it does:Deals Heavy ice damage with chance of stop
Effect area:0
Inflit status:stop 25%
Prefered Effect(cinematic) :Ice 4
Anything else :Sniper skill

Skill 5

Name:Thunder God
What it does:Does minor lighting damage to enemies and has change of causing slow
Effect area:255
Inflit status:25% slow
Prefered Effect(cinematic) :Bolt 4

Skill 6

Name:Almighty End
What it does:Heavy damage with 3 elementals to enemies
Effect area:255
Ct: 30
Elements:Ice, Ligthing, Fire
Prefered formula :dmg_(ma*y)
Prefered Effect(cinematic) :103 cherry blossom
Anything else :Ultimate move



The Damned

(Not sure if you're still taking suggestions for this and I must admit that I've only marginally followed your patch, so I apologize in advance if these skills aren't something you're looking for or are already in the game; I only skimmed through the ability list and I noticed that was only for generics, so....)

These were thought up a bit hastily, but if you're still taking abilities, I hope that at least one of these has the potential to be useful:

Name: Fault Ripper
What it does: Destroys anyone who is foolish or unlucky enough to stand directly before the unkillable-via-damage boss through moderate-to-heavy Earth damage.
Range: 5 linear.
Effect Area: 5 linear, tri-directional.
Inflict Status: None.
CT: 0.
Element: Earth.
Preferred Formula: 31 Dmg ((PA+Y)/2*PA)
Preferred Effect: 062 Earth Slash
Anything Else: Remember to tick off Triple Bracelet for AI Behavior. As far as effects go, if you want to edit rocks into the Earth Slash effect, feel free. I just feel like since it's a mid-boss, he shouldn't get any big effects, even if he is effectively immortal. I figured it would also help if he actually had one attack based on PA, so Y can probably be relatively large depending on how much PA you're giving him.

Name: Spore Bomb
What it does: Proliferates potentially lethal spores over a small area.
Range: 4
Effect Area: 1
Inflict Status: Random Poison, Don't Act, Sleep or Undead.
CT: 2
Element: None.
Preferred Formula: 38 (100%)
Preferred Effect: The one used for Balk's opening attack in Bed Desert would be best, but I'm not sure if that's actually in the effect menu.... As such, I have no preference otherwise for suitable alternative since I'm basing this off of memory.
Anything Else: IMO, this should be able to effect his minions as well even with the completely random assignment of status since it's otherwise unavoidable.

Name: Shell Cracker
What it does: Crushes the flimsy, ethereal enchantments that are far less sturdy than the earth.
Range: 8
Effect Area: 0
Inflict Status: Cancel Protect, Shell, Reflect and Float.
CT: 1
Element: None.
Preferred Formula: 0E DMG (Y)% Hit_F(MA+X)% 100 Status Hide Status
Preferred Effect: 176 Gather Power
Anything Else: Y should probably be between 20-50, though anything above 33% should probably have less range. X should probably be big enough to the point where Faith doesn't really matter. It will heal Undead, but the next ability should take care of that.

Name: Eternal Tomb
What it does: Encases the undead in stone since immortal misery loves eternal company.
Range: 4
Effect Area: 0
Inflict Status: All or Nothing Petrify.
CT: 3
Element: None.
Preferred Formula: 40 Undead: Hit_(SP+X)% ELSE Miss
Preferred Effect: 0C3 Seal
Anything Else: X might as well be 100+ at the very least, but it's up to you really. You could also maybe make this Earth element just because since I think that might make Floating units able to dodge it regardless of what the percentage would normally be. However, it's been quite a while since I've done my tests and I don't believe that actually worked IIRC.

Name: Ground Killer
What it does: Uses affinity with the earth to locate underground water sources and supersaturate the ground, dragging enemies, and only enemies, down to a watery demise.
Range: 3
Inflict Status: Separate Don't Move, Slow and Death Sentence.
CT: 5
Effect Area: 2
Element: Water.
Preferred Formula: 1E Dmg_((MA+Y)*MA/2) #Hit(Rdm{1,X})
Preferred Effect: 080 Quicksand
Anything Else: First and foremost, I feel like this should ignore his allies. After that, I'd much rather that X be 1 and this Persevere than X just be greater than 1. If you feel like the damage, which I feel should be at least low-moderate, might be too much with the potential status effects, then feel free to use formula 5E since that will cause status to drop to an eighth of its usual hit-rate. (I wanted add a chance for Poison, but, meh, that's kinda overkill with repeated damage.)
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


May 27, 2011, 02:01:32 pm #9 Last Edit: May 31, 2011, 06:24:12 pm by Kokojo
Thank you everyone!

I've gotten those abilities from your suggestions :

Terra Splice
Aura of Defiance
Fire God
Ground Killer
Fault Ripper

Il be making them now!
I keep leaving, I keep coming back. Boomerang boy.


I keep leaving, I keep coming back. Boomerang boy.

The Damned

(I know this is completely pointless to respond to, but it's bugging me for some reason.)

Eh, that's not really a democracy because no one voted on anything.

Think of "the people" in this case as advisers who merely offered to suggestions to the benevolent autocrat that is Kojojo when he asked rather than some mob of idiots who only had to two real choices from which to pick.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


Okay...koko's cabinet has advised him then!