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January 18, 2025, 01:48:09 am


Please use .png instead of .bmp when uploading unfinished sprites to the forum!

You all at least deserve an apology.

Started by Kokojo, April 17, 2019, 01:35:07 am


Dear FFhackers,

I dissapeared some years ago and never bothered to tell the community why I decided to leave.
I left for a multitude of reasons, most turning around CoP. I failed to deliver time and again, and I failed to motivate myself. I won't get into the details - but the last few people that were very supportive left the site and it did not help. It was a gigantic effort to go in alone, but I should at least have set limits. I did not.

I came back today to say sorry to those who wanted the project to be completed and that were waiting pointlessly for it, and to those who were there in times before, a double sorry for trying to blame you instead of taking responsabilities.

This does not mean CoP of back on track. I always felt guilty of not finishing it, and could never bring myself to delete the files on my desktop... Recent discussions with Elric have made me want to finish it, but I wonder if it's just the spur of the moment. Time will tell, but this time il inform the community of the decision.
I keep leaving, I keep coming back. Boomerang boy.


Can you actually make that time investment in your life? You've been gone so long that it would probably take you weeks depending on your current lifestyle just to start getting back on track.

Guilt is a very poor motivator. If the answer isn't clear to you right now as to whether your motivation will drop or not; don't bother. You need high self-discipline to appreciate the journey and keep pushing, rather than getting excited at the prospect of completing a goal + working until you get burnt out. This goes for anything in life; relationships, success, happiness... not just FFT mods.

You also can't really expect any sort of userbase to give you support at this point. FFH isn't exactly all that active anymore after all. The only mods in development that I know of are JotF/TLW, and those have had some major slowdowns from health and team management issues.
  • Modding version: PSX
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Anything is possible as long as it is within the hardware's limits. (ie. disc space, RAM, Video RAM, processor, etc.)
<R999> My target market is not FFT mod players
<Raijinili> remember that? it was awful


Not much I can say here, just wanted to cheer you up Koko. Good to see you on the site, don't feel guilty cause things turned out the way they did, it won't do you any good at this point ;)
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


We all love FFT and you gave me a new perspective of this game with this patch. Dont feel bad. I really enjoyed CoP in every single stage.