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Topics - Eternal

Those of you who know me know that I'm a huge fan of Ivalice not only as a series, but as a world itself. To that end, I've modded most of the games in the Ivalice Alliance to some extent during the last several years of my modding career.

Recently, I was working on FFTA2 and kinda vanished from here for a bit, as I was pulled into modding something very different- Final Fantasy XII for the PC. I wasn't expecting the modding scene to be as advanced as it was, and I, along with a few others in the community, worked together and have created the world's first FFXII rebalancing mod. I'm excited to announce the release of Final Fantasy XII: The Struggle for Freedom, a mod that changes various aspects of FFXII to make things more tactical and interesting, while making things a little more difficult. Struggle for Freedom's biggest changes are as follows:

-Each character has a set role, similar to FFX or XIII. These roles are based off of other canon appearances throughout the series, and allows for a balanced party at every point during the game. Vaan is a Thief, Penelo is a White Mage, etc. If you don't like set jobs and prefer XII's job choice system, there's a version of the mod that allows you to choose the original, albeit slightly modified versions of, the original boards. Taking Quickenings early on gives you an early boost of power, or you can save them until later on in the License Board's progression to unlock bonuses for each character.

-There are more elemental options now- Gravity/Graviga are Earth Elemental, Bio/Scourge are Water Elemental- elements that were sorely lacking in the original game. Likewise, certain Technicks such as First Aid that were useless in the original are much more usable now.

-Equipment is rebalanced, and most final-tier weapons within the same category are unique in the sense that they're different, but each usable. For example, Gastrophetes has a higher Attack Power, whereas Tula is weaker, but fires faster. Also, the Three Invisible Items can now be obtained via the Bazaar.

-Enemies are tougher. Most enemies have 2x HP and 1.3x boosts to their other stats. Enemies that use weapons use various different weapons now, such as the Urutan Yensa using Bamboo Arrows to Poison the party.

-Espers have a wider array of skills now and entirely new Gambit sets to take advantage of those new skills. For example, Adrammelech focuses on outspeeding the enemy with Haste/Slow, whereas Cuchulainn can reverse the effects of items on the enemy.

There have been more changes than I can possibly list, but everything is notated in the Readme/Master Guide included with the mod download. I hope everyone enjoys SFF as much as I did making it, and I'm excited to be able to mod FFT/A2 again very soon! As always, feedback, suggestions, comments, etc. are welcome!

Full download here: https://mega.nz/#!uLQU3Y4C!_wl1_X2YL4fEU4dMwbB_TBX5_L142SZJpnhj850ayY0
Non-FFT Modding / Final Fantasy XII Modding
February 20, 2018, 05:49:30 pm
Hey team! Wanted to quickly note that there are mods and a modding scene developing already for the PC release of Final Fantasy XII.

Here's the Nexus Modding page where some people have already released a few fun hacks (namely a License Board Editor, the ability to bring your party into towns, and the ability to play as Reks all game long!)

The Lounge / FFXIV: Return to Ivalice
September 04, 2017, 10:18:18 am
Hey team, read this article and thought it was pretty cool. FFXII and FFT will be featuring prominently in a new raid in FFXIV. It'll be pretty cool to see FFT areas be fully explorable. Article here.

The Lounge / FFT Record Keeper Spell Quotes
February 03, 2017, 08:58:33 pm
Hey all! Some of you may be familiar with a FF spinoff game for cell phones, called FF: Record Keeper. The basic premise is that you play as a young scholar who goes through the FF worlds and recruits FF characters into the party. The game covers all the numbered FFs and FFT up to a certain point. There was recently a limited time event involving FFT's world that allows you to recruit Orlandu, Gafgarion, et. al to the party. That aside, it also introduced something very interesting: retranslated spell quotes. In boss fights in FFT's world in RK, enemies may incant spell quotes at random, just like in FFT. These spell quotes found in RK are retranslated and are rewritten in a style much akin to Tactics Ogre PSP. Although RK doesn't have -all- of FFT's abilities and thus, we don't have all quotes translated, it does have a select few with more being added later. Thought you all would be interested, especially since these can be used in Complete and other projects. Note that the list below may indicate *MISSING* for a spell quote, indicating that the spell quote is in the game, but I wasn't strong enough in-game to get far enough in the event to see them. Considering WotL didn't have quotes, this is the first glimpse into what they'd possibly be like.


Cure: Unsullied winds of timeless life, hereby renew our falt'ring strength!
Cura: Unsullied winds of timeless life, through sky now dance and wounds make fast!
Regen: Spirit of life in all things found, dwell now in us ere all is lost!
Wall: Long-vanished light asleep below, stir now your gift and rise once more!


Fire: Shatter the stone and corpse consume, red flame now rise from earth's abode!
Fira: Long-dormant spark asleep in dust, awake red flame, the world engulf!
Firaga: Starfire asleep beneath the earth, awake and judge as is your due!
Blizzard: Breath of spirits darkness-born, knife's edge now cast on freezing wind!
Blizzara: Wind that blows through hollow sky, judge my enemies with merciless hand!
Thunder: Fulminating light on high, my blade become and rend the earth!
Thundara: Light in darkness lost, gather to me and unleash your power!


Haste: Hither and yon you flit and fly, mark well time's passage swift and sure!
Slow: Incessant Time pray stay your march, bestow your grace on worthy souls!
Slowja: Obey the will of void and sky, by Providence true time abide!
Stop: O spirits steeped in Time's stern mien, from hand divine do hide us well!


Moogle: Kupo kupo kupo, kupo! Spin 'neat the light, snow-white moogle!
Ifrit: Fires of creation, lord of flame. To ash and dust return, Ifrit!
Shiva: When last you fade on wind and light, our might become, noble Shiva!
Ramuh: Old and wise, o'er all you rule. Mete out your judgement, great Ramuh!
Titan: The earth's foundation as your force, all bonds shattered, hew and crush!
Lich: The corpse-song lifts to terror's hearth, hear now, return from Death's dark shore!
Cyclops: In lightless chill form blades of air, cut deep in flesh and bone alike!


Aurablast: White hot the whirling rage does burn! Its cry, a roar that knows no bounds!
Shockwave: The earth's wrath flows through my fists! You cannot hide!


Bio: Devour sweet flesh that brims with life, that sacred chalice fill with blight.
Biora: All life by laws divine abides, not even Death may dare defy.
Bioga: Life great and small by sin survives, cleanse now these mortals of their vice.


Unholy Darkness: Defiled air awash in blood, breathe darkness into heart of man.
Karma: By wounds still fresh and muttered curse, taste now the dish you once served!
Gigaflare: *MISSING*


Ague: Dark lord trapped twixt heaven and hell, close by my side your minions keep.
Fowlheart: In mortal fear your heart beats swift, now chains of iron bind you fast.
Nightmare: In darkness sleeps our gravebound fears, in darkness cloaked it wakes and stalks.
Befuddle: Cast wide your heart to thought unbound, with neither shape nor light to guide.
Aphony: Foul words who gives to thoughts their shape, know now the fear of own thine self!
Petrify: Your future rests in hands divine, your life forfeit I hold in mine.


Shadowblade: To god-cursed secrets of the blade, bear witness now with your own eyes...


Judgment Blade: How short sweet life, but do not mourn, from ash to ash and dust to dust!
Cleansing Strike: Lord on high or servant low, in time all men are equal made.
Northswain's Strike: The Seven ride, their shadows fall. None can escape unyielding fate!
Hollowed Bolt: Ripe trembling air suffused with pow'r, through arm upraised shine forth your light!


Nether Ashura: Sword foe of your evil flames! Now burn away the foes we face...
Nether Blade: Through gust and gale, your spark ignite. Bring down your ruin, swift and sure...
Nether Maelstrom: With tears of heaven rend and tear, from this land wash all filth and drek!
Hell's Wrath: Your roar a storm, great wyrm in black. Unmatched the dread your wings portend!

EDIT: Added most of the missing spell quotes, thanks to Enlog on Reddit.

EDIT 2: 5/7/17, added Summon and Un-Truth quotes to the list.
So, I've been having the urge lately to replay Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core lately, one of my favorite PSP games. I've played through it a lot, so I'm spicing things up this playthrough and doing a Job Themed Run. Basically, you all will get to vote on a job that I can use, and Zack will be forced to use whatever Materia and Accessories are permitted for that job (see link below). Each job has its own theme and play style. Some jobs will be more boring than others (I'm looking at you, White Mage, Thief, and Summoner), but should make for an interesting playthrough.


Black Mage: Focuses on nuking enemies with elemental magic, with its equipment options based around reducing/nullifying/absorbing elemental damage and boosting MP and MAG. Can also equip the Apocalypse Materia to summon Genesis more often to deal heavy damage.

Suspected difficulty: low, being able to nuke enemies five ways to Sunday and exploit elemental weaknesses makes for very easy battles throughout the game.

Red Mage: Focuses on using low-mid tier elemental and healing magic as well as a mix of other spells and elementally imbued weapon strikes. Can only equip low-tier accessories  and elemental halving gear until very late game, where it can equip the Power and Energy suit to min/max its playstyle.

Suspected difficulty: low, higher difficulty end-game.

White Mage: Focuses on healing magic and defensive barriers until late-game, where it gets its only offensive spell: Energy. Focuses on mitigating magical damage, and can prevent enemies from using magic with Silence. Has a wide array of accessory options, which are themed around boosting SPR and nullifying status ailments. Can use the Healing Wave Materia to summon Aerith more often as well.

Suspected difficulty: medium, probably won't die often, but battles will take a while due to lack of offense outside of Energy.

Paladin: Focuses on physical defense, has defensive magic and Cure to help mitigate and undo small amounts of damage. Focuses on using normal physical attacks and boosting VIT and HP with accessories and Materia to stay alive. It's the only job able to use the Protect Ring, which bestows Auto Protect and Auto Shell, meaning that late-game it'll never have to use its defensive buffs.

Suspected difficulty: medium/high, battles will take a bit, and there's no good way to heal, meaning that magical abilities will do large amounts of damage since the Paladin's focus is on VIT.

Time Mage: Focuses on percentile damage, the Stop status, and Quake. It has a very limited movepool and can only heal with items and Regen, but Gravity/Graviga can easily cut through enemy HP, and Quake is highly damaging. Can also use Meteor Shots Materia to summon Cloud more often, which makes for steadier damage. Has only a few accessory options, mostly based around MP and MAG, but they can later use the Soul of Thamasa and Magic Master accessories to reduce MP cost to 0.

Suspected difficulty: high, many enemies are immune to Gravity magic and Stop, and Aerial enemies are immune to Quake. Lack of buffing and healing outside of Regen and items will make for a very difficult end game.

Necromancer: Focuses on Drain/Osmose magic and Poison, with the ability to also inflict Death. Their Materia and accessories focus on boosting MAG, making them very potent. Between Drain and Osmose, they're very self-sustaining. Similar to White Mages, they can wear the debuff-nullifying accessories, but this means trading off their MAG/MP accessories. They can also use the Status Ward materia to ward off the Silence/Poison/Death statuses as well, depending on what Materia they have equipped.

Suspected difficulty: low, being able to self-sustain both HP and MP as well as the ability to inflict Death makes them potent throughout the game, even against enemies immune to Death.

Dark Knight: Focuses on powerful AoE attacks while simultaneously inflicting debuffs and elemental damage. Basically, a Knight and Black Mage fused together and put on steroids. Dark Knights are the only job that can use the Dark/Hell magic, making for very easy fights, and they can use the Status Twisters to damage and inflict debuffs on many enemies at once. Despite their miniscule accessory options, they can use the Mortal Shock to inflict Death with normal attacks, as well as the Assault Targe and Brutal late-game to absolutely decimate enemies.

Suspected difficulty: very low, being able to deal heavy damage and debuff at the same time is ridiculously OP even with their limited accessory options.

Dragoon: Focuses on Jump abilities (shocker), as well as having high AP to power those Jumps. Though they don't have access to many accessories outside of the Chocobo Armlet series, they also have access to some VIT boosting accessories. They can constantly replenish their HP with Aerial Drain, and late-game can decimate entire battles with Death Aerial. Can equip the Air Strike Materia to more often summon Tseng and deal AoE damage.

Suspected difficulty: low, being able to avoid attacks, deal heavy damage, drain HP, and inflict instant Death should make for some very easy battles, even against Death-immune foes.

Knight: A blend between the other melee jobs, the Knight doesn't have the raw AoE power of the Dark Knight, or the VIT of the Paladin, or the ATK of the Monk, but it strikes a happy medium between all three. Being able to use Assault Twister and its upgrade is a boon early-game, but won't do much late-game when healing and statuses are more important. They have access to a variety of accessories which focus on a little bit of everything, depending on how you're looking to build Zack.

Suspected difficulty: medium-high, not being able to heal outside of items alone makes for a very tough ride as well as a lack of a focus on ATK and VIT means that Zack will have to find a way to end battles quickly to have a higher chance of survival.

Samurai: A very basic job that focuses on quickly dispatching the enemy, the Samurai focuses on Critical Hits, being able to use the Sniper Bit accessory and the Vital Slash Materia to quickly slay enemies. Beyond Vital Slash, the Samurai only has access to Gil Toss for damaging Materia, but it can use the Octaslash Materia to increase the odds of summoning Sephiroth to damage an enemy. The Samurai's accessories focus on boosting ATK and counterattacks, and they're the only job that can use the Genji Gear.

Suspected difficulty: high, not having AoE and having a lack of healing and VIT means Zack will fall quickly to hordes of enemies and enemies that use debuffs. Early game will be difficult due to lack of abilities outside of Attack, and access to only a few accessories early-game.

Spellblade: Similar to the Red Mage, the Spellblade can use an assortment of magically imbued sword strikes, albeit with a larger array than the Red Mage has access to. They can use all the elemental and status blades, which includes Death Blade and Stop Blade, meaning that they can easily dispatch and debuff foes. They can also use Drain Blade and Osmose Blade to sustain themselves in longer fights. They can equip each of the Shock accessories to inflict debuffs with their normal attacks, as well as the elemental Rings to add elements to their physical strikes.

Suspected difficulty: low, being able to inflict Death and Stop with normal attacks makes things a lot easier, as is the ability to drain HP and MP.

Thief: A utility job that's themed around stealing (naturally), Zack can use Steal and Mug to nab many items and can use accessories to help steal those items, find rare items, acquire more Gil, and use healing items more effectively. Late-game they can use the Power Drain and Power Osmose spells to steal HP and MP as well. Thief Zack is the only job choice that can use both the Ribbon and Super Ribbon as well as the Good-Luck Charm, Doc's Code, and Mog's Amulet.

Suspected difficulty: medium, being able to steal HP is a good thing, but they lack the MAG support to boost that damage. Until Steal/Mug are accessed, Thief Zack will have to rely on whatever he finds/whatever is dropped from enemies to stay alive.

Monk: Focuses on the Punching series of Materia as well as high HP and ATK. Their accessories are also based around HP, AP and ATK, and VIT to a lesser extent. Zack can also use the Paralyzing Shock to Stun enemies while he's beating them to death. Basically, Monk Zack punches things and they die. Gruesomely. Should punching things not work for Zack, he can use the Rush Assault Materia to improve the odds of summoning Angeal, who will also punch things to death. Punch.

Suspected difficulty: low, Costly Punch is amazing, as is Rush Assault. The biggest challenge will be staying alive and dodging debuffs from enemies, which Monk Zack has no way to heal outside of items.

Summoner: Focuses on summoning DMW allies to fight instead of Zack. Summoner Zack is quite the gamble (literally), relying on the spins of the DMW to summon allies. Naturally, Summoner Zack can equip every summon-themed Materia there is, and can boost SPR to a smaller extent with the SPR Up/SPR Up+ Materia and SPR-based accessories. Summoner Zack can also equip the Gris-Gris Bag to bestow immunity to Curse, and late-game, the normal Ribbon.

Suspected difficulty: medium-high, most Summon Boosting Materia is late-game, and you never know what the DMW will spin, making it a chaotic and random choice. With enough Summon Boosting Materia stacked, however, Zack can easily summon some pretty potent effects.


-Materia Fusion is forbidden.

-Dependent upon job chosen, game will be played in Hard Mode or Normal Mode. Not sure which it'll be yet.

So that's that. You can vote for 3 jobs, the job with the top votes will be picked. The poll will run for 7 days. St. Ajora save me.

This is the link to the spreadsheet showing which jobs can use what Materia and what Accessories (there's two tabs). Refer to the FF Wiki if you wish to know what anything does.

FFT: Parted Ways / Parted Ways 2.0: The Story
June 18, 2015, 04:18:48 pm
It's been a while since I've been able to make a post on here, but I've got some good news to share! Although I've been ridiculously busy with work (I work at a flower shop and it's wedding season), I've been hard at work coming up with the new story aspects that'll be added to PW 2.0. With any luck, I'll be getting help from Elric (and whoever else may wish to join in!) in adding these additional plot events to PW 2.0. At this point, I'm still really focused on working on gameplay mechanics. PW 1.0 was really messy in that regard, in that it had great ideas but they were messy and unbalanced. PW 2.0 is taking a far more polished approach to the whole thing, so I appreciate everyone's patience.

Some examples of new events you can look forward to upon PW 2.0's release:

-A battle involving Elmdor's death upon the Fuse Plains and his subsequent contract with Zalera.
-Playable battle against the Hokuten as Wiegraf upon his escape after Zeakden.
-Rad will have additional plot involving the death of Gafgarion.
-Expanded Balmafula plot.
-Beowulf's search for Reis will extend before Chapter IV, as well as introducing a new character who will in turn be connected to Rafa and Malak.

Basically, the aim of the added plot will be to allow you to play as characters you never could in Vanilla, as well as making a lot of the filler fights more interesting and valuable to the plot. I have quite a few player punch surprises in store as well, so look forward to those! :)
PSX FFT Hacking / Hume Casting Animations
June 16, 2015, 12:52:49 am
I forget if I posted this before, but if not, here's a reference of what three byte animations certain skills use. This list is useful if you're creating new skills and want the animations to look properly, such as creating a new spell and having the unit raise their arms as they cast them.

Casting: 01 2C 00
Yin-Yang Magic Casting (Two Hands in Air): 01 74 00
Summon Magic Casting (Summon Orbs): 02 2C 00
Draw Out: 03 73 00
Singing: 0D 28 00
Dancing: 0E 6F 00
Spin Fist: 04 67 00
Repeating Fist: 04 68 00
Punching: 04 3E 00
Positive Punch Art: 04 69 00
Stealing: 11 71 00
Steal Heart: 11 72 00
Talking: 06 6C 00
Geomancy: 03 2C 00
Weapon Strikes: 07 00 00
Accumulate: 07 16 00
Dash: 04 6A 00
Throw Stone: 11 4C 00
Positive Basic Skill: 03 66 00
Truth/Untruth: 06 65 00
Seal/Shadow Stitch: 05 6D 00
Stop Bracelet: 05 3E 00
Lucavi Statuses: 03 2C 00
Ruins/Spellblades: 01 00 00
Blood Suck: 11 16 00
Breaths: 08 65 00
Dragon Skill: 06 66 00
Items: 09 01 00
Throw: 12 4C 00
Jump: 0F 76 00
Charge: 00 00 00
Math Skill: 00 2C 00
Spriting / FF Pictlogica Sprites
March 18, 2015, 10:09:26 pm
Hey spriters, stumbled onto these sprites that may be of interest as a reference. They're not the greatest, but they're official Square sprites, so they may be of help to you guys. Just thought I'd throw these out here!


FFTA/FFTA2 Hacking / Loose FFTA Ends
January 03, 2015, 08:32:12 pm
FFTA has become highly moddable within the last year, due in great part to Darth and Blanky's editors. However, there are still certain small things that cannot yet be modded. This topic is mostly just a wishlist of things that I- and others- would like to see researched in the near future.

-Clan Level Up Rewards.
-Shara/Ritz/Ezel/Babus recruiting data.
-Shop inventory when areas are liberated.
-How long liberated areas stay liberated until they're attacked.
-Mission item bonuses, i.e, Sprinkler boosting Ice.
-Editing the elemental boost bonus multiplier, i.e, from Thor Rod (does it work like Geomancy?)
-Llednar's invincibility.

Anything else that should be added to the list?
FFT: Parted Ways / Parted Ways 2.0 Weapons
October 15, 2014, 01:04:41 am
Equipment in PW 2.0 each fills a varied role, with different weapon types having different advantages over others. Unlike PW 1.0, where items were more-or-less equal like Arena, PW 2.0 is a little more traditional in how items are handled.


Knives fill the role of debuffing weaponry in PW 2.0. Most Knives can inflict a debilitating debuff on an enemy at around a 20% chance. Though they're not directly powerful, the ability to damage and debuff an enemy in one fell swoop is vital in PW 2.0's status-heavy battles.


Add: Poison

Mage Masher
Add: Silence

Blind Knife
Add: Blind

Cat Claw
Add: Slow

Dancing Dagger
Add: Immobilize

Sacrificial Dagger
Add: Undead

Add: Curse

Assasssin's Dagger
Add: Doom

Add: Death


Ninja Blades act as the mobile weaponry in PW 2.0. Merely equipping a Ninja Blade grants a very valuable (and rare) boost to Move and Jump. Though Ninja Blade damage isn't high, they deal more damage than Knives. The last few Ninja Blades in the game each offer a unique boon that benefits different players depending on their builds. Want a large, but short boost of Speed? Masamune is your friend. Want a first strike? Yagyu Darkblade. Want to focus on staying alive? Orochi. Want a permanent, but small boost in Speed? Ichigeki. Want to potentially hugely cripple a foe for a short period of time? Kagenui. It all depends on how you play.

Move/Jump +1

Move/Jump +1

Move/Jump +1

Move/Jump +1, Add: Stop

Move/Jump +1, Speed +1

Yagyu Darkblade
Move/Jump +1, Initial: Vanish

Move/Jump +1, Drains HP

Move/Jump +1, Initial: Haste


Swords are varied and have many random effects, as befits the variety of jobs (which in turn can do a variety of things) that can use them. Swords are average and reliable, and have very little in terms of unique gimmicks- but what they do, they do well.


+10% EVD

Ice Elemental, Cast: Confuse

Holy Elemental, Cast: Exorcise

Blood Sword
Drains HP

Aqua Saber
Water Elemental, Cast: Water

+20% EVD

Onion Sword
PA +1, MA +1

Dark Elemental, Cast: Dark

Earth Elemental

Soul Sabre
Damages MP instead of HP

MA +2

PA +2

Ultima Weapon
Cast: Ultima


Knightswords are incredibly powerful weapons- having high WP, they can easily cleave enemies in twain. Knightswords come with an initial buff, granting the wielder some added defense... temporarily. Since they're Initial buffs, they can wear off over time and can be Dispelled, and will be removed upon dying. This means that it's important to choose between a Shield for more reliable defense, or a Knightsword for better, but more temporary defense. Further, the stronger the Knightsword, the less universally useful the buff is. Choose the Knightsword based on your situation!

Initial: Protect

Save the Queen
Initial: Shell

Initial: Haste

Initial: Veil

Chaos Blade
Initial: Regen


Much like Vanilla, Axes deal random damage... but this time around, they can proc one of Meliadoul's Crush skills, allowing them to do further damage and destroy an enemy's piece of equipment, reducing their defensive abilities. Dangerous stuff!

Cast: Icewolf Bite

Headsman's Axe
Cast: Blastar Punch

Golden Axe
Cast: Shellbust Stab


Wands are PW 2.0's answer to Vanilla Rods. Wands have 3 Range and are based on MA, making them perfect for mages to use when they run out of MP. Wands each also have the ability to cast Faith-based magic, with each Wand casting a different spell.

Mage's Wand
Cast: Mage Arrows (Deals non-elemental, non-evadeable, Faith-based, MA-based damage)

Empyrean Wand
Cast: Dia

Binding Wand
Cast: Stop

Demon Wand
Cast: Dark II

Polymorph Wand
Cast: Frog

Lilith Wand
Cast: Osmose

Stardust Wand
Cast: Comet II

Unicorn Horn
Cast: Holy


Staves in PW 2.0 are different from Vanilla FFT in that they deal no damage. Each Stave bestows a positive effect 100% of the time and grants the wielder immunity to Berserk, allowing them to properly use their Staves. Staves are great on Devouts to boost their defensive capabilities, or Freelancers equipped with Heavy Armor to act as battle medic buffing... things.

Healing Staff
Immune: Berserk, Add: Regen

White Staff
Immune: Berserk, Add: Protect

Immune: Berserk, Restores HP

Crown Sceptre
Immune: Berserk, Add: Shell

Pure Staff
Immune: Berserk, Cancel: Debuffs

Ruby Staff
Immune: Berserk, Add: Reflect

Immune: Berserk, Add: Haste

Immune: Berserk, Add: Reraise


Flails in PW 2.0 cannot miss, making them vital for finishing off evasive foes, such as Ninja.


Range +1

Holy Elemental

Scorpion Tail
Cast: Bio II


Guns in PW 2.0 have a variety of effects, ranging from emulating shotguns, to assisting the wielder in getting to an advantageous sniping position, to blowing limbs off of a foe. Since they can't miss, they're lacking in power, but different Guns can bring different strategies into play.


Jump +2

Range -2

EVD +20%

Add: Disable

Range +2


PW 2.0 Crossbows excel in penetrating enemy defenses in unique ways, such as dispelling buffs, breaking gear, and reducing their elemental resistances. Unlike Guns, Crossbow damage can be easily increased, at the cost of lessened Range in comparison.


Add: Poison, Blind, or Immobilize

Cancel: Buffs

Cast: Shield Break

Add: Imperil

Cast: Weapon Break


Longbows in PW 2.0 are far more useful than their Vanilla counterparts. Most Longbows have varied effects that allow them to cripple the enemy in a variety of ways from varying positions around the battlefield. Though lacking in power, their ability to snipe away targets is a great boon once their wielders get the high ground.


Add: Blind

Ranger's Bow
Range +1

Burning Bow
Fire Elemental

Nail Bow
Add: Immobilize

Heavenly Bow
Thunder Elemental, Cast: Thunder II

Hayate Bow
Cast: !Rapid Fire (Deals damage equal to a weapon strike)

Yoichi Bow 
Move +1, Jump +1

Sagittarius Bow
PA +1, Speed +1


Tomes are designed specifically to aid the Scholar job in their duties. As such, most Tomes are beneficial to Scholars, although their benefits can be wielded by a wide array of jobs if built as such.

Scholar's Tome
Boost: Wind, Weak: All Elements

Dark Elemental, Add: Curse

Millenial Tome
MA +2

Add: Frog


Spears are a destructive force in PW 2.0, and many are rare and unique. Spears boost high PA while being one-handed, allowing the user to also wield a Shield for defense. Finding Spears is a tricky process, requiring use of Treasure Hunt, but units wielding Spears are powerful and difficult to slay. Each Spear also boosts the user's Jump by 2, allowing them to emulate Dragoons of old.

Jump +2

Dragoon Lance
Jump +2, Cast: Jump

Jump +2, Water Elemental

Jump +2, Thunder Elemental, Cast: Odin (PA-based damage with a chance to inflict Death)

Wyvern Lance
Jump +2, Cast: Wyrmslayer

Holy Lance
Jump +2, Holy Elemental, Cast: Dia II

Jump +2, Wind Elemental, Cast: Aero II

Zodiac Spear
Jump +2


Poles are more or less magically-inclined versions of Swords, albeit with Range. Poles have high EVD and decent power, allowing mages to use them as an alternative to slinging spells. That said, many Poles have strange and random effects, which potentially have the ability to change the tide of battle.

Battle Bamboo

Aurora Pole
All Elemental, Cast: Prism (Heavy MA and Faith-based damage, All Elemental)

Zephyr Pole
Wind Elemental

Mythril Pole
+10% EVD

Gokuu Pole
Add: Atheist

Fairy Tale
Add: Confuse

Whale Whisker
Water Elemental

Princess Guard
Initial: Protect, Shell


As homage to Vanilla FFT, Bags have been kept nearly identical, albeit with new names.

Croakadile Bag

Fallingstar Bag
PA +2

Princess Bag
Initial: Regen

Hydrascale Bag
Speed +1

Feedback and thoughts welcome as always! Armor will be posted eventually-ish!
FFT: Parted Ways / Parted Ways 2.0 Ability Details
October 04, 2014, 01:01:10 am
For those of you who enjoy analyzing my PW 2.0 threads for balance/thematic feedback, it's greatly appreciated. That's why I'm posting this topic: for you all to scour my skill ideas and hopefully provide some feedback as I'm making them. Listed below are the skills I have intended for each generic job and a basic description. Feedback is, of course, welcome!

Cure: Restores a moderate amount of HP in a small area.
Cure II: Restores a large amount of HP in a small area.
Heal: Restores a small amount of HP to all allies.
Dia: Deals unevadeable Holy damage in a small area.
Dia II: Deals a large amount of unevadeable Holy damage in a small area.
Blind: Inflicts Blind in a small area.
Silence: Inflicts Silence on a single unit.
Faith: Inflicts Faith on a single unit.
Preach: Increases a unit's Faith by 3.
Holy: Deals Holy damage to a single unit and may inflict Faith.

Fire: Deals Fire damage in a large area.
Fire II: Deals heavy Fire damage in a large area.
Confuse: Inflicts Confuse on a single unit.
Berserk: Inflicts Berserk on a single unit.
Imperil: Inflicts Imperil on a single unit.
Sleep: Inflicts Sleep on a single unit.
Float: Inflicts Float in a large area.
Gravity: Deals damage to Floating units and cancels Float.
Suggestion: Deals minor non-elemental, MA-based, Faith-ignoring damage to a single unit.
Empathy: Deals damage equal to the caster's lost HP.

Dark: Deals uncounterable and unreflectable Dark damage in a small area.
Dark II: Deals heavy uncounterable and unreflectable Dark damage in a small area.
Raise: Revives a single unit with a small amount of HP.
Reraise: Inflicts Reraise on a single ally while removing half of their HP.
Doom: Inflicts Doom on a single unit.
Zombify: Inflicts Undead on a single unit.
Turning: Inflicts Charm on a single Undead unit.
Blood Oath: Inflicts Haste, Protect, and Shell on a single Undead unit.
Putrify: Fully restores an Undead ally's HP, reduces a non-Undead ally's HP to 0.
Banish: Inflicts Petrify on a single Undead unit.

Aero: Deals Wind damage in a small area up to 6 panels away.
Aero II: Deals heavy Wind damage in a small area up to 6 panels away.
Esuna: Removes all debuffs from a single unit and restores 20% of the unit's HP if a debuff is removed.
Dispel: Removes all buffs from a single unit and damages 20% of the unit's HP if a buff is removed.
Frog: Inflicts Frog on a single unit.
Bio: Deals Dark damage equal to 10% of a single unit's HP repeatedly quickly over time with a 20% chance to inflict Poison each time.
Bio II: Deals Dark damage equal to 20% of a single unit's HP repeatedly slowly over time with a 100% chance to inflict Poison.
Wild Tornado: Deals Wind damage to all units. Will likely be removed if the skill I'm working on works properly.
Force: Deals minor, MA-based, Faith-based damage to surrounding units.
Scourge: Deals damage equal to a weapon strike with a chance to remove all buffs and debuffs from a single unit.

Blizzard: Deals Ice damage to enemies only based on the user and target's Unfaith.
Blizzard II: Deals heavy Ice damage to enemies only based on the user and target's Unfaith.
Stone: Deals heavy Earth damage based on the user and target's Unfaith.
Stone II: Deals tremendous Earth damage based on the user and target's Unfaith.
Poison: Inflicts Poison in a small area.
Poisonstrike: Deals weapon damage to a single unit with a chance to inflict Poison.
Atheist: Inflicts Atheist on a single unit.
Atheistrike: Deals weapon damage to a single unit with a chance to inflict Atheist.
Enlighten: Reduces a single unit's Faith by 3.
Shadowflare: Deals Dark damage to a single unit and may inflict Atheist.

Thunder: Deals Thunder damage in a small area with reduced casting time.
Thunder II: Deals heavy Thunder damage in a small area with reduced casting time.
Water: Deals Water damage in a small area with reduced MP cost.
Water II: Deals heavy Water damage in a small area with reduced MP cost.
Regen: Inflicts Regen in a small area.
Stun: Cancels Charging, Defending, and Performing and deals 20% Thunder damage to a single unit.
MP Gift: Sacrifices 30 MP to restore 30 MP to a single unit.
Deprotect: Cancels Protect in a small area and deals 25% damage to those units that were dispelled.
Deshell: Cancels Shell in a small area and deals 25% damage to those units that were dispelled.
Meditate: Restores a small amount of MP to the user.

Protect: Inflicts Protect in a small area.
Shell: Inflicts Shell in a small area.
Wall: Inflicts Protect and Shell on a single unit.
Reflect: Inflicts Reflect on a single unit.
Veil: Inflicts Veil on a single unit.
Steelguard: Inflicts Defending on the user and all allies within 3 tiles of the user.
Mediguard: Inflicts Defending and Regen on the user and all allies within 1 tile of the user.
Taunt: Inflicts Berserk and Immobilize on a single adjacent unit.
Transfusion: Sacrifices some HP to restore an ally's HP.
Resuscitate: Revives a unit with a small amount of HP with a low hit rate.

Comet: Deals a heavy amount of unevadeable, unreflectable damage to a single unit.
Comet II: Deals a tremendous amount of unevadeable, unreflectable damage to a single unit.
Meteor: Deals a small amount of unevadeable, unreflectable damage to all enemies.
Quick: Raises the CT of all units to 100.
Delay: Reduces the CT of all units to 0.
Erase: Cancels all buffs and debuffs from all units.
Reverse: Fully restores the HP of all units and revives dead units.
Haste: Inflicts Haste in a small area.
Slow: Inflicts Slow in a small area.
Ultima: Learn Blue Mage style from a new enemy...

Immobilize: Inflicts Immobilize in a small area.
Disable: Inflicts Disable in a small area.
Stop: Inflicts Stop on a single unit.
Break: Inflicts Petrify on a single unit.
Souleater: Deals physical damage to a unit within 2 tiles, damages the user by 50% of the damage dealt.
Dark Wave: Deals physical damage to units 2 tiles in a line in front of the user, damages the user by 50% of the damage dealt.
Dark Aura: Deals physical damage to units surrounding the user, damages the user by 50% of the damage dealt.
Execute: Instantly slays an HP Critical unit.
Curse: Inflicts Curse on a single unit.
Blindside: Deals damage equal to a weapon strike on a single unit, bypasses counters.

Armor Break: Breaks a unit's equipped body armor within weapon range.
Helmet Break: Breaks a unit's equipped headgear within weapon range.
Shield Break: Breaks a unit's equipped shield within weapon range.
Weapon Break: Breaks a unit's equipped weapon within weapon rage.
Aim: Deals damage equal to a weapon strike, can't be evaded.
Hide: Inflicts Vanish on the user.
Aim: Leg: Inflicts Immobilize within weapon range.
Aim: Arm: Inflicts Disable within weapon range.
Cover Fire: Deals random PA-based damage in a small area.
Artemis Arrow: Deals damage equal to a weapon strike on a single unit anywhere on the map- has CT and cannot follow the target.

Coin Toss: Heavily damages either the user or an adjacent unit, based on PA.
Felicity: Fully restores the HP of either the user or an adjacent unit, based on MA.
Roulette: Red: Damages up to 7 times within random panels, based on MA.
Roulette: Black: Damages up to 7 times within random panels, based on Unfaith and MA.
Gamble: Inflicts a random status on a single unit- can be either positive or negative.
Snake Eyes: Inflicts Poison or Regen on all units.
Lady Luck: Inflicts Atheist or Faith on all units.
Triple 777: Inflicts Slow or Haste on all units.
Fortuna Major: Inflicts Curse or Veil on all units.
Jackpot: Inflicts Doom or Reraise on all units.

Green Boon: Replaces Pitfall, inflicts Shell and Regen on all units at the same height as the user.
Flood: Replaces Water Ball, deals Water damage to all units.
Poison Ivy: Replaces Hell Ivy, deals PA-based Earth damage with a chance to inflict Poison in a small area.
Stoneskin: Replaces Carve Model, inflicts Protect and Regen on all units at the same height as the user.
Gaia Breach: Replaces Local Quake, deals heavy physical Earth damage to all units on the same height as the user.
Raging Storm: Replaces Kamaitachi, deals magical Thunder damage and inflicts Silence on all units within 1h of the user.
Hellfire Gate: Replaces Demon Fire, fully revives all fallen units on the same height as the user.
Forest Curse: Replaces Quicksand, inflicts Undead on all units.
Sand Tomb: Replaces Sandstorm, deals magical Earth damage and may inflict Disable on units, perseveres.
Avalanche: Replaces Blizzard, deals 20% Ice and Earth damage and may inflict Immobilize on all units.
Tailwind: Replaces Gusty Wind, inflicts Haste on all units at the same height as the user.
Eruption: Replaces Lava Ball, deals 255% Fire damage and inflicts Death on all units.

Fervor: Inflicts Berserk with perfect accuracy on the user.
Scream: Boosts PA by 1 with a heavy MP cost and CT.
Vengeance: Deals damage equal to the user's lost HP within weapon range.
Hibernate: Fully restores the user's HP and inflicts Sleep on self- fails if the user is immune to Sleep.
Hamstring: Deal weapon damage to a single unit and may inflict Immobilize.
Throw Stone: Deals random, but potentially tremendous physical damage to a single unit and may cancel Charging.
Yell: Inflicts Haste on a single unit.
Threaten: Reduces a single unit's Fury by 3.
Infuriate: Increases a single unit's Fury by 3.
Blitz: Deals physical damage to units in a large area around the user.

Suiton: Deals Water damage to a single unit based on PA and MA.
Meiton: Deals Dark damage to a single unit based on PA and MA.
Fuuton: Deals Wind damage to a single unit based on PA and MA.
Smokescreen: Inflicts Blind on surrounding units.
Addle: Inflicts Confuse on surrounding units.
Envenom: Inflicts Poison on surrounding units.
Aphony: Inflicts Silence on surrounding units.
Blackout: Inflicts Sleep on surrounding units.
Waterwalking: Inflicts Float on the user.
Unspell: Cancels buffs on surrounding units.

Recruit: Inflicts Charm on an opposite-gendered enemy.
Heartstrike: Deals increased damage based on PA and WP, but has a CT and does not follow the target.
Power Ruin: Reduces a unit's PA by 1.
Lancet: Drains HP within weapon range equal to weapon damage.
Brace: Inflicts Defending, Protect, and Regen on the user.
Dragonslayer: Inflicts Doom on a Draconic or Tiamat unit.
Revive: Revives a fallen unit with a small amount of HP with high accuracy.
Restore: Restores a moderate amount of HP to the user.
Insult: Inflicts Berserk on a single unit, ignores Faith.
Jump: Deals damage equal to a weapon strike within 3 panels of the user.

Recruit: Inflicts Charm on an opposite-gendered enemy.
Soulstrike: Deals damage to a unit's MP equal to a weapon strike.
Mind Ruin: Reduces a unit's MA by 1.
Syphon: Drains MP from a single unit.
Ward: Inflicts Defending, Shell, and Regen on the user.
Exorcise: Inflicts Death on an Undead unit.
Cleanse: Removes all debuffs from the user.
Replenish: Restores a small amount of MP to a single unit.
Distract: Cancels Charging, Defending, and Performing on a single unit.
Jump: Deals damage equal to a weapon strike within 3 panels of the user.

Thoughts and feedback are welcome- Alchemist and Performer have been left out because their skills are still being finetuned and balanced. :)
FFT: Parted Ways / PW 2.0 Special Jobs
September 07, 2014, 08:50:49 pm
Special jobs in PW 2.0 are shades of their Vanilla counterparts, but with a unique blend of general PW insanity, with each unique job fitting a unique role or gimmick.


Skillset: Holy Blade
Example Skills: Stasis Sword, Split Sword, Holy Explosion, Ward, Brace, Steelguard, Mediguard, Cure, Regen, Veil
Equip: Swords, Knightswords, Shields, Helmets, Heavy Armor, Robes
Innate: Defend

Agrias serves as a direct foil to Harbingers and have the defensive prowess of a Sentinel while not quite nailing the finer points of either. Acting as a tanky version of a Harbinger, Agrias' Holy Swordskills have targetting similar to Harbinger skills: Stasis Sword damages all units around her, Split Sword can strike a single target up to two tiles away, and Holy Explosion can damage units two tiles straight in front of her. Unlike Harbinger skills, her Swordskills consume MP, rather than HP, and although they're evadeable, they can also inflict debuffs. Stasis Sword inflicts Immobilize to aid in her tanking skills, Holy Explosion inflicts Blind, and Split Sword inflicts Silence- allowing her to defend her allies by taking the bite out of enemies.

Her other defensive skills focus on defending not so much her allies, but herself: Ward and Brace are the respective Templar and Valkyrie skills (Shell + Regen + Defending on self and Protect + Regen + Defending on self, respectively), Steelguard places all allies in Defending status (exactly as the Sentinel skill does), Mediguard places herself and adjacent allies in Defending + Regen status, and Cure, Regen, and Veil are as they are on the other jobs, giving her a pseudo-Paladin feel. To that end, the player should decide whether to focus on her MP and MA with Robes, or making her more of a tank with Heavy Armor.


Skillset: Gadgets
Example Skills: Aim: Leg, Aim: Arm, Weapon Break, Armor Break, Meditron, Magibot, Cureborg, Launch Panel, Hide, Flee
Equip: Guns, Axes, Flails, Hats, Clothing
Innate: Item Lore

Mustadio is, effectively, now a Team Fortress 2 Engineer. Designed strictly as a support unit, Mustadio has access to crippling abilities that'll prevent enemies from harming allies, as well as Aim: Weapon to assist in that, with Aim: Armor to help soften enemies up for annihilation.

His next four skills- Meditron, Magibot, Cureborg, and Launch Panel- are all based off of PW 1.0's Sniper job Snares. In essence, Mustadio will deploy a healing ability once every X clockticks in a selected area anywhere on the battlefield. The selected area can act as a "healing zone" for allies in desperate need of medical attention. These skills will persevere, continuing until Mustadio dies or selects a different action. They consume no MP.

Meditron: Any ally who steps on the selected tile and is on it when the skill goes off has its HP restored based on MA. 1 AoE.
Magibot: Any ally who steps on the selected tile and is on it when the skill goes off has its MP restored based on MA. 0 AoE.
Cureborg: Any ally who steps on the selected tiles and are on it when the skill goes off has most common debuffs removed from them. 2 AoE.
Launch Panel: Any ally who steps on the selected tile and is on it when the skill goes off receives 100 CT.

Hide and Flee inflict Vanish and Haste on Mustadio, respectively, allowing him to change strategy as needed.


Skillset: White Lore
Example Skills: Divinity, White Wind, Mighty Guard, Angel Whisper, Pond's Chorus, Matra Magic
Equip: Swords, Staves, Hats, Robes, Clothing

Rafa is very much her PW 1.0 self, having (formerly) Blue Magic skills, with her unique twist: each of her skills hits randomly within their four possible panels of hitting. However, as a nod to the killer Rafa/Malak setup in FFH history of ages past, her skills have smart targetting. To that end, her defensive skills are far more effective when an ally is surrounded by enemies, whereas her offensive skills are far more effective when an enemy is surrounded by allies. Her skills have no CT (except Matra Magic), but consume MP.

Divinity: Deals Thunder-based Faith-ignoring damage to an enemy within 1 AoE, randomly.
White Wind: Fully restores an ally's HP and MP within 1 AoE, randomly.
Mighty Guard: Bestows Protect, Shell, Veil, Regen, and Reraise to an ally within 1 AoE, randomly.
Angel Whisper: Fully restores a fallen ally's HP within 1 AoE, randomly.
Pond's Chorus: Inflicts Frog + Poison to an enemy within 1 AoE, randomly.
Matra Magic: Inflicts damage equal to the enemy's MP within 1 AoE, randomly. Great boss/Lucavi killer, but can only be acquired in Deep Dungeon. Has a CT.


Skillset: Black Lore
Example Skills: Impiety, Magic Hammer, Acid, Frost, Limit Glove, Degenerator
Equip: Poles, Rods, Hats, Robes, Clothing

Malak is much like Rafa, sharing her gimmicks, but his skills are far more attack-oriented in nature, and he's designed to play as more of an assassin, bearing high SPD and EVD, compared to Rafa's high HP and MP. Where Rafa is all about aiding allies and defending them, Malak is about having his allies surround a foe and launching an execution upon it.

Impiety: Deals Fire-based Unfaith damage to an enemy within 1 AoE, randomly.
Magic Hammer: Reduces an enemy's MP to 0 within 1 AoE, randomly.
Acid: Inflicts several random debuffs on an enemy within 1 AoE, randomly.
Frost: Deals Ice-based Faith damage to an enemy and inflicts Stop within 1 AoE, randomly.
Limit Glove: Inflicts damage equal to the enemy's lost HP within 1 AoE, randomly. Great boss/Lucavi killer, but can only be acquired in Deep Dungeon. Has a CT.
Degenerator: Inflicts Death on an enemy within 1 AoE, randomly.


Skillset: Blade of Ruin
Example Skills: Shellbust Stab, Blastar Punch, Hellcry Punch, Icewolf Bite, Mind Ruin, Power Ruin, Speed Ruin, Crush Punch
Equip: Swords, Knightswords, Shields, Helmets, Heavy Armor

Meliadoul permanently enfeebles foes by destroying their gear- and their stats. To that end, her Ruin skills are as they are in Vanilla (except Speed Ruin, which inflicts Slow on an enemy), in that they're based on Faith. She -is- a member of the Church, afterall. Meliadoul's skills, however, are pricy in MP and can be evaded, meaning that she should use Concentration or be put under Vanish status before going in for the kill.


Skillset: Enchantment
Example Skills: Enflame, Enfrost, Enspark, Enwater, Enaero, Enstone, Endark, Enholy, Double Fire, Double Blizzard, Double Thunder, Double Water, Double Aero, Double Stone, Double Dark, Double Dia
Equip: Swords, Shields, Helmets, Heavy Armor, Robes
Innate: Re-equip

Beowulf is arguably the most versatile special unit in the game now, having access to two different families of schools, with each element in each. Using his innate Re-equip ability, he can change between Robes and Heavy Armor to fit whatever defensive needs are needed at the moment (at the cost of a turn). Having equal PA and MA, Beowulf can fit the melee offensive or ranged offensive roles with relative ease, assuming he has enough MP to perform his actions.

En- family magic is much as it is in FFXI and FFXIII: each En- ability releases a weapon strike that deals weapon damage, but is of a different element. In addition, each En- ability also has the chance to inflict a debuff on the enemy. En- magic works with any weapon- although Spellblade Beowulf can inherently only use Swords, if he were to use, say, Equip Ranged, or change to a different job, he can use En- magic on his ranged attacks, as well. En- magic is designed for those wanting to use a PA-based Beowulf.

Double- family magic is the closest you'll get to a Red Mage in FFT: each Double- ability releases a spell that ignores Faith and hits exactly twice using the gimmick of that element's family. For example, Double Fire will hit twice with 2 AoE, Double Aero will hit at 6 Range, Double Dia will ignore Evasion, etc. Each Double- ability costs twice the MP of its regular spell, but retains the CT cost of a single spell. Because each element has its own gimmick for a wide variety of settings, this gives Beowulf heavy magical power and a great deal of variety. Double- magic is designed for those wanting to use a MA-based Beowulf.


Skillset: Draconic Arts
Example Skills: Bahamut, Dragonforce, Dragon's Speed, Wyrmtamer, Wyrmslayer
Equip: Hats, Clothes, Robes
Innate: Brawler, Dual Wield

Reis' gimmick remains the same as Vanilla FFT, except this time she can call Bahamut to blast everything in her path... and then she can walk up to an enemy and fist it in the face- twice, with Dual Wield being unique now to Reis. As before, she has high HP and PA, but her female MA growth makes Bahamut nuking a viable option as well. She's best used if you've recruited a lot of Dragons and Hydras with Gerard.


Skillset: Iaido
Equip: Knightswords, Ninja Blades, Shields, Helmets, Heavy Armor
Example Skills: Iai Blow I, Iai Blow IV, etc.
Innate: Concentrate

Orlandu is an evade tank, akin to Ninja, but focuses on heavy damage to single enemies as opposed to debuffs. His skillset is a polished and rebranded Charge, allowing him to finish enemies with flair with a single flash of his blade- he strikes as lightning, needing to strike only once to fell his foe. Even if Snipers lose Concentrate, Orlandu won't. He's designed to strike hard, and to dodge and counter blows, akin to Hobyrim of TO (once more). He is also the only unit to get Hamedo, giving him a distinctive evasive flair unique all to him. He's different from every other version of him, but he's deadly all the same.


Exact details to be yet decided.


Skillset: Azure Arts
Example Skills: Painflare, Hellfire, Blight, Malaise, Flash Arc, Judgment Bolt, Kill, Condemnation, Roxxor, Gaia's Wrath, Redemption, Eschaton, Bleed, Gravity II, Mana Spring, Battle Cry
Equip: N/A
Innate: Beastmaster, Poach, Arcane Defense, Defense Boost

Byblos is the cooler, magically-inclined version of Gerard that can only be acquired in END- and, in fact, that's his entire gimmick. Byblos starts with no skills whatsoever and will instead gain them by battling each superbattle in DD against the Lucavi rematches. He can do just about anything- assuming you can overcome the hurdles to make him able to do anything.


Skillset: Bestial Arts
Example Skills: Chocobo Down, Pounce, Nightmare Touch, etc.
Innate: Tame, Beastmaster, Poach

Gerard is a character unique to PW, and one of (hopefully) several new characters. Gerard's gimmick is a simple one: tame beasts, make them stronger. By simply reducing an enemy monster to HP Critical, Gerard convinces it to join the party- the only way to get monsters in PW. From those monsters, Gerard can learn their skills Blue Magic style, making him a versatile (if somewhat physically-oriented) fighter.

Thoughts are welcome as always!
FFT: Parted Ways / Monsters in PW 2.0
September 05, 2014, 10:48:47 pm
As with PW 1.0, each monster in its family will fill a unique role that sets it apart from its family. PW 2.0 revives that concept, with a bit more flair.

As with PW 1.0, there are new monsters:


The following monsters have been removed from player access:


Don't fret! Behemoths, Ahrimans, and Minotaurs will return as Lucavian allies, with buffed stats and skills.

Monsters in PW have high HP and can survive many blows if they aren't debuffed, making them potent threats. Some monsters can be jerks (like Werewolves that can use Taunt/Berserk and have Hamedo), while others focus on healing (such as Flanitors and their Rescue/Esuna abilities), and others who focus on buffing (such as the Adamantoise with Protect), and others on debuffing (such as Ghouls with Curse). Monsters are also gaining the added perk of Innate: Omnicasting (Non-charge), meaning their spells will be able to go off instantly, giving them a tactical edge.

In addition, Gerard the Beastmaster will also be returning in Chapter I, and he will be the sole source of getting monsters onto your team with his Tame ability. Having Gerard stand next to a monster will unlock their Beastmaster skill- often a potent spell that can greatly help, especially combined with innate Non-Charge.

Further details to come later in the week!
PW 2.0 will feature mostly returning jobs from PW 1.0, although heavily rebalanced and modified. I had a ton of new jobs planned, but it just felt right sticking with most of the jobs from PW 1.0, so I've decided to build off of those. In the meantime, I want to outline the basics of the generic jobs you'll see in PW 2.0:


Skillset: Miscellany
Example Skills: Cure, Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, Throw Stone, Steelguard
Equip: Anything
Innate: Re-equip (Equip Change)

Freelancers are jacks-of-all-trades, capable of equipping any item in the game and are able to use a basic skill from most generic jobs in the game. Their stat growth is low, however, meaning that it's best to come back to them after you've gained levels in other jobs (akin to FFV). Although their skill pool makes them very viable early game, it's their wide array of equipment choices that sets them apart end game.


Skillset: Items
Example Skills: Potion, Ether, Phoenix Down, Malboro Tentacle, Star Curtain
Equip: Books, Rods, Staves, Hats, Clothing
Innate: Item Lore (Throw Items)

Much like Chemists in Vanilla FFT, Alchemists fulfill the function of using Items for an instant effect in battle. Unlike Vanilla FFT, Items are far more varied this time around, being able to instantly (and accurately) afflict Poison, Protect, Regen, Blind, etc. However, although Items are instant, accurate, and have no MP cost, they're expensive to purchase and lack the AoE that the proper spells have. To that end, their use may vary based on your needs- and your wallet.


Skillset: Warding
Example Skills: Steelguard, Protect, Shell, Reflect, Veil, Transfusion, Taunt
Equip: Swords, Knightswords, Shields, Helmets, Heavy Armor
Innate: Defend (Support Skill)

Sentinels are masters of unbreakable defenses, much like in PW 1.0. They still focus on defensive buffs such as Protect, Shell, and Reflect, but now also gain Veil, a new spell that inflicts the Veil status, which removes any debuffs and protects the Veil'd unit from being debuffed. It's a potent, but very costly spell that will find heavy use in PW 2.0's very debuff-heavy gameplay. Sentinels also gain a new form of Enmity- now called Taunt- wherein an adjacent foe is afflicted with Berserk and Immobilize, forcing it to engage the Sentinel (assuming the enemy has a melee weapon). Though Sentinels may have a simple role, in PW 2.0 where revival is difficult, an ounce of prevention is well worth a pound of Cure II or Raise.


Skillset: Aim
Example Skills: Armor Break, Weapon Break, Helmet Break, Shield Break, Aim: Arm, Aim: Leg
Equip: Bows, Crossbows, Hats, Clothing
Innate: Concentrate

Snipers are by nature masters of ranged combat and crippling the enemy before they even draw near. Much like FFT Arena's Archers, Snipers can rend all manner of gear and affix enemies firmly in place while they continue to be assailed by a barrage of further attacks and debuffs. Unlike PW 1.0's Snipers which focused on snares and traps, PW 2.0's Snipers take a much simpler approach to slaying enemies: breaking all of their shit and rendering them utterly helpless.


Skillset: Savagery
Example Skills: Fervor, Hibernate, Throw Stone, Scream, Threaten, Infuriate
Equip: Axes, Hats, Clothing

Berserkers are a very simple, effective job: they crush everything that moves. Beyond that, Berserkers manipulate battle by altering Fury (which still replaces Bravery), with their Infuriate and Intimidate skills. Beyond manipulating Fury, they can also tinker with the Berserk status to bolster themselves or their allies or cripple enemy mages. Axes now have the ability to crush gear upon striking, meaning that the more a Berserker attacks in its fervor, the greater the chance of completely overwhelming the foe.

Skillset: Divinity
Example Skills: Cure, Dia, Blind, Preach, Faith, Holy
Equip: Staves, Hats, Robes

Dia Magic Gimmick: Dia/Dia II cannot miss or be evaded, unlike spells from other elemental families.

Devouts are the primary healing job of PW 2.0, but they can equally serve as a potent offensive job. Bearing the ability to smite enemies with accurate ease using Dia Magic, Devouts can rapidly switch between an offensive and defensive paradigm on the fly. For more tactical players, using Blind to cripple units is a viable option, as is using Faith for a quick, potent buff to a mage's damage/accuracy, or Preach to slowly (but permanently for the battle) buff a mage's damage/accuracy. Staves are also of note. In PW 2.0, Staves deal no damage at all. Rather, each Stave inflicts a buff or heals an ally. Keep this in mind: without an Equip: X skill or a way to replenish MP, a lone Devout may prove completely unable to deal any sort of damage.


Skillset: Impiety
Example Skills: Blizzard, Stone, Poison, Enlighten, Atheist, Shadowflare
Equip: Wands, Hats, Robes

Stone Magic Gimmick: Stone/Stone II deal the most damage out of the eight primary elemental spell families, but is prone to the (now very common) Float buff.

Blizzard Magic Gimmick: Blizzard/Blizzard II cannot harm allies.

The "evil" version of Devouts, Magi use spells that use Unfaith to determine damage. This means that, for a change of pace, a unit with low Faith is more optimal in this magic job than a unit with high Faith. To that end, Magi aren't completely useless against units with high Faith: they can utilize Poison to continually harm units (the formula to cast Poison ignores Faith), and they can also use Enlighten and Atheist in the same manner as Devouts can use Preach and Faith, albeit for the opposite effects, and to strengthen their own magick while weakening the enemy's. Fret not, units of Faith! Wands can hit from afar and can cast a spell upon striking, and these spells tend to work based on high Faith, or ignore Faith altogether, meaning that Faithful units may prefer being tankier Magi and striking with physical Wand strikes.


Skillset: Psionics
Example Skills: Fire, Confuse, Sleep, Imperil, Float, Gravity, Empathy
Equip: Flails, Hats, Robes
Innate: Float (status), Teleport

Fire Magic Gimmick: Fire/Fire II have high AoE compared to other families of magic.

Psions carry a variety of gimmicks that can be geared towards many different kinds of play. Psions are masters at chaining skills together for deadly effect, and work well with other kinds of mages. Float can be chained with Gravity to crash an enemy to the ground, cancelling the Float effect and dealing massive damage to the enemy. Likewise, Imperil (which replaces Oil and reduces resistance to each element), can be chained with Fire/Fire II for heavy damage. For those preferring debuffs, Sleep and Confuse can easily turn the tides of battle, or earn time for you to heal and revitalize your party. Empathy is a pricy spell that is best used on heavily armored Psions, or vice versa: Empathy deals damage to the enemy based on the caster's lost HP: a risky spell with potentially huge damage potential. Desperate, MP-less Psions will find that the accurate strikes of Flails can save them in dire straits.


Skillset: Judgment
Example Skills: Water, Thunder, Regen, Stun, Meditate
Equip: Wands, Staves, Hats, Robes, Clothing
Innate: Waterwalking

Water Magic Gimmick: Water/Water II consumes less MP than spells of other elemental families- better for early game gameplay.

Thunder Magic Gimmick: Thunder/Thunder II takes less time to charge than spells of other elemental families, making them easier to use against speedier enemies found late game.

Seers are a mixed bag with a variety of useful skills/spells that are geared more towards early game battles (Seers are the first mage job unlocked), but their skills prove useful afterwards, as well. Water and Thunder's gimmicks can be used depending on what situation the user is in, and their gimmicks allow them to give physical jobs (and other jobs with low MP) the opportunity to use magic as well. Meditate is the only way to easily restore MP early in the game, and Regen is universally helpful. Being able to equip both Wands and Staves, Seers can take either an offensive or defensive position depending on what the player prefers.


Skillset: Gamble
Example Skills: Coin Toss, Felicity, Lucky 777, Jackpot, Fortuna Major, Gamble
Equip: Knives, Guns, Hats, Clothing

Corsairs are a job solely created for those who enjoy the thrill of unpredictable, wild battles. Corsairs rely on skills that focus on, well, luck. Coin Toss and Felicity deal damage and heal (respectively) either the user or an adjacent target, with potentially devastating or wonderful results. Gamble can inflict a random status (positive or negative) onto a unit for free, and as for the others, well...

-Snake Eyes (Poison or Regen on all units)
-Lady Luck (Innocent or Faith on all units)
-Triple 777 (Slow or Haste on all units)
-Fortuna Major (Curse or Veil on all units)

As you can see, the map-wide Gamble skills all can inflict one of two opposing statuses: basically, you can keep rerolling for the other status, but chances are, the numerical outcome will be the same. Fortuna Major is the exception, in that it's the end-all-be-all of Gamble skills. If Veil lands, every roll from there on is guaranteed to buff the Veil'd unit or do nothing- likewise, if Curse lands, the unit is guaranteed to be debuffed or do nothing.


Skillset: Lore
Example Skills: Aero, Bio, Esuna, Dispel, Frog
Equip: Books, Hats, Robes, Clothing

Aero Magic Gimmick: Aero/Aero II have higher Range than spells of other elemental families.

Bio Magic Gimmick: Bio/Bio II will continually sap an enemy's HP over time, dealing Dark damage over a period of time with a chance to inflict Poison.

Scholars, much like in PW 1.0, are regulators of status effects. Esuna and Dispel are extremely useful and accurate, and their AoE effects will definitely be of use against enemies and crippled allies. Also like PW 1.0, Scholars focus on Aero and Bio magic: Aero being their primary offensive magic, and Bio to steadily cripple an enemy. Unlike PW 1.0, Scholars can be utilized to snipe enemies more effectively from afar, and are less about turning foes into Chickens. Aero is great for AoE sniping needs, whereas Bio is better for single-target, inescapable and potentially lifesappingly devasting sniping. Books now have the potential to boost a Scholar's capabilities and are geared to their abilities, such as granting a boost to Wind magic.


Skillset: Blood Magic
Example Skills: Dark, Doom, Zombify, Death, Raise, Osmose, Blood Oath, Turning, Putrify
Equip: Knives, Hats, Robes

Dark Magic Gimmick: Dark/Dark II cannot be Reflected or Counter Magic'd, unlike spells from other elemental families.

Ah, Necromancer. How many revisions has it taken to get me to like you? Necromancers are masters of life and death- in PW 2.0, not only can they take it away, they can also give it! That's right, Necromancers now have the Raise spell, meaning that it takes a joint effort between Necromancers and Devouts to properly raise and heal the dead. Ironic, no? Anyhow, Necromancers can fill a variety of roles depending on how you play. Knives each can inflict various debuffs, and when combined with the Zombify spell, enemies can become crippled quite quickly. That said, Zombify doesn't have to be a debuff. Zombifying an ally can allow you to use Blood Oath (which greatly buffs an Undead unit) or Putrify (to fully heal it). Likewise, Zombifying an enemy will allow you to Turn it, making it be a temporary ally. Should that fail, of course, you can always blast it with Dark/Dark II or flat out Doom or Death it to, well, death.


Skillset: Gaia's Wrath
Example Skills: Sand Tomb, Tailwind, Hellflame's Gate, Forest's Curse
Equip: Poles, Hats, Robes, Clothing
Innate: Swim, Lavawalking, Ignore Weather

Geomancers are likely the most advanced class in PW 2.0, requiring a firm grasp of each map's individual tiles and height differences. In fact, that's entirely what Geomancers focus on: map and height gimmicks. Geomancers provide very potent effects that are difficult to use, or can flat out backfire if not used properly. For example, Tailwind grants Haste to all units on the same height as the user- which means you can accidentally end up Hasting the entire enemy party if not used carefully. Likewise, Hellgate's Flame is only one of two player skills that can fully revive the fallen- but the caster can only be on certain terrain to use it, meaning that if a fallen ally is out of the limited range of the terrain, they're out of luck. Think of PW 2.0's Geomancers as a form of Vanilla FFT's Calculators: easy to pick up, incredibly difficult to master, with the potential to screw yourself or decimate the enemy.


Skillset: Darkness
Example Skills: Souleater, Dark Wave, Dark Aura, Immobilize, Disable, Break, Stop
Equip: Axes, Swords, Shields, Helmets, Heavy Armor

Harbingers of PW 1.0 were horribly overpowered, capable of decimating entire enemy armies with little thought. PW 2.0 heavily changes that, making Harbingers still powerful (at the cost of one's own HP), but they're more akin to Queens in Chess now. Still powerful, but range and unit position are critical to their being. Harbingers have three primary offensive damaging skills, each with a range gimmick that makes it different from the other two:

-Dark Wave (Deals damage two tiles in front of the user)
-Dark Aura (Deals damage to units immediately surrounding the user)
-Souleater (Deals damage to a single unit within two tiles of the user)

Basically, like Chess pieces, which Darkness skill you'll want to go with (each is very JP pricy) depends on how you want to position your Harbinger. Does the enemy keep moving to inconvenient locations? This is where the Immobilize and Stop spells come in. Harbingers are all about crippling enemies... for their own benefit, and crushing them with their own life force.


Skillset: Perform
Example Skills: Sword Dance, Seraph Song, Polka, Heathen Frolick, Requiem
Equip: Swords, Poles, Spears, Hats, Clothing
Immune: Silence, Immobilize

Performers are a blend of Vanilla FFT's Bard and Dancer jobs- except they now have the Samurai's gimmick of requiring items to use. Instruments are obtained by Treasure Hunting throughout various battlefields, and without Instruments, the Performer is unable to, well, perform. The Performer's skills have huge range, meaning that they can safely stay afar while buffing allies, or debuffing enemies. Their immunity to Silence allows them to be potent spellcasters, and their immunity to Immobilize allows them to be capable frontline fighters.


Skillset: Ninjutsu
Example Skills: Fuuton, Meiton, Addle, Envenomate, Aphony, Unspell
Equip: Ninja Blades, Shields, Hats, Clothing
Innate: Kite (Fly)

Ninja in PW 2.0 are a vastly different sort than the kind found in Vanilla FFT. They can't inherently Dual Wield, and they aren't meant for direct damage. Rather, Ninja are meant to be something akin to sacrificial pawns: each Ninja Blade boosts Move and Jump by 1, and this allows Ninja to rush in and get killed. That's bad, right? Not quite. PW 2.0's Ninja is meant to charge into enemies, evade their inevitable blows, get surrounded... and then release lethal debuffs to surrounding units. Ninja can get surrounded by foes, and unleash Addle to Confuse each surrounding unit, and then use their inherent Fly to fly back out of danger. Once they're out of direct danger, they can contribute to direct damage using their -ton Ninjutsu spells, which deal damage based on both MA and PA.


Skillset: Magnum Opus
Example Skills: Comet, Meteor, Quick, Delay, Haste, Slow
Equip: Staves, Rods, Books, Hats, Robes

Comet Magic Gimmick: Comet deals non-elemental damage to a single enemy that hits harder than other elemental spell families, including Stone.

Sages are... eccentric. They're basically Vanilla Time Mages on steroids. Their spells focus on meddling with time to create huge, battle altering effects. Quick raises the CT of all units to 100, Delay reduces the CT of all units to 0, etc... if they hit. Likewise, Meteor damages all units on the field, making it a risky maneuver that can pay off if one's party is defensive, and can undo the damage. Like all Time Mages proper, they can use Haste and Slow to further meddle with time.


Skillset: Witchhunting
Example Skills: Jump, Recruit, Mind Ruin, Soulstrike, Exorcise, Syphon
Equip: Swords, Spears, Shields, Helmets, Heavy Armor

Templars, much like in PW 1.0, focus on slaying mages. If a spear to the head isn't enough, Soulstrike to deal weapon damage to MP surely is. Likewise, Templars can Jump to damage from afar, and Recruit to Charm opposite gender enemies temporarily. Templars are Male exclusive.


Skillset: Slaying
Example Skills: Jump, Recruit, Power Ruin, Heartstrike, Dragonslayer, Lancet
Equip: Swords, Spears, Shields, Helmets, Heavy Armor

See Templars, except Valkyries focus more on demolishing HP and PA than MP and MA. Like Templars, they can Jump and Recruit, but Valkyries are Female exclusive.

Well, that's all for generic jobs. Any feedback is welcome... I'm mostly posting this here as notes for myself, lol.


Not listed above, the new statuses:

Curse: A unit has all of its buffs dispelled, and cannot be buffed again.

Veil: A unit has all of its debuffs dispelled, and cannot be debuffed again.

Imperil: A unit is weak to all elements.

Gossip: A Gossip'd unit cannot attack, and can only use 1 of 16 random Talk Skills against random units.

Skills that could be used through Gossip:

-Gossip (Spreads Gossip to another unit)
-Insult (Add: Berserk)
-Preach (+4 Faith)
-Enlighten (-4 Faith)
-Intimidate (Add: Immobilize)
-Condemn (Add: Doom)
-Mimic Daravon (Add: Sleep)
-Entice (Add: Charm)
-Stall (Add: Stop)
-Praise (Add: Regen)
-Beg (Cancel: Charging/Defending/Performing)
-Infuriate (+4 Fury)
-Threaten (-4 Fury)
-Yell (Add: Haste)
-Encourage (Restores HP)
-Suggestion (Damages HP)

FFT: Parted Ways / A Preview: Quinn
August 19, 2014, 09:24:10 pm
Quinn is but one of a handful of new characters that will be introduced in Parted Ways. Who is she? What's her relation to Kletian? What is her motivation? Will she join the party? Find out later!

Thanks to Elric for helping me with my (currently awful) event editing! I'm quite aware of the spacing issue in the one screenshot and the arrow pointer issue. Those are being fixed right now! :)
Recruitment / Wanted: FFTA Playtester
March 24, 2014, 08:44:14 pm
I'm in need of a playtester for the FFTA rebalance I've been working on to report every little thing you feel is wrong with it so that I can fix them. You will be paid in gratitude, yogurt, and mead. It should be beatable now, but if you're interested in helping out, please let me know!~
The Lounge / Eternal's Pokemon Y Wonder Trade Challenge
November 07, 2013, 12:30:53 am
So for those of you who have Pokemon X/Y, you probably know about the Wonder Trade feature. If you don't, in a nutshell, you basically instantly trade one of your Pokemon with somebody in the world and get a random Pokemon in return. It could be something awful like a Bidoof, or something amazing like a Dragonite. You just never know. This topic will document my adventures through Pokemon Y as this challenge progresses.

Friend Code: 3969-3789-3703

Starter Obtained: Chespin (To trade to a friend, is not part of the Wonder Trade Challenge)

I'm trading away Route 2 fodder, and this is what I received in return:

Lv. 14 Smeargle for Pidgey
Lv. 30 Pinsir for Caterpie
Lv. 1 Torchic for Fletchling
Lv. 1 Mareep for Zigzagoon
Lv. 29 Noibat for Fletchling #2
Lv. 21 Dedenne for Bunnelby

Early game should be easy... but I expect things will get a bit harder later. Let the journey begin!

-PRE GYM 1 & GYM 1-

So far most of the challenge has been in raising my level 1 Torchic and Mareep. They've come into their own and are somewhat capable fighters now. Torchic came bred with Fire Spin and Slash, so now it's starting to kick ass. It's Adamant, so Slash will be very nice in a bit. Viola's gym is Bug themed, so my Torchic had absolutely no problem burning through the competition. Viola's Surskit surprised me by using Water Sport instantly, greatly nerfing Torchic's damage output. It did not, however, prevent Torchic from Slashing Surskit into ribbons. It became a battle of trapping effects with Viola's Vivillion. Fire Spin vs. Infestation. Water Sport eventually faded and Ember took care of Vivillion. And with that, my victory was assured. With Bug Badge in hand, I can finally progress with the plot- and control the rest of my party.

Game Over Count: 0
The Lounge / VGM 3 WINNER: Battle for Everyones Souls!!
November 01, 2013, 09:42:44 pm

Since nothing was happening with this due to a completely unrelated matter (O_0)
I figured I'd go ahead and start it up again for everyone who was enjoying it.
I've also made a new Bracket Page below, it's the same as Eternal's was, but
this way I can update it.



FFT: Parted Ways / PW 2.0: What's In Store
October 10, 2013, 02:29:17 am
So for the crowds of you who are still following this (read: you two people out there), PW 2.0 is well underway. I have a lot of fun new things planned.

1) New Move-Find Item Rewards

The great Treasure Hunt is something that you completionists will hate me for. Each map has (as talked about previously) a Treasure Idol- one of which is found in every map (except for Gariland). Collect them all and either keep them to show off, or sell them for high amounts of Gil, which is still very limited in PW. Also introducing Secret Logs. There are 13 to be found (all findable via Move-Find Item). These items don't sell for anything, but reading them will give you a great bit of insight on a FFT character that isn't talked about much. I'm hoping you all will find them and read them!

2) New Jobs

I've (finally) decided on a set of jobs I'm happy with. Many jobs from PW are returning, such as Scholar, Berserker, Necromancer, and Harbinger. However, a great many jobs have been replaced and given new coats of paint. Joining the PW job tree is the Ranger job, which, well... I'll get to that next. There's also the Judicer job, Seer job, Chronomancer job, etc. I'll go into further detail on those all in a bit.

3) Revamped Item System

Unlike PW 1.0 where you could unlock a ton of equipment at once and mix-and-match as you pleased, PW 2.0 is a more linear item progression system, akin to Vanilla FFT. However, unlike FFT, the new items are fun to use and have some cool gimmicks. Staves, for example, deal no damage but instead inflict a buff 100% of the time. Knives are prone to inflict debuffs, etc. Unlike Vanilla, equipment is more varied and is just generally more interesting to use. And yes, each one will have an interesting Sage Knowledge entry to read.

4) Speaking of Items...

Useable Items (such as Potion and Phoenix Down) are dead. Now, before you riot, this is where the Ranger job comes in. The Ranger is a ranged (obviously) unit, capable of using Longbows, Crossbows, and Guns. They have Innate: Poach and Treasure Hunt. What's so special about them? They're basically the new Chemist replacement. Their skillset revolves around foraging for herbs on the ground and making their own items to use on the party. What does this boil down to in terms of gameplay? Basically, Rangers can use (formerly) Items without having to actually buy Items. Instead, all they have to suffer is a short CT to use them. Gil can still be acquired by selling Denamda, coins which are won after battle. Additionally, the new Juggler job can Throw these for heavy damage to the enemy.

5) What's With the New Jobs?

Freelancers remain more-or-less the same as they were in 1.0. They've lost the ability to wield every piece of gear, but have a more versatile skillset which includes vital early-healing and early-revival skills.

Devouts remain the dedicated healers of the party, capable of casting Cure and Raise, and can still wield Dia magic. They also maintain their gimmick of focusing on increasing Faith. New to their arsenal is the Divine Reckoning spell, which deals a tremendous amount of damage to enemies with the Innocent status, as well as removing that status from them.

Magi remain the early dedicated offensive mages of the game, still wielding Ice and Earth magic which deals damage based on the enemy's lack of Faith. In addition, they can now inflict Poison and Blind to further cripple enemies. The Poison and Blind spells totally ignore an enemy's Faith for accuracy. Shadowflare remains their ultimate spell, dealing heavy non-elemental damage to a single target based on their Unfaith. In addition, they have a new spell called Hell's Judgment, which is the opposite of Divine Reckoning- it deals tremendous damage to Faith'd enemies, and removes that status from them.

Psions also remain much the same, wielding Fire magic and the ability to easily inflict Confuse and Oil. Berserk has also been added to their arsenal, as well as Charm. Psions can now physically attack enemies from afar with their Telekinesis spell and can instantly kill a Confused enemy with their signature Overmind spell.

Scholars are now an advanced magical job, still being able to wield the Aero and Bio spell lines, and their ability to cast Esuna and Dispel remains. New to their arsenal is the Chicken, Curse, and Veil spells. Chicken turns the enemy into a chicken until they take damage or are healed, softening their defenses briefly. Curse and Veil are counterspells to one another. Curse status makes an enemy unable to be buffed, and renders them unable to React. Veil status renders a unit totally immune to debuffs.

Necromancers are very similar to their original selves, but with some tweaks. Necromancers now gain the Banish spell, which can instantly turn Undead enemies into stone, allowing Necromancers to more easily handle Undead threats.

Seers are the new basic magic job. Seers are one with nature, capable of using Water magic. Seers can also cast a variety of assorted other magicks, including Regen, Vanish, and Might. Seers are unique in that their skillset contains the Recharge ability, which allows them to regain a small amount of MP. Despite being a basic job, the Seer's varied skills are worth having around for a variety of circumstances.

The second of four new mage jobs, the Judicer is a blend of magic and melee. Judicers have a magical skillset, but are capable of wearing heavy armor, shields, and swords, at the cost of a limited MP and MA pool. Judicers wield Thunder magic, and their spells revolve around "punishing" enemies. In addition to reducing an enemy's stats, the Judicer can also use their Guilt and Innocence abilities to damage enemies suffering from buffs and debuffs respectively, which make Judicers great team-players when used in tandem with other mage jobs.

Avatars remain almost exactly the same as they were in PW 1.0. Using Magicite, the Avatar can summon creatures for a variety of effects. Unlike PW 1.0, Magicite cannot be equipped, and Avatars can instead wield Poles for heavy damage when they're lacking in Magicite. They also have a large MP pool so that they can feasibly wield other spells when lacking in Magicite.

Chronomancers- much like Judicers- are a blend of magic and weaponry, except Chronomancers are more proficient with ranged weapons such as Crossbows and Shields, rather than melee weapons and heavy armor. Chronomancers wield a trimmed-down set of Time Magic from Vanilla FFT, but with a few new spells: Comet, Comet II, Time Crash, and Zero Gravity. Comet and Comet II are non-elemental damaging spells, whereas Time Crash may reduce the CT of every unit on the field to 0- including allies, meaning it's a very risky spell to wield. Zero Gravity deals percentile damage to a small area of enemies and thrusts them into the air, inflicting Float and Immobilize.

Male units who excel in the mage field will gain access to Templars, a melee job with a magical twist. They have eight elemental strike abilities, which consume a small amount of MP to unleash a weapon strike imbued with an element and a status proc. Templars (much like in PW 1.0) can wield Spears and Heavy Armor, but are lacking in the Move and Jump departments.

Sentinels are once again a basic melee job focusing on defense and buffing. Still wielding Protect, Shell, Reflect, Steelguard, and Mediguard, the Sentinel can Taunt an adjacent enemy into attacking the Sentinel if they wield a melee weapon. Sentinels are more or less the same as they were before, but their Resuscitate skill was moved to Freelancers.

Like Sentinels, Brigands are very similar to their PW 1.0 incarnations, but with new skills. They've lost the ability to debuff enemies but have gained Self: Haste and Self: Vanish skills, aiding in theft and speed. They also wield the new Smokescreen ability to Blind adjacent enemies in a bind.

Rangers are a wholly new job, replacing the old Alchemist and Sniper jobs. Rangers excel in long-range attacks, and can use their Forage skillset to make Items on the fly to instantly use on crippled and wounded allies. Should they land a kill on a monster enemy, Magicite is unlocked at the Fur Shop later in the game. They can also bypass traps (which are again on every map in PW), and are very mobile units.

Formerly a female-specific job in PW 1.0, Assassins are now available to both genders, with an almost wholly-new skillset. They maintain their Charm/Kill combo, but can now lob shurikens, suffocate foes, unleash unblockable attacks, and more. More mobile but less evasive than Brigands, Assassins have low HP and count on easy kills to stay alive in the heat of battle.

Returning from PW 1.0, Berserkers are no longer Always: Berserk, and have a new skillset. Returning is Fervor and Heat of War, which adds Berserk on the user. Heat of War returns from very early incarnations of PW, and increases the Fury of all units on the field by 3, increasing damage both dealt and received from physical strikes. Infuriate bolsters the user's own Fury, and Bulk Up increases the user's own PA. Blitz deals reduced damage to surrounding enemies, and Crippling/Crushing Blow are physical attacks that can also debuff and destroy enemies.

A fan favorite from PW 1.0, Harbingers return in the same capacity as they did in PW 1.0. They're Dark Knights of the foulest sort, enjoying torturing enemies. They still wield skills with recoil damage, and can inflict Immobilize, Disable, and Petrify from range with their (inaccurate) spells.

Druids are the fourth and final new mage job in PW 2.0. Druids are a unique blend of magic and melee, wielding light armor and weaponry, but have high amounts of HP and Speed. Their skillset is an evolved version of every elemental spell- Meltdown (Fire damage to all enemies), Freeze (Ice Unfaith damage and Atheist on enemies), Quake (Earth MA*X damage), Blast (Thunder, Instant CT), Flood (Water, Heavily reduced MP cost), Tornado (Wind, Infinite range), Dark Holy (Dark damage and Undead onto enemies), and Holy (Holy damage and Faith onto an enemy). All of these spells, while evolved from the other elements, do less damage than the spell's level II tiers. As such, the Druid requires a bit of setup and customization to fit a player's chosen playstyle.

Blue Mage:
Yes, Blue Mages are coming on board as a generic job that every class can use. Being able to wield a skill from every monster family, the Blue Mage is the pinnacle of spell versatility, albeit at the cost of average stats and a very limited equipment pool.

Juggler (Not 100% confirmed yet):
Jugglers are the pinnacle of Speed and Evasion, being able to easily dance and weave around an enemy's physical attacks. Jugglers will be able to use Gil Toss and Throw to damage enemies from afar. They do, however, lack decent PA and HP, meaning that they're screwed if they're forced to fight mano-a-mano.

Onion Knight:
The ultimate generic job. Good luck unlocking this one.

6) Events

New events are still going to be added, and I have a much clearer vision now of the things I want to add. My intention is to add events that allow you to briefly play as previously unplayable characters, and events that chronicle things that were previously unresolved in FFT. PW 2.0 will be less about adding new characters and plotlines, and will focus more on building upon what was already there in FFT to begin with.

So yes, people, I've been working hard on PW and hope to have some screenshots of the new jobs and items up fairly soon. PW 2.0 should be more balanced, less buggy, and more fun than PW 1.0. It won't be half as fancy as Jot5 or CoP, but I'm hoping you all will enjoy it as a refreshing way to play Vanilla. :)
It kicked mine pretty damn hard. Thank heavens the sale is almost over, or I'd be dead broke! What games (if any) did you guys all get?

What I got:

-Alan Wake
-Alan Wake's American Nightmare
-Amnesia: The Dark Descent
-Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition
-Borderlands 2 + All DLC
-Chivalry: Medieval War
-Crysis 2 Maximum Edition
-Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon
-Risen 2: Dark Waters
-The Secret World
-Sleeping Dogs
-System Shock 2
-The Witcher
-The Witcher 2
What is FFTA Arena?

FFTA Arena is a mod created with multiplayer AI battles in mind. Based very heavily off of FFMaster/PX/Aero's FFT Arena patch, FFTA Arena is very much the same thing... except for FFTA. FFTA Arena features two teams, each with three units facing off against each other in mortal combat of DOOOOOOM! FFTA Arena is based off of FFTA: Grim Grimoire, and as such has its ability, job, and mechanics changes.

What are FFTA Arena's rules?

1) Each team must have three units.

2) Each team may have a maximum of one monster unit.

3) Each unit is at level 50.

4) Unit placement is random.

5) There may only be three skills from each skillset on each unit. For example, a Black Mage may know Firaga, Blizzaga, and Return Magic, but may not know Firaga, Blizzaga, Poison, and Return Magic.

6) A skill may only be used once in a team. For example, all three of a unit's team may not know Full-Life. This also applies to items. Items also follow this rule. For example, you may not have two units with a White Robe.

7) A unit may only have one Accessory.

8) Units are assigned random names.

9) Geomancy, Reflex, Strikeback, and Turbo MP are banned on human units. They are permitted on monsters, however.

10) The only permitted units allowed in a player's team are Humes, Bangaa, Viera, Nu Mou, Moogles, and monsters. Totema and special jobs are not allowed on one's team.

Team Submission Format:

Player Name
Team Name

Job (Race if applicable)
Secondary Skillset
Support Ability
Reaction Ability

Primary Job Abilities Learnt
Secondary Abilities Learnt

Left Hand
Right Hand

FFTA Arena Job Stats Guide:

FFTA Arena Item Guide:

Swords (One-Handed):

   -Blood Sword (Drains HP) (40 WP)
   -Onion Sword (MAG +10) (37 WP)
   -Chirijiraden (50 WP)

Blades (One-Handed):

   -Flametongue (Fire Elemental) (43 WP)
   -Laglace Sword (Ice Elemental) (43 WP)
   -Ebon Blade (Dark Elemental) (43 WP)

Sabers (One-Handed):

   -Harpe (Immune: Blind, Silence, Berserk) (42 WP)
   -Aqua Saber (Water Elemental) (40 WP)
   -Soulsaber (Immune: Doom, Death, Poison) (37 WP)

Knightswords (Two-Handed):

   -Ragnarok (RES +10) (45 WP)
   -Save the Queen (DEF +10) (45 WP)
   -Excalibur (Holy Elemental) (50 WP)

Greatswords (Two-Handed):

   -Ancient Sword (Earth Elemental, Immune: Petrify) (45 WP)
   -Master Sword (One-Handed) (44 WP)
   -Iceprism (Ice Elemental, Absorb: Ice) (47 WP)

Broadswords (Two-Handed):

   -Vajra (Thunder Elemental) (50 WP)
   -Beastsword (DEF/RES +5) (47 WP)
   -Eclipse (Half: Dark, Weak: Holy, Absorb: Holy) (45 WP)

Daggers (One-Handed):

   -Swordbreaker (35% EVD) (40 WP)
   -Tonberrian (Move +1, Jump +1) (35 WP)
   -Tiptaptwo (SPD +10) (37 WP)

Rapiers (One-Handed):

   -Epeprism (Strengthen: Earth, Wind, Water) (36 WP)
   -Femme Fatale (Immune: Charm, Sleep) (43 WP)
   -Diabolique (30% EVD) (41 WP)

Katana (Two-Handed):

   -Nosada (Range: 2) (37 WP)
   -Masamune (SPD +5, 20% EVD) (38 WP)
   -Zantetsuken (44 WP)

Staves (One-Handed):

   -Nirvana (Strengthen: Holy) (24 WP)
   -Cure Staff (Heals HP on hit) (50 WP)
   -Snake Staff (Move +1) (32 WP)

Rods (One-Handed):

   -Flame Rod (Fire Elemental, Strengthen: Fire) (35 WP)
   -Thor Rod (Thunder Elemental, Strengthen: Thunder) (35 WP)
   -Chill Rod (Ice Elemental, Strengthen: Ice) (35 WP)

Maces (One-Handed):

   -Cactus Stick (55 WP)
   -Zeus Mace (Thunder Elemental, Absorb: Thunder) (42 WP)
   -Scorpion Tail (Strengthen: Dark) (44 WP)

Bows (Two-Handed):

   -Longbow (Range: 8) (38 WP)
   -Yoichi Bow (One-Handed) (39 WP)
   -Target Bow (Immune: Immobilize, Blind) (43 WP)

Greatbows (Two-Handed):

   -Marduk Bow (Half: Earth, Wind, Water) (40 WP)
   -Windslash Bow (Wind Elemental, Immune: Slow) (43 WP)
   -Gastra Bow (47 WP)

Spears (One-Handed):

   -Javelin (Jump +2) (38 WP)
   -Bangaa Spike (Two-Handed) (50 WP)
   -Trident (Water Elemental, Absorb: Water) (41 WP)

Instruments (One-Handed):

   -Blood Strings (Drains HP) (36 WP)
   -Fairy Harp (Immune: Silence) (42 WP)
   -Heal Chime (Heals HP on hit, Cancel: Doom on hit) (40 WP)

Claws (One-Handed):

   -Sick Knuckles (Immune: Poison, Blind, Silence) (42 WP)
   -Kaiser Knuckles (Immune: Confuse, Charm, Berserk) (40 WP)
   -Godhand (Immune: Petrify, Death, Doom) (37 WP)

Souls (One-Handed):

   -Flan Soul (Immune: Fire, Ice, Thunder) (30 WP)
   -Bug Soul (Immune: Earth, Water, Wind) (35 WP)
   -Lucavi Soul (Immune: Dark, Holy) (40 WP)

Guns (One-Handed):

   -Longbarrel (Range: 8) (37 WP)
   -Calling Gun (MAG +15) (38 WP)
   -Peacemaker (44 WP)


   -Bolt Shield (Absorb: Thunder, 15% EVD)
   -Flame Shield (Absorb: Fire, 15% EVD)
   -Ice Shield (Absorb: Ice, 15% EVD)
   -River Shield (Absorb: Water, 25% EVD)
   -Aegis Shield (Absorb: Holy, 5% EVD, RES +10)
   -Genji Shield (Absorb: Dark, 10% EVD, ATK +10)
   -Shijin Shield (Absorb: Wind, 10% EVD, MAG +10)
   -Reverie Shield (Absorb: Earth, 5% EVD, DEF +10)


   -Genji Helmet (DEF +5, ATK +5)
   -Cross Helm (DEF +5, MAG +5)
   -Parade Helm (DEF +10)
   -Hanya Helm (DEF +5, RES +5)
   -Diamond Helm (DEF +7, Immune: Poison, Doom)
   -Opal Helm (DEF +6, Immune: Sleep, Frog)

Hair Adornments:

   -Barette (DEF +2, RES +5, Immune: Charm, Poison, Slow)
   -Ribbon (DEF +1, RES +2, Immune: Frog, Sleep, Death)
   -Cachusha (DEF +2, RES +5, Immune: Immobilize, Disable, Blind)
   -Tiara (DEF +5, RES +3, Immune: Silence, Berserk, Petrify)


   -Gold Hairpin (DEF +4 RES +6, Immune: Silence)
   -Thief Hat (DEF +5, Immune: Slow, Stop)
   -Green Beret (DEF +3, SPD +10)
   -Headband (DEF +4, RES +4, ATK +5)
   -Wizard Hat (DEF +4, RES +4, MAG +5)
   -Feather Cap (DEF +7)


   -Genji Armor (DEF +39, ATK +6)
   -Dragon Mail (DEF +37, Half: Earth, Fire, Dark)
   -Opal Armor (DEF +37, Half: Wind, Ice, Water)
   -Materia Armor (DEF +35, RES +10)
   -Carabini Mail (DEF +39, MAG +3)
   -Maximilian (DEF +45)
   -Mirror Mail (DEF +35, Initial: Reflect)


   -Brigandine (DEF +37, RES +4)
   -Mirage Vest (DEF +30, RES +6, Immune: Holy)
   -Rubber Suit (DEF +30, RES +6, Immune: Thunder)
   -Gaia Gear (DEF +33, RES +10, Strengthen: Earth)
   -Power Sash (DEF +35, RES +2, ATK +5)
   -Temple Cloth (DEF +32, RES +5, MAG +5)
   -Judge Coat (DEF +30, RES +14)


   -Hempen Robe (DEF +30, RES +20)
   -Reaper Cloak (DEF +25, RES +40, Immune: Dark)
   -Magic Robe (DEF +22, RES +40, MAG +5)
   -Sage Robe (DEF +20, RES +50)
   -Lordly Robe (DEF +25, RES +25, MAG +2, ATK +2)
   -White Robe (DEF +20, RES +20, Half: Fire, Ice, Thunder)
   -Black Robe (DEF +20, RES +20, Boost: Fire, Ice, Thunder)


   -Battle Boots (Move +1)
   -Spiked Boots (Jump +2)
   -Dash Boots (SPD +10)
   -Ninja Tabi (EVD +15%)
   -Feather Boots (Waterwalking)
   -Thief Gloves (Steals become more accurate)
   -Genji Gloves (ATK +5)
   -Bone Armlets (MAG +5)
   -Oven Mitts (Immune: Fire, Water)
   -Angel Ring (Initial: Reraise)
   -Magic Ring (Immune: Silence, Berserk, RES +3)
   -Fortune Ring (Immune: Sleep, Death, DEF +3)
   -Scarab (Immune: Immobilize, Disable, Frog)
   -Ruby Earring (Absorb: Dark, Immune: Confuse, Charm)
   -Star Armlet (Immune: Slow, Stop, Doom)
   -Minwu Gem (Immune: Petrify, Poison, Blind)

FFTA Arena Ability Guide:


-First Aid (Heals HP, Add: Regen on self)
-Powerbreak (Add: Attack Down within weapon range)
-Mindbreak (Add: Magic Down within weapon range)
-Magicbreak (Deals MP damage within weapon range)
-Speedbreak (Add: Slow within weapon range)
-Revive (Revives an ally with 50% HP within 1 Range)
-Provoke (Add: Berserk within 3 Range)
-Sensor (Add: Defense/Resistance Down within weapon range)
-Monkey Grip (Wield two-handed weapons in one hand)
-Shieldbearer (Equip Shields regardless of job)


-Nurse (Heals HP, Cancel: Poison, Blind, Silence within 1 Range)
-Aura (Add: Regen/Veil on self)
-Cover (Defends an ally from damage)
-Subdue (Damage and Add: Immobilize within weapon range)
-Cheer (Add: Boost within 3 Range)
-Parley (Add: Delay within 4 Range)
-Saint Cross (Holy damage around self)
-Holy Blade (Holy damage and Add: Blind within weapon range)
-Weapon Def+ (Reduces damage from physical attacks)


-Rush (Deals damage and knocks the enemy back within weapon range)
-Body Slam (Deals damage to the enemy and to self within 1 Range)
-Downsize (Reduces an enemy's HP by 50% within weapon range)
-Scream (Add: Critical Up on self)
-Air Render (Deals Wind damage within 3 Range)
-Far Fist (Deals damage within 3 Range with 1 AoE)
-Air Blast (Deals Wind damage within a t-shape in front of self)
-Backdraft (Deals Fire damage to the enemy and to self within 1 Range)
-Bonecrusher (Counters physical attacks at 1.5x damage)
-Doublehand (Gain increased attack by holding a weapon in both hands)


-Steal: Armor (Steals an enemy's equipped body armor within 1 Range)
-Steal: Shield (Steals an enemy's equipped shield within 1 Range)
-Steal: Access. (Steals an enemy's equipped accessory within 1 Range)
-Steal: Helm (Steals an enemy's equipped headgear within 1 Range)
-Steal: Weapon (Steals an enemy's equipped weapon within 1 Range)
-Steal: HP (Drains HP within 1 Range)
-Steal: MP (Drains MP within 1 Range)
-Steal: Heart (Add: Charm within 3 Range)
-Counter (Counters physical attacks)


-Mokuton (Damage and Add: Immobilize within 4 Range)
-Katon (Fire damage and Add: Confuse within 4 Range)
-Doton (Earth damage and Add: Slow within 4 Range)
-Kinton (Wind damage and Add: Blind within 4 Range)
-Suiton (Water damage and Add: Silence within 4 Range)
-Kesu (Cancel: Buffs within weapon range)
-Boukyaku (Add: Addle within weapon range)
-Last Haste (Add: Haste on self upon entering HP Critical)
-Dual Wield (Wield a one-handed weapon in each hand)

White Mage:

-Cure (Holy Elemental, Restores a small amount of HP within 4 Range at 1 AoE and Add: Regen)
-Cura (Holy Elemental, Restores a moderate amount of HP within 4 Range at 2 AoE)
-Curaga (Holy Elemental, Restores a large amount of HP within 4 Range)
-Esuna (Cancel: Debuffs within 4 Range)
-Life (Revives a fallen ally with 50% HP within 4 Range)
-Full-Life (Revives a fallen ally with 100% HP within 2 Range)
-Reraise (Add: Reraise within 4 Range)
-Shell (Add: Shell within 4 Range at 1 AoE)
-Protect (Add: Protect within 4 Range at 1 AoE)
-Barrier (Add: Protect/Shell within 4 Range)

Black Mage:

-Fire (Minor Fire damage within 4 Range at 1 AoE and Add: Defense Down/Resistance Down)
-Fira (Moderate Fire damage within 4 Range at 2 AoE)
-Firaga (Heavy Fire damage within 4 Range and Add: Doom)
-Blizzard (Minor Ice damage within 4 Range at 1 AoE and Add: Magic Down)
-Blizzara (Heavy Ice damage within 4 Range at 1 AoE)
-Blizzaga (Moderate Ice damage within 4 Range and Add: Stop)
-Thunder (Minor Thunder damage to all enemies)
-Thundara (Heavy Thunder damage within 6 Range and Add: Delay)
-Thundaga (Moderate Thunder damage within 6 Range at 1 AoE)
-Poison (Add: Poison within 4 Range at 1 AoE)
-Return Magic (When attacked with a spell, counter with the same spell)

Green Mage:

-Protectga (Add: Protect within 4 Range at 2 AoE)
-Shellga (Add: Shell within 4 Range at 2 AoE)
-Dispelga (Cancel: Buffs within 4 Range at 2 AoE)
-MP Gift (Restores 30 MP within 4 Range)
-Hastega (Add: Haste within 4 Range at 1 AoE)
-Regen (Add: Regen within 4 Range at 2 AoE)
-Esunaga (Cancel: Debuffs within 4 Range at 1 AoE)
-Absorb MP (When hit by a skill that uses MP, restore MP equal to the MP cost of the skill.)
-Half MP (Halves the MP cost of skills)

Blue Mage:

-Goblin Punch (Deals heavy damage within 1 Range)
-Magic Hammer (Deals MP damage within 3 Range)
-Mutilate (Drains HP within 1 Range)
-Acid (Add: Random Debuff within 3 Range)
-Transfuse (Fully restores an ally's HP and Cancel: Debuffs within 1 Range, but kills the user)
-Blowup (Heavy Fire damage around self, but kills the user)
-Mighty Guard (Add: Defense Up/Resistance Up within 3 Range)
-Expose (Add: Defense Down/Resistance Down within 3 Range)
-Dragon Force (Add: Haste/Regen within 3 Range)
-Night (Add: Sleep within 3 Range at 1 AoE)
-Twister (Reduces HP by 50% within 3 Range at 1 AoE)
-Matra Magic (Inverts HP and MP within 3 Range)
-Limit Glove (Deals 999 HP within 3 Range when between 1-10 HP)
-Poison Claw (Deals damage and Add: Poison within 1 Range)
-Hastebreak (Add: Slow if the target is not Hasted, and Add: Stop if the target is Hasted within 5 Range)
-Bad Breath (Add: Random Debuff around self)
-Stare (Add: Confuse in a t-shape in front of self if the target is looking at the user)
-Roulette (Add: Death on a random unit)
-Drain Touch (Drains HP within 1 Range)
-White Wind (Restores HP equal to the caster's current HP within 3 Range)
-Angel Whisper (Restores HP and Add: Regen within 3 Range)
-Learn (Acquire new Blue Magic skills when hit by them)
-Immunity (The user becomes immune to Frog, Blind, Confusion, Sleep, Petrify, Silence, and Poison)
-Manashield (The user takes MP damage in place of HP damage)


-Boost (Add: Boost on self)
-Aim: Legs (Add: Immobilize within weapon range)
-Aim: Arm (Add: Disable within weapon range)
-Flee (Haste on self)
-Burial (Low chance of permanently removing an Undead unit from battle from within weapon range)
-Take Aim (Unavoidable attack within weapon range)
-Surge (Unreactable attack within weapon range)
-Blackout (Add: Blind within weapon range)
-Arrow Guard (The user will always dodge Bow and Greatbow attacks)
-Concentrate (Attack and skill accuracy is slightly increased)


-Sonic Boom (Unavoidable damage within 3 Range at 1 AoE)
-Oust (Low chance of permanently removing a Monster unit from battle from weapon range)
-Advice (Add: Critical Up within 3 Range)
-Aim: Vitals (Add: Random Debuff within weapon range)
-Addle (Add: Addle on a Monster unit within weapon range)
-Sidewinder (Double damage to Monster units within weapon range)
-Auto-Regen (Add: Regen upon being damaged)
-Weapon Atk+ (The power of physical attacks is increased)


-First Aid (Heals HP, Add: Regen on self)
-Powerbreak (Add: Attack Down within weapon range)
-Mindbreak (Add: Magic Down within weapon range)
-Magicbreak (Deals MP damage within weapon range)
-Speedbreak (Add: Slow within weapon range)
-Body Slam (Deals damage to the enemy and to self within 1 Range)
-Greased Bolt (Unreactable attack within weapon range)
-Downsize (Reduces an enemy's HP by 50% within weapon range)
-Monkey Grip (Wield two-handed weapons in one hand)
-Shieldbearer (Equip Shields regardless of job)


-Jump (Deals heavy damage at the risk of low accuracy within 4 Range, requires a Spear)
-Lancet (Drains HP from within 1 Range)
-Wyrmtamer (Low chance to permanently remove a Dragon unit from battle within 4 Range)
-Fire Breath (Fire damage within a t-shape in front of the user, Add: Poison)
-Bolt Breath (Thunder damage within a t-shape in front of the user, Add: Blind)
-Ice Breath (Ice damage within a t-shape in front of the user, Add: Silence)
-Wyrmkiller (Deals double damage to Dragon units within weapon range)
-Bangaa Cry (Damage within a t-shape in front of the user)
-Dragonheart (Add: Reraise on self upon taking physical damage)


-Asura (Fire damage around self)
-Murasame (Water healing around self)
-Osafune (MP damage around self)
-Zantetsuken (Add: Death in a line)
-Masamune (Add: Haste/Regen around self)
-Kazekiri (Wind damage around self and Add: Slow)
-Kikuichimoji (Damage in a line)
-Kotetsu (Dark damage around self and Add: Blind)
-Last Berserk (Add: Berserk on self upon reaching HP Critical)
-Weapon Def+ (Reduces physical damage taken)


-Scream (Add: Critical Up on self)
-Ruination (Holy damage and Add: Confuse in a line)
-Icewolf (Destroys the unit's equipped weapon within 3 Range)
-Split (Damage and Add: Poison within 3 Range)
-Shellbust (Destroys the unit's equipped armor within 3 Range)
-Hollow (Thunder damage and Add: Silence within 3 Range with 1 AoE)
-Stasis (Ice damage and Add: Immobilize within 3 Range with 1 AoE)
-Crush (Damage and Add: Slow within 3 Range)
-Doublehand (Gain increased attack by holding a weapon in both hands)


-Whirlwind (Damage around self)
-Air Render (Deals Wind damage within 3 Range)
-Earth Render (Earth damage in a line)
-Far Fist (Deals damage within 3 Range with 1 AoE)
-Chakra (Heals HP and Cancel: Immobilize/Disable within 1 Range)
-Revive (Revives an ally with 50% HP within 1 Range)
-Exorcise (Low chance of permanently removing an Undead unit from battle from within 1 Range)
-Holy Sign (Cancel: Undead/Frog/Petrify/Silence within 1 Range)
-Counter (Counters physical attacks)


-Cura (Holy, Restores a moderate amount of HP within 4 Range at 2 AoE)
-Dispel (Cancel: Buffs within 4 Range at 1 AoE)
-Holy (Holy damage within 4 Range)
-Barrier (Add: Protect/Shell within 4 Range)
-Water (Water damage within 4 Range at 1 AoE at half MP cost)
-Aero (Unevadeable/unreflectable Wind damage within 4 Range at 1 AoE)
-Break (Add: Petrify within 4 Range)
-Osmose (Drains MP within 4 Range)
-Return Magic (When attacked with a spell, counter with the same spell)
-Half MP (Halves the MP cost of skills)


-Veil (Add: Veil within 4 Range with 1 AoE)
-Warcry (Add: Slow around self)
-Rasp (Heavy MP damage within 5 Range)
-Cheer (Add: Boost within 3 Range)
-Silence (Add: Silence within 4 Range)
-Soul Sphere (Deals MP damage within 3 Range with 1 AoE)
-Haste (Add: Haste within 4 Range)
-Lifebreak (Deals damage equal to lost HP within 4 Range)
-Bonecrusher (Counters physical attacks at 1.5x damage)
-Weapon Atk+ (The power of physical attacks is increased)

Nu Mou:

White Mage:

-Cure (Holy, Restores a small amount of HP within 4 Range at 1 AoE and Add: Regen)
-Cura (Holy, Restores a moderate amount of HP within 4 Range at 2 AoE)
-Curaga (Holy, Restores a large amount of HP within 4 Range)
-Esuna (Cancel: Debuffs within 4 Range)
-Life (Revives a fallen ally with 50% HP within 4 Range)
-Full-Life (Revives a fallen ally with 100% HP within 2 Range)
-Reraise (Add: Reraise within 4 Range)
-Shell (Add: Shell within 4 Range at 1 AoE)
-Protect (Add: Protect within 4 Range at 1 AoE)
-Barrier (Add: Protect/Shell within 4 Range)

Black Mage:

-Fire (Minor Fire damage within 4 Range at 1 AoE and Add: Defense Down/Resistance Down)
-Fira (Moderate Fire damage within 4 Range at 2 AoE)
-Firaga (Heavy Fire damage within 4 Range and Add: Doom)
-Blizzard (Minor Ice damage within 4 Range at 1 AoE and Add: Magic Down)
-Blizzara (Heavy Ice damage within 4 Range at 1 AoE)
-Blizzaga (Moderate Ice damage within 4 Range and Add: Stop)
-Thunder (Minor Thunder damage to all enemies)
-Thundara (Heavy Thunder damage within 6 Range and Add: Delay)
-Thundaga (Moderate Thunder damage within 6 Range at 1 AoE)
-Poison (Add: Poison within 4 Range at 1 AoE)
-Return Magic (When attacked with a spell, counter with the same spell)

Time Mage:

-Haste (Add: Haste within 4 Range)
-Comet (Moderate non-elemental damage within 4 Range at 1 AoE)
-Slow (Add: Slow within 4 Range and 1 AoE)
-Reflect (Add: Reflect within 4 Range)
-Stop (Add: Stop within 4 Range)
-Silence (Add: Silence within 4 Range)
-Quarter (Dark Elemental, reduces current HP by 25%)
-Demi (Dark Elemental, reduces current HP by 50%)

Green Mage:

-Protectga (Add: Protect within 4 Range at 2 AoE)
-Shellga (Add: Shell within 4 Range at 2 AoE)
-Dispelga (Cancel: Buffs within 4 Range at 2 AoE)
-MP Gift (Restores 30 MP within 4 Range)
-Hastega (Add: Haste within 4 Range at 1 AoE)
-Regen (Add: Regen within 4 Range at 2 AoE)
-Esunaga (Cancel: Debuffs within 4 Range at 1 AoE)
-Absorb MP (When hit by a skill that uses MP, restore MP equal to the MP cost of the skill.)
-Half MP (Halves the MP cost of skills)


-Veil (Add: Veil within 4 Range at 1 AoE)
-Death (Add: Death within 4 Range)
-Meteor (Heavy damage within 4 Range at 2 AoE)
-Rasp (Heavy MP damage within 5 Range)
-Flare (Heavy non-elemental damage within 4 Range)
-Blind (Add: Blind within 4 Range)
-Frog (Add: Frog within 4 Range)
-Magic Pow+ (Increases the power of magical skills)


-Zombify (Add: Undead within 4 Range)
-Bind (Add: Immobilize/Disable within 4 Range)
-Lifebreak (Deals damage equal to lost HP within 4 Range)
-Mutilate (Drains HP within 1 Range)
-Break (Add: Petrify within 4 Range)
-Miasma (Dark Elemental damage and Add: Poison within 4 Range at 1 AoE)
-Shieldbearer (Equip Shields regardless of job)
-Weapon Def+ (Take less damage from physical attacks)


-Drain (Drains HP from within 4 Range)
-Water (Water damage within 4 Range at 1 AoE at half MP cost)
-Aero (Unevadeable/unreflectable Wind damage within 4 Range at 1 AoE)
-Raise (Revives a unit with 50% HP within 2 Range at 1 AoE)
-Gigaflare (Minor non-elemental damage to all enemies)
-Bio (Non-elemental damage and Add: Poison within 4 Range)
-Ultima (Tremendous non-elemental damage within 4 Range at 2 AoE)


-Swarmstrike (Weapon damage and Add: Poison within weapon range)
-Shadowstick (Add: Slow within weapon range)
-Checkmate (Add: Doom within weapon range)
-Featherblow (Unavoidable attack within weapon range)
-Swallowtail (Weapon damage around self)
-Manastrike (Deals MP damage within weapon range)
-Piercethrough (Weapon damage two tiles in front of self)
-Nighthawk (Weapon damage within 4 Range)
-Counter (Respond to physical attacks with an attack of one's own)
-Shieldbearer (Equip Shields regardless of job)


-Fire Whip (Fire damage and Add: Disable within 4 Range)
-Earth Heal (Earth Elemental HP healing within 4 Range)
-White Flame (Cancel: Debuffs within 4 Range at 1 AoE)
-Shining Air (Wind damage and Add: Blind within 4 Range)
-Evil Gaze (Dark damage and Add: Confuse within 4 Range)
-Heavy Dust (Earth damage and Add: Immobilize within 4 Range)
-Sliprain (Water damage and Add: Slow within 4 Range)
-Prism (Non-elemental damage and Add: Random Debuff within 4 Range)
-Absorb MP ((When hit by a skill that uses MP, restore MP equal to the MP cost of the skill)

Red Mage:

-Barrier (Add: Protect/Shell within 4 Range)
-Fira (Moderate Fire damage within 4 Range at 2 AoE)
-Blizzara (Heavy Ice damage within 4 Range at 1 AoE)
-Thundara (Heavy Thunder damage within 6 Range and Add: Delay)
-Cure (Holy Elemental, Restores a small amount of HP within 4 Range at 1 AoE and Add: Regen)
-Sleep (Add: Sleep within 4 Range)
-Poison (Add: Poison within 4 Range at 1 AoE)
-Doublecast (Cast two spells from the Red Magic skillset at once)
-Magic Pow+ (Increases the power of magical skills)

White Mage:

-Cure (Holy Elemental, Restores a small amount of HP within 4 Range at 1 AoE and Add: Regen)
-Cura (Holy Elemental, Restores a moderate amount of HP within 4 Range at 2 AoE)
-Curaga (Holy Elemental, Restores a large amount of HP within 4 Range)
-Esuna (Cancel: Debuffs within 4 Range)
-Life (Revives a fallen ally with 50% HP within 4 Range)
-Full-Life (Revives a fallen ally with 100% HP within 2 Range)
-Reraise (Add: Reraise within 4 Range)
-Shell (Add: Shell within 4 Range at 1 AoE)
-Protect (Add: Protect within 4 Range at 1 AoE)
-Barrier (Add: Protect/Shell within 4 Range)


-Unicorn (Holy Elemental, minor HP healing within 4 Range at 2 AoE)
-Ifrit (Fire damage within 4 Range at 2 AoE, ignores allies)
-Ramuh (Thunder damage within 4 Range at 2 AoE, ignores allies)
-Shiva (Ice damage within 4 Range at 2 AoE, ignores allies)
-Kirin (Add: Regen within 4 Range at 2 AoE)
-Carbuncle (Add: Reflect within 4 Range at 2 AoE)
-Phoenix (Revives allies with 50% HP within 1 Range at 2 AoE)
-Maduin (Holy damage within 4 Range at 2 AoE, ignores allies)
-Half MP (Halves the MP cost of spells/skills)


-Boost (Add: Boost on self)
-Aim: Legs (Add: Immobilize within weapon range)
-Aim: Arm (Add: Disable within weapon range)
-Flee (Haste on self)
-Burial (Low chance of permanently removing an Undead unit from battle from within weapon range)
-Take Aim (Unavoidable attack within weapon range)
-Surge (Unreactable attack within weapon range)
-Blackout (Add: Blind within weapon range)
-Arrow Guard (The user will always dodge Bow and Greatbow attacks)
-Concentrate (Attack and skill accuracy is slightly increased)


-Shadowbind (Add: Stop within 1 Range)
-Last Breath (Add: Immobilize/Doom within 1 Range)
-Aphony (Add: Silence within weapon range)
-Nightmare (Add: Sleep/Poison within weapon range)
-Ague (Add: Undead within weapon range)
-Rockseal (Earth damage and Add: Disable within weapon range)
-Boukyaku (Add: Addle within weapon range)
-Return Fire (Nullify a Bow/Greatbow attack and return the attack to the attacker)


-Doubleshot (Release two full powered attacks at once within weapon range)
-Beso Toxico (Weapon damage and Add: Confuse within weapon range)
-Death Sickle (Add: Doom within weapon range)
-Doom Archer (Deals HP/MP damage within weapon range based on the user's lost HP)
-Aim: Armor (Destroys armor within weapon range)
-Aim: Weapon (Destroys weapon within weapon range)
-Auto-Regen (Add: Regen on self upon taking damage)


-Lullaby (Add: Sleep around self)
-Minne (Add: Protect/Shell within 4 Range)
-Requiem (Deals tremendous damage to Undead within 4 Range)
-Lifesong (Restores a large amount of HP within 4 Range)
-Frogsong (Add: Frog within 4 Range)
-Paeon (Summons a random Summon for free within 4 Range)
-Rime (Fully restores a unit's MP)
-Arrow Guard (The unit will always dodge Bow/Greatbow attacks)

Mog Knight:

-Mog Attack (Deals damage and knocks the enemy back within weapon range)
-Mog Guard (Add: Defending on self)
-Mog Lance (Damage within 3 Range)
-Mog Rush (Deals heavy damage at the cost of half accuracy within 1 Range)
-Mog Shield (Add: Protect/Shell/Veil on self)
-Mog Peek (Cancel: Buffs within 4 Range)
-Mog Aid (Heals HP and Cancel: Debuffs within 1 Range)
-Revive (Cancel: Death with 50% HP within 1 Range)
-Last Haste (Add: Haste on self upon reaching HP Critical)
-Shieldbearer (Equip Shields regardless of job)


-Aim: Vitals (Add: Random Debuff within weapon range)
-Aim: Armor (Destroys armor within weapon range)
-Aim: Weapon (Destroys weapon within weapon range)
-Take Aim (Unavoidable attack within weapon range)
-Aim: Legs (Add: Immobilize within weapon range)
-Blindshot (Weapon damage and Add: Blind within weapon range)
-Silenshot (Weapon damage and Add: Silence within weapon range)
-Aim: Arm (Add: Disable within weapon range)
-Concentrate (Attack and skill accuracy is slightly increased)


-Steal: Armor (Steals an enemy's equipped body armor within 1 Range)
-Steal: Shield (Steals an enemy's equipped shield within 1 Range)
-Steal: Access. (Steals an enemy's equipped accessory within 1 Range)
-Steal: Helm (Steals an enemy's equipped headgear within 1 Range)
-Steal: Weapon (Steals an enemy's equipped weapon within 1 Range)
-Steal: HP (Drains HP within 1 Range)
-Steal: MP (Drains MP within 1 Range)
-Steal: Heart (Add: Charm within 3 Range)
-Counter (Counters physical attacks)


-Ring (Add: Stop within 4 Range)
-Firebomb (Fire damage and Add: Berserk within 4 Range)
-Ball (Add: Confuse within 4 Range)
-Dagger (Damage and Add: Poison within 4 Range)
-Smile (Add: Quick within 4 Range)
-Gil Toss (Deals 30 damage within 4 Range)
-Return Fire (Nullify a Bow/Greatbow attack and return the attack to the attacker)


-Flatter (Add: Defense/Resistance Down within 4 Range)
-Frighten (Add: Slow/Immobilize within 4 Range)
-Praise (Add: Boost/Critical Up within 4 Range)
-Stall (Add: Delay within 4 Range)
-Mimic Babus (Add: Sleep within 4 Range)
-Intimidate (Add: Attack/Magic Down within 4 Range)
-Insult (Add: Berserk within 4 Range)
-Auto-Regen (Add: Regen on self upon taking damage)
-Half MP (Halves the MP cost of skills)

Black Mage:

-Fire (Minor Fire damage within 4 Range at 1 AoE and Add: Defense Down/Resistance Down)
-Fira (Moderate Fire damage within 4 Range at 2 AoE)
-Firaga (Heavy Fire damage within 4 Range and Add: Doom)
-Blizzard (Minor Ice damage within 4 Range at 1 AoE and Add: Magic Down)
-Blizzara (Heavy Ice damage within 4 Range at 1 AoE)
-Blizzaga (Moderate Ice damage within 4 Range and Add: Stop)
-Thunder (Minor Thunder damage to all enemies)
-Thundara (Heavy Thunder damage within 6 Range and Add: Delay)
-Thundaga (Moderate Thunder damage within 6 Range at 1 AoE)
-Poison (Add: Poison within 4 Range at 1 AoE)
-Return Magic (When attacked with a spell, counter with the same spell)

Time Mage:

-Haste (Add: Haste within 4 Range)
-Comet (Moderate non-elemental damage within 4 Range at 1 AoE)
-Slow (Add: Slow within 4 Range and 1 AoE)
-Reflect (Add: Reflect within 4 Range)
-Stop (Add: Stop within 4 Range)
-Silence (Add: Silence within 4 Range)
-Quarter (Dark Elemental, reduces current HP by 25%)
-Demi (Dark Elemental, reduces current HP by 50%)


-Goblin Punch (Deals heavy damage within 1 Range)
-Arrow Guard (The user will always dodge Bow and Greatbow attacks)
-Weapon Def+ (Reduces damage from physical attacks)

Red Cap:

-Magic Hammer (Deals MP damage within 3 Range)
-Mutilate (Drains HP within 1 Range)
-Strikeback (Negates an incoming melee physical attack and counters with an attack of one's own)
-Weapon Atk+ (Increases damage dealt by physical attacks and skills)


-Acid (Add: Random Debuff within 3 Range)
-Transfuse (Fully restores an ally's HP and Cancel: Debuffs within 1 Range, but kills the user)
-Fire (Minor Fire damage within 4 Range at 1 AoE and Add: Defense Down/Resistance Down)
-Fira (Moderate Fire damage within 4 Range at 2 AoE)
-Firaga (Heavy Fire damage within 4 Range and Add: Doom)
-Absorb MP (When hit by a skill that uses MP, restore MP equal to the MP cost of the skill.)
-Immunity (The user becomes immune to Frog, Blind, Confusion, Sleep, Petrify, Silence, and Poison)


-Acid (Add: Random Debuff within 3 Range)
-Transfuse (Fully restores an ally's HP and Cancel: Debuffs within 1 Range, but kills the user)
-Blizzard (Minor Ice damage within 4 Range at 1 AoE and Add: Magic Down)
-Blizzara (Heavy Ice damage within 4 Range at 1 AoE)
-Blizzaga (Moderate Ice damage within 4 Range and Add: Stop)
-Auto-Regen (Add: Regen on self upon taking damage)
-Turbo MP (The power of spells is increased, but spells cost more MP to cast)


-Acid (Add: Random Debuff within 3 Range)
-Transfuse (Fully restores an ally's HP and Cancel: Debuffs within 1 Range, but kills the user)
-Thunder (Minor Thunder damage to all enemies)
-Thundara (Heavy Thunder damage within 6 Range and Add: Delay)
-Thundaga (Moderate Thunder damage within 6 Range at 1 AoE)
-Last Haste (Add: Haste on self upon reaching HP Critical)
-Geomancy (Reduces the enemy's elemental resistance by one level)


-Blowup (Heavy Fire damage around self, but kills the user)
-Flame Attack (Fire damage within 4 Range)
-Arrow Guard (The user will always dodge Bow and Greatbow attacks)
-Weapon Def+ (Reduces damage from physical attacks)


-Blowup (Heavy Fire damage around self, but kills the user)
-Chill (Ice damage to self and surrounding enemies)
-Last Haste (Add: Haste on self upon reaching HP Critical)
-Weapon Atk+ (Increases damage dealt by physical attacks and skills)


-Mighty Guard (Add: Defense Up/Resistance Up within 3 Range)
-Ice Breath (Ice damage within a t-shape in front of the user, Add: Silence)
-Auto-Regen (Add: Regen on self upon taking damage)
-Weapon Def+ (Reduces damage from physical attacks)


-Expose (Add: Defense Down/Resistance Down within 3 Range)
-Fire Breath (Fire damage within a t-shape in front of the user, Add: Poison)
-Counter (Responds to physical attacks with one of one's own)
-Geomancy (Reduces the enemy's elemental resistance by one level)


-Dragon Force (Add: Attack Up/Magic Up within 3 Range)
-Bolt Breath (Thunder damage within a t-shape in front of the user, Add: Blind)
-Dragonheart (Add: Reraise on self upon taking physical damage)
-Concentrate (Slightly increases the accuracy of attacks/skills)


-Night (Add: Sleep within 3 Range at 1 AoE)
-Hand Slap (Physical damage and Add: Delay within 1 Range)
-Poison Frog (Add: Poison/Frog within 2 Range)
-Counter (Responds to physical attacks with one of one's own)
-Weapon Def+ (Reduces damage from physical attacks)


-Twister (Wind Elemental, reduces HP by 50% within 3 Range at 1 AoE)
-Poison Frog (Add: Poison/Frog within 2 Range)
-Kiss (Add: Doom/Charm within 1 Range)
-Absorb MP (Absorbs the MP used by a skill when the user is hit by a skill)
-Weapon Atk+ (Increases damage dealt by physical attacks and skills)


-Sandstorm (Earth damage and Add: Blind around self)
-Bonecrusher (Respond to physical attacks with one's own at 1.5x damage)
-Concentrate (Slightly increases the accuracy of attacks/skills)


-Suffocate (Physical damage and Add: Delay within 1 Range)
-Strikeback (Negates an incoming melee physical attack and counters with an attack of one's own)
-Weapon Atk+ (Increases the power of physical attacks/skills)


-Resonate (Add: Disable on all enemies using bladed weapons)
-Matra Magic (Inverts HP/MP within 3 Range)
-Auto-Regen (Add: Regen on self upon taking damage)
-Concentrate (Slightly increases the accuracy of attacks/skills)

Blade Biter:

-Limit Glove (Deals 999 HP within 3 Range when between 1-10 HP)
-Munch (Breaks an enemy's weapon within 1 Range and damages self)
-Resonate (Add: Disable on all enemies using bladed weapons)
-Last Berserk (Add: Berserk on self upon reaching HP Critical)
-Weapon Atk+ (Increases the power of physical attacks/skills)


-Knife (Physical damage and Add: Doom within 1 Range)
-Karma (Deals damage equal to lost HP within 3 Range)
-Reflex (The user will always dodge regular physical attacks)
-Weapon Def+ (The user takes less damage from physical attacks/skills)


-Knife (Physical damage and Add: Doom within 1 Range)
-Voodoo (Deals MP damage from within 4 Range)
-Last Haste (Add: Haste on self upon reaching HP Critical)
-Weapon Def+ (The user takes less damage from physical attacks/skills)

Red Panther:

-Poison Claw (Physical damage and Add: Poison within 1 Range)
-Rend (Add: Defense Down/Resistance Down within 1 Range)
-Counter (Respond to physical attacks with one of one's own)
-Concentrate (Slightly increases the accuracy of attacks/skills)


-Hastebreak (Add: Slow if the target is not Hasted, and Add: Stop if the target is Hasted within 5 Range)
-Blaster (Add: Petrify within 4 Range)
-Weapon Atk+ (Increases the power of physical attacks/skills)
-Arrow Guard (The user will always dodge Bow and Greatbow attacks)


-Bad Breath (Add: Random Debuff around self)
-Goo (Add: Slow/Immobilize within 4 Range)
-Counter (Respond to physical attacks with one of one's own)
-Weapon Def+ (The user takes less damage from physical attacks/skills)


-Bad Breath (Add: Random Debuff around self)
-Soundwave (Cancel: Buffs within 4 Range at 1 AoE)
-Auto-Regen (Add: Regen on self upon taking damage)
-Weapon Atk+ (Increases the power of physical attacks/skills)


-Stare (Add: Confuse within a t-shape in front of self on enemies looking at the user)
-Devil Gaze (Add: Blind/Silence within a t-shape in front of self on enemies looking at the user)
-Last Haste (Add: Haste on self upon reaching HP Critical)
-Weapon Def+ (The user takes less damage from physical attacks/skills)


-Roulette (Add: Death on a random unit)
-Circle (Add: Attack Down/Magic Down within 3 Range)
-Auto-Regen (Add: Regen on self upon taking damage)
-Immunity (The user becomes immune to Frog, Blind, Confusion, Sleep, Petrify, Silence, and Poison)


-Drain Touch (Drains HP within 1 Range)
-Miasma (Dark Elemental damage and Add: Poison within 4 Range at 1 AoE)
-Bonecrusher (Counters physical attacks at 1.5x damage)
-Weapon Def+ (The user takes less damage from physical attacks/skills)


-Drain Touch (Drains HP within 1 Range)
-Miasma (Dark Elemental damage and Add: Poison within 4 Range at 1 AoE)
-Auto-Regen (Add: Regen on self upon taking damage)
-Magic Pow+ (Increases damage dealt by magical attacks)


-White Wind (Restores HP equal to the user's current HP within 3 Range)
-Meteorite (Heavy damage within 4 Range)
-Reflex (The user will always dodge regular physical attacks)
-Magic Pow+ (Increases damage dealt by magical attacks)


-Angel Whisper (Restores HP and Add: Regen within 5 Range)
-Meteorite (Heavy damage within 4 Range)
-Last Haste (Add: Haste on self upon reaching HP Critical)
-Weapon Def+  (The user takes less damage from physical attacks/skills)

FFTA Arena Status Info:

Protect: The unit temporarily takes less damage from physical attacks.
Shell: The unit temporarily takes less damage from magical attacks.
Reflect: The unit temporarily reflects magical attacks back at the caster.
Regen: The unit regains a small, random amount of HP each turn.
Reraise: Upon being slain, a unit is instantly revived with 50% HP.
Veil: The unit resists the next debuff that it would be hit with.
Haste: The unit's Speed is temporarily increased.
Defense Up: The unit's Defense is permanently increased.
Resistance Up: The unit's Resistance is permanently increased.
Critical Up: The unit's Critical Hit Rate is permanently increased.
Cover: The unit takes all damage in place of an ally.
Boost: The unit's next physical attack deals increased damage.
Defending: The unit takes reduced damage until next turn.
Quick: The unit's CT becomes 1000.

Poison: The unit takes a small amount of random damage every turn.
Sleep: The unit cannot move, act, or evade against skills.
Slow: The unit's Speed is temporarily reduced.
Immobilize: The unit cannot move.
Disable: The unit cannot act.
Stop: The unit's CT is temporarily halted.
Frog: The unit is turned into a frog, making it deal less damage and take more damage.
Blind: The unit's accuracy is reduced.
Attack Down: The unit's Attack is permanently reduced.
Magic Down: The unit's Magic Power is permanently reduced.
Defense Down: The unit's Defense is permanently reduced.
Resistance Down: The unit's Resistance is permanently reduced.
Charm: The unit will attack allies and help enemies.
Confuse: The unit will perform random, nonsensical actions.
Berserk: The unit's attack is increased, but they cannot be controlled and cannot use skills.
Silence: The unit cannot use magical skills.
Addle: The unit cannot use physical skills.
Delay: The unit's CT is reset to 0.
Undead: The unit is a living corpse and all healing is reversed onto it. The unit will revive from death after three turns.
Doom: The unit will die in three turns.
Petrify: The unit is turned to stone and cannot act or move. The unit is counted as dead.
HP Critical: The unit's HP is close to 0.
Death: The unit is killed and cannot act.

Shoddily Made FFTA Arena Demo Video:

After months- hell, years- of hard work and dedication, I am proud to present the latest version of Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire, the most extensive FFTA rebalance out there currently!

Every aspect of FFTA has been thoroughly examined for balance, and while GG is far from perfect, I hope that those of you who play this will appreciate the rebalanced gameplay and new features, all of which are documented below. A full changelog/master guide will be coming in the near future (since descriptions in-game cannot be easily edited right now, the master guide/changelog will be your source for information on changes).

How to Apply the Patch:

1) Acquire a clean US FFTA ROM.
2) Make a backup copy.
3) Open Tsukuyomi, which is included with the download.
4) Select Apply Patch, and follow the directions from there.
5) Enjoy!

General Changes:

-Laws have been set- each battle has its own set laws that can't be altered, but they're not as strict as they are in Vanilla. Prepare for fights accordingly!
-All enemy levels scale with the party.
-AP Costs have been reduced.
-The party limit has been evened out for most fights. Yes, this means that there are quite a few one-on-one battles now. Make versatile units to handle them!
-Monsters are quite a bit more deadly, with many of them having new Reaction and Support abilities.
-Bosses have higher HP, elemental affinities, and different skillsets.
-MP Regeneration is removed. Ethers, the new Osmose and Steal MP skills, and Absorb MP are your friends!
-Six new jobs which replace old ones: Bard, Green Mage, Samurai, Myrmidon, Reaver, and Mediator.
-Less saturated graphics.
-Post-game rematch with Llednar, Queen Remedi, and Li-Grim.
-New clan setups for Clan Dip and the Doned Faction.
-Thundrakes/Goblins no longer go extinct- one can be found in certain random clan fights.

The Ability Master Guide can be found here!


Soldier:      N/A
Fighter:      3 SOL
Paladin:      2 FGT, 2 WHM
Archer:         N/A
Hunter:         4 ARC
Thief:         2 ARC
Ninja:         3 ARC, 3 THF
White Mage:      N/A
Black Mage:      2 WHM
Green Mage:      3 BLM, 2 WHM
Blue Mage:      3 BLM, 3 SOL


Warrior:      N/A
Dragoon:      3 WAR
Myrmidon:      3 DRG
Monk:         N/A
Bishop:         3 MNK
Samurai:      3 BIS
Templar:      3 MYR, 3 SAM


White Mage:      N/A
Green Mage:      2 WHM
Black Mage:      N/A
Time Mage:      4 BLM
Arcanist:      3 WHM, 5 BLM
Beastmaster:      N/A
Reaver:         3 BST
Sage:         3 GRN, 3 TIM


Fencer:         N/A
White Mage:      N/A
Elementalist:      2 WHM
Summoner:      3 ELM
Red Mage:      2 FEN, 1 WHM
Archer:         N/A
Sniper:         3 ARC
Assassin:      4 ARC, 2 SNP


Bard:         N/A
Thief:         N/A
Mog Knight:      2 BRD, 2 THF
Gunner:         3 THF
Juggler:      3 THF, 3 MOG
Mediator:      3 BRD, 3 GUN
Black Mage:      N/A
Time Mage:      4 BLM

-Shops upgrade based on story progression, rather than the number of missions failed/completed. The in-game dialogue suggests otherwise, but it is indeed based on story progression.

-Certain items teach different skills than in Vanilla FFTA.

-Knightswords are now two-handed.

-The Genji Gear can now only be acquired by stealing from Silverlock in the Save Muscadet mission.

-Certain items (such as Cureall, Excalibur2, Masamune 100, etc.) have different names.

-Items that taught certain powerful abilities such as Doublecast/Dual Wield have had their abilities moved to later items.

-Thief Gloves no longer boost the steal rate, instead boosts Speed and EVD.

-Strikeback, Geomancy, and Reflex have been removed from player use.

-Anything that inflicts Death, Petrify, or Frog has had its accuracy dropped. I'm looking at you, Assassin.

White Mage:
-Curaga now has an AoE of 2.
-Life MP cost up to 20.
-Full-Life MP cost up to 80.
-Barrier added to skillset.

-Osmose added to skillset, which drains an enemy's MP.
-Dispel MP cost has been decreased.
-Water now costs less MP.
-Aero is now unevadeable/unreflectable.
-Judge MP cost has been reduced.
-Break's accuracy has been reduced.

-Cheer's Range up to 4.
-Lifebreak's Range is now 4.

-Bio now has an AoE of 0.
-Ultima Blow is now Ultima, has 4 Range and an AoE of 2, and ignores allies.
-Raise MP cost up to 75.
-Gigaflare's power has been reduced.
-Drain is now Dark Elemental.

-Meteor power down, AoE up to 2.
-Astra has been renamed Veil.

-First Aid now imbues Regen on oneself.
-Provoke range up to 3.
-Mug has been replaced with Revive.
-Speedbreak now inflicts Slow.
-Sensor now reduces an enemy's Defense and Magic Defense.

-Steal Gil has been replaced with Mug.
-Steal: EXP is now Steal: HP, which drains HP from 1 Range.
-Steal: JP is now Steal: MP, which drains MP from 1 Range.
-Steal: Ability is now Steal: Heart, which inflicts Charm from 3 Range.

-Skillset has been replaced with Aim: Vitals, Aim: Armor, Aim: Weapon, Take Aim, Aim: Legs, Silenshot, Blindshot, and Aim: Arm.

Black Mage:
-Fire/Fira/Firaga's Power have been reduced, but now they have an AoE of 2.
-Thunder/Thundara/Thundaga's Power have been reduced, but they now have +3 Range.
-Poison added to skillset.
-Poison's AoE is up to 2.

Red Mage:
-Sleep now has an AoE of 0.
-Doublecast is now only compatible with Red Magic.
-Poison added to skillset.

-Holy Blade's Power and MP cost have been reduced, now inflicts Blind if it lands.
-Saint Cross' MP cost is reduced to 0, but Power is halved.
-Parley Range increased to 4, inflicts Immobilize.
-Nurse now removes Poison, Blind, and Silence in addition to healing.

-Ifrit, Shiva, Ramuh, and Maduin now ignore allies.
-Phoenix now revives units with 25% HP, and won't harm Undead.
-Unicorn, Ramuh, Ifrit, Shiva, and Maduin have had their Power lowered.
-Unicorn no longer cures debuffs.

Time Mage:
-Quicken is now Comet, which deals damage in a small AoE.
-Last Quicken has become Last Meteor. Go out with a bang!
-Quarter/Demi are now Dark Elemental.
-Stop's AoE is down to 0.

-First Aid now imbues Regen on oneself.
-Downsize is now Dark Elemental.

-Jump now deals double damage at halved accuracy.
-Fire/Ice/Bolt Breath have had their power reduced.
-Bangaa Cry has had its power reduced.
-Wyrmtamer Range up to 4.

-Scream, which inflicts Berserk on self.
-Ruination, which deals Holy damage in a line and may inflict Confuse.
-Icewolf, which breaks a weapon from afar.
-Split, which deals damage and may inflict Poison.
-Hollow, which deals Thunder damage in a small AoE and may inflict Silence.
-Stasis, which deals Ice damage in a small AoE and may inflict Immobilize.
-Crush, which deals damage and may inflict Slow.

-Swarmstrike now deals full damage.
-Swallowtail now hits 2 AoE around self.

-Shadowbind now inflicts Immobilize.
-Ultima Blow has been replaced with Mokuton (Wood Veil).

-Lv? Shadowflare
-Level 5 Death, which casts Death on all units with a level divisible by 5.
-Zombify, which inflicts Undead on an enemy.
-Bind, which inflicts Immobilize and Disable on an enemy.
-Lifebreak, which deals damage equal to lost HP.
-Mutilate, which drains HP from a tile away.
-Break, which adds Petrify.
-Miasma, which deals Dark damage and Poisons enemies in a small AoE.

-Lullaby, which inflicts Sleep.
-Minne, which adds Protect and Shell.
-Requiem, which deals tremendous damage to Undead.
-Lifesong, which restores a moderate amount of HP.
-Hide, which adds Vanish on self.
-Frogsong, which inflicts Slow.
-Paeon, which restores a small amount of MP.
-Rime, which boosts all stats.

-Asura, which deals Fire damage 2 AoE around self.
-Murasame, which heals HP 2 AoE around self.
-Osafune, which deals MP damage 2 AoE around self.
-Zantetsuken, which inflicts Death in a line.
-Masamune, which adds Regen and Haste 2 AoE around self.
-Kazekiri, which deals Wind damage and adds Slow 2 AoE around self.
-Kotetsu, which deals Dark damage and adds Blind 2 AoE around self.
-Kikuichimoji, which deals damage in a line.

-White Flame no longer heals HP, now cancels debuffs.
-Elementalshift is now Prism, which deals non-elemental damage and inflicts a random debuff.

-Chakra range up to 1, now cures Immobilize and Disable as well as healing HP.
-Air Render's Power has been lowered.
-Far Fist's Power has been lowered.
-Earth Render's power has been decreased.
-Holy Sign now cancels Undead, Frog, and Petrify.

-Air Render's Power has been lowered.
-Far Fist's Power has been lowered.
-Backdraft's power has been reduced.
-Air Blast's power has been reduced.

Moogle Knight:
-Mog Peek range up to 8.

-Control skill changed to 3.

-Cupid is now Flee, which imbues oneself with Haste.

-Ninjutsu is now 0 MP.

-Sidewinder MP cost up to 15.
-Sonic Boom's Range is down to 3, now deals half damage at full accuracy.

-Death Sickle MP cost up to 20.

-Smile now imbues an ally with Regen.
-Dagger now inflicts Poison rather than Disable.

Green Mage:
-Protectga, which adds Protect in a large AoE.
-Shellga, which adds Shell in a large AoE.
-Dispelga, which cancels all buffs in a large AoE.
-Esunaga, which cancels all debuffs in a large AoE.
-Regen, which adds Regen in a small AoE.
-Blindga, which adds Blind in a large AoE.
-MP Gift, which sacrifices some MP to heal an ally's MP.

-Stall, which inflicts Slow.
-Insult, which inflicts Berserk.
-Invite, which Captures an enemy monster.
-Flatter, which lowers DEF/RES.
-Frighten, which lowers SPD and inflicts Immobilize.
-Mimic Babus, which inflicts Sleep.
-Bribe, which exchanges some Gil for a chance to remove an enemy.
-Praise, which increases the damage of the target's next attack and boosts their Critical Hit rate.
-Intimidate, which lowers ATK/MAG.

-Mateus' power has been lowered.
-Exodus' power has been greatly lowered, but now deals HP damage and inflicts Immobilize and Slow.
-Famfrit's power has been greatly lowered, but now inflicts ATK/MAG Down.
-Adrammelech's power has been greatly lowered, but now inflicts DEF/RES Down.

Special Jobs:
-Bind MP cost down to 10.
-Logos Range up to 4.
-Logos now inflicts Slow, MAG Down, and Poison while doing damage.
-Abyss now inflicts Blind and Silence as well as damage.
-Omega now deals 400% damage rather than 200%.
-Azoth MP cost up to 30.
-Spellbind now inflicts Immobilize in addition to its other effects.
-Life Render range up to 5.
-Heart Render range up to 5.
-Ripcircle's power has been increased.
-Furycircle now inflicts Blind and Berserk.

-Zombify Range up to 4.
-Miasma's power is increased and is now Dark Elemental.
-Meteorite MP cost down to 15.
-Blowup is now Fire Elemental.
-Guard-Off is renamed Expose.
-Guard-Off Range up to 3.
-Mighty Guard Range up to 3.
-Flame Attack Range up to 4.
-Mutilate MP cost down to 0.
-Dragon Force Range up to 3.
-Hastebreak Range up to 5.
-Rend now lowers DEF/RES as well as dealing damage.
-Matra Magic now deals low damage at 8 Range.
-Knife MP cost down to 0.
-Poison Claw MP cost down to 0.
-Karma Range up to 3.
-Voodoo Range up to 3.
-LV3 Def-Less is renamed LV3 Expose.
-Twister now deals costs 0 MP, is Wind Elemental damage and inflicts Confuse.
-Goo Range up to 4.
-Drain Touch MP cost down to 0.
-Angel Whisper's MP cost has been lowered and now imbues Regen rather than Reraise.
-Bad Breath now affects all surrounding units.
-White Wind's MP cost is increased.
-LV?Holy MP cost reduced to 0.
-Limit Glove range increased to 3, MP cost reduced to 0.
-Night now has a range of 4 and an AoE of 1.

Known Bugs:

-Tooltips will not display the correct information.


-Darthatron, without him this mod wouldn't be possible. His tools are amazing and his help invaluable. Thanks a ton!
-BlankyBlank, whose Nightmare modules were crucial for editing battles as well as other small things.
-TyrantTanuki, aka Edea, for formation data and text tables.
-Chimp and Zareb for feedback and support.
-PickleGirlFanboy for his abilities spreadsheet.
-Xifanie for her help with Excel.
-OrangeFluffySheep, whose LP was an amazing (and humorous) asset to me, pointing out what was broken so I could fix it.
-And you, for playing it! </cliche>


All feedback is welcome and encouraged! Hopefully this will make FFTA a bit more enjoyable for those who didn't enjoy it much before. Enjoy!

Final Fantasy Tactics: Kind Of: Critical Mode is a mod based on Final Fantasy Tactics: Kind Of 2.5, for the PSX. I've had a couple people who have played normal KO comment that it was too easy, so I'm hoping that this will sate their thirst for something a bit harder, but still true to KO's core values. Critical Mode differs from regular KO in several ways, as is listed below.

-Enemies all have set Bravery/Faith. You won't ever see a human enemy in story battles with less than 70 Brave. Physical units and several bosses will have low Faith (several bosses will have very low Faith to discourage spell nuking), but all mages will have between 60-70 Faith.

-Lucavi now have 100 Bravery.

-Esuna no longer cures Death Sentence, Slow, Stop, Blood Suck, Berserk, or Charm.

-A larger number of enemies now have set Reactions, Supports, and Movements. Enemies in Chapter I usually won't have R/S/M. Enemies in Chapter II have set Movement skills. Enemies in Chapter III have set Reaction and Movement skills. Enemies in Chapter IV have set R/S/M skills.

-Auto-Potion, HP Restore, MP Switch, Speed Save, Cheer Song, and Slow Dance have been removed.

-Last Song's accuracy has been reduced.

-Invite now adds Charm instead of Invite.

-Beowulf's Spellblade skills become as accurate as Yin-Yang Magic, MP costs are 1.5x the cost of their Yin-Yang equivalents.

-Elemental boosting items have been altered.

-Two Swords is now only compatible with Knives and Ninja Blades.

-Two Hands is now only compatible with Swords and Katana.

-Enemies have slightly more intelligent AI.

-Smart encounters have been added, thanks to Xif. Now if you select a city as your movement target, you will never run into a random battle, however if you select an area with random battles they'll trigger 100% of the time.

-Dispose and Crush have been nerfed.

-Fire 2, Ice 2, Bolt 2, and Blind Rage can no longer be Math Skill'd, have been replaced with Fire, Ice, Bolt, and Unction.

-Ramza now has access to Gained JP Up, as he cannot do Propositions.

Future updates will include more changes to random battles, as well as any bug/balance fixes if needed.

As is usual, please patch a clean ISO and keep a clean backup ISO at all times! Enjoy!
So, for those of you with smartphones, FFT: WotL has been updated for iOS/Android phones. The update includes the slowdown fix, updated sprites/portraits, and achievements. Yes, achievements. Achievements for such difficult tasks as changing your job, doing a proposition, and gaining a level.
FFT: Parted Ways / Sage Knowledge Entries
May 08, 2013, 11:56:38 pm
For those familiar with FFXII, each Bestiary entry had a "Sage Knowledge" entry, which would give you hints about what bazaar items are need to make bazaar packages and would give various bits of random trivia about the world of Ivalice. For PW 2.0, I'll be adding Sage Knowledge entries on each item, akin to what LD was doing with items for Mercenaries. Far from the finished product, but here are some screenshots of what I have in mind.

Final Fantasy Tactics / New FFT Announced, But...
April 26, 2013, 01:43:50 pm
It's a social game.

From the FFWiki:

"Square Enix has announced a new social game titled Final Fantasy Tactics S. The details are light thus far, but the game will cast the player as a clan master commanding different jobs to restore luster to the Crystal. A teaser site for the game depicts familiar jobs and monsters based on Final Fantasy Tactics sprites, such as Flan, Behemoth, Demon Wall, and jobs including Black Mage, Elementalist, and Dragoon. Viera, Moogles and Seeq are included among the sprites."


So, yeah. Make of that what you will.
FFTA/FFTA2 Hacking / FFTA/A2: Grim Grimoire
March 14, 2013, 12:00:27 pm
For those curious, I'm going to be releasing both FFTA and FFTA2 Grim Grimoire in one package once both are finished to my liking. This way you can play the first and move smoothly onto the second without having to wait. FFTA: GG is mostly done barring a few small issues which- thanks to recent findings- I can fix pretty easily. *glares at Solo Babus*

FFTA2: GG is also mostly done, but there are a few tweaks I want to make still, namely to the party size limit, auction house, and possibly MP growth.

I know both projects are taking a bit, but as you all know, FFTA and A2 aren't exactly what you'd call balanced. I'm working really hard to have both games play more similarly to FFT, and to do so in a more balanced and interesting manner. Hopefully you all will enjoy the fruits of everyone's labor. Lots of people have contributed their research findings here, and it's great to see it all coming into use! :)
So, since there are finally some FFTA2 tools out, namely the Job and Ability editors, I've begun work on a version of GG for FFTA2 akin to the version being made for FFTA. In fact, most of the changes are exactly the same! The goals are the same as well: to remove broken abilities and rebalance things for a more refreshing gameplay experience. Naturally, not as much can be done with A2 as can be done with FFTA (yet), but I'm already about 33% done with the project. Most abilities are already rebalanced, and I've begun work on job editing. Item editing will come next, once Lennart releases his fancy-schmancy item/auction editor.

In the meantime, here's the current changelog of what's been done so far. Absolutely no testing has been done yet, so this isn't even an Alpha yet.

Human Job Changes:
-Archer Move down to 3.
-Paladin Move down to 3.
-Hunter Move down to 3.
-Dragoon Jump up to 4.
-Sage Move down to 3, Jump down to 2.
-Scholar Move down to 3.
-Sniper Move down to 3.
-Ranger Move down to 3, Jump down to 3.
-Geomancer Move down to 3.

Monster Job Changes:
-Most monsters now have improved Move/Jump.
-Sprites/Banshees may now Teleport and are Immune: Earth.
-Malboros are now Neutral: All Elements and are Immune: Debuffs.
-Alraunes are now Neutral: Wind.
-Deadly Nightshades are now Absorb: Water.
-All breeds of Chocobos are now Neutral: All Elements.
-Bombs are now Weak: Water, Resist: Ice, Absorb: Fire, Immune: Earth.
-Ghosts are now Immune: Earth.
-Deathscythes are now Immune: Earth.
-Headless are now Neutral: Wind.
-Golems are now Absorb: Earth.

Special Job Changes:
-Penelo's Move is down to 3.
-Vaan's Jump is up to 4.
-Heritor Adelle's Move is down to 4, Jump is up to 4.
-Al-Cid may now change jobs, Move is down to 3.
-Illua may now Teleport, has had a boost to HP, Speed, and Resilience.

Item Changes:
-Hi-Potions now heal 50 HP.
-X-Potions now heal 100 HP.
-Ethers now heal 20 MP.
-Phoenix Downs now only kill Undead units at a 50% rate.
-Eureka Crystal no longer restores HP.
-Grimoire Crystal no longer restores MP.
-Mirrored Potions/Hi-Potions/X-Potions/Ethers now deal half damage.
-Mirrored Phoenix Downs/Golden Needles/Maidens Kisses/Bandages now hit at 25% accuracy.
-Mirrored Echo Grass/Holy Water/Antidote/Eye Drops/Handkerchiefs now hit at 50% accuracy.
-Mirrored Remedies now inflict two random debuffs at 50% accuracy.
-Mirrored Eureka Crystals no longer damage enemies.
-Mirrored Grimoire Crystals no longer deal MP damage to enemies.

-Belias/Mateus/Adrammelech/Hashmal/Famfrit/Cuchulainn/Zalera/Chaos/Ultima now deal -ra level damage.
-Zeromus now has perfect accuracy.
-Exodus now deals -ga level damage in a large AoE.
-Shemhazai now deals -ga level damage to a single enemy and will inflict Silence and Addle.
-Final Eclipse is now Dark Elemental.

-First Aid now imbues Regen on self as well as minor healing.
-Provoke Range is increased to 3.
-Mug Gil now deals normal weapon damage.
-Gauge now inflicts Defense Down, Resistance Down, and Resilience Down.
-Gauge's Range is reduced to 1.

White Mage:
-Raise MP cost up to 20.
-Raise will now only kill Undead units at a 50% rate. Arise retains a 100% Undead kill rate.
-Arise MP cost up to 50.
-Refresh MP cost up to 24.

Black Mage:
-Fire magic is now 33% weaker, but has 2 AoE.
-Thunder magic is now 33% weaker, but has 2 more Range.

-Focus now adds Accuracy Up as well as boosting damage.
-Burial now has normal accuracy.

-Parley range increased to 4.
-Saint Cross now costs 0 MP, but its power has been reduced.

-Air Render's Power has been reduced, and it is now Wind Elemental.
-Aurablast's Power has been greatly reduced.
-Air Blast's Power has been reduced.
-Backdraft's Power has been greatly reduced, and it is now Non-Elemental.

-Iai Blow's Range is reduced to 1.
-Blade Bash's Range is reduced to 1.
-Each of the elemental Blade Techs now do normal damage.
-Unburden Soul now has 5 Range and fully restores an ally's HP at the cost of one's own life.

-Throw's Range has been reduced to 3.
-Ninjutsu is now 0 MP, deals normal damage, and has an AoE of 1.

-All Illusion magic is weaker, but costs less MP to cast.
-Starfall is now Dark Elemental.

Blue Mage:
-White Wind's MP cost has been increased.
-Angel Whisper's MP cost has decreased, and it now bestows Regen rather than Reraise.
-War Dance's MP cost has been increased, and it now bestows Attack Up to allies 2 AoE around self.
-Cornered now deals damage equal to the user's Max HP when at 1 HP.
-Matra Magick now deals HP and MP damage to an enemy.
-Self Destruct's MP cost has been increased, it is now Fire Elemental, and it deals damage equal to lost HP.

-Sonic Boom now deals half damage, and its Range is reduced to 3.
-Advice Range up to 4.
-Hunting now deals 50% damage rather than 25% damage.
-Sidewinder now costs 10 MP.
-Ultima Shot has been removed.

-Recharge now heals 10 MP.
-Magick Frenzy has been removed.

-Lifetap is now Dark Elemental.

White Monk:
-Chakra now has 1 Range, no longer cures debuffs, but now heals a small amount of MP.
-Holy Sign now removes buffs and debuffs.

-Wyrmtamer Range has been increased to 4.
-Fire/Ice/Thunder Breath have been given a reduction in Power.
-Bangaa Cry has been given a reduction in Power.

-Rend Weapon is now Weapon Range.
-Hibernate now fully restores the user's HP along with its old effects.
-Mow Down now renders the user immobile next turn.
-Aura's MP Cost has been reduced and now imbues Astra instead of Reraise.

-The elemental strikes have been given a reduction in Power.
-Ultima Sword has been removed.

Master Monk:
-Each hit of Pummel now has reduced accuracy.
-Dark Fist is now Dark Elemental.
-Inner Focus now bestows Resilience Up and Resistance Up on the user.
-Rend Armor is now Weapon Range.

-Dispel's MP Cost has been reduced, and now has 4 Range.
-Holy is no longer AoE, but now has 4 Range.
-Barrier's Range is up to 4.
-Water's Range is up to 4.
-Aero's Range is up to 4.
-Break's Range is up to 4.
-Pilfer now drains MP from an enemy and has 4 Range.

-Astra's AoE is down to 0.

-Potion Shell now restores 50 HP.
-Ether Shell now restores 20 MP.

-Trickster skills now cost 0 MP.
-Suggestion now inflicts Confuse.
-Traumatize now has normal accuracy.

Time Mage:
-Hastega MP Cost up to 24.
-Quicken now imbues Evasion Up.

-Protometeor MP Cost up to 38, now has 2 AoE and 4 Range.
-Flare MP cost up to 25, now has 4 Range.
-Poison AoE up to 2.

-Gravity is now Dark Elemental, has 1 AoE.
-Graviga is now Dark Elemental, has 1 AoE.

-Scathe's Power has been reduced.
-Gigaflare's Power has been reduced.
-Bio is now 0 AoE.
-Ultima Blow is now 99 MP, 4 Range, and 2 AoE.

-Shadowflare is now Dark Elemental.

-Control Range up to 4.

-Swarmstrike now deals full damage.
-Checkmate MP Cost up to 8.

Green Mage:
-Sleep AoE down to 0.

-White Flame no longer heals MP, now cures some minor debuffs.

Red Mage:
-Doublecast has been removed.

-Summons now smart target.
-Unicorn no longer cures debuffs.
-Ramuh/Ifrit/Shiva/Maduin have had a reduction in Power.
-Kirin no longer does anything to the Undead.
-Phoenix is now Fire Elemental, does nothing to the Undead, and revives allies with 1 HP.

-Shadowbind now costs 0 MP, but inflicts Immobilize.
-Last Breath no longer heals Undead.
-Aphonia now costs 0 MP.
-Ague now costs 0 MP.
-Ultima Masher has been removed.

-Doubleshot MP Cost up to 15.
-Death Sickle MP Cost up to 20.

-Sheep Count AoE down to 0.
-Catnip MP Cost down to 0.

Moogle Knight:
-Moogle Lance MP Cost up to 10.
-Ultima Charge has been removed.

-Charmshot/Confushot/Stopshot have a lowered status proc rate.

-Dagger Toss now adds Poison rather than Disable.
-Smile Toss now adds Regen rather than Quick.
-Gil Toss has been removed.

-Black Ingot now inflicts Addle on a random party rather than Doom.
-Chroma Gem now inflicts Silence on a random party rather than Sleep.

Chocobo Knight:
-Chocobo Recharge now heals 20 MP.
-Chocobo Barrier now also adds Regen.

-Prime is no longer needed to use their skillset.
-Prime now bestows Critical Up, Accuracy Up, and Attack Up on the user.
-Ether Cannon now requires 40 MP to transfer 40 MP to an ally.
-Teleport Cannon now has perfect accuracy.

-Scream is now Berserk on self.
-Smash's Power has been reduced.
-Helm Smash's Power has been reduced.

-Full Assault's Power has been slightly reduced.

Sky Pirate:
-Trophy Hunt now deals normal damage, but costs 12 MP.
-Life of Crime now deals normal damage with a chance of adding Blind and Silence.
-Razor's Edge now also boosts Accuracy and grants Vanish to self.

-Mincing Minuet affects all foes.
-Forbidden Dance affects all foes and may add either Poison, Silence, Immobilize, or Blind.
-Slow Dance affects all foes and may add either Slow or Speed Down.
-Witch Hunt affects all foes.
-Polka affects all foes and may add either Attack Down or Defense Down.
-Heathen Frolick affects all foes and may add either Magick Down or Resistance Down.

-Requiem affects all Undead foes at 25% accuracy.
-Angelsong heals all allies.
-Battle Chant affects all allies and may add either Attack Up or Defense Up.
-Magickal Refrain affects all allies and may add either Magick Up or Resistance Up.
-Nameless Song affects all allies and may add either Protect, Shell, Regen, or Haste.
-Magick Ballad affects all allies.
-Soul Etude affects all allies and has a 25% chance of adding Quick.

-Viola Range reduced to 4, accuracy improved to 50%.
-Ljda now inflicts Charm, Doom, and Quick.
-Adelaide now adds Reraise as well as Regen.

-Abyssal Slash Range/AoE up to 4 Linear.
-Time Blade now adds Slow.
-Saber now adds Critical Up and Evasion Up.
-Dimensional Rift now has perfect accuracy.
-Annul Range up to 8.
-Sheol now adds Haste and Reraise on Illua's party and Slow and Speed Down on Luso's party.
-Rebirth now also boosts Illua's stats and grants temporary Invincibility.

-Meteorite Range up to 4.
-Level ? Holy's accuracy is now normal.
-Twister is now Wind Elemental and has halved accuracy, rather than quartered accuracy.
-Eternal Oblivion now adds Silence.
-Fangs may now add Confuse.
-Slug now has normal accuracy.
-Cannibalize now also fully restores the user's HP and MP and grants Reraise.
-Suffocate will now also add Immobilize if its primary effect of CT00 lands.
-Rain of Stone now has 2 AoE.
-Goo now has a Range of 4.
-Horn Shot now deals 50% damage rather than 25% damage.
-Tomato Tackle may now add Immobilize.
-Tomato Ketchup will now add Blind if Berserk lands.
-Menace Range up to 4.
-Flame Attack Range up to 4.
-Spark MP Cost down to 0, is now Fire Elemental.
-Miasma is now Dark Elemental.
-Shackle MP Cost down to 0.
-Steal Thoughts MP Cost down to 0.
-Death Dive Range up to 3.
-Binding Circle Range up to 4, MP Cost down to 0.
-Dread Range up to 4.
-Bewitching Glance MP Cost down to 0.
-Brute Strength now adds Attack Up as well as Focus.
-Sunder Earth MP Cost down to 0.
-Fireball may now add Oil on hit.
-Ice Orb may now add Slow on hit.
-Lightning may now add Immobilize on hit.
-Dark now may add Blind.
-Darkra now may add Doom.
-Darkga now may add Death.
-Invert Accuracy up to 50%.

Boss Monsters:
-Draw In MP Cost down to 0.
-Gravity Flux MP Cost down to 0.
-Gravija AoE up to 2.
-Nectar Volley may now also add Speed Down on hit.
-Telega MP Cost down to 0.
-Shining Darkness MP Cost down to 0.
-Grand Cross' Power is increased and it now inflicts two random debuffs.
-White Hole may now inflict Petrify.
-Dispelja will now kill any unit after removing its buffs, but only if it was buffed to begin with.
-Apocalypse now inflicts Doom in 2 AoE.
-Gigadust MP Cost down to 0.
-Catastrophe MP Cost down to 0.
-Primary Weapon now has perfect accuracy.
-Secondary Weapon now deals more damage.
-Beguile AoE up to 2, now has perfect accuracy.

Stat changelog coming tomorrow!
Was linked to this earlier, thought it looked pretty cool and figured some of you guys would find it interesting.
