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Started by formerdeathcorps, February 28, 2011, 03:51:15 pm

Pickle Girl Fanboy

Maybe forcing the game to run slower prevents the animation slow-down?


Possibly. either way, how easy is that going to be to invoke? research into how this FUSA works is what we need to do to come up with a solution.


April 02, 2011, 12:20:14 am #42 Last Edit: April 02, 2011, 01:08:29 am by Darkholme
It's not a display problem with the console. If you take a psx fft rom and play it on your psp (psp can play psx games) it doesn't have the slowdown. The slowdown only happens in the Official PSP Release.


It wouldn't be surprising if WotL takes up more hardware....


April 03, 2011, 01:38:15 am #44 Last Edit: April 03, 2011, 01:40:34 am by Darkholme
But it's not running the cinematic cutscenes when the slowdown happens, and I dont think the special effects from spells are any different than in psx.

It's not like it's always slower, its just with the spell animations. And its not just specific ones, it's all of them. So the slowdown has something to do with that area of the code.

Well, that, or the unlikely possibility that fft on psp fills up all the systems ram and it therefore has no room left for spell animations, but that seems unlikely, if only based on how long my battery lasts with fft.


my battery lasts 6 hours if I have the screen on, and like forever and a half if I have the screen off and I'm just listenbing to music. Unfortunately, it's still any number of possibilities because of all the evidence pointing in different directions, but this FUSA thing fixes it, so we should probably start studying what actually DID help it. :\


I haven't tried FuSa with it, but people keep telling me that it does in fact fix it.


Good enough? XD I personally can't research it because I have a research paper to write, a patch to make, a game to make, and a whole myriad of small stupid shit.

Pickle Girl Fanboy

I know that the slowdown isn't as bad on newer PSPs - ones with more RAM, or clocked faster?  I'm reminded of the appalling slowdown on the PS1 ports of FF4, 5, 6, and Chrono Trigger.  Asking the guys at RHDN about the slowdown on those games could yield some clues, along with finding out if UMDs read slower than CDs.


UMDs definitely run slower--no question on that.


Quote from: Pickle Girl Fanboy on April 04, 2011, 12:31:30 pm
I know that the slowdown isn't as bad on newer PSPs - ones with more RAM, or clocked faster?  I'm reminded of the appalling slowdown on the PS1 ports of FF4, 5, 6, and Chrono Trigger.  Asking the guys at RHDN about the slowdown on those games could yield some clues, along with finding out if UMDs read slower than CDs.

They definitely read slower but even with a PSP running with more RAM and the ISO on the memory card it is still painfully slow compared to converting the PSX version to be PSP compatible. One of the main reasons I don't play the PSP version anymore on my PSP.


Quote from: MysticKnightFF5 on April 04, 2011, 01:02:11 pm
UMDs definitely run slower--no question on that.
Oh, if it's a UMD Problem, no wonder I barely noticed it. I have a modded PSP Slim, and about 10 minutes after I bought WotL it was on my memory card. I never play it from the UMD. lol.
Quote from: Pickle Girl Fanboy on April 04, 2011, 03:03:46 pmHow fast can you get PSX FFT to play on an emulator on a PSP?
There's no emulator involved. You need a wrapper of sorts to boot it up, but the PSP processor is a slightly better version of the PS1 processor; that is, it uses the same machine code. FFT from the PSX runs at full speed. The PSP doesn't emulate PSX games, it actually just runs them. (Which is a big part of why I got a PSP, Playing Tales of Phantasia on it is awesome, and I've used FuSa to play that on a big screen. It played at full speed both ways.)

Though I've barely noticed a slowdown in my WotL. It may be a UMD Problem. Once things are less crazy I'll have to try it out all three ways and time some spell animations.

Pickle Girl Fanboy

Wow, I want my PSP to do that!  Have any good links?

Do you think they could've ported FFT to another language, and that might cause the slowdown?


April 04, 2011, 09:45:05 pm #54 Last Edit: April 04, 2011, 10:33:17 pm by Darkholme
Quote from: Pickle Girl Fanboy on April 04, 2011, 07:37:44 pm
Wow, I want my PSP to do that!  Have any good links?
I'll see if I can find them.
First you'll need a modded PSP, with m33 Firmware (might work with others, but that's what I've been using). Older CFW actually uses an emulator, and handles PSX games more crappily.
If you want to be able to use your TV as a screen for standard PSP games and you want it to not suck, you'll need FuSa (and a psp2000 or 3000)
If you want to be able to play PS1 games on your TV using your PSP, you don't even need FuSa, just the adapter cable.
Here's a link to a tutorial that explains the process, and has a bunch of handy links to the apps you'll need! :) (They may be outdated though)
And the newest version of Popstation.
Newest version of PSX2PSP
And here's some technical stuff about how some converters don't handle some games very well, and saying which ones to use if you have problems.

There are some sites online where you can get the games, already converted; but I never bothered with that much, since pretty much all the games I'd want I have a PSX Disc For.
ff6 on PSP and ff7 on PSP were fun ways to kill time on the bus. Oh; on the PSP you can pause the game any time by pressing the home button iirc.
Umm. Multi-Disc Games are a bit harder; you're better off hunting for pre-combined isos that put all the discs into one psp eboot.
You can compress the PSX Games, and I did notice FFT was slightly slower when I had the game on the highest compression (It took very little space on my memory card though.)

And here are some pre-made graphics/sounds for your PSP Menu for the games.
And Here
And some other ones for non PSX Games.

This one's really Nice for FF6
I can't seem to find a good one for FFT, though you could extract the menu from WotL I suppose.

Quote from: Pickle Girl Fanboy on April 04, 2011, 07:37:44 pmDo you think they could've ported FFT to another language, and that might cause the slowdown?
I don't think so, I mean why bother. Basically all they have to do is change the screen resolution to match the psp screen, and maybe one or two changes for the psp speakers, and then keep in mind they have a better processor, better graphics chip, more RAM, and that UMDs can hold more than CDs to work with, so they're free to add more stuff.

But yeah; you can pretty easily run any of your PSX Games, or Modded PSX Isos on your PSP.

If you test FFT on your PSP this way, let me know if there is a comparable slowdown.
Also, if you have M33 firmware, at the main menu, press select, and change your USB device to UMD Disc, you can now rip the iso off the UMD, put it on your PC, then when you change it back again, you can transfer it back to your memory card. It runs faster from your memory card, in my experience, and personally I didn't notice the slowdown on mine until someone pointed it out; but as I said, I never played it from the UMD.

Apparently many of the PSX Games can be bought on the PSN if you want to buy them over again for your PSP. Through from what I understand, most of them haven't been changed at all to fit the PSP better, and are exactly the same as a PS1 Rip.


April 05, 2011, 03:54:12 pm #55 Last Edit: April 05, 2011, 03:59:16 pm by Mega_Tyrant
As far as extra RAM goes I noticed no difference in animaion slowdown whether I play the game on my PSP-1000 or my PSP-2000.  i.e. they still both run at a snail's pace.

The extra RAM only seems to help when the game has to load large amounts of data, for example when playing Monster Hunter Freedom Unite switching between different areas occurs much faster on the PSP-2000/3000 than it does on the PSP-1000. Sometimes several seconds faster.  For WOTL where the animation effects are not exactly large files or massive amounts of files the extra ram has little effect if any at all.


Good to hear the difference between 1000/2000.
Have you compared UMD vs Memory Card?


Memory Card is easily faster--Ethereal Kingdoms proves that easily. You can hardly even play EK on UMD.


I haven't played anything from UMD in quite a while, years to be honest, but typically anytime the game has to read data from the disc it takes longer due to having to spin the disc.  But WOTL isn't anywhere as bad as EK when it comes to constantly having to load data from the UMD.


Oh, I knew that. Nono, I meant; how bad is the spell slowdown from your memorycard?

It's been so long since I played the PSX version, I don't have a point of comparison anymore.