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Please use .png instead of .bmp when uploading unfinished sprites to the forum!


Started by RavenOfRazgriz, February 11, 2011, 01:50:15 am


February 11, 2011, 01:50:15 am Last Edit: February 23, 2011, 09:17:20 pm by RavenOfRazgriz
So, guys, I've taken up a bet with a number of the various Spriters at our fine site here at Final Fantasy Hacktics.  

The contents of this bet?  If they can supply me with an adequate number of (Season 1) Power Rangers, a Megazord, some Puddies, and other essential Sprite-based materials needed, I will make a Power Rangers Mini-Patch.  At least one brave soul is actively taking up this challenge and others seemed to express interest, so we'll see how this goes.

Why this thread?  To build hype, to make sure I don't forget, to make sure THEY don't forget, and to get the input of you, the reader.  I've already got a rather solid outline for plot continuance, encounters, abilities, stereotypical always-the-same-place Megazord battleground, etc., so never fear if ye have no ideas.  However, if any of you come up with any cool ideas for this mini-mod, from cool potential battle/cutscene scenarios, potential bosses, skills for allies and enemies, and whatever else may come to mind, feel free to suggest it here.  I feel I've already got a solid foundation but because of how spur-of-the-moment the actual drive to make this project is, there's a high chance some collaboration could easily improve it.

So, thinktank with me, mein brothers and mein sisters, while we wait for our Sprites to be completed.

EDIT: For those who want to know how this project will differ from the actual Final Fantasy Tactics mechanically, visit my other Project.  These two Projects will share a majority of basic gameplay changes with each other, though the gameplay itself will obviously be vastly different by virtue of concept differences.  For those who don't want to check that, the important stuff is that Move/Act no longer grants bonus CT, almost everything works off either Fury or Will (Brave or Faith), and Status interaction is greatly modified.  There will hopefully be a few mechanics that will, however, be unique to the Special Power Rangers Edition.  I have a few planned but they are not the easiest to code so I won't be announcing those until I have working versions of them.

Also, for those wondering what a Power Ranger looks like in the Final Fantasy Tactics Universe:


Hahaha! I think this is a hilarious idea. Unfortunately my age-addled brain only permits me to remember the vaguest things about the Power Rangers. You have my spiritual support on this one, Raven, but I'm afraid I can't offer much in the way of ideas.

Go go Power Raven.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Well then, Celdia, it's time we got our Wasserman on! 


This is going to be amazing, assuming I get an adequate pool of Sprites to work with.


Hah, I would help you, but being busy isn't helping me. Seeing Prism Rangers here would be awesome :P
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Haha! This is great! He looks like he is having a moustache though, oerhaos make the white part smaller? White seems to contrast with reds a lot. Hoe sad, I can't even remember how original Power Rangers looks...
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


February 11, 2011, 03:04:07 pm #6 Last Edit: February 11, 2011, 03:06:37 pm by RavenOfRazgriz
Quote from: Lijj on February 11, 2011, 08:26:51 am

The mouth guard looks a bit strange on the forward facing because there isn't anything separating it from his chestpiece of the same color. Maybe make the three almost-grey like pixels on the bottommost of the mouth guard red so they're more like the helmet outline or his chest so the two don't blend as much.

Otherwise... fucking amazing.

Kage, I have never heard of Prism Rangers until you made look them up just now, sadly, but they all look like palette swaps of the same base with no edits from what my quick bout of Google-fu returned, so if someone wants to make a sprite I'll Wiki-up my knowledge of them and add them for a bit of extra hilarity.  Though if we take that route, Axem Rangers would also be boss.


Hahahaha! You must have never played Disgaea, Raven. Prism Rangers are a parody of Power Rangers, they are "heroes of justice", but fail at this. IMO, they fit a lot into a parody your patch is supposed to be, hehe.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Quote from: Kagebunji on February 11, 2011, 03:12:54 pm
Hahahaha! You must have never played Disgaea, Raven. Prism Rangers are a parody of Power Rangers, they are "heroes of justice", but fail at this. IMO, they fit a lot into a parody your patch is supposed to be, hehe.

Nope, never played it, actually.  Been meaning to play at least one entry in the Disgaea series but never end up getting around to it.

If someone ends up making them, though, I'll become learned enough to make use of them and find a way to bullshit them into the plot thread I have conceived so far.


I will do them once Lijj finishes some Power Rangers. If you are aiming for story, Disgaea 1 has the best one, but Disgaea 2 is best IMO(many nice features and all). I am talking about PSP versions for both, never played PS2 versions.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


February 11, 2011, 04:40:34 pm #11 Last Edit: February 11, 2011, 04:41:33 pm by philsov
Prism Ranger scene.  In fact that entire chapter of the game is one of the best segments of any game.  Ever.  But, yeah, they're all palette swaps.
Just another rebel plotting rebellion.


The voice acting would have me end up playing the game on mute. >_>

Anyway, the sprite's front-quarter view and side view look very strange. The mouth guard is too long. It could easily be fixed with another few red pixels, though. Otherwise, agreed on making a distinction between mouth guard and chest plate for the front view.
"Oh, God!! The Hokuten!!" ~Guard, Sand Rat Cellar


"Oh, God!! The Hokuten!!" ~Guard, Sand Rat Cellar


Looking at it now The mouth part does look a little odd. I'll work on that. I'm glad you like it otherwise because it wont be that hard to finish this base. I feared you'd be super picky and ask: "what about the diamonds on the legs and arm?" or something; which would make little sense since there are few pixels to work with and editing arms takes hours.
So perfect I can't wait to design the next helmet I claim The black on next; Zach, he has a cool helmet design I want to try.
  • Modding version: PSX


Well, there's a point where I realize accuracy gives way to the constraint of the pixel art medium.

It looks very believably like a Season 1 Power Ranger with as much detail as you can reasonably fit.  Can't really ask for much more.  Now it's just mouthguard fixes and general stuff to polish it off and HELMETSWAP HO!