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Sidequest Ideas (31/40)

Started by LastingDawn, July 11, 2009, 05:10:46 pm


July 15, 2009, 12:57:08 am #40 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by beawulfx
Just a random thought from an onlooker; I do not find one on one battles to be very interesting at all, but perhaps that is due to the ones I have faced. It usually just resorts to facing a stronger enemy than yourself and bringing lots of evasion and hoping for the best. Or you make the enemy weaker than you and well, it's just easy. I dunno, I guess they can be done well and made fun, but I just thought I would throw that in from a 'fans perspective' or what have you :P

For the most part though these are really interesting/creative and I'm enjoying reading everybody's thoughts and LD's reactions.
My FFT 1.3030 videos can be found at; http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p ... 18EFFEA0AD
My FFT: Mercenaries videos can be found at; http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p ... 174F169EE5
My FFV Random Class Challenge videos can be found at; http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p ... C9F3BD69BF


July 15, 2009, 04:29:48 am #41 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by LastingDawn
Quote from: "boomkick"Any Chapter

Training Duel

Activation Method- After a critical battle.

Location- Mandalia Plains.

Event- Gafgarion asks Ramza to a duel to see if has gotten any better.

Simple sidequest where a battle in sues between Gaffy and Ramza.

If Ramza wins he gets a good sword to advance himself with some dialog.

If Ramza loses, he gets a small amount of gil.

Simple and meaningful, I quite like it, probably late chapter 2 or early chapter 3, if I were to guess.

Quote from: "beawulfx"Just a random thought from an onlooker; I do not find one on one battles to be very interesting at all, but perhaps that is due to the ones I have faced. It usually just resorts to facing a stronger enemy than yourself and bringing lots of evasion and hoping for the best. Or you make the enemy weaker than you and well, it's just easy. I dunno, I guess they can be done well and made fun, but I just thought I would throw that in from a 'fans perspective' or what have you :P

For the most part though these are really interesting/creative and I'm enjoying reading everybody's thoughts and LD's reactions.

In Mercenaries I have Strived to cut down Evasive bonuses (plus there's no -stat skills in Mercenaries, there is Foxbird, but good luck relying on that, also keep in mind, less Fury a unit has, the less damage you can do to them.

Let's see... in Mercenaries...

The shield with the best evasion is the Mad Emperor which is 50 - 40, if you're hit once while weilding it though you go Berserk, so not too reliable..

Runner up is Palamecia Plate, 35 -35 which has permanant Dark Matter on it (which might be a good combination when combined with some other Dark Matter items...)

The safest one to use is only 30 - 30, which for a shield isn't too fantastic...

Though for the others they remain the same 35 P. Ev. on one and 40 M. Ev. on another... that could be a problem, though Voldemort worked hard at making Vormav to be unique 1.3028, I can try to emulate that with the 1v1's when they occur, the absence of Abandon though really hurts Evasion based setups, I would beleve though.
"Moment's anger can revert to joy,
sadness can be turned to delight.
A nation destroyed cannot be restored,
the dead brought back to life."

Art of War

Beta & Gretchen Forever!!!!


July 15, 2009, 06:39:07 am #42 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Redux
Quote from: "LastingDawn"
Quote from: "Redux"Well LD, as promised.

The Mad Doctor's Request

Chapter 2-3

Location: Barius Valley

Activation: Go to Lionel Castle After Visiting Goug.

Upon entering Lionel, the Trio are met by an odd old man, looking for "nethicite". The Man insists the trio have knowledge of it and demand to by given a sample. He then digresses and offers you a large monentary reward for finding such an item deep within Barius Valley. Gafgarian and Ramza both agree, but Rad is hesitant. You are given the option of taking this quest on or not. If so, you arrive in Barius Valley to find the old man and 4 Warders. The man reveals himself as Dr. Cid. The warders should have the names Rook 1, 2, 3 and 4. Cid explains that if you will not surrender the manufactured nethicite, he will take it by force. Cid should be a high leveled Inquisitor with some rare equipment. He has a gun force equiped. The warders' AI is set to protect him.  You will have the trio, and a Traveler helping you against him. (Name the traveler Balthier and i will jump for Joy, LD.)  You win after defeating Cid. The reward should be a higher tier Bec de Corbain or Bullets and a decent amount of cash.

Heh, I'm afraid one Bunansa is enough for a mission, since it can't actually be The Dr. Cid, after all. I am personally thinking that the two options should have an impact, if you agree to help him, you fight another group he hired to get it back for him, who planned on simply making off with the treasure. Afterwards you return and give him the "manufacted nethicite", which he in return gives the group a Lifeshaver, Mythril Shield, and Chancellor's Cap.

If you disagree, he tells them all to watch their backs, and if they should happen to find any Nethicite, he wouldn't be far behind. After he stomps off screen, a number of varied people come up and show a poster of Dr. Cid, saying he's wanted in Gallione, Fovoham, and Lionel for mysterious deaths attributed to his "studies". As Ramza is about to say something, Gafgarion cuts in saying they hadn't seen him. Satisfied the assorted bounty hunters leave them alone, Gafgarion says "this is their chance!" and they track Dr. Cid to Barius Valley, as he just dispatched most of the very people he had sent to get the Nethicite (in this chain we never see that's only because they tried to make off with it for their own).

The four warders named Rook1, 2, 3, 4 (will probably have Astra, at all times, to signify their different then normal humans)
and Dr. Cid proceed to fight Gafgarion''s troupe and the two remaining survivors of the first team he sent out. Victory allows you to catch Dr. Cid, and bring him to the Warden's Office for a valuable ticket (Normal Treasure "The Leading Man", Rare Treasure "Grenade" for the gun.
Well LD, it is your patch, and besides, I like your senario better.


July 15, 2009, 12:53:51 pm #43 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by mav
Quote from: "LastingDawn"
Most treasures from FFT have made it in as equippable items, (See the complete list in the Mercenaries Equipment Thread, most things with"???" for their stats are Treasures) Though the one thing I don't like is all the options that really only have one choice, people wouldn't be searching for sidequests if they didn't want to do them, hehe. Did you want Gilgamesh to show up anywhere else, if you had completed his sidequest?
Hah, I guess it's the prerogative of the player to make these pseudo-choices then.

Oh, and I was thinking about Gilgamesh returning...By the way, should he be called Gil in the sidequests or Gilgamesh--I'm still toying with whether I should be blatantly obvious or not...So yeah, I wouldn't mind seeing him return, but I personally don't have anything planned for him...But if anyone else wants to use him or even Enkidu in their sidequests, go right ahead.

By the way, thanks for being so receptive, LD. For creating patch as ambitious as this one, you're surprisingly open to other peoples' thoughts.


July 15, 2009, 01:21:59 pm #44 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by LastingDawn
Gil might be appropriate, I can even see Gafgarion saying something along the lines of...

"Hah! You can't go wrong helping a man named Gil! Money is not far behind this man, I say we watch this man carefully and assist him where he may need us."

Though when he transforms (whenever that will be...) he would then be called Gilgamesh, I would think when he reveals Excalipoor he would give a grandoise speech, revealing himself to be "Gilgamesh".

As far as patch creation goes, I always try to have people's opinions and ideas, without the ideas I've received in the forum, I think the project would be just a mess, most of my quality skill ideas have been from the community after all, heh, to be honest I wouldn't be much of anywhere without you all, so I rely mostly on the community, in which you all have been very thoughtful in your many suggestions.
"Moment's anger can revert to joy,
sadness can be turned to delight.
A nation destroyed cannot be restored,
the dead brought back to life."

Art of War

Beta & Gretchen Forever!!!!


July 15, 2009, 03:34:48 pm #45 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by mav
Wow, that Gafgarion line is perfect! And Gilgamesh revealing his name at the end would be worthwhile for this side-character. To have a revelation like that shows great development on his part, as well as a good nod to fans of the series.

Anyway, earlier I mentioned that other people could use either of the characters in this sidequest, I'd just like to note that if anyone does wanna put Gil or Enkidu in their sidequests, it should take place before the first part of this sidequest. I mean, in the real Epic of Gilgamesh Enkidu does act as a sort of bounty hunter, so if anyone wants to exploit that aspect of his character, be my guest. However, Enkidu does die in the third part, so don't plan on using him after that either...Gil is still fair game, hell, make him a treasure hunter of sorts.


July 15, 2009, 07:14:38 pm #46 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by PX_Timefordeath
Chapter 4

Duel for Apprenticeship

Zirekile Falls

Event: Gaffgarion decides to move his skills to an apprentice. However, he cannot decide between Rad and Ramza. So he decides to have them duel each other. Two choices: Heartily agree, or just decide to go on with it unsure. If Ramza heartily agrees, Rad is the one doesn't feel sure about it, but decides to go on with it. If you don't feel sure but agree, Rad heartily agrees with it. So you have a duel on the bridge of Zirekile, Rad vs Ramza. However! You control Rad if you heartily agree with Ramza. If you choose the other option, you control Ramza in the duel. Battle ends when one falls, and blah blah text comes out. Maybe whoever wins the duel gets their master job, while the other one must get it through other means. And you have control over who wins the power.


July 15, 2009, 08:54:19 pm #47 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by LastingDawn
Quote from: "PX_Timefordeath"
Chapter 4

Duel for Apprenticeship

Zirekile Falls

Event: Gaffgarion decides to move his skills to an apprentice. However, he cannot decide between Rad and Ramza. So he decides to have them duel each other. Two choices: Heartily agree, or just decide to go on with it unsure. If Ramza heartily agrees, Rad is the one doesn't feel sure about it, but decides to go on with it. If you don't feel sure but agree, Rad heartily agrees with it. So you have a duel on the bridge of Zirekile, Rad vs Ramza. However! You control Rad if you heartily agree with Ramza. If you choose the other option, you control Ramza in the duel. Battle ends when one falls, and blah blah text comes out. Maybe whoever wins the duel gets their master job, while the other one must get it through other means. And you have control over who wins the power.

Hmm I'm afraid the role of Apprentice to Gafgarion is actually a large part of the later story, because of that, this wouldnt fit the theme of that time. Also I can't quite unlock jobs through such ways... if I could, I would definitely have use that, rather then job levels.
"Moment's anger can revert to joy,
sadness can be turned to delight.
A nation destroyed cannot be restored,
the dead brought back to life."

Art of War

Beta & Gretchen Forever!!!!


July 17, 2009, 04:55:36 pm #48 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Kagebunji
I'll give it a shoot

Chapter 4

Challenge from General

Unlock: In middle of chapter 4

Event: General Beatrix from faraway lands is looking for worthy opponents, all who seek true combat shall come to " well LD you can choose :).
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


July 17, 2009, 05:15:57 pm #49 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Kagebunji
LD tell me if you already has thinked of sidequest with Zack, if no I can create something.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


July 17, 2009, 07:31:43 pm #50 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by PX_Timefordeath
Zack is involved somewhere in Mercenaries. Come by in chat and ask him yourself. Anyways...

Chapter 1

Fire! Fire!

Somewhere appropriate(Forest or town preferred)

Walk to designated area

Bombs and invokers are setting fire to the area! Stop them! Standard FFTA mission... However! There will be random corpses of people/chocobos. During the course of the battle, they will litter the field. Now you can go the Mercenary style and just ignore them, killing everything in sight. However, Ramza's nature would cause him to try to save them all. Mission is to stall until the police/guards come and clean up. Your rewards depend on how many people/chocobos you save. It's good to be nice for a change, eh?

Chapter 1(2?)

Ramza needs a better sense of direction...

Sweegy Woods

Walk into Sweegy Woods sometime you want

The team camps out at Sweegy Woods, and Ramza is sent to gather firewood. He once AGAINS stumbles onto the battle royal in the forest, but a new host now runs it. If the player has managed to win Longibunne from the first one, then the new host will not have the Longibunne. If the player failed to grab it the first time, this will be a second chance to get it. And the opponents will be stronger, of course.


July 19, 2009, 08:21:24 pm #51 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by LastingDawn
Quote from: "Kagebunji"I'll give it a shoot

Chapter 4

Challenge from General

Unlock: In middle of chapter 4

Event: General Beatrix from faraway lands is looking for worthy opponents, all who seek true combat shall come to " well LD you can choose :).

Chapter 4 is a pretty heavy spot, a lot of things are going on, and really Chapter 4 is where I'd like to tie up most of the sidequests, mainly Chapter 4 is reserved for the end of the main sidequest chains. (any new ones would ruin the mood that Chapter 4 is meant to bring about) Though this would fit in fine with Chapter 3. So we'll use it there.

Chapter 1

Fire! Fire!

Somewhere appropriate(Forest or town preferred)

Walk to designated area

Bombs and invokers are setting fire to the area! Stop them! Standard FFTA mission... However! There will be random corpses of people/chocobos. During the course of the battle, they will litter the field. Now you can go the Mercenary style and just ignore them, killing everything in sight. However, Ramza's nature would cause him to try to save them all. Mission is to stall until the police/guards come and clean up. Your rewards depend on how many people/chocobos you save. It's good to be nice for a change, eh?

This could be a bit tricky, it does display Ramza's character, but this is no easy feat, the only way I can think of to have this work is each corpse when revived, and their turn comes around, will have their ID switch to one that gives a War Trophy. Then of course a bystander sort of unit which acts as a timer for the end of the mission. I'd say this event alone would take up seven or eight event scripts, hmm... i will be considered, but it is a Ton of work.

Chapter 1(2?)

Ramza needs a better sense of direction...

Sweegy Woods

Walk into Sweegy Woods sometime you want

The team camps out at Sweegy Woods, and Ramza is sent to gather firewood. He once AGAINS stumbles onto the battle royal in the forest, but a new host now runs it. If the player has managed to win Longibunne from the first one, then the new host will not have the Longibunne. If the player failed to grab it the first time, this will be a second chance to get it. And the opponents will be stronger, of course

Hmm... this is a tricky one to decide on, personally I dislike using the same ideas again and again, but on the other hand it does offer another chance at Longibunne... I think a different gimmick, would be best, but I can't think of what... do you happen to have any idea for it?
"Moment's anger can revert to joy,
sadness can be turned to delight.
A nation destroyed cannot be restored,
the dead brought back to life."

Art of War

Beta & Gretchen Forever!!!!


July 19, 2009, 10:46:49 pm #52 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by mav
Quote from: "LastingDawn"
Hmm... this is a tricky one to decide on, personally I dislike using the same ideas again and again, but on the other hand it does offer another chance at Longibunne... I think a different gimmick, would be best, but I can't think of what... do you happen to have any idea for it?
You know...I noticed a lot of these sidequests are chances at gaining an awesome item (like the Longibunne)...what if losing a battle meant losing an awesome item? As in, you won the Longibunne once, now you gotta defend it. It's a bitch slap to the person playing, but it ups the stakes, right?


July 19, 2009, 10:54:12 pm #53 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by cold52
well...I try myt hand at one :P

Chapter 3

Ghostly Remnants


Walk to designated area

Description: Rumors about ghostly figures appering (insert place here) have been going around...this wouldnt be to much of a problem if it werent for the fact that deaths have been happening at that place...

mission: find out what is need to know and take care of the problem whether real or not.

Event: In this event youll seek the desired info then when you are at the location you start by ramza talking to some civilian...suddeny figures appear...you mission is a choice from here...to get people to safety or find the reason at hand.


July 20, 2009, 04:05:16 am #54 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by boomkick
Chapter 2

Choose, life or Gil

Activation- After chapter 2 starts, and Dorter is open.

Dorter City

Event- Ramza and co. enter the city and see a bounty. The bounty is on a dragon who went on a rampage.

Sweegy woods

You find the dragon with another lancer/dragoon. Some dialog in sues and the lancer begs to let the dragon go. Prompt Ramza and co. whether to let go or fight.

Let go = Ramza and co. walk away with lancer thankful (something happens later in the game)

Fight = Ramza and co. fights the dragon and lancer and (when winning) collects bounty. Its just gil. The later event does not happen.


July 20, 2009, 08:09:59 am #55 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Archael
I really like some of boomkick's ideas, especially the duel


July 20, 2009, 11:24:36 am #56 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by boomkick
Thank you Voldemort, your recognition is truely meaningful (no sarcasm :))


July 20, 2009, 11:54:13 am #57 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Kagebunji
Here goes another one

Chapter 2-3

Poisoned food


Event- Ramza and Rad were walking by the street, when head of the village asks them for help.

Conditions for winning: Kill all malboros or take all the food (they can be held in boxes, if there is no sprite, then chests)

Killing malboros- you get big amount of gil and armor "malboro skin"
Take food- you get small amount of gil and town treasure "Sorceror winsdom"(rod)

And tell me please, will there be Mustadio in Mercenaries, if yes I have an idea for sidequest with Besrodio and his son
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


July 20, 2009, 01:13:16 pm #58 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Eternal248
Love's Lost Labors
Any Chapter, I suppose

Ramza and co. enter Dorter and encounters a young lady who asks them if they've encountered a young man by the name of Rangar. Ramza responds that they haven't seen him. The woman worries that he's been kidnapped and asks the party to help find him. Gafgarion demands payment, and the woman mentions that she is one of "Dorter's Wealthiest". The lady mentions that he was last seen heading towards Sweegy Woods. She asks the party to look there.

At Sweegy, Ramza and co. see a man acting suspicious. They come up to him, and a trap is activated. The man reveals that he is Forza, a bounty hunter. He states that his wife, Magissa, tricks people into entering the woods so that he can ambush them and steal their goods. Magissa enters the area, and seeing Ramza's gil pouch, exclaims how rich they'll both be.

Gafgarion then enters the area and frees Ramza and co. from the trap. Forza and Magissa then notice the escaped party and begin to battle.

Enemy Units
1x Forza (Berserker) (Monk with high ATK, HP, and Speed)
1x Magissa (Enchantress) (Oracle with high level debuffs and moderate level elemental magic)
2x Archer
2x Thief

After the battle is over, Gafgarion scolds Ramza on how easily manipulated he is.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


July 20, 2009, 01:25:53 pm #59 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by beawulfx
Awesome FFV reference Eternal, these missions are really great. Mercenaries is going to be exceptional.
My FFT 1.3030 videos can be found at; http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p ... 18EFFEA0AD
My FFT: Mercenaries videos can be found at; http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p ... 174F169EE5
My FFV Random Class Challenge videos can be found at; http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p ... C9F3BD69BF