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Arena battle videos and discussion

Started by PX_Timefordeath, August 04, 2010, 06:49:51 pm


Quote from: Mudvayne on May 19, 2015, 08:23:03 pm
FFT Arena 1.39C: Silentkaster 'Signs Of Aging' Vs Mudvayne 'Caster Chix'
Quote from: Mudvayne on May 20, 2015, 07:57:43 pm
FFT Arena 1.39C: Shintroy (Powers Combined IV) vs Silentkaster (Signs of Aging)

Edit: Made some editing errors earlier and uploaded the wrong version of the file. Should be fixed now. File should be re-uploaded in ~30 minutes or so, sorry.

Quote from: silentkaster on May 21, 2015, 02:22:30 pm
FFT Arena 1.39C- silentkaster (OHKO) vs Mudvayne (Death by Snu Snu)

FFT Arena 1.39C- Barren (Wake Up Dead) vs Otabo (P.P.S.)

Quote from: TrueLight on May 21, 2015, 05:23:17 pm
FFT Arena 1.39C - Rouroni Elmdor (Mavericks) vs. CT5Holy (All-Ultima)

OHKO vs Offensive Team
I think OHKO has the advantage in most cases. More range and more comeback potential so it's up to who gets the first couple of attacks. Mudvayne has units that'll always be on the offensive which is always a bonus.

Round 1 - Raise 2? Looks like I spoke too soon. Raise 2 counters OHKO units since it's more accurate. Status also played a huge part in this.

Round 2 - Quick round. This time silentkaster's oracle got to act

Round 3 - Not even a 60 second round. Range the main factor in this round. Mudvayne had almost no chance to approach silentkaster.

GG. Floridian allergies are the absolute worst. Have you seen a croc yet? Tasted one yet? I heard it tastes like fishy chicken. Is this true?

Mudvayne your Monk, I think he'd be better using a tactician's blade since you're not using 108 gems to strengthen the Ice damage with 108 gems. With that you can go with Cherche and Warpath and be more mobile at the same time.

Sleep Damage vs Mime: Lightning/Multi Absorb
I like Basic Skill + Martial Arts. Even though I haven't seen it since probably 138, I'm glad it's been used. Never bet against Mime even if it's up against one of the best Arena teams imo.

Round 1 - Hilarious Hawk's eye sound. Chokepoint sort of puts Barren at a disadvantage at the start. Probably 5 minutes of Otabo in control later, Barren gets some sleep offense going. Definitely not possible for Otabo to take this round.

Round 2 - No chance of taking this round either. Wake up dead just outclasses this team. Too many answers for the chiri mime.

GG. Really bad match up. Definitely want to see Otabo's team up against another team. Looks like it won't have a lot of good match ups due to the damage and status potential being really really low without the mime.

Rouroni vs CT5Holy] Samurai vs Ultima
Betting on Samurai/Ranger even though Ultima may have a slight advantage due to range and anti sandbag.

Round 1 - Looks incredibly even, but the Samurai's Murasames combined with reflect was able to tank Holy's casters. Good stuff.

Round 2 - What is it with this woodland maps and samurai?  AOE came into play this round. Not possible for Rouroni's archers to come back form that once in range.

Round 3 - Looks like being 8 speed caught up to Rouroni here. Probably needs some disruption/status to compete against Holy's lolbigdamage/speed teams.

GG. Evenly matched imo. Rouroni couldn't get to the high ground faster than Holy could most of the time.

Thanks for the matches. Out of the three I preferred in the team submission thread, I could use a match for MyMe sooner than the rest since the tournament team's mostly based off it.

Masamune is so annoying to have on a stat boosting unit because they'll actually spend all of their turns hasting the entire team  if they're in range instead of boosting stats.

The major problem with this team is that it's not really a mimic team. I realized long ago geomancy mime was hard to use outside of an absorb team because it's highly likely they'll never be in range to get any mimic damage.  I wanted to avoid having two bards on the same team too so I might just drop the team and be done with it. It was a fun idea, but it's too hard for it to get anything started.

The best idea is definitely to go with two attributes or make an absorb team instead. Hard to make a mime benifit from PA, MA, and SP without using geomancy.

Some day my people will be free.


Thanks for the match silentkaster. As for the match itself, while it did get the job done, I was hoping it would have gone faster than that but thats due to the RNG screwing with me a little bit. Other than that just need to some quick tweaking at some point then it should be good. GG Otabo.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


Thanks TL, your videos are brilliant as always. Sorry I'm not as chatty lately, been working weird hours and my Internet's been slow, still catching every game.

Usually I'd assume the fetal position and cry if my team lost to an ultima-based team, but CT5holy made this team, so I can cry sitting up today. The archers lost 1 move, 1 range and 60hp for +2 wp and don't act immunity. Didn't think it would be fatal.. but here we are. And it actually was a fatal mistake, they used to outrange casters and not leave rock man stranded like round one. Kind of a case of "if it ain't broke don't fix it" with maybe a little "your team is SO 1.38" but I think I lost outright, no matter what equip version.

GG CT5holy! You were good last time I saw you, and I swear you're a lot better now. Miss seeing your videos, I always enjoyed your commentary.

Everyone is looking seriously mean lately, I didn't remember signs of aging being this powerful either.

  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
The bird of Hermes is my name
Eating my wings to make me tame
  • Discord username: rouroni elmdor


This is my weakest team, IMO. I much prefer magical teams as opposed to physical teams, I just threw this team together because I really liked how a similarly setup ninja performed on another team. When she doesn't get OHKOed (like your team name suggests  :P) and can get off a couple don't acts, the team works wonderfully. Unfortunately, in round 3 the entire match only seemed to last about 60 seconds or so. I did make some changes to the team after seeing this match so hopefully they perform better next time! GG and thanks for the video Silentkaster!


FFT Arena 1.39C- Anima Zero Tournament Team edition

Reks and Shintroy have also submitted their teams to me so I will be doing the same layout with them (with different opponents of course). I am putting the tournament teams up against four teams each.

(BTW not too late if you want to request matches. I'm literally doing nothing this long weekend due to having done so much these past few weekends.)
You've stepped in puddles less shallow than me.

Anima Zero

Thanks a bunch silentkaster!

Considering I haven't come up with a good team in awhile, I'm pretty happy with the first round of testing it got.  Considering status heavy teams aren't exactly my forte, it went better than expected.  Think I'd need a bit of ranged power and to make my Ninja not run away like a ninny on low hp.  I think I can fix both of those without losing too much there.

I also had to laugh at that 99% Raise miss.  Reminds me of when I saw a 99% Revive miss during an old vanilla FFT tournament.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
"I never cared about justice, and I don't recall ever calling myself a hero..." Zero, Mega Man Zero 4


Anima Zero vs...

Monk - Asura Monk? Hope he makes it into the tournament, there's hasn't been a lot of Asura lately. Would've given him Meatbone lsash over CFlood

Ninja - Healing Staff Ninja with Snipe. Great disruption, GL vs Berserk though
Chemist - Equip Shield? Sick distraction set up.

Priest - Typical Stop set up.

Chemist - I like the evasion tank idea, but I don't agree with the Elf Mantle. Chemists are extremly weak to berserk and Elf Mantle has nothing over Dracula mantle outside of higher physical evade. You already have Main Gauche so you might as well go with the anti berserk.

Pretty solid team. Probably weak against AOE and of course 100% damage. I give it a B for now. I think it has a couple of common bad match ups (quake, earth monks, male ninjas, grand cross, ect)

Disruption vs Balance(?)
I think Barren has a key advantage here due to having spells, a geomancer for 100% damage, range, aoe, and balance damage. Barren will win if Anima can't get in.

R1 - Oh stall and Stop? Good stuff. Just like that I forgot Anima had Asura. Easy round for Anima. Speed advantage and status too good.

R2 - Shame to see a unit running away with no way to heal. Turns matches into permanent 3v4s or worse. GG. Got picked apart hard.

R3 - That got chaotic midway through when everyone was within arm's reach. Superior offense split up Barren's team. There was no coming back for Barren with the priest being out of range for so long.

Truelight has the advantage automatically.

R1 - Destroyed. Mostly a range issue. Truelight's team can kill most teams without getting touch. That ninja gets in range and puts a unit in critical/dead and it's most likely over for teams after that since they spend too long in recovery mode.

R2 - The same deal. Your team couldn't capitalize on the few opportunities it was given. It's too reliant on being at an advantage. Fast teams teams with low range always line themselves up for slower teams in the first few turns. On medium sized maps that ninja would be the first to go down to most ranged and caster units.

The flaws were shown. My team also has problems executing since it's a heavy status team. You have two status units, (chakra band shuts them down), Asura (cursed ring shuts this down, and a kagesougi ninja that can't kill. Definitely need an executor unit. Maybe spellbreaker or chaos blade? Two hands gold staff? Grand Cross or southern cross sounds nice since it has the same range of Stop and Mimic Daravon. You'll probably also be able to be immune to your own status with good armor choices. Platina Helm Light Robe, Tact, Zeph Cherche, Warpath? Basic Skill paladin sounds nice with perma regen. Spends turns using Accumulate probably, Throw Stone, Heal, Wish, Reraise... Just rambling.

If rouroni still has the high damage archers he'll have an advantage on large and medium maps since that ninja will always be in range. Anima might win on a small map, but Rouroni has the map advantage overall.

R1 - Having an ability that prevents fast units from going rambo is needed sometimes. Nice absorb earth on the ninja. Was wondering what the diamond armlet was for. It took a while for Anima to close it out, but that's how status teams go sometimes. Not having Echo Grass just to keep the samurai berserked was a pretty bad move for Rouroni.

R2 - Quickly back to where we were in R1 with Anima on the defensive. Lucky crit Earth Slash ten minutes later... Don't Act, Stop. Great comeback without the ninja too.

GG. Took way too long to it close it out. The ninja is definitely making your units work too hard.

I think silentkaster will take this just because hehas all the right status effects to take this team apart, especially berserk.

R1 - Quick win for silentkaster. Berserk is definitely the worst status that chemist can get. ( I should know my chemist had the same problem.

R2 - Berserk on the healing staff ninja... followed by charming that ninja... What a good guy silentkaster is. Fast teams like this against against any team that doesn't make the most out of its turns always end bad.

GG. A unit won't raise if they'll get killed while casting or if the target will be killed before getting a turn.

-Stop and Stall
-Double Break.
-Synergy between the melee units with absorb/healing staff.
-Stigma Magic, Esuna, and Item to remove status.
-Haste 2 and Slow 2
-Decent evasion tank/distraction
-Priest Healer for almost no reason other than higher MA.
-Ninja extremly weak against bersrek
-Ninja doesn't at least put units in critical after using Kagesougi
-Ninja is too likely to kill herself due to rushing in her first turn
-Chemist weak to berserk
-Monk's may be weak to undead users.
-Way too reliant on RNG
-Doesn't capitalize off of Stop/status

-Give her Dracula Mantle soe she's continues to be a phsycal tank without worrying about berserk
White Mage
-Change her to a Time Mage. There's no need to worry about MA and cure when you have Masamune.
-Probably give her Raise 2 since your team is on the squishy side. You'd probably have to get rid of Haste 2, but she becomes much more offensive with her spells when you're at an advantage. I'd try it out if you could.
-Get another unit so you can get more out of Stop. Your team "Frozen in Time(?)" knew how to get a lot out of Stop so I know you have a bunch of answers already.

I recommended paladin earlier since your team could use Reraise, Transfusion, and an executor.

Basic Skill
HP Restore
Warpath ------------750+ 1150 1900
Tactician's Blade
Light Robe, Chameleon Robe

Southern Cross, Reraise, Nurse, Transfusion 750
Accumulate, Heal, Throw Stone, Wish 600
1900+ 1350... 3250..

Could probably go with Counter Tackle or Counter instead idk. Just a suggestion.
The unit will start out with Accumulate with anough range.
Offense will mainly be Southern Cross spamming.

Probably a bad set up for your team since Stop won't make units boost stats  and buff up. Idk.

Some day my people will be free.


FFT Arena 1.39C- Reks Tournament Team edition

Shintroy, if I don't get to your video tonight, I'll get there by Monday. I have both tomorrow and Monday completely off too, but may be doing something tonight so it depends on if my plans hold up or not. But expect one by Monday if not sooner.
You've stepped in puddles less shallow than me.


Quote from: silentkaster on May 23, 2015, 07:05:48 pm
FFT Arena 1.39C- Reks Tournament Team edition

Shintroy, if I don't get to your video tonight, I'll get there by Monday. I have both tomorrow and Monday completely off too, but may be doing something tonight so it depends on if my plans hold up or not. But expect one by Monday if not sooner.

I'll watch and comment when I'm off of work and have time to do so

But a pre-emptive thank you~

And wow, long matches, judging by the 1 hour video :o
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Reks#0128


I like this set up with Kaiser Plate and Ninjitsu. Pretty damn cool. Reks's squires are just so good. (gonna steal eventually)
14 MA instead of 15 I don't know about that. Guess you wanted the absorb though. Draw Out geo though.
Black robe and Prismatic? Interested
Love Geo/Whm. With 14MA again though... I guess it couldn't be helped since you want the earth absorb. I would've went with Aegis, 108, MA Body.

Looks like a solid B team. Lots of absorb going around. Lots of anti stand bag's great. You'll shut down teams using anything other than Raise and Raise 2. Too bad it has the typical absorb weaknesses (status, disruption, oil, charm)

Andante's team? Still my favorite unfaith team. Truelight just terrifies me with his.

R1 - Your team looks good vs the tons. Absorbs 2/3 tons I believe and the Squire can handle unfaith units. Good match for Reks. Moogle is underused but not underrated. Probably the answer to AOE.

R2 - Bizen Boat turned the SCH into a living target and there goes the core of Andante's team.

GG Easy match for Reks.

I don't remember Faith.

R1 - Oh anti absorb? Probably a bad match up since the wizards will always be on offensive due to the ninjas being undead. Reks takes it due to the teleporting Geomancer and Cure's damage being 100%. Close call though faith probably made it harder for fdc.

R2 - Chiri the equalizer.


It's up to RNG here. Reks has the advantage since he has more aoe though.

R1 - Crazy round. If only that Geomaner was a tad bit stronger she couldn't gotten a quadruple kill when Otabo's units lined up. 15 MA definitely outweighs the earth clothes in these cases. (I keep forgetting this is an absorb team)

R2 - Good map for reks He'll be lined up most of the time when trying to approach.

R3 - A white magic user with Magic Attack up is better off with Cure imo. Wouldn't end up wasting turns to poison at the very least.

GG. Always gotta take poison into consideration for mages in 139.

Reks's team is built better. If he gets slowed this is going to be a slaughter.

R1 - Damn. Spent almost the entire spot standing still or retreating. The only reason this took so long is because the geomancers could reach the dock in the back.

Stone Gun was definitely OP. 16x16  unevadable 6 range projectile? Bows were obsolete. Probably the best anti sandbag unit in the build in the game. Every team had a gunner. Pairing them up with shields too? 10 speed archers? I don't know about all that.

With Spell guns you have to now choose between setiemson and 108 Gems unless you make a mediator gunner.

R1 - This match is still going on? Skipping since it's only a matter of time vs 16+ speed units.

R2 - Close round. Too much AOE on the small map. It was curtains when the ninja ran out of MP. It it taking way too long to kill a harmless ninja. Unfaith+ Faith magic shouldn't take this long to take out one unit.

R3 - Haven't seen charming a single unit being this effective in a long time.

GG. Not strong enough offensively to close it out against faster/status teams.

I think you could stand to lose maybe one element absorb on a couple of your units to make them stronger. Mainly the 14 MA, MA Up units.
Could prbably lose the Green Beret for Twist Headband. You don't really need the mobility and MP since you have all the range on Tons and Move-MP Up.

Geo/Draw Out
Could probably stand to lose the earth clothes for more MA. Wizard Outfit seems like the best choice.
Current Kiju/Chiri - 157/162
MA16 Kiku/Chiri - 147/189

Wiz/smn - I don't like the idea of spending Two inventory slots strengthening elements, but since this is an absorb team you need to pick one.

Holy Miter or Black Hood
Linen Robe or Wizard Robe (go with at least 2 MA)
Defense Ring

Water, Water 2 (Nether Water if you have the JP)
Cyclops, Silf, Titan, Leviathan, Moogle, Fairy, Carbunkle
Add some bolts if you want some absorb. Give her

She was pretty fine not having Cure ruined it for you though. Since she's an MA geomancer she doesn't really need the MP from Linen Robe. You probably don't want to lose too much HP so give her Wizard Outfit. Cure over Cure 2.

Great match ups silentkaster. I like me some high level matches. Won't be sated until the tournament's over though. I'm fine waiting until whenever. I'm pretty stuck on that chemist. Trying out so many different builds, but never the right one.

In the meantime there's UFC 187 and these Combo Breaker tournament matches I missed due to a stream's ISP being shitty.
Some day my people will be free.


Aighty, time for my own comments.

Again, thank you for the series~

But in all honesty, a lot of my teams are abstract in some way. I HAD tested this team myself personally, but I prefer the commentary of others.

In that I HAD already tested it, though. I knew what I wanted to do with the team.

I wanted to have a team that could function decently against all types of teams. Yes, it's obvious weaknesses are status and disrupt teams, and in tests they STILL came out on top half of the time.

They're meant to, and capable of, punishing ANY team that has either 40 Fury or Faith, and even with more they still hit hard.

I LOVE Caster Squires of some form, and -tons have always been fun to play with. Since Kaiser Plate's changes, it made it perfect for tonning without using a Prismatic Rod. He used to have Concentrate for 100%, but his damage suffered, so I changed that.

Draw Out devotee units are very simple. A dime a dozen, but that's because they work, and it's a constant AoE threat to any team.

The Wizard was meant to punish mages with 40 Fury BEFORE they could get their spells off, as well as either cleaning up with AoE or deplenishing enough HP for the first two to do their thing. As all of her spells are elemental, she's very quadratic for it.

The final unit went through a lot of changes before I decided to keep her as she was. She's capable of being annoying with Geomancy(minor cleanup, mostly meant for unevadable tapping and procs), and can support (rather well) with her White Magic.

All in all I KNEW they'd lose to, say, Reinoe's 12 Gauge. They aren't designed to counter speed/disrupt teams. As a matter of fact, while those types are proven to work I find them extremely boring.


Kidding. I'm actually happy that you like them so much.

But I did make most of the changes you suggested, though I'm still iffy on changing Cure 2 to just Cure, even if it's instant.

This was entirely unintentional, but in it's current state, in personal tests it hasn't lost ONCE to Truelight's team.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Reks#0128


FFT Arena 1.39C: Mudvayne 'Death By Snusnu' vs Silentkaster 'OHKO'

Made edits on all 4 units of this team so decided to re-run and record this matchup that silentkaster posted a few days ago. Hoping this time around I give him a better run for his money   :cool:

I like this team much better now after the edits. Before I thought it was by far my weakest team, and now I'm not sure what I think. Would love some opinions on the team, as always.


You've stepped in puddles less shallow than me.


May 25, 2015, 12:48:01 am #4153 Last Edit: May 25, 2015, 01:19:35 am by Shintroy

Based off MyMe which is based off S3's top 3, Bad Breath, and With Haste.
Mash - Quickening and KO
Mime - Low talk skill chances, but the quickenings make up for it
Chem - anti status, draw out bot
Time - Typical H2/S2 Stop bot.

I updated the team today before seeing this vid.
I hope I see some new problems with this team

Definitely will try another Chemist build with more SP. Didn't notice I had 5 Move. Mist as well go with a Thief Hat.

The mime's just there to increase RNG. Going for a mime team and didn't want to go with a item bot mime. Talk Skill sets up for Stop. The Mime will be targeted most of the time since she goes 2nd and is probably the most offensive behind the mime.

Heavily RNG based, but mime "balances" it out

Status Mime vs Status(?)

R1 - Never seen Mimic revive before. Isn't Odin Dark elemental? Why is it hitting my monk? I remember it being absorbed by units and killing due to the dead proc, but never hitting. That was an ordeal.

R2 - That map was hilarious. Didn't think they'd catch that geomancer. Quickening + Talk Skill mime too good.

R3 - RIP silenced talk skill mime. Fixed that with gold armor as soon as I noticed. That was hell. Gave the Monk Wave Fist and FS bag to avoid him rushing in at all times and OHKO 70 brave units when put to sleep.


R1 - Shameful round, comeback or not. Everyone' put to sleep but it took 10+ minutes.

R2 - Complete control at the start. That HP restore on the thief shouldn't have happened, but that's what I get for not having FS Bag. GG stop. Some units didn't even get to act..Could've gotten away with calling it after the 3 units turned.


Hopefully Chakra Band makes this a good match up.

R1 - Two death units? A little rough don't ya think? It's over once the stop and sleep lands.

R2 - Wow I'm on point with sleep. The match would've been over quicker if the squire didn't block the plank... Ten minutes later the squire dies... then the Paladin blocks the plank. Belated apologies for having to commentate this match silentkaster. I blame the map.

GG. Why have two units with low death chances when you can  have one with a high death %? Do a faith rod, pilgramage, setiemson, lord of robes set up.

R1 - That's definitely a medium sized map. Oh this is "that" mime team with the sick dia spamming WHM Mime. I don't know why, but i can't stand mime dittos. Great opening for WKW. I get behind in turns and can't make a comeback due to Odin. The Samurai Didn't even do anything
Why did Odin heal the monk here and not against Otabo?

R2 - Crazy round. First the 91% Revive misses then the 98% backstab misses. Oh "this" Asura samurai. Over once the Dancer crystallizes.

R3 - 5 minutes left? Doesn't look good for me. I don't know what all the melee attacks were for.

GG. Too many errors on the team to take the round.

I don't think I would've lost a round to these teams if I posted the updated team sooner. Looked like hell to commentate. My apologies for making it a stallfest.

For now I'll post the updated version and try out a 10 speed chemist set up.

Thanks for the matches silentkaster. Glad the tournament deadline was pushed back two weeks. Didn't want to take it because there was a low turn out

This team is probably everything The Damned hates about Arena, but in mime form.
Some day my people will be free.


Thanks silentkaster! Didn't like how the archers were behaving so I switched around their equips again. Lightning bow/ice bow, black hoods and keeping the rubber shoes. I didn't think it would make much of a difference but it really does.

That's a tough team, anima zero. I just hope I don't see you in the first round :p
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
The bird of Hermes is my name
Eating my wings to make me tame
  • Discord username: rouroni elmdor


You've stepped in puddles less shallow than me.


May 25, 2015, 07:04:25 pm #4156 Last Edit: May 25, 2015, 07:15:12 pm by Otabo
Quote from: Shintroy on May 25, 2015, 12:48:01 am
Status Mime vs Status(?)

R1 - I remember it being absorbed by units and killing due to the dead proc, but never hitting.

And that's exactly what happened there. Your eyes didn't deceive you.

Gosh, I wonder just how much stop we're gonna be seeing in this tourney...? And status in general.  :?


Also, I see a new face. Welcome, Epic. If one of the other recorders would be so kind to do a video for him/her, I'd much appreciate it :) I have to delete all these fragments and memory cards and all...I can tell my laptop needs some TLC after so many large video uploads :)
You've stepped in puddles less shallow than me.


May 25, 2015, 08:43:44 pm #4158 Last Edit: May 25, 2015, 09:14:41 pm by Mudvayne
I may be able to record later. On my phone atm, I'll see when I get to a computer.

I'll comment on my matches later. Thanks a bunch!

Overall my team performed well. I think I may throw a dracula mantle on the ninja for the berserk protection and decent random evasion. I do like how the 12 speed ninja and archer sync up well together though. Berserk protection is a must though so.. that will probably happen
Samurai will likely be changed into a scholar with summon magic. Rime bolt, bio 2, moogle, fairy, shiva, something like that. I llike the Samurai though because sometimes she decides to cast bolt spells and hits for 300 damage which is fun but it is almost always more practical to go for a hurt/heal combo with the ice absorb going on.
Archer will stay as is. Was considering throwing a non-elemental bow on him but if the enemy does resist the ice, he will do his job good enough with breaks and arm aims aswell as friendly healing with the ice bow.
Oracle might get gokuu rod? For innocent procs making the -ton more effective and the nether spells (which would be gone if the samurai is switched out to another unit... maybe samurai with lore secondary? Though she would lose the ability to revive if I ran her with summon magic..

Idk. The team has some obvious kinks to work out but overall performs very well and mostly how I want to. I appreciate the match ups. I will be defiantly be more prepared for the tourney now.


Well shit. Immune to DS, but not dead (because moves like consecration wouldn't work)?

Fool me twice shame on me.

Ice Bow, 12 Speed, Concentrate? Pretty sick. Jade armlet prevents stop so that's nice.
Not sure about the 50 Faith, but looks like a pretty solid unit for ice absorb
12 speed. Another breaking unit Terrifying
Doesn't really fit imo. Pilgramage will get her killed by stop. No Short Charge.

Solid B team Ice absorb isn't common so you probably won't run into another ice absorb. Two 12 SP units too. Pretty scary.

R1 - No effort required for Mudvayne.
R2 - The ton are for self healing, but it makes the ninja waste a turn doing no damage. No berserk protection for a quick reversal.
R3 - Berserked healing staff ninja turns this into a 3v5 at the start.. Followed by more berserk.. Followed by your team seperating and getting picked apart

Really sloppy last two rounds.. Berserk is just something you have to accept on an ice absorb team. I'd get a Scholar for the Ice aoe that way you don't have any units in critical for so long.

My favorite CT5Holy team. Mudvayne's good with AOE so it's up to the map really.

R1- Large map against Delay Buster? Usually not a good look, but it's on one of the worst stages for melee units. Holy isn't able to get anything out of the 0CTs.
R2- ...

GG. Never seen this team lose so badly. Aside from AOE, map advantage played a huge role here.

Don't think I've seen this team before.
R1 - Wizard with Item? Another free round for Mudvayne.
R2 - 48 Damage air-ton.. That's really going to come into play down the line. This team wastes way too many turns. There's bound to be a couple of blitz teams in the tournament.
R3 - Never thought about why it was raining in the deep dungeon. Map advantage to Mudvayne so he should take this.... Yeah too much status, range, and speed for Dokurider to handle.

Probably Barren's best team. It should definitely take advantage of all the holes in your team. This should be a good match in barren's favor.

R1 - It takes 4 actions to take down one monk for an absorb team after his helmet gets broken? That's pretty bad for an absorb team. Curious on how there's 13 minutes left in the video. Good round for Mudvayne. So much don't act.

R2 - Pretty fast units so Barren doesn't even get a chance to cast spells. Insane round. 12 Speed is so good without quickening, haste 2 and slow 2 in the picture. No idea what to expect in R3.

R3 - 12 SP too good. Barren's casters didn't even attempt spells. Definitely did not expect you to win here Mudvayne. GJ

Strong Team with plenty of room for improvement. I give it a solid C+ for now. Would probably reach A tier if all the bugs were worked out.

-Probably your best unit. I don't know his abilities, but without him a lot of those wins wouldn't have been possible.

-I forgot she was on your team. Replace her with a Scholar/Summoner Scholar/Sam. You'll get map wide ice spells, more damage/absorb/healing, revival, and MP restoration.
There's better choices than this but anything's better than this samurai. There's just no point in her being a samurai since she isn't using her armor.

Absorb MP or MP Restore
Magic Attack UP
Ice Rod

Holy Miter
Robe of Lords
Jade Armlet

Rime Bolt, Bio
No idea

-Heals himself  with a Ton, but has 50 Faith? I'm not sure about it, because you have raise 2 missing to worry about also. I'm just not sure about the 50/50. More faith means you're more likely to get wrecked by magic and yin yang magic.
-Since you're using Tons to prevent him from running away when critical Go with Move-MP Up instead since MP is a problem for this unit.

-She's the main answer on this team to status and support, but she's so bad against status and berserk.
-Why Magic Ring? I ask because this is an Ice Absorb team, and you could've gone with Defense Ring instead for the sleep/berserk/silence immunities.
-Not a fan of Pilgramage on a support unit due to all the Stop and Yin Yang Magic that'll be in the game. Plus there's always Flare, Death, and Holy(never mind holy with Magic Ring) to worry about.
-silentkaster made a good point about the Prismatic Rod. Dia's an anti sandbag tool for this unit. It doesn't have to be strengthened. Give her a Wizard Rod at the very least. Maybe an H Bag for Speed.

I don't do absorb or caster teams so take my advice for the casters with a grain of salt.

GL with the changes you make to your Samurai and Oracle.

Good stuff. I put my other teams back in the team submissions thread. They're still active even though spoilered.
Some day my people will be free.