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Mercenaries: Unique Synergy Skillsets for Rad/Ramza!

Started by LastingDawn, July 30, 2010, 12:22:53 pm


Esper skill Silf may be pretty strong if the drained HP from all the targets stack when thy heal the caster


I'm actually kind of counting on it.  15% shouldn't be too bad, we can tweak to lower as needed though.  Or give it an ungodly MP cost.

edit:  Well, crap.  AoE Life Drain only gives HP back on the last target drained.  Should still work at 20% - light gravity damage plus a hint of self-healing.  Would thusly deal a flat 200 damage to bosses though, if undesired I can wrangle up something else for silf.
Just another rebel plotting rebellion.


Quote from: "philsov"skipping knights for now...

Travelers - Rhodes Scholar?  More like rogue scholar!  lololololololol.  Did a decent split, then mirrored up Pick Up Speed and gave them both cool little duo tricks.  Ramza gained Ghost Strike as Rad has the thing from Monk.

Steal Heart - (MA + 50%) Range 3, Single Target, Charm, CT 3, MP 25
Blow Leaves Dmg F_(MA * 5) 3 Range, 3 Area, 3 Vertical - MP 10
(?????) - (MA + 5%) Range 4, Area 3, Vertical 3, CT 5, MP 60 - Has a small chance to turn your foes into Treasures.

Rust Helm - (PA + WP + 60%) Range 3, Single Target, MP 10
Rust Weapon - (PA + WP + 30) Range 3, Single Target, MP 18
Hide Away MA + 70% 3 Range, 3 Vertical, Single Target, CT 4 MP 10
Steal Exp -
Drop Down Speed - (Status 100%) 3 range, Target enemy, MP 16. With a quick incantation they apply slow to the foe.
Saved Time - Success = PA + 90%.  Cancels an ally's haste in order to heal them for ?50%?.

Rust Armor - (PA + WP + 40%) Range 3, Single Target, MP 12
Rust Shield - (PA + WP + 55%) Range 3, Single Target, MP 5
Ghost Strike - Dmg_MP * 5, Melee range, Single Range, MP 10
Steal Gil - CastLvl_SP 100% Hit - Field Wide, CT 2, MP 5
Pick Up Speed - (Status 100%) Target Self, MP 16, With a quick incantation they apply Haste to themselves.
Mineralize - Success = MA + 55% - Attempts to inflict Petrify to an already Slowed opponent.


Hmm... I really do love this split (especially how they compliment one another the most) Though I don't quite understand how you plan for for Mineralize to work (though I absolutely Love the concept). Since the Death formula only removes the status, and doesn't let another be applied. Is there something I'm missing here? Also they both having Steal Heart works very well. And keeping them with Blow Leaves, is a rather iconic move. All in all I really like these skillsets! You managed to improve upon one of my favorite concepts!

QuoteGambler - My life is a chip in your pile.  Ante up!

Darts -  Formula: 1F (100-CasF)*(100-TarF)* (Move + 0) * Current MP/2 #Hit Rdm - X Variable:10 - Y Variable: 0 - Range: 4 - Effect Area: 0 - Vertical: 1 - - CT: 2 - MP: 15
Jackpot - 50/50 chance to hurt or heal targets in range.  How is this getting rigged up?
(Shady Deal) - Steal Acc

Dice Off - Range 1, area 1, linear attack, random fire, deals light-moderate non-elemental magical damage 1-6 times randomly between the gambler and his target
Straight - Deals one of 5 status effects at 50% -- (Blind/Poison/Don't Move/Addle/Berserk)
Ace of Spades - Deals high damage, Low chance to cause instant death.
Double Down - Self + AoE 1.  ~50% chance to work with 50/50 Reraise/Don't Move
Roulette - Haste or Slow to everything in sight
Polarize - Innocent or Faith everything in sight

Coin Toss - Range 1, area 1, linear attack, random fire, deals moderate-heavy non-elemental magical damage to either the Gambler or his target (only hits once, so 50-50 odds)
Three of a Kind - 3 range linear - PA-based damage with a chance to inflict ?????
Tantalize - MA+60% chance to inflict Stop. (we need less charm and confusion imo)
Drink Off - Self + AoE1.  ~50% chance to work with 50/50 Sleep/Berserk
???? - Poison or Regen to everything in sight
Dazzle - Blind or Protect to everything in sight (Defend and Blind might be more fitting, but def is too temp for blind)


Jackpot is a 50/50 skill by using Formula 2 (I guess another ARH not to allow to be used with Gun) Though the first hit, will invariably hit, the second hit heals a Large amount and inflicts positive status as well, it is a real risk to use it. Though that's the theme, heh. Double Down is an interesting move, though I think we can afford to increase its chance to hit to 75% since there's still a 50% chance of it backfiring all together. Drink Off is fantastic! I like the way you manage that. The change to Tantalize makes a bit more sense (since it would be flustered, rather than confused on who to follow, or whether to just follow them indiscriminately) Polarize is an interesting skill. I think that's a pretty good name for it. Three of a Kind is interesting... though what would it inflict, hmm... since I don't have the patcher where I'm currently at, I'll muse on that later. Now that "???" Poison/Regen move hmm... "Moss Shroom Cloud"? - Unlike its famed relative, Moss Fungus, Moss Shroom is hailed as a restorative, but imbibing too much may be just as hazardous as its cousin.

QuoteReliquarian - Much like the Scryer, this chap is capped on available, so little will be added/split.  Tweaking may be needed, but later!


Heh, it's Reliquian, but Reliquarian was the tentative name we were using for a time, so I can see where you got confused.

QuoteBlue Mage - Needs no description!

Choco Cure - Self AoE Curing
Drain Touch - MP damage and MP restoration all in one!
(Hurricane) - I think self-destruct is imba, but secret skills will be looked at after the status effect bit.  

Eye gouge
Ice Breath
Triple Thunder
Calm Spirit
Not cat kick - ???

Mind Blast
Blow Fire
Triple Attack
Wind Soul


Blue Mage is a Very... not fully complete class all together. I would hold off on this one. Mainly because each monster's skills are being reworked (any idea for only three skils for only one of each family would be greatly appreciated as well)

QuoteEsperblade - Subjected to a paradigm shift.  The esperblades will only be able to summon Espers tied to their equipped weapon, thanks to ARH. There are 4 subgroups with 4 espers each, to the tune of:  Healing, Support, Elemental, and Non-elemental.  Highly specialized but highly effective.  All spells are Faith-based, and all spells in the elemental and non-elemental brances have a 100% chance to hit.  Also forgive me for imprinting summon functions from my own patch :3.

Moogle - Range 4. AoE 2 - Wide-area healing
Fairy - Range 4, AoE 0 - Revives target with 50% health (Raise, basically)
Leviathan - Range 3, AoE 2 - Regen infliction
Silf - Range 3, AoE 1 - Drains 15% HP from targets.  (does AoE drain work, at all?  Would be nice to siphon life from a large area, while keeping things balanced for boss fights coupled with the drain cap ASM)

Elemental - Ifrit, Shiva, and Ramuh do the same damage with the same MP cost.  Titan is stronger (same MP?) due to range issues.
Ifrit - Range 4, AoE 2, affects both enemies and allies.  Fire elemental.
Shiva - Range 6, linear.  Enemies only.  Ice ele
Ramuh - Range 4, 3-way attack.  Enemies only. Lit ele
Titan - Range 0, AoE 2.  Enemies only.  Earth ele.  

Golem - Range 3, AoE 1 - Esuna-like effect, high success rate.
Salamander - Range 4, AoE 1 - CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 170) chance to inflict Berserk.  Enemy only.
Lich - Range 4, AoE 1 - CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 180) - Removes all positive status from the enemy.
Carbunkle - ?Confuddle? - Range 4, AoE - 1 - CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 130) - inflicts Charm, Confuse, OR sleep.  Enemy only.

Bahamut - Range 4, AoE 2.  Affects both enemies and allies.  Higher damage and MP cost than ifrit.
Odin - Range 6 Linear - CFa/100 * TFa/100 * (MA + 140) to inflict either Dead or Death Sentence
Zodiac - Range 4, AoE 0 - heavy damage, no AoE.
Cyclops - Range 4, AoE 3 - Med-Light damage, wide area.

That's it for now :)

I like this set up a lot! At first I was worried about Shiva, Ifrit, and Ramuh seeming all too similar, but you dealt with that rather well in the differences of AoE and the like. The others seem pretty solid. The Non-Elemental blade is likely going to be the weapon that costs the most MP to use effectively, since a lot of the classics are in there. As you later noted (and I found out sometime ago due to failed tests with Balmafula) that AoE draining does not work too well, but only the last one is absorbed. This doesn't bother me and I think it works rather well. I think we'll decided on either 15-20% later. As always, great reading, and I will put your ideas into effect (assuming  I have internet again when I get home...) as soon as possible.

Also if anyone else would like to join in this conversation, then by all means. Your feedback may be a piece we overlooked or just the something that may have felt was missing.
"Moment's anger can revert to joy,
sadness can be turned to delight.
A nation destroyed cannot be restored,
the dead brought back to life."

Art of War

Beta & Gretchen Forever!!!!


I'm inspired by Philsov's post, but I doubt I'll live up to it. I doubt these contributions will be worthwhile, but hopefully they'll help someone better at this than me come up with some good skillsets. I'm pretty unfamiliar with all this stuff, so hopefully LD or someone can flesh out these lame ideas themselves.

I'm gonna start with Knights. I'll just contribute a few skills to both Rad and Ramza, maybe these can be tacked on with what's already been suggested.
Iai Strike - High MP cost, weapon range. 30% Death. This might be overpowered...
Some kind of elemental move.
Last Stand - Must be critical (I dunno if this is possible, even with ARH). Dacrifice life for a high damage sword strike.

Cripple - low MP, weapon range. Low-mid damage, high chance of slow. This might be too similar to something another class has though.
Vile Blow - high faith enemies suffer~. 14 MP, instant, weapon range. MA-based. Basically a contrast to Ramza's Chaste Slice, only it affects high faith enemies instead.
Oversoul - Mid MP cost, weapon range. Weapon strike with Light elemental damage.

Don't take these skills too seriously, I just wanted to shoot some ideas out and contribute to this project.


Quote from: "mav"I'm inspired by Philsov's post, but I doubt I'll live up to it. I doubt these contributions will be worthwhile, but hopefully they'll help someone better at this than me come up with some good skillsets. I'm pretty unfamiliar with all this stuff, so hopefully LD or someone can flesh out these lame ideas themselves.

I'm gonna start with Knights. I'll just contribute a few skills to both Rad and Ramza, maybe these can be tacked on with what's already been suggested.
Iai Strike - High MP cost, weapon range. 30% Death. This might be overpowered...
Some kind of elemental move.
Last Stand - Must be critical (I dunno if this is possible, even with ARH). Dacrifice life for a high damage sword strike.

Cripple - low MP, weapon range. Low-mid damage, high chance of slow. This might be too similar to something another class has though.
Vile Blow - high faith enemies suffer~. 14 MP, instant, weapon range. MA-based. Basically a contrast to Ramza's Chaste Slice, only it affects high faith enemies instead.
Oversoul - Mid MP cost, weapon range. Weapon strike with Light elemental damage.

Don't take these skills too seriously, I just wanted to shoot some ideas out and contribute to this project.

The names could use some work, but these are some pretty good idea.

Iai Strike is from Dissidia so that's a pretty neat reference. Decent MP,  a low charge time, and weapon range... but Iai Strike breaks Bravery, so perhaps... a 50% chance of Lowering Brave by 10 each time you use it? Only usable with certain weapon classes?

Last Stand is a rather interesting skill as well. A skill that kills you upon use, because of your low HP? That is an interesting concept and one I think works very well. the ARH allows that idea to work flawlessly.

Now for Rad...

Cripple is Far too similar to Warder's... well Cripple. Vile Blow is a nice contrast to Chaste Slice, it could use a name change, I'm thinking... Fanatic's Folly.

Oversoul (FFX Reference?)  it's nice to have a a Holy Weapon Strike.  Hmm, though we'll probably go with the more traditional Sacred Symbol (Sacred Cross).

Thanks for the ideas Mav, and if you have the time, could you weigh in on that suggestion as well Philsov? If these are used, I think that leaves only one skills needed (for Ramza).
"Moment's anger can revert to joy,
sadness can be turned to delight.
A nation destroyed cannot be restored,
the dead brought back to life."

Art of War

Beta & Gretchen Forever!!!!


Quotecould you weigh in on that suggestion as well Philsov

They're great!  

Iai strike (LD's version) offers Br lowering, which is otherwise lacking.  10 might be too small of an increment, though.  
Last Stand and "swordstrike" are excellent, and the pairing up versus chaste slice is a good touch.

As for ramza... perhaps another swordskill?   Except this one will have 2 range, 1 AoE, 0 vert and.... darkness?  elemental?  Just something to be close yet different.

Regarding mineralize, I really don't think that'll work.  But taking a note from Saved Time, perhaps something to the tune of "Stolen time"?  Cancels slow, inflicts 50% HP damage?  Moderate to high success rate?
Just another rebel plotting rebellion.


Lowering Brave sounds like a sensible change to the skill. It's less overpowered and more versatile than what I'd suggested. Heh, the Oversoul skill is actually another Dissidia reference, but the name itself recurs in various Final Fantasy games.

Quote from: "Philsov"As for ramza... perhaps another swordskill? Except this one will have 2 range, 1 AoE, 0 vert and.... darkness? elemental? Just something to be close yet different.
Simple, but effective. All it needs is a name.

What other classes are in desperate need of skills?


QuoteWhat other classes are in desperate need of skills?

Inquistor, Warder, and Dragoon notably.  Also need a few names in this batch.

Quoteany idea for only three skils for only one of each family would be greatly appreciated as well)


Archers - Bow-weilders with a hint of magic!  And, yes, this one is a bit hard without overlapping.  They both gained a shot with a 25% proc of an invoker spell -- I chose one from each of their books but maybe a cross-swap would be better?  idk.  Invoker spell choice was the one most likely to connect, because procs that ultimately fail are lame.  Both also gained an AoE spell, and the cover fire idea is all skip sandwich iirc.  Also stepped on monks' toes a bit, and then straight stole from Dragoon but eh.

Beso Toxico - PW*WP with 100% chance to poison target.  Weapon range, MP 10.
Dominate Demon - Randomly inflicts Slow, Stop, DA, or DM onto a monster.  3 CTR, 12 MP.  100%.
(Lifeforce Shot) - Self-destruct formula, 8 range linear 8 vert, 30 MP, 100% Confusion

Divine Bolt - Sp + 50% chance to petrify undead.  Given to Ramza because he needs more light-based stuff.
Take Aim = PA*WP (maybe normal weapon strike?  I don't know if the goal is to inflict more than normal damage or just do unavoidable), 100% accuracy.  Given to Ramza since Rad has the thing from Knight.
Mist Disperse - MP damage, 20%+MA; 100%
Volley - moderate MP cost.  Bow/xbow only?  4 range, 1 AoE, 2 vert.  Weapon Strike damage into the area.  
Dark Shot - Weapon range, moderate-low MP cost.  Weapon Strike with a 25% chance to cast ?whatever the name of Ramza's dark invoker spell is? on the target.
Entice Demon - 100% Monster charm. (Is there a monster-only formula that isn't 100%?) - higher MP/CTR than dominate

Black Out Bolt - 100% Blind, but deals no damage.  2 MP.
Cupid's Arrow - Because Rad is a charming mofo.  MA+60%, weapon range, 3 CTR, 18 MP.
Cover Fire - 3 range, 1 AoE, 2 vert.  Enduring (perpetuating?  performing? whatever) at.... 6 CTR intervals.  Uses truth formula to fire up to 3 arrows into the affected area every cycle.  
Lit Shot - Weapon range, moderate-low MP cost.  Weapon Strike with 25% chance to cast Shock on the target
?Cancel Arrow? - 100% chance to cancel charging and performing
Soothe Demon - 100% Monster Sleep. (Is there a monster-only formula that isn't 100%?) - higher MP/CTR than dominate


Inquistor - EXPECT IT.  Stole a bit from Meliadoul.  When it doubt, give it a swordskill!Drawing a blank on these skills... maybe I'll thumb through the list from Ivalice Arena now that it's rather kaput.

Mirror Stance - self-only Reflect infliction at 100%.
Head Cracker - PA+65% chance to inflict Addle.  (damage + 100% seemed too good, and damage + 25% seemed to weak, so... goodbye damage)
(Blissful Indulgence) - MP restoration to ally?

Tear Away - 100% removal of magical benefits from target.  3 range, light MP cost, instant.  (Rad has the other dispel in monk)
?Shield Strip? - PA*WP with a 100% chance to break the targets shield.  Very high MP cost.
Steady Feet - Range 0, AoE 1 vert 3;  100% cancel Don't Move

Mana Strip - removes X% (30%?) mana from user.  This makes Rad/Ramza 2 and 2 for mana burn.
?Accessory Strip? - PA*WP with a 100% chance to break the targets accessory.  Very high MP cost.
God's Orb - Tar_F * MA * X damage.  Range 4, single target.  Non elemental.
Stable Feet - Range 0, AoE 1 vert 3; 100% cancel Slow


Trancer - We need to see what formulas do and do not work with geomancy, and more importantly concrete out the rest of the classes before solidifying this.


Dragoon - Really there's several iconics I wish I could put up, but alas.  This'll be fun to divvy....

Jump - Duh.  SP*WP damage.  5 range, infinite vert imo.  
Dragon's Cry - 2 range, 2 vert.  Success = PA+90%.  Revives target with 1% HP.  (to review, Fairy rezzes with 50% HP at 4 range and charge time, and cantor 20% with 1 range... this might work?)
(Dragon Lord) - Self-only Float, Reraise, Berserk, Innocent, Reflect, Protect, Shell

Wisdom's Downfall - TarCurMP dmg, 18 MP.  
Bahamut Breath - 3 range linear, MA*10 damage, 30 MP.  Possibly elemental.
Vital Sense - PA+30% to seperately inflict several bad statii
Dragon's Roar - 100% Slow, Self AoE 2 vert 3 MP 32.  Slooooow.
Highwind - PA*(high), 4 range. single target.  Deals physical damage and knocks enemy back.  Only useable while under Float status.

Soul Sphere - PA*WP MP drain strike.  MP 45.
?Some other FF dragon breath? - 2 range 1 AoE 2 vert 30 MP MA*10 damage.  Possible elemental.
Mimic Tiamat - 1 range, 3-way attack.  
Dragon's Wings - Fa's * (MA + 180) chance to inflict Float.  Light MP cost, very low CTR.  3 range, 2 AoE.


Warder - I knew I missed one of em~

Fortify - Range 0 AoE 1 vert 3.  100% Protect
Muster - PA+120%, range 1 + self.  Esuna effect.  Moralizes himself or allies, letting them shake off negative status.

Grapple - CT00 with perservere!
Crumble - Cancels Protect, Shell, Reflect, or Defend and deals 33% damage
Daze - 1 range, 100% Blind.  No damage (same as Rad's Archer's Blackout)
Knockout - 1 range.  Fa*(MA + 160%) success rate; sleep infliction.
Swordslap - SUPER-light damage (MA*1-ish).  1 range, useful for canceling charm, confusion, and sleep without harming your ally.

Relieve - 1 range; cancels defending or sleep, healing target for 33%.  Max success rate.
Kick - 1 range, PA-based damage with target knockback
Unknown - Previously Ramza-only status infliction at decent success rate
Snuff - 1 range; cancels sleep, damaging target for 100%.  Moderate success rate.
Steadfast - self-only.  Heals for 10% every 6 ticks until canceled/out of MP.  Preferably also inflicts defend but can a formula do both?

Whew.  I think that's most of em.  Hessain and Red Mage will be updated in a few days once I'm done updated the spreadsheet with all the new and properly divided skills.
Just another rebel plotting rebellion.


Just gonna shoot out some random ideas, let's see if we can flesh 'em out or make 'em work.

White Wind - Restore low HP. High range. I dunno, it should basically be a cure spell that grants low HP but is larger in range than other cure spells.

Dragon Sword - Absorb HP and MP from enemy. Wait, is this even possible? It's a throwback to FFV; that's the only reason I'm suggesting it.
Bangaa Cry - High MP cost, high damage, low range, small area. May need to be renamed.

I'll try and get to the others some time soon.


Quote from: "philsov"
Quotecould you weigh in on that suggestion as well Philsov

They're great!  

Iai strike (LD's version) offers Br lowering, which is otherwise lacking.  10 might be too small of an increment, though.  
Last Stand and "swordstrike" are excellent, and the pairing up versus chaste slice is a good touch.

As for ramza... perhaps another swordskill?   Except this one will have 2 range, 1 AoE, 0 vert and.... darkness?  elemental?  Just something to be close yet different.

Regarding mineralize, I really don't think that'll work.  But taking a note from Saved Time, perhaps something to the tune of "Stolen time"?  Cancels slow, inflicts 50% HP damage?  Moderate to high success rate?

Hmm... maybe Iai Strike can be changed to -20 Br. I don't think I'll let the AI have access to it though, for a few reasons, that should be pretty obvious.

A Dark Swordskill that isn't Dark Wave, Darkness or Soul Eater, hmm... we'll get back to that later (just found out I have only 30 Minutes left in the library! Hence forth maybe not even a sentence per skill.

Stolen Time sounds good, it's a better fitting theme, in my opinion.

Quote from: "philsov"
Quotecould you weigh in on that suggestion as well Philsov

They're great!  

Iai strike (LD's version) offers Br lowering, which is otherwise lacking.  10 might be too small of an increment, though.  
Last Stand and "swordstrike" are excellent, and the pairing up versus chaste slice is a good touch.

As for ramza... perhaps another swordskill?   Except this one will have 2 range, 1 AoE, 0 vert and.... darkness?  elemental?  Just something to be close yet different.

Regarding mineralize, I really don't think that'll work.  But taking a note from Saved Time, perhaps something to the tune of "Stolen time"?  Cancels slow, inflicts 50% HP damage?  Moderate to high success rate?

Hmm... maybe Iai Strike can be changed to -20 Br. I don't think I'll let the AI have access to it though, for a few reasons, that should be pretty obvious.

A Dark Swordskill that isn't Dark Wave, Darkness or Soul Eater, hmm... we'll get back to that later (just found out I have only 30 Minutes left in the library! Hence forth maybe not even a sentence per skill.

Stolen Time sounds good, it's a better fitting theme, in my opinion.

Quote from: "philsov"
QuoteWhat other classes are in desperate need of skills?

Inquistor, Warder, and Dragoon notably.  Also need a few names in this batch.

Quoteany idea for only three skils for only one of each family would be greatly appreciated as well)

Archers - Bow-weilders with a hint of magic!  And, yes, this one is a bit hard without overlapping.  They both gained a shot with a 25% proc of an invoker spell -- I chose one from each of their books but maybe a cross-swap would be better?  idk.  Invoker spell choice was the one most likely to connect, because procs that ultimately fail are lame.  Both also gained an AoE spell, and the cover fire idea is all skip sandwich iirc.  Also stepped on monks' toes a bit, and then straight stole from Dragoon but eh.

Beso Toxico - PW*WP with 100% chance to poison target.  Weapon range, MP 10.
Dominate Demon - Randomly inflicts Slow, Stop, DA, or DM onto a monster.  3 CTR, 12 MP.  100%.
(Lifeforce Shot) - Self-destruct formula, 8 range linear 8 vert, 30 MP, 100% Confusion

Good iconics. I like it.

Divine Bolt - Sp + 50% chance to petrify undead.  Given to Ramza because he needs more light-based stuff.
Take Aim = PA*WP (maybe normal weapon strike?  I don't know if the goal is to inflict more than normal damage or just do unavoidable), 100% accuracy.  Given to Ramza since Rad has the thing from Knight.
Mist Disperse - MP damage, 20%+MA; 100%
Volley - moderate MP cost.  Bow/xbow only?  4 range, 1 AoE, 2 vert.  Weapon Strike damage into the area.  
Dark Shot - Weapon range, moderate-low MP cost.  Weapon Strike with a 25% chance to cast ?whatever the name of Ramza's dark invoker spell is? on the target.
Entice Demon - 100% Monster charm. (Is there a monster-only formula that isn't 100%?) - higher MP/CTR than dominate

Divine Bolt is good.
Take Aim, is just a 100% hit.
Mist Disperse looks good.
Volley is an interesting skill. Good work with that.
Dark Shot (nice reference to FFXII) I like the concept and thinks it works well.
Entice Demon... Charm is very powerful and almost completely rids the point of Dominate Demon, we'll have to reconsider that.

Black Out Bolt - 100% Blind, but deals no damage.  2 MP.
Cupid's Arrow - Because Rad is a charming mofo.  MA+60%, weapon range, 3 CTR, 18 MP.
Cover Fire - 3 range, 1 AoE, 2 vert.  Enduring (perpetuating?  performing? whatever) at.... 6 CTR intervals.  Uses truth formula to fire up to 3 arrows into the affected area every cycle.  
Lit Shot - Weapon range, moderate-low MP cost.  Weapon Strike with 25% chance to cast Shock on the target
?Cancel Arrow? - 100% chance to cancel charging and performing
Soothe Demon - 100% Monster Sleep. (Is there a monster-only formula that isn't 100%?) - higher MP/CTR than dominate

Black Out Bolt looks good.
Cupid's Arrow makes sense, I like it (better he than Ramza, since it would work on males...)
Cover Fire - I Like this! A good idea all around!
Lit Shot looks good.
Cancel Arrow... hmm, sort of steps on Arbalist, we should probably think up something else for that.
Soothe Demon is the same as Charm Demon, it steps all over Dominate Demon unfortunately. Unfortunately there is no skill that makes it not 100%. I wonder if we can change that, hmm... I'll keep my eye out for that.

QuoteInquistor - EXPECT IT.  Stole a bit from Meliadoul.  When it doubt, give it a swordskill!Drawing a blank on these skills... maybe I'll thumb through the list from Ivalice Arena now that it's rather kaput.

Mirror Stance - self-only Reflect infliction at 100%.
Head Cracker - PA+65% chance to inflict Addle.  (damage + 100% seemed too good, and damage + 25% seemed to weak, so... goodbye damage)
(Blissful Indulgence) - MP restoration to ally?

I like the change to Head Cracker..
The rest look good.

Tear Away - 100% removal of magical benefits from target.  3 range, light MP cost, instant.  (Rad has the other dispel in monk)
?Shield Strip? - PA*WP with a 100% chance to break the targets shield.  Very high MP cost.
Steady Feet - Range 0, AoE 1 vert 3;  100% cancel Don't Move

Difficult one to work with.. hmm,  I think that Steady Feet should apply to all movement impairing effects. Don't Act, Don't Move, Stop. And have 2 AoE.

Mana Strip - removes X% (30%?) mana from user.  This makes Rad/Ramza 2 and 2 for mana burn.
?Accessory Strip? - PA*WP with a 100% chance to break the targets accessory.  Very high MP cost.
St. Ajora's Orb - Tar_F * MA * X damage.  Range 4, single target.  Non elemental.
Stable Feet - Range 0, AoE 1 vert 3; 100% cancel Slow

Accessory break is interesting. Though we already have "Steal Accessory" in Gambler's Shady Deal, but it works. Stable Feet Canceling Slow, is very nice!

QuoteTrancer - We need to see what formulas do and do not work with geomancy, and more importantly concrete out the rest of the classes before solidifying this.


QuoteDragoon - Really there's several iconics I wish I could put up, but alas.  This'll be fun to divvy....

Jump - Duh.  SP*WP damage.  5 range, infinite vert imo.  
Dragon's Cry - 2 range, 2 vert.  Success = PA+90%.  Revives target with 1% HP.  (to review, Fairy rezzes with 50% HP at 4 range and charge time, and cantor 20% with 1 range... this might work?)
(Dragon Lord) - Self-only Float, Reraise, Berserk, Innocent, Reflect, Protect, Shell

Wisdom's Downfall - TarCurMP dmg, 18 MP.  
Bahamut Breath - 3 range linear, MA*10 damage, 30 MP.  Possibly elemental.
Vital Sense - PA+30% to seperately inflict several bad statii
Dragon's Roar - 100% Slow, Self AoE 2 vert 3 MP 32.  Slooooow.
Highwind - PA*(high), 4 range. single target.  Deals physical damage and knocks enemy back.  Only useable while under Float status.

The Iconics look good. Vital Sense is one of Alicia's skills. Dragon Gambit has a 50% chance to cast that, is that whaty ou meant by chance?
Highwind is Great! Especially with how you combined it with Rad's abilities.

Soul Sphere - PA*WP MP drain strike.  MP 45.
?Some other FF dragon breath? - 2 range 1 AoE 2 vert 30 MP MA*10 damage.  Possible elemental.
Mimic Tiamat - 1 range, 3-way attack.  
Dragon's Wings - Fa's * (MA + 180) chance to inflict Float.  Light MP cost, very low CTR.  3 range, 2 AoE.


I like all of these, we'll get to the naming on the other Dragon Breath (probably will be Earth, we have a noticable absence of those.)

QuoteWarder - I knew I missed one of em~

Fortify - Range 0 AoE 1 vert 3.  100% Protect
Muster - PA+120%, range 1 + self.  Esuna effect.  Moralizes himself or allies, letting them shake off negative status.

Grapple - CT00 with perservere!
Crumble - Cancels Protect, Shell, Reflect, or Defend and deals 33% damage
Daze - 1 range, 100% Blind.  No damage (same as Rad's Archer's Blackout)
Knockout - 1 range.  Fa*(MA + 160%) success rate; sleep infliction.
Swordslap - SUPER-light damage (MA*1-ish).  1 range, useful for canceling charm, confusion, and sleep without harming your ally.

Good Iconics, really like Muster.
Daze is interesting but when will you blind rather than attack?
Knockout looks good.
SwordSlap is an interesting reference to FFV, I like that.
Relieve - 1 range; cancels defending or sleep, healing target for 33%.  Max success rate.
Kick - 1 range, PA-based damage with target knockback
Unknown - Previously Ramza-only status infliction at decent success rate
Snuff - 1 range; cancels sleep, damaging target for 100%.  Moderate success rate.
Steadfast - self-only.  Heals for 10% every 6 ticks until canceled/out of MP.  Preferably also inflicts defend but can a formula do both?

Whew.  I think that's most of em.  Hessain and Red Mage will be updated in a few days once I'm done updated the spreadsheet with all the new and properly divided skills.

Kick, hmm... doesn't that only work with one skills?
Unknown will have to be taken a closer look when I have the luxur of time.
Steadfast looks Great! I like that.

I apologize for these rather short analysis. I'll get to the rest of everything... probably tomorrow.
"Moment's anger can revert to joy,
sadness can be turned to delight.
A nation destroyed cannot be restored,
the dead brought back to life."

Art of War

Beta & Gretchen Forever!!!!


QuoteSoothe Demon is the same as Charm Demon, it steps all over Dominate Demon unfortunately. Unfortunately there is no skill that makes it not 100%. I wonder if we can change that, hmm... I'll keep my eye out for that.

Bleh.  I'd like for there to be more monster-only skills, but if we're capped at 100% then I'm at a loss on what to do without overriding dominate.  Hm.

QuoteCancel Arrow... hmm, sort of steps on Arbalist, we should probably think up something else for that.

It's the same as Golden Hand (effect-wise) from the monk, only its single target and this one is actually on Rad instead of Ramza.  And, riiiiight, Arbalist.  Need to split up that one too.

Quotehmm, I think that Steady Feet should apply to all movement impairing effects. Don't Act, Don't Move, Stop. And have 2 AoE.

2 AoE certainly.  We'll give one of them to Stable Feet and spread out the dispel loving some.  Don't Move + Stop and Don't Act + Slow, maybe?

QuoteAccessory break is interesting. Though we already have "Steal Accessory" in Gambler's Shady Deal, but it works.

The idea is to negate some evasion/immunities found in both accessories and shields on the target.  I know it steps onto Gambler's territory a bit, but regarding accessory this -breaks- it, and with the shield thing it overshadows the gambler, but it's at least on Ramza (who also knows Rust Shield) and we can give it an epic MP cost to compensate?

QuoteThe Iconics look good. Vital Sense is one of Alicia's skills. Dragon Gambit has a 50% chance to cast that, is that whaty ou meant by chance?

Yes.  The parent text wasn't exactly clear to me so I just kinda jumped with it.  Is there a skill similar to vital sense that we can give a gambit-like skill to Rad as well?

QuoteDaze is interesting but when will you blind rather than attack?

Good question but black out bolt does the same thing >_>.  Perhaps on an evasion-heavy/tanky enemy to weaken him before trying to pile on the damage?

QuoteSwordSlap is an interesting reference to FFV, I like that.

Hee.  I actually think it might be more useful under another class.  Since Warder gets muster I doubt it'll see much use here.  Inquistor already gets minor dispel in the form of the Feet thing... where else can this go, effect-wise?  We can redo swordslap to be a weaker (SP*WP?) attack with a 25% chance to don't act similar to the monk skill, except this is Ramza-only.  

White Wind - Restore low HP. High range. I dunno, it should basically be a cure spell that grants low HP but is larger in range than other cure spells.

Dragon Sword - Absorb HP and MP from enemy. Wait, is this even possible? It's a throwback to FFV; that's the only reason I'm suggesting it.
Bangaa Cry - High MP cost, high damage, low range, small area. May need to be renamed.

Probably not white wind -- I think we're pretty much set on healing skills.  Regen, possibly, I'll need to relook who all grants regen and how.  
Dragon Sword - I think we are in fact lacking a drain-HP strike, and it can certainly be present somewhere.  Maybe not on dragoon but it'll certainly help fill a gap.  
Bangaa Cry is pretty good -- it'll juxtapose well with Dragon's Roar.
Just another rebel plotting rebellion.


And man, these jobs are getting harder and harder to keep up.

Arbalist - A crossbow using heavy damage user that somehow needs to be distinct from Archer and hopefully have minimal overlapping skills.  Buh.

Elemental Shot - strong charged ability with various elements attached to it.  
Riskbreaker - Weapon damage with a proc of itself (which can proc itself, which can proc itself, etc)

??? - 6 range 0 vert tol linear attack dealing PA-based damage
Autocrossbow - Uses old repeating fist formula to pelt the enemy with a deluge of bolts, 3 range single target
Execute - Uses Death formula to deal 21% dark damage to critical targets.  Weapon range, single target.  
Desperation - self only, critical-only.  Adds haste and innocent at 100%

??? - 4 range 0 vert tol 3-way attack dealing PA-based damage
Point Blank - 1 range 0 vert tol - PA+WP+X attack.  High damage.
?Salted Wound? - Damage dealt = damage taken thus far (aka climhazzard) (trumps Execute, I know;  but this job is off the Red Mage radar and needs a perk imo)
Second Wind - self-only, critical-only.  Adds Berserk and Regen at 100%.
Just another rebel plotting rebellion.


Quote from: "mav"Just gonna shoot out some random ideas, let's see if we can flesh 'em out or make 'em work.

White Wind - Restore low HP. High range. I dunno, it should basically be a cure spell that grants low HP but is larger in range than other cure spells.

Dragon Sword - Absorb HP and MP from enemy. Wait, is this even possible? It's a throwback to FFV; that's the only reason I'm suggesting it.
Bangaa Cry - High MP cost, high damage, low range, small area. May need to be renamed.

I'll try and get to the others some time soon.

I'm sorry Mav, I was in such a rush yesterday, I completely missed this post.

White wind, as Philsov says, is a bit much for the Dragoon. It is more of a Blue Mage skill, than a Dragoon's skill (except FFIX, which is likely why it was suggested)

Dragon Sword can be done with the 50% Chance proc. Would that work for Rad's 50% Chance, Philsov? Absorbing HP And MP is no small feat. Also an early Spear allows this also. (will need a different name, unless... it can only be used with Swords?)

Bangaa Cry - A reference to the fallen race, it has vanished since the Cataclysm. I think that works rather well, its effect though...  I think I have an idea. Make it Random Hits, deal Immense damage, and have it Spin Fist Range. This means this would be more of a skill to be used to make a quick escape, or to those clever with the vert (which will be 3) Though it would only hit once. Maybe a bit too circumstantial to use well?

Quote from: "philsov"
QuoteSoothe Demon is the same as Charm Demon, it steps all over Dominate Demon unfortunately. Unfortunately there is no skill that makes it not 100%. I wonder if we can change that, hmm... I'll keep my eye out for that.

QuoteBleh.  I'd like for there to be more monster-only skills, but if we're capped at 100% then I'm at a loss on what to do without overriding dominate.  Hm.

If we can actually change the % I will consider these other ideas.

QuoteCancel Arrow... hmm, sort of steps on Arbalist, we should probably think up something else for that.

QuoteIt's the same as Golden Hand (effect-wise) from the monk, only its single target and this one is actually on Rad instead of Ramza.  And, riiiiight, Arbalist.  Need to split up that one too.

I suppose if its Rad's only Cancel it wouldn't be unthought of. Sure let's go with that.

Quotehmm, I think that Steady Feet should apply to all movement impairing effects. Don't Act, Don't Move, Stop. And have 2 AoE.

Quote2 AoE certainly.  We'll give one of them to Stable Feet and spread out the dispel loving some.  Don't Move + Stop and Don't Act + Slow, maybe?

I like the sound of that, each one has varied use.

QuoteAccessory break is interesting. Though we already have "Steal Accessory" in Gambler's Shady Deal, but it works.

QuoteThe idea is to negate some evasion/immunities found in both accessories and shields on the target.  I know it steps onto Gambler's territory a bit, but regarding accessory this -breaks- it, and with the shield thing it overshadows the gambler, but it's at least on Ramza (who also knows Rust Shield) and we can give it an epic MP cost to compensate?

Eh, not necessary to go That far. Though it should have fairly high MP cost, because of the range involved.

QuoteThe Iconics look good. Vital Sense is one of Alicia's skills. Dragon Gambit has a 50% chance to cast that, is that whaty ou meant by chance?

QuoteYes.  The parent text wasn't exactly clear to me so I just kinda jumped with it.  Is there a skill similar to vital sense that we can give a gambit-like skill to Rad as well?

Yep, my thoughts on that are above.

QuoteDaze is interesting but when will you blind rather than attack?

QuoteGood question but black out bolt does the same thing >_>.  Perhaps on an evasion-heavy/tanky enemy to weaken him before trying to pile on the damage?

Hmm... if only we could make Blind worth it, well we'll think about that down the line.

QuoteSwordSlap is an interesting reference to FFV, I like that.

QuoteHee.  I actually think it might be more useful under another class.  Since Warder gets muster I doubt it'll see much use here.  Inquistor already gets minor dispel in the form of the Feet thing... where else can this go, effect-wise?  We can redo swordslap to be a weaker (SP*WP?) attack with a 25% chance to don't act similar to the monk skill, except this is Ramza-only.

Did that formula get worked out? I recall that Sp * WP doesn't actually support status. A class where this would work, hmm... It would ideally be a blade they would be weilding... further ideas on that is needed, I think.

White Wind - Restore low HP. High range. I dunno, it should basically be a cure spell that grants low HP but is larger in range than other cure spells.

Dragon Sword - Absorb HP and MP from enemy. Wait, is this even possible? It's a throwback to FFV; that's the only reason I'm suggesting it.
Bangaa Cry - High MP cost, high damage, low range, small area. May need to be renamed.

QuoteProbably not white wind -- I think we're pretty much set on healing skills.  Regen, possibly, I'll need to relook who all grants regen and how.  
Dragon Sword - I think we are in fact lacking a drain-HP strike, and it can certainly be present somewhere.  Maybe not on dragoon but it'll certainly help fill a gap.  
Bangaa Cry is pretty good -- it'll juxtapose well with Dragon's Roar.

Ah, somehow missed that it would also need to absorb HP... not sure how I missed that, actually. Hmm... Though we don't have an HP Drain Strike, do we? I wonder what that would fit...?
"Moment's anger can revert to joy,
sadness can be turned to delight.
A nation destroyed cannot be restored,
the dead brought back to life."

Art of War

Beta & Gretchen Forever!!!!


Wow! Sorry Philsov! I must have completely missed this post.

Quote from: "philsov"And man, these jobs are getting harder and harder to keep up.

Arbalist - A crossbow using heavy damage user that somehow needs to be distinct from Archer and hopefully have minimal overlapping skills.  Buh.

Elemental Shot - strong charged ability with various elements attached to it.  
Riskbreaker - Weapon damage with a proc of itself (which can proc itself, which can proc itself, etc)

Riskbreaker is the Secret Skill, heh. Still need a second iconic...

??? - 6 range 0 vert tol linear attack dealing PA-based damage
Autocrossbow - Uses old repeating fist formula to pelt the enemy with a deluge of bolts, 3 range single target
Execute - Uses Death formula to deal 21% dark damage to critical targets.  Weapon range, single target.  
Desperation - self only, critical-only.  Adds haste and innocent at 100%

First Skill looks pretty pretty good.
Autocrossbow is Very nice! I like that, we can include an FFVI reference and put it in as a functioning skill.
Execute looks good.
Desperation is a nice touch.

??? - 4 range 0 vert tol 3-way attack dealing PA-based damage
Point Blank - 1 range 0 vert tol - PA+WP+X attack.  High damage.
?Salted Wound? - Damage dealt = damage taken thus far (aka climhazzard) (trumps Execute, I know;  but this job is off the Red Mage radar and needs a perk imo)
Second Wind - self-only, critical-only.  Adds Berserk and Regen at 100%.

Hmm... "Circling Arrow" for a name? Hmm... no that's no good. Eh, we'll figure out the name later.
Point Blank looks good.
Salted Wound would need a high MP cost.
As before Second Wind is fine (I love that you kept the Berserk theme to Rad alone). I can't see us thinking up more skills for Arbalist, having only six each, is acceptable to me for this job.

Regardless this is good.
"Moment's anger can revert to joy,
sadness can be turned to delight.
A nation destroyed cannot be restored,
the dead brought back to life."

Art of War

Beta & Gretchen Forever!!!!



First post has all of the current ideas. (as of this posting)
"Moment's anger can revert to joy,
sadness can be turned to delight.
A nation destroyed cannot be restored,
the dead brought back to life."

Art of War

Beta & Gretchen Forever!!!!


Quote from: "LastingDawn"White wind, as Philsov says, is a bit much for the Dragoon. It is more of a Blue Mage skill, than a Dragoon's skill (except FFIX, which is likely why it was suggested)
That is indeed why it was suggested. Anyways, that's fine. I wasn't sure whether this job class needed a curing tech, so I figured I'd suggest it.

Quote from: "LastingDawn"Dragon Sword can be done with the 50% Chance proc. Would that work for Rad's 50% Chance, Philsov? Absorbing HP And MP is no small feat. Also an early Spear allows this also. (will need a different name, unless... it can only be used with Swords?)
Hmm, I guess we should rename it then. I don't see many people wanting to equip their Dragoons with swords over spears.

Quote from: "LastingDawn"Bangaa Cry - A reference to the fallen race, it has vanished since the Cataclysm. I think that works rather well, its effect though... I think I have an idea. Make it Random Hits, deal Immense damage, and have it Spin Fist Range. This means this would be more of a skill to be used to make a quick escape, or to those clever with the vert (which will be 3) Though it would only hit once. Maybe a bit too circumstantial to use well?
Random, immense hits sounds pretty good. You seem to have a better outlook on this than I do.

So does Ramza need one more Dragoon skill then?


Yep, Ramza needs one more. I may have another idea, but I'll get to that another time.
"Moment's anger can revert to joy,
sadness can be turned to delight.
A nation destroyed cannot be restored,
the dead brought back to life."

Art of War

Beta & Gretchen Forever!!!!


Quote from: "LastingDawn"Dragon Sword will need a different name, unless... it can only be used with Swords?
Since it's in the Dragoon skill set, it should be usable with all their weapons. That same skill has been called Lancet, Spirit Surge, Life Surge, Empowerer, and Dragon in the localizations of other FF games.

And for Ramza's final Dragoon skill how about something like Crimson Wings, from Revenant Wings? Just a straight line of damage. I dunno how much MP this should cost or how much damage this should deal, and I certainly don't know what formula it'd use. Maybe this skill would be too simple.


I'm not sure how they came up with Lancet, but it seems to be the most traditional name for the ability.

I'd sooner name it after the Red Wings, though... were the dragoons considered a part of that or separate?


ok, I recompiled the status information in excel.

I didn't bother doing this with the damage/healing moves, I know those are rather evenly shared and in proper allocations already.  So feel free to just focus on the 2nd sheet, labeled status.  

On the low end of things:

Petrify, Frog, and Undead inflict are non-existant; Ramza can inflict Undead 13% of the time with one ability, and then petrify undead.
Innocent and Faith are rare; there's Polarize on one of them in gambler (at 50/50) and then the mirrors in Cantor.  Rad's at 0.
Dead and Death Sentence are currently only available through Esperblade, and then Rad has a dead proc.
Confusion is only possible on Ramza with Esperblade
Shell is only possible as self-only or via Wall Rune (availability unknown)

On the high end of things:
Ramza - can inflict Protect 6 times, Regen 5, and slow 7.  Of these, many are self-only or single target, so I think we'll be find.
Rad - can berserk 5 times, 3 of which are self-only.  Whatever, that's fine.

Everything else is at 4 inflicts or lower, which is a bit better of a spread.


Ramza gains the ability to inflict dead and/or death sentence and petrify as Hessain
Rad gains the ability to Innocent, Faith, Frog, and Undead as Red Mage
Warder -really- needs a damaging ability in its skillset

Scryer is too... spread out in function in personal tastes.  I'd replace Freedom Rune completely (maybe a PA/2 * PA rune?  Round off the damage front).  Also beast rune should probably go as well, perhaps replaced by an upgraded body rune at 120-ish HP?  This trims the redundancy with the more complete esuna-effects and the removal of offensive status makes the skillset as a whole more balanced imo.  Everything else can be balanced around availability and item price.  Body Rune is good for auto-potion, though.  50 is a good number.
Just another rebel plotting rebellion.