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Topics - Kaijyuu

So I've applied some asm hacks included with orgasm and most work just fine. I'm having some issues with those two though. I'm using the ones included with .482 (which seem identical to .483). I'm testing with pSX and also the PSP's native emulator.

The mighty sword one works fine against units with maintenance. Verses everything else though, there's glitches. Here's what happens against something without any equipment in the slot:

If I attempt to use the ability, the animation plays but no damage is done.

Verses things with equipment, the predicted % to hit is borked. It'll display some random value as the chance to hit, though it will always hit and break the equipment (I set it to 100% (64 in hex, the default) in orgasm so always hitting is the intended behavior).

(the old mighty sword fix has problems too, so I don't want to use that. It'll display """ was broken!" when nothing is in the appropriate equipment slot, and maintenance will block the attack entirely. Not really what I want.)

As for the broken/stolen items appear in the fur shop one, it sorta works but has problems. All broken or stolen items will show up in the fur shop. The problem is, it includes ones that were broken or stolen on enemies. So if I run off with all of Elmdor's genji set, there will be a duplicate genji set waiting for me in the fur shop. The behavior I expected was broken and stolen items only showing up if it was a unit on my team that had their item broken or stolen.

Anything I'm obviously doing wrong? Both these fix things that really annoyed me with the original game, so I'd prefer to not have to go without.
So, I was successfully able to apply the reaction overwrite fix, but it turns out it comes with a display error: Innate reaction abilities do not show up in battle on the predicted damage window. In other words, when you target someone with an ability and they have an innate reaction, you won't be able to see any reaction ability at all until they counter you in the face. This is really only a problem for monsters, which only have reactions set as innates.

I'm not posting this in the ASM request area since I already know how to fix it. However, I don't know where to place my hijack, as it will require additional code and not just a NOP.

Here's the relevant code (SCUS_942_21):
Quote0005b848: 10400002 beq r2,r0,0x0005b854      Branch if Ability is not a reaction
0005b84c: 00000000 nop
0005b850: a4830014 sh r3,0x0014(r4)      Store Ability as Unit's Reaction Ability

I need space to add another conditional. It will fix the problem entirely to store the ability to the reaction ability slot if and only if the reaction ability slot is currently empty. This should take at least 3 more lines of code though, and I can't fit that into the routine.

So, where do I put my new code? I know in BATTLE.BIN there's the kanji space, but I dunno about the SCUS file.

Oh and some other random questions, since I'm very much new at MIPS:
- How do I know which registers are safe to use? I can see which registers the routine I'm modifying uses, but do I need to trace even further back, or can I assume things are properly preserved in the stack?
- Do I need to do anything special for absolute addressing (subroutine calls, etc)? When hacking a PSP game I had to fill out a redirect table so absolute addresses would be properly updated to their locations in RAM when the game was loaded.
(moved from the patcher sticky)
QuoteFew questions:

1) What's the best way to ensure an enemy calculator has access to a lot of good spells (flare, holy, petrify, etc) without modifying the normal generic jobs in any player noticeable way? I don't want to mess with JP costs or requirements. (giving them access to dummy jobs or something is fine though)

2) [solved] I seem to recall hearing that I shouldn't use the Lucavi sprites for regular enemies. Some quick and not very thorough testing showed that they worked fine. Any pitfalls I might fall into, or is my memory shot?

3) [solved] I found a list of sprite numbers for most the generic jobs (basically what shishi says +1), but this doesn't include calculators, bards, dancers, or mimes. If I want to force one of those sprites for a unit, what numbers should I use?

Elric's reply:
QuoteTo force a generic. Select either generic male, female, or monster as the spriteset. Then choose the job for the unit you want.

When using Zodiac Beasts in other slots make sure to set their SEQ and SHP accordingly (Arute, etc)

I know how to set a character's job and how to set it to one of the generics. What I want to know is how to force a different job to use those 6 spritesheets, since Generic Male, Generic Female, and Monster interfere with the listing order. I can take a Holy Knight and make them look like a geomancer by setting their job to holy knight and sprite to 76-77. I can't do the same for those 6: sprite sheet number 80 should be Male Calculator (going by the listing shown by Shishi) but is instead taken up by Generic Male. Maybe Dancer and both Mimes are fine (I haven't tested), but even if they are, both calculators and bard seem unavailable.

As for the Zodiac Beast thing that advice sounds like it was meant for shishi, which I'm not making any edits with or anything. If I put a Queklain copy in a random deep dungeon battle alongside other stuff, will anything break or look weird? I'm only asking (and not simply testing myself) since I have a vague memory from years ago that this is a No No. My tests has shown everything's fine except the lack of a death frame. If no one else knows of anything worse than that, then there's no more issue here.

Still wondering about the calculator thing.
So those with knowledge of japanese (or those who read the WotL script) know that Hokuten has "north" in its name and Nanten has "south" in its name.

So why then is the "north" faction in the west and the "south" faction in the east?

Old maps of Japan often had the island laid out horizontally. So, one theory could be that north was originally in the left direction on the world map as a reference to this and a way to make things look archaic, and people forgot somewhere along the lines.
Help! / ENTD clarification: Randomly Present
July 09, 2015, 07:03:40 pm
Just how random is the randomly present flag? Is there a set number of units that it needs to show, are each rolled separately to appear, or? I don't want to have sprite sheet limit issues.

As a side note, I was looking through a bunch of the story battles and whatnot and found some weird combinations of the flags. Some things have both always present and randomly present selected. I'm guessing it has something to do with events and/or dummied out data, but not sure.
Final Fantasy Tactics / Shrine Knight belts
October 19, 2014, 08:15:15 pm
Seriously, how the fuck do they work?

Izlude Spritesheet

The things stick waaaay out in the front and back. It's like they all have a hoola hoop as part of their uniform.

I did find this topic with a concept art of Izlude, but if that's what the belts are SUPPOSED to look like, the sprite artists failed horribly at rendering them.
Spam / Games you wish existed.
September 01, 2014, 01:43:53 am
Let's make this a full on trend.

The western games market needs more good porn games. The vast majority that exist suck, being stupid shit like playing tic tac toe to reveal a picture. Gimme an RPG with sex scenes added on. Good ones.
For a less niche audience, I'd be interested in seeing a 2D game (in graphics and gameplay) made with the budget that those boring AAA shooters and crap get. You know, the ones that spend tens of thousands of dollars to get the correct muzzle flash. That sort of money poured into the visuals of something completely 2D would be intriguing.

How bout you?

PSX FFT Hacking / Simple hardmode patch?
April 24, 2014, 09:14:58 pm
I beat FFT with a challenge run recently and am thirsting for more. A quick glance around the forum has a ton of patches, but all of them change too much.

Anyone have a very simple hardmode patch lying around? Really I'm wanting nothing more than ENTD changes. I'd do it myself but that would lose the surprise.
PSX FFT Hacking / Elmdor's Cursed Ring war trophy
April 18, 2014, 02:52:02 pm
Recently I played through FFT again and this time I resolved to get a hidden item I had missed on previous playthroughs: Elmdor's Cursed Ring war trophy, from the castle roof battle after Velius.

Except it refused to drop.

If you go into the ENTD of that battle, Elmdor does indeed have a Cursed Ring set for his war trophy. Presumably you were supposed to get a bonus item if you managed to knock him out instead of just bringing him to critical or beating up his arm candy. I never really messed with events but I get the feeling his end of battle message and/or teleport stops him from actually giving you a war trophy.

If there's an easy fix to this I'd like to apply it. If not, well, just another random bit of trivia hidden in FFT's data.
Spam / My my my, just look at the time.
August 30, 2012, 12:18:10 am
July 15, 2012, 03:44:27 pm
Spam / Why Batman and Robin was an excellent movie.
April 07, 2012, 12:04:06 pm
I wasn't going to post this here, since I doubt anyone here actually would be interested, but I was asked to. So here goes.


Length: 15500 words.
Premise: Ponify this.

Nitpick it to shreds, if you would. If you get bored and want to stop reading, please do, and tell me why.

Non-brony feedback would be useful as well, if they happen to care. I'd like to write a story that doesn't require knowledge of either subject. Also, if you've heard horror stories of pony fanficiton, understand that this is neither sugary sweet, nor hellishly dark and gory. Somewhere in-between. Only 1 death!
The Lounge / I'm bored.
April 03, 2012, 01:09:37 am
Never introduced myself since I think these things pretty much pointless. If you want to join a clique you don't walk up and hand them a resume. But I'm busy procrastinating more important things, so whatever.

Name's Kaijyuu, which I picked back when I thought misspelled japanese words were cool. I was born sometime between yesterday and the beginning of the universe, and fancy myself the messiah who's logic and reason is superior to all other mere mortals (if they'd only listen to my wondrous words of wisdom). Joined FFH because I consider FFT the best video game ever made, though not my favorite after taking into account nostalgia/etc, and I thought hacking it would be nifty. I've since moved on from romhacking in general to making original games and writing erotic fanfiction, yet I still hang around. In other words, I'm the scum of the internet and it's a wonder I haven't been banned yet.

Still, I stick around due finding the projects here interesting, and I'm always intrigued by discussions about game design.Rom hackers are game designers like any other, with the added benefit of having a finished game to pick apart and analyze until it's a mutilated corpse removed of all magic and wonder. So, while I'm unlikely to produce anything tangible for the community, I'll gladly read your updates, give suggestions and feedback, and tell you why your crazy ideas are overdone, cliche, impossible, and occasionally brilliant.

I'm also in the market for a magic lamp to make all my dreams come true. And please, not one of those ironic genies that grants wishes in tainted ways -- the last time I found one of those, I got a pony avatar.
Help! / Some edits not applying?
March 03, 2012, 01:03:56 pm
Opened the patcher for the first time in years, hoping to do some minor edits before I do another playthrough.

Problem is, most my edits aren't applying.

What DID apply:
- ENTD edits
- Job edits
- Text edits

What DIDN'T apply:
- Skillset edits
- Sprite edits (sorta)

I threw Chrono in the starting cadets for fun, gave him an unused job and replaced one of the unused assassin sprites. He's got the right job, skillset number, and sprite number (checked with fftastic), but his skillset's blank and has the male squire sprite (?). Perhaps of note, he's female, just cause I wanted an even number of male/females and it's mildly amusing.

Any theories what could cause this? The iso I'm using was an .img file, and CDmage gave me some error messages. Should I find another rip?
Spam / Good songs topic - what's stuck in your head?
March 01, 2012, 11:35:37 pm
In this thread, you post whatever song(s) you feel like sharing that A) you think is awesome, and B) you can't get out of your head.

All music of every type encouraged; this is to show off what you like, not try to appease other people's tastes.

Also, posted in spam so people aren't hesitant to post whatever they want, as often as they want. If you found a dozen awesome songs in the last week, post em all.

Current for me:

Starts out "wtf" but turns awesome around 0:50. Also yes there's a pony in the picture, but it's an original song and the lyrics are difficult to hear anyway, so that's mostly irrelevant.
Non-FFT Modding / [Fangame] Pony RPG
December 27, 2011, 02:34:12 am
I'm dead serious.

Game download: http://www.mediafire.com/?8pf589ca3a66k31 (demo 2.3)

I realize most people here don't care, but I'm posting anyway because I could really use feedback. If you don't like ponies, perhaps you can tell me what you think of my gameplay ideas, if nothing else. There are lots of talented game designers here and I'd love to hear your opinions.

Game specifics:
-The engine was coded from scratch, by me. Not made with game maker, not made with RPG maker, or anything like that. OpenGL and SDL, in C++.
-JRPG, ATB battle system, similar to what's seen in final fantasy 4-9. My take on it, of course; not ripped from any of those games (though perhaps it's most similar to FF6).
-No in-battle cinematics. Everything is realtime and simultaneous, even the big spells.
-Menus are mostly eliminated. Since it's in realtime, time is important; you won't be scrolling through a huge menu looking for a spell. Every ability can be selected in 2 button presses. Enemy selection is the only big chokepoint, and fixing that is nigh impossible.
-No magic points. Instead, my resource (AP) starts at 0 and is gained from using support abilities. Heal or revive an ally, give them a beneficial status effect, etc and you get an AP boost. AP is used for stronger attacks; thus, the gameplay is more of a parry-riposte type thing. The better you defend yourself, the stronger attacks you can unleash.
-Please use a gamepad. I support keyboard controls but I designed the input for use with a controller and it works much better. This will probably screw me over, as most people don't have gamepads.
-Minor item customization in the form of gem slots. Not as robust as say, Diablo, but you can add elemental damage or chance for status effects by putting gems in your weapons.
-Pony theme, obviously. No death; just being knocked out with stars floating over your head. Weapons are hair ornaments. Armor is stuff like scarves.
-Included is a short tutorial explaining the battle system basics.
-3 bosses, ranging from "easy" to "hard" to "good friggin' luck". (psst: you're not a real gamer if you can't beat all my bosses)
-Incredibly terrible graphics. I'm no visual artist; everything right now is unanimated, single frame sprites (except some of the abilities, not all of which even have graphics). That will change once I get some spriters from the pony fandom.

Should be noted this is not a crossover; Atma Weapon up there is a joke/showoff boss. I made him for fun.

Anywho, hit me with your seething flames of hatred. Criticisms extremely welcome.
Spam / Something arrived in the mail for me today.
November 25, 2011, 02:05:37 pm

A prinny riding a pony.

Your argument is now invalid.
Spam / When did western animation become awesome?
September 28, 2011, 10:24:21 pm

Did I miss something?
Wait, FF14 gil? Is that even out yet?
Spam / G​​​​​​​​o​​​​d
March 14, 2010, 06:16:18 am
Here we talk about g​​​​​o​​​​d, and any mention of "st. ajora" means you lose.

Can you do it without copy/paste?
Help! / Ripping music samples/instruments
December 12, 2009, 09:04:07 pm
From my very limited knowledge of the playstation, I believe that songs are more or less MIDIs. I would like to rip some of the instruments/samples used by FFT and turn them into short .WAV files.

Anyone have any knowledge on the subject?
Bugs and Suggestions / 406 - Not Acceptable
September 29, 2009, 04:27:37 am
I had this error when trying to visit the site in the past few days. Instead of loading any page from this site, I got a 406 error - not acceptable. I fixed it by clearing my cookies.

I suspect it was just a random bug, but still, might as well tell ya about it.
Bugs and Suggestions / Quick reply and smilies
August 07, 2009, 07:12:27 pm
Generally when responding to a topic, I use the quick reply thing at the bottom of the screen instead of clicking the "post reply" button at the top. The problem is that though I have "disable smilies" checked in my profile, it doesn't affect posts typed with quick reply. So I have to edit my post to disable the emoticons from showing up.

This is a vastly important bug. Vastly.
The Lounge /
July 27, 2009, 05:01:52 pm
But, but I so wanted to learn about tourettes and tics!
PSX FFT Hacking / Map events.
March 11, 2009, 05:53:29 pm
Currently I'm mostly interested in changing the requirements for battles/events to happen when walking on a dot. Like, for example, letting the cloud battle in zarghidas occur before killing dycedarg.

I'd also like to edit which dots/paths show up when, but that's less important.

Where would I start looking to edit map events?
Spriting / First spriting attempts
March 09, 2009, 05:58:25 am
And I need some feedback.

I'm giving Miluda a unique sprite, one that matches her portrait. I know there's one on this site already, but I'm going a different direction with mine.

I'm basing her off of the generic knight, because well, that's what she was in the original game. The goal is that were someone knowledgeable in FFT to see the sprite, but not the portrait, they'd be able to recognize her as Miluda.

Anywho, need your opinion. Right now, on her hair.

A) Most of her hair in back?

B) More in front?

C) They both suck and I should do something different.

Here's her portrait for reference.

Whole thing's a WIP, of course. I plan to change the design on the back of the cape, and of course the hair, and call it "done" except tweaking. Opinions welcome.