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Messages - DaveSW

True. I have been considering that as well. 
As for story, I'm not sure how much of it I want to change, but I do want it to still be about wiping out Metroids and taking out the space pirates as well as having it all take place on a single planet,.  As for what planet, well I do have several ideas for interesting above ground environments, and Zebes is supposed to just be a wet rock, so either I will be changing the planet, or changing Zebes.

The rest of the plot details are subject to change, but then again, plot takes a back seat to gameplay and atmosphere.

By unguided exploration, I want to actually try to capture the feeling of the original Metroid, yet with a somewhat logical sense of what would a good place to go.  None of the aimless bombing every  floor for hours figuring out where to go next.  I realize this will be very hard to do properly, and will probably need to abandoned in favor of Super's set order with sequence breaks.

I  want Metroids to be a big part of the game, both for plot and as enemies.  I felt like the only game they really got to shine in was Metroid 2.  I remember when I was 7 and how panicked I felt  the first time I saw an Alpha evolve into a Beta.  I want the title creature to instill a proper "Oh crap!" feeling whenever they are encountered, which I don't want to just be in the final ten minutes of the game.

I do want intelligent villains, just not ones that talk.  Anything that can communicate directly has a very humanizing quality to it, and that makes it less scary.  The SA-X and Metroid Prime were very NOT human, resting at the very center of the uncanny valley, which made  them both very unnerving and intimidating.  While I do like that idea, I'm not sure yet how I can put that into the game without it feeling like either the  story is too complex, or just as some lame feature creep.

I have played many of the rom hacks, extensively.  I never  really enjoyed any of them as much I like vanilla Super Metroid.  This project actually started as my attempt at using SMILE to build my own rom hack.  I got a ways into it when I realized that being constrained by what is available in Super Metroid wasn't going to work.  I wanted to make my own game, and here I am.  But yeah, I for the past several months or so, my daily playthroughs of Super Metroid just haven't been doing it for me.

So yeah, any ideas power ups, monsters, plot devices, environments, gameplay elements, etc. would be very welcome. 
I'm willing to change anything and everything, as I don't think that just because I have a good idea, that it can't be topped.
Ok,  I finally decided to start work on my own fangame.  Built from the ground up, and I expect it to take around 10 years to complete.
I love Super Metroid, to me, it is the greatest game ever made.  Problem is, after beating it a few hundred times, it is starting to feel stale.

So, I want to make my Metroid game.  Here are the main points of the design:
1. It will be a reboot.  This way I can make minor changes to the lore, and I don't have to explain why Samus starts with nothing.

2.The emphasis will be on unguided exploration.  This to me is the most important element of Metroid.

3.Progression will be multi-linear instead of having a specific intended sequence of boss fights and powerups.

4. Samus will be alone for the entire duration of the game.  I feel that another important element of Metroid is the sense of isolation it has, and the fear that comes with being completely alone.

Any ideas related to story, new powerups, gameplay mechanics, etc. would be greatly appreciated.
The Lounge / Re: Diablo 2 Playthrough Anyone?
June 05, 2012, 04:08:21 pm
I wish I could participate, my current computer is such a POS though that I can't even run Diablo 2 :(
Yeah, it's fake, SE hasn't mentioned this at all at E3.
I really don't want to argue about this with you.  You win.
No, I'm talking about the buffalo and zebra episodes.  Non-white cultures are represented by non-pony animals.  Why couldn't the buffalo episode just have two different groups of ponies?  Why couldn't the zebra just be a creepy pony instead? When they make an episode where ponies represent a group of people that isn't white IRL, and the not-ponies represent a group of white people, I won't have a problem with it anymore.

It reminds me of the photo from 20ish years ago that says:
"Everyone deserves to be treated equally! It doesn't matter if you are black or yellow or brown or normal!"
I've seen all of the first season.  My son loves it, but some episodes are massively racist/anti-intellectual.
WASP privilege, ugh.
The Lounge / Re: 2012, year of apocalypse
January 25, 2012, 06:38:23 am
The world will end hundreds of millions of years from now, when the sun expands and obliterates the planet.  No sooner than that, so don't worry.
The Lounge / Re: Megaupload Shut Down by US Government
January 25, 2012, 06:35:03 am
The war on drugs, the patriot act, and now this. 
First it became illegal to carry large sums of cash because you were clearly going to buy drugs with it.
Then it became illegal to be a Muslim because you clearly hate America for our freedom.
Now it is illegal to share any files with anyone because you clearly are only interested in sending other people CP and government secrets.

The worst part is that in the US, file sharing actually increases the sales of whatever the product is, except for porn and music cds.  It is great advertisement, and more often than not, people who share files are sharing things that they would never have bought in the first place.
Help! / Re: custom job
December 30, 2011, 02:36:08 am
Yes, you can customize all that and more.  Spend a few hours testing the FFT Patcher, and if you have questions, search the forums for answers.  People have already asked pretty much everything you can think of already.  There is a wealth of info on this site.
Non-FFT Modding / Re: [Fangame] Megaman: Power Up!!
December 14, 2011, 02:00:55 am
Which Mega Man game do you want the physics to mimic?  They are all different, except 9 and 10, I believe.
The Lounge / Damn it, Squeenix!
December 12, 2011, 11:05:47 pm
I just found out that Tonberries are one of the monsters that can join in 13-2.  I will hate that game so damn much, but to have a tonberry in my party?  I can't say no to that.
The Lounge / Re: Princess Bride
December 12, 2011, 11:01:30 pm
I would argue that it is one of the ten best films ever made.
Et, watch the damn movie.

The Lounge / Re: Assassin's Creed Meets FFXIII-2
December 02, 2011, 04:48:25 pm
Gah... It makes me think of FF13 when I play AC now.  That sucks.
News / Re: Spam is Back!
November 08, 2011, 03:03:25 am
That is the point. 
If you declare that all black people are evil abominations, that is considered harassment.  A teacher would be fired for saying that, and any black student who said that they felt harassed by the statement would be the more than justified in feeling that way.

This bill specifically protects students/teachers by saying that they can make those kind of statements, as long as they have religious or moral reasons behind it.  Never mind that that exception completely opens the flood gates to allow all sorts of harassment, so long as the bullies hide behind their ill informed version of the first amendment. 

Wow, just wow. 
Do you understand what that section allows?  The bill specifically states that everything is peachy keen as long as it is a religious or moral conviction. 

Throwing around the first amendment like that is bullshit.  Freedom of speech applies to a lot more than just morals and religion.  So why single those out as being ok?  How is telling someone else that their existence is a 'sin' ever ok?  The Government may allow people to be racist, but it does not ever suggest that racism is somehow ok.  No one that wants to make the government racist is allowed to have a voice in politics.  Why is the same thing not being done for gays?  Why can't the government take the stance that homophobia is not ok, but individuals can be homophobic on their own time?

Instead we get bills like this.  You can't bully others, but constantly telling someone they are going to hell and that they need to repent because god hates them is ok, because somehow that isn't bullying.  How does that make sense?  That clause makes any homophobic moron able to get away with just about anything, because they can just argue that it is protected speech.

This bill is seriously fucked up, but leave it to conservatives to think that it is somehow a step forward.

Yup.  A bill that says that bullying is allowed as long as it is for 'moral or religious' reasons.  Not only students are allowed to bully others, but the fucking teachers are allowed to bully students.

At the very least, the Republicans that voted for this should have the shit beat of them, but honestly, I'd rather they just fucking die.  Monsters.

Basically, any non xian can be bullied to the extreme, and it is completely legal now. 

What the fuck is wrong in the US?   This is just more fuel for the fire.  If shit like this keeps up, it will lead to another civil war.
At this point, I wouldn't mind that.
The Lounge / Re: Who wants my GBA SP stuff?
November 03, 2011, 01:54:07 am
If I had the cash, I would totally buy all that from you.  Diapers and formula are expensive...