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Messages - Leon

Oh well...

I guess wont have that much time in the next months to try tyo discover what went wrong.

But thanks!
Anyone know what this means?

Its frustrating because it does not make any indication where i did something wrong.. i dont have a clue
Thanks Elric, i found the list Raven posted!
I was about to remove the JP condition to see if AI would consider it like Zodiarc, for example.

Or, if the job level of Gaffy would make that skill appear as leaned, considering that its cheap.

By the way, do you know what that "unknow" at AI behavior and "type" of Skill are?

Help! / Help. Changing abilities to learn on hit
July 07, 2018, 10:07:18 am
Hey guys

Lets say i change "shadowblade" for "sanguine sword in Gaffgarion's skill set, and put it to "learn on hit".
I expect that "sanguine" will be locked for DK, until he is hit by Gaffgarion of course.
But will Gaffgarion have it learned alredy when he enters my party? How that math works?

Oh yeah, that fight! haha
They seem to have lost a hand, ocasionally. I turned Ramza into monk for life after that haha

Well...  you can have some advantage for example, bringing ninja, dragoon or archer  to a scenario with cliffs. Or a wizard to scenarios with closed structures.
Its the same where there are monsters with elemental weakness. These "advantages" imo, simply dont scales to the point where the player have to stop and consider it. In other words, it exists, but wont matter after all
Nice imagem of Ramza and Agrias!

When i was young, i thought if they could have a romance.

But! Now i wonder if it there was more chances between him and Meliadoul.

Oh by the way, i was reading about how to edit texts. Cool.
It will be good or bad, imo, dependable of application.

The game alredy counts with many kinds of tactical advantage, promoting better or worse effectiveness. Some scenarios are easier if you bring some jobs along, although Vanilla never cripple the players for their pre-made choices like the party arranging. (Vanilla is too easy, by the way)
So as long as you dont create any kind of "nemesis" system, in wich the game turns into a puzzle of what units you will bring or not, youre adding something, without breaking anything.
Quote from: Nyzer on July 02, 2018, 08:19:26 pm
You can easily adjust the storyline battle levels, Lucavi stats, and add skills to Ramza's jobs in FFTPatcher to let him cross over into Dark Knight territory.

Maybe 2 hours of messing around with FFTP and you're done. It even works with the PSP version.

Thats useful information for me! Ty for the reply

Seems that hack with these premades tool is not something just for experts. I will give it try.

FFT is meaningful to me.
Played original 20 years ago, and finished WOTL just this week. Guess i am excited :)

Completed Mods / Re: FFT: Emergence (PSP)
July 02, 2018, 08:34:15 pm

You had a very good idea IMO, to give Ramza a special class. And Dark Knight was really made for him. Also, now as all other special classes, its now tied to a certain biography. Turning Ramza into it, via process, was something particularly that added more to the sense of progression. Cogratz

However.. Maguses are too strong. And giving something like a summon to squire is a little too much to expect from a basic class. In the same pace, a normal wizard having Dark powers that drawn energies from the plane of Lucavi.. it would be better IMO, to have only demons and special characters have that, its not something that just affects balance, but also the logic of the story.

I guess these are the points! :)

Put a CT to swordskills was really a something new for my eyes!

I guess its really something that could have being in the game in first place, so it would a reason why to use direct attacks instead of just "magical" meanings, that is something very questionable for "Knights".
Works in Progress / Re: FFT: What Should Have Been
July 02, 2018, 03:09:25 pm
My friend, its a good try i say!

But i would consider changing some things.  Like, give polearms to Samurai, and robes to Ninjas XD

After all, who mostly goes to battles with light armors are in fact ninjas and all kind of considered "assassins". And Samurai did used kind of lances, like "naginata" weapon.

Also.. the critical thing in my opinion, dont give swordskills to any kind of typical mage. Even a Calculator/Sage is much more a Wizard than fighter and so, it is out of their role, heavily.

I liked very much what you did to Ramza, tough, it gave him so much character! And a little more decerved power.

I am having a difficult time trying to choose what mod i could apply to really add replay value for me.  I tought if someone could help with that!

Its so much information, and considerations.. blame me for being of Libra sign!   :lol:

I aim for something like ;

- Level scaling for story battles.

- Better growths for Lucavi and demonkin.

- IDk if some mod have more enemies per scenario.

- A special job just for Ramza.
(Dark Knight in WOTL was perfect, in my opinion, fits in history. A shame its not locked for him.)

Thanks in advance for any opinion and indication!

(looking for PSP version, to emulate, but if the mod only exist in PSX thats ok, I will be happy too!)

xxxxxx  xxxxxx  xxxxxx

Rumblings and reasons why (for the ones with patience)  :roll:

---- Increased difficulty :

I have being reading some summaries particularities. Some mods did a commendable job rebalancing the game battles by changing jobs and roles.
They did got more tactical. I am veteran, i was inclined to get the hard ones. But these got the heavier changes, and that, consequently drove then more far from the in-game story logic.

OBS: Orlandeau is in fact too strong. But in the known Ivalice he is the Thunder God. Its suggested that only Balbanes could match him directly. So diminishing his power in direct confront to any other unit in game, is also sacrificing the story.
(i have seem mods removing his Divine Kinght's skills. Doesn't hurt his epithet, still T.G. Cid all. We can imagine that he was developing the more "killing fast" dueling and war techniques. That, instead of the the disabling ones like do the Templars, wich take the "hunter" role for the church).

So, i prefer any higher difficulty as long as it is closely tied to the story. A generic group that can $%%#%$ Ramza's party close to end-game, for me, is hurting this story. Unless they are in bigger parties, have optimal positions, synergy between jobs, well equiped, etc - like Midlight's Deep :D

---- Special Job for Ramza :

I did jumped of joy when they gave Dark Knight officialy, to him. But allowing generics too, was again, a flaw so great as leaving him with jobs that did represented him.

I wished for Dark Knight, not solely because it was cool, but because it was also logic. FFT is game that portraits an aristocratic system, and so it gives the "jobs" based on severely social conditioning factors. These factor are the mold for the entire biography, including the personal competences. These competences are transfered by the "role" in wich the individual is expected to fit.
Thats why Ramza, was destined to something similar to Zalbg or Dycedarg. That until he got a crisis a of identity, left his House, and was taken by Gaffgarion's apprentice. In that moment, he was beig trained to be a Dark Knight too.

OBS: Obviously no coincidence, but Dycedarg's plan - Church interest apart. The boy needed to see the world, as a remedy to his naiveness. He said Balbanes coddled him. So Ramza was being a pawn, and also prepared to take his responsabilities as a Beoulve, after giving him time enough to "grow-up". Dycedarg would only abandon or sacrifice Beoulve blood if he has no hope to make it fit in his plans (like Balbane's death). It is notably that only after Ramza did rejected all offers made to him, that he could be killed.

After Zeirchelle Falls another trajetory of life, and recognition was set for him. An so, another job would also apply given time. But, he killed the cardinal, and was branded a herectic. After that, he did nothing but to search for the truh, and either his "image" nor his abilities was really set on another course. So.. still a DK. Doent matter inttentions here, the jobs of FFT are not about that. Even Wiefraf that was a White Knight, was so, because his role was clear to the people. He was pratically a "Paladin", typically fighting not for truth, not for his pleasure, not for his commrades, anything else but the faith in a common cause (changing Ivalice by idealistic Justice).

So thats why i wanted DK for Ramza alone. Or anything compatible in terms of story  :P