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Osama bin Laden killed, confirmed.

Started by Eternal248, May 01, 2011, 11:49:04 pm

Pickle Girl Fanboy

Quote from: VampragonLord on May 04, 2011, 05:10:46 pm
see, youre not supposed to kill him, then he is a martyr, youre supposed to bring him back alive, and throw him in the deepest darkest pit so everyone just forgets about him.

So they can kidnap a bunch of Americans and then demand his release in exchange.


May 05, 2011, 10:07:56 pm #21 Last Edit: May 05, 2011, 10:12:01 pm by formerdeathcorps
Couple issues:

1) He was living in a mansion in Pakistan near various Pakistani military installations when killed.  This implies Pakistan probably knew about this long before the US did and likely considered him an asset (probably against India).
2) The US supposedly learned of this compound 9 months ago.  Did we make a deal with Pakistan?
3) Since when did it become state policy to execute "enemy leaders" without a trial?
4) Al-Qaeda is virtually impotent by now.  ITs leader (rumored to have kidney failure) has been holed up in a mansion for a while, its military force in Afghanistan/Pakistan has been reduced to below 100, and the Taliban (the current challenge to US forces in Afghanistan) has nothing to do with Al-Qaeda now.  Thus, this is nothing but a propaganda victory.
5) If 9/11 is the reason why we're in Afghanistan and why we want to kill this man, then why did the US refuse Mullah Omar when he offered to turn over Bin Laden in 2001 before the US invasion?  Logically, also, if justice "has been served", why are we still there?  Since 9/11 (which was known beforehand by top US officials, who then lied after the fact about knowing such things) was also conveniently used to justify a (unending) series of laws curtailing the Bill of Rights, shouldn't those laws (as well as government complicity in 9/11) also be put to review after this "accomplishment"?
6) Also, to be honest, we backed Al-Qaeda since its inception.  The CIA (and Pakistani equivalent, the ISI) backed Bin Laden (a man from one of the richest Saudi families), who smuggled in arms and people to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan 30 years ago.  Even after the Soviet withdrawal, Al-Qaeda proved operationally useful in the US campaign against Yugoslavia (in Kosovo, particularly), and factions connected to Al-Qaeda are currently being backed in Libya (against Qaddafi).  The official US opposition against Al-Qaeda, thus, really can't be taken seriously.
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


Quote from: Pickle Girl Fanboy on May 05, 2011, 07:45:53 pm
So they can kidnap a bunch of Americans and then demand his release in exchange.
yes, instead, we *kill* him, so they *kill* a bunch of americans....
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~

Pickle Girl Fanboy

Quote from: VampragonLord on May 06, 2011, 06:15:33 pm
yes, instead, we *kill* him, so they *kill* a bunch of americans....

Look, they will try to kill us no matter what we do, so we might as well kill them first.


Quote from: Pickle Girl Fanboy on May 10, 2011, 11:44:17 am
Look, they will try to kill us no matter what we do, so we might as well kill them first.

As Jon Stewart once said, "Yes, we shouldn't have killed him. Now the terrorists are gonna want to attack us! But you know what? Even when they do, you know who won't see it? Bin Laden. Because we shot out his eyes, and now he lives in a pineapple under the sea!"
Move Zig. For great Justice.

Also, Algus sucks up to level 5 donkey balls.


They aren't "trying to kill us" Are you really so arrogant to think we're all that important to them? Their defending their home (WHICH WE RAIDED BEFORE THEY ATTACKED US) and defending their religion. (which is tied directly to the government...WHICH WE RAIDED BEFORE THEY ATTACKED US)
Seeing why they attacked us yet? Because we're not the United States nobody fucks with. We're the United States that fucks with everybody, gets in trouble for it, and gets pissed, like a sore, crying little baby.
Grow the f*ck up. We attacked them, they retaliated. If they kill millions more in terrorist attacks, then I'll be glad, because they'll finally have revenge for the bullshit we pulled on them.


I feel like I should respond to that in some way, but I don't know how.
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  • Discord username: Holographic #1363

Pickle Girl Fanboy

Quote from: MysticKnightFF5 on May 10, 2011, 02:18:41 pm
They aren't "trying to kill us" Are you really so arrogant to think we're all that important to them? Their defending their home (WHICH WE RAIDED BEFORE THEY ATTACKED US) and defending their religion. (which is tied directly to the government...WHICH WE RAIDED BEFORE THEY ATTACKED US)
Seeing why they attacked us yet? Because we're not the United States nobody fucks with. We're the United States that fucks with everybody, gets in trouble for it, and gets pissed, like a sore, crying little baby.
Grow the f*ck up. We attacked them, they retaliated. If they kill millions more in terrorist attacks, then I'll be glad, because they'll finally have revenge for the bullshit we pulled on them.

Could you provide some examples, and, perhaps, proof?


I agree that MysticKnightFF5's post is a bit much but the US did help Al-Queda and gave them a lot of what they had before they were abandoned and we decided to help other countries in the middle east. Don't get me wrong I condemn all attacks of terrorism but I can understand their hatred for us. Our support for Israel is one of those reasons.


The problems with the middle east are pretty much half our fault, and half Russia's. Our little cold war screwed up a LOT of countries there.

'Course there's Israel too, and the situation there is quite a few people's faults.
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: Kaijyuu on June 17, 2011, 07:08:12 am
The problems with the middle east are pretty much half our fault, and half Russia's. Our little cold war screwed up a LOT of countries there.

'Course there's Israel too, and the situation there is quite a few people's faults.

That's a bit short sighted, most of the problems in the middle east predate our cold war with the Russians.
Oh come now. That doesn't even make sense. How can flimsy paper possibly beat the raw density of stone?


I don't think so. Quite a few states there were moving toward democracies and such until we intervened. Take a look at the history of Iran, for a big example of how we screw things up.

Now things might not of been going all happy and wonderful if the cold war never happened, but certainly a lot better than it is now.
  • Modding version: PSX


I'm not saying that we didn't have a hand in any of the region's problems.  Iran is a good example of us screwing up spectacularly.  That does not negate the fact that my comment is true.  There have been very few periods in history where there were no wars or conflicts in the area, most without US intervention (since so many predate the existence of the USA).
Oh come now. That doesn't even make sense. How can flimsy paper possibly beat the raw density of stone?


If Magitek likes the middle eastern terrorist groups so much, she should go join them.


hey if youre sponsoring it, can i go too general strife? i need a vacation
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


Quote from: VampragonLord on June 18, 2011, 08:00:01 pm
hey if youre sponsoring it, can i go too general strife? i need a vacation

Jes, shure.