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☢ ☢ ☢ FFT Arena AI Tournament Season 1 ☢ ☢ ☢ (FINISHED!)

Started by Gaignun, May 01, 2012, 03:48:46 am


Match 91 wasn't nearly as exciting.  Rounds 1 and 2 were decided with a single use of Bizen Boat.


July 12, 2012, 12:47:05 am #381 Last Edit: July 12, 2012, 04:07:31 am by formerdeathcorps
I had a good run.  Being able to thoroughly dismantle someone in 5 minutes is fun.  However, my team lacked the risk strategies (geomancy, charm, status effects) that made my S5 team more dominant.  I think part of the reason lies in this year's approach.

I wasn't objective enough this year.  Knowing the "best" offensive strategy beforehand made me far less willing to experiment on adding defense/healing/status/AoE or more synergy (things that made my S5 team strong).  Unlike last year, I didn't approach this tournament as a novice and that limited the amount of thought given as well as the depth of testing.  Because of this, I went into the tournament knowing beforehand that other people could wall my team (most notably AeroGP and Gaignun, but also Fanatic, Lief, and Angelus, to some extent).

In that sense, I was relieved that I wasn't humiliated by the above teams; at the least, I fought for all three rounds.  However, in many ways, it hurt more: I lost on "bad luck" (a kagesougi missing at 76% hit or a Raise2 missing at 88%) to fast squads that had vastly inferior damage output, AoE, and range.  In context, however, the problem then became clear.  The team I submitted this year is PX's team from last year, with slightly more healing.  Luck could only work against my squad because it could only win if my defensive reactions always triggered and every physical attack always hit.  I had no room for error because my fallback plan was multiple-redundant firepower, which doesn't work if I'm outnumbered and outsped.

Testing after the fact, I realize this is probably the stronger squad:

HP Restore
Attack Up

FS Bag

Power Sleeve

Spin Fist, Stigma Magic, Chakra, Revive
Shuriken, Meiton, Fuuton, Suiton


Auto Potion
Move-HP Up
Blaze Gun
Kaiser Plate
Twist Headband
Power Sleeve

Armor Break, Shield Break


Talk Skill
Damage Split
Equip Polearm

Ivory Rod

Platina Armor
Magic Gauntlet

Masamune, Murasame, Chirijiraden
Refute, Mimic Daravon


White Magic
MP Restore
Magic Attack Up

Ivory Rod

Golden Hairpin
Black Costume
Magic Gauntlet

Raise 2, Esuna, Holy

The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


First off, big props to Avalanche and Gaignun both. Great games between two great players.

Anyways, I was pretty pleased with my team's performance considering that this was my first time playing FFT:A. I think my final record was 7-3. Losing to the WB champ and then running into another great team like BQB's in hell isn't too bad IMO. At the very least I'd say that my team was pretty exciting to watch haha.

Case in point:



It's done? Wow.

Congrats to our winner! Guess the other one didn't do a champion streak...
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
I evolved... into a stick figure. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCj-yTyoVpYIdcdIPw8SP5rw
Pokemon Fantasy Tactics - A treat for FFT fans! http://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?topic=10984.msg207542


Definitely a congratulations is in order for Avalanche, you did a marvelous job in this tournament and really put on a tremendous performance. Defeating last year's winner was definitely something to witness for sure.

I feel though my outing was better compared to last year's tournament. Having from what I record the second most wins combining the winner's and loser's bracket records was definitely an accomplishment for me as Celdia pointed out. For that I'm proud of my performance this season and hopefully I'll do even better next season. But we'll wait until the time comes. For now I have a win/loss record for every team in this tournament


Bold = Winner's Bracket Record
Italicized = Loser's Bracket Record
Underline = Overall Tournament Record

Lief1991 - 2-2, 7-3 = 9-5
Taichii - 0-2, 5-3 = 5-5
st4rw4k3r - 1-2, 0-2 = 1-4
mucus - 4-3, 0-2 = 4-5
Eternal248 - 0-2, 0-2 = 0-4
dacheat - 6-2, 1-2 = 7-4
LightningHax - 3-2, 2-3 = 5-5
Kihaku_FTW - 0-2, 0-2 = 0-4
FFMaster - 2-3, 0-2 = 2-5
Dome - 1-2, 0-2, = 1-4
fattyzila - 0-2, 0-2 = 0-4
Fantactic1316 - 2-2, 0-2 = 2-4
dinosaur - 0-2, 2-2 = 2=4
Shadowstrike - 4-2, 2-3 = 6-5
The Damned - 0-2, 0-2 = 0-4
Reks - 2-2, 1-2 = 3-4
Havermayer - 0-2, 0-2 = 0-4
iamBQB - 4-2, 6-4 = 10-6
Vigilanti - 0-2, 4-4 = 4-4
Avalanche - 10-3, 8-2 = 18-5
Kagebunji - 0-2, 1-2 = 1-4
the frisky dingo - 2-2, 6-2 = 8-4
Lord Bob Bree - 0-2, 4-2 = 4-4
Vireblaze - 2-2, 0-2 = 2-4
Ryason55 - 1-2, 2-2 = 3-4
Xeno - 5-3, 0-2 = 5-5
Celdia - 6-3, 0-2 = 6-5
Dynablade - 0-2, 1-2 = 1-4
Gaignun - 10-1, 1-6 = 11-7
Shade - 2-2, 7-3 = 9-5
TrueLight - 0-2, 1-2= 1-4
jansported - 0-2, 3-2 = 3-4
Otabo - 0-2, 1-2 = 1-4
Squidgy - 4-3, 0-2 = 4-5
Angelus - 2-2, 1-2 = 3-4
Wiz - 7-2, 1-2 = 8-4
DomieV -0-2, 4-3 = 4-5
AeroGP - 2-2, 3-2 = 5-4
Fanatic - 4-3 ,1-2 = 5-5
Pride - 1-2, 0-2 = 1-4
Dol -0-2, 1-2 = 1-4
Barren 0-2, 17-7 = 17-9
formerdeathcorps - 7-3, 1-2 = 8-5
CT5Holy - 3-2, 11-4 = 14-6
Pierce - 0-2, 4-2 = 4-4
Skiploom188 - 0-2, 0-2 = 0-4

Again this is putting together all of the wins and loses from the winner's and loser's bracket. And to clarify why Avalanche's and Gaignun's numbers are higher in the italicized part is because they both were in the championship match; in the case for Avalanche he had to win netherworld bracket 89 to get to that point.

:wark: :wark:
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


I am glad for all the decisions i made for my Team, everything worked out as intended and nothing was useless. GG everyone.


  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


Avalanche's team made the right moves at the right time (Bizen Boat/Charm/Sleep Procs). 

Quote from: Avalanche on July 12, 2012, 12:12:21 pm
Who has the third place FDC or Barren?

Based on the brackets
1. Avalanche
2. Gaignun
3. Barren
4. CT5Holy
5. FDC/Wiz

Hopefully I have a better performance in Season 2  :)
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: Avalanche on July 12, 2012, 12:12:21 pm
Who has the third place FDC or Barren?

I think that would be me because of the amount of wins i got up until netherworld match 89
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


Ya that makes sense, i was  only looking at the winners bracket and somehow neglecting the lossersbracket


Quote from: luhphine on October 13, 2012, 02:35:06 pm
I loved it. I watched almost all the videos.

I'm glad you're enjoying it. Any favorite matches or teams so far?
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


Me, staring back at you!


Quote from: yrogerg on October 14, 2012, 03:39:41 am
When is the next tournament?

As of right now we don't really know. We're currently giving 1.38d a try and myself and occasionally Dol or Otabo will upload videos on Arena 1.38d. Until then if you're interested in submitting a team by all means give it a try :)
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


Me, staring back at you!


Quote from: yrogerg on October 14, 2012, 06:03:13 am
Ummm this thread is on-date http://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?topic=4409.0 ?
About the rules i mean.

That was nearly 3 years ago when FFH did the 1.3 AI tournament season 3 hosted by Zodiac aka Xifanie and then member Voldemort. This is FFT Arena, completely different patch from 1.3
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


Different huh? Ok where can i get the new rules?
Pff i spend half of the morning using that rules to make a team...

Edit: I found them
Edit2: http://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?topic=7110.0 These?
Me, staring back at you!


  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817