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September 20, 2024, 09:28:53 pm


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FFTA2 - Dawn of Grimoire (updated v0.7.1)(New: Dark Ice Princess, Machinist)

Started by jestherr09, September 23, 2019, 02:43:00 pm


This is my 2nd mod for FFTA2. the first one has a lot of bugs and need a lot of work. So I make a new one. There are 19 new jobs here in this mod and it took a lot of time and effort despite of being busy. I also fix a lot and test first and i don't know if I fix all the bugs so if you try it out let me know if you encounter something. Im just a newbie in modding. This is not yet complete because I'd like to add some new job(or change the default job) but what i didn't change are those who stands out like Parivir, ninja, summoner. The nu mou are still the same i just add some skill that i think is missing. ok lets go to the changes:

-Nothing changed in the stat because i don't want to make it unbalance so i leave it as is.
-All recruitable unit will start at lvl 1. Giving the opportunity to utilize its specific job.
-All mission will scale in the level of your party but there's still minimum level in enemy so don't expect it to be easy.
-All Main Mission's Law has been changed to no Item. to maximize your strategy without worrying the Law.
-All Main Mission's Enemy formation are changed to make it very hard.
-Enemy unit, enemy equipment and enemy skills.
-All ultima skill are removed because it's to powerful.
-All white mage have Protect, Shell, Scan and Holy.
-Only Nu muo with white mage job don't have Holy
-All black mage job now have Syphon and Drain.
-Only Nu muo with black mage job have Doomsday
-There are new 19 jobs
-New Jobs = new Skills

Highlights: Machinist






-Nothing changed in the stat because i don't want to make it unbalance so i leave it as is.
-All recruitable unit will start at lvl 1. Giving the opportunity to utilize its specific job.
-All mission will scale in the level of your party but there's still minimum level in enemy so don't expect it to be easy.
-All Main Mission's Law has been changed to no Item. to maximize your strategy without worrying the Law.
-All Main Mission's Enemy formation are changed to make it very hard.
-Enemy unit, enemy equipment and enemy skills.
-All ultima skill are removed because it's to powerful.
-All white mage have Protect, Shell, Scan and Holy.
-Only Nu muo with white mage job don't have Holy
-All black mage job now have Syphon and Drain.
-Only Nu muo with black mage job have Doomsday
-There are new 19 jobs
-New Jobs = new Skills

[Hume] [Replace Soldier] Using Blade technique imbued with magic, maintain support for allies (the only problem in this is the job name in the equipment is still Soldier. so it mean if you see skill for Soldier it is for Battle Mage job)

Command: Magic Blade

-Skill Name-
Heat Blitz
Take the measure of the target
before attacking. dealing fire damage.
Area SweepDMG,
Spin in a tight circle with weapon outheld,
Deals wind damageand KNOCKBACK  surrounding units.
JuggernautDMG, PATK+,
NoneInflicts high Phys Dmg and raises PATK
but lowers MDEF and forces Berserk status.
Demi ShockDMG 1/4 MXHPNoneSummon a magick field to damage
equal quarter of enemy hp.
CuraHP+HolyMagickally restore a large
amount of HP. Deals damage to undead.
AstraRESILIENCENoneRender units in a small area
immune to debuffs.
Accelerate MOVE+,
NoneRaises MOVE and give HASTE
to the target
Brave Heart PATK+,
of the target.

[Hume] [Replace Thief] Dextrous and nimble, Pirate excel at stealing from the unwary and evading blows

Command: Treasure Hunter

-Skill Name-      -Effect-     
Steal LootsSTL LV1-LV2NoneSteal the target's Loots from Lv 1 to Lv 2,
and has a small chance to steal more Loot.
Steal Better LootSTL LV2-LV3NoneSteal enemy's Lv 2 to Lv 3
Loots, and as a small chance to score a Lv 4 Loot.
Grand TheftDMG, STL
NoneSteal enemy's Lv 2 to Lv 3 Loots, and has
a small chance to score a Lv 4 Loot.
Spare ChangeDMGNoneThrow gil at your enemy.
Sneak AttackBCK/SIDE
NoneAn attack that deals varying damage
based on the facing of the target.
Reflex MOVE+,
NoneCenter the user's thoughts. Raises
Sleeping MistSLPNoneBreathe a rush of air, making
target to SLEEP.
Steal ArmourDMG, STL
NoneSteal the target's ARMOUR and
Steal AccessorySTL ACCSRSNoneSteal the target's Accessory.

[hume] [Replace Archer] Rogue stand out of harm's way, raining arrows upon their foes from afar.

Command: Rouge

-Skill Name-      -Effect-      -Elem-       -Description-
Sleep ShotSLPNoneTake aim at the target's neck to
inflict SLEEP in it.
Delay ShotDMG, DELAYNoneAlways hit to DAMAGE and DELAY
the target.
Slave ShotDMG, CHARMNonePierce the target's heart with a magicked
arrow. CHARMS the target.
Divine ShotDMG, RMV
Holydeal holy damage and bring
peace to the undead.
Take AimDMG, FOCUSNoneTake careful aim at the target, INCREASING
damage to next hit, but dealing less damage.
Lightning StrikeDMG, BYPASS
NoneA blindingly fast attack that does
not trigger reaction abilities.
Shadow BindDMG, IMMBLZENoneDamage enemy and make them

[Hume] [Replace Paladin] Their sturdy defense enables paladins to endure punishing attacks. They also possess a variety of abilities to aid their allies.

Command: Holy Knight

-Skill Name-      -Effect-      -Elem-       -Description-
Quick HealHP+NoneAttempt to make the user's wounds more
bearable by restoring HP and removing debuffs.
Guard StanceGUARDNoneConcentrate solely on protecting one's self.
Raises DEFENSE and RESISTANCE until the user's next action.
SentinelCOVERNoneTake all damage directed at the target
until the user's next action.
Light BringerDMGHolyProject a righteous aura, dealing holy
damage to enemies.
Armor CrushDMG, BRK
HolySummon a blade of divine light to deal
holy damage to the target and DESTROY enemy armor.
High Alert ALLY RSLN+,
NoneRaises ally RESILENCE and
lowers enemy.
ParleyRMV CRT FOENoneCompel foe to flee the battlefield.
SanctifyRMV UNDEADNoneUnleash a flash of holy light,
banishing the undead.

[Hume] [Replace Fighter] Captain Knight are masters of the sword who place offense above defense(my favorite).

Command: Seiken

-Skill Name-      -Effect-      -Elem-       -Description-
Minus StrikeDMG MAX HP -
Nonehp damage with the difference between
user current hp and max hp.
Thunder SlashBCK/SDE
LGTHNGSend lightning leaping down at the
target. Deals lightning damage.
Stock Breakx1.5 ATTK
HolyInflict 1.5 normal damage holy elem 2 tiles.
Climhazzardx2 ATTK
NoneInflict 2 times normal damage non elem 2 tiles.
Shockx3 ATTK
NoneInflict 3 times normal damage non elem 1 enemy.
Triple Foul BLND, SLNC,
Noneinflicts darkness silence sleep.
Full Break PATK-, PDEF-,
Nonereduce PWR, DEF, MGK PWR, MGK DEF.
Bonecrusherx.5 DMG SLF
NoneInflict heavy damage to enemy and for the
user. sacrifice 0.5 max hp to user to inflict 0.9 damage to enemy.

[Hume] [Replace Seer] Soldiers employ the Sword Arts and Sword  Magic to weaken and slow opponents. (This will replace Luso's starting job on the next update)

Skills: Sword Arts
-Power Break [debuff]
Lower the target's ATTACK, reducing physical damage dealt.

-Magick Break [debuff]
Lower the target's MAGICK, reducing spell potency.

-Mp Draw
Deplete the target's MP and DRAIN it.

-White Draw [the only restore mp skill]
Recover MP and give REGEN.

-Acid Fang [debuff]
physical damage and reduce DEFENSE.

-Quick Hit
hp damage and 0.25 chance to quicken user.

-Riddle [debuff]
inflict CONFUSE and DOOM.

-Sword Magic [magic frenzy]
Damage units in a small area with a combination of magick and physical attacks.

[Bangaa] [Replace Gladiator] The Flame Dragon speed and power drastically increase to levels that allow them to fight toe-to-toe.

Command: Pyromancer

-Skill Name-      -Effect-      -Elem-       -Description-
Dragon ClawDMGNoneLeap into the air and impale the target.
Draconic SwipeDMG, IGNR
NoneInflicts Phys Dmg that ignores DEF.
Fire BlastDMG, RSL+,
FireDeals fire damage to enemy
and raises user RESILIENCE and MDEF.
JuggernautDMG, PATK+
NoneInflicts high Phys Dmg and raises PATK
but lowers MDEF and forces Berserk status.
Inner EruptionDMG CRNT HP,
NoneExplode self to deal damage equal to
CURRENT HP and gain REGEN but leave user in the brink of death.
Flame Dragon King Mode STATS+, SPD
NoneUtilizing the power to its fullest, the user radiates incredible heat raises all STATS
and speed, also DELAY enemy turn.

[Viera] [Replace Fencer] Wielding a deadly rapier, the light-footed Valkyrie strikes swift and sure.

Command: Battle Maiden

-Skill Name-      -Effect-      -Elem-       -Description-
Twin Strike2 ATKNoneAttack when the target is off
guard to land two consecutive strikes.
Celestial SpearDMGHolyRelease a focused shock wave.
Penetrates the target, damaging any unit behind it as well
Fury Transfer DRAIN DMG,
NoneDrain DAMAGE and inflict BERSERK
to enemy.
Blitz StabDMG, K'ODarkInflict KO and deals heavy
dark damage.
Valkyrie GuardPDEF+, MDEF-
NoneRaises DEFENSE and gives
REFLECT, but lowers MDEF
ReflexMVE+, EVSN+NoneCenter the user's thoughts.
Raises MOVE and EVASION.
Judgment of LightBLND, SLNC,
NoneInflict BLIND and SILENCE to the
target and raises user ACCURACY.

[Viera] [Replace Assasin] The finely honed skills of the Shadow assassin enable her to strike with deadly force.

Command: Assassination

-Skill Name-      -Effect-      -Elem-       -Description-
Twin Strike2 ATKNoneAttack when the target is off
guard to land two consecutive strikes.
SouleaterDMG, DMG SLFDarkSacrifice the user's HP to deal dark
damage to the target.
Blood SpikesDRAIN DMGNoneDRAIN the surrounding target's HP.
Dark CrowDMG, BLND
DarkDark Phys attack on target enemy unit.
ignores DEF and BLIND target.
Blur EVSN+, RSL+NoneRaises user EVASION and RESILIENCE.
AssaultPATK+, CRI+,
NoneRaises own PATK and CRIT, but lowers
Retribution BladeDMG USR
NoneInflicts Phys Dmg on units within target
area equal to user's remaining HP and damage the user also.

[Viera] [Replace Sniper] These elite hunters stalk their prey with immense greatbows(if you can master the skills of dark sniper it will be deadly to enemy).

Command: Sharpdebuffer

-Skill Name-      -Effect-      -Elem-       -Description-
Wind Cloak INVSBLE,
NoneConceal one's self from foes and raise
EVASION. Taking any action will break the effect.
Venom BiteDMG, POISONNoneCoat weapon with a deadly poison
before attacking. Deals damage and POISONS the target.
Head SnipeDMG, STOP,
NoneDeal damage and might inflict STOP,
DOOM or instant KO.
Reaper's Snipe DMG TOTAL
NoneInflict DEBUFF to target, the more
DEBUFF the target have the more DAMAGE.
Stellar ShockwaveDMG TOTAL
NoneDeal Heavy DAMAGE to target and the
more the user have DEBUFF the more powerfull this shot.
TranscendenceRMVE BUFF/DEBUFF,
NoneNullifies statuses cast on the target.
Remove BUFF DEBUFF and grant user random BUFF.

[Moogle] [Replace Moogle Knight] The Blademaster stands equal to any hume or bangaa warrior in bravery, if not in height.

Command: Savage

-Skill Name-      -Effect-      -Elem-       -Description-
Tiger TremorDMG, IGNR R-ABLT
NoneA mighty swing that ignore REACTION
Abilities and KNOCKBACK the target.
OmniblastDMG, PATK+
NoneDamage enemy and raises PATK
and DRAIN damage.
War Demon AssaultDMG, PATK-,
NoneInflicts Phys Dmg on target unit
and lowers PATK and PDEF.
Spirit BreakerDMG, MATK-,
NoneInflicts Phys Dmg on target unit
and lowers MATK and MDEF.
StarfallDMG, SPD-,
NoneDeals meduim DAMAGE and lowers
SPEED and BLIND the target.
Darkness IlluminationDMG, IGNR PDEFDarkDeals heavy dark damage within the
area and ignore DEFENSE.
Razor's DeterminationCRIT+, ACCRCY+
NoneRaises CRIT and ACCURACY but
0 EVASION for 1 turn.

[Moogle] [Replace Fusiler] Moogle machinists crafted the first guns, so it is no surprise that moogle Gunslinger fire them with the greatest skill.

Command: Headhunter

-Skill Name-      -Effect-      -Elem-       -Description-
FirebombDMG, OILFireAn attack that explodes in a ball of
flame on impact. Deals fire damage comes with OIL.
Crippling IceDMG, IMMBLZEIceDeals ice damage and inflict
IMMOBILIZE to the target.
TargetDMG, FOCUSNoneTake careful aim at the target. Deals
heavy damage on the next turn.
NoneIncreases ACCURACY and MOVE
of next basic attack.
Point Blank ShotDMG, BLINDNoneAn attack that leaves the target in
darkness. Heavy close range damage but lower ACCURACY.

[Bangaa][Nu muo] [Replace Time Mage]
The Chronomancer gain abilities that allow them to rend both space and time.

Command: Chronomancy

-Skill Name-      -Effect-      -Elem-       -Description-
Chrono StasisDMG HP+MP,
NoneMagically DAMAGE target's HP and MP
and inflict STOP.
Chrono SwitchTELEPORTNoneTELEPORT the target closer to the
user, best for cornerd ally.
Time GiftHASTE,
NoneGrants target HASTE but nullify
Delayed ReactionDMG, DELAYNoneSlow the flow of time around the
target. DELAYED target's turn.
Lost TimeDMG, DISBLENoneDamage enemy and inflict DISABLE.
Steal TimeDMG, DELAY,
NoneInflict DAMAGE and steal the target's
turn, DELAY the enemy and grants HASTE to user.
Clock ReversalRESURRECT,
-1/4 HP
NoneBy using Quarter of HP, slide the
target through time. Enables target to return from being KO'd.
ChronolockSTOP ALLNoneCreate a temporal dimension that
inflict STOP time for everyone except for the user.

[Bangaa] [Replace Defender]
An elite unit specialized to canceling, blocking and countering almost all magick, leaving magic user useless.

Command: Breaker

-Skill Name-      -Effect-      -Elem-       -Description-
Mind BashDMG, CONFUSENoneHammering the enemy with brute force.
Inflict DAMAGE and CONFUSE enemy.
Heavenly WrathDMG, SLNCELGHTNGRelease stored electrical energy in a
sudden burst. Deals lightning damage and SILENCE targets.
NoneBombard Self with energy, driving it into.
Spell ImmunityNO DMG,
NoneProtect the user from all damage from
all magick until its next turn and remove most DEBUFF.
Bloody BashDMG, KNBCK,
NoneUsing own blood Inflict DAMAGE to enemy
and KNOCKBACK and DISABLE the target. Deals Heavy back side damage.
MediguardHP+, COVERNoneFocuses force to heal HP of your ally
and GUARD them from your enemies.
Immortal ShieldPRTCT, SHELL
NoneSurround the target in a defensive Energy.
Grand SlamDMG, ADDLE,
EarthSend a powerful vibration through the
ground. Deals earth damage to surrounding
units and Inflict ADDLE and SLOW.

[Hume] [Replace Hunter]
Emperor has a deep responsibility to carry out his duties as the symbol of victory.

Command: Dark Purge

-Skill Name-      -Effect-      -Elem-       -Description-
Strike GuardDMG, SLF
NoneInflict DAMAGE and GUARD itself.
Blood of AtonementDMG, CHARM,
NoneUse the power of the user's Blood to
DAMAGE and DRAIN it and CHARM the target.
Sealing BladeDMG, ADDLE,
NoneScatter sealing feathers into the air.
Deals DAMAGE and ADDLE or SILENCE to enemy.
Gaze of SupremacyIMMBLZE,
NoneA glance sharp as needles.
IMMOBILIZE and DISABLE the target.
Savior's FortitudePDEF+,
NoneRaises PDEF of self and adjacent
allies and lowers enemies.
Pain AbsoptionRMV DEBUFF,
NoneDrain the target's DEBUFF and the more
DEBUFF the more to restore the HP unit.
Pain BringerDBUFF+ DMG+,
NoneThe more DEBUFF the user the more DAMAGE
and turn it to user's HP.
Duelist KingFOCUS, CNTER,
NoneSummon up strength for an almighty attack.
also raises CRIT
Hell's BladestormDMGDarkSend a powerful Black wind tearing
through all foes.
Black MistMP 0, BLINDNoneCast a veil of impenetrable darkness,
reducing the MP of all foes to 0 and may inflict BLIND.
NoneGrants PROTECT, SHELL, HP recover
and COVER the target.
Heroic AuraHASTE,
NoneWrap allies in a curtain of magickal light.
Sanity AuraPATK+, PDEF+NoneRaises own PATK and PDEF.
Healing WaveHP+, RMV SLNC,
NoneHeals ally HP, and remove SILENCE, BLIND and
Death BringerDMG, HP - 1NoneStab target with a well concealed knife.
Reduces HP to 1.
Abyssal SlashDMG, STOPNoneSummon a vision of the great abyss above the
battlefield, maddening all who gaze into its depths.
Damages and STOPS targets
Photon ShowerDMGHolyEngulf the battlefield in a wave of
scorching heat. Damages units in a large area.

[Nu Muo] [Replace Beastmaster]
Dark wizards who are masters of the undead, and have no fear of the Dark Arts.

Command: Dark Arts

-Skill Name-      -Effect-      -Elem-       -Description-
DarkDMGDarkGather the powers of darkness to strike the target.
Deals dark damage.
DarkraDMGDarkAn improved version of Dark. Deals even greater
dark damage to its target.
DarkgaDMGDarkThe greatest Dark magick. Surrounds its target in
impenetrable darkness dealing massive dark damage.
MiasmaDMG, POISONNoneThe stench of death hangs heavy in the air.
Damages and POISONS units in a small area.
KarmaDMG x killsNoneAttack with the weight of the past.
The more foes the target has killed, the greater the damage.
SyphonjaDMG HP+MPDarkLight from the beyond punches through to the
battlefield. Fully depletes the HP and MP of units in a large area.
CatastropheDMG, PDEF-,
DarkOpen a void of destruction above the battlefield.
Lowers DEFENSE and RESISTANCE of all units in
the area. also DAMAGE enemy and DRAIN it.
ZombieCTRL ZMBINoneTake control of zombies.
GhostCTRL GHOSTNoneTake control of ghosts.
DeathscytheCTRL DTHCYTHENoneTake control of deathscythes.

[Replace White Monk] The brawler is an offensive dynamo with exceptional tanking capabilities, heavy armor, and massive powerfists that both dish out and block damage.

Command: Fist Arts

-Skill Name-      -Effect-      -Elem-       -Description-
Random StrikeDMG, DELAYNoneDeals more DAMAGE to foe that have
Blinding StrikeDMG, BLIND,
NoneThrow the user's weight into a ferocious
charge. Deals DAMAGE, BLIND and make 0 EVS
for 1 turn.
Exploding PalmDMG, SPD-FireSet off an explosion that DAMAGE and bypass
target PDEF, nullifies the reaction abilities and
lowers the SPEED of the target.
Palm ShockwaveDMG, ADDLENoneLet out a distinctly bangaa shout. Damages
and ADDLE targets in a cone in front of the user.
Whirlwind KickDMGAirA powerful whirlwind attack. Combo DAMAGE,
raises CRIT and lowers target PDEF.
Must be in PRIMED state.
Trinity BarrageDMG ALLNoneFocus the user's ki, sending blades of
air tearing through all targets.
Divine Battle TranceFOCUS,
NoneA focused attack that sunders the ground.
Doubles all ally PATK for 1 turn in its range
and make Foe SLEEP.
Iron BodyHP+, RMV
NoneManipulate the user's ki to rid the body
of impurities. Restores HP and removes debuffs.
Muscle IncreasePATK+, PDEF-,
NoneRaises PATK but lowers PDEF and grants
PRIMED state.

[Replace Heritor] The secrets of the Gifted are the weapons of the PRINCESS.

Command: Cold Black Rune

-Skill Name-      -Effect-      -Elem-       -Description-
Piercing MoonIGNR DEF,
NoneA powerful attack that IGNORE enemy
Jolting StrikeDMG, DOOM,
NoneStrike at the target's vitals. Give HASTE to ally
and has a chance to DOOM the target.
Crippling GuiltDMG, IGNR DEF,
NoneDeals DMG to enemy and IGNORE PDEF
and inflict IMMOBILIZE.
Cross ImpactIGNR DEF,
DarkPenetrating Dark non-type ATK to an enemy
that ignores PDEF and deal massive damage
if the enemy has couter ability.
ManhauntDMG, BLIND,
NoneThrow the enemy's mind into a state of disarray.
Damages, BLIND and SLOW the target.
Dark StormDMGDarkBuffet foes with a mighty Dark tornado.
Deals dark damage within range.
Shadowy BlowDMG, BLINDDarkSend a wave of gleaming shadow tearing through foes.
Deals dark damage and BLINDS targets.
Falling MoonDMGNoneManifest the user's suffering in a burst of energy,
damaging units in a small area. The lower the user's
HP, the greater the damage dealt.
Steady ColdDMG, SLOWNoneSend a shock wave of energy tearing through foes.
Damages and SLOWS the target.
Iceblade CrushDMG, PATK-,
IceImpale the target on a massive shard of ice.
Deals ice damage and lowers enemies
Ice OrbDMGIceFreeze an orb of air and hurl it at the target.
Deals ice damage.
Iceguard CrushDMG, PDEF-,
Iceconjure a storm of ice. Deals ice damage
and lowers enemies PDEF and MDEF within
Chilling BlowDMG,
IceSend a wave of chilling frost crashing through foes.
Deals ice damage and IMMOBILIZES targets.
Water GuardianHP+,PROTECT,
WaterSend a torrent of water to scour the battlefield.
Heal your party's HP and grants PROTECT
Blizzard PainDMG, SLEEPIceRavage foes with a howling snowstorm.
Deals ice damage and puts all enemy in the
battlefield to SLEEP.
Attack UpPATK+, MATK+.
NoneDraw out and amplify the user's inherent full physical
and magical atk. Grants PATK↑, MATK↑ and FOCUS.
Guard UpPDEF+, MDEF+,
NoneDraw out and amplify the user's inherent full physical
and magical def. Grants PDEF↑, MDEF↑ and RES↑.

[Replace Tinker] The MACHINIST crafts elaborate devices that wreak havoc on the battlefield.

Command: Crafter

-Skill Name-      -Effect-      -Elem-       -Description-
Tri-StikeDMGNoneAttack the target with three consecutive strike.
GravisphereDMG, IMMOBILIZENoneCreate a ball of gravity that damages and with a
chance of inflicting IMMBOLIZE to the target in a small area.
SatrfallDMG, BERSERKNoneCall a meteor from the sky. Damages units in a
small area and with a chance of inflicting BERSERK.
Alarm BombDMG, DELAYFireHurl a flaming bottle that explodes in a gout of fire.
Deals @P fire damage and DELAY the target's turn.
AccelerateMOV+, HASTENoneraises MOVE and give HASTE to the target.
MedishotHP+NoneUse weapon to restore HP of the target.
Craft-Craft!DBL CASTNoneQuickly Craft to make two consecutive attack.

The rest of the job have no changes. i haven't finish with this mod so expect to have another job.

I'll update the job every other day or atleast a week guys..

Machinist (added v0.7.1)
The Machinist wages battle with his crafty creations.

Dark Ice Princess (added v0.7)
Using Dark and Ice Sorcery to lead them through to victory.

Brawler (added v0.6)
The brawler is an offensive dynamo with exceptional tanking capabilities, heavy armor, and massive powerfists that both dish out and block damage.

Necromancer (added v0.5)
Dark wizards who are masters of the undead, and have no fear of the Dark Arts.
Necromancer will be hurt by healing spells and items in battle, but Dark spells will heal their HP fully.

Emperor - (added v0.4) This will be Luso's starting job
Emperor has a deep responsibility to carry out his duties as the symbol of victory.

Magick Breaker job (added v0.3)
An elite unit specialized to canceling, blocking and countering almost all magick, leaving magic user useless.

Chronomancer job (added v0.2)
The Chronomancer gain abilities that allow them to rend both space and time.

version 0.7.1
-Machinist added
-minor fix on Magic Blade job skill set
-minor fix on adelle starting equipment from gun to saber

version 0.7
-adelle is back to Hume Race again(sorry some reports that when adelle is attacking with a rapier the game will soft break)
-adelle's new job is Dark Ice Princess(only for adelle)
-added Dark Ice Princess
-Dark Ice Princess has 17 skills to master(just like Luso)

version 0.6
-Brawler added
-Some minor fix in skills

version 0.5.1
-Necromancer fix
-Necromancer 1 hit kill by Holy skill/magic fix
-Some changes in enemy equipment at mission Wanted: Ughor
-Addelle's starting job now will be Valkyrie(Fencer). Yes she's now a Viera

version 0.5
-Necromancer added
-All Rod, and Staff have given MATK stats instead of PATK
-All Instrument have given MATK but retain PATK (for Necromancer)
-ALL equipment with magic stat ranged from 16 - 42

version 0.4
-Emperor added (Luso's starting job) Emperor is for Luso only, unless you use AR code to unlock all jobs
-Emperor have 17 skills to master
-Look for the changelog to see the list of equipment for skills
-All Main Mission's Law has been changed to no Item. to maximize your strategy without worrying Law.
-Steal Armor has been changed to Steal Shield. because steal armor doesn't exist

version 0.3.1
-All Main Mission's Enemy formation are changed to make it very hard.
-Enemy unit, enemy equipment and enemy skills.
-All AP cost to master skill has been reduced. no need to use AP privilage.
-Captain Knight now equip Heavy armor, shield and helm from Light armor and hat. to make it durable and not easy to kill by enemy.
-Flame Dragon have now strong resistance in Fire elem.

version 0.3
-Magick Breaker Added
-for MB equipment look it in the changelog

version 0.2.1
-Massive equipment skill fix
-like the dancer A-ability that appears 0ap Soldier etc..

version 0.2
-Chronomancer job added

version 0.1
-fix the Treasurehunter skill:
-Steal Loot fix the skill to loot only lvl 1 to lvl 2.
-Steal Better Loot fix the skill to loot only lvl 2 to lvl 3.
-Grand Theft fix
-Holy knight fix
-Quick Heal changes from blk mage tile to single unit.

here is the ups patch for those who want to try my mod

Credits to:
Lennart's Job and Ability Editor
DeSgeretjin's all in one Text, Command, and Enemy Formation Editor
bcrobert's FFTA2 Equipment Nightmare module
AGodDangMoose's FFTA2 Class and Recruitable Units Nightmare Modules[/td][/tr][/table][/td][/tr][/table]
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


September 26, 2019, 01:12:51 am #1 Last Edit: September 27, 2019, 01:49:45 pm by jestherr09
Actual Gameplay

Can I also have your opinions as I know you all already finished FFTA/FFTA2 and in FFTA there's tool that can removed law from the entire game. But in FFTA2 if you use AR Code to removed Law you'll end up losing the clan privilage and cannot revive your party. So what im saying if you just make all the Law as no item allowed to use(because thats the easiest law you can encounter) would it be more great or you prefer to default law for more challenge?
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


I highly recommend not putting links to patched roms/roms, since that's illegal activity and it falls under one of the main rules on the site.

For the time being i'll have to remove your link to the patched rom since your other files are in the proper format, so in the future please do not post roms/patched roms.

Anyways good job on the Mod. :)
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Zeke Aileron™#0606


ohh Im sorry, i didn't know it's againt's the rule I really appreciated that you correct me. maybe i'll check first the rule before posting anything again.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Hi!! nice mod you got, there are lots of new job. before all I want is to have dual world to fast kill the enemy. But now I failed the mission where I first meet addelle because of my confident I was unprepared. And since you make a job for Luso can you also make one for addelle? I mean she's a Viera now and not home race anymore
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Quote from: UncrownedQueen on October 08, 2019, 07:57:28 am
And since you make a job for Luso can you also make one for addelle? I mean she's a Viera now and not home race anymore

You mean Hume? yes i can, maybe for later update i'll add for addelle only
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


I'm not sure if this allowed on this site, but would you mind telling me where you got the rom you used.I have tried patching five different ones, and none of them worked.If you need more info, I was using tsukuyomi, and it said either that the input file, or the input checksum were invalid.Sorry for the inconvenience.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: JustYourAverageSnail


  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


okay, thank you for responding.I will find one on my own then.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: JustYourAverageSnail


would anyone be willing to tell me why my roms won't patch?I can give more details if necessary.

  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: JustYourAverageSnail


Some message me that the game freezes when adelle is attacking with rapier. Sorry I've been busy to my business that's why I couldn't fix the bug sooner.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Quote from: Viriden on October 25, 2019, 04:06:03 pm
would anyone be willing to tell me why my roms won't patch?I can give more details if necessary.

I've include the patcher to the .rar file. You may use it if you have any problem patching it to your rom. or message me if you still can't patch it I'll help you.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Quote from: jestherr09 on October 26, 2019, 08:03:33 am
Some message me that the game freezes when adelle is attacking with rapier. Sorry I've been busy to my business that's why I couldn't fix the bug sooner.

There's no way to fix. Humes (including Adelle and Luso) don't have the necessary sprites to attack with rapiers.
There's a handy chart here: http://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?topic=12173.msg225310#msg225310 
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Quote from: SoloCross on October 28, 2019, 11:34:26 pm
Some message me that the game freezes when adelle is attacking with rapier. Sorry I've been busy to my business that's why I couldn't fix the bug sooner.

Yes there's no way to fix it that's why i change back adelle default race to hume due to sprite bug. Thanks for pointing out, i may also check the link that you provide.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown

50 de lechuga

  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Quote from: 50 de lechuga on November 08, 2019, 01:15:15 pm
How can I get the link to the Parched rom ?

Links to Roms and or Patched Roms are against the sites rules.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Zeke Aileron™#0606

50 de lechuga

  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Quote from: 50 de lechuga on November 10, 2019, 02:21:46 pm
Ok thank you for the advice , so how can I play this mod ?

First you must have the original US rom then download the file attached on the first post. Then download ups patcher to patch it to your original US rom.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Which rom do you apply the patch on? It says "Failed! Input checksum is invalid." when trying to do it.

Edit: I managed to do it by bypassing the checksum, but I can't progress in the first battle. The black mage simply isn't able to act on its first turn at all.


Quote from: Achelexus on November 30, 2019, 06:16:59 pm
I can't progress in the first battle. The black mage simply isn't able to act on its first turn at all.

hmm.. do you have any cheats or AR codes on? maybe you done something wrong. i tested it but the blackmage seems working fine.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown