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[Old] FFT: Plus Chat/discussion topic

Started by Dome, July 29, 2011, 07:26:52 pm


Quote from: krilz on April 18, 2012, 04:17:46 pm
Alright, another question which I couldn't find an answer too: Is it possible to raise your brave permanently?

No, for balance reasons you can't do it anymore
Ramza (Ch4 Version) learns a skill that increases brave, but it won't last after the fight

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


Right you are! Chose not to save Algus (the motherfu...) and saved Boco but still haven't gotten a single extra point of brave. Killed Algus before his third turn so didn't notice any difference there but oh well.

So far liking this patch very much! It provides a challenge, but not so blatantly much that it's frustrating. Although there are those rare occasions where I seem to miss every attack for a turn (even with 95% hit) and the enemies all land their attacks.


Glad to hear you are liking the patch :-)
And remember:

Shit happens, but don't let the RNG screw the day: Use concentrate

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


Of course, my physical attackers are all getting it, but as for casters I'd rather choose between Magic AttackUP and Short Charge than Precision :/


Dome, might want to take a look at some of the ???? stat enemies down in DD, some of them are dying way to fast and can be statused. Delita down in Delta is a really good example. Graviga was hitting for like 500, so he can't have ???? stats.

Currently in Horror now - wow, that floor is insane.... :shock: Lack of Teleport really hurts in here, XD. Guess it's back to Ignore Height/Fly.


Almost everything into the DD has ??? Stats, but it does not mean he breaks the 999 HP cap ;-) (If the unit has a piece of equipment that boosts HP, it will cap at 999)
I just gave them ??? to hide their stats and give them fixed 999 HP

P.s: Like the new enemy unit? XD

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


Ah, ok then.

And yes I do like them!


April 23, 2012, 04:01:43 am #227 Last Edit: April 23, 2012, 04:08:36 am by krilz
Quote from: Dome on April 13, 2012, 07:58:04 pm
No, Katanas do not break in FFT: Plus :-)

Doesn't seem to apply, or something weird happened. I used Koetetsu once in a battle (I only had one in the bags) and then a couple of rounds later I noticed that it was gone. So either I misplaced it during the fight or it broke :/

As a sidenote: Any tip on how to make some cash? (besides Propositions) I'm noticing I'm really low on cash all through the game and it's bugging me out whenever I got an heavy armor broken/stolen by pesky thieves or knights >_<


When I did my FFT+ playthrough a while back, they did the same thing. I'm fairly sure that ASM is broken, since it didn't work for me in PW either. =\
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


Random tips 2 make money fast:
- Story fights usually yeld a lot of money. Just win
- Use monsters: They don't require any equipment, and they are awesomely strong
- Steal 'n sell (Both from random and story battles). "Precision" makes stealing easy
- As you already said, propositions

P.s: About the "Breaking katanas" matter...it never happened to me
Dunno what to say, onestly :-/

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"

Neophyte Ronin

The original breakage rate was 15%.  Across 100 Draw Out attempts, Breakage should happen fifteen times on average.

To test and legitimately conclude Dome's sales pitch requires someone who can speed up his emulator (or not, just be quick with menus), purchase 100 of a sword, Mind Break the caster to 1 Magic, Draw Out one hundred times and see if it breaks even once.  If it doesn't and the breakage rate was not changed, then there should be between ten to twenty lost swords.

Also keep a tally of how many times you draw out (like on a paper) and then check the inventory after the battle to see if it isn't a display thing going on.  It is possible that Dome took out the script that says to display the effect of Broken but not prevent the Draw Out effect itself.  In other words, you could have a major problem if it turns out they are being lost to an effect that isn't reported by the system.

The other explanation is simple: breakage or theft from an opponent.

I'm surprised that Dome sought to be rid of Draw Out/Iaido and while I'm inclined to agree, it's tricky to figure out what he would replace it with.  The Samurai is slow to a fault and lacks (according to 1.01B) a double-grip power to trade-off the lack of a shield.  The magic and speed of other classes means Draw Out is better served as an optional ability, especially with Geomancers and Black Mages, but it takes forever to learn each ability.  Perform Abilities work well; give them Damage Split or Counter, then a defense booster, Concentrate, or double grip (if 1.01B or latter versions that don't fix that little annoyance) and have them exposed to enemies in the front.  The Samurai can buff up Health or stats and offer occasional ripostes with one model or simply survive the other.  MP Switch with a female dancing Samurai produces self-sustaining defense; give her a ribbon for added insurance and bring in some casters.  One less thing.

I'll download and test out the differences in 1.01C ASAP.  Will a saved file work out after a change in version?  Nothing removed permanently or altered horribly?


Yes, you can download 1.01C beta and load a 1.01b file
Nothing should go wrong

P.s: I used an ASM to remove the katana break %, but I did not make it

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


What are the requirements for performer? Unable to find that information (or any job requirements for that matter) anywhere here on the forums.


My bad XD
They will probably be changed soon, but for the moment, those are the requirements in 1.01c Beta

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"

Neophyte Ronin

Shouldn't you post that chart in the Master's Guide?


May 02, 2012, 02:31:39 pm #235 Last Edit: May 03, 2012, 12:26:54 pm by matticus23
Hey Dome, I'm loving the FFT: Plus (patch 1.01C Beta), excellent job on improving an already excellent game! In my playing so far I haven't noticed too many bugs which is awesome, but I was wondering if it were possible to implement some new skills for certain classes. I draw on multiple games for ideas such as Pokémon, FF3, FF7, Legend of Dragoon, among others I'm sure. I'll compile my ideas based on class (although my thoughts tend to wander lol). Bear with me, as this could get very long-winded :).

Knight - although supposed to be a basic class I always thought it was too plain and boring. The ranged breaks are great, but what about a move break? like half movement or even -1 would be cool. Or maybe just implement that into the "Slow" spell, or increase the amount of clockticks for spells and whatnot, just a thought. Also I thought the "Cover" ability from materia in FF7 could be used for Knight as a Reaction Ability. Say Ramza was targeted by Thunder but before the spell was cast a Knight unit could move in front of Ramza to absorb the spell :) or an Absolute Defense that nullifies all attack (save for Concentrate attacks of course). It would have to be a steep cost and only a Knight innate ability though or it would be OP.

Wizard - This one has irked me since Vanilla. Wizard controls all the elements right? Where's Earth, Water, Dark and Wind?! only Fire, Thunder and Ice? that's only 3 of four basic elements (technically it's Water, Wind, Fire and Earth but I digress), let alone the 8 incorporated in the game, well 7 since Priest has Holy. Also with respect to Pokémon, having status effects associated with some elements. A burn effect similar to Poison for Fire spells, a new "Frozen" state for Ice that would act as a quasi-permanent Stop effect (negated with Fire :P ), also you could have a "shatter" effect if struck when frozen resulting in a poach like effect for a permanent kill. Don't Act/ Don't Move for Thunder, even a 10% chance would be neat (not to be comparable to Geomancer attacks at 25% unless you changed it). How about "Darkness" if you implemented a Dark elemental Black Magic spell. A Knockback effect on a Wind Spell and so forth. And I've never seen an MP regen ability in any RPG so far and I've played dozens. There's Move-MP up but that's it. Or how about a HP Switch ability? for those Mage Mashing-Spell Absorbing-Magic Ruining-Witch Hunting... you get the point. Or even an MP-based auto potion either to replace MP Restore or in addition to it.

Lancer - Pretty much solid but I'd like to see an AoE attack, think Hyper Jump Limit by Cid in FF7, and while you're at it, an HP/MP drain or damage attack :) and they should be able to have a javelin throw too, or at least the Ninja should.

Samurai - Last one for now :D. Bushido Blade! Like a similar comment I read about the Archer having a targeted status, Don't Act for arm target, Don't Move for Legs, or just instant death for head slice hehehe. Either that or Disarm function, like Target Sword/Shield Arm, removing equipment and plopping a chest with that item, like a secondary Thief. And what Samurai doesn't live by a code? Harikari (ritual suicide) Reaction ability would be really neat. When Samurai is Critical if an enemy tried to strike from behind with Physical attack, have a Self-Destruct attack that kills you and target (Max HP for both targets).

I haven't unlocked all the classes yet but I will continue to suggest things as I go. Thanks Dome for reviving interest in this gem!


Oh, I forgot my Legend of Dragoon reference. Not sure what class it would fall under, but a type of Combo attack, like 3 hits at once, like I thought Repeating Fist was going to be when I first saw it lol. So Monk would make the most sense for this, since everyone seems to think they are nerfed too much. And what's with Monks using weapons now like daggers? if anything they should have special weapons for Monk only like in Dungeons and Dragons. Having a Chakram for ranged regular attack would be interesting, maybe it could strike multiple targets by ricocheting or something similar to reflecting a spell.

On a separate note, there's a flail, but how about a whip? there's tons of cool tricks you could do with that. Bringing the enemy closer, possible disarm function or Entanglement for Don't Act. I don't know if it's possible, but a "trip" attack to give them that "unconscious star swirling above their head icon" lol, would disable them until their next turn or until cured or something. Thanks again Dome!

Neophyte Ronin

I can tell from the posts right now some of those ideas cannot be implemented.  Cover, like from FF7, would not work.  However, we cannot just negate the sentiment.  I'd have it work like Monster Skill, in that a friendly adjacent character within a respectable height difference (2) acquires the Knight's Evasion stats.  It would have to be a Support Ability and can be augmented with Abandon or Weapon Guard, etc.; whatever the Knight's stats are, they are transmitted to the ally.  That's how far my imagination goes and I'm also very sure it would be difficult to figure out how that would work in the program.

As for everything else, this is a balancing patch.  Any of the ideas mentioned might constitute a change in how everything goes.  A Samurai Hara-Kiri, a Critical-Triggered Reactive ability, would be a liability if the enemy deal the damage from afar.  Archers would walk all over Samurai as a result.  Then again, a Tonberry-esque ability similar to Damage Split, where you react with the amount of damage you have suffered overall (call it Karma Retort), might be doable since it would have the range aspect.  Yet, it would not be consistent with the Samurai idiom.

Weapons that deal specific effects 100% of the time are, however, the most doable thing around.  Mage Mashers have been modified to that degree.  Poison Rods have been made 100% successful, which is pretty slick even if you think lowly of Black Mages.  Poison has been rendered permanent until cured, so you cannot discount it as an offensive weapon anymore.  If an enemy with hidden stats is susceptible, it may be possible to determine the creature's maximum health by multiplying its poison damage by eight.

Auto-Ether would not fly.  To be honest, there is a class called Performer that has Angel Song.  Use that instead, or use the Monk's Chakra ability.  Air Blades enhance their Wave and Spin Fist techniques.

The Classic Black Mage has Lightning on-demand, and there are a couple nasty monsters weak to it.  Geomancers lack that ability, but have wind, earth, and water.  Summoners have all but holy, but they are pure damage and lack a true supportive element anymore.  Holy is no longer a one-hit kill, which is good if you're up against enemy white mages and palm-to-head material for every other instance.

If I wanted to make a suggestion, I'd recommend changing the emphasis of the Summoner to one where you can deal status effects across the field.  It'd be expensive and tricky to pull off, but that's where Precision or Half MP come into play.

It's doing good so far.  Still wondering what the finished product will look like, and whether or not we'll need to see another patch after that.


QuoteIf I wanted to make a suggestion, I'd recommend changing the emphasis of the Summoner to one where you can deal status effects across the field.  It'd be expensive and tricky to pull off, but that's where Precision or Half MP come into play.

I disagree. We already have Skeletons and Squids that do that. Skeletons especially - accurate to very accurate (at least from my observations) sleep across the entire map? Too strong. Granted you need Monster skill equipped, but still. Squids' slow across the map, although isn't guaranteed, can still be strong if lucky with the slow procs.

Doing that would make Oracle & probably Sage useless.


Just saying that in chapter one, at the frist miluda fight, there some thief using armor on there head!
Don't there know that the helmet goes on your head? There needs to press *select* on Mimic Daravon.

Quote from: Dome on April 27, 2012, 01:19:43 am

P.s: I used an ASM to remove the katana break %, but I did not make it

I think that the katanas still breaks, you just dont get the message wen those get broken.
I end up buying em over and over...(i think you forgoten to add the ASM hack in 1.01c beta :P)
R.I.P : SolidSnakeDog