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September 20, 2024, 09:06:40 pm


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Official Sprite Request Section (Rarely fulfilled)

Started by Zozma, October 04, 2008, 11:30:04 pm


  • Modding version: PSX
It's not much yet but check out my spriting thread!
Here's a look at my vanilla mod thread, progressing one step at a time!


Hello everyone

Im New Here ,
Can I a request to make Ramza Sprites with Rasler Heios Nabradia from FF12
I hope someone made it

thanks Before  ;)

  • Modding version: PSX & WotL


I've seen a battle sprite of Titan, but I think it would be really great if we could get all the Eidolon battle sprites:


I don't know how feasible this is, but if a Titan Battle sprite can be made, I don't see why these couldn't be done. I am making this request because I'm making custom events for FFT in that, in order to gain each of the above summons, they must first be defeated in battle. Also, I'm exploring the potential for a seperate mod that does also requires them to be defeated in battle, only they are added to Party in Formation, instead of in battle summon abilities. I'm good at creating events, Hex editing, and I've made new sprites using existing models, but something like Eidolons from scratch is WAY beyond me. PRETTY PRETTY PLEASE :D
  • Modding version: PSX


Here, follow this link to a decently recent talk about the estimated cost of new Lucavi sprites by one of the site's best and most prominent spriters.

  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


I don't post much, but I've been a user for 6 years and put tens of thousands of hours into FFT, FFT modding, and ffHacktics forum, and I've been modding in general for more than twice as long as that (I'm 28).

One thing that has infested the forum is a VERY disrespectful, arrogant attitude and among modders of all types that is directed towards other users that ask for help, make requests, or post new ideas and suggestions. They are generally treated with contempt, and since modders often see them as nothing but an irritation, they often try to make them look stupid with sarcastic, harsh remarks.

Quote from: GeneralStrife on November 05, 2011, 04:31:01 pm
request: do it yourself

What's the name of the this thread again..?  -_-

Oh, and the users that ask/request something that already exists in the forum(somewhere)? Just kindly redirect them, I don't care how many times it's been posted somewhere else. Anyone who doesn't acknowledge that navigating scattered cluster-fuck forums sucks, especially ones with a completely worthless search, cause the one we have doesn't even pick up words of attachments. I can type the exact name of any .bmp, .spr, or .rar that I know exists somewhere, but it not get included with the search results.
  • Modding version: PSX


Is this supposed to be a response to my reply to you in this topic, or...?
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


That was interesting. So if you have so much experience, why not contribute and answer questions/requests? This sounds entitled AF imo. Just like in real life, advice, suggestions and etc are usually happily given, but you can't expect others to do everything for you. You have to be willing to put in the work and do the research, and THEN ask questions. Sure navigating forums sucks, agreed. So it's my responsibility to put aside my own research, so that I can do research for someone else's benefit, because they don't want to? Especially when it has been posted X times, and it is in a very obvious spot, which is usually the case. The people you expect to have all the answers, have their own projects to do.

BTW I am just a fellow user, and I have never once been treated disrespectfully here. Brutally honest != disrespect, either does not bending over backwards.


Yeah, I'm not sure exactly what this post is about, so it's really hard to pin down exactly what the issue is.

I won't pretend that everyone here is a flawless, wonderful angel when it comes to answering questions or pointing things out, but consider where we are, and the questions that are often asked. This is a video game modding forum: basic competency and common sense are not unfair expectations. Usually, if a question/concern is sensible, civil, etc. the user will get a similar response back, even if they are merely being directed towards pre-established topics. It's when the questions/concerns/assumptions are flawed (if not outright dumb) that one starts seeing irritated replies.

I've seen a case with a user who repeatedly disregarded an instruction to use an updated version of the tool they were experimenting with, both for their own sake and for the sake of those who reviewed their progress; they ended up disappearing from the forum instead of updating their tool, when - after being helped in multiple different topics - the reviewers finally put their feet down and said "no more, stop refusing to help us help you".

I've seen a case where someone offered to help with descriptions and the like in a mod - a task that was already complete - and their posts were filled with spelling and grammar errors. An attempt was made to let them down gently; it didn't take. Upon being hit with the blunt truth, the poster turned toxic, going off on enraged tangents.

I've seen questions that were so mind-bogglingly simple to answer, a simple google search or following the most obvious links from the front page of the forum would have given the poster the answer in seconds.

I've seen a post where someone asserted that because one character's base job in a mod was rather slow, the job/character were nearly useless in the game, due to the fact that at level 99 they were projected to get 2/3 the turns of the fastest character or something like that. They seized upon that point like a dog with a bone and refused to acknowledge any counterpoints (including the ridiculously obvious one that the character could be switched into a faster job if the player really hated it that much).


Going off the assumption that this post is based upon my reply - i.e. someone requested the creation of eleven summon spirits in full playable sprite mode, and I responded by showing the estimated cost of making Lucavi sprites - not only was my reply not at all rude, it's entirely relevant to the request... assuming one can play a simple game of connect-the-dots. Some summon spirits (like Shiva) match the typical humanoid structure; they're close enough to human sprites that, in theory, making them a sprite wouldn't be too daunting a task. Others...?


The part in the other topic where I specifically mention the difficulty of making unique non-humanoid sprites, and the part where Twin estimates the cost of such sprites, are both very, very relevant to the request here. (Also note: they're the first two posts you see if you follow the provided link.) And in the post I replied to, I'll quote:

QuoteI don't see why these couldn't be done

Twin's estimated price for a Lucavi demon:

QuoteThe lowest I'd estimate is probably $800-900. So $800 - $1500 per sheet sounds about right to me... haha.

That's why they couldn't be done.

Now, I didn't shit all over the request. I didn't insult the poster. I wasn't condescending. I simply gave a direct link to the most recent discussion I knew of that concerned an idea that was very comparable to the request, that explained - in two quick, concise, back-to-back posts - the difficulty of such a request. Absolutely nothing about my reply was rude - assuming, of course, that you aren't the sort of person who thinks it's rude simply to be told that you won't get what you're asking for.
And in the posts I linked to, the person who originally suggested that idea didn't get rude responses either. I made a joke about their request, but it wasn't at their expense; it was just something I knew would get a chuckle. That poster saw the discussion we had about it and went "Oh, I had no idea, but yeah that makes sense". Then we all went on with our lives, no hurt feelings whatsoever.

Of course, that's all operating under the assumption that Lyr's post for today was made in response to my reply. Because if it wasn't, I don't know why the hell that little rant was posted here out of the blue.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


I wasn't even gonna respond at first, but like I said it just came off really entitled to me, and that shit irritates me.

QuoteI've seen a case with a user who repeatedly disregarded an instruction to use an updated version of the tool they were experimenting with, both for their own sake and for the sake of those who reviewed their progress; they ended up disappearing from the forum instead of updating their tool, when - after being helped in multiple different topics - the reviewers finally put their feet down and said "no more, stop refusing to help us help you".

That's actually a good example too, because that guy was really enthusiastic and it shows how willing everybody is to help if they put in the effort. There was quite a few people who were putting in the effort to help him, even while continually disregarding the updated instruction set.

I'm even a good example. When I first started messing around, not only was everyone willing to help me, they were happy to have somebody new on the forum who was trying to learn (and putting in the effort). Trust me they would love for the forum to have a more active and participating community. Too bad I'm a loser :mrgreen: Hopefully I'll be able to get back into this when/if money isn't the only thing on my mind.


QuoteI've seen a case with a user who repeatedly disregarded an instruction to use an updated version of the tool they were experimenting with, both for their own sake and for the sake of those who reviewed their progress; they ended up disappearing from the forum instead of updating their tool, when - after being helped in multiple different topics - the reviewers finally put their feet down and said "no more, stop refusing to help us help you".

The nature of this place, and I assume many modding sites, is that we want to help people who help themselves.  Granted that doesn't mean only jot5 gets new sprites.  I mean, everyone wanted a Link sprite, so people came together and the community got one.

Granted I do feel SOMETIMES people are rude here and drive people away, but most often people are just a little short with their responses.  This really has to do with the kind of requests that are placed.  Each of these 11 sprite requests are like 30-40+ hours of work... seriously.  Also, only a few people on this site could pull them off fairly well (I'm a tier below that).

Basically I'm saying if you had something to show for your request: a well developed mod, or a partial sprite we would work with you on this. 
  • Modding version: PSX


I only recently started being active again on the thread about a week ago. I use it as I see fit. I'm not nearly active enough on the thread to be of any help. But that's completely irrelevant, and has nothing to do with people being jerks or sarcastic to others. Like General was with his"request: do it yourself" I can't be the only one who sees that as rude and ridiculous to say on a REQUEST thread lol.

Help people be able to help themselves, yes agreed. Never said otherwise. I clearly said dont be a sarcastic jerk. Just because you know something they do not, doesn't mean they are incompetent or stupid, or haven't already spent hours trying to find the answer on their own. Before Lydyns tutorials, this was a common example:

new guy reads an entire sprite tutorial and changes the knight sprite with Shishi. But the sprite is still the default sprite in formation and job change. New guy goes back to tutorial for clues, then tries searching for an hour, and gets stuck. He posts a question explaining what he's looking for.

Reply 1: If you actually took the time to read the tutorial you would have known you can't change the formation sprite or job change sprite with shishi. It clearly states that it changes ONLY the BATTLE SPRITES. Read carefully next time.

Reply 2: The answer to this already exists, do not post new threads like this, it wastes forum space and generates junk threads.

Reply 3: You need to read the forum. There is a lot of information, and you can't just learn it all in a day dude. For formation sprites and stuff, you have to edit the data the UNIT.bin and WLDFACE.bin which can get kinda tricky. There was a thread somewhere that tackles how to do this. Again just read the forum, you'll learn.

*Now out of those 3 replies, which one was helpful? the correct answer is NONE. Each answer just insulted the new guy, and their information is contains only partial truths, and just barely at that.

Truth is, even though they tried to break down the website into sections like Community (which is where the forum is), Downloads, and Resources, these are horrendously out of date, with broken links, downloads of non-updated sprites, and download links to completely absent tools or files. Sure, it does take time to learn, but what the new guy above wanted to know? Anyone who knew how to do it should've been able to write up a decent answer in 1 paragraph and links to the tools in 5 MINUTES.

I think that took me roughly a week to fully research and figure out because of how scattered and crappy the information was 6 years ago. During which time I was ridiculed, like the new guy above. Now I'm not complaining about ffHacktics.com, and I am not faulting them at all; I'm a Network Security Technician, and I know running a website is no walk in the park. All I'm saying is, it shouldn't have to experience such mistreatment, nor should any other person on this forum. If you come across someone's post in any thread asking a question, and you know the the full correct answer, then you can provide it, or links to it. If you aren't going to answer them, or you don't know the answer, and you insist that you want to reply to them still, then practice good manners at least, and don't post anything resembling the 3 examples I posted above.

No Nyzer, it was not in response to your post. You were perfectly fine with your original response except you clearly did not understand what I meant with the Eidolons. You assumed I was refering to Lucavi size sprites, and I was not. There was a time I used to be able to find a sprite that was similar to Rydia, in terms of clothing style, but her skin, clothes and hair were different shades of icy blues, and her hair style was different. It was a human sized Shiva sprite. Can't find it anymore, but anyway that is what I meant.

As for Ifrit: https://imgur.com/dSnHGFv or download attachment. It was done by Seushiro
  • Modding version: PSX


I wonder if it's esperella you are talking about. http://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?topic=7249.msg198619#msg198619
Third one down in conman's reply.

I misunderstood that as monster sprites too. I'm definitely no spriter, but I think quite a few of those won't be feasible as human sized sprites, especially the bottom few. I gotta say it would be cool to have some of the summons be battle sprites tho.


QuoteNo Nyzer, it was not in response to your post. You were perfectly fine with your original response except you clearly did not understand what I meant with the Eidolons. You assumed I was refering to Lucavi size sprites, and I was not.

Some summon spirits might be doable as standard humanoids with some unique effects and accessories, but others... less so.

Well, anyway, the thing about your post is that if it wasn't in response to what I said, it means you randomly chose to fight a six-year-old post by someone who hasn't returned to these forums in nearly two years, and only posted three times since 2014. (Also notable: they were called out for their behavior by two other regulars for it shortly after.) You're really hung up on what someone long gone said a very long time ago. It's... weird. Like barging into a convenience store one evening and suddenly going off on a loud, angry rant without provocation about someone who quit three years ago.

If you're attempting to call out specific, recent behavior, you're doing it in the least efficient and most confusing manner possible. Hijacking an unrelated topic to do this ain't cool.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


QuoteI've seen a battle sprite of Titan

Except you clearly did not understand what I meant with the Eidolons. You assumed I was refering to Lucavi size sprites, and I was not.

If you've seen a battle sprite of Titan then you know it is Lucavi sized (with a weird human sized head to make it fit in the sheet), therefore Nyzer was entirely correct for assuming that you were asking about Lucavi sized monsters. You need to 'clearly' state what you were asking for.

Why are you are still continuing this tirade? I reluctantly replied to your private messages (even after seeing you attempting to disrespect a friend in a previous post) in an undeniably helpful manner and I received a 'Yeah, I found it myself about 40 minutes ago'. Don't bloody toot your own horn. Just say, "thanks for helping me" and move on. The funny thing was that I replied to you at least a couple of hours before that, so you were just daft and didn't look at your private messages and therefore wasted your own time. Great job.

You obviously have your own set of problems to work out, mate. Good luck with that.

QuoteI clearly said dont be a sarcastic jerk

P.S. I wouldn't recommend using the word 'clearly' in that way. It can come off in a sarcastic/passive aggressive/rude way... which is what you are trying to avoid, right?
  • Modding version: PSX


  • Modding version: PSX
Completed Sprites
  • Discord username: Valkirst


No confusion, just another guy being extremely arrogant in assuming he knows better than everyone else on the site, claiming they've done it all but having nothing to show for it.

Action has been taken against the offense. Hopefully in the future they will come into things with a better attitude about things they don't really understand.

We are a MODDING site that deals with games, not a gaming site that deals with mods. You want handholding, go to gamefaqs or something. This place is supposed to be for people with a basic understanding of modding, or atleast how games work, who can follow instructions and make deductions based on knowledge and document their findings if they aren't already documented.
  • Modding version: PSX


This, right there, is the kind of guy that makes you regret getting into modding and helping people to do it themselves... all you get are insults. =_=

I mean, humans are just like dogs. You just beat the shit out of them until they behave like you want... right? That's how psychology works, right???
  • Modding version: PSX
Love what you're seeing? https://supportus.ffhacktics.com/ 💜 it's really appreciated

Anything is possible as long as it is within the hardware's limits. (ie. disc space, RAM, Video RAM, processor, etc.)
<R999> My target market is not FFT mod players
<Raijinili> remember that? it was awful


For anyone not familiar with xifi-brand sarcasm, we in no way advocate the beating of animals. Puppies are the best kind of people and hitting them is a Bad Thing™.
  • Modding version: PSX
* Angel should quit being a lazy bitch
<@Elric> I agree to that as well

nyanyame nyanyajuu nyanyado no nyarabide nyakunyaku inyanyaku nyanyahan nyanyadai nyannyaku nyarabete nyaganyagame
At the end of the day, are we not all trapped inside lemons?


I would love to see a finished spritesheet for Freya, FF IX. I've been trying to do it myself based on a model from Valkirst with help from a friend who actually understands arts, but I am just not fit to do the stuff.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL


I was getting into spriting before life and people treated me like how we don't treat dogs for awhile (no one here btw). Then a bit ago my computer has been uh... gone. This all sucks but I see plenty of people take 6-24 month breaks here with life and other projects interrupting- it's human and happens to everyone. Maybe someday I'll get back to placing pixels stylishly. Until then I can say there are references and lessons here and elsewhere to practice and become good (much better than I got) to make custom work yourself. Don't be put off by how much it takes to get there but try to enjoy the journey as you practice.
  • Modding version: PSX
It's not much yet but check out my spriting thread!
Here's a look at my vanilla mod thread, progressing one step at a time!